Nexus for developers is completely sold out - article - Nexus One General

The Nexus ONe rides again - It's still a Star Here's the article
A flop with consumers, sold-out Nexus One scores with developers.
Google tried — and ultimately failed — to turn the U.S. wireless market upside-down by selling its supercharged Nexus One Android phone online, with minimal help from the big carriers. But now, months after shuttering its online storefront for the phone, the Nexus One is a sudden, improbable hit.
Who’s buying the Nexus One, you ask? Android developers, that’s who — and apparently, they’re so eager to get their mitts on the eight-month-old handset that Google supply of Nexus One phones for developers is completely sold out.
So says a post on Google’s Android developers blog (via TechCrunch), with Google’s Tim Bray writing that Google "blew through the (substantial) initial inventory in almost no time," adding that Nexus One manufacturer HTC is busy trying to crank out more of the suddenly gotta-have handsets.
Google launched the Nexus One — described in hushed tones as the "Google Phone" in the days and weeks before its official unveiling — way back in January, and the search behemoth caused quite a stir by offering the Android 2.1-powered handset only on the Web, through Google’s own Nexus One online storefront.
Why all the fuss? Because usually it’s the big carriers (think AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless) who do the heavy lifting in terms of marketing and selling cell phones, both online and (mainly) in brick-and-mortar stores. While it got a little help from T-Mobile, which subsidized the Nexus One for use on its network, Google’s decision to go it virtually alone with the Nexus One — with practically no marketing help from a carrier—was seen as a potentially game-changing move.
Unfortunately, it turned out to be anything but. Sales of the Nexus One never took off, and an unprepared Google — which, before the Nexus One launch, had little need for a bank of customer-service reps — found itself quickly overwhelmed by customers complaining about iffy 3G reception (which ultimately led to a patch) and other assorted glitches.
Consumers were also underwhelmed by the less-than-revolutionary $179 two-year contract price and $529 price tag for an unlocked Nexus One, while existing T-Mobile users were turned off by the $379 upgrade price for the phone (which was eventually cut by $100). Last May, Google finally waved the white flag, announcing that it would close down its online Nexus One store.
So yes, Google learned the hard way that nothing beats a "full-court press by a big national carrier" (as I wrote back in May) when it comes to selling a smartphone. But here’s the thing: The well-reviewed Nexus One itself wasn’t a bad phone — indeed, it was (and still is) a pretty good one, complete with a 3.7-inch AMOLED screen, a 1GHz "Snapdragon" processor, 512MB of RAM, and a 5-megapixel camera with a flash.
The Nexus One also happened to be among the first handsets to get an update to Android 2.2 — a fact that clearly wasn’t lost on enthusiastic Android developers, who’ve been able to buy the unlocked Nexus One — in droves, apparently — direct from Google for a few weeks now.
In any case, Google is now in the strange but surely satisfying position of "working hard on re-stocking" (as Google’s TIm Bray puts it) a smartphone that looked all but dead just a few months ago. Strange, but true.
Google’s Android developers blog: A Little Too Popular (via TechCrunch)
— Ben Patterson is a technology writer for Yahoo! News.

guess that means that the nexus was more popular then Google thought

Sounds like the making of a Nexus 2 could become possible. Anybody else agree?

"The Nexus One also happened to be among the first handsets to get an update to Android 2.2" - REALLY? It was THE first phone. And it wasn't a "pretty good" phone, it was the best on the market for several months after launch. I think this guy has some facts he needs to get straightened out.

I really think the nexus sold more units over time then people think, and is in demand more than people think. This kinda shows that. Google jumped the gun by closing their online store. Also they mis calculated by not making the nexus into a whole line of Google phones.

The Nexus would have taken off at the time, but Google saw fit to market their well known search engine at superbowls and such instead of a phone that no one heard of.

As much as Google may have fumbled the marketing of the Nexus One when it was sold publicly - all that aside...
The article makes a lot of noise without revealing any numbers which are key to really verifying the conclusion that the phone is becoming more popular as a developer phone.
Yes, Google sold out the developer allotment - that's great. But, they also sold out a few allotments of their public phone back in the day - most notably the last allotment they ordered in July which sold out a week or two earlier than expected. That fact alone doesn't mean anything without knowing how big the allotments were. For all the article states, the allotment for the developers could have been very tiny under the theory that a smaller audience produces less sales and most developers would probably have already ordered one when they were sold publicly anyway.
All we know is that someone was pleasantly surprised by the demand for it from the developer store and that the initial allotment - chosen specifically for that sales purpose - was underestimated.
But, we don't know if that represents higher overall demand (or even relative demand) compared to the public allotments. And we don't know if either demand represented enough market force for the company to have continued to pursue its business plan of being in the open market for handsets.
It also rankles me when they make supporting comments like "now, months after shuttering its online storefront". Sorry, it was less than 1 month since they shut down the storefront when they sold out the developer phones. And don't ignore that allotments were selling out during the consumer sales when you try to make it sound like the developer sell-out was unprecedented. The fact that it was almost 1 month after the shut down the store (not months like the author states) was *due* to a consumer sellout. Otherwise it would have only been a couple of weeks since the store front was scheduled to shut down.

I think the point is that with all these high end android phones out now, the fact that ANYONE is choosing the nexus still tells the story. Specific numbers don't really matter. This is especially true since all these other phones are subsidized on contract, and the nexus is full price, and still selling at all 7 months later.

RogerPodacter said:
I think the point is that with all these high end android phones out now, the fact that ANYONE is choosing the nexus still tells the story. Specific numbers don't really matter. This is especially true since all these other phones are subsidized on contract, and the nexus is full price, and still selling at all 7 months later.
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Hi Roger,
That is a good point, but it isn't the tone of the article. "A flop with consumers" - "the Nexus One is [now] a sudden, improbable hit" - "[developers buying] in droves, apparently".
A flop? Really?
Sudden hit? Really that sudden?
Improbable hit? Really?
It may have had marketing problems, but it was never a flop. The new MS phones being canceled a week after they were released - that's a flop for you. And there is nothing sudden about a sellout a couple of weeks after another sellout. Nor is there anything improbably about that, or anything that spells "hit". And how big is a "drove". Apparently it is so specific that they suddenly realize the complete lack of facts in their piece and have to tack on the word "apparently". So, the phone is now selling to developers in a manner that one can only suppose is describable by a term that is as vague as "droves". Cute.
I'm glad that it is still selling and I'm glad that it sold out its developer allotment, but this article is exaggerating the impact of those facts with hyperbole based on both lack of knowledge (believing that the phone has been off sale for "months", etc.) and assumption of facts not presented.
It would be one thing if they had said what you said "The developer allotment sold out which shows that there is still positive demand for a device that is this old, but without numbers we can't tell if the demand is actually stronger in its developer form than it was as a consumer offering". But no, they basically paint its consumer history as if they couldn't be given away and then, without any numbers, paint the developer demand as being so much stronger than anything anyone could have expected that Google was stupid to have canceled it.
Sorry, no, the sell-out indicates that someone, somewhere, was wrong about a prediction that was specific to developer sales and has no bearing whatsoever about how the demand now compares to the demand as a consumer phone or to any other currently shipping phones.
As far as longevity - the G1 was still being sold as recently as about a month ago. Technology alone doesn't really dictate sales, but it is an important driver.

Now that Google knows there is an appetite for a "super dev phone", might they also reconsider their decision to permanently shelve the UMTS 850/1900 version?

I hate articles like this. The facts are wrong which makes the whole article irrelevant. I think the problem with the Nexus One is that only the geeks here really heard about it. There was no advertising done what-so-ever.
Although I am surprised to see more and more people recognize it as "Is that the Google phone?".
I'm glad I bought mine when I did because they shut down the store. Now I love it even more knowing that every joe-smoe can't go out and pick one up. I like knowing that I have one of the best Android phones and "you" can't buy one anymore.
I think we'll see a huge demand for the N1 when Gingerbread comes out. I think it will take a lot of time and a lot more tweaking to get 3.0 on a 2.x device then it was 2.2 on top of 2.1. I'm just happy that Google is developing it specifically for my phone and I don't have to worry about having a buggy port.


Nexus One first week sales = weak.((20k))
Thats a ton of complaints coming out for only 20k sales.
Not being available in T-Mo stores really hurt sales. I think being able to see this screen and hold it in person would move a hell of alot more units.
he Nexus One didn't benefit from such a strong marketing push like the Motorola Droid (estimated $100 million), despite Google's phone featuring so-far unique Android features. This has reflected in poor first week sales for the Nexus One, as per the table below. (Click image above to enlarge)
Instead, Google chose a soft launch for the Nexus One, selling it through their website. But the steep $500 Google is asking for the unlocked device and the mixed reviews the Nexus One received didn't help to maximize first week sales.
Flurry's report mentions that the Nexus One lacks the "wow factor" and the general perception that the device is not seen as revolutionary, but rather just evolutionary from other Android phones.
Om Malik, of GigaOm, notes that Flurry's estimated sales numbers for the Nexus One might even be a bit far fetched. He mentions Google has been giving away the Nexus One to its employees and also lent it to many members of the media for reviews, which could have bumped up Flurry's analytics.
Next to the poor first week sales figure, the Nexus One has also seen mounting complaints over the 3G connectivity of the device and the lack of developer tools for the Android 2.1 platform.
In her review of the Nexus One, my colleague Ginny Mies notes that Google's phone "isn't quite the game-changer people hoped it would be, though it certainly trumps other phones in performance, display quality, and speed." Next to pros like a dazzling OLED display, snappy performance and sleep, slim design, she marks the lack of multitouch support and the software keyboard as cons.
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I'm actually glad. I dont want the nexus one to become a fashion icon like the iPhone did.
melterx12 said:
I'm actually glad. I dont want the nexus one to become a fashion icon like the iPhone did.
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awww Fuuudgdeeee
Had to be 2 new yorkers didnt it. lol
Agree with this though. Ive been saying I hope a ton of people want it but few get it. That way Google is pressed to resolve there customer service and HW issues and early adopters dont look like bandwagon jumpers for the latest fashion device.
On the flip side... I hope Google doesnt turn around and blame Tmobile. Tmo and Google have been continually bringing out Android sets I hope that relationship doesnt sour because of this.
Actually 20k in sales for a phone that has reportedly had the vast majority of users buy the unlocked version is pretty damn good (Leo Laporte mentioned it on TWiT on Sunday)
melterx12 said:
I'm actually glad. I dont want the nexus one to become a fashion icon like the iPhone did.
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As much as I give credit to Apple for what they've done with the iPhone, the iPhone has become the "razr" of phones.....the "Wal-Mart" of phones....
The bad press on this phone is silly. It takes nothing into consideration, bends around the truth, and just sounds misinformed. This phone had a soft launch, wasn't available in stores, no television ads, and wasn't really advertised by Google until the day of it's launch.
These soft launches make an impact. Word will spread and then it will pop up and explode on Verizon. I'm not even trying to defend the device, it just makes me angry seeing so much misinformed crap popping up on the web.
"But the steep $500 Google is asking for the unlocked device and the mixed reviews the Nexus One received didn't help to maximize first week sales."
Mixed reviews meaning angry fanboys? I don't get it. The thing runs Android really well, is fast as hell, looks great, has a good camera, etc. I have no idea what people were expecting. Android has been out, and this was stated to be an Android device.
mark925 said:
As much as I give credit to Apple for what they've done with the iPhone, the iPhone has become the "razr" of phones.....the "Wal-Mart" of phones....
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everybody and their dog has an iphone. i'd rather have something few others do
To be honest, and trying to be unbiased, I think these numbers are ok for Google. Here's why I say that... given the marketing channel used here (online only sales and advertising), I suspect that Google is banking on a moderate rate of sales early on, with an increase a little later. Most people like to see and touch something prior to dropping hundreds of dollars on it. I think Google is counting on the early adopters to buy the phones, and then once we have them and others start seeing and playing with them, they will start buying. In theory, this should work the same as if the N1 would have been sold in stores, except the initial sales would be lighter and the rate of sales would be steeper after the first few weeks.
My proverbial 2 cents...
#1. It's hard for someone to drop that much cash on a phone unseen. Like others have pointed out, it's hard to sell a mobile phone without being able to "touch" it and play with it at a retail store.
#2. The N1 is one of the first handsets relatively available for purchase which has the Qualcomm Snapdragon processor. I honestly think the "hacking" community for the N1 will be similar of what the G1 (HTC Dream) has seen... In other words, the HTC Passion is basically the next great hacking platform as the HTC Dream experienced.
So essentially 1 in 150,000 Americans (ROUGHLY, only considering domestic sales) are packin the N1 - Sounds like a pretty elite/exclusive group if you ask me
booloobunny said:
..."But the steep $500 Google is asking for the unlocked device and the mixed reviews the Nexus One received didn't help to maximize first week sales."
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Also, to add onto this...I don't think the price is steep at all. In fact it is cheaper than many other unlocked devices with lesser hardware. Also, it has been pointed out in many places that getting the unlocked version is cheaper than going with the subsidized version and mandatory plan.
When a phone can be purchased only from one location and one URL only gadget freaks like us know about it's existence. Some of my friends who think they are gadget freaks were shocked to see my phone over the weekend. They didn't even know about it yet. Forget the common man. Unless, the phone is sold in T-mobile, and B&M stores, it will be hard to sell like Driod.
Except for lousy T-mobile 3G inside buildings, I love this phone. But I am seriously thinking about returning just to go back to AT&T as I would like to stay with the best GSM carrier who gets most unlocked 3G phones so I can keep changing my phones every few months.
uansari1 said:
To be honest, and trying to be unbiased, I think these numbers are ok for Google. Here's why I say that... given the marketing channel used here (online only sales and advertising), I suspect that Google is banking on a moderate rate of sales early on, with an increase a little later. Most people like to see and touch something prior to dropping hundreds of dollars on it. I think Google is counting on the early adopters to buy the phones, and then once we have them and others start seeing and playing with them, they will start buying. In theory, this should work the same as if the N1 would have been sold in stores, except the initial sales would be lighter and the rate of sales would be steeper after the first few weeks.
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I agree. This seems similar to Gmail when it was in Beta....and Gvoice. Only certain people had it and it was invite only. This seems to make a launch more manageable (less volume) and the inital adopters are the ones who typically want it the most and spread the word to others for free.
I want one... I just don't want to pay $530 to be a beta tester. I think once the 3g issues are solved we'll see alot more people pay for the phone
once Verizon and vodaphone get this phone. Sales will SKY rocket.
Instore sales
The only way for a big change in sales would be to sell the Nexus One in stores, mainstream buyers are not going to spend premium money on a handset that they can not handle first.
There are not enough early adopters and tech heads like most of us on this site to make a major impact on sales. Plus many of us are holding off to see how the 3G issue gets handled before buying.
since they didnt really air commercial for the phone and it is only available online. the numbers are pretty good.
melterx12 said:
The HARDWARE to produce the Nexus One costs $175$. This price does NOT include licensing, manufacturing, advertising, shipping, Government Taxes, etc.
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Yeah... Putting the parts together... probably costs more than the parts themselves, including labor.
Sure, I could get the "parts" for my car too for less than a quarter of what it sells for... I wouldn't want to try to assemble it though!
melterx12 said:
The HARDWARE to produce the Nexus One costs $175$. This price does NOT include licensing, manufacturing, advertising, shipping, Government Taxes, etc.
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...not to mention R&D
I still have people ask me when its coming out when I show them mine, this phone is still very "underground"
melterx12 said:
The HARDWARE to produce the Nexus One costs $175$. This price does NOT include licensing, manufacturing, advertising, shipping, Government Taxes, etc.
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Can you send me a link to where you found out the hardware only cost $175 for the nexus one. I would like to see how much the snapdragon proc costs, and the 512mb of ram, and all the other components in the phone, and just the cost of putting it together.
And I am not referring to licensing, manufacturing, advertising, shipping, Government Taxes, etc.
Just the hardware and the costs to put the phone together. I call bull**** on the $175 dollars.
That is how much it might cost to put together the iphone 3gs with much cheaper hardware. But the Nexus One hardware is another story.

Android is a "sinking ship"! wtf?

You just have to read this article! According to 'beatweek' (no, I've never heard of it either) the Android OS is doomed to failure! Wow! Thanks for clearing that up beatweek! I'll just go trade in my Nexus One now and get an iPhone 4! Thanks for the tip!
Edit: Yes, I should've just quoted the article and not had you guys go to their website! So, here it is -
"Verizon needs Verizon iPhone more than Apple, after Droid debacle
July 25, 2010
Three years of talking about a Verizon iPhone, and still nothing to show for it. What we have instead are two facts that are sharply at odds with each other: Verizon customers want a Verizon iPhone, if their continual cries of the past three years are to be believed. And Apple is selling such an overwhelming number of iPhones to the point of extended delays and backorders, even with the limitation of continued AT&T exclusivity, that there wouldn’t be enough iPhone 4 inventory to hypothetically share with Verizon customers anyway. Apple can likely get out of its exclusive AT&T deal any time it wants just to by writing a large enough check, but that still offers no clue as to just when it might finally happen. But if you heard a loud thud off in the distance this week, it was the hopes and aspirations of the competing Android platform, in which Verizon has invested heavily with its Droid and Droid X, coming crashing down into what will apparently soon be a mere pile of rubble. As reported by CNN this week, a Yankee Group study reveals that an astounding four out of five current Android users have no plans to buy another Android phone. And that’s game over.
While Google’s own Android-based Nexus One phone has been canceled due to lack of interest, Verizon’s Android-based Droid has been selling quite well (though not nearly as well the platform’s most overenthusiastic users would like you to believe). But it doesn’t matter how many units you’re selling or how many new customers you’re acquiring if eighty percent of them are so dissatisfied with the platform that they’re already plotting their escape. It’s too soon to predict how many of the Android escapees will end up landing on the iPhone, but what is clear is that most Verizon customers who bought a Droid did so because they wanted an iPhone but weren’t willing to switch to AT&T, and so they settled for the closest thing to an iPhone they could get their hands on. Apparently not close enough, however, as the Android has now been revealed to be the fastest-sinking technology platform since, well maybe, ever.
But if the situation is so obviously dire that external temperature takers can now figure out that most Android users are looking to bail out of the platform when they buy their next phone, then it’s a safe bet that Verizon has already known this for at least a little while. So even as the carrier is dumping inordinate amounts of money in launching its new Droid X phone (and selling plenty of them, to be fair), Verizon likely has its left eye focused on endings the longstanding impasse with Apple and getting its hands on the iPhone to ensure that all these dissatisfied Android users don’t also leave Verizon when they leave the Android platform. In other words, Verizon now needs a Verizon iPhone more than Apple needs a Verizon iPhone. After all, that same CNN report shows that four out of five iPhone users plan to remain with the iPhone, the exact opposite scenario being faced by makers of Android-based phones. The question then becomes what kind of concessions Verizon is willing to make in order to get its hands on the iPhone sooner rather than later. After all, unlike Apple, whose cellular presence lives and dies with the iPhone itself, Verizon’s primary priority is in ensuring that its current customers remain with the carrier; which particular phone they end up buying is secondary to the fact that they simply stay with Verizon.
Not only do we now know that the Android platform is a sinking ship, we also know that Verizon knows it, and perhaps most importantly, Apple now knows that Verizon knows it. The timetable for a Verizon iPhone is still anybody’s guess, but with most current Droid users presumably ending up with an iPhone when it’s all said and done, look for Verizon to try to make a Verizon iPhone happen as soon as possible – and with Apple’s known penchant for driving a hard bargain with potential partners, expect Verizon to be in a much weaker bargaining position than the Droid’s cheerleaders might expect. Here’s more on the Verizon iPhone."
Oh look, CNN Money's ****ty article with no details about the statistics strikes again. Why are journalists so dumb not to think for themselves.
Formerly known as iProng. Yeah definitely rabid fanboi site.
sliverofme said:
You just have to read this article! According to 'beatweek' (no, I've never heard of it either) the Android OS is doomed to failure! Wow! Thanks for clearing that up beatweek! I'll just go trade in my Nexus One now and get an iPhone 4! Thanks for the tip!
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Quote the article instead of just linking - that way you don't drive traffic hits to their site.
MaximReapage said:
Quote the article instead of just linking - that way you don't drive traffic hits to their site.
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Agreed. Quote dont link.
Here you guys go, BEWARE: THIS ARTICLE IS GUARANTEED TO ANGER YOU MORE THEN ANY OF THE RECENT ARTICLES. They use that recent "bogus" statistic to prove that android is a flop basically. Also, this is from an iPhone fan site, so im not sure why we are even reading it, its no more important then an android article is to an iphone user base.
Verizon needs Verizon iPhone more than Apple, after Droid debacle
July 25, 2010
Three years of talking about a Verizon iPhone, and still nothing to show for it. What we have instead are two facts that are sharply at odds with each other: Verizon customers want a Verizon iPhone, if their continual cries of the past three years are to be believed. And Apple is selling such an overwhelming number of iPhones to the point of extended delays and backorders, even with the limitation of continued AT&T exclusivity, that there wouldn’t be enough iPhone 4 inventory to hypothetically share with Verizon customers anyway. Apple can likely get out of its exclusive AT&T deal any time it wants just to by writing a large enough check, but that still offers no clue as to just when it might finally happen. But if you heard a loud thud off in the distance this week, it was the hopes and aspirations of the competing Android platform, in which Verizon has invested heavily with its Droid and Droid X, coming crashing down into what will apparently soon be a mere pile of rubble. As reported by CNN this week, a Yankee Group study reveals that an astounding four out of five current Android users have no plans to buy another Android phone. And that’s game over.
While Google’s own Android-based Nexus One phone has been canceled due to lack of interest, Verizon’s Android-based Droid has been selling quite well (though not nearly as well the platform’s most overenthusiastic users would like you to believe). But it doesn’t matter how many units you’re selling or how many new customers you’re acquiring if eighty percent of them are so dissatisfied with the platform that they’re already plotting their escape. It’s too soon to predict how many of the Android escapees will end up landing on the iPhone, but what is clear is that most Verizon customers who bought a Droid did so because they wanted an iPhone but weren’t willing to switch to AT&T, and so they settled for the closest thing to an iPhone they could get their hands on. Apparently not close enough, however, as the Android has now been revealed to be the fastest-sinking technology platform since, well maybe, ever.
But if the situation is so obviously dire that external temperature takers can now figure out that most Android users are looking to bail out of the platform when they buy their next phone, then it’s a safe bet that Verizon has already known this for at least a little while. So even as the carrier is dumping inordinate amounts of money in launching its new Droid X phone (and selling plenty of them, to be fair), Verizon likely has its left eye focused on endings the longstanding impasse with Apple and getting its hands on the iPhone to ensure that all these dissatisfied Android users don’t also leave Verizon when they leave the Android platform. In other words, Verizon now needs a Verizon iPhone more than Apple needs a Verizon iPhone. After all, that same CNN report shows that four out of five iPhone users plan to remain with the iPhone, the exact opposite scenario being faced by makers of Android-based phones. The question then becomes what kind of concessions Verizon is willing to make in order to get its hands on the iPhone sooner rather than later. After all, unlike Apple, whose cellular presence lives and dies with the iPhone itself, Verizon’s primary priority is in ensuring that its current customers remain with the carrier; which particular phone they end up buying is secondary to the fact that they simply stay with Verizon.
Not only do we now know that the Android platform is a sinking ship, we also know that Verizon knows it, and perhaps most importantly, Apple now knows that Verizon knows it. The timetable for a Verizon iPhone is still anybody’s guess, but with most current Droid users presumably ending up with an iPhone when it’s all said and done, look for Verizon to try to make a Verizon iPhone happen as soon as possible – and with Apple’s known penchant for driving a hard bargain with potential partners, expect Verizon to be in a much weaker bargaining position than the Droid’s cheerleaders might expect. Here’s more on the Verizon iPhone.
I didn't read a single post of this thread. . .
And I can safely say from the title "hahahahahahahahah"
Eat my Android Apple, you've been hosed. Welcome to the new revolution in cellular technology.
Anything involving fruit can be discarded, Android is top of the line and constantly improving free of cost
Thank you to everyone that contributes, I love my Androids and would never consider owning an Iphony
lol, the whole site is an iProduct circle jerk worship session.
See, this is how the internet works.
Bozo #1 basically trolls or skews some information, blogs it
Random people find it and quote it
Other bloggers find it and quote it
It gets spread in random directions, most not attributed to the original Bozo #1
Bozo #1 finds blogs/tweets/etc "validating" his information and probably blogs such
Other random people quote that his results are lining up with other's opinions..
It's a circle of hell.
"While Google’s own Android-based Nexus One phone has been canceled due to lack of interest"
That totally discredits the author completely.
sliverofme said:
You just have to read this article! According to 'beatweek' (no, I've never heard of it either) the Android OS is doomed to failure! Wow! Thanks for clearing that up beatweek! I'll just go trade in my Nexus One now and get an iPhone 4! Thanks for the tip!
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No need to get upset =)
Personally, I find it quite funny.
Let them yell, Android is moving ahead in gigantic steps, and nothing can stop its business model. No-licence, 100%-customizable, manufacturer-indifferent, platform-independant, open-source software will always win. It's the law of the universe. You can't stop progress.
Think about it. It's Steve Jobs (as a sole manufacturer and distributor of iOS) VERSUS an entire WORLD of hardware manufacturers and software engineers. You can't win. Apple cannot possible have enough ideas or innovation to beat the whole planet.
So.. sit back, laugh and watch it unravel. It'll be a good story with a good moral for your kids.
It's pretty humorous how they extrapolated all that insight from a misquote.
Seems to me that this guy is just unhappy that he can't get an iphone on verizon.
Interesting he says that because this says something completely different:
"Thanks to the omnipresent green robot, Verizon reported a stronger second quarter earnings report than expected by analysts. The carrier added 665,000 net new contract customers in the period, topping AT&T's net addition of 496,000 contract signing customers despite the latter's launch of the iPhone 4 on June 24th. "
From both phonearena and bloomberg.
player911 said:
"While Google’s own Android-based Nexus One phone has been canceled due to lack of interest"
That totally discredits the author completely.
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exactly. its funny we have a quote from a verizon preson saying they did not cancel the nexus one, that they wanted it, but that it was google that cancelled it on them.
Just another false propaganda article that's not worth crap.
erikikaz said:
Interesting he says that because this says something completely different:
"Thanks to the omnipresent green robot, Verizon reported a stronger second quarter earnings report than expected by analysts. The carrier added 665,000 net new contract customers in the period, topping AT&T's net addition of 496,000 contract signing customers despite the latter's launch of the iPhone 4 on June 24th. "
From both phonearena and bloomberg.
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this is probably why that hater wrote the article
this site is defly a apple fanboy site. just look at his twitter! (if youre curious: apple advertisements all over!!
"beatweek ....formerly iprong"...... wtf
guys, let this issue die, I think its embarrassing enough that they dont even read the statistics they are reading. Here is the real statistics."

interesting reading on 2.2 and samsung
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I can accept that story or some other form it. I mean, it is out in Europe and has been for some time. And they have been dropping new phones with 2.2 for a while now. Why wouldn't these A-holes release it in the States. Can't imagine they have been testing the firmware for the past 7 months.
I have the epic and our update got delayed too. I knew it had something to do some bs like this but why would they delay the epic update because it already has sprint 4g in it. They could be upgrading their wimax to lte or coming out with the bidder screen model with the super amoled plus screen and they will launch that with froyo and leave ours in the dust. I guess we will find out on the 3rd of feb at sprints special event
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I thought maybe Samsung was going to just skip 2.2 and release a 2.3 update because Samsung is already running 2.3 on their Nexus S.
I was actually going to buy an Epic tomorrow.
But, if this article is true, I am going to "devalue" Samsung and not buy their product.
[email protected] them if they are making existing customers suffer because of their greed.
Honestly, this is probably true. I know this sucks, but companies like this value their earnings more than their customers. Those of us who have been eagerly awaiting Froyo are in the minority, and they know that most of the people who own these devices couldn't care less about it.
This will probably be the last Samsung phone that I will ever buy, I'd rather give my money to a company which values their customers and provides customers with timely information regarding updates and the like.
This reminds me of the initial warnings about previous samsung devices and the lack of updates when the epic first came out. Although this is the best sprint phone I have owned to date I still wonder if I should have taken those warnings a little more seriously!
Yes I heard complaints in the past about Samsung's poor phone support but I still got the Epic. Mostly because my old phone (HTC Touch) died and it was going to cost $100 for a replacement (thanks lame Sprint insurance). So I just decided to get a new phone and compared to the Evo, the Epic seemed like the much better option. After experiencing Samsung's greed and lack of support for their existing products, I'm going back to HTC next go round.
Let's kill!
Agree. This most likely would've been the last Samsung phone I bought. This pretty much seals the deal.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
For my next phone I'm going to do exactly what I did with this phone. Find out what the best phone is.. check the phones out.. and go with the one that is the best. Right now, even after the Evo 4G Shift was released, the Epic and other Galaxy S phones are still the best phone. I have friends with the Evo, Droid X, MyTouch.. and I can safely say that I have the best phone. Those phones have 2.2, but I wouldn't THINK about switching to them. Do I want 2.2? Of course. I have it now thanks to custom roms but of course it kinda aggravates me that there is no official release of 2.2 yet. But that is ok. If I had a choice between a laptop with a Intel i3 running Windows 7 and a Intel i7 running Windows Vista (or even XP), I would take the i7.
In my opinion, company tactics will forever aggravate us users. Throwing around other company names like HTC as the company that will be this "knight in shining armor" will only dissappoint you in the future. I have had 3 HTC phones previously and without a doubt, I can say that they are definitely not beyond screwing their customers over. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it is right, but I'm saying that it is not uncommon. The day that these companies become non-profit organizations is the day you will see them put customers first.. I'm not holding my breath.
HeXeD said:
For my next phone I'm going to do exactly what I did with this phone. Find out what the best phone is.. check the phones out.. and go with the one that is the best. Right now, even after the Evo 4G Shift was released, the Epic and other Galaxy S phones are still the best phone. I have friends with the Evo, Droid X, MyTouch.. and I can safely say that I have the best phone. Those phones have 2.2, but I wouldn't THINK about switching to them. Do I want 2.2? Of course. I have it now thanks to custom roms but of course it kinda aggravates me that there is no official release of 2.2 yet. But that is ok. If I had a choice between a laptop with a Intel i3 running Windows 7 and a Intel i7 running Windows Vista (or even XP), I would take the i7.
In my opinion, company tactics will forever aggravate us users. Throwing around other company names like HTC as the company that will be this "knight in shining armor" will only dissappoint you in the future. I have had 3 HTC phones previously and without a doubt, I can say that they are definitely not beyond screwing their customers over. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it is right, but I'm saying that it is not uncommon. The day that these companies become non-profit organizations is the day you will see them put customers first.. I'm not holding my breath.
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I couldn't have said this better. I had debated typing this up earlier but you beat me to it. Great minds think alike
As Lee Corso would say, 'not so fast my friend.' Before I scooped my Epic, I had the HTC Touch (the original way old Vogue) and the ppc6700 (the silver brick) before that. I never had any issues with software other than crappy windows mobile but when it came to updates and/or support, I was happy. Hardware was on point as well. Samsung Galaxy has been a major disappointment for me having owner various Samsung products and knowing that their hardware is excellent. Still think the Epic is terrific. Just disappointed at all the troubles that customers have experienced across the entire Galaxy lineup.
JudasD said:
I couldn't have said this better. I had debated typing this up earlier but you beat me to it. Great minds think alike
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This page has more detailed information on the T-Mobile leaked rumor:
...Trust me when I tell you, we had an update for the original G1, and HTC begged us not to. In 75% of the cases known to me in my [time] here and my [time] dealing with Android I will say that honestly most upgrade hold offs were the Manufacturer and NOT us as some believe. But we catch the flack.
I am tired. [redacted] I am up to here with Samsung. They pulled the same thing with the Behold 2 that I MYSELF had to clean up and caught wind over. The update to 2.1 update 1 is existant...
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If true, this shows how completely and utterly out of touch Samsung's executives are with reality.
First of all, the whole theory that a 2.2-Vibrant(non-4G) would "devalue" the 4G. EVEN IF the only difference between the old and new Vibrant were the front camera and 4G, how many users likely to notice or care about whether or not the current Vibrant has 2.2 would *honestly* choose to buy the old model instead of the new one, even if it were a $50 difference between the two? People who buy $50 phones or wait months to get an old model on closeout for "free" with 2-year contract aren't the people who buy phones like the Epic, Vibrant, and the rest of the Galaxy S family. People in "our" category might ******* about a $50 difference... but we'll pay it anyway, because we know that if we don't, we'll be miserable and regret it daily for the next year or two.
Ditto, for customers who already own a Vibrant. In the entire United f***ing States, there *might* be 10,000 Vibrant owners who'll dump one and buy a Vibrant4G at full retail just to get 4G and/or the front camera. And I'll bet that a hefty subset of that group are T-Mobile employees whose "full" cost (after employee discount) is roughly what the rest of us would pay for a subsidized phone with contract, anyway. Now, having satisfied that group... how many more existing Vibrant customers do they REALLY think they're going to get by withholding 2.2 from owners of older Vibrants? Especially considering the abundance of custom ROMs.
The rationale becomes even more absurd when you consider the case of withholding 2.2 from Epic4G owners. I'm sure if you combed America hard enough, you might find a few Epic4G owners who'd dump it, pay the ETF to Sprint, switch to T-Mobile, and buy a Vibrant4G... but scratch a bit deeper, and I'd bet a major body part that the overwhelming majority of THAT group consists of users who probably wanted to switch anyway, and the existence of the Vibrant4G was more of an enabling excuse and rationale than an actual *reason*.
Companies like Samsung just don't seem to "get it". Consumers might chuck a $25 mp3 player to buy a newer, cooler one in 4 months. Statistically NOBODY chucks an expensive pocket computer whose marginal replacement cost exceeds $400 for an incremental improvement 4-6 months down the line. The closest ANY phone has probably come to motivating early switching was the Evo, and that was basically because the Evo was roughly twice as good as the Hero in almost every meaningful way, and worse in basically none. Users MIGHT be induced to switch early for 10x faster data, twice the cpu speed, 50% more resolution on a screen nearly twice the size, and a lot more ram. Users are NOT going to casually switch because one has 2.2 and one is officially stuck at 2.1... they're just going to root, reflash, and promise their deity of choice that they'll never buy another Samsung phone again.
If anything, T-Mobile is the biggest loser, because if true, this means that Samsung is effectively doing its best to devalue T-Mobile's inventory of existing unsold Vibrants. Now, if T-Mobile charges $10/month more for 4G service, that might merit trying harder to induce otherwise-indifferent new purchasers to go with the 4G model instead of the old model... but if it's the same price per month for service, it's to T-Mobile's own advantage to all but encourage new customers who are indifferent between the two to go with the old one... it's one less phone for T-Mobile to write off as a loss and send to a spare parts warehouse to gather dust until it ends up in a landfill or gets dumped on a new penny-pinching customer who only cares that it's "free" with 2-year contract, and one fewer customer who'll start abusing youtube as a source of free in-car music on demand (soaking up lots of bandwidth in the process).
This is the kind of logic that leaves me wondering how some big corporations can even stay in business. I worked for one a couple of years ago where we were ordered to *immediately* dispose of a hundred or so old laptops -- at a cost of $250 apiece -- instead of keeping them piled on a few shelves in a storage room in case we came up with a good use for them someday (like using them as thin clients for call center operators... something we had, in fact, done before). The executive rationale? The accountants complained that they were "costing" us $5,000/month to store based on the square-foot value of the space they were taking up in the closet, and somebody's wet dream fantasies about the value of that space. The thing is, we were about ~15 employees in a warehouse-like facility almost a square city block in size that was 95% empty (built during the dotcom boom, then the company was stuck with it due to a glut of similar buildings nearby). So, we burned $25,000 in the name of emptying off a 4x6 foot steel shelving unit, basically to humor the delusional fantasies of a faceless borg more concerned with a checklist item than getting actual work done and bringing in revenue. Madness. Pure, faceless, bureaucratically-driven out of control insanity.
HeXeD said:
For my next phone I'm going to do exactly what I did with this phone. Find out what the best phone is.. check the phones out.. and go with the one that is the best. Right now, even after the Evo 4G Shift was released, the Epic and other Galaxy S phones are still the best phone. I have friends with the Evo, Droid X, MyTouch.. and I can safely say that I have the best phone. Those phones have 2.2, but I wouldn't THINK about switching to them. Do I want 2.2? Of course. I have it now thanks to custom roms but of course it kinda aggravates me that there is no official release of 2.2 yet. But that is ok. If I had a choice between a laptop with a Intel i3 running Windows 7 and a Intel i7 running Windows Vista (or even XP), I would take the i7.
In my opinion, company tactics will forever aggravate us users. Throwing around other company names like HTC as the company that will be this "knight in shining armor" will only dissappoint you in the future. I have had 3 HTC phones previously and without a doubt, I can say that they are definitely not beyond screwing their customers over. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it is right, but I'm saying that it is not uncommon. The day that these companies become non-profit organizations is the day you will see them put customers first.. I'm not holding my breath.
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I agree with you and I really love my Epic BUT.... I can't help wondering how much better the phone would be with the upgrade.
Also Im sure this has been posted but this is an interesting read rating carriers and manufacturers on their upgrade rate.
looks to be true. This is on the front page of yahoo news.
Also made it to Slashdot!
And PC World:
I have a feeling some people at Samsung are having a very bad day indeed.
Nexus S reboot problem:
Google Nexus S, google's second handset is in the limelight for wrong reasons this time. Looks like, the nexus S handsets are randomly rebooting atleast once every 48 hours, usually during a voice call! Google has officially confirmed this bug in their support forum. All the handsets that has been updated to the latest version of gingerbread (Android 2.3.1/GRH78) are affected by this bug.
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User's post from Slashdot story:
The real reason they are stonewalling on the 2.2 update for Vibrant is this: When they released the 2.2 update for the Vibrant in Canada, the update worked fine for a week or two, and then like clockwork bricked a huge percentage of the phones that updated. And when I say bricked, I'm not being liberal with that word, after a week or so running the Samsung 2.2 update, the SD card would become corrupt, and recovery mode would be unable to format it. My wife and I both have Vibrants, and it happened to them both one day apart. Samsung has been silent on the matter. Not surprising they'd avoid moving sending the 2.2 update out to US Vibrant owners, and also not surprising that they're refusing to explain why. Bell at least is fixing them, but lots of people on the XDA forum are saying their "repaired" phones are bricking again in short order.
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Samsung's official response to CNET's query about the rumor:
Samsung Mobile does not comment on rumors or speculation. With regard to the Froyo update, we recently issued the following statement: "Samsung feels it is important to make the Android 2.2/Froyo upgrade available only after we feel that we can give the millions of U.S. Galaxy S owners a simple and reliable upgrade experience. Due to the complexity and unique functionality of each Galaxy S device, we are performing additional testing and are working to make the Android 2.2/Froyo upgrade available to all U.S. Galaxy S owners, including the Samsung Vibrant, as soon as possible.
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Just to add to this conversation --> Just got off a chat with Sprint and I kept asking them about Froyo for the Epic. Everytime I mentioned it, the Sprint rep would direct me to Samsung and it's their fault. I think they got mad that I kept asking and pushing the subject, that they said they could no longer help me on the chat and gave me Samsung's number to call.
Looking at Samsung's facebook account, there a bunch of people complaining about this issue. Hopefully all this pressure will make Samsung cave in. *crosses fingers*
I call bull****.
Having come from the Crackberry world, this sort of stuff happens all the time. A supposed "reliable source" will leak some sort of story, the fringe enthusiast sites get wind of it and generates chatter and it eventually gets picked up by a naive journalist with a lazy editor and it gets put up as "legit" news which then causes a feedback loop which causes the internet to explore.
The example that comes to mind is the OS update for the Blackberry Storm 9530 on Verizon, a leaked OS that "reliable sources" claimed was going to be the next official update but wasn't. It made it to PC World as well:
And it was 100% bull****. So I wouldn't give this rumor much credence.
The explanation of not wanting to take the wind out of the sails of the Vibrant 4G is irrelevant to other Galaxy S models where there is no similar Osbourne effect - such as with the Epic 4G.
My guess is that the actual explanation is much more mundane. Given the problem with Froyo bricking Vibrants, I would bet dollars to donuts that Samsung got super gunshy and their slow approach to Froyo updates to smaller markets is nothing more than a widespread, low-risk beta test to make sure their code is up to snuff before risking releasing an unstable update to the larger, litigious American Galaxy S userbases.

Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1 with 4g up for preorder at $550. Motorola let us down big...

Title says it all. Motorola went the way of exploitation and took the cheap route of superficial marketing to rush a half baked device to market at the expense of it's customers. Trying to put the final touchs on their Frankenstein creation people received their xooms unsealed and in essence unguarded. People have reported sending in their malfunctioning devices only to met with refusal because of "water damage" even though the seal on the purchase was already removed when they received it. Motorola reps at CES repeatedly said that the xoom would be upgradable to 4g soon after release, some saying 40 days, some saying 2 months, some saying whatever - all being false. SD card support has never been honored even though other tablets like the transformer with fundamentally identical specs have delivered since day one. Now Samsung is offering the same thing in thinner form factor for almost 300 dollars less - and we can only assume it will actually be WORKING also.
And if all this isn't bad enough we see that while Motorola had no problem taking large sums of money on false pretenses they simultaneously had no shame about neglecting original xoom owners and developing a second xoom in the meantime that is nothing more than a working version of what they promised the first would be. Pathetic.
They are striving hard for recognition as the biggest piece of **** company in the android game and judging by the recent reports of their stock value, it seems they are successful at something. Seriously it is not rocket science. False advertising, ****ty support (or none at all), zero accountability, no remorse or attempt for compensation or consumer confidence, equals a ****ty company that loses value in a competative market. Someone over there needs to take their heads out of their ass. A child can understand this.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
Oh my god just $550 and no contract? I wouldn't mind prepaid 4g data from verzion....
Europe has SD card support, and since it's not a GED that makes me suspect that the problem with SD card support is more of a Google issue than a Moto issue.
VaKo said:
Europe has SD card support
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Not yet, Motorola posted at Facebook that they will roll out the 3.1 Update with SD soon for EU... But what is soon? 2 weeks? 2 months?
Nobody received a update yet...
They shafted a lot of people. I have the WiFi only model so I don't apply. That sucks for everyone else though.
Does it suck? Yes. Motorola sold the Xoom on promises. But nowhere on the Box or on any advertisements did they say when LTE would be given out and nowhere in the advertisements was the SD card slot mentioned. So although you feel like you have been taken advantage of, you need to take some personal responsibility. You purchased an unfinished product willingly.
My response is that I will no longer buy Motorola products.
First this is not a personal attack on anyone, but I have to say that ALL of us bought this device well knowing that some of the features were still in developement. I have not seen anyone present actual evidence of Motorola committing to any specific dates as to when these features would be added. If you have evidence please share as I am sure there are many people who would like to see it.
Moto was first out of the gate with a HC tablet, if they had waited until everything was done it still would not have shipped and the same people who are blasting Motorola now for unsupported features would be the same people screaming that they were late to market. The US Xoom is a GED device, so the SD support is fully in Google's hands. As for the LTE upgrade, I have a WiFi Xoom so I really can not comment any more than what I have already said. In this type of market there really are not too many options.
1) Ship something with less features to be first or earlier to the market
2) Wait for the features to be fully supported and be late to the market
3) Ship the unit with full hardware support but lacking full software support so that features can be enabled in future SW updates.
It comes down to which one of these options satisfies the most people. I personally think they made the right choice, but everyone is entitled to thier own opinion. Now do I believe Moto needs to reduce the pricing to compete, of course. But I am sure that as soon as they reduce prices, people will be *****ing about that too. There is ALWAYS a premium for buying the first of anything, especially in the technology market.
Me personally, I like my Xoom and after reading reviews of the Samsung given the option to choose I would stick with the Xoom. Is it heavier - absolutely, is it more robust/durable - absolutely, is it going to get Adroid updates faster and for a longer period of time - most likely.
Regarding the point of them already designing a next generation Xoom, that is what companies have to do to stay competitive. There will ALWAYS be something newer/better/cheaper on the horizon and I would be more pissed off if they were not working on the next best thing.
Does it suck that something we all just spent good $$$ on a few months ago is not the "best" thing anymore, sure but that is how it goes.
I dont feel bad about my purchase...the cost of being an early adopter...also i dont care what anyone says...that Tab feels cheap as hell. My xoom feels bullet proof. Apple was able to make a thin device feel solid but like their phones, cameras, and big screen TV...the tab feels very plasticy and cheap. Just my opinion. I still love my xoom despite all this other stuff that comes out.
Kippui said:
Oh my god just $550 and no contract? I wouldn't mind prepaid 4g data from verzion....
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Where are you seeing that. I see $529 with a contract.
nubsors said:
Does it suck? Yes. Motorola sold the Xoom on promises. But nowhere on the Box or on any advertisements did they say when LTE would be given out and nowhere in the advertisements was the SD card slot mentioned. So although you feel like you have been taken advantage of, you need to take some personal responsibility. You purchased an unfinished product willingly.
My response is that I will no longer buy Motorola products.
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I am aware that they didn't commit to a "specific" date. Although if you followed CES where the xoom was debuted you will have heard Motorola reps offering all sorts of unofficial etas (all of which have come and gone). Regardless, misleading and dishonest advertising doesn't depend on them specifying a date. While they have said things like "by the end of Q2" (which was yesterday for anyone following) the practical truth is that when you offer a service in a fast moving market where a devices life cycle of relevance can be as little as 6 to 8 months (hence the new xoom 4g already on the horizon and quadcore chips becoming standard before the end of the year) you only have a certain window of oppertunity to deliver in a manner that represents the market you are trying to succeed in. To turn around and crawl under technicalities like, "we never promised you a certain date" becomes just a bold affirmation of ones own incompetence and utter lack of comprehension of the role that consumer trust plays in the role of your business. Look at apple. They have the most loyal fanbase, so much so that people buy their **** on principle without thinking, and while they shaft them on price, specs, and basic functionalities - they don't leave them out to dry when it comes to support.
As far as the SD card goes, go to Motorola's site. It is one of the specs advertised.
Someone can try to portray this as my own personal unjustified gripe but objectivity speaking these are business practices that will tarnish anyone's reputation and make people hesitant to buy their ****. I don't control that, it stems from common sense.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
The SD card issue on the US GED is a Google issue, everyone else is adding it aside from Google, so they need to answer this question. I don't think it's a huge issue though, it has 32GB of storage and I'm happy with that.
As for all the other complaints, yes, Moto are lying ****s, this isn't even a matter of debate anymore. But I still like my Xoom and I'm glad I bought it.
bmhanson said:
Where are you seeing that. I see $529 with a contract.
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Sorry lol

Is America Screwed when it comes to Samsung?

First of all I am not what I would call a fan boy even though every major appliance in my house is a Samsung, even the dishwasher. I have an S3 phone and the Note 10.1 is my constant companion. Lately I have been wondering as we wait for JB update (both phone and tablet) if the Apple ruling in the USA is hampering the speed that we are getting Samsung updates or software. Hell, you can barely get any accessories for the Note 10.1 in the US much less an update. There are even issues with some software available on the the Samsung app store that due to licensing issues Samsung can't sell in the US but the rest of the world has full access.
I love my tablet and would not trade it for any other. Works great as it is and if JB never came I would be fine. However, I think that it is possible we will see a much different user experience here in the states over the next few years when it comes to Samsung Tablets and Phones than the rest of the world. Until Apple gets off the crack pipe and stops litigating every electronic item that comes out we may have an issue.
rap6388 said:
...if the Apple ruling in the USA is hampering the speed that we are getting Samsung updates or software.
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It's just Samsung's priorities or lack thereof. HTC's just as bad. And both typically launch updates internationally first so our friends overseas aren't getting something we're not since other than the one German carrier ROM no Note has JB. The JB roll-out on the SGS3's not going particularly well and the One X JB update went back to the drawing board after problems were encountered when it was rolled out to the first region to receive it (Taiwan). So it’s the update process that sucks and the U.S. is just along for the ride.
Hell, you can barely get any accessories for the Note 10.1 in the US
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Or Europe. The car dock for the GN was released nine months after it was shown. Same thing for the wireless charging station for the SGS3. The U.S. actually got the book cover for the Note before Europe. The accessory line is just mismanaged; I don't think the U.S. fares better or worse than the rest of the world. And again, HTC's the same. Kind of makes you wonder why they offer accessories at all if they don't want to sell them.
I think that it is possible we will see a much different user experience here in the states over the next few years when it comes to Samsung Tablets and Phones than the rest of the world.
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You need to separate tablets and phones. Phones are always going to be a cluster here in the U.S because Samsung doesn't sell unlocked phones directly and the carriers here are notorious for their lack of urgency for getting updates out. The U.S. Wi-Fi Note is a Samsung direct device and so far hasn't been treated better or worse than its international relatives when it comes to updates. Samsung customizes the s/w by region for each device they sell. The U.S. is just another region and a big one at that. Certain Android features are blocked in the U.S. by both Samsung and HTC but so far that hasn’t appeared to affect the update schedule one way or the other.
Don't you guys never heard abaut ebay (de or gb). And considering on updates, sammobile page is available on whole earth.
No, its the same everywhere else. I'm in the uk and have received 0 updates.
im in egypt and no update
i wish the give the update to world wide very soon
I don't think I was clear. This is not about the JB update but just Samungs' position in the market right now with Apple hanging over their head based on the over the top billion dollar ruling.
For example, there is an app in Samsung market called DirectOffice Print. It is a great print app but the US owner can't buy the app on the app store because of contract issues Samsung has in the US. It is items like this and features that the US seem to miss that I am speaking of.
rap6388 said:
I don't think I was clear. This is not about the JB update but just Samungs' position in the market right now with Apple hanging over their head based on the over the top billion dollar ruling.
For example, there is an app in Samsung market called DirectOffice Print. It is a great print app but the US owner can't buy the app on the app store because of contract issues Samsung has in the US. It is items like this and features that the US seem to miss that I am speaking of.
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The Samsung App store not being able to manage payments in the U.S. is an infrastructure issue that has nothing to do with Apple. They've said U.S. payments will be in enable in Q1 2013. And the "billion dollar ruling" is a drop in the bucket; they made $7.4B in profit in Q3 of this year alone. By raising Apple's chip prices 20% they probably covered it if they indeed ever have to pay it. The Note V will be out by the time appeals are exhausted. If Samsung's not doing something or not doing it right it's because their Samsung. They get a lot right but they get a lot wrong too.
rap6388 said:
I don't think I was clear. This is not about the JB update but just Samungs' position in the market right now with Apple hanging over their head based on the over the top billion dollar ruling.
For example, there is an app in Samsung market called DirectOffice Print. It is a great print app but the US owner can't buy the app on the app store because of contract issues Samsung has in the US. It is items like this and features that the US seem to miss that I am speaking of.
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Well, as much as I hate to say it, this is how Sammy does business.
It's worse if you're in Canada.
Samsung Canada has a reciprocal agreement with Samsung USA not to sell to each other's market. But Samsung Canada doesn't feel there's much demand in Canada for computer products - just phones... (although it is getting better - we now have netbooks... Yes, that was sarcasm...) so we either get Samsung products late or not at all. And even though we're right on the border - we can cross border shop - we can't buy the products in the US online and have it shipped.
Ironically, Samsung opened their first North American full time store in Metrotown Mall in Burnaby British Columbia Canada (a suburb of Vancouver).but they can't show most of their products because they're not available in Canada and you can't buy them from the US.
And even though Canada uses the same cell and WiFi frequencies as the US, we get 'special' verisons of their products that block us from getting updates at the same time as the US. (That's why there's a GN 8010 AND a GN 8013 that are essentially identical). I had the same problem with my Galaxy Nexus phone - the Canadian version is a yakjuux which is supported (barely) by Samsung rather than the yakju version that's supported by Google directly,.
Like you - most of my hardware is Samsung - simply because they build exactly what I want. No one else does. But it means I have to drive to the US and buy these over the counter and drive them back, or have a friend in the US ship it to me.
I may like Samsung's products - but the company sucks...
Side note: Also, they're lousy at getting accessories in big box stores like Best Buy and Future Shop up here... I was trying to get a Note 10.1 Book case and the Samsung Store was out. They recommended going to BB or FS and I had to point out that neither of them actually carry any Samsung accessories - hell, it's hard enough finding the Note 10.1 in some of them...
I should have learned my lesson when I had my Tab 10.1, took them a year to update it to ICS. By the time they did that, I had been using unofficial ROM for about 4 months (give or take). Not acceptable. This is definitely my last Samsung tablet, even though I love it dearly. Samsung don't deserve one single dime for their awful commitment to customer's satisfaction.
Gotta get Nexus
if you want the latest ROMS
mrdaco said:
Don't you guys never heard abaut ebay (de or gb). And considering on updates, sammobile page is available on whole earth.
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That's not a solution. If I wanted to buy from unreliable and potentially shady resellers - I'd buy at Best Buy.
At least they have a return policy...
The point is that if you're going to make products, you should support them well. Or at all. Samsung is the leader in sales for smartphones and are rapidly growing in market share for tablets... yet they still can't get Best Buy to carry cases for their phones or tablets. All you get is the usual wall after wall of iDevice crap.
Best Buy isn't a charity - they carry what they think will sell - or what the manufacturer will pay them to carry (yes, surprise - manufacturers pay for special displays and 'endcaps' as well as for preferred positioning - higher on a shelf for example). Samsung has to spend a bit more to get the visibility Apple gets. They have to realise that customer support is more than just having a lousy website that's more about selling more product than about supporting the customers they already have...
But 'return customer' and 'customer loyalty' seems very low on Asian hardware maker's minds, it would seem.
TheWerewolf said:
But 'return customer' and 'customer loyalty' seems very low on Asian hardware maker's minds, it would seem.
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The h/w business is almost entirely Asian with the exception of Apple, Nokia, and Motorola. We've discussed update priorities, accessory availability, and general attention to existing customer's needs. Only Motorola sells Android devices so it's them vs. the Asians if you want to draw a comparison. I've owned devices from Motorola and most of the Asian manufacturers. Here's my conclusion: they all suck in the three categories we're discussing. Let's add a fourth category; product quality. Here's my quick assessment:
Samsung - Means well but gets caught up in their enormity. Their priority is clearly future sales but they generally tend to treat the existing customer base well. There are exceptions and the OG G-Tab update to ICS is a good one. By offering dozens of different s/w types on a single device they make their own life more difficult. Rolling out updates across regions is a cluster because of it. They have terrific warranty service and will pay roundtrip shipping for repairs and replace a device with a new one if parts aren't available. They suck at the number of accessories offered and making them available in a timely manner. Their products are generally well put together using premium components.
HTC - Has really been trying to get updates out more quickly and with better quality. The One X has been updated to three new Android versions and has gotten three new versions of Sense since March. In spite of that it still takes too long to get updates out and they've had some pretty bad s/w that's been deployed without being thoroughly tested. Their warranty service is hit or miss depending on region. The U.S. isn't too bad and they do seem to try to get things right. They have a really nice variety of accessories; good luck trying to find them in stock anywhere. Their products are made from premium components but they've had a lot of QC issues with their latest devices. Good examples are extremely well made. They don't provide warranty support for devices that have had their bootloaders unlocked.
LG - Their support in the U.S. is atrocious and the rest of the world is a mixed bag. An alarming number of their products over the past two years have had design and h/w issues. Examples are overheating, spontaneous rebooting, boot loops, and sporadic wireless performance. Both the new Optimus G and N4 have thermal throttling issues so it doesn't seem like much has changed. The HTC Droid DNA has the same chip set and isn't experiencing similar issues. They are absolutely atrocious at updates. They offer few accessories and what's offered is impossible to find. Their devices are built well but it doesn't matter if they have fatal design flaws. The customer has to pay to ship a device to LG for repair.
Asus - They put more effort in to serving their existing customers than any other Android manufacturer. They are quick to update their devices, have representatives commenting on XDA, and try to address issues they're made aware of. Their warranty service is atrocious with frequent claims of "customer induced damage" for known issues. It can take weeks to get a device repaired and it's difficult to get an accurate status. Customers pay shipping to get the device to Asus. Their products are made from inferior and in some cases outdated components. They also have an abnormally high number of QC issues. The latter two elements along with crappy repair service sort of negate their customer service efforts. They offer a few basic accessories that seem to be generally more available compared to other manufacturers. When they introduce a new device its a cluster trying to find it and, because they're offered in multiple colors, finding the matching keyboard. They don't provide warranty support for devices that have had their bootloaders unlocked.
Sony - There are tied with LG for being worst at keeping their devices updated. I'm not familiar with their mobile device service but I've used them for PC service and they've been very responsive. Their products are generally well made but always seem to be a cycle behind everyone else design, feature and s/w wise. They tend to do well with offering accessories and making them readily available but they are very expensive.
Motorola - Their support of existing customers is tragic compared to the Asians. Even after Google acquired them they announced that late-2011 high-end devices that they promised upgrades to ICS for wouldn't be receiving them. They offered affected customers $100 off a future Motorola phone instead. They are also worse than the Asians at updates they do roll out. Their warranty and repair service is generally good. Their products are well made but MotoBlur is considered the worst of the overlays. It has been toned down on newer phones but is still far less complete than Sense or TW. They offer quite a few accessories but they are quite expensive. They are fairly easy to find. But in comparing Motorola to the Asians their complete lack of regard for existing customers makes them the worst of a bad lot. They don't provide warranty support for devices that have had their bootloaders unlocked.​
So, at the end of the day, there aren't really any stand-out winners. Toshiba, Acer, and Lenovo are bit players based on the low volume of devices they sell so I haven't included them. From general observation they aren't typically known to be any better or worse than the companies I've described. So balancing all four criteria Samsung and HTC, IMHO, are the best of a bad lot (at least in the Android world). Since Samsung seems to be taking over the Android world any way we might not have to worry about comparisons for very much longer.
Thoughts? Personal experiences?
BarryH_GEG said:
The h/w business is almost entirely Asian with the exception of Apple, Nokia, and Motorola. We've discussed update priorities, accessory availability, and general attention to existing customer's needs. Only Motorola sells Android devices so it's them vs. the Asians if you want to draw a comparison. I've owned devices from Motorola and most of the Asian manufacturers. Here's my conclusion: they all suck in the three categories we're discussing. Let's add a fourth category; product quality. Here's my quick assessment:
So, at the end of the day, there aren't really any stand-out winners. Toshiba, Acer, and Lenovo are bit players based on the low volume of devices they sell so I haven't included them. From general observation they aren't typically known to be any better or worse than the companies I've described. So balancing all four criteria Samsung and HTC, IMHO, are the best of a bad lot (at least in the Android world). Since Samsung seems to be taking over the Android world any way we might not have to worry about comparisons for very much longer.
Thoughts? Personal experiences?
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Sounds like Samsung should hire Asus to support their products and Asus should get Samsung build their products.
Vincent9756 said:
Sounds like Samsung should hire Asus to support their products and Asus should get Samsung build their products.
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Here's the difference between Asus and Samsung/HTC when it comes to updates. Asus is the hands-down winner for getting updates out the door the fastest. But in doing so, it takes at least three subsequent updates to make the initial update complete. Samsung and HTC are painfully slow but (usually) the updates they get out are pretty solid. By that time, because Asus had to update the update multiple times, they arrive at the same place at the same time. Kind of a "tortoise vs. the hare" thing.
BarryH_GEG said:
The h/w business is almost entirely Asian with the exception of Apple, Nokia, and Motorola. We've discussed update priorities, accessory availability, and general attention to existing customer's needs. Only Motorola sells Android devices so it's them vs. the Asians if you want to draw a comparison. I've owned devices from Motorola and most of the Asian manufacturers. Here's my conclusion: they all suck in the three categories we're discussing. Let's add a fourth category; product quality. Here's my quick assessment:
So, at the end of the day, there aren't really any stand-out winners. Toshiba, Acer, and Lenovo are bit players based on the low volume of devices they sell so I haven't included them. From general observation they aren't typically known to be any better or worse than the companies I've described. So balancing all four criteria Samsung and HTC, IMHO, are the best of a bad lot (at least in the Android world). Since Samsung seems to be taking over the Android world any way we might not have to worry about comparisons for very much longer.
Thoughts? Personal experiences?
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I agree. I wasn't actually making a 'Western vs Asian' comparison - although rereading what I wrote, it does come across that way. Unfortunately, Apple is kind of the bar for support, quality and attention to detail, even with their recent decline in all three areas.
But my experiences with HP, for example - with their Slate 500 was odd - they had delivery problems, but they really went the extra mile to make up for it. In fact, in my own case, they ended up giving me almost a 30% discount for being late. I didn't even ask for it. They did screw up by choosing n-Trig for the digitiser - but at the time, it seemed a logical choice.
I only have one major experience with Dell - I bought an Axion Windows Mobile PDA that failed. They sent me a box in which to return it at no cost... and a new unit along with the box - also at no cost.
Of course, I have a Transformer Prime - and it's such a mixed bag of hurt and happy. As you note - the device feels right - and they got a lot right about it. It has the best USB driver support of any tablet out there. It provides enough USB power to run a hard drive. The dock is brilliant. And then they mess up something as basic as the GPS, WiFi and Bluetooth. And I think most of us could have dealt with that - if Asus hadn't utterly botched their response to the problem by essentially admitting the problem, then failing to fix it, then claiming the GPS wasn't meant for serious use (commerical GPS? What?) then trying to erase history by removing the feature from the box, then sending everyone a free GPS dongle that was just horribly thought out... and didn't fix the WiFi or BT issues. To add insult to injury - they announce a replacement pair of Transformers with the problem fixed... just two weeks after finally shipping the Prime - which was late. But the Infinity was supposed to be $100 more (which kind of took some of the pain away) - only to finally ship at the exact same price as the Prime.
Oh.. and then just after getting the dongle, the Prime's back camera died and that took a month to get repaired...
That's a lot of bad PR and bad customer support in one ball of hurt.
I bought an HTC Surround - the design made it impossible to remove the back without holding the screen which is on a slider. I sent it back after just two months of ownership because after upgrading to WP7.5 the screen started to act oddly.They claimed that the strain on the screen damaged it and refused to repair or replace it under warranty - demanding $250.
Which brings us back to Apple for a moment - I bought an iPhone 3G and two weeks afters the warranty expired, the 3G radio fried. When I took it back, they refused service - but offered refurb replacement.. also for $250. I asked if I could pay extra and upgrade to the 3Gs, but they refused claiming that their agreement with the cellco prohibited that. You'll pardon me when I get annoyed at people who go on about how great Apple's customer support is and how 'they'll replace or repair broken devices, even if they're a little over warranty...' Riiiight.
So, yes, as much as I hate to say it - at the moment, Samsung is the least evil current choice....
But it's definitely not what I would call a great choice...
TheWerewolf said:
Apple is kind of the bar for support, quality and attention to detail, even with their recent decline in all three areas.
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I totally agree. Part of it is because Apple's a marketing culture. They have always believed that pulling customers in with an excellent experience (h/w, s/w, content, support) and not relegating the control of the experience to others would lead them to loyalty, advocacy, scale, and profit. Looking at their market cap you can't argue with their approach. But their stock's dropped 20% since September while Samsung's been selling record numbers of devices and reeling in record profits. Samsung is no Apple and I don't think they'd ever be able to adapt that culture. But Apple's begun to bore people by sticking to their formula while everyone else is offering bolder more individualized experiences. The aging of Apple's demographic and adoption of Android by younger market segments doesn't bode well for Apple's future. At some point they are going to have to do something interesting and it isn't making the iPhone's display taller. Remember their famous "1984" commercial and the "think different" campaign? They've become what they used to parody.
I'm from Australia and thought much the same particularly with accessory availability. Then I moved to kenya of all places. Here Samsung is the undisputed champion. Nobody has an Iphone. Everyone has Samsung. Accessories are everywhere. All the major Supermarkets have a phone shop inside them and nearly all carry accessories en masse.
It makes an enormous difference to the functionality and usefulness of the product when you can do things like plug a flash drive into it or plug it into your TV. There are also many dedicated Samsung shops around the place. Although for some reason they seem to get the products later than the other retailers.
Samsung can definitely get it right in certain regions. I'm not sure why it struggles in others
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Simple, its what the public wants... Or thinks it wants...
Samsung have started to push out adverts here in Oz, especially S3 and SGNote 10.1, now when you rarely ever used to see their phones advertised. Apple was everywhere...
The shops are simply responding to what the customers want... Everyone was buying apple products, so naturally you stock Apple accessories with a few other brand accessories too. But if the lions share of customers want Apple products, why would you stock with only a few Apple accessories and have a whole heap of stuff you can't sell because the perceived market isn't there? That would be, from a sellers point of view, madness...
Until public opinion and buying habits shift noticeably then we are stuck with shops full of Crapple merchandise. When Android becomes a major seller, this is where standardisation is good, then we'll see the stock move to that area instead as profit drops for Apple stock... Unfortunately there's still a perception among retailers that Apple is an easy sell... That and the fact that there are a million different types of android tablet and phones out in the world, and there's only so many things they are prepared to stock while generally all Apple stuff fit or was useable by all apple customers... Until Iphone 5 that is...
The issue as I have always understood it has many sides. First Apple builds their OS for their devices, no one else gets it no other hardware can run it so they only have to optimize and remove features based on the generation of the device (3GS, 4, 4S, etc) and what will and won't work.
Now for Android OEM's they have a couple of challenges. First Google makes the OS and unless you are chosen for a Nexus launch you won't get the new OS in its finished state until after that (don't recall when JB 4.1.1 came out) so they have to wait.
Then the OEM's have to decide which devices can and cannot run the software based on the crippled (carrier specified hardware in the USA) so devices that are less than a year old get screwed over (HTC 2012 and 2011). Then they have to make sure their drivers work since not ever one of their phones (and tablets) uses the same processor or family of processors so we have Texas Instruments, Qualcomm, Samsung, Intel, etc. Then the priority is always given to the latest hardware going out the door since you want your newest hardware to (hopefully) be running the most current OS you had in the pipeline, or in our case JB 4.1.1. Then they start to update for devices they can support.
Now what I see as a huge issue and is the heart of fragmentation is Google's failure to set standards and timelines from both the OEM's and Carriers (USA are the offenders here) to deliver the OS updates. Google should be collaborating with the OEM's to enforce software rollouts. They could also put forth some type of awareness campaign to insure users are in the know and can have an expectation from their carrier and OEM that they will get that update. Oh wait that was the Android Alliance crap announced last year that did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
For me I would be fine with my GN 10.1 and soon GN 2 running some iteration of JellyBean hopefully 4.2 so it has the enhanced security features etc.
BarryH_GEG said:
I totally agree. Part of it is because Apple's a marketing culture. They have always believed that pulling customers in with an excellent experience (h/w, s/w, content, support) and not relegating the control of the experience to others would lead them to loyalty, advocacy, scale, and profit. Looking at their market cap you can't argue with their approach. But their stock's dropped 20% since September while Samsung's been selling record numbers of devices and reeling in record profits. Samsung is no Apple and I don't think they'd ever be able to adapt that culture. But Apple's begun to bore people by sticking to their formula while everyone else is offering bolder more individualized experiences. The aging of Apple's demographic and adoption of Android by younger market segments doesn't bode well for Apple's future. At some point they are going to have to do something interesting and it isn't making the iPhone's display taller. Remember their famous "1984" commercial and the "think different" campaign? They've become what they used to parody.
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Just gotta say: iCustomers are snobby, horribly wretched, self-absorbed "high designer" wanna-be's. Apple's hw is far from impeccable, the sw is strangling. They're good at glamour (making something appear far better than it actually is). Samsung is unfortunately trying to cut into that crowd, and I think they'd do better to provide a strong counter position: a tablet that lasts for years instead of 6 months. A phone that makes it to the next upgrade cycle (like the gNex).
Early 20th century design principles (built to last decades-- ie heirloom quality) should be a global standard....yes I know I'm pipe dreaming here....
Apple IMO has made it difficult for Samsung to really get behind its own products in the US, but it's jot just apple, mobile device carriers have lobbied our government, fcc, and individual manufacturers to NOT release things like the p6800 or the n8000 because carriers want you to buy a phone AND a tablet with a data plan, not just a tabletnwith telephony hardware... so f***ing sick of our markets being manipulated by the big players, people don't even know that there ARE tablets available with telephony hw... blah...
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