COM not showing up in Odin/Downloader Mode - Vibrant General

Was downloading lag fix and now phone won't do anything but show black screen with touch buttons lit up. Will show battery icon with usb plugged in and will allow me to get in to downloader mode (volume up+down and power) but odin does not show a com port when in downloader mode, but will show a com port when shut plugged in and battery icon showing. I have the drivers loaded, but can't use odin flash to stock rom.
NOTE: I can get into stock recovery but not into rooted recovery.
anyhelp would be appreciated

when you have it in download mode unplug it from the computer NOT THE PHONE!!! just make sure you do that lol then it should pop up from there good luck
just so you know this should be in general and not here


[Q] phone to pc screen :(

dont kno if im posting this in the correct section or not but can some one plz help? i was trying to flash the stock files for my samsung vibrant with odin, but it froze so i unplugged and tried to reboot my phone but the phone to pc screen came up. ive tried holding the volume buttons + power to get back to download mode, but it just reboots and goes back to it, can anybody help?
Did you hold the power button down till it disappears and then release the power button immediately as it disappears?
hadnt tryin releasing the power button right away but i just tried and still no luck
Johnz is right. To make sure, unplug & plug back in the usb cable, then hold down the volume keys & power, wait till the screen flashes to black, then release power.
Unplug and pull the battery.
Install battery.
While holding both volume buttons, plug in usb cable.
Have odin ready to go, it seems to help. The phone should power up directly to download mode, once odin sees it, hit start.
i dont get what im doing wrong because ive tried what u guys said but after the screen flashes black when it comes back on its the phone to pc screen. ive also noticed that if i pull the battery while the usb cord is connected the phone stays on at that screen until i remove the usb cord, is that normal?
i just read that if the normal ways dont work that means ur phone is hardware locked. looks like im gonna have to try to send it back to tmobile and hope for the best
Try the above, but also hold the home key. I did the exact same as you, and this enabled me to get back to download mode, so I could Odin.
1) Remove battery, SIM, and sd card.
2) Plug in USB Cable.
3) Hold down Vol +/- as well as home.
4) Press power button for 2 seconds, then release.
This should get you into download mode. Then you can Odin back to whatever you were intending to do.
thanx for all the help guys but nothing seems to be working for me
Just throwing out an update incase anyone was wondering, I got my replacement phone yesterday and it turned out to be hardware locked as well. Tried to flash the fix for it and it failed and bricked my phone! So after calling tmobile they will be sending me another replacement and hopefully that one wont be locked as well
I had the same problem trying to get into Download Mode, I got into download mode and using ODIN tried to flash update. The process was stick for 10 min.
So I unplugged USB and got this phone to PC icon. All I had to do to fix it was to go into download mode again by holding both vol +/- keys and pressing power button until screen goes black then release the power button as soon as the screen went black. If you hold the button longer it will go into recovery mode. Then open ODIN again and re-connect USB and ODIN will detect COM port. However you have to make sure that all samsung usb drivers are installed. That is it. Then flash the update and you all set. The phone will reboot and you are back up and runing.
ttabbal said:
Unplug and pull the battery.
Install battery.
While holding both volume buttons, plug in usb cable.
Have odin ready to go, it seems to help. The phone should power up directly to download mode, once odin sees it, hit start.
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there is another way to this method, that works on any vibrant i've tried it on and also the captivates, had to help a friend restore his yesterday.
remove battery, sd and sim cards
plug in usb cable to pc and phone
hold down the volume buttons only
pop in the battery
if it comes up to the battery charging icon, pull the battery and put it back in again, should go right into download mode.
again, this works on any vibrant i've tried it on, and the captivate as well, good luck.

ji6 update no com message in Odlin after plugging in holding both volume buttons.

Anyone run into this? Did a search on the forum but got nothing...
This is what I am following
Step 1.) Open Odin.exe and plug a usb cable to your computer that will connect to your phone (do not plug it in to the phone yet, just the computer)
Step 2.) Hold down both volume buttons at the same time and while holding them down plug the usb into your phone. You should see a COM message show up in Odin.
Step 3.) Leave all check boxes the way they are. Do NOT check the repartition box.
Step 4.) Click the PIT button and select the 512.pit file
Step 5.) Click the PDA button and select T959UVJI6.tar and then click Start
This true?
1. Power down phone with no USB cable connected.
2. Once you see “good bye” connect USB cable.
3. Wait till battery indicator is visible, and you can see the current charge in green.
4. Hold vol+ and vol-.
5. Press power until screen goes black, then let go of power only.
6. Should see the yellow digger.
7. Once your in download mode open up Odin v1.3:
8. Uplug your USB Cable and plug it back in until you see a Green COM port show in Odin
9. Check PDA under Files [downloaded]
10. Press PDA button and point this to the .tar file extracted from the firmware update. (T959UVJI5(FUS).tar)
11. Press Start and be patient you will see progress bars on your phone and in Odin if all is working properly.
Whats the phone usb setting suppose to be? I've tried Media player, mass storage and samsung Kies with no luck.
It doesn't matter what your phone's USB settings are. You have to make sure you have the Samsung drivers loaded on your PC. And, you have to make sure you're in download mode. Here's the process the I follow (copied from somewhere on here I'm sure, sorry I can't give proper credit), it's worked for me every time:
1. Start ODIN Odin3. [Android + SLP], through ODIN select the .pit file from the ROM you want to flash.
2. Hit "PDA" button, and through ODIN select the .tar file from the ROM you want to flash.
3. Plug your TURNED OFF PHONE into the USB cable
4. Wait for the Battery/ charging indicator to start
5. HOLD VOL UP+ VOL DOWN+ POWER, as soon as the screen goes black RELEASE POWER, and continue to HOLD VOL UP+ VOL DOWN Until it enters download mode. Which should happen quickly and looks like a men at work highway sign.
6. If a COM port has turned Yellow in ODIN, then the device has been recognized. If it hasn't, unplug and plug your phone back in (I always have to do this).
7. Don't select any options other than what's set at default unless the particular ROM's instructions say otherwise.
8. Hit Start and be patient, it takes me maybe 5 minutes to get back up and running.
NOTE: If you do not see a blue progress bar on the phone's screen after a minute:
9a. Turn your phone off by pulling the battery.
9c. Start at step 1 again.
Dave08 said:
It doesn't matter what your phone's USB settings are. You have to make sure you have the Samsung drivers loaded on your PC. And, you have to make sure you're in download mode. Here's the process the I follow (copied from somewhere on here I'm sure, sorry I can't give proper credit), it's worked for me every time:
1. Start ODIN Odin3. [Android + SLP], through ODIN select the .pit file from the ROM you want to flash.
2. Hit "PDA" button, and through ODIN select the .tar file from the ROM you want to flash.
3. Plug your TURNED OFF PHONE into the USB cable
4. Wait for the Battery/ charging indicator to start
5. HOLD VOL UP+ VOL DOWN+ POWER, as soon as the screen goes black RELEASE POWER, and continue to HOLD VOL UP+ VOL DOWN Until it enters download mode. Which should happen quickly and looks like a men at work highway sign.
6. If a COM port has turned Yellow in ODIN, then the device has been recognized. If it hasn't, unplug and plug your phone back in (I always have to do this).
7. Don't select any options other than what's set at default unless the particular ROM's instructions say otherwise.
8. Hit Start and be patient, it takes me maybe 5 minutes to get back up and running.
NOTE: If you do not see a blue progress bar on the phone's screen after a minute:
9a. Turn your phone off by pulling the battery.
9c. Start at step 1 again.
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Thanks a lot.
In my case the phone is recognised by Odin 1.3 only in recovery mode. When I get into a Download mode no yellow com message and I can disconnect and reconnect as many times as I want to no avail. And I have USB drivers installed and I can do "adb reboot download" as well. This is when I do all this with the phone off. When I do it with the phone on, it will be recognised by the Odin, but after I choose the pit and the rom and click the "Start" it will go int SetupConnection and then "All threads completed (succeed 0/failed 1)
Seems like I am having trouble even getting into the download mode the phone just boots up as regular, trying to reinstall samsung drivers right now.
now I am getting this
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 0)
Yeah no matter what I do my phone just seems to boot into regular mode.
ludeboye said:
Yeah no matter what I do my phone just seems to boot into regular mode.
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Try this plug the usb cable into the computer with you phone off hold vol up + down and plug usb into the phone .
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
ludeboye said:
Yeah no matter what I do my phone just seems to boot into regular mode.
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I had problems with ODIN my first time too. First of all, are you running windows 7? If so you need to download and install the correct drivers. There is a thread on xda with both the 32 and 64 bit drivers. Another thing, I have readwhat seems like a dozen different methods for getting into download mode, but only ONE has ever worked. Plug your phone up to your computer and wait for the battery charging icon to completely show up... THEN hold down both volume buttons and power on. Let go of ONLY the power button when the screen goes black. A few secs later you should be in download mode. As for ODIN not seeing your phone it really sounds like you just need the drivers installed. Make sure "usb debugging" is turned on in settings> applications> development. One other thing to note, once in download mode with ODIN up and running you MUST unplug your device from the usb then plug it back in. Once you do this ODIN should see your phone. Now you should be good to go! I hope this helps and good luck!
Tried that, tried this
No luck, this is really frustrating argh
I can get into download mode and my drivers that I have downloaded from Samsung site allow me to do adb shell stuff. So I assume that the driver is OK.
But no luck being recognised by Odin and only in the Download mode.
Really strange.
xxwhitehawk said:
I had problems with ODIN my first time too. First of all, are you running windows 7? If so you need to download and install the correct drivers. There is a thread on xda with both the 32 and 64 bit drivers. Another thing, I have readwhat seems like a dozen different methods for getting into download mode, but only ONE has ever worked. Plug your phone up to your computer and wait for the battery charging icon to completely show up... THEN hold down both volume buttons and power on. Let go of ONLY the power button when the screen goes black. A few secs later you should be in download mode. As for ODIN not seeing your phone it really sounds like you just need the drivers installed. Make sure "usb debugging" is turned on in settings> applications> development. One other thing to note, once in download mode with ODIN up and running you MUST unplug your device from the usb then plug it back in. Once you do this ODIN should see your phone. Now you should be good to go! I hope this helps and good luck!
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Yeah I am on 7 64 bit, installed the samsung 64 bit drivers. I will try this 2-3 times I guess. I hear some newer vibrants are locked from using hardware keys to get into download mode.... true?
ludeboye said:
Yeah I am on 7 64 bit, installed the samsung 64 bit drivers. I will try this 2-3 times I guess. I hear some newer vibrants are locked from using hardware keys to get into download mode.... true?
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Honestly I wouldnt mess with a hw locked phone . You should try to get it replaced . There is an adb command to get to download mode if you want to try that .
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
When I first used ODIN, it didnt recognize my phone either. After open device manager on my pc (windows vista), I saw that I was missing a Gadget Serial Control driver. I had a lot of trouble finding it, but read in an android forum that Samsung NPS was needed to use ODIN. I dont think that is true, but I installed it and found that I had all my needed drivers. JI6 flashed without a problem at all.
As far as d/l mode. I removed sd and sim cards. Have USB plugged into computer with ODIN opened. hold Vol + and vol - simultaneously while plugging the USB into the phone. D/L mode should come up automagically. If it doesn't, you will need to find the thread on how to go into it via ADB.
Hope this helps...
Another option is remove battery press and hold volume up and down plug in usb put in battery and the phone should go into download mode
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
If you're not using Odin3 version 1.3 you should give that a try. Seems more stable to me, others say the same. See (I can't post a working link since I'm a newbie here).
Odlin recognizes my phone no problem, I think its hardware locked "3 button issue" that prevents me to get into download mode. Now I need to figure outif its possible to get into download mode without pressing buttons.
Ok if you can use abd to get to download mode tar file has been created today that fixes hw locked phones Http://
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Bricked vs980 can't access recovery or download mode

I have the latest TWRP installed. Flashed CloudyFlex 1.3 and noticed that if my phone was in a 3g area, it showed I was roaming. I found this thread: and flashed the vs980 flash zip. Can't get the phone to boot. It shows the LG screen and then it fades away to black and nothing. Tried getting into download mode but it won't do anything. Tried booting into recovery and it won't go. Any help is appreciated, but it seems hopeless at this point..
Update: Interestingly enough, there's hope. For some reason, the usual way for entering download mode didn't work (hold volume up and plug in USB) I was able to enter download mode by plugging phone in first, then holding volume up and power. At this point the download process is stuck at 0%. If I get this thing unbricked I'll keep posting updates as to how
if u got it into download mode then this should work
autoprime said:
if u got it into download mode then this should work
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Downloading the tot file now. It'll take about an hour to download. Thanks! worked!
It's odd that I couldn't get into download mode holding volume + then plug in USB. It works everytime if I plug in phone first, then hold volume+ and power. I see LG screen first like normal bootup, but if I continue to hold volume+ and power, it switches over to download mode.
hookinafish said:
I have the latest TWRP installed. Flashed CloudyFlex 1.3 and noticed that if my phone was in a 3g area, it showed I was roaming. I found this thread: and flashed the vs980 flash zip. Can't get the phone to boot. It shows the LG screen and then it fades away to black and nothing. Tried getting into download mode but it won't do anything. Tried booting into recovery and it won't go. Any help is appreciated, but it seems hopeless at this point..
Update: Interestingly enough, there's hope. For some reason, the usual way for entering download mode didn't work (hold volume up and plug in USB) I was able to enter download mode by plugging phone in first, then holding volume up and power. At this point the download process is stuck at 0%. If I get this thing unbricked I'll keep posting updates as to how
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I'm having the same issue. I can't get my phone into download mode or recovery mode. I tried to plugging in the phone first and hold down vol + and power. But still nothing happens, the red notification light blinks when I continue to hold the buttons down. Can you help me out with this?

Kernel Panic Mode, Bixby (probably) defect and impossible to enter download mode

Hi everyone,
I'm trying to fix a broken S8 Exynos version of my friend.
The problem is he probably flashed some invalid files and everything messed up where I can only get kernel panic upload mode.
Here's what I've tried:
- Combination of POWER + VOL DOWN + BIXBY to get into download mode and flash the stock ROM. Doesn't work and we are guessing the Bixby button hardware is defect.
- When booting I get the Samsung logo with pink text in the top left. Then the screen goes to kernel panic mode. Restarting does the same and there seems to be no way to get into download mode.
- In Odin, the device COM port is recognized but flashing doesn't work. It is stuck at "setup connection" and does not advance at all.
I've installed the USB drivers, rebooted removed the battery and tried again, tried ADB but debugging is not enabled and nothing works. Is this phone useless without a Bixby button or is there a way to get into download mode???
Any advice would be welcome,
Firstly make sure you are using the modded Odin for Oreo. Not using it causes that random stuff to happen. What you can try is plug the phone in via USB, Open up Odin and load your files, do the Download mode button combo and hopefully the COM Port calls and Odin grabs it and signals it. Good luck.

Lg v20 download mode help

Hi, my screen does not turn on, i can feel vibration when it is turned on, i am trying to put it into download mode holding VOL- button and using usb cable, but not working. (it worked before)
Anyone can help me with how to put it into download mode so that i can flash stock firmware using LGUP.
As screen is always black, i cant tell anything.
Did you check to see if it was detected by LGUP? Power it off, connect USB cable to PC, hold volume UP with phone still off and plug in the cable to your phone. Release a few seconds after the phone vibrates to be sure it got into download mode. LGUP should detect it if it made it to download mode successfully. I would also be sure your battery is charged before doing anything.
Do you know what caused the screen to stop working or remember the last thing you did before it stopped? Perhaps there's an internal hardware issue.

