Kernel Comparison - EVO 4G General

im a big fan of nief's rom comparison, and i think the same concept could be applied to Kernels. I know performance and Battery Life will vary by ROM, but if we get enough responses the different ROMS wont make too big of a difference. THis is just a draft, feel free to message me with suggestions or info.
This is a group effort, i need testers for CM Snap and net's kernel, message me with your results!

seems like a good idea, i really only care about performance and battery life. any point to putting kings kernel on there, he updates it daily lol

yeah, thats why i dont have a ton of things listed.

This is a good idea
Now that I bought an extended battery the only thing I care about is performance

I still need testers!
Sent from my HTC EVO 4G

testing bakedsnack #5 and kingxkernel today!

I think these comparison charts are a waste of time to be honest. The only way it would be effective would be if it was the same person doing all the testing, under the same conditions (ROM used, tries done per benchmark, specific time after reboot, etc.)
With kernels especially, the ROM you're using it with will play a major role in benchmark and stability yields. Not to mention the what apps you have running in the background.


KingX v Ziggy v Lou Kernel?

I'm lucky enough to have multiple Inc's I can compare side-by-side. This week, I took the time to test-drive a few Kernels.
My goal is to find the (1) most stable, (2) best performing w/good battery life. Basically undervolt kernel testing.
Unfortunately, I really can't find much difference between these popular variants.
The battery life seems to be roughly equal on all of them, as does the stability (barring IcrediKernel, which had some issues in my testing with SkyRaider).
I tested (all current versions as of 1/10/2011):
* Redemptive with Lou's included kernel
* SkyRaider Sense with Ziggy's kernel
* SkyRaider Sense with KingX kernel
* SkyRaider Sense with Incredi kernel
KingX #6 scores almost 100 better than the next best in Quadrant. However, outside of that, I cannot really discern a major difference.
KingX seems to have the most significant changes in his changelog. Ziggy also seems to be brilliant, and yet, I really don't see any real differences between the kernels once implemented on my phone.
Can anyone help me isolate the differences -- perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place? I've basically tried to use everything I can think of, on the phone -- using each kernel, and tested all of them in power-save mode, tethered, etc.
Thanks in advance for any additional points to review..
quadrant is useless.
lou's kernels are great for me.
each phone is different so you'll have to test whichever one works best for you
Sure, of course. I'm familiar with the stock answer to the "which kernel is better" post.
That being said, I was asking something a bit different. I've *been* testing the kernels. The point of my post was to suggest that I cannot discern the difference after spending several hours with them.
With that in mind, I was asking if there is something specific I should be looking for, since I haven't found it (not with battery life, performance, or stability -- not with what I'm testing presently anyway).
Although, in addition to my original question -- of where to look to seek differences ... you do bring up another good point -- why is it that different phones (assuming they are the *same* model/android/radio version -- eg OLED 2.2's), would perform differently with identical kernels?
A few hours is not enough testing time for kernels. You need atleast a full charge down to 0 with a kernel to see how good the battery life is. Also, to judge the performance, you'll need a little more time for that too. Each phone is different. Some processors can take lesser voltages, high clocks than others. I'm not sure why this is, but it is. Honestly, I'm sure all the kernels are very good because the devs are excellent. But, some just work well for others while the same one doesn't for someone else. As I said before, just test out a kernel for a day or two, see how you like each one, and stay with it. If you battery life is being affected greatly, or your phone runs too hot or something, then switch to a different one.
At this point, I have more than 3 days or more on the following kernels:
* Redemptive with Lou's included kernel (3 days)
* SkyRaider Sense with KingX kernel (3 days)
* SkyRaider Sense with Ziggy's kernel (14 days)
* SkyRaider Sense with Stock kernel (22 days)
(Incredi -- I only had about 4 hours over two tests/loads and re-flashed, due to problems)
I've never run my batteries down to zero as you've mentioned. I've run them down to 10-20% on rare occasion.
In essence, what you are saying is that there really is nothing specific to keep an eye out for? If I don't see an obvious difference somewhere, there is no significant difference between the 4 kernels I have listed above? And Quadrant is of no help ... so in short, if they all get the same battery life, I just just pick one randomly?
I just want to believe there must be a more scientific/objective way of evaluating these kernels relative of each other.
if they are all pretty much the same to you, pick the one that makes you happy and that feels like it has the best performance and battery life. Maybe ask one of the devs about some scientific way of how each kernel is different from each other.
The problem is that I've built an app that our company uses over 18 phones that get run 9 hours a day, and the DInc's were overheating.
I went to Skyraider w/stock kernel, and that seemed to address the problem, at least it appears to reboot much less than the stock DInc's.
However, since I've made the commitment/risk of rooting/flashing these phones, I'd like to find some systematic method to determine which is the most efficient kernel to use, considering I have 18 phones in-the-field.
As a software engineer/empiricist, I'm not good at accepting the logic of "if it works, it's good enough". And so my objective is to find someone that may have some additional perspectives beyond that.
If there is a developer who sees this, I'd very much appreciate any information you can provide on how your kernel differs from others. Or someone who has some additional information.
Thank you in advance,
rkmFL said:
I'm lucky enough to have multiple Inc's I can compare side-by-side. This week, I took the time to test-drive a few Kernels. My goal is to find the (1) most stable, (2) best performing w/good battery life. Basically undervolt kernel testing.
Unfortunately, I really can't find much difference between these popular variants. The battery life seems to be roughly equal on all of them, as does the stability (barring IcrediKernel, which had some issues in my testing with SkyRaider) KingX #6 scores almost 100 better than the next best in Quadrant.
However, outside of that, I cannot really discern a major difference Can anyone help me isolate the differences -- perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place? Thanks in advance for any additional points to review..
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Hi! One thing that affects performance is SD Card Read Speeds. Ziggy and Incredi have an improved read speed, I just tested both and got 12mb/sec read with a class 4 card. Since HTC released FroYo Android 2.2 for our phone, they implemented a read speed limit of four MB/sec for the SD card. I just tested Lou and King and got read speeds of 4mb/sec from the SD card. All Fourkernels I got a write speed of 4 mb/sec.
Other major differences I think worth mentioning are that Ziggy includes a hosts file to block connections to advertising servers. But of course installing a different kernel leaves the new host file in place. Multi touch, I love the piano and playing games so this matters to me. Ziggy has had a 5 point multi touch enabled for some time. Lou & incredi have implemented in a different way. I am not the one to explain the differences. Lou turned it on for up to five multi touch points(but disabled it in his last build). Incredi had enabled all ten multi touch points but is now also at 5. Debugging. Lou disabled debugging so apps that rely on it will not work. Ex.... PDAnet. Lou did have wireless N disabled, he said he felt due to the minor network speed increase it was not worth the extra battery usage. But reading his change log I see it has since been re enabled.
Which one is best for you? It really does depend on too many factors to say outright. Depending on the apps you have installed, and apps you use the most. I listen to music a lot. Using one that lowers clock speed a bunchwhen the screen is off makes themusic skip. In theory you will get better battery life, but imo, its not worth sacrificing that usability.
Please correct me if I am wrong, mis informed, or steering peoples wrong. I hope this helps to understand some differences.
Overheating. It seems that the consensus is that the 9.01 radio works best for most people. Not me. The 9.01 version makes my phone get very hot. I use the 7.28 radio and it makes a big difference in my phone not getting hot.
What issues did you have with the incredi that made you have to abandon it so quickly?
Sent from my HTC Droid Incrediblel.
P.s. did you forget to include Chad/incredi in this threadstitle?
I've been wondering pretty much the same thing, and I have been reading the different changelogs from the respective kernels to find the differences between them. Thanks to you thehoovie for a good explaination, you put to light some things I have been wondering. Very good explaination!
With that said, what has worked best for me, is RR 2.1.3 with Ziggy's new kernel (BFS Jan 2 2011). I get great battery, I can control the freqs the proccessor is at all the way down to 128mhz, the system is very stable, and have had no problems what so ever. I get roughly 2 days out of a full charge with moderate use on a 1350 battery!
@TheHoovie -
Excellent, excellent information, thank you!
I did not include Incredi in the title, because I had problems with it (mentioned in first post). To answer your question, there were two things. One more subtle, that I don't remember off-hand -- and the other, was with downloading from the Internet. I had installed twice, on a SkyRaider ROM, and in both events, Incredi would hang when downloading.
I distribute all of our private, in-house software releases through our website. So not being able to download from the web in my testing .. was a deal killer!
Our users take roughly 900 photos a day, on average. Therefore, SD speed is extremely important, and I never would have tested the differences between kernels. This is exactly the type of feedback I was hoping to find -- in other words, I was not asking "which is best for me", but instead "can someone help me know where to look for differences in performance". Your comment on SD, is a perfect example of such a factor, thank you!
...Does anyone else have any suggestions, beyond SD performance and battery life, as to other factors for comparison/testing?
@m411b -
I cannot imagine getting two days on a 1350mah, this would be amazing! I'm running off to test your suggestion (RR + Ziggy's) now. Just one question: where do you set the CPU frequencies using that RR+Ziggy configuration?
EDIT: I just tested SkyRaider + Ziggy's #15, and it seems to be running very good. Ziggy's #15 also uses a low-power Bluetooth driver, which will be a huge help for us (we use BT to communicate between DInc's and gTablets in our app).
Thank you again for the great info!
One more related question...
Have people been moving away from these Sense ROM's to CM7/Gingerbread, and if so, any feedback on stability?
I keep reading about CM7 adoptions and it's starting to make me wonder if I should give the new Gingerbread version a try.
I have not tested CM since v6 about 45 days ago, but at that point, there were some issues on the DInc.
1. turn off wifi.
2. turn on gps
Launch or pandora - stream your favorite music station.
Launch navigation, Navigate somewhere.. (I actually do this.. I just use gps when I am out running errands for an hour or so)
See how long the following lasts:
1. Battery
2. Time without crashing
That's been my simple testing of kernels. This is not scientific.. its just real world testing IMO
I am currently playing with Lou's #4 vs #8 on the same rom.. I think testing on multiple roms would bring in more factors you cant control.
#4 crashes way too often when running navigation (its fine for day to day use though)
been using Lous #8 on SR3.5 and it blew me away with battery life as well as performance. I flashed #9 yesterday and am gonna give it a day or two before i judge it. I had previously used Chad's and Hydra. Chad's wasnt the best and hyrda was great for OC performance but not for battery life.

Experiences, Thoughts, and Advice on ROMs

Hey guys,
First off, I don't post much on here, but have been doing alot of reading to stay "up-to-date". Yesterday, I just got the Nexus S 4G through Sprint cuz my Epic 4G took a crap and they were backordered so I said sure to the Nexus S.
I spent most the day yesterday looking for ROMs for it and found out about ICS and got all excited for that. So, after looking around I decided on Crossbones 0.1.3 ICS. Overall, I'm liking it but after using it for about a day now, I am noticing the battery life (in comparison to my Epic, which ran the current Legendary ROM with the Samurai Kernel) is HORRIBLE. I don't want to be quick to say it's the phone, ROM, or ICS though. Maybe there's a different way of closing out unused apps that I don't know about? I did just find that you can swipe away unused recent apps. Will that help?
Basically, for a ROM, I look for stability, battery life, speed, and looks. In that order. In GB, I always used Launcher Pro, btw.
So, my question is for those that use or used Crossbones, what are your experiences so far? Also, if it's recommended that I go back to GB for awhile until things get a lil better on ICS (I heard its coming OTA soon), which ROM are people liking? With ICS out now, searching for a good GB ROM has become a lil difficult. So far I read about MUIU (or whatever it is) and CM7, which my gf has on her Dinc2 and her Nook Color. I'm kinda "eh" about CM7. It "just works" imo and I think that's what they are going for. Def not a fan of the looks though. I also miss my power options in my notification pull down too.
That and I can't get Facebook to add to my account sync. When I go to add it, it does it, goes back to the accounts screen, but its not there. Very strange. Ok, gonna shut up now. this is long enough. lol Thanks in advance.
I've had my Nexus S for a couple of weeks now, I put the stock ICS ROM on the first day and during this time my battery has significantly improved. There are probably three reasons for this, but perhaps not all will apply to you?
1) I've stopped turning everything on, all of the time and constantly tweaking / fiddling / admiring the AMOLED.
2) I've refined how the device uses battery (logged out of Google+).
3) The battery has matured a little.
There's another side effect...
4) I've stopped worrying about the battery so much as I get a day of use from it.
Ice Cream Sandwich and ROMs using it are gonna improve in time. Gingerbread has been out for a year or so and has all this development. So from this there's a lot of potential from ICS...
I'm going to keep my device running the standard ROM for the time being as it's my daily driver, but wanting a device to potentially brick and hack. Thinking about the Galaxy S.
davidsteele1975 said:
I've had my Nexus S for a couple of weeks now, I put the stock ICS ROM on the first day and during this time my battery has significantly improved. There are probably three reasons for this, but perhaps not all will apply to you?
1) I've stopped turning everything on, all of the time and constantly tweaking / fiddling / admiring the AMOLED.
2) I've refined how the device uses battery (logged out of Google+).
3) The battery has matured a little.
There's another side effect...
4) I've stopped worrying about the battery so much as I get a day of use from it.
Ice Cream Sandwich and ROMs using it are gonna improve in time. Gingerbread has been out for a year or so and has all this development. So from this there's a lot of potential from ICS...
I'm going to keep my device running the standard ROM for the time being as it's my daily driver, but wanting a device to potentially brick and hack. Thinking about the Galaxy S.
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Thanks for the reply. So far in terms of battery saving tricks, I've disabled animations, the screen is set to about 1/4 brightness, only thing that constantly does anything is k9
mail to check my inbox every 15 mins (that I'm aware of lol). So it could be that my battery needs to "mature"? Btw, are there any good themes out yet? I miss my transparent text msg threads and I really miss my power controls on the notification pull down. I'm def not digging the white on the contacts and SMS screens. Lol
::BUMP:: Seriously? No one else?
Well is was getting bad battery and weird force closes on cross bones, i'm on vhgomex(thinks that's right), it's been a lot better for me and it has the notification power widget in it
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
BrianDigital said:
Well is was getting bad battery and weird force closes on cross bones, i'm on vhgomex(thinks that's right), it's been a lot better for me and it has the notification power widget in it
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
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I havent had any issues with the rom running or any FCs... Took a look at gomez. Gonna do a nandroid and give it try. Looks promising, and FB sync is supposed to work. lol
infamshxr said:
::BUMP:: Seriously? No one else?
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I think you're not getting many answers because your issues have already been addressed. A simple search will find many (most) ROMs with notification toggles and Facebook sync. I personally recommend AOKP.
I'd say it's just the rom. I'm on an ICS rom, everything works great and I have significantly better battery life than before.
I'm on AndroidME with Eugene's speedy-3 kernel. I don't have Facebook sync and power toggles in notification though, but I don't really care for those two features anyway.
Well I'm on Gomez now. Things already seem to be better. Absolutely no issues so far. I'll know for sure in a day or so.
Well I uninstall bloat.sys apps I don't use with root uninstaller
As for Bette battery life. Honestly think. What could someone do to the phone to put out better battery life. Almost nothing but SBC kernels and the CPU speed and goveners. That's it.
Most of you guys don't have battery issues you just play with your phone all day instead of doing your work.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App. Developer of brickROM, and OP of XDA Thread of The Year 2011.
Shark_On_Land said:
Well I uninstall bloat.sys apps I don't use with root uninstaller
As for Bette battery life. Honestly think. What could someone do to the phone to put out better battery life. Almost nothing but SBC kernels and the CPU speed and goveners. That's it.
Most of you guys don't have battery issues you just play with your phone all day instead of doing your work.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App. Developer of brickROM, and OP of XDA Thread of The Year 2011.
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A: that was fairly rude. I'm legitimately asking for help and advice. I didn't make the thread to be judged or ridiculed on my phone usage. I don't judge others on how they use they're phone, so why should I be?
B: I'm comparing this all with my epic. I don't over clock or mess with the CPU settings cuz that's beyond my knowledge atm. Like I said, battery seems MUCH better now with this rom . Now my only gripe is volume. Way quieter on this phone which seems to be a known issue. Trying out volume+ soon. Also, at the end of my day, I'll post my battery stats and see what you guys think. But like I said, I think its OK now.
Im on bigxie's rom and icup kernel im getting great battery life with this but thats just me.i dont know whats great for you.try this rom its somewhat minimalist or pure stock with just statusbar widgets and other 'omg' tweaks that cause more harm than good.and it has trebuchet which is perfectly put into the satisfied with this .been with this rom since build 1 and ive been happy with its bugs encountered
Sent from a Nexus S
dark06 said:
Im on bigxie's rom and icup kernel im getting great battery life with this but thats just me.i dont know whats great for you.try this rom its somewhat minimalist or pure stock with just statusbar widgets and other 'omg' tweaks that cause more harm than good.and it has trebuchet which is perfectly put into the satisfied with this .been with this rom since build 1 and ive been happy with its bugs encountered
Sent from a Nexus S
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Thanks for the opinion. I'll keep that one in mind if this doesn't work out. Sounds a lot like Gomez. Gomez has basically just what you listed. I'd def take stability over extra crap. Lol
Sry for the double post,but to report back, totally forgot to post my battery stats, but they were definitely better. By far. Still not much luck on the sound tho. Got an app the boosts my media volume but my ringer wasn't affected, which sucks. Anything on this that I haven't possibly found?
I'm going back to CM7. 7.2 is out and honesty its just more optimized for this device. CM optimizes their ROMs to very fast high standards and do stuff a lot of you newbies can't even think of. (Yes, these will be implemented in BESTROM.)
So I'm going back. To smoothness.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App. Developer of brickROM, and OP of XDA Thread of The Year 2011.
Shark_On_Land said:
I'm going back to CM7. 7.2 is out and honesty its just more optimized for this device. CM optimizes their ROMs to very fast high standards and do stuff a lot of you newbies can't even think of. (Yes, these will be implemented in BESTROM.)
So I'm going back. To smoothness.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App. Developer of brickROM, and OP of XDA Thread of The Year 2011.
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You really shouldn't be so rude and demean other members of this forum like that. Frankly, no one cares if you're going back to CM7 or not. But thank you for your belittling feedback.
To the original poster, I'm running Pete Alfonso's nightlies along with Mathkid's Matrix CFS kernel. With a bit of overclock and tweaking of the kernel settings, I get great smoothness, stability, and decent battery life. To me, any battery life that gets me from "up in the morning" to "home at night" is fine, because I have my charger at my desk. But typically, I can survive a full 24 hours on one charge.
Who knows, though. Maybe I'm just too much of a newbie to realize the full potential of what my device can do and therefore it's my fault that the battery life is as good as it is.
Hey! I've just recently switched to my Galaxy Nexus, but was a Crespo owner since it came out. Been reading your post but I would agree that you should try out the AOKP rom along with a custom undervolted kernel for longer battery life.
I haven't really tinkered with my Nexus S in awhile (I gave it to my gf when I got the Galaxy Nexus) but the last thing I remembered was either installing aokp or cm9. In due time the custom ics roms will improve and the power widgets in the notification bar will be brought back, but they usually want to focus on stability then add new features little by little. Hope you are having fun your Crespo!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
So far I'm still rocking gomez's. Really loving the battery life. Only issue I've had is 3g doesn't always come back after using wifi. Not a big deal tho I guess. Really stable too. I was thinking of using mathkidskernel but don't wanna possibly screw up what I got now. I'm backed up so maybe one of these days. Heard alotof good things about mathkids kernel. Heard good things about aopk too, so that's my other go to. Lol
kto_matchu said:
You really shouldn't be so rude and demean other members of this forum like that. Frankly, no one cares if you're going back to CM7 or not. But thank you for your belittling feedback.
To the original poster, I'm running Pete Alfonso's nightlies along with Mathkid's Matrix CFS kernel. With a bit of overclock and tweaking of the kernel settings, I get great smoothness, stability, and decent battery life. To me, any battery life that gets me from "up in the morning" to "home at night" is fine, because I have my charger at my desk. But typically, I can survive a full 24 hours on one charge.
Who knows, though. Maybe I'm just too much of a newbie to realize the full potential of what my device can do and therefore it's my fault that the battery life is as good as it is.
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sorry if that was rude but you have to take in count that
I myself is using modified CM7.1RC0AOSP2.3.7GB as base. But far as CM9AOSP4.0.3ICS goes its still not ready for folks like me for DD yet.
As I described below how extensively its optimized and most of it is outside the scope of current XDA.
What you have to understand is performance is not measured via synthetic benchmarks (ex: Quadrant). The biggest issue with people is that they don't know enough to know that they don't know, so they compare it with silly numbers (ex: score) they can't comprehend what they see, much less put numbers behind real life activities that's not applicable in controlled environment.
OS development which eliminates most of it but on software level custom base rom (ex: CyanogenMod) is highly optimized and tweaked to run on optimal performance. Mostly, but not all. But does it mean it can't be tweaked any further? (Rhetorical) No. How do I know? We (scope outside of XDA) tweaked it to the next level. How you ask?
1) Optimized ext4fs: reduced r/w rate (healthy NAND lifespan), improved journaling (corrupted data writeback integrity) = Which improves the IOPs and performance access rate.
2) HC3.x fugu binaries, patched sqlite libraries, mSD read ahead buffer fix.
3) Modified VM: OOM (Out Of Memory), LMK (Low Memory Killer), VM heap (Virtual Machine), DRA (Dirty Ratio), DBR (Dirty Background Ratio), DWC (Dirty Writeback Centisecs), DEC (Dirty Expired Centisecs), SWP (Swap), VCP (VFS Cache Pressure).
4) Increased minfree value: Background, Foreground, Empty, Hidden, Visible, Secondary, Content.
5) Optimized cache: File and Drop cache, Forced cache (resident loop).
6) Custom kernel: OC/UC, UV/SVS/VDD, BFS/CFS, RSU/NP/VR/SP supported.
7) Custom ROM: Optimized Rom script and props (ex: CyanogenMod).
this as its tweaked to THE next level. I'll stick with AOSP2.3.7GB until ICS4.X is more stable and we understand more as most memory grouping and adjustments might be changed.
I bet most of you only do 2 of those thing (6&7)
i suggest you try androiduser aosp rom with icup kernel. you dont have to do anything else and with normal usage you'll get 24+ hours

Rom, kernel, UC and UV.

Hi, I'd like to first start off by saying that it all boils down to personal preference in the end but I'm currently having a hard time deciding what to pick and what to do. There's so many choices and alternatives, so what I'd like to hear is what you yourself feel about the matter of about; Roms, kernels, underclocking and undervolting.
I should probably mention that I have a Google nexus 7 2013 (deb).
It's rooted, unlocked and flashed so many times but I keep coming back to stock due to the inability to make an educated decision in what I should have.
I'm currently running the stock Rom, rooted of course and currently with the elementalx kernel.
I've been trying several roms but none of them feel quite right.
I was going to try paranoid Android but as it stands now it appears it's without a lot of its intended customization that spoke to me in the first place. Leaving it to feel almost stock but with a few extra features, which led me to come right back to stock with gravity box.
What do you believe is a good Rom and kernel for the maximum battery life?
Note that I don't really game on the device, I mostly browse the Internet and listen to music and muck about in the settings, I like to tinker.
Does underclocking and undervolting make a difference in the end?
Please share your experience with all of the above, or any if you have tried it. Please try and not make any assumptions and keep it as civil as possible.
It really depends what you're looking for in a ROM/kernel. For you it seems you really care about battery life so you're definitely going to want both a custom ROM and kernel. I recommend purity ROM or clean ROM and either Franco or elementalx kernel for battery. As far as UC and UV underclocking can save heaps of battery but at the significant cost of performance while undervolting can save a bit at no cost to performance but may cause stability issues.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Free mobile app
THEBANDIT420 said:
It really depends what you're looking for in a ROM/kernel. For you it seems you really care about battery life so you're definitely going to want both a custom ROM and kernel. I recommend purity ROM or clean ROM and either Franco or elementalx kernel for battery. As far as UC and UV underclocking can save heaps of battery but at the significant cost of performance while undervolting can save a bit at no cost to performance but may cause stability issues.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Free mobile app
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Yes, battery is probably the most important aspect for me and second to that I love customization and tinkering with stuff.
I've been running Francos kernel as well, I actually just reverted back to r16 from elemental.
As far as those two roms go, which one would you pick and why?
It appears I'm a sucker for AOSP, not sure why, but it seems widely more customizable, especially since I'm already very used to have the KK gravity box with the xposed framework.
Update; I've been mucking about with the voltages and I think I've found a pretty good balance so far, I have undervolted by -75mv across the board with Franco. I tried going to -100mv but I found out that Spotify can't start under those conditions, it crashes on boot.
I have also underclocked down to 1242mhz while keeping the lowest 384mhz.
It feels stable, the battery has been alright today, but I'd like to squeeze more out of it.
So how much more effect would having another ROM really have? I've read on this site that it's little to no effect at all. But then again, I've seen skeptical people writing that underclocking and undervolting doesn't really do that much.
I have to tell you, it's quite a noticeable difference, but people will tell me it's placebo.
Someone with a bit more ROM experience than me, feel free to step in and give me an educated review of what you feel works.
Update2; I have a follow up question, do the CPUs have to work harder when it's undervolted? I have seen a rise in the workload for them, very sporadic.
It's sort of like peaks and valleys in the diagrams.
Which brings me to the next question, if that's the case or not, will there be a decreased lifespan in them?

Best Kernel for stock rom?

Hello, i am rooted with stock rom 4.5.10.
Can anyone suggest me a good kernel that could help with the performance of the device. or should i stick with the stock one.
Depends on your usage. If U want a even better performance is ElementalX a good one. Easy flashing process with AROMA options (ability to overclock)!
No such thing as best, just flash a few and see what you feel brings you the best performance
Hi, i am in the same case of you, i have flashed "simpleGX 1.11 kernel" to have performance and a really good battery life. And yes, it is very smooth and i stay 3 days with my battery charge..! for me it is a very good kernel for the moment. i think to try blue spark kernel but for the moment i am happy with SimpleGX kernel...
brunsman6229 said:
Hi, i am in the same case of you, i have flashed "simpleGX 1.11 kernel" to have performance and a really good battery life. And yes, it is very smooth and i stay 3 days with my battery charge..! for me it is a very good kernel for the moment. i think to try blue spark kernel but for the moment i am happy with SimpleGX kernel...
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3days?? may be very light to moderate use?
Blu Spark is designed for performance. Boeffla for stability and Franco to extend battery life. Usually kernels are designed to provide something different than the stock kernel and the description at the top of the thread for the kernel should give you an idea of what the dev was trying to do. I honestly wouldn't recommend ElementalEx. It's a very vanilla kernel that is available for almost every device but they don't do much to optimize the kernel for individual phones. I use Blu Spark. Personally I think you are better off with kernels that are made for stock OOS.
crisisbuster said:
3days?? may be very light to moderate use?
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most 2 days and 20 hours of battery... with 6hours of screen time..
rickysidhu_ said:
No such thing as best, just flash a few and see what you feel brings you the best performance
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worst answer ever.
I did unlock/root/flash roms on 30-35 devices, for friends/family and myself.
And even if XDA members do not like ''best rom/kernel'' threads, its very usefull for a quick search, because i.e. my friend want simply a stable rom and I don't want to test every roms or read the thread's 200 pages.
Wihout pointing the ''best rom/kernel'' you might maybe help by pointing the cons and pros .
Here my reply for this thread :
After reading the Franco XDA interview, he was pointing the fact that there's not much work to do on kernel in general, because they are out-of-the box already good.
My first device was a desireZ, with froyo 2.2, back in the days, kernel works was badass, and make huge changes to the devices, but now, I agree that there's not much difference, at least for now, since this OP5 is crazy fast.
I do use Franco kernel, as per Franco's thread, he's stating better battery life. well, hard to tell , since he won't achieve 125% better battery life... It might go around 10%. Which is good, but hard to tell on day to day usage, since 10% is about my usgae precision time if I compare all my usage over each days.
So far so good, no cons.
oVeRdOsE. said:
worst answer ever.
I did unlock/root/flash roms on 30-35 devices, for friends/family and myself.
And even if XDA members do not like ''best rom/kernel'' threads, its very usefull for a quick search, because i.e. my friend want simply a stable rom and I don't want to test every roms or read the thread's 200 pages.
Wihout pointing the ''best rom/kernel'' you might maybe help by pointing the cons and pros .
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Worst answer ever? I'll admit I could have shared my setup for OP to try as well, but other than that, "worst answer ever" is a bit dramatic.
XDA members don't like the "best ROM/Kernel" threads because of my original point, there really isn't a 'best', it is subjective to your needs/usage. A kernel I find to be an absolute beast in performance can end up being mediocre at best to you. And again, that all boils down to each user's unique usage.
Telling a user what works best for you isn't going to be as good as the user trying it out for themselves; getting that first-hand experience with a certain kernel will give that user a much better idea, and that's why I said flash a few and see what they like best (no need to flash every single one or read through 200 pages...).
Like I said, I admit I could have shared my ROM/Kernel combo originally to give OP a starting point, but that doesn't take away from my main point(s).
Anyway, I don't mean to get into a whole debate about this with you, a handful of users have already responded and hopefully OP has found a kernel they prefer.
For what it's worth, I've used both Lightning and Blu_Spark, both have provided me with excellent performance and battery life (On PureFusion).

Best OOS Kernel ?

Hello, I know the choice is personal and regarding my own needs in terms of performance, battery etc. , but i'd like to know which kernel you are using, why etc.
I am not very good at seeing performance difference between 2 kernels and your feedback is often great to hear
Which one for you is the most user friendly with features like color calibration, vibration strength (things with GUI you know i don't care about scheduler or whatever)
I think imma settle down on No Limits OOS Rom, which offers a large choice of kernels...
Thank you in advance :')
You will never ever get a proper answer for this question Every kernel has its own characteristics and features, so try yourself and determine which one fits best for you
Going to have to go with the fact that this thread has been made countless times and you never get a definite answer. If you want a truthful opinion, stick with stock. It was designed for your device specifically. Especially in the case of OnePlus devices, they devise the kernel to fit with Oxygen OS. I stick with stock kernel and stock rom because the roms out there are bogus. Theres usually something the dev has done to their rom to disrupt continuity and stabilization especially with google apps and services. Always trying to "debloat" the phone is not a good idea. Letting the phone run its course is a much better way to go because it will adjust to what you actually use. Changing your kernel doesn't do very much for you. In my experience it is always worse. I havent changed the way i use a smartphone since the day i bought one and every kernel ive ever been on has never POSITIVELY affected: 1. Performance 2. Stability 3. Battery life 4. Speed of service 5. internet speed 6. Screen on time 7. Longevity
The claims that they do something for those things is typically a red flag for me. Every time i used franco kernel for example, my internet would cut out a lot and on some occasions YouTube would work for a few videos then not at all until i restarted my phone. On stock kernel, my phone never has these malfunctions but no matter which release on the 3t and the 5 now with his kernel my google stuff would constantly break down or my internet would die until i restarted or i would be permanently stuck on H+ until reboot. Just something annoying like that. And no i did not install this wrong or anything. Its not like you really can with how TWRP works. If the phone turns on then whatever goes wrong is on that rom and that kernel and theyre very unstable beasts.
Always stick with stock. It is built for YOUR device specifically. Don't debloat, disable. Stock kernel is always superior and in the case of OnePlus you have additional doze options in its built in settings. Don't run doze apps either btw. Let your system manage itself you'll find it does a damn fine job.
This question takes a little research to answer, some reading specifically. By seeing the features and commits present in each kernel offered, you'll be able to see where the focus of the dev is. All devs have different things in mind, some will lean towards extending battery longevity, whereas others will prefer a smooth UI and gaming performance, because after all, the processor in this phone can deliver good stuff for all these different leanings.
Anyway, go read a little, see through the devs lens and take your best pick.
My final and subjective opinion? Lightning kernel, blu spark, flash, elementalX, no respective order.
I also have a lot of respect for the guys in RenderZenith. Building EAS from nothing is no short of a benchmark, and that kernel is really good as well.
Or as the gentleman above, stay in stock, it was built from scratch by the manufacturer for this device only and no other.

