[Q] After a day with Android on HD2 - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

I'm half way through my 2nd day using Android on my HD2 and this thread is for me to say what issues i've found. Not to complain, just because most of them may have fixes or other people may have the same issues. These ROMS haven't long been out and i'm sure the developers here will fix many issues.
ROM: NRGZ28 Energy ROM
Radio: .12
Android Build: Desire v5
Battery Life:
Compared with WinMo, Android appears to be less optomised on battery. I put the phone on a full charge at 7pm last night, at this time(10:25am) with very little use, 1 3 minute call and a quick check on Facebook) the battery only has 50% left just over
Unresponsive Screen:
Occasionally the screen will stop responding, however pressing a hardware button usually clears the problem up
Photo Uploading:
I took 2 photos yesturday and went to upload them to Facebook, however the progress bar stays at 0% on the notification bar and no way to remove it
No Mic/Audio:
I've made another thread for this and I found the problem, with my Windows Mobile ROM it doesn't automatically load CLRAD.EXE before HaRAT.EXE, so when starting up the phone, i have to take out SD Card, use File Explorer to start CLRAD.exe, put SD Card in then launch HaRAT.exe
I've heard changing to the Titanium WinMo ROM fixes many issues compared to Energy so I may try that tonight

your rom should be fine to run android.
desire v5 is not the best choice, cause its one of the first builds.
you should take an new build before doing anything else...
if you like sense, give mattc 1.6 a try. if you not like sense take a look at darkstones newest froyostone.
there have been many many kernel updates since desire v5 was released. you will notice a huge difference in speed and response...

Bimme said:
your rom should be fine to run android.
desire v5 is not the best choice, cause its one of the first builds.
you should take an new build before doing anything else...
if you like sense, give mattc 1.6 a try. if you not like sense take a look at darkstones newest froyostone.
there have been many many kernel updates since desire v5 was released. you will notice a huge difference in speed and response...
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Thanks for the tip, I may try Mattc 1.6, is that 1.6 the version of the ROM or is it Android 1.6?

Actually wait a bit on mattc 1.6. It currently has issues. mattc 1.5b is my fulltime build right now. I haven't used WinMo in 2 weeks. As a matter of fact, I'm going to load on a light version of WinMo, like Chucky's. Why have a bloated WinMo when you're not using it?

geon106 said:
Thanks for the tip, I may try Mattc 1.6, is that 1.6 the version of the ROM or is it Android 1.6?
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I said to you to upgrade as desire is an older build. In regards of clfcad it should be on your SD card in the android folder along with haret so why is it stored elsewhere? Plus you always have to click clrcad before running haret unless you use an android launcher like mskips which does this automatically.

So OP other than your experiences with highly known problems. What was your experince with android overall.
Did you like it? Did you use it to is full potential? Did you try out the new voice search? What did you think of qik? or any other note worthy apps?
I know you are probably already aware but I just wanted to say
these things.
The battery life improves with use of setcpu. Considering the phone was never designed to run android I am ok with it.
Unresponsive screen is solved right now by disabling screen rotation.
there is also a slight delay built in I believe.
Uploads were a big problem untill the recent ppp fix.
You shouldnt ever have a problem with sound running aslong
as clrad.exe is being properly ran.
I wanted to address these because I believe android on the hd2 needs a fair chance. If we dont take into account these minor flaws we wont see the greatness.

11calcal said:
I said to you to upgrade as desire is an older build. In regards of clfcad it should be on your SD card in the android folder along with haret so why is it stored elsewhere? Plus you always have to click clrcad before running haret unless you use an android launcher like mskips which does this automatically.
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Those files are in the Android folder on the SD card, but I thought the WinMo ROM as it has a button built in to launch Android would be scripted to run CLFCAD.exe and HaRAT.exe automatically, wrongly assumed on my part though.
hmm, mskips you say? May give that a go.
Yeah i've been told by a few people to upgrade the Android rom i have, the reason I started with this one is because i figured the HTC Desire is a similar phone to HD2. I'll try in a bit a new WinMo ROM and Android ROM but with the same radio

hazard99 said:
So OP other than your experiences with highly known problems. What was your experince with android overall.
Did you like it? Did you use it to is full potential? Did you try out the new voice search? What did you think of qik? or any other note worthy apps?
I know you are probably already aware but I just wanted to say
these things.
The battery life improves with use of setcpu. Considering the phone was never designed to run android I am ok with it.
Unresponsive screen is solved right now by disabling screen rotation.
there is also a slight delay built in I believe.
Uploads were a big problem untill the recent ppp fix.
You shouldnt ever have a problem with sound running aslong
as clrad.exe is being properly ran.
I wanted to address these because I believe android on the hd2 needs a fair chance. If we dont take into account these minor flaws we wont see the greatness.
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Don't get me wrong this isn't me complaining about it. I knew there would be "niggling" issues of course.
Well personally, I love it. I want to use it as my main OS. It is suprisingly stable, it looks good, it runs reasonably well(i.e above issues). I love the Android Marketplace, i've given Layar a go(which runs well and is fun) i enjoy Latitude and using it with Google Buzz.
I am hugely grateful for the work people are putting into these ROMs, its fantastic and as they get improved and issues get fixed well, I can imagine great things

sorry I didnt mean to imply anything. I just wanted to see what you enjoyed. I am glad to see you are enjoying it.
I knew these guys were smart so i bought it even before I knew about the project.
Dreams really do come true lol.

hazard99 said:
sorry I didnt mean to imply anything. I just wanted to see what you enjoyed. I am glad to see you are enjoying it.
I knew these guys were smart so i bought it even before I knew about the project.
Dreams really do come true lol.
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I agree, I will be keeping a close eye on the ROMs and as they get improved more and more, our experiences with Android will only get better. Right now i'm experimenting with different builds to see which one suites me best


Can the HD2 be as fast as the Desire with Android?

Hey guys,
don't get me wrong, I am not talking about the current stage of android on HD2.
What the guys here established so far is mindblowing, but still we are nowhere near the performance of a pure android phone like the HTC Desire.
Question is, is it possible, with a fully optimized kernel and the OS running in NAND to achieve the performance of a HTC Desire?
Having in mind, that we are basically talking about the very same hardware platform regarding cpu/gpu/ram:
Qualcomm Snapdragon 8250
576 MB of RAM.
So what do you guys think?
I went to a sprint store with my HD2 running Darkstone's v5 and it seems to be just as fast as, if not faster than the Evo, so there's no reason to presume it wouldn't be the same for the Desire.
I think we will have to wait until
- we can flash android directly as ROM and not only boot it and have it running on a sdcard
- the full memory available can be used. Currently the amount of ram used by android is around 250 Mbyte as far as I know. So nearly a half of ram is unused at the moment.
I am very sure that we will have great performance mostly like on desire when these points are realized.
If I use a live wallpaper on my HD2, there are some stutters when I open the "all apps"-tab. With a static wall it is in fact as smooth as the desire I used for comparison.
But I guess the overall performance is still on a way lower level than it should be out of a fully utilized NAND
Bare in mind, contrary to what you might think, Windows Mobile is in fact NOT running in any entirety once HaRET shuts it all down.
when will an android ROM be available that runs from flash
I am interested in running android, I am a software developer so I have a clue but I have never put a non-htc rom in my hd2.
What is the timescale for an android rom being available that will replace the windows carp?
i was also wondering why so many people are creating their own versions rather than people grouping together to solve the various driver problems etc.
it seems a vastly over complex and risky process which is why i have not tried it, let alone deciding which flavour to choose.
i basically want to turn my hd2 into a decent phone, the hardware is good, the OS is carp but as yet there does not seem to be a decent way to run android other than buy an android phone.
not wanting a flame war here, i just don't get it.
I'm running Shub's Cyanogen and it already runs faster than my brother's Desire for the majority of tasks.
So yes.
how complex and risky is downloading a rar, extract it onto you SDcard, then running 1 exe file and waiting?! if after 10 mins you dont see android home screen, then you remove your battery to restart the phone and wait for new android build while using your old WM!!
you dont delete anything or remove anything.
how is that complex?? how??
also, fact that android is running from SD card only slows the bootup, while android itself is not visibly slower, cause WM is shut down completely and android is loaded into memory. for optimal usage you should have level 6 SD card anyway
kerman19 said:
Bare in mind, contrary to what you might think, Windows Mobile is in fact NOT running in any entirety once HaRET shuts it all down.
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THANKYOU, I dont know why so many people are finding that hard to understand
john00williams said:
I am interested in running android, I am a software developer so I have a clue but I have never put a non-htc rom in my hd2.
What is the timescale for an android rom being available that will replace the windows carp?
i was also wondering why so many people are creating their own versions rather than people grouping together to solve the various driver problems etc.
it seems a vastly over complex and risky process which is why i have not tried it, let alone deciding which flavour to choose.
i basically want to turn my hd2 into a decent phone, the hardware is good, the OS is carp but as yet there does not seem to be a decent way to run android other than buy an android phone.
not wanting a flame war here, i just don't get it.
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Noone has any idea how long a full nand build will take, but I've read in a few places that a ETA is september...
All the devs are sharing their work as far as i can see.
there are 2 or 3 main builds now, the rest are older work...
Get the right radio, rom, and put android on the root of your SD and run it.
Not complex at all, childs play infact.
the HD2 IS A GOOD phone. Just because you dont like winmo doesnt change that.
Maybe you should have researched a little before buying it...
If you wanted android, why the didn't you buy it?
to everyone else booting android on the hd2 is a bonus.
Please search before posting too, everything I just said has been said countless times
john00williams said:
it seems a vastly over complex and risky process which is why i have not tried it, let alone deciding which flavour to choose.
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Risky? It runs off the memory card, there is zero to little risk. Other than the phone heating up a little the phone being damaged is highly unlikely. And with SetCPU running mine doesn't heat up any more than it did under Windows Mobile when running intensive apps or services.
john00williams said:
i basically want to turn my hd2 into a decent phone, the hardware is good, the OS is carp but as yet there does not seem to be a decent way to run android other than buy an android phone.
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You can tell you haven't tried out one of the recent Android builds. If I was asked to assign a percentage of usability to the Cyanogen build I'm using off my class 6 Samsung card it would be 95% and the few things which are still ropey aren't essential, or certainly not for me. I can live without full bluetooth support for example.
My phone now has Android on it, that is how I think of it. I don't think of it as a WM phone that happens to be sort of running Android, a small but important point. I haven't used Windows Mobile now for over two weeks, and there is a reason for that.
@ the moment de devs are working to get full amount of ram. Cotulla said he see no problem to make nand work but there will be no nand until half of semptember for various reasons. I think they want first fix all other problems.
jan-willem3 said:
@ the moment de devs are working to get full amount of ram. Cotulla said he see no problem to make nand work but there will be no nand until half of semptember for various reasons. I think they want first fix all other problems.
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... and that makes sense definitly. It is much easier to fix issues by for example replacing a zimage file than flashing a new rom. Also we have the possibility to boot in wimo when problems occure. In my case I have four different android builds on my sdcard as I can not make a final decision which version to run yet. Some receive frequent updates, some don't.
So we should not see the lack of a nand rom too negative, its a great opportunity to fix most of the issues.
if only scrolling is smoother , all things willl be fine with me
Pagnell said:
My phone now has Android on it, that is how I think of it. I don't think of it as a WM phone that happens to be sort of running Android, a small but important point. I haven't used Windows Mobile now for over two weeks, and there is a reason for that.
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Likewise, I've not run Windows Mobile for about the same amount of time, even when people were getting issues with the early builds, I wasn't.
Windows Mobile for me is gone, even in its current state, it's far more usable than my stock HD2 ever was!
I'm still on Froyo1.0, I've not tried any of the Sense Builds out.
Ask any one a month ago how they liked the desire build they would have said its buggy and needs to be smoothed out. I have fixed every thing on my desire build (except 3g=working on it) but i have the energy rom now and 2.12 radio and runing the desire v5.7 biuld and let me tell you it is way faster than last month so sept. sounds great for the rest of the bugs to be sorted out so can the desire build run fast on the hd2 just like the born android desire? ill have to say yes
p.s. i cant say ill get rid of winmo all together thats kinda the reason i bought the phone booting into android is just one extra bonus
At the moment there is only a limited amount of RAM available.
And SD cards are really really slow when writing to(even the expensive class 10 ones).
These two factors combined is the biggest performance problem at the moment. Nand and full RAM access is the only solution here I believe.
There are several benchmark programs for Android that you can run on your hd2 to see that in some areas performance is just as good as with the desire already. Thanks to the brilliant minds that work on porting Android.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
runemail said:
At the moment there is only a limited amount of RAM available.
And SD cards are really really slow when writing to(even the expensive class 10 ones).
These two factors combined is the biggest performance problem at the moment. Nand and full RAM access is the only solution here I believe.
There are several benchmark programs for Android that you can run on your hd2 to see that in some areas performance is just as good as with the desire already. Thanks to the brilliant minds that work on porting Android.
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I have the htc incredible for my work phone. I am using a class 6 8gb sdcard, miri's rom, and darkstones hd2froyo. There is almost no difference between the phones. Less then 10% in speed. My incredible is stock however.
Will it be possible to put both android and winmo on nand in the future?
I just recently had the chance to run my HD2 with MattC RC 1.4 side by side with a Desire and an EVO and honestly, there is little to no difference in performance in MY personal build, which for whatever reason has been pretty much flawless since I started using these Android builds. Believe it or not, I have literally never once (knock on wood) had a SOD, other than my bootup having the green screen once or twice and white screen once. I actually tried going back to WinMo the other day and literally just couldn't stomach it, the functionality just doesn't cut it for me even though I still say it is the better "business" platform when compared to Android. Too long winded? Probably.
jjones1983 said:
I just recently had the chance to run my HD2 with MattC RC 1.4 side by side with a Desire and an EVO and honestly, there is little to no difference in performance in MY personal build, which for whatever reason has been pretty much flawless since I started using these Android builds. Believe it or not, I have literally never once (knock on wood) had a SOD, other than my bootup having the green screen once or twice and white screen once. I actually tried going back to WinMo the other day and literally just couldn't stomach it, the functionality just doesn't cut it for me even though I still say it is the better "business" platform when compared to Android. Too long winded? Probably.
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add for that thet we have proper multitouch with no multitouch issues like one (desire , nexusone and incredible )

should I go Froyo???? with new memory

long story short...
my 8gb class 6 card was stolen.. have a 16gb class 6 coming at end of week. i was running DC2.1 last custom ROM. was also using apps2sd and it was working great!
should I go ahead and get Froyo?
will its version of app2sd be as good as the 2.1 version? because with the efficient apps2sd on 2.1.. i am still pushing the limits of the memory.
who the hell steals sd cards?
Is there even a stable release of Froyo yet?
YoungSinema said:
Is there even a stable release of Froyo yet?
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Stable, yes. Final, no.
Look in the dev forum for CM6 RC1.
Yea, get Froyo.
I came from French Toast, and I thought that was fast. Froyo, no lie is lighting quick. The Apps to SD innate seem much better at handling it too.. but that's just what I think. Plus you can see what apps are on your SD card on the phone. I recommend it. Even though it's not final. everything I use the phone for works on froyo, including camera.
I'd definitely recommend using FroYo... it's ridiculously fast, gets good battery life, and you get access to new apps like Voice Actions.
I have a 16g class 6 and i am running the current build of cm6 for the hero. I haven't had a single issue. its fast thank you devs
so yea get froyo.
thanks everyone... i guess I will give Froyo a try..
does it fix the phone lag... staring calls?
Haven't had any problems. Another bonus is that Froyo takes about half the space of 2.1 with Sense.
Is there a froyo with sense? I need it for HTC sync for use with outlook 2010. Also, why do people make up such crazy names for ROMS? I spend too much time trying to figure out what it is, and who made it, what version it is, do all the features work, what radio am I supposed to use. Isn't there a way to simplify this?
the froyo rom here is cyanogenmod6 its named after the cyanogen and is the sixth version of the multi platform android rom he and his team have put out. I do agree that some of the rom names are downright ridiculous and the word art junk I've seen for some of them just seems really lame and immature (think high school class projects with crap word art thrown in)
NO there is no sense 2.2 rom and there may or may not ever be one. Also before it gets asked in this thread, NO CM6 DOES NOT HAVE FLASH!
why are you syncing your phone to outlook? both outlook and the phone should sync to your calandar and email provider, your doing it kinda backwards. outlook is a client, and the phone is a client. why sync one client to another instead of syncing both clients directly to the service provider?
O/T but outlook is a terrible email client, bloated as hell and poorly written. I wouldn't recommend anyone use it unless they have a need to talk to an exchange server.
general_jimbo said:
Is there a froyo with sense? I need it for HTC sync for use with outlook 2010. Also, why do people make up such crazy names for ROMS? I spend too much time trying to figure out what it is, and who made it, what version it is, do all the features work, what radio am I supposed to use. Isn't there a way to simplify this?
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LanceLet said:
I came from French Toast, and I thought that was fast. Froyo, no lie is lighting quick. The Apps to SD innate seem much better at handling it too.. but that's just what I think. Plus you can see what apps are on your SD card on the phone. I recommend it. Even though it's not final. everything I use the phone for works on froyo, including camera.
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Everything works yes but it is NOT lightning quick, even with the same 730mhz. 2.1 was ALOT faster
mrinehart93 said:
I'd definitely recommend using FroYo... it's ridiculously fast, gets good battery life, and you get access to new apps like Voice Actions.
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Nope along with performance my battery life is alot worse
Don't get me wrong it is VERY stable for what it is (the only issue being the LEDs being messed up which there's a fix for) but 2.1 was alot faster for me. My GBA emulator is really laggy and useless with 2.2
iviyth0s said:
Everything works yes but it is NOT lightning quick, even with the same 730mhz. 2.1 was ALOT faster
Nope along with performance my battery life is alot worse
Don't get me wrong it is VERY stable for what it is (the only issue being the LEDs being messed up which there's a fix for) but 2.1 was alot faster for me. My GBA emulator is really laggy and useless with 2.2
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Pics or GTFO.
tejasrichard said:
Pics or GTFO.
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The cm6 build is good but Ive gone back to fresh. The a2sd isnt as good imo as darks however you can integrate a2sd into cm6 and bypass the froyo version. Battery life was pretty random for me. I caibrated my battery and one use I got about 7 hours of streaming slacker over wifi and using a bluetooth headset to listen. Recharged and the next go around I gout 4 1/2 hours. personally 7 hours of that kind of use is damn good for me but 4 1/2 is a drastic drop. I didnt like the fact that it was ran at 691, I think my phone runs better running around 600. Above that and it can get a bit jumpy (oc widget and setcpu wouldnt maintain a frequency and the battery fix was too involved for my liking). Also I started getting a ton of FC's in launcherpro and the browser.
That being said, I made a nandroid so I can go back to it if I like but for now Im sticking with fresh's rom. The only feature I would like is the new google voice search but I rarely use voice functions anyways.
Edit: Scratch that, I loaded the updated nightly build and alot of my issues seem to be gone and OC Widget is holding at 576 so Im calibrating the battery and gonna test again.
I cannot believe I havent fried this phone after the amount of flashing and crap Ive done on it.
tejasrichard said:
Pics or GTFO.
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of what
ipfreelytech said:
O/T but outlook is a terrible email client, bloated as hell and poorly written. I wouldn't recommend anyone use it unless they have a need to talk to an exchange server.
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That. =P
I'm also in the process of calibrating the battery as my CM6 battery performance compared to Fresh 2.3.3 was pretty abysmal, but if it's NOT lightning quick, you're doing it wrong.
(CM6 is f-f-ffAST! Using the decad3nce #7 8/18 uncapped kernel currently, but even the included kernel was perfection)
hi all...
i tried to flash this blue rom...
it did not work.
I lost my SD card. got a replacement 16gb class6.
I also have an old 1gb class2.
i have been rooted since I got the phone in Dec and have flashed many ROMs with no issues. I was last on DC 2.1 custom Rom.
it just gets stuck in "HTC" splash screen. wait 15-30 mins. never comes out. here is what I have done...
each time i wipe the data and Dalvik.
flash the 2.2 ROM.
both from the 1gb and the 16gb.
just stuck in the black screen "htc"
what do I need to do?

The rush to NAND, what am I missing here?

Since the first NAND build almost everyone here in the forum can't stop talking about it.
Am I the only one thinking, why do one need it?
- it makes no progress to functionality. We had everything already with SD builds.
- Switching between build is now longer and riskier.
- One needs to commit himself to a build because it won't be possible to jump from a sense to a stock, or from froyo to gingerbread with a single boot.
For example MDJ's gingerbread without GPS can be quickly switched to a full working froyo.
- With SD build one can take full potential of the storage on the phone. With NAND system size is limited and one can't install unlimited amount of apps.
- So boot time is longer with SD builds. Come-on got to be some other reason to move to NAND.
I open this discussion for people to enlight me what am I missing when I ask for SD builds.
Sent from my Android HTC HD2
Maybe u should take a look at the NAND pro and contra thread.
I fully agree with you. I don't really understand the interest for NAND. It boots faster for sure and drains a little less but compared to the advantages you mentioned of sd card or even ram NAND is not for many people.
Aside from the battery life and faster boot I think most of the desire for Android NAND is due to the dislike/hatred of windows mobile on this phone.
HTC produced a stunningly specced phone and then slapped windows mobile on it with no option to upgrade to win phone 7 or sidegrade to Android, and a lot of people see that as a bit of a slap in the face. I certainly do. Stating that there will never be an android build from HTC for it and then producing the EVO was a bit disrespectful of customers.
Also there is the (for me) a slight feeling of im-permanence of the SD builds. Yes, they are great and its fun and useful to be able to switch between them at will but the nand versions just feel a bit more solid, if you will.
A lot of it is down to human nature rather than actual technological benefit, sort of a "Hah, you said we couldnt do it but we did, so forget you". (With apologies to Cee Lo Green).
abrise said:
I fully agree with you. I don't really understand the interest for NAND. It boots faster for sure and drains a little less but compared to the advantages you mentioned of sd card or even ram NAND is not for many people.
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Are you guys forgetting that MAGLDR does support multiple SD builds boot
for me its a winner !~!
mally2 said:
Are you guys forgetting that MAGLDR does support multiple SD builds boot
for me its a winner !~!
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Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I dont get it why ppl make a topic only to whine about NAND. The devs put so much hard work in it and then they see topics like this.... plzzzzz
If u dont like it ... dont use it ok ... or buy a native android phone
zat0x said:
I dont get it why ppl make a topic only to whine about NAND. The devs put so much hard work in it and then they see topics like this.... plzzzzz
If u dont like it ... dont use it ok ... or buy a native android phone
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They didnt get enough hugs as a child??
As stated before it has many improvements over the SD version:
-battery life
-loading times
-there is no risk in bricking your phone(unless someone is very very stupid, and i am not saying that someone is)
-with the sd version a download from the market sometimes took 2 minutes, now it takes max 2-3 seconds.
-flashing back to winmo if you like is maximum 5 minutes
-flashing a new android takes max 5 minutes(MAX).
- no lag at all
I am sure there are more but this is what i could think of right now.
Try and you will see.
Seriously.. Why wouldn't you like having more options to choose from?
If you are afraid that devs will stop developing for SD builds, then you shouldn't be.. There are enough people out there staying with SD builds.
I just don't like the sluggishness the WM-boot gives me.. It adds another layer of uselessness to me, as I don't use WM anymore at all..
I love my HD2 running NAND with the HTC Desire HD build of gauner. For one, I don't have to be messing around with SD mounting and unmouting anymore. I hate the fact that the main OS actually tuns off the card that you should use as swappable storage, which it was introduced for.
Everyone is entitled to their respective opinions, and there is no harm in having more to choose from.
BLAST3RR said:
Seriously.. Why wouldn't you like having more options to choose from?
If you are afraid that devs will stop developing for SD builds, then you shouldn't be.. There are enough people out there staying with SD builds.
I just don't like the sluggishness the WM-boot gives me.. It adds another layer of uselessness to me, as I don't use WM anymore at all..
I love my HD2 running NAND with the HTC Desire HD build of gauner. For one, I don't have to be messing around with SD mounting and unmouting anymore. I hate the fact that the main OS actually tuns off the card that you should use as swappable storage, which it was introduced for.
Everyone is entitled to their respective opinions, and there is no harm in having more to choose from.
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+1 on that. I'll be sticking with SD builds for the foreseeable future. At least until Android is perfected. The Gingerbread build doesn't even have working GPS or camcorder and is NAND. That, to me, is ridiculous.
I know its been said enough already but the clincher for me was the improved battery life. I just got a full two days with phone usage (light) SMS usage (heavy) and WiFi usage (heavy). That really was a breath of fresh air in the world of 12 hrs SD builds.
Also, i think people were right to point out a lot of draw towards the NAND build has been a reaction to WM6.5. The OS was seriously lacking and was a poor choice to put on such a capable device. It lacked the real functionality of a smartphone which seriously hampered the HD2. With android the phone seems to get a new lease on life and i am quite happy in keeping it for another 1 year.
Although it is early days for NAND builds but i am sure with the passage of time their obviously advantages will be apparent to all. Although SD build do give you fast switching but seriously it becomes a pain to keep switching and then backing up and restoring all your data and applications. I have been there and done that. Atleast with a NAND build switching is prevented and stability is creeping in.
berbecverde said:
As stated before it has many improvements over the SD version:
-battery life
-loading times
-there is no risk in bricking your phone(unless someone is very very stupid, and i am not saying that someone is)
-with the sd version a download from the market sometimes took 2 minutes, now it takes max 2-3 seconds.
-flashing back to winmo if you like is maximum 5 minutes
-flashing a new android takes max 5 minutes(MAX).
- no lag at all
I am sure there are more but this is what i could think of right now.
Try and you will see.
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You missed out No Windows Mobile I really dont get this Thread,The guys have been workin on nand for months so that we can eliminate the problems we had booting off SD ,Nand has made things a lot easier now that we no longer have to rely on Windows,Ive been testing it for a day now and its fantastic,a hell of more stable and you can use every day
TheiPhoneKiller said:
You missed out No Windows Mobile I really dont get this Thread,The guys have been workin on nand for months so that we can eliminate the problems we had booting off SD ,Nand has made things a lot easier now that we no longer have to rely on Windows,Ive been testing it for a day now and its fantastic,a hell of more stable and you can use every day
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It depends on which SD build you were using. The ones in my sig are top-notch, fully-functioning and daily-use stable. The battery life is excellent.
Can someone confirm this. It seem rmnet is not stable at edge connection. The data arrow always gone and then it reconnect again. Happen with me couple times when I was browsing internetan
Sent from my HTC bravo using XDA App
MartyLK said:
It depends on which SD build you were using. The ones in my sig are top-notch, fully-functioning and daily-use stable. The battery life is excellent.
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very true but then you have TMOUS HD2 wich performs a little better than our Euro ones.lol.The other thing is wich is a good advantage is ican use more space on my SD and safely unmount it without any problems
mally2 said:
Are you guys forgetting that MAGLDR does support multiple SD builds boot
for me its a winner !~!
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Right, but Almost all my SD did not boot correctly with MagLdr
My experience with nand is FASTER A LOT, drain less battery, no lag at all (except on my old hd2 (probably broken, no proxymity detector, no more vibration, volume key works bad etc.) that lags more than with the sd card (I had to revert to win)).
Mag is a LOT Faster to download/install apps. (50kb/s now its 400k/s and installation is faster), smoother.
Because now, I can change my SD card whenever I want (Full of taken videos/photos with the phone, full of mp3 etc).
Why nand, because Lock Phones utilities are useless with Windows.
Why nand ? .... Because !
There's a few factors to consider and these can be deal breakers for some people.
1. The version of the HD2 running a Nand version. T-Mobile US phones get more space to play with whereas the Euro version doesn't. I've got a US version but I really only use 20 or so apps.
2. Data - Since downloading Topia HD last night, I had one data drop running from Nand and that was opening market. When it was SD it was constant!
3. Battery - some people are reporting excellent battery life on Nand. But they reported that on SD versions as well. Everyone has their fixes for it too, but it doesn't work for everyone. Right now I seem to be doing ok so we'll see.
4. Risk - its less riskier than flashing HSPL or a new ROM in WinMo which brings me to my final point and deal breaker for me.
5. It's no longer running WinMo!!! For me that was what I was waiting for. No more gimpy OS ruining my phone. I know a lot of people love WinMo but I'm not one of them. I almost gave this phone back when I got it in March of 2010. It was frustrating and by my 1st week of owning it I had done 3 or more fresh resets. After that I did a reset almost every month until Android became stable to run everyday. I say good riddance to WinMo finally lol
In the end, its about preference. My preference is a phone with little or no hassle and huge functionality which I now get with Android and especially now with it running from Nand. If it was still running from SD or RAM I'd still be ok as long as it wasn't WinMo.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
One big issue with NAND, that is being overlooked, is no support right now for WinXP. The magldr seems to be flashable only in Win7. There are a number of people who still don't have Win7, myself included, and are still on WinXP.
MartyLK said:
One big issue with NAND, that is being overlooked, is no support right now for WinXP. The magldr seems to be flashable only in Win7. There are a number of people who still don't have Win7, myself included, and are still on WinXP.
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Are you still on XP by choice or becouse of old hardware / no budget for new OS? if your still on XP becouse you dont wanna go Win7 i only have to say Get along with the times. I would say a update for windows XP and Vista would come sooner then later.

[Q] best android based rom?

i was wondering, now with all the android roms beeing published to xda
i'd realy like to know which rom is actualy the most recent, or the best, with the least errors and best to work
and another thing,
is it possible to delete windows from my phone and let my phone start directly from android, to avoid the long boot time?
@natihorny - Here's a link to TechBurrow's thread. There is a video/ links for what you need to do to flash your phone with Android and have it boot up directly to it without dealing with WM. I've yet to do this, as I'm still at work, but plan on giving it a try in the coming days.
I would suggest that you dont use NAND builds yet they are far from perfect but instead you should use this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=847631 it is motomans black and blue build wich is by far the best sense android build even much better than any ram and nand build and as for winmo flash this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=893438 and it will boot android just as fast as any nand build and you will never have problems with this setup
this is a very, very subjective thread. there is not "best" rom--it's all about what you're looking for in a rom. for example, vanilla froyo vs. desire vs. desire hd vs. miui vs. gingerbread. or sd vs. sd ram vs. nand.
personally, i'm a proponent of sd ram. i haven't actually used it long term, but it seems to be very fast (and based on darkstone, it's even faster than nand). especially with nand being very young in its development, i would stick to sd for now. plus, it's much easier to flash and fix in case you corrupt your rom somehow. there's a few out there (just look for "[SD] [RAM]" in the descriptions), but one i'd like to point out is darkstone's superram froyo. i'm kinda busy right now, but that's definitely the rom i'm going to be using and modding to my liking.
good luck and have fun flashing!
ok, thanks everyone for the helpfull answers,
i had still one other question and thats,
i just bought a new car with bluetooth function, though my cell phone and the bluetooth of the car don't connect like it should, (thats why i wanted an android with the least amount of problems) and i was wondering if the fact that the bluetooth is only visible 120 seconds may cause the problem.
wrecless said:
I would suggest that you dont use NAND builds yet they are far from perfect but instead you should use this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=847631 it is motomans black and blue build wich is by far the best sense android build even much better than any ram and nand build and as for winmo flash this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=893438 and it will boot android just as fast as any nand build and you will never have problems with this setup
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i was wondering, in some of the android roms, you can choose skins from htc sense and have the htc market, and can download more htc backgrounds, sounds, etc. etc.
and now i have the rom you suggested, both for windows as for android which i'd like to use, but doesn't have that htc sense thing buildt in the android rom, how can i get it back?
natihorny said:
i was wondering, in some of the android roms, you can choose skins from htc sense and have the htc market, and can download more htc backgrounds, sounds, etc. etc.
and now i have the rom you suggested, both for windows as for android which i'd like to use, but doesn't have that htc sense thing buildt in the android rom, how can i get it back?
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The build you are speaking of is the desire hd. I didn't suggest that build because it is laggy and slow. Even after 10 restarts and 2 days of use it still laggs alot compared to the one I posted in B4. Take it from someone that has tried every build available the motoman build is BY FAR the BEST after you get over all the HOOPLAH over the new htc sense wich is cool i'll admit but the coolness wears off after about 2 days and your just stuck with a laggy non responsive HD build. now others will post how good thier HD build works after hours of tweeking and reading and tweeking and reading. But trust me you will go back to the motoman build after you try the hd for a few days
@ wrecless
thanks for your view about which rom to choose, i'll do as you say, since you realy know what you're talking about, and i was hoping you tell me whenever a perfect rom from the htc desire is out?
wrecless said:
I would suggest that you dont use NAND builds yet they are far from perfect but instead you should use this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=847631 it is motomans black and blue build wich is by far the best sense android build even much better than any ram and nand build and as for winmo flash this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=893438 and it will boot android just as fast as any nand build and you will never have problems with this setup
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Would you say this build is better than darkstone SuperRAM FroYo v1.5 and SuperRAM Sense v0.1?
Jdm ultimate 1.6.2 is best by far nand or sd hands down
Sent from my HTC bravo using XDA App
wrecless said:
The build you are speaking of is the desire hd. I didn't suggest that build because it is laggy and slow. Even after 10 restarts and 2 days of use it still laggs alot compared to the one I posted in B4. Take it from someone that has tried every build available the motoman build is BY FAR the BEST after you get over all the HOOPLAH over the new htc sense wich is cool i'll admit but the coolness wears off after about 2 days and your just stuck with a laggy non responsive HD build. now others will post how good thier HD build works after hours of tweeking and reading and tweeking and reading. But trust me you will go back to the motoman build after you try the hd for a few days
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sounds like an interesting helpful post
i will return to deliver the Thanks if I found Motoman's build, superior to the ones I have and resolves the issues I am facing (everyone is different)
xftox said:
Jdm ultimate 1.6.2 is best by far nand or sd hands down
Sent from my HTC bravo using XDA App
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for non-sense build your rite jdms is by far the best
Essjaythegreat said:
Would you say this build is better than darkstone SuperRAM FroYo v1.5 and SuperRAM Sense v0.1?
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I installed the darkstone build and had problems but I cant remember exactly what they were. In my opinion the motoman build was just as fast and had no problems. I'v been trying everything just because i want something different but I always come back to this build nothing out there seams to work as well as this one and as for the nand builds they are all RMNET. So untill I see a working PPP build I'm going to keep using this SD build
Why hasnt a mod moved or deleted this topic?
wrecless said:
I installed the darkstone build and had problems but I cant remember exactly what they were. In my opinion the motoman build was just as fast and had no problems. I'v been trying everything just because i want something different but I always come back to this build nothing out there seams to work as well as this one and as for the nand builds they are all RMNET. So untill I see a working PPP build I'm going to keep using this SD build
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I had no problems at all with darkstones super ram builds they worked very well for me everything worked fine ppp wifi ect, i noticed darkstone froyo was a bit faster than his sence build but its still very fast
I tryed Motoman's build and found it very nice, but am having problems with wifi and market, I think there may be a fix for these but ive not had time to browse through the forum as of yet.
I really like JNF Android Starter Xtreme you recommended its funky
TheATHEiST said:
Why hasnt a mod moved or deleted this topic?
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Essjaythegreat said:
I had no problems at all with darkstones super ram builds they worked very well for me everything worked fine ppp wifi ect, i noticed darkstone froyo was a bit faster than his sence build but its still very fast
I tryed Motoman's build and found it very nice, but am having problems with wifi and market, I think there may be a fix for these but ive not had time to browse through the forum as of yet.
I really like JNF Android Starter Xtreme you recommended its funky
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Not sure one can find a perfect build ( or mate for that matter ), but I do have some info collected that others may find useful in the link below. If anyone can find a build with everything working, please let us know.
TyTungs Nexus NAND build is awesome; check it out:
links are in my thread
deadmansink said:
TyTungs Nexus NAND build is awesome; check it out:
links are in my thread
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yep can confirm that, runs really really smooth, expecially with launcher pro
simax said:
yep can confirm that, runs really really smooth, expecially with launcher pro
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I actually went the ADW Launcher Ex route...bad-ass...

[Q] which is better

i want to know which is better the Nand method or the SD method,which is more stable to put on my htc hd2,thing that i want to work for me that are must are the mms/sms send and receive,the cam and the wifi-and to be able to close the apps and not have all of them running when i start up the phone also i was haveing a problem everytime i turned the phone off then put in the wall charger it would just turn off,if one could point me in the right direction in to which is betterthat would help,as well as direction on to install either one SD/NAND METHOD.thanx a mill
personnally, i noticed a huge improvement when i switched from sd to nand. incomparable.
far better, all aspects. no more disconnections, better battery life, less lags, i donot regret winmo.
My favorite rom is sergio's team core droid rom series for all the fancy effects and, of course, the swiftness.
I did not even try other ones, and tiped the team. but i'm sure others will tell otherwise.
I would agree with the above poster. Going from a SD build to a NAND build, the NAND build is much smoother and uses less battery. The best I could get on standby on a SD build was 7-9mA and actual use from 300-450mA. The NAND build uses on standby from 2-3mA and actual use from 125-300mA. If you are a TMOUS, then you should try Cmylxgo's Desire HD(2) build. The build addresses everything you are asking. It even uses an optimized gps.conf file to lock onto the GPS satellites quicker.
do you have the link for that one Cmylxgo's Desire HD(2) build.cuz that sounds like you said address all my issue
phillytye215 said:
do you have the link for that one Cmylxgo's Desire HD(2) build.cuz that sounds like you said address all my issue
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Here you go: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=915159
I've couldn't really tell a difference between NAND and SD as far as performance and battery life. I got 3-5ma on standby with NAND, and currently I get 3-6ma on standby with SD builds. No noticeable difference in performance. The nice thing about NAND is having clockwork and being able to change out SD card. Also more builds available for NAND now. I used NAND for a little more than a month, but I felt like I took away what makes the HD2 special and unique and turned it into just another common android device like everybody has. With android flashed to NAND, the HD2 can't do anything that an Evo can't do. I was thinking about going back to WinMo because I still liked using that sometimes, when WP7 was released for HD2. After trying that, I couldn't be happier with my HD2. What other phone can run 2 great OS's almost as good as the native phones can. I now use both WP7 and Android about equally, and at this point wouldn't be able to decide between the 2 OS's if I had to get a new phone. Luckily I don't have to pick right now with the HD2. I don't think we'll ever see a phone as versatile as the HD2 is again. Hopefully soon I'll be able to boot WP7(nand), Android(sd), WM6.5(sd), and Ubuntu(sd) all from my hope at any given time.
zarathustrax said:
I've couldn't really tell a difference between NAND and SD as far as performance and battery life. I got 3-5ma on standby with NAND, and currently I get 3-6ma on standby with SD builds. No noticeable difference in performance. The nice thing about NAND is having clockwork and being able to change out SD card. Also more builds available for NAND now. I used NAND for a little more than a month, but I felt like I took away what makes the HD2 special and unique and turned it into just another common android device like everybody has. With android flashed to NAND, the HD2 can't do anything that an Evo can't do. I was thinking about going back to WinMo because I still liked using that sometimes, when WP7 was released for HD2. After trying that, I couldn't be happier with my HD2. What other phone can run 2 great OS's almost as good as the native phones can. I now use both WP7 and Android about equally, and at this point wouldn't be able to decide between the 2 OS's if I had to get a new phone. Luckily I don't have to pick right now with the HD2. I don't think we'll ever see a phone as versatile as the HD2 is again. Hopefully soon I'll be able to boot WP7(nand), Android(sd), WM6.5(sd), and Ubuntu(sd) all from my hope at any given time.
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thanks for the info and your take on it your way more advanced then iam when it comes to all that
slbenz said:
Here you go: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=915159
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thank you for the link and what i was reading it has everything i want and need hopeful the install part is easy will try this when i get off work thank you again for your help
ok so i flashed a rom useing the nand method the problem iam haveing now is that wheni turn the phone off to charge it.and put the wall usb in the phone comes on,as well the when i got to the task killer app just about all the apps are open some are open that i never even touched,any info would help
phillytye215 said:
ok so i flashed a rom useing the nand method the problem iam haveing now is that wheni turn the phone off to charge it.and put the wall usb in the phone comes on,as well the when i got to the task killer app just about all the apps are open some are open that i never even touched,any info would help
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With magldr, you need phone on to charge. It will automatically boot when plugged in. You must charge with phone on.
And some apps do things in the background without you doing anything. Task killers aren't actually needed in android... they usually mess things up more than helps. Android is good at managing memory on it's own.
zarathustrax said:
With magldr, you need phone on to charge. It will automatically boot when plugged in. You must charge with phone on.
And some apps do things in the background without you doing anything. Task killers aren't actually needed in android... they usually mess things up more than helps. Android is good at managing memory on it's own.
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now i have a data plan but not unlimited will those open apps effect my data plan

