Anyone gonna try to make Windows 7 ROM? - HD2 General

Now that WM7 has been released as of today - is there anyone out here that's going to try to get it to work with our beloved HD2's ???

The WM7 project was killed 2 years ago, so I doubt it was released today.
Are you referring to Windows Phone 7?


tai4de2 said:
The WM7 project was killed 2 years ago, so I doubt it was released today.
Are you referring to Windows Phone 7?
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Is there ever really a need for that? If you don't have anything constructive or
productive to add to somebody's question then don't bother replying. You and your smug attitude should find another spot to troll. I hear the Engadget comment
section is a haven for trolls. Go be among your own kind.
@TechnoHippie I'm glad you asked, that's what I came here for today. I would
love WP7 on my HD2. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy Android, I just
can't take this incessant battery drain anymore.

Good question i wouldnt mind trying it out but your too early i believe, i doubt we will see WP7 ports to the HD2 till maybe WP7 phones are released its not as simple as throwing on a rom i believe microsoft built from scratch with WP7 and so the ports to the HD2 if they happen will probably be much like the android builds currently test and fix type of things

I want my windows mobile 7 on my hd2
Come on guys, you can do it... PUULEEZZZ

I will donate for who develop a WM7 ROM for sure.


It will be made when its made... no reason to beg. Don't get your hopes up about wp7 on hd2 ... it may not even be able to use market or any of its cloud support if it does got ported, as the devs who have been working on it said that wp7 devices have a unique code that lets Microsoft's servers know its an authentic device. We may not be able to get around that on a wp7 port.
I don't see the big deal about wp7 anyways... I'd rather use winmo and android myself.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

zarathustrax said:
It will be made when its made... no reason to beg. Don't get your hopes up about wp7 on hd2 ... it may not even be able to use market or any of its cloud support if it does got ported, as the devs who have been working on it said that wp7 devices have a unique code that lets Microsoft's servers know its an authentic device. We may not be able to get around that on a wp7 port.
I don't see the big deal about wp7 anyways... I'd rather use winmo and android myself.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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I would of agree with you but winmo with Android still needs a lot of work to be satisfied about!!!

stinkfist462 said:
Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy Android, I just can't take this incessant battery drain anymore.
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Which build are you using? There are a few builds out there that are very stable and are phenomenal with battery life.

MS is totally controlling this thing... sucks...

Wich build are you talking about?

stinkfist462 said:
Is there ever really a need for that? If you don't have anything constructive or
productive to add to somebody's question then don't bother replying. You and your smug attitude should find another spot to troll. I hear the Engadget comment
section is a haven for trolls. Go be among your own kind.
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It gets real tiresome wading through thread after thread of doofuses asking the same DUMB questions over and over... and it's even worse when said doofuses asking said dumb questions can't even be bothered to get past their own ignorance about even the name of the product.
Also I see you are a hypocrite, since you added nothing "productive" to this thread except "yeah, me too!" and yet you felt the need not only to post (contradicting your own admonition), but to pass judgments. You can piss right off!

KruseLudsMobile said:
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Well, you will NEVER get it. Windows Mobile 7 has not existed for quite some time, since the project was apparently canceled, in favor of a new product known as Windows Phone 7.

Dude he prob was trying to make sure they was talking about the same thing

Well not to kill his dream but WP7 is comming to the HTC HD2 Soon. Here look at the post. It was posted just Yesterday. Looks like your dream will come true.


No Mobile 7 upgrade!!!!

So, I just got off the phone with TMob support and found out that my new phone will NOT qualify for Windows Mobile 7 later this year. Needless to say I am pretty upset about this, but I am torn because I LOVE this phone...I do have the option to return the phone for a full refund.
Should I dump it and wait for Sprints Version with Android or roll the dice and mod the hell out of it???
I can't stand Windows 6.5, but fear hosing my phone with heavy mods...
I was thinking of getting the HTC EVO/Supersonic as well but its a non GSM phone
i am sure it will get ported to this device.
oshizzle1991 said:
i am sure it will get ported to this device.
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I was thinking the same thing (porting android) since the devices are almost identical aside from the 8 megapixel camera, hardware buttons and physical size. Oh yea and sim card vs no sim card
oshizzle1991 said:
i am sure it will get ported to this device.
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Its already been ported to the HD2. I'm not sure why people want WP7 it sucks compared to 6.5.X. WP7 is so locked down with no multitasking, copy n paste, and restricted install on apps. Granted something like side loaded apps will be taken care of with cooked roms but no multitasking or copy n paste is big problem for me.
I'm sorry but all I want to say is SRSLY? I hope you didn't really just find out about this, this has been all over tech blogs, here and tmonews for months, even before the HD2 was released, just give it time and it will be ported.
Ahanix said:
I'm sorry but all I want to say is SRSLY? I hope you didn't really just find out about this, this has been all over tech blogs, here and tmonews for months, even before the HD2 was released, just give it time and it will be ported.
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Yup, he's right. More than likely it will be ported sooner or later. Same goes for Android on HD2. Dunno when though. Still don't let it stop you from enjoying the HD2.
Well the joke is on me for sure...Thanks for all the comments and I will have to make the decision to join the fun and make this phone really rock or wait for the next generation...I am please with Tmob and their understanding to let me out of my contact with a full refund...good customer services for sure
bigworm460 said:
So, I just got off the phone with TMob support and found out that my new phone will NOT qualify for Windows Mobile 7 later this year. Needless to say I am pretty upset about this, but I am torn because I LOVE this phone...I do have the option to return the phone for a full refund.
Should I dump it and wait for Sprints Version with Android or roll the dice and mod the hell out of it???
I can't stand Windows 6.5, but fear hosing my phone with heavy mods...
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If you can't stand WinMo6.5, you should consider returning it. Their won't be fully-functional ports of either WinPhone 7 or Android until at least the end of the year, maybe longer(probably). This is a WinMo6.5 phone... why did you get it in the first place if you can stand WinMo? If you want an Android phone, get an Android phone. If you want WinPhone 7, wait for a WinPhone 7 phone.
Has no one seen this video? The HD2 has already had WP7 ported to it. Everything is working except the video drivers are beta so it runs kinda slow.
speoples20 said:
Has no one seen this video? The HD2 has already had WP7 ported to it. Everything is working except the video drivers are beta so it runs kinda slow.
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It hasn't been released, and it's debated whether it's real or not. And it was never stated that everything was working, plus without good video drivers, it won't be very useful.
From what I have heard and seen...6.5 > 7
Besides...7 will not be out till probably Q4 and thats not to say that TmoUs will have a Winmo 7 device at launch.
TmoUS now gives full handset discounts after 1 year, and I myself have 4 lines on my account...2 of which are still available for a full upgrade after I upgraded my line to get the I dont think there is much to worry about here.
Besides...I have no doubt is the abilities of the XDA cooks
I say keep it! the Hd2 has a bright future with the ppl of Xda on top of it.
Stick it out man.. its gonna have wp7 and android later on for sure.. i have no doubt.
Mod it dude.. you can get it just how you want almost. theres is many roms and mods and theres no limit.
I say keep your phone because it's a great machine and 6.5 can be good. As far as android and WP7S go it could be a long wait. Android is in progress but there is a lot of work to do.
On the Windows Phone 7 Series side I wish people would stop promising that XDA will port it over for this phone. We don't know. There is a video of some reliable people claiming they have it partly working but until we have something we can install it is all rumor.
bigworm460 said:
So, I just got off the phone with TMob support and found out that my new phone will NOT qualify for Windows Mobile 7 later this year. Needless to say I am pretty upset about this, but I am torn because I LOVE this phone...I do have the option to return the phone for a full refund.
Should I dump it and wait for Sprints Version with Android or roll the dice and mod the hell out of it???
I can't stand Windows 6.5, but fear hosing my phone with heavy mods...
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It was widely known that the HD2 wouldn't get a WP7 update weeks before it ever came to t-mobile (why do you think they're selling it so cheaply?)
That being said, there's a good chance that an unofficial WP7 and/or Android port will come to the HD2 in the future. The biggest question is how long it will take for this to finally happen...and if by the time it does, you would have moved onto a new device or not.
Supposedly WP7 has already been ported to the HD2, but there isn't any solid confirmation that its real. On the other hand, there isn't any solid confirmation that its fake either.
If you don't like Windows Mobile, then I would return the device to t-mobile, rather than going through the mind f*ck of waiting for a port to come. I don't know why anyone bought the HD2 without being absolutely sure they could stand Windows Mobile. I don't know why anyone would buy a device on the *chance* that it would be upgradable to a new OS.
WP7 will not be perfect
I agree with many ppl here that WP7 will be less functional than 6.5 mainly because of its interface.. I know that having tiles for every single app and scrolling vertically in order to find the app at the bottom would not be nice...
However, putting all the negatives of WP7 aside, the only reason I would want it running on my HD2 is mainly for the apps... lets face it, Microsoft is going to go crazy on new applications and all the developers are gonna support WP7 once it comes out... so all I want is application support as HD2 has all the hardware required to run the apps for WP7...
Love the HD2 and WM6.5, just want more and better looking apps... there are many good ones out but I would love it if I had the option to pick between similar apps...
I'm a software developer and let me tell you, working on applications for the .net 3.5 CF is horrible. For me, WP7's support for both silverlight and XNA is probably the biggest draw for me. Plus the XBOX Live integration will be killer. I saw a demo of the same application running on the phone and on the xbox and the dev said that 90% of the code stayed thed same. That is a HUGE win.
I think that the quality, look and feel, availability, and discoverability of apps is the the main reason for WP7.
WM 6.5 is a computer, and I use it like a computer. I had an iPhone before my HD2 and even though it was limited, slower, smaller, locked, etc the fact that I could search for an app and find exactly what I was looking for in seconds ON THE PHONE and have it work and consistantly look good is what I miss most. That is what WP7 is bringing to the table, and if numbers are any indication, that's what people want. Just look at market share trends.
Dream setup: Dual boot WPClassic and WP7.
bigworm460 said:
So, I just got off the phone with TMob support and found out that my new phone will NOT qualify for Windows Mobile 7 later this year. Needless to say I am pretty upset about this, but I am torn because I LOVE this phone...I do have the option to return the phone for a full refund.
Should I dump it and wait for Sprints Version with Android or roll the dice and mod the hell out of it???
I can't stand Windows 6.5, but fear hosing my phone with heavy mods...
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Wait, you just found this out YESTERDAY?!?!? Wow. How was life under that rock? Fear not. While it might not be an "official" update, there is promising video out there that shows WM7 running on the HD2.
My questions is why in the blue blazes anyone would want that iPhone clone is beyond me.
My second question is if you can't stand 6.5 why did you get the HD2? If you can't stand it, take that sucker back.

HTC HD2 & Android

To all the gurus here at XDA I am getting the HTC EVO 4g tomorrow, but I really don't like the carrier for this amazing unit so I am considering bring it back since I like Tmobile better. My question is, if I purchase the HD2 and root it will i be able to load Android 2.1 in it?
Please advise
Thanks to all of you in advance
Please read the forum posts for this.
at the moment u cant load android on the hd2!
dcordes and the other guys who r working on the "linux on htc hd2" project made a functional kernel but there isnt a working android version yet. it will take a while until they will get android on it. i really dont know how much time it will take but it could take 1 year more or less i think.
It could be a very long time before there's a port thats as functional as a phone made for android. There still isn't a perfect android port for any winmo phone yet, and some of them have had android being developed for years. If you want to use android full time, get an android phone, not a winmo phone. Even if there's a bootable port soon for the hd2, it won't be very functional and wont be able to use some of the phones hardware (bluetooth, wifi, camera, etc). I'm not expecting a fully functional port for a year or 2.... if ever.
Sorry for my ignorance, what will i be able to do by rooting this hd2, i really don't like windows mobile
do some research!!!
Going to start swearing at people soon,
Surely if Android had made it on to the HD2 it would have been all over the NET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can somehow manage to put your new EVO hardware into a HD2 body and there you go you got the first full funciton running Android HD2.
Not even if you search here you could get answer but you could even google and it will direct you here.
riverajuan said:
Sorry for my ignorance, what will i be able to do by rooting this hd2, i really don't like windows mobile
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You are confusing a lot of things here. You can't root a windows mobile phone the way you mean for Android. What you can do is to install an SPL or Hard SPL that allows you the flixibility to load up customised roms, ie customised windows operating systems, onto your winmobile device, ie HD2.
You have got a lot of reading ahead of you before you can make any sort of decision and start to do things to your phone that could seriously injure its health! The first decision you need to make is whether you want to go down the Android route or Winmobile.
Once you have the answer to this you can start to do your research and learning in the appropriate fora.
Hope this helps.
Moving this to General/Q&A.
shut up!!!!!!
i'm realley getting annoyed of this threads.
can't there be a filter for apple, iphone, and android
riverajuan said:
To all the gurus here at XDA I am getting the HTC EVO 4g tomorrow, but I really don't like the carrier for this amazing unit so I am considering bring it back since I like Tmobile better. My question is, if I purchase the HD2 and root it will i be able to load Android 2.1 in it?
Please advise
Thanks to all of you in advance
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I refuse to answer your question because of this - CLICK ON THIS LINK
eenbox said:
I refuse to answer your question because of this - CLICK ON THIS LINK
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THANKYOU, thats made my day...

wm port ?

anyone out there know of or attempting a windows mobile port on the evo or other android device?
eigerzoom said:
anyone out there know of or attempting a windows mobile port on the evo or other android device?
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Been discussed. NO chance. Going backwards to most DEV's. Time not worth it.
Move to a WM phone is your best bet.
imo search before you get flamed.
the evo will NEVER get windows mobile, if you want winmo get an HD2
i'm on sprint so dont think i can use an hd2
i think eventually someone will port wm
i dont need to have the latest device to feel like life is complete
and i can wait until then
or until all my app needs/wants/likes are met by android
is there a way to search available marketplace apps without an android phone?
its just not worth it, every1 wants to go to andriod, not windows mobile lol
I am curious. What is it that WM can do that Android can't? Besides charge a lot more for software.
I ask because I was a huge WM fan until Android.
Sent via this here phone thingy on the interweb.
My patience is wearing thin. This same topic appears like 10 times on the first page of every Evo 4G sub forum. Are we being trolled by Windows Mobile fanboys or what?
Short story: If you want Windows 3.1 on your supercomputer then get in Marty McFly's time machine and go back to 1985.
thanks for the appbrain link
things are looking bright
= )
if you found a perfectly working wm rom and all the apps you ever wanted not available on would be more like me and not accept less for more $$$...
a faster processor and bigger screen isn't going to get a job done without the software
i'm perfectly happy with my touch pro
i have next to nothing bad to say about it
with my 3000mah battery i'm sure it still competes with every device out there
but honestly i am seeing lots of apps filling the gap on appbrain
i may be android bound yet
we shall see
gthing said:
My patience is wearing thin. This same topic appears like 10 times on the first page of every Evo 4G sub forum. Are we being trolled by Windows Mobile fanboys or what?
Short story: If you want Windows 3.1 on your supercomputer then get in Marty McFly's time machine and go back to 1985.
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thats just great, while youre floating around get me a hoverboard! :lol:
i apologize i did search
i came up with nothing
then i found ONE other thread about porting wm to android device
thanks for bearing with me though
it has proved useful now that i can actually search available apps for android
its easy to complain...haha
If you haven't seen the choices at the Android Market then I understand your concern. The reality is that I am a Windows server admin and use my phone for work, and I have found everything I need with Android.
I bet you will too and you get an OS that is light years ahead.
Sent via this here phone thingy on the interweb.
yeah things look good
except that the apps cost monies
and my plan cost would more than double
i'll be waiting for sprint android device with a keyboard if at all
maybe the galaxy s, but i'm not 100% on a samsung device
just have to keep watching i guess

I'm outta here... Android here I come !

After months of installing custom ROMs to try and just make the Jurassic Park WM OS work like it should I've taken the plunge and ordered an HTC Desire.
It's been a wild ride, and I would especially like to thank Sir Sternas for his custom ROMs that made the phone work as best as it could.
There was huge potential there, but the Mickeysoft OS really let down this great phone.
Now I'm off to explore Android OS !
See y'all later !
04r1belgium said:
Now I'm off to explore Android OS !
See y'all later !
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And you could have done that on the HD2 !
Lol.. yeah if you just thoroughly looked at the forums you would've notices there's a sticky about hd2 having android
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
bye....have fun and report back your thoughts !!!
Installed Android yesterday and it seems to be working fine, so I can choose. Yeehaaa!!!
gonna get my android soon too!
well done, you do that, having used android on the HD2 for a while now im sticking with WM, android offers nothing new except the app stores, HD2, running latest WM 6.5.3 with sence 2.5 flys like you wouldnt believe, zero problems, very stable very good bat life very fast and smooth i really dont know what it is your looking for but good luck in finding it, i suspect its just a case of the grass is greener.....and open source must be better.
and before anyone starts im assuming that android will be quicker, more stable and bug free, but even with those assumptions it brings nothing new.
I love windows mobile to death but its crazy to me how my T-mobile usa G1 never froze on me when I had it, never lagged how much windows mobile lagged and I never faced as much problems like windows mobile but at the end of the day still with windows mobile lol....but hd2 is my last windows mobile phone I will be back to android. Windows 7 looks like an cheap version of the iphone and I feel its a step down from windows 6.5.
P.S: Please don't bash me for my opinion
I flash probably once every three weeks and have dones so for 18 months or more, yet every ROM still feels work-in-progress (and I say that meaning no disrespect to some wonderful cooks). 6.5 is buggy, and sometimes Sense is as well. The keyboard error *still* rears it's head in newer ROMs.
It's ridiculous that I can bash out texts on a 10-year-old Nokia faster than I can on the HD2 - I nearly ordered a dumbphone for this reason today.
I love my HD2. but as we're not married yet I can still badmouth it!
I don't know why people can't positives in both OS's. I personally believe android is more versatile. But I can't seem to pry myself completely away from windows mobile. Cht is amazing and that's what's kept me with windows mobile for so long. Nrg makes awesome roms. So lets just understand that not everyone has the same needs.
sent from my hd deuce
Have a great journey with your new phone mate! Send us some post cards!
BTW, did you check the latests about hd2? android in it? better take a look at it and be patient waiting!
Mind the door.
dio62000 said:
Installed Android yesterday and it seems to be working fine, so I can choose. Yeehaaa!!!
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Congrats man, how is it developing, I'm reading it now and just gonna post a snip:
"07/18/2010 FM receiver working in android"
Excuse me while i rofl................. there, I'm up from the floor now.
That was just 10 days ago, how many stupid bugs do you think it will have over time?
There is a company that.... hold your breath now... HAS ALREADY DEVELOPED ANDROID, IT'S FINISHED, now people are trying to do it all over again here...
I think the man who started the thread made the second best move, the best move would've been iPhone. The worst is sticking with winMO 6..
mercourios said:
Congrats man, how is it developing, I'm reading it now and just gonna post a snip:
"07/18/2010 FM receiver working in android"
Excuse me while i rofl................. there, I'm up from the floor now.
That was just 10 days ago, how many stupid bugs do you think it will have over time?
There is a company that.... hold your breath now... HAS ALREADY DEVELOPED ANDROID, IT'S FINISHED, now people are trying to do it all over again here...
I think the man who started the thread made the second best move, the best move would've been iPhone. The worst is sticking with winMO 6..
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Ciao and good luck.
rp-x1 said:
Ciao and good luck.
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Thanks, really.
mbrown3460 said:
I love windows mobile to death but its crazy to me how my T-mobile usa G1 never froze on me when I had it, never lagged[/B] how much windows mobile lagged and I never faced as much problems like windows mobile but at the end of the day still with windows mobile lol....but hd2 is my last windows mobile phone I will be back to android. Windows 7 looks like an cheap version of the iphone and I feel its a step down from windows 6.5.
P.S: Please don't bash me for my opinion
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LMAO Now that is funny. Even the most high end android phones lag a bit. The g1 on the other hand lagged a lot, especially when you had large texts chains or a lot of apps installed. I own a g1, cliq, and nexus so I have plenty of experience with android.
mercourios said:
Thanks, really.
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U are still here? Ehhh.
mercourios said:
There is a company that.... hold your breath now... HAS ALREADY DEVELOPED ANDROID, IT'S FINISHED, now people are trying to do it all over again here...
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Android doesn't provide all the hardware drivers. That's what the developers are working on now for the HD2. You can't just plop Android onto new hardware and think it'll just work. It's not as amazing as that.
Android and WM both have their pros and cons. (I have owned both for at least a year.)
dzukela said:
U are still here? Ehhh.
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iPhone 4 hasn't been released in Sweden yet. Otherwise, yes, I would have absolutely no business being here if i had the phone, I'm just waiting, I still own the HD2.

[Q] Windows Phone 7 port

Is anyone working or planning on working on a port of Windows Phone 7 to the HTC EVO?
I think I've seen mention of this with the HD2
SilverStone641 said:
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Why not? Android I for one want a port/emulator of windows mobile and iOS...even better if I could do dual/triple boot!
Swyped from my HTC Evo 4G on the MetroPCS 1X network!
Max_Pain said:
Why not? Android I for one want a port/emulator of windows mobile and iOS...even better if I could do dual/triple boot!
Swyped from my HTC Evo 4G on the MetroPCS 1X network!
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eh, i agree with you there. it would be cool, i suppose. to tri-boot iOS, Win7 and 'droid. but why create a new thread? there are DOZENS of other threads with this exact question. and i know, i myself usually make a new thread with my question, but seriously??
Max_Pain said:
Why not? Android I for one want a port/emulator of windows mobile and iOS...even better if I could do dual/triple boot!
Swyped from my HTC Evo 4G on the MetroPCS 1X network!
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Correction Android DOESN'T! Just wait til a winmo phone 7 drops and gets the android port, then drop your Evo like I will. You'll have a far superior phone because you'll have the OPTION to run winmo phone 7 or android (just like the hd2 does now with winmo 6.5 and android). Oh and by the way, in my experience android runs better on my HD2 than my Evo (but i'm locked in a contract with the evo )
closed source and not even released yet, I'm gonna say nobody is working on a port and won't be for a while.....
I wont really look for a port until CDMA Windows Phone drop. By then I might have the phone.
zone23 said:
I wont really look for a port until CDMA Windows Phone drop. By then I might have the phone.
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yeah same here, I really need my zune pass back, but then dual booting that HD7 pro has got me excited already
@ zone23 The first CDMA WP7 will be available sometime in the 1st quarter of 2011 I believe
@deathsled I thought that was the case but I figured I'd have to ask since HTC is producing a bulk of the Android and the WP7 devices that certain parts would be shared and obtaining drivers wouldnt be an issue.
One interesting thing is that I was listening to Windows Weekly podcast from TWiT and Paul Thurrott had some interesting comments on network performance on AT&T with the WP7 compared to the iPhone (not sure which model).
I really want to get my hands on a WP7 and thought thata dual boot on my EVO would be great. I love Android and personally think that the platform is better than what the iPhone has to offerr (a dumbed down smartphone ) but the WP7 platform is very, very intreguing (sp?)
I will be getting a Samsung Focus for my wife next week and I'll get to play on that. Bit rambling eh?
Well, the HD7 is just an HD2 and The EVO is a CDMA HD2 so I think HD7 to EVO should be doable amirite?
well the rom is released and porting to evo should be happening soon
Since you need a license to run WinMO 7, posting ports or ROMS with the OS for the EVO will probably not fly well with XDA.
tgruendler said:
Since you need a license to run WinMO 7, posting ports or ROMS with the OS for the EVO will probably not fly well with XDA.
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You are exactly correct. And it seems people never understand this. They will argue that there are tons of PORTS here and that XDA doesn't have issue with them. The fact is, that porting WinMo to WinMo is merely a grey area and does not clearly violate a license since the device already held a WinMo license. But WinMo to Android or others is a problem because those devices did NOT previously have a WinMo licence. Now android is different. It is open... so we can put android on anything and not violate any license agreement that I am aware of.
edufur said:
The fact is, that porting WinMo to WinMo is merely a grey area and does not clearly violate a license since the device already held a WinMo license.
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Porting Windows Phone 7 is an obvious violation of a license. Windows Mobile and Windows Phone 7 are two completely different operating systems. There isn't any "grey area" at all.
It is no different than installing a pirated copy of Windows 7 on a computer that came with Vista. You think that Microsoft would consider it a "grey area" because you paid for a Vista license 4 years ago? I didn't think so.
And if anyone knows a website where people are working on porting wp7 to the evo, I would appreciate a private message with the details
I would follow that port by throwing my device in the river.
acerbusconfig said:
I would follow that port by throwing my device in the river.
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thank you steve jobs for your reply. we know you don't like to do anything out of the box, but we do.
edufur said:
You are exactly correct. And it seems people never understand this. They will argue that there are tons of PORTS here and that XDA doesn't have issue with them. The fact is, that porting WinMo to WinMo is merely a grey area and does not clearly violate a license since the device already held a WinMo license. But WinMo to Android or others is a problem because those devices did NOT previously have a WinMo licence. Now android is different. It is open... so we can put android on anything and not violate any license agreement that I am aware of.
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Kind of a shame. I would have liked to see this happen. If for nothing else, just to say it could be done.

