[App Request] Gesture controlled favorite contact today plugin - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I would like to see a today plugin that features quick contacts (Kind of like the HTC home plugin).
The features I would like to see are:
* Today plugin
* Either use photo or set text for each contact.
* Opens contact in default contacts app, doesn't just dial (ie so you can choose to send an SMS)
* Vertical or horizontal list scrolled by gesture. Vertical or horizontal option would be nice, but vertical scroll probably more important - a lot of cube apps (eg ultimatelaunch) are controlled by horizontal gesture, if we could have this contacts app controlled with vertical gesture it would not interfere.
Please note that I mean a gesture controlled list WITHIN the today screen window, not as a seperate full screen app - plenty of things already do this.
* No add contact interface would be required, adding contacts to be included in dialer into a regular outlook category would be perfectly acceptable. Showing photo if contact has one or name if not would also be perfectly acceptable rather than an interface to select that.
V2R Photo Dialer 2 is almost exactly what I want but is controlled by horizontal gesture only. I tried to contact V2R to request this change but I received no response.
[Edit: Thinking about it, it doesn't need to be a favorites dialler, it could just have tickboxes for each category - if you want to use it as a favorite contacts launcher, just set it to the "favorites" category only, or you could leave all categories on to show the whole contacts list]

I'm using Face Contact which has all you've asking for, except horizontal but if you use Ultimate Launch then you can exclude the plugin from the gestures of Ultimate Launch.

Nice app - I prefer it to the V2R one. I have emailed the author asking for the option of vertical gesture to scroll the list. I don't care if the list spins horizontally as it is, as long as I can spin it with a vertical gesture so it don't interfere with ultimatelaunch.

evilc said:
I would like to see a today plugin that features quick contacts (Kind of like the HTC home plugin).
The features I would like to see are:
* Today plugin
* Either use photo or set text for each contact.
* Opens contact in default contacts app, doesn't just dial (ie so you can choose to send an SMS)
* Vertical or horizontal list scrolled by gesture. Vertical or horizontal option would be nice, but vertical scroll probably more important - a lot of cube apps (eg ultimatelaunch) are controlled by horizontal gesture, if we could have this contacts app controlled with vertical gesture it would not interfere.
Please note that I mean a gesture controlled list WITHIN the today screen window, not as a seperate full screen app - plenty of things already do this.
* No add contact interface would be required, adding contacts to be included in dialer into a regular outlook category would be perfectly acceptable. Showing photo if contact has one or name if not would also be perfectly acceptable rather than an interface to select that.
V2R Photo Dialer 2 is almost exactly what I want but is controlled by horizontal gesture only. I tried to contact V2R to request this change but I received no response.
[Edit: Thinking about it, it doesn't need to be a favorites dialler, it could just have tickboxes for each category - if you want to use it as a favorite contacts launcher, just set it to the "favorites" category only, or you could leave all categories on to show the whole contacts list]
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You can do horizontal scrolling photodial with my app, throttlelauncher.... It's free, so if you want to, try it . You can install it from http://www.throttlelauncher.com. After making the full instalation (use the exe setup or install both cabs) here you have a little setup cab for a theme showing only a contact row (if you're interested, you can have much more showing app's and other stuff in multiple pages). So to sum up:
- Go to http://www.throttlelauncher.com/
- Ensure you install everything on the same media (SD or device)
- Install both cab or use the desktop instalation in full mode.
- Install the cab attached to this thread.
- Enable throttletoday today plugin (it might take a little bit to load)
- Add as much contacts as you wish to the row .
Feel free to post any comments, requests or constructive critics . You can customize an xml to make the photos biger, order them in multiple rows, remove the ad delete icons, etc. Hope it matches what you're looking for....

Thanks for that, but the ThrottleLaunch PhotoDialer only allows scrolling of contacts via a horizontal gesture. I need to control it with a *vertical* (up/down) gesture. Also, ThrottleToday will not show inside ultimatelaunch - it will show if I put it on the main Today screen, but trying to add it as a today plugin in ultimatelaunch does nothing.
I did get an encouraging response from the makers of Face Contact yesterday though:
thanks for your feedback.
At first thought, the idea of using a vertical gesture and having the list scroll horizontally appears a little bit disturbing, but we think we understand the rationale behind your suggestion.
We will indeed play around with UltimateLaunch to see if you can find out an option that is both intuitive and that allows Face Contact to be usable within their interface.
As it is now a possible solution is to exclude our plugin from being affected by Ultimate Launch gestures, so that when our plugin is active (and only in this circumstance) the left-right gestures will actually scroll the contact list instead than spinning the cube. Then, as soon as you apply the left/right gestures outside of our plugin, the cube will take control.
When developing Face Contact we left the door open to the possibility of having a vertical layout of the contact list, though, of course, this doesn't fit well with the current Today screen organization, which assumes all plugins are placed horizontally. In other words, it wouldn't be that difficult for us to layout the whole list vertically instead than horizontally,
So, we will definitely keep your comment in mind, as it is possible that within a different context (such as Ultimate Launch), we could actually provide both a vertical layout and vertical gesture, which would indeed make quite a lot of sense.
At this stage, having just released Face Contact a couple of days ago, we are currently gathering feedback to see how to move on with further releases and updates.
So, your feedback is very welcome: thanks again.
Best regards,
The CNetX Support Team
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I downloaded Face Contact last night, and so far I am liking it. The reason I went with Face over VR2 is the space issue. VR2 looked to take a lot of space up in the Today screen, and being on a 240x240, space is a big issue. Face seemed to take a minimum of memory and leave room on my screen. I have it in a Shell tab with the native Palm picture dialer. The only option I could think of adding is the ability to dial automatically when the picture is pressed. I know that can lead to a lot of mis-dialings, but maybe a setting like normal usage until the pic is pressed for a second or so, and then the chosen primary number is dialed. If that makes sense great, if not, please let me know and I will try to explain better!!
Here is a screen shot of where I have Face on my Today screen:

im using face contact. it does everything you are asking for. im also using ultimatelaunch, the two make beautiful music together. especially if you choose the "disable gesture" feature when you enable it in ul. ive played with this quite a bit, and it is very intuitive how smooth everything STILL works. especially for these to be a first version for both apps. experiment with it. the result is perfect

Lots of nice feedback here: thanks guys.
syrguy1969 said:
The only option I could think of adding is the ability to dial automatically when the picture is pressed. I know that can lead to a lot of mis-dialings, but maybe a setting like normal usage until the pic is pressed for a second or so, and then the chosen primary number is dialed. If that makes sense great, if not, please let me know and I will try to explain better!!
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I'm not sure if this is referred to Face Contact, or to other software you are using. If you are actually talking about FC, then please note that you can easily reassign the TAP and TAP & HOLD actions to trigger different commands, including CALLING the selected contact. Just check the "Action Settings" screen and you'll find the options there.
Also note that when Face Contact is the active plugin you should be able to CALL the selected contact by simply pressing the START CALL key of your phone. This is usually easier and less error-prone than having to tap or tap and hold. And, if you call by using the START CALL key, you can use the tap and tap&hold actions for other things, such as displaying the shortcut menu, or accessing the Face Contact Manager.
PS: we have included quite an extensive help file, with lots of tips and tricks and information on things like this. Maybe you may want to give it a quick look.

I guess I missed the tap+hold part, that is exactly what I was getting at!!! I guess this app has just about it all for me then, I will keep testing like crazy, but so far I am very pleased with it!!!

i'm using throttle now, but the pics look like garbage. I'm seriously OCD about the dumbest stuff, so I'm still looking for an answer. I just want face contact to have a transparent background, and I'd buy it.

J Shed said:
I just want face contact to have a transparent background, and I'd buy it.
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Hey Shed, please have a look at my post concerning the plugin background in the Face Contact thread here...

evilc said:
Thanks for that, but the ThrottleLaunch PhotoDialer only allows scrolling of contacts via a horizontal gesture. I need to control it with a *vertical* (up/down) gesture. Also, ThrottleToday will not show inside ultimatelaunch - it will show if I put it on the main Today screen, but trying to add it as a today plugin in ultimatelaunch does nothing.
I did get an encouraging response from the makers of Face Contact yesterday though:
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Hi evilc!
Sorry for the delay on the answer. Vertical scroll on throttlelauncher is planned for a further release (probably 1.0), it's still alpha so many things are missing but I thought It will mach what you where looking for... Any way, I've install UL and find out why the plugin is not showing... seem's that UL doesn't work exactly like the today screen when hosting today plugins (probably to save some memory) so the today plugin exe is not launching. To sum up, to make throttletoday plugin show inside UL the only thing needed is running manually the ThrottleTodayPlugin.exe located on the throttlelauncher instalation path. At least that worked for me. Also as you've said the horizontal scrolling will interfer with the tab change gesture so disabling os setting a time out it is needed by now....
J Shed said:
i'm using throttle now, but the pics look like garbage. I'm seriously OCD about the dumbest stuff, so I'm still looking for an answer. I just want face contact to have a transparent background, and I'd buy it.
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Hi shed!
If contact photos don't look good you can try playing with the config.xml file to change the contact photo width an height values (I recommend to keep the 3/4 ratio if you use standar photo dial photos). The config.xml file will be inside the PhotoDialer1Row (or 2Row if you use this one) on your setups folder on your throttlelauncher instalation path. All you need to do is search for the allcontactswithphoto tag and play with it's height and width attribute.

I saw your post and had already replied. I'm just waiting for the version to show up.
I have thinkered with that setting, the problem is in just how throttle scales the images. I don't recall the terms, but the scaled images are distorted.

@evilc .... I too use face contacts in a UL panel. When you use the disable gesture feature, It only disables the gestures from being passed to UL in the active plugin area. You can still spin the cube via gesture in an inactive area of the panel. Or if combined with something else, an area that does not otherwise respond to a gesture. Try it out.... In my case I have found that though it is a great idea, the vertical gesturing is not necessary for a fully functional solution.

J Shed said:
I have thinkered with that setting, the problem is in just how throttle scales the images. I don't recall the terms, but the scaled images are distorted.
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Ok, thanks for the info... I'll take a look at that... It's NET.CF the one scaling the images.... probably there's a smother method to get it...

nextpimp said:
@evilc .... I too use face contacts in a UL panel. When you use the disable gesture feature, It only disables the gestures from being passed to UL in the active plugin area. You can still spin the cube via gesture in an inactive area of the panel. Or if combined with something else, an area that does not otherwise respond to a gesture. Try it out.... In my case I have found that though it is a great idea, the vertical gesturing is not necessary for a fully functional solution.
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Yeah, I realised that a while ago, it is OK if you have something else in the UL tab without gestures disabled, so that you can gesture left in that area to spin the cube.
I think overall, the interface I would like would be gesture left/right between the faces, then up/down to scroll info on each face. I think for this interface, a vertical list would be more suitable than horizontal scrolling icons, it would just work better visually.
I really like the music browser in conduits pocket player - I would kill for one of those in a UL face along with a contacts list done in a similar manner on another face, thumbcal (with scroll month by vertical gesture) on another face... That would be nirvana for me.


NEW! SSContact 1.1.3!! - (updated 30/06/07)

SSContact (ScrollingStone project name) is a application similar iContact developed by larna.
Why a similar iContact app ? The reasons are three :
- because I wanna do it by myself...
- because I want add all features that i like...
- because I'm enjoying to code and i'm having fun to see this app growing.
30/06/2006 - Released version 1.1.3!! Sorry guys I'm really busy with studies and I've also started a new project (iMedia) so I can't work much on this just in some spare time
12/06/2007 - Released version 1.1.0!!
10/06/2007 - Released version 1.0.13RC4!!
08/06/2007 - Released version 1.0.10RC3!!
02/06/2007 - Released version 1.0.4RC2!!
02/06/2007 - Released version 1.0.0RC1!!
26/05/2007 - first beta version released!!
23/05/2007 - first alpha version released!! Still a bit buggy but working.
- Just 19.90Kbyte of memory used.
- Two different Themes (one Light and one Dark)
- One Speed Icon for quick call
- Display Contact using tap on selected item or central key on dpad.
- Settings Dialog to customize the app, settings are stored in registry
- Sort Contacts by First or LastName or File As in Ascendenting/Descendenting order
- Support Landscape/Portrait
- Big Keyboard for quick search inside contacts
- Scrollwheel and DPAD support for scrolling
- Quick search using stylo with alphabetic index on the screen
SSContact and Icontact are different and both fully functional. Under some screenshots (they are bit old but give you an idea). Regards Guybrush
History and Download
- 20070630 Improved Scrolling speed.
Search on left index with single tap
Longer Selection
- 20070612 Optimized Code! Now Just 38 KByte!!
Full Screen Window without bottom menu toolbar
Keyboard Shortcut with left DPAD or softkey
Menu Shortcut with right DPAD or softkey
Left Index bigger.
- 20070610 Improvement in scrolling performance
Fixed DialPad Scrolling
Improved ABC Index search
- 20070608 Little improvement in performance
Fixed VGA Setting Dialog
Fixed VGA Keyboard
Fixed DialPad Scrolling
Fixed Indicator
Fixed some minor bugs
- 20070602 Selection disapper after 1/2 second from first tap
Fixed some minor bugs
- 20070602 Improved Scroll Procedure, now should be really smooth!!
Added Sort by File As
Changed Company Contacs show
Easy tap ;)
Hide Selection during scrolling
Two different themes (Dark and Light)
Improved code in many parts
Changed Icons
Added about dialog
Fixed some minor bugs
- 20070526 Added TouchScreen Moving Indicator
Changed Call Icon
Removed unuseful SMS Icon
Fixed Long Names
Some code optimization
Increased Font Contact
- 20070525 Fixed Windows 2003 Registry issue.
Fixed bug that open contact inverting sort.
- 20070524 Same code optimization
Added central D-Pad Key to open a contact
Fixed Double Tap
- 20070523 Direct Phone Dial
Display Contact
Speed Call
Fixed Landscape Mode
- 20070522 Registry support to store settings
Added setting for sort
- 20070521 Enable/Disable Speed Icons
Enable/Disable icons
Fixed new default settings to improve scrolling
- 20075020 Added manually settings for scrolling procedure
Added Property Sheet for category settings
- 20070519 Enable/Disable ABC Index
Added settings Dialog
changed Keyboard fonts
- 20070518 Sort Contacts Ascendenting/Descendenting
Added Button to hide Keyboard
Changed Keyboard Background
Some little improvement in scroll procedure
Fixed Selection after a quick search
- 20070517 Added Close Button in menu
Fixed Ascendenting Sort List
Added sort by first or lastname
- 20070516 Fixed a Keyboard bug after scrolling
Added Landscape/Portrait support
Added keyboard for quick search
Known issues
- keyboard have to be adjust in landscape mode (still to do!)
- settings controls have to be adjust in landscape mode (still to do!)
- I feel SSContact slow in my device, Can I do something ?
- Try to disable graphics contents, it should improve.
- where are settings stored ?
- HKLM/Software/ScrollingStone
- How to unset SSContact from right softkey ?
- After unistall softreset the device, if it doesn't work remove string from HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Today/Keys/113 than softreset the device.
- I've problems with Keyboard. It reappearing when i press Hide. Why ?
- Hide button is used to hide keyboard for a second to show contact beside keyboard, if you want close the keyboard you must touch on OK button.
- where is Keyboard ?
- Left DPAD or left Softkey
- where is setting dialog?
- Right DPAD or right Softkey
- Pictures contacts
- Pictures are heavy for scrolling procedure and they should be too much small for be really usefull.
- Filtering by catergory
- At the moment, I'm not planning to do that, I think it's nice have a long list to scroll and keyboard is quick enogh to not have this feature
If you like this software and want give me your thanks and opportunity to provide you a better quality-test software, please consider to
Only WM5 version has been tested by me, I don't have a WM2003 or WM6 device to test them but they should work. Zip files have inside a cab, it will set SSContact as default contact app in right softkey. If you don't want it install RemoveSoftKey.cab and softreset the device or just extract file exe or see faqs how to change registry to remove it
I am a newbie in the ppc app development arena and I am curious to know what developer tools/apps did you use to create your app?
FYI.. I will try you app out as well..thx
I've used C and Windows CE API.
Good luck Guybrush
Hey larna, thanks friend
SSContact first blush....
ok I gave it a spin. My Device is a Cingular 8525 (US) running WM6 (Black 3.01).
The first thoughts:
1. Formating of Contacts. the app shows lastname firstname instead of lastname, first name.
2. I am not seeing all my contacts or its not listing all the contacts in alphabetical order.
3. When I select a contact with my finger or the stylus, nothing happens.
4. It seems that the app is pulling Company info in some instances and contact name in others..very weird.
It would be cool if you could add/import pictures from the contacts
Filtering by catergory
I think you have a good basis here just continue to work at it..good luck
- application is compiled for WM5 not tested on WM6 so i can't be sure all works properly there.
- Order is guaranteed by List Control and API of Windows CE so it's not my procedure but I'll check... be sure u don't have some space before names.
- Contacts, SMS and Phone are not enabled (it's only a test application not a complete application) so they can only be scrolled but u can't select them
- Yes it display company names when company name is present.
About suggestions :
- Pictures are too much heavy and it should make very slow scroll procedure and I Think they should be too much small to be really usefull.
- I'm not planning to add a filtering by categories at the moment, next step is add a Sort by Firstname and Sort by Lastname
Anyway thanks
thnx for this cool small application
imate jasjam win2005
my notes:
1- i tried icontact before ,not working with me
2-SSCONTACT, when i tape the contact nothing happen
3- i see that the interface is good by showing the 2 icons of dialing&message beside the name but again nothing happen upon tapping any icon
4- it scrolls only with the nevagtion key of the ppc not by finger!!!
5-the keyboard is stuck and not closed upon tapping except closing X buuton of the program
your suggestions?????????
I don't know... it's strange in your device not works iContact and also my app maybe u have some program have make some conflict with them... you should scroll with fingers... keyboard shouldn't stuck ...u can close it tap on OK button... icons and contact aren't enabled it's only a test application, it's the first time I have this report.
Guybrush said:
- I'm not planning to add a filtering by categories at the moment, next step is add a Sort by Firstname and Sort by Lastname
Anyway thanks
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I think the most natural way to sort is outlook's "file as" since we already declare what we want to see as "file as"
I've already added sorting by first or last name at the moment tomorrow I'll post the new version, meanwhile if u found bugs on this report me
ahhh... love those apps... both yours and larnas
seriously - great job.
got me all thinking about developing for ppc myself - any chance that you post sources? how difficult ... how time consuming is it?
at the moment no. Some parts are more difficult than other but I'm new in ppc programming and first I've to learn to apply so it taking me much time.
It's great you opened up your own thread. I love to beta test new and developing apps. Even though my device is slower, I will still give comments on your app.
The app so far is running pretty smoothly. A bug I found is with the keyboard quick search feature. There is a person on my contact list named, let's say "Zack"...when I type Z it does not go to the name. This happens for a few other letters with the keyboard as well.
Will you implement phone numbers showing up for names under just Company?
Also, what are the letters on the left side of the screen suppose to do??
during Quick Search with Keyboard you don't see people in the bottom of list just because Keyboard cover them... but search work if u tap Ok you should see them selected , I have to think a solution for that. Company phone is already show but u have to set Business Phone for Company contacts.. Letters on left side can be touched with stylo... letter set focus in first item that start with that letter.
Guybrush said:
during Quick Search with Keyboard you don't see people in the bottom of list just because Keyboard cover them... but search work if u tap Ok you should see them selected , I have to think a solution for that. Company phone is already show but u have to set Business Phone for Company contacts.. Letters on left side can be touched with stylo... letter set focus in first item that start with that letter.
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I see what your saying. But still, when im at the top of the list than type Z on the keyboard, the list still doesn't scroll down to focus on that contact.
The phone number for the company in my contacts is put in the "Company tel." spot. This app can't read the company tel?
The letters on the side of the screen are too small to have real functionality. They are too hard to tap.
Will this work on WM2003?
I have TyTN with WM6 so it's not working properly I hope you'll make it work on WM6 soon. I would like to see some feature I'm missing in both iContacts and your app could you make it neverending scrolling? I mean that when you go to the end of contacts (Z) and scroll down more it will take you to the beginning (A) and the same form beginning (A) to the end (Z)? I hope you'll understand what I mean
sorry guys I don't have a device with WM2003 and WM6 so i cannot test it on them, I can compile and run on emulator but it's not the same thing... btw I'll try only when WM5 version is complete.
@freeyayo50, search doesn't work inside items but always from first char... the control in Windows Mobile can't search into substring... that's sad but i can't do nothing, so if your friend is called Zack and you don't remenber is Lastname i suggest to change order from Last First to First Last and perform search with new order, i've attached a new version.

[NO MORE IN DEV 07/31/200] ContactManager 0.11 - Another try for "finger friendly"...

[NO MORE IN DEV 07/31/200] ContactManager 0.11 - Another try for "finger friendly"...
ContactManager is no more developped, please use the new native version. You can get more information here
ContactManager 0.11
What it does:
- "classic" finger scrolling
- tapping the contact make appear a screen with contact info (photo, name, phone, sms and mail). Selecting one option launch the default compose dialog or make the call. You can also change the contact picture from the detail directly.
- display contact photo if present (in the list and the contact detail).
What's different:
- if you press you finger on the left or right border of the screen it will allow you to select the letter you're searching for, release the finger, it will show you the contact starting with this letter. For me that's the way to go in touch interface: release should trigger the event, push should only provide visual feedback, I'd like a visual kb like this.
- the contact detail is not the standard one, you can show only the information you want (and it's animated .
- the list is animated (scrolling) and the transition between list and detail also.
Settings file:
There is an .ini file that you can create in the directory where the program reside. It contains color, font and image settings. See the setting.ini provided in the zip file.
To install, copy the unzipped file to your ppc and run it. Should be enough. Tested on WM6 only, apparently it also run on WM5. Sorry for 2003 owner, as I don't have such device, I'm unable to test.
Please inform me, before publishing this app on any other website... (a mail to qpouplard // gmail.com will be enough). I'm not against it at all, but I'd like to know it.
What's new? (0.11)
- Localization support
- Bug fixes
- Updated default theme
- Setting to adjust image position
- Multiline information are supported
- Memory optimization
How to use localization??
Copy "lang.fr.ini", adapt the file to your need, change "fr" to your PDA country ISO name. (fr for France, sp for Spain, de for Germany, etc...).
I'll provide localization soon.
What's new? (0.10)
- Gesture: you can slide you finger from right to left or right to left, it will go act like the lower left softkey.
- Bug fixes: app crashing while deleting contact
- New virtual contact: at the end of the list you have a new contact, tap on it to create a new
- New default theme inspired from the Touch
- New settings to adjust contact detail information
To download version 0.11 please go to the brand new ContactManager website: http://www.pocketcm.com.
Please always link to my website, do not provide binary yourself. I'm clearly trying to bring some traffic to my website... so I can continue to develop for free.
You like this application? I've put some time developping this application, it also take me lot of time to take all your valuable comments into account. I'm doing mostly for technical challenge and fun, but ... any donation is appreciated (even the small one) (and will motivate me to continue the development as a freeware), please use this link
Feature to come:
- Native version (who read this? )
- Sync with MyOE contact (http://myoedev.blogspot.com)
- (maybe) compose sms from the application, mainly to allow me to test with SIP method using C# and not C++.
- Setup/packaging integration on the Touch (cube, dialer, etc...).
Download ContactManager 0.11
Thanks- this is a very nice version- I like it.
One suggestion- can the A-Z letter can be another colour- ie colour RED ( or user defined) ... Well done !!!
very nice job and I had the same idea for show contacts for my new iMedia continue to work with it, it's going very nice...
btw some things to adjust :
- scroll isn't very good yet
- left index is too much on the left (
- characters are very ugly on my device
pl55, I'll think about adding some options On the other side, if one of you feel like an artist, feel free to propose something!
Guybrush, can you elaborate what's wrong about scrolling (I mean I agree with you, but on the other side, I have a smartphone for 5 days now... I don't have lot of experience about what's "good" or "bad").
You want left index to be longer? for now it's 26 pixels, maybe 30 will do the job?
Related to the ugliness or character, can you post a screenshot? I only have an HTC touch to test (and the emulator).
that's a screen as appear on my device... about left index look screenshot of my SSContact, i think it's good like that... Scrolling is slow... and not fluid... don't give me good feelings.
I've have a little problem, I can call using the Call button, but the send Sms button doing nothing ....
Very nice work,it looks good by adding contact photo and the idea of side contact to call or to send SMS.
The alpha.index is working but as the application is to be used by finger so it is very difficult to use this index by finger.
Second thing is the scrolling is heavy not fluid,the best i think to scroll is icontact of Larna ,it scrolls very nice.
So keep it up and we all wait for another release with fixed bugs.
pl55, do you have configured anything specific for SMS? WM5 or 6? I'm using "standard" CF function to start the compose SMS stuff.
myRIGHT: regarding performance, what PPC are you using? How many contact do you have? (I have like 100 on mine). How is the sliding to contact detail going? (it's important, if sliding is bad, I'll have to think about a totally different method).
For the alpha index, my idea was exactly to make it usable by finger: its very hard to point to the right letter, but it's rather easy to move your finger to the right position, so the idea is: tap anywhere on left (or right) part of the screen, and move your finger until you're on the right letter, then remove the finger, that's it. That's also why you get a visual feedback (ugly for now, will look better soon).
Wow this looks promising! Good work! Here are my thoughts:
Like MyRIGHT said, I feel the scrolling in larna's icontact is perfect, so if you could get that kind of feel it would be great!
For now though the biggest thing bugging me is the way it sorts the names, File As always seems the prefered way (again like in larna's icontact). If you could fix this I would definitaly use this instead of icontacts!
Good job on the abc index too, maybe you can make the "area" on the right hand side of the screen a little wider (thumb width )
Maybe you could also make the letter that shows up in the middle of the screen more obvious (coloured background or so).
I like how you can you use the virtual keyboard to jump to the first letter!
I LOVE the way the screen slides to the left when you click on a name. It's a lot faster than waiting for the "default" screen to show up too! Maybe the screen that comes in can look a little better like you said though.
The bottom buttons (search and new) don't seem to do anything, but maybe you havent gotten around to that yet. Maybe you could have the app fullscreen and have 4 buttons at the bottom which launch speed dial, call history, the keypad and new contact or so ?
It's also interesting how the d-pad always scrolls all the way to the top of the list no matter what button you press
Hope this might help you and I hope I don't come across as someone who can only complain, this is a really nice app!
tene said:
pl55, do you have configured anything specific for SMS? WM5 or 6? I'm using "standard" CF function to start the compose SMS stuff.
myRIGHT: regarding performance, what PPC are you using? How many contact do you have? (I have like 100 on mine). How is the sliding to contact detail going? (it's important, if sliding is bad, I'll have to think about a totally different method).
For the alpha index, my idea was exactly to make it usable by finger: its very hard to point to the right letter, but it's rather easy to move your finger to the right position, so the idea is: tap anywhere on left (or right) part of the screen, and move your finger until you're on the right letter, then remove the finger, that's it. That's also why you get a visual feedback (ugly for now, will look better soon).
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My apologies, the SMS send button work fine, it's just take a while to load up. . With my Hermes and WM6 - I like the speed of scrolling it's just feel right - ( just like larna's icontact) .
I've to agreed with others, the A_Z index is so tiny, may be if it can be triggered wih another screen A_Z ( more like the contact detail but appear from the left side this will make finger buttom easier).
It's very very nice, but it can't be displayedcorrect om a htc universal (vga screen). If you could make a vga layout it would be perfect...
I think if the scrolling spped and a few graphics were added it would be great! i am a graphics artest, tell me the size and format of the images for things like the letters on the side and i can cook somthing up for u
Hi atomicshockwave,
For now I don't use image, only drawing text, however I'd like to have:
- A correct layout for contact detail (I can extract something from a mockup, for instance, you draw a beautiful sample for a given contact, and I'll try to integrate it).
- An image for the preview letter from the A_Z, something like a bubble pointing to the letter.
Regarding the size, the A_Z is 10*320, each contact is 220 * 32. For the contact detail, it just has to fill the screen.
Apparently it maybe great to think about VGA devices, I don't have one, but I suppose I can use the emulator (however, I fear performance would suffer).
Working on a new version... will update soon.
Hi Tene,
Great and useful App ! it run smoothly and scrolling speed is acceptable on my Hermes with WM6. Only 3 things i noticed that need enhancement:
1) contactmanager can't be minimized with the 'ok' button on Hermes, closing it tapping the 'X' works.
2) If the contact saved phone number in 'work tel', it wouldn't be displayed with your contactmanager (list and detail)
3) the 'new' and 'search' softkey is not responding ?
btw, scrolling at the border for first letter is really useful UI
> 1) contactmanager can't be minimized with the 'ok' button on Hermes, closing it tapping the 'X' works.
Is it something special to your device? (my problem, as a newbe with smartphone, I've no idea what you're talking about)
Regarding work tel, I added work tel to the list of phone number he tries to find, but I really should handle various phone number.
For the new and search, I just put them "for testing", they do nothing... but my question is: what button would be actually usefull?
tene said:
> 1) contactmanager can't be minimized with the 'ok' button on Hermes, closing it tapping the 'X' works.
Is it something special to your device? (my problem, as a newbe with smartphone, I've no idea what you're talking about)
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It has a 'OK' button (most PPC phone has this button) to minimise the app (running in memory but hidden from the screen) instead of closing, it would be good if contactmanager can be minimised.
maybe a Exit softkey button would be useful instead of 'search'
Now see I like the scrolling MUCH better in this than iContact. It might be able to slow down a bit slower but the speed that it maxes out at is good. In iContact, sometimes when I scroll it goes too fast or straight to the bottom of the contact list. That is pretty fast given that I have 100 contacts.
My only issue is that there is only one number shown (which you pointed out), and that the search and new buttons are not functional. This is a big pain with the iContact app... no ability to add a new one. I am on the CUSTEL Ultimate WM6 ROM. This is a great foundation for a contacts app!
how do I update my .net compact framework? Says mine sucks.. errr out of date? Im running a treo 750
fffizzz said:
how do I update my .net compact framework? Says mine sucks.. errr out of date? Im running a treo 750
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Try that: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...2F-07B5-4A8C-8A44-B4E1B196D5C0&displaylang=en
But I've no idea if my app works on a Treo.
There is also some funkiness going on with the scroll wheel on the 8525. If you move it the contact goes straight to A and then the screen is unresponsive for a bit to finger scrolling.

New Applauncher idea

I was Digg'ing when I saw this little app. Can we do it so that it works on PPC and with any app and any launch icon (png preferably?)
The source code is in there... so this should be easy?
dferreira said:
I was Digg'ing when I saw this little app. Can we do it so that it works on PPC and with any app and any launch icon (png preferably?)
The source code is in there... so this should be easy?
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Nice !!!
Notice how fast it goes and no lagging
i wish someone can create a today plugin like this.. or a window based launcher.. i hate full screen apps..
it's possible to download it for my htc elf (wm06)
naillik said:
it's possible to download it for my htc elf (wm06)
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no, it won't work in any device except the iphone..
we are here to request some very good hearted and generous WM programmer to maybe find some time to create a similar application..
all other platforms are making very big leaps in terms of Menu Handling and Graphic User Interfaces.. these features makes or breaks a Platform's sales.. especially to those who are thinking of switching...
too bad Windows Mobile's base GUI is a decade behind the others..
so pleaaase.. pretty please? can someone look into making this? i may sound pathetic but if this is all i can do to make this slick launcher come to WM doorsteps and i'm willing to do more..
ytsejam_ said:
no, it won't work in any device except the iphone..
we are here to request some very good hearted and generous WM programmer to maybe find some time to create a similar application..
all other platforms are making very big leaps in terms of Menu Handling and Graphic User Interfaces.. these features makes or breaks a Platform's sales.. especially to those who are thinking of switching...
too bad Windows Mobile's base GUI is a decade behind the others..
so pleaaase.. pretty please? can someone look into making this? i may sound pathetic but if this is all i can do to make this slick launcher come to WM doorsteps and i'm willing to do more..
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On the other side, if it's just eyecandy, it's almost worthless.
I'm not convinced that this kind of GUI is really useful: one precise tap to move, maybe more, then on tap to launch. It appears to me that it's more efficient that one tap bring a menu, or like in PCM keyboard, one tap, 250ms later you can choose the right option.
tene said:
On the other side, if it's just eyecandy, it's almost worthless.
I'm not convinced that this kind of GUI is really useful: one precise tap to move, maybe more, then on tap to launch. It appears to me that it's more efficient that one tap bring a menu, or like in PCM keyboard, one tap, 250ms later you can choose the right option.
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yes that's what i am aiming at.. maybe we could have a launcher icon that when you tap and hold, brings up a new set of icons, etc.. IMHO this is better that having bunch of little non-appealing tabs to click on, then click again to launch an app..
also, this GUI is more than of a today screen material for it displays a lot of shortcuts in one line, meaning more space left on today screen real estate.. so if you have a lot of shortcuts on your today screen, you don't have to fill the entire screen with icons or reduce the icon size to fit em all.. don't we all hate scroll bars on our today screen? with this, all you need to do is do a horizontal scroll (or maybe move D-pad left or right) to focus the offscreen shortcuts.. far better than tabbed launchers IMHO.. besides, finger scrolling is now easy to do and common to most new Devices due to Touch based ROMS..
Have you seen the MRU (Most Recent Apps) plugin on our WM Smartphones? this is the same concept, except that it launches specific shortcuts instead of shuffled apps, and navigation is controlled by a swipe movement..
Menu-based Launcher already exists
If you want to press a button to bring up a menu of icons, that already exists. Check out WM5NewMenu by saman-cz (this forum). It started off as a shortcut to add a new appointment or contact, but evolved into a program launcher with some really neat capability like nested menus and shortcuts for speeddial. Doesn't have icons though, just shortcut name (prob keeps the memory smaller).
I'd still be interested in a horizontal scroller for frequently used apps to replace cLaunch on the today screen if anyone can take that on...
tene said:
On the other side, if it's just eyecandy, it's almost worthless.
I'm not convinced that this kind of GUI is really useful: one precise tap to move, maybe more, then on tap to launch. It appears to me that it's more efficient that one tap bring a menu, or like in PCM keyboard, one tap, 250ms later you can choose the right option.
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Tene I think your PocketCM is the general idea, instead of contact list and vertical scrolling you could make it shortcut list and horizontal scrolling.
I lwould like to have an AppLauncher similar to the MacOSX bar.
in bottom U have small icons, if U are hove on one it becomes bigger and on releasing it, a Menu slides in the screen.
Im already trying to code such an app, in native C++.
But for a first Release ( just showing the GUI ) it' ll takes still a little time.
I have not so much in moment ( studying?!, moving into another house... ), also its my first Programm using the winapi....
So wish me luck....

[Upd 8/06] iContact 1.03 ender's edition: Menu animation, autohide, Smart dial number

Hi All,
Here is the latest iContact ender's edition. As much as I would like to keep my own branch of the source code I would hate to rewrite the same functionality written by burt or subpro. That is why right now I am just implementing my changes to the latest version of iContact with most functionality.
Known issues
- Included VGA skin is just the resize of QVGA. It has some problems with small dial icons. I am hoping someone can post a VGA skin so I can include in the next version.
- Scroll sometimes slow down while hiding the bottom menubar.
- You might need to tap twice to open a contact.
- Can someone post screenshots plz.
- Current mobile, home, office icons are from original WM. They look ok but I'm sure one of you gfx talents can come up with smtg much better.
Version History
Feature : It is now based on Burt 6 codebase (Thanks to Burt). This brings all his features. See http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=402724 for his updates. Also please thank him for what he has done.
Feature : Displayed default number is now smarter. iContact will scan your outgoing call log the first chance it gets and use the most used number as default displayed number.
Feature : There is now a menu button animation while switching tabs. (See the configuration application for disabling/adjusting this)
Feature : Bottom menu now automatically hides while scrolling. (See the configuration application for disabling/adjusting this)
Feature : Call button (green soft button) will now call the selected contact
Modified : It comes with a default (and only) diamond skin which is based on Lycox's work. (Sorry Punker I was going to use your skin but since I switchted to burt's code skin format has changed as well )
Modified : Call times show next to the icon instead of on top of the icon
Fix : When you go back from the details page, that contact will be highlighted
Fix : Fixed a bug where having only one call log item would crash
Feature : It is now based on the 0.76 codebase of subpro. This brings many features like VGA support and all that. See
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=395829 for his updates. Also please thank/donate him if you like his work.
Feature : Number of repeated calls (incoming/outgoing/missed) is now shown as part of the icon as a small number in a circle (Sorry I broke the skins again fellas)
Feature : A default phone number will now show under the name (You can disable this using the setting DisableDialingNumber in settings.ini) (You can set the font of this number using "DialingNoListFont" and color using "ListItemNumberText" setting in the skn file.)
Feature : An icon showing the type of number will show next to the default number (You can disable this using the setting DisableDialingNumberIcon)(These icons are again part of the skin)
Feature : When you long press a contact for a period of time (setting LongTapDelay) , it will automatically dial the default number for that contact. (Disable using DisableLongTapAction)
Feature : There is a visual indicator for long pressing to show when the dial will occur and which contact will be dialed.
Feature : There is now a minimize button on the top right. Again this is in the skin file. If you don't like it just remove it from the skin.
Feature : There is now a new setting in the skin file "HeaderTextDetail" for those who want to have a different colored header on the details screen.
Fix : Fixed a bug where contact pictures didn't show even when stopped
Fix : Fixed an issue with drawing pictures that slowed down the drawing. However there is still some screen tearing going on due to new icons and stuff.
Fix : It now works with WM5
Note : There are 2 different cabs for wm5 an wm6. wm5 version also works on wm6 but i think it performs slower.
Feature : Contact Pictures will now display below a certain scroll velocity. So now you can have best of both worlds: Fast scroll speed and contact pictures. Velocity treshold can be set in the ini file with "PictureVelocityTreshold"
Feature : Width of the hidden scroll bar that is used to navigate between letters are now configurable in the SKIN file. Keyword "InvisibleScrollbarWidth"
Modified : I changed the versioning scheme so there is no confusion between diffferent iContact flavors
Modified : Back button and '+' button click areas are now bigger.
Fix : Fixed a memory leak which eventually crashed the application
Fix : Fixed an issue where black colors on contact pictures would show as background color
Fix : Fixed a bug where scrolling would sometimes jump to the end of contact list
Feature: There are now 2 configuration settings (DisableContactPictures and DisableHistoryIcons). Add a line saying "DisableContactPictures=1" (without quotes) to the end of the settings.ini if you dont want to see pictures.
Modified: Hidden scroll bar for scrolling between letters is now wider
Fix : Fixed the problem with the skin so + sign should now be visible
Feature : Contact Pictures on Contacts and Favorites List
Feature : Call History now shows icons next to items to indicate if it is a missed, incoming or outgoing call
Feature : Contacts and Favorites will now only load when the application starts and whenever there is a change in contact list (internal or external) (Instead of loading everytime you switch a tab)
Feature : Call log will now only load when the application starts and whenever there is a change in the call log
Feature : While loading contacts or call log it will now show an hourglass to show that it is doing something.
Feature : iContact now comes with a default diamond skin (Thx to lyrox)
Modified : Enlarged the area that can be clicked on top right. Closing / Minimizing the application should now be much easier.
Modified : Taping once during scrolling will now just stop the scrolling, you need to tap again to access contacts.
Modified : Since there are now icons, I removed missed called highlight
Modified : '+' sign that is used to add new contacts is now on the left to prevent accidental clicking to close
Fix : Fixed a bug where clicking Recents would sometimes crash the application
- If you like my work please donate Unicef http://www.supportunicef.org/site/pp.asp?c=9fLEJSOALpE&b=1023561
-This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
-If you are interested in source code, just post a reply here or send me a private message. I will send it to anyone without any questions.
Sounds GREAT!! Any screen-shots??
tnx man very nice app!!
you modifite like i want to!!!
sorry for my bad english!!
works on vga but all seems so little!
is there any vga skin?
working nice, but I don't see any plus icon on the upper left side?
Works great!!
I dont see how to add new contact though.......also, is it possible to have the 4th icon dial voicemail instead of going to your phone??
great work on icontact, i may try the new version as im more concerned about performance but hopefully its worth the upgrade
edit: where is the performance version?
I would like a light colored skin. Top bar same as S2*** stuff but with a white back ground maybe a little iphonish but not to much. Does anybody know where I can find one?
the changes are wonderful....the stopping by clicking and the log icons..... but there are 2 problems in my eyes:
1. I think the photos in the list are pointless - they are not REALLY needed. the whole point of icontact was to keep it fast and to take less memory. it changes the loading time and makes the program heavier.
2. The scrolling is much much slower and unstable than in 0.75
thanks for the hard work.
awesome job! thanks
This is so freakin phenomenal!!
Maybe 3 suggestions, but only from the stand point of desire not lack of talent!!! Could you add it sort by Category? And could you place a button on the Recent page that launches the sms application of choice like the phone button launches cprog.exe???? Finally, I would like to know how to change the width of the hidden alphabet selector on the right side. I need a little more pixel width for my thumbs.
Thanks again
sounds great, trying it now
many thanks!!!
nir36 said:
the changes are wonderful....the stopping by clicking and the log icons..... but there are 2 problems in my eyes:
1. I think the photos in the list are pointless - they are not REALLY needed. the whole point of icontact was to keep it fast and to take less memory. it changes the loading time and makes the program heavier.
2. The scrolling is much much slower and unstable than in 0.75
thanks for the hard work.
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Hey nir, I agree the scrolling has slowed up over .75.. However personally I like the photos. Even with them it is way less memory the PocketCM and provides a little eye candy!!
ya it looks so small with vga, can someone fix it?
makeveral said:
ya it looks so small with vga, can someone fix it?
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same for me
thanks alot for the nice share.
stanglifemike said:
Sounds GREAT!! Any screen-shots??
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Sorry I neither have time nor skills to take screenshots and erase pictures/names from them
spupuz said:
works on vga but all seems so little!
is there any vga skin?
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sorry I dont have a VGA device so it is not top on my priority list. but I know subpro have finished a VGA version and it is in beta.
Vitekg said:
working nice, but I don't see any plus icon on the upper left side?
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stanglifemike said:
Works great!!
I dont see how to add new contact though.......also, is it possible to have the 4th icon dial voicemail instead of going to your phone??
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For some reason the + sign doesnt show up. I will fix this in the next version (which will be very soon). In the meantime just imagine the + sign is there on the top left of contact list screen title bar and press. It is working just the graphics is not there.
As for the 4th icon i will consider something more useful or configurable for a future version.
xboxhaxorz said:
edit: where is the performance version?
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This is the performance version
nir36 said:
1. I think the photos in the list are pointless - they are not REALLY needed. the whole point of icontact was to keep it fast and to take less memory. it changes the loading time and makes the program heavier.
2. The scrolling is much much slower and unstable than in 0.75
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To be honest with you scrolling havent changed on my Polaris even single bit but I am considering making photos configurable.
curious george said:
Could you add it sort by Category? And could you place a button on the Recent page that launches the sms application of choice like the phone button launches cprog.exe???? Finally, I would like to know how to change the width of the hidden alphabet selector on the right side. I need a little more pixel width for my thumbs.
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Sorting by category is not very easy. iContact has no category support yet when/if this is added I will consider.
I am not sure where on recent pages i can put sms application link.
When you say alphabet selector do you mean the button that opens up the alphabet or the buttons on the alphabet screen. Alphabet screen is already full I dont think you can put any more than that. As for the launching button, it is configurable.
endermalkoc said:
Sorting by category is not very easy. iContact has no category support yet when/if this is added I will consider.
I am not sure where on recent pages i can put sms application link.
When you say alphabet selector do you mean the button that opens up the alphabet or the buttons on the alphabet screen. Alphabet screen is already full I dont think you can put any more than that. As for the launching button, it is configurable.
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icontact does have category support. I have a version that does it. I like yours better however. On the recent calls page there is an open spot to the far right on the tab bar. The alphabet search page itself is fine, I was speaking of the hidded bar on the right side that you can press and hold to bring up the letters and then scroll to jump to the one you want.
just wanted to say great app! thanks, and waiting for ur next innovation
curious george said:
icontact does have category support. I have a version that does it. I like yours better however.
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The source code I am working on doesnt have it unfortunately.
curious george said:
On the recent calls page there is an open spot to the far right on the tab bar.
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I see what you mean. I havent decided what to do with that space. There are several things that might go there such as settings button or categories list. I think that space is too valuable to put an sms button I almost never just open an sms link. Instead I find the contact I want to send SMS and then click the sms button on the details page.
curious george said:
The alphabet search page itself is fine, I was speaking of the hidded bar on the right side that you can press and hold to bring up the letters and then scroll to jump to the one you want.
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It is not configurable, it is hardcoded in the code as 20pixels. I will increase it to 30 in the next version

[PRJ][21.09.2008]The Manila Interface of your dream PnP (pen-and-paper) ;)

Hello guys!
I think many of us came to the thinking that, though TouchFLO 3D is great UI, we should make something alternate, something that better fits our needs. And now, i think i'm ready to create one, but first we should decide how should it look like and how should it operate.
So, i propose a kind of "brainstorming contest" where you decide about the look of a new UI. But to avoid this turning into an annoying feature request list ("more tasks on today! please! please! please!" ), here are the rules:
- NO text-only suggestions - every post s/b illustrated with pen-and-paper drawing
- NO screenshots or photoshop cooks - only hand-drawings or something that look like em (yes, you can use digitizer tablet )
- drawings are NOT required to be professional - just something to illustrate you thoughts
- you are NOT required to develop the complete UI - you may just post suggestions about UI parts, but preferred things are unique navigation idea (try to forget about tabs), apps\tabs convergence, brand new useful apps/tabs
- best contributors ideas (possible with Manila API) will be implemented and their names will be listed in "About..." screen
Posts that violate rules (even best of them), will be ignored.
That's it.
maybe this is too open ended.. do you haev some ideas of your own that you might want to put forward?
omniwolf said:
maybe this is too open ended.. do you haev some ideas of your own that you might want to put forward?
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I'm already implementing ideas of my own
I just wanted to know what do folks think/dream about
show us whatcha go then!
I think D-MAN666 doesn't want to influence people, this is a brainstorming If he starts with his idea, it is probable that nobody will post a completely different concept...
This might be a useful start for interface design:
One thing I would love to see is a radial menu:
Similar to tap-and-hold for a context menu, but instead of a list popping up, a radial menu appears. You could fit 8-12 options around the circle, which would cover TF3d's pages.
So in usage, tap for the popup radial menu, then:
- swipe up for Contacts
- swipe right for Music
- swipe down for Home
- etc
IMO, it's much easier to be accurate in swiping at different angles/directions than it is to be precise with the default TF3d slider tabs, so you could really speed your way through the interface. The same could apply elsewhere: tap and hold a contact, then swipe up to call, left to SMS, right to email, etc.
For other thoughts, here's a read on interface optimization (for the technically inclined):
And maybe later if I'm bored I'll draw some mockups
sorry for breaking the rules, but everyone else is lol...thats a link to the WM7 concept design...along with theoretical gestures...i really digg the battery bar on the bottom and the reception bar...
Ill be the first then...
A quick drawing i knocked up... manila stays very much the same but basicaly show page navigation on the manila both horizontal and vertical..
I hope its clear enough
2 ideas here
I am going to break the rules since I'ma t work and can't really be seen drawing lol.
Here they are:
- Make use of the touch capacitative ability of the the buttons panel. It's made up of three touch panels. Maybe a swipe from left to right to unlock and right to left to lock.
- Display applications within tabs. Ex: Being able to display Icontact when sliding to the contact tab.
And for UI inspiration, I would look here:
Ok, here's my concept
The general idea is to keep most of manilla look'n feel, just remove useless animations/transitions, and change the home screen.
Changes : on the right side of the screen, a scrollbar similar to the "contacts" one appears. It controls the content of the box under the clock.
On the left, a button to maximize (take the place of the clock) the box, and a fast vibrator/ring permutation button.
So, by scrolling the bar, the content of the box changes, could be call log, contacts, fast program launcher, music player, and so on.
The idea is to keep complex functionalities (camera, tv, etc) needing full screen accessible by the manilla bar, and quick&fast features such as logs, sms, player accessible on the main screen.
Nice idea, man
Hi there,
just a thought on a possible gui for the UI, instead of tabs, layers (don't know if that's possible, but it would be very cool imho)
you could have multiple layers, and have the layers in the backgound fade out and become smaller (perspective) and use a swipe up or down to navigate
Anything happening on here?
Just wondering
SinnerNL said:
Hi there,
just a thought on a possible gui for the UI, instead of tabs, layers (don't know if that's possible, but it would be very cool imho)
you could have multiple layers, and have the layers in the backgound fade out and become smaller (perspective) and use a swipe up or down to navigate
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great idea!
like the game u can get on Playstation 3... where u 'swim' around collecting stuff and going thru lvls....
I'm thinking that the Ximoon idea is quite good but one thing that should be included is landscape option and I'm not talking about TP version but one with the same functions like the portrait one
I like the idea of the circular menus...
well first of all thanks to you guys you are doing awsome work and its always funn spendin my free time in your forums
now to my idea
does anybody know the film : the lawnmower man? theres one scene almost at the end of the film where he tries to escape to the internet i think the idea is quite amazing movn in a bowl and havin litle windows to select.
what do ya think
this is the link to the movie scene just skip it forward to about 5 minutes
Edit: sry forgot the link :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doAnB5_eDnw&feature=related

