Opera auto snap on to text columns after zoom - HD2 General

After you zoom Opera would try to snap on to a text column automatically. I really don’t like this, but couldn’t find a way to disable it. I think it might have something to do with text column wrapping to match the width of the screen for better and easier reading.
But can it be disabled? I prefer a behavior close to a normal desktop browser. I was not able to find any posts that offer a solution or even mention this.
Can anyone help?


[App Request] Gesture controlled favorite contact today plugin

I would like to see a today plugin that features quick contacts (Kind of like the HTC home plugin).
The features I would like to see are:
* Today plugin
* Either use photo or set text for each contact.
* Opens contact in default contacts app, doesn't just dial (ie so you can choose to send an SMS)
* Vertical or horizontal list scrolled by gesture. Vertical or horizontal option would be nice, but vertical scroll probably more important - a lot of cube apps (eg ultimatelaunch) are controlled by horizontal gesture, if we could have this contacts app controlled with vertical gesture it would not interfere.
Please note that I mean a gesture controlled list WITHIN the today screen window, not as a seperate full screen app - plenty of things already do this.
* No add contact interface would be required, adding contacts to be included in dialer into a regular outlook category would be perfectly acceptable. Showing photo if contact has one or name if not would also be perfectly acceptable rather than an interface to select that.
V2R Photo Dialer 2 is almost exactly what I want but is controlled by horizontal gesture only. I tried to contact V2R to request this change but I received no response.
[Edit: Thinking about it, it doesn't need to be a favorites dialler, it could just have tickboxes for each category - if you want to use it as a favorite contacts launcher, just set it to the "favorites" category only, or you could leave all categories on to show the whole contacts list]
I'm using Face Contact which has all you've asking for, except horizontal but if you use Ultimate Launch then you can exclude the plugin from the gestures of Ultimate Launch.
Nice app - I prefer it to the V2R one. I have emailed the author asking for the option of vertical gesture to scroll the list. I don't care if the list spins horizontally as it is, as long as I can spin it with a vertical gesture so it don't interfere with ultimatelaunch.
evilc said:
I would like to see a today plugin that features quick contacts (Kind of like the HTC home plugin).
The features I would like to see are:
* Today plugin
* Either use photo or set text for each contact.
* Opens contact in default contacts app, doesn't just dial (ie so you can choose to send an SMS)
* Vertical or horizontal list scrolled by gesture. Vertical or horizontal option would be nice, but vertical scroll probably more important - a lot of cube apps (eg ultimatelaunch) are controlled by horizontal gesture, if we could have this contacts app controlled with vertical gesture it would not interfere.
Please note that I mean a gesture controlled list WITHIN the today screen window, not as a seperate full screen app - plenty of things already do this.
* No add contact interface would be required, adding contacts to be included in dialer into a regular outlook category would be perfectly acceptable. Showing photo if contact has one or name if not would also be perfectly acceptable rather than an interface to select that.
V2R Photo Dialer 2 is almost exactly what I want but is controlled by horizontal gesture only. I tried to contact V2R to request this change but I received no response.
[Edit: Thinking about it, it doesn't need to be a favorites dialler, it could just have tickboxes for each category - if you want to use it as a favorite contacts launcher, just set it to the "favorites" category only, or you could leave all categories on to show the whole contacts list]
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You can do horizontal scrolling photodial with my app, throttlelauncher.... It's free, so if you want to, try it . You can install it from http://www.throttlelauncher.com. After making the full instalation (use the exe setup or install both cabs) here you have a little setup cab for a theme showing only a contact row (if you're interested, you can have much more showing app's and other stuff in multiple pages). So to sum up:
- Go to http://www.throttlelauncher.com/
- Ensure you install everything on the same media (SD or device)
- Install both cab or use the desktop instalation in full mode.
- Install the cab attached to this thread.
- Enable throttletoday today plugin (it might take a little bit to load)
- Add as much contacts as you wish to the row .
Feel free to post any comments, requests or constructive critics . You can customize an xml to make the photos biger, order them in multiple rows, remove the ad delete icons, etc. Hope it matches what you're looking for....
Thanks for that, but the ThrottleLaunch PhotoDialer only allows scrolling of contacts via a horizontal gesture. I need to control it with a *vertical* (up/down) gesture. Also, ThrottleToday will not show inside ultimatelaunch - it will show if I put it on the main Today screen, but trying to add it as a today plugin in ultimatelaunch does nothing.
I did get an encouraging response from the makers of Face Contact yesterday though:
thanks for your feedback.
At first thought, the idea of using a vertical gesture and having the list scroll horizontally appears a little bit disturbing, but we think we understand the rationale behind your suggestion.
We will indeed play around with UltimateLaunch to see if you can find out an option that is both intuitive and that allows Face Contact to be usable within their interface.
As it is now a possible solution is to exclude our plugin from being affected by Ultimate Launch gestures, so that when our plugin is active (and only in this circumstance) the left-right gestures will actually scroll the contact list instead than spinning the cube. Then, as soon as you apply the left/right gestures outside of our plugin, the cube will take control.
When developing Face Contact we left the door open to the possibility of having a vertical layout of the contact list, though, of course, this doesn't fit well with the current Today screen organization, which assumes all plugins are placed horizontally. In other words, it wouldn't be that difficult for us to layout the whole list vertically instead than horizontally,
So, we will definitely keep your comment in mind, as it is possible that within a different context (such as Ultimate Launch), we could actually provide both a vertical layout and vertical gesture, which would indeed make quite a lot of sense.
At this stage, having just released Face Contact a couple of days ago, we are currently gathering feedback to see how to move on with further releases and updates.
So, your feedback is very welcome: thanks again.
Best regards,
The CNetX Support Team
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I downloaded Face Contact last night, and so far I am liking it. The reason I went with Face over VR2 is the space issue. VR2 looked to take a lot of space up in the Today screen, and being on a 240x240, space is a big issue. Face seemed to take a minimum of memory and leave room on my screen. I have it in a Shell tab with the native Palm picture dialer. The only option I could think of adding is the ability to dial automatically when the picture is pressed. I know that can lead to a lot of mis-dialings, but maybe a setting like normal usage until the pic is pressed for a second or so, and then the chosen primary number is dialed. If that makes sense great, if not, please let me know and I will try to explain better!!
Here is a screen shot of where I have Face on my Today screen:
im using face contact. it does everything you are asking for. im also using ultimatelaunch, the two make beautiful music together. especially if you choose the "disable gesture" feature when you enable it in ul. ive played with this quite a bit, and it is very intuitive how smooth everything STILL works. especially for these to be a first version for both apps. experiment with it. the result is perfect
Lots of nice feedback here: thanks guys.
syrguy1969 said:
The only option I could think of adding is the ability to dial automatically when the picture is pressed. I know that can lead to a lot of mis-dialings, but maybe a setting like normal usage until the pic is pressed for a second or so, and then the chosen primary number is dialed. If that makes sense great, if not, please let me know and I will try to explain better!!
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I'm not sure if this is referred to Face Contact, or to other software you are using. If you are actually talking about FC, then please note that you can easily reassign the TAP and TAP & HOLD actions to trigger different commands, including CALLING the selected contact. Just check the "Action Settings" screen and you'll find the options there.
Also note that when Face Contact is the active plugin you should be able to CALL the selected contact by simply pressing the START CALL key of your phone. This is usually easier and less error-prone than having to tap or tap and hold. And, if you call by using the START CALL key, you can use the tap and tap&hold actions for other things, such as displaying the shortcut menu, or accessing the Face Contact Manager.
PS: we have included quite an extensive help file, with lots of tips and tricks and information on things like this. Maybe you may want to give it a quick look.
I guess I missed the tap+hold part, that is exactly what I was getting at!!! I guess this app has just about it all for me then, I will keep testing like crazy, but so far I am very pleased with it!!!
i'm using throttle now, but the pics look like garbage. I'm seriously OCD about the dumbest stuff, so I'm still looking for an answer. I just want face contact to have a transparent background, and I'd buy it.
J Shed said:
I just want face contact to have a transparent background, and I'd buy it.
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Hey Shed, please have a look at my post concerning the plugin background in the Face Contact thread here...
evilc said:
Thanks for that, but the ThrottleLaunch PhotoDialer only allows scrolling of contacts via a horizontal gesture. I need to control it with a *vertical* (up/down) gesture. Also, ThrottleToday will not show inside ultimatelaunch - it will show if I put it on the main Today screen, but trying to add it as a today plugin in ultimatelaunch does nothing.
I did get an encouraging response from the makers of Face Contact yesterday though:
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Hi evilc!
Sorry for the delay on the answer. Vertical scroll on throttlelauncher is planned for a further release (probably 1.0), it's still alpha so many things are missing but I thought It will mach what you where looking for... Any way, I've install UL and find out why the plugin is not showing... seem's that UL doesn't work exactly like the today screen when hosting today plugins (probably to save some memory) so the today plugin exe is not launching. To sum up, to make throttletoday plugin show inside UL the only thing needed is running manually the ThrottleTodayPlugin.exe located on the throttlelauncher instalation path. At least that worked for me. Also as you've said the horizontal scrolling will interfer with the tab change gesture so disabling os setting a time out it is needed by now....
J Shed said:
i'm using throttle now, but the pics look like garbage. I'm seriously OCD about the dumbest stuff, so I'm still looking for an answer. I just want face contact to have a transparent background, and I'd buy it.
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Hi shed!
If contact photos don't look good you can try playing with the config.xml file to change the contact photo width an height values (I recommend to keep the 3/4 ratio if you use standar photo dial photos). The config.xml file will be inside the PhotoDialer1Row (or 2Row if you use this one) on your setups folder on your throttlelauncher instalation path. All you need to do is search for the allcontactswithphoto tag and play with it's height and width attribute.
I saw your post and had already replied. I'm just waiting for the version to show up.
I have thinkered with that setting, the problem is in just how throttle scales the images. I don't recall the terms, but the scaled images are distorted.
@evilc .... I too use face contacts in a UL panel. When you use the disable gesture feature, It only disables the gestures from being passed to UL in the active plugin area. You can still spin the cube via gesture in an inactive area of the panel. Or if combined with something else, an area that does not otherwise respond to a gesture. Try it out.... In my case I have found that though it is a great idea, the vertical gesturing is not necessary for a fully functional solution.
J Shed said:
I have thinkered with that setting, the problem is in just how throttle scales the images. I don't recall the terms, but the scaled images are distorted.
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Ok, thanks for the info... I'll take a look at that... It's NET.CF the one scaling the images.... probably there's a smother method to get it...
nextpimp said:
@evilc .... I too use face contacts in a UL panel. When you use the disable gesture feature, It only disables the gestures from being passed to UL in the active plugin area. You can still spin the cube via gesture in an inactive area of the panel. Or if combined with something else, an area that does not otherwise respond to a gesture. Try it out.... In my case I have found that though it is a great idea, the vertical gesturing is not necessary for a fully functional solution.
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Yeah, I realised that a while ago, it is OK if you have something else in the UL tab without gestures disabled, so that you can gesture left in that area to spin the cube.
I think overall, the interface I would like would be gesture left/right between the faces, then up/down to scroll info on each face. I think for this interface, a vertical list would be more suitable than horizontal scrolling icons, it would just work better visually.
I really like the music browser in conduits pocket player - I would kill for one of those in a UL face along with a contacts list done in a similar manner on another face, thumbcal (with scroll month by vertical gesture) on another face... That would be nirvana for me.

Opera zoom level

I usually use the zoom slider in Opera to adjust the zoom level slightly for a certain site such as this forum. As soon as I click a link the new page opens in maximum zoomed out mode however.
Is there some way that I can lock the zoom level so to say so that it will stay the same when I browse around on a certain site (or always)?
Good one, bump.
try to find solution in opera config mode. just open opera browser, type in address bar: opera:config
u will see config mode.
happy holidays
I know about opera config mode and have not found any setting there that can accomplish this. The only thing I can set from there is the "Minimum Overview Zoom" which will affect the default first zoom level for all pages I visit.
What I want to do is zoom in slightly using the zoom slider when on certain sites and then "lock" that zoom level while still on the same site. An ideal solution would be if you could have some configuration file where you could specify the "Minimum Overview Zoom" per domain you visit.
Very good would also be if Opera provided some kind of API for their browser. Then this and other similar issues would be easily fixed by the community.

Smartouch and Zoombar

I am trying to find a way to mess with
HKLM/Software/HTC/SmartTouch/ key in registry, which is supposed to control the zoom bar.
I did some research in several threads in this forum, but all I found was some info (mainly on TD1 threads) on how to make the zoom bar (or scroll wheel in TD1) produce scrolling in apps.
However, what I am interesting in, is ZOOMING within any kind of application. Any idea on how to achieve this? The aforementioned key contains values such as ClassName (which is the app's class, something that is not easy to figure out; any tool on finding out an app's class would be appreciated), WheelCount (which probably is sensitivity), and Mode (which I have no idea what it is).
Anyone could help with this?
I could imagine a few nice things to do with the Zoombar. As I'm missing the arrow keys, it would be great to define a few gestures to use up / down / left / right keys with the zoombar.
slide to the right -> right key
slide to the left -> left key
tap on '+' -> up key
tap on '-' -> down key
jcan said:
I am trying to find a way to mess with
HKLM/Software/HTC/SmartTouch/ key in registry, which is supposed to control the zoom bar.
I did some research in several threads in this forum, but all I found was some info (mainly on TD1 threads) on how to make the zoom bar (or scroll wheel in TD1) produce scrolling in apps.
However, what I am interesting in, is ZOOMING within any kind of application. Any idea on how to achieve this? The aforementioned key contains values such as ClassName (which is the app's class, something that is not easy to figure out; any tool on finding out an app's class would be appreciated), WheelCount (which probably is sensitivity), and Mode (which I have no idea what it is).
Anyone could help with this?
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Hi jcan,
Did you manage to find ways to resolve your question? Kindly share with me please!
Try here:
Thanks for the link mattan, but I had already tried the Advanced Config solution... It is true that you can add Smartouch capability in active apps from there, but the problem is that I tried some (e.g. GSFinder+), and it worked as a scroll device.
What I am trying to find is a way to make the zoom bar work universally as its name says, i.e. zoom. It would be very nice to be able to zoom in anywhere in the device, like having a magnifying glass. Unfortunately, I haven't found anything yet but I know that the solution is hidden somewhere in the Smartouch reg key... Let's hope some fellow xda member will enlighten us!
and it worked as a scroll device.
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Actually it's not, it's work like hardware Up/down key. In some case you can redefine action on it (In program settings), for example CorePlayer, or some games.
I think biotouch must be modified for this
jcan said:
Thanks for the link mattan, but I had already tried the Advanced Config solution... It is true that you can add Smartouch capability in active apps from there, but the problem is that I tried some (e.g. GSFinder+), and it worked as a scroll device.
What I am trying to find is a way to make the zoom bar work universally as its name says, i.e. zoom. It would be very nice to be able to zoom in anywhere in the device, like having a magnifying glass. Unfortunately, I haven't found anything yet but I know that the solution is hidden somewhere in the Smartouch reg key... Let's hope some fellow xda member will enlighten us!
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What you would need to do it actually write an application that zooms the screen in hardware (similar to ctrl + mouse wheel zooming in Mac OSX) and control it with the zoom bar in applications that don't work with the zoom bar at present. I haven't actually used GSFinder+ but if doesn't have some sort of zoom level available to it through a menu function or on screen button then there is no way the zoombar will magically give it (or any other non-zooming program) one.
OK, I get it then... So, if an application does not support zooming, then the zoombar can only be used as a scroll device (or up-down key)...
I guess we will have to settle with that type of use then, until a screen zoom application comes up.
jcan said:
OK, I get it then... So, if an application does not support zooming, then the zoombar can only be used as a scroll device (or up-down key)...
I guess we will have to settle with that type of use then, until a screen zoom application comes up.
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this is what u want :
criszz said:
this is what u want :
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What does this cab exactly do, mate?
Read and download here:

Make Opera Mobile 10 more usable in WVGA - increase font size!

Opera Mobile 10 is more slick, but a big problem I had with it was that unless Zoom was set to at least 140%, links / text in Portrait mode were too small to click on / read. The lack of adaptive zoom and zoom slider in Opera 10 didn't help either. Well not any more!
Either go into the Opera advanced settings page by typing in "opera:config" in the URL when Opera 10 is running and click on "Fonts" to change the font settings, or just stick the following lines into the "Opera.ini" file inside <Opera 10 Installed Location>\PROFILE\ directory:
Form.Text=24,3,0,0,0,0,Courier New
PRE=23,3,0,0,0,0,Courier New
The 1st number in each line represents the actual font size. Adjust to your liking. The font sizes above let me navigate most websites with Default Zoom @ 100% and the text is very readable.
Note that some webpages will look more misaligned due to the larger fonts, but now at least you won't need to have zoom at 200% to be able to read the text
This probably also works for Opera 9.7 and below, but the issue isn't as important since these versions have a more useful zoom slider and proper font-size adjustment in the Settings menu whereas Opera 10 buries it in the opera:config page.
Hope this helps some of you out there.
Have you also tried to size the browser window to fit on the screen from the "opera:config"? I mean, I tried to set the default zoom to 100% instead of (I believe) 175% as is the default. Looking at a webpage I like to see it all, and THEN I decide what to zoom in on.
I read another post where the guy managed to set the zoom to 100%, I just didn't have any luck doing that on my phone! Maybe I made a mistake, don't know...
Wonder if there might be another place to type in how wide you want to see the pages in default mode...
regards Helle
Thanks for this info

What happened to the screen text size icon?

I've got a problem that's driving me nutto. So I like to have the smallest font so that I can maximize my real-estate; I don't want to have to scroll up and down to read an email especially when I have this gorgeous screen.
I know that I can change the font size via the Manila menu, however when I open outlook, the message and the email font-size is HUGE and disproportionate to the system fonts WTH?!
So in the past I know that I've been able to go to START>SETTINGS>SYSTEM>SCREEN (or something like that), and I've been able to change the font to the smallest size. This does not seem to be the case with the T-Mo HD2 default ROM.
I've combed the net hoping that there's some regkey setting to change this but I keep striking out.
Anyone know whether the screen resolution option is hidden and if so, how do I expose it?
Um, not sure if you know this (you probably do, but I just want to make sure), you can just pinch to zoom out (and in) and it will make the font quite small.
Uhm... yes, I know about pinch to zoom. This is separate from that. I'm talking about the native resolution when I'm viewing messages in my inbox which has nothing to do with pinch zoom.
Does that make sense? If not, lemme know and I can clarify
Just to clarify, when I open an email and pinch to zoom (in this case zoom in), I get the correct resolution that I want, only problem is when I let go, it bounces back to what it previously was.
HKLM\controlpanel\pen\hide change to 0, to get back screen icon in Sytem control panel
or you can goto manila settings\personalize\font to change font size.
kobbz said:
Uhm... yes, I know about pinch to zoom. This is separate from that. I'm talking about the native resolution when I'm viewing messages in my inbox which has nothing to do with pinch zoom.
Does that make sense? If not, lemme know and I can clarify
Just to clarify, when I open an email and pinch to zoom (in this case zoom in), I get the correct resolution that I want, only problem is when I let go, it bounces back to what it previously was.
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I'm slightly confused, so when you go into an email in your inbox and zoom out, it won't stay zoomed out? (which would be very odd)
Also, when you're in an email and hit menu>view>text size is it set to smallest?

