[Q] Can't make phone calls, Data still works - HTC Aria General

So, I went to make a phone call earlier and realized I hit the wrong number. I ended the call immediately and then immediately tried to call the right number and the call just ended before it even rang. Now I am unable to make phone calls as every time I try to call any number it says calling and then the call just instanly ends. Anyone have any idea what is going on?

First option would be to power off and pull the battery. If it doesn't work after trying that, than second option would be to perform a hard reset.

are you running the stock rom, or are you rooted with clockwork recovery installed, and running a different rom?

I have definitely tried rebooting, removing battery, sim, etc. I have now discovered that this only happens when I am at work. I am going to have to do more extensive testing to figure out exactly where I can make calls and where I can't but could it have something to do with which tower I am connected to? I have full signal and data and sms work fine.
*edit* I have not rooted it yet or installed a custom ROM.

Okay, well. Now it appears to be working. Now I'm really confused. Anyone have any ideas what is going on?

nope, it sounds nuts to me.
i would recommend using the phone a lot and trying to recreate the problem under specific circumstances. perhaps its a faulty piece of hardware.


Real problem..

Hi Folks,
I've been having some proper trouble with my Hero over the last couple of days. Namely that it won't make phonecalls directly out of the pocket. If it's been locked, in my pocket, I take it out and try dialling and it just goes silent for a second then beeps and reverts back to the phone screen. In every instance I've tried a restart and it works.
Is this going to need to be sent back or is it something I'm doing wrong? Also, have any of you noticed your screen scrolling between screens without the phone being touched?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Strange. The first thing always to try (especially before you go to the extreme of sending it back), is a factory reset.
Remember it'll wipe the device back to factory, and you'll loose all your data. You'll have to resync your contacts etc.
But its the best way to figure out if its a hardware or software issue. Factory settings here means a reformat and reimage of the whole OS. There's an option in the settings to do it.
Thanks mate. I tried the reset this afternoon and so far, so good.
I had some problems with mine with the calls as I couldn't make or receive a call even though there was signal.
People would call me on the landline as they tried to call and said the phone was off (stranger still the call wouldn't go to my voicemail and would say the number was unobtainable) and I wouldn't be able to call out.
It would say dialling for 5-6 seconds maybe more then beep and go back to the phone dialler screen.
Many calls to T-Mobile later (tried new sim card and a factory reset) and it still wouldn't work. T-Mobile techs suggested I switch it to run on 2G networks only which made it better but I argued that my previous phone (SE W910i) didn't need manual switching between networks to work properly.
So after more discussion they agreed that something wasn't right with my Hero and sent a replacement out.
So far so good for the replacement
Thanks for the heads up, mate. Since I did my factory reset I've had no trouble but I'm half expecting it!
No problem
I'll admit that I keep my Hero on 2G networks now (not for any signal and call issues) as it really helps save battery power. Yeah, the net performance is slower but after all its only fetching a few facebook updates and the gmail is still fast to use. I can switch it back if need be for fast internet.

Cyanogenmod - cannot phone my phone, no SMS alerts...

Hi Everyone, I have searched for an answer to my problem but cannot find anything.
I have upgraded my G1 to Cyanogen, and everything works fine except I get no notifications to text messages, they just arrive, with nothing to tell me they have arrived.
Another problem is when I call my phone, it rings once and then gives an engaged tone. There is nothing coming up on the phone to say I have a call, however it does put the call in my missed call list...
I have checked GSM call settings but all forwarding is disabled.
I have just upgraded to the latest cyanogenmod with the updater software, however I still have the same problem.
Another thing that doesnt seem to work is the home button, and camera button, and the phone no longer locks.
I am at a loss for what to try, apart from trying to flash the phone back to its original state.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
When you did the update did you wipe first? You can fix your problem, but you need to wipe your phone. So wipe, then reaaply the update. This does happen to people from time to time, and I've yet to see the direct cause or solution. A possibility is something in the dalvik-cache.

[Q] Unable to make calls?

I've been using my Nexus 4 as a phone by using Groove IP until I got my Straight Talk SIM. Now that I have the SIM, the native phone app won't work right. The first call will allow me to hear the other person, but they can't hear me. Every call after that, I can't hear them, and they still can't hear me, and unless I reboot, every other call is like that. Here is a logcat of the first call, and the second call. Groove IP still works. Any ideas on how I could fix this? Running bootloader locked stock rom.
I had a problem where I couldn't hear other people, and they couldn't hear me, and I could not for the life of me find out how to fix it. I was running rooted stock, it had been working fine, and then just one day this problem popped up. I assumed it was a problem with the phone thinking a headset was still plugged in, but all those fixes didn't work. Then I just reflashed the stock ROM on the phone (no wipes), and it worked again and the problem hasn't come back. Not sure if that will help you, but it might be worth a shot.

No calling, only SMS/data/wifi working on any ROM and/or stock

I've been using AICP for a while (Marshmallow), but haven't done an update in a while. By a while, I mean that I don't think I've flashed anything in weeks. Suddenly, I cannot make or receive calls today. Yesterday I made a number of calls just fine. I checked all the standard possible causes, dialer apps, default apps for phone, etc. After no success, I decided to flash back to stock.
Now I'm on stock 6.0. Same problem, cannot make calls. All I get is a screen which says "dialing" until it makes a tone sound and hangs up, never rings anyone. My phone never rings or responds when other people call. I do have full bars and service, and my APN is set up properly with AT&T in the USA. SMS and Data work fine, and so does WiFi. No other problems at all with the phone. I've had it for about a year and a half with no real hardware issues other than a loose charging port. No drops, no cracked screen or anything.
I'm wondering if anybody has a clue about what the problem with my phone is. I'm willing to generate and provide logs if there's a way to do that which could show the issue.
EDIT1: Derp, just tried the SIM in my girlfriend's phone. Seems to by my sim card. I'll go to AT&T tomorrow and report back here if the issue is fixed.

Can make local calls but not long distance?

I just re-rooted my Samsung S4 phone to Android 6.0.1 ResurrectionRemix and so far everything works great! Just one small problem...I can make local calls but when I try to call long distance it doesn't complete dialing and give me a "Call Ended" without completing the call.
Any ideas? Are there any threads that you can point me out to?
I've rebooted, tried airplane mode on and off. Unless I have to flash again??? Any ideas??
I would updated the modem and bootloader.
If that doesn't work, then clean flash another ROM to see if the same thing is happening there.
This post is now solved
It turns out that the whole area I was trying to call by long distance the telephones were down. It had nothing to do with my Android OS!

