magicall - HD2 General

ok so i ''bought'' magicall from some ''non-torrent'' website and it appears i have version 2.x(the only working cr4ck that i found haha)
so anyway i have this problem, i have some girls that i chat with (wont go into detail) and my girlfriend hates it when i talk to other girls so i want to block text(sms) messages from some of them but i have tried to do this but it just would not work...I will put some screenshots here to show what I did in the setup and hope you guys can tell me why it is not working =O
so to summarize what I want :
1.I want to block SMS/TEXT messages
2.they have to be deleted and not show up(i don't care if i cant read them) has to happen SILENTLY(or as much as possible) has to happen everyday all day long until i turn it off(I don't get the last part of the program where you can enter a time from till i type 0.01 till 23.59?)
if any1 could help id love you to death(no homo)
pictures :

I wouldn't expect to get much help with "cr4cked" software that youve "bought" round here if I were you.......

conantroutman said:
I wouldn't expect to get much help with "cr4cked" software that youve "bought" round here if I were you.......
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well its none of their business is it? Im just being straight i bought a fcking 400euro+ phone and it cant even block texts? thats fkcing CRAZY my 4-5year old samsung E900 can do that!!!
so if you have nothing helpful to say stay out of here plz I need answers not useless stuff :/

magical works perfectly on hd2
I have been using magicall on my hd2 n works like charm
first u have to set a rule
for exmp if u want to block a particular number u have to feed that number n assign a name for that rule in operation field u can set the way u want ur phone to behave when the set number calls u or sms u
If still its not working I think u have not installed the app properly if u want a proper version mail me I can do that for you
[email protected]

I dont egt it..could you take a screenshot of your magical layout so i cans ee where to put what? just use fake numbers or something haha

lunaticz0r said:
well its none of their business is it? Im just being straight i bought a fcking 400euro+ phone and it cant even block texts? thats fkcing CRAZY my 4-5year old samsung E900 can do that!!!
so if you have nothing helpful to say stay out of here plz I need answers not useless stuff :/
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ok calm down, I dont really give a **** where or how you get your software, I was just making the point that most people round here do.....

yo sang answer my mail dudee

Hey lunaticz0r
Dont be such a D**K and sort ur life out.
We dont want freeloaders on here.
Go google for ur answers and dont bother the people who ACTUALLY pay for their software.

get yourself another girlfriend instead ++no warez-talk++

i ****ing paid 400euros for a piece of crap phone that laggs out every 10minutes and needs more hard and soft reboots then my old phone ever had in its 5years I think I am allowed to ask for this little favor
and well i might buy this program if i figured out how then fck it works the manual is no help either already tried that
lol hectiq i wish it was that easy
edit : before anyone keeps whining or says ahh then go back to your old phone boohoo <-- it died that's why i thought since this phone has been out for a while it would be a good step UP

lunaticz0r said:
i ****ing paid 400euros for a piece of crap phone that laggs out every 10minutes and needs more hard and soft reboots then my old phone ever had in its 5years I think I am allowed to ask for this little favor
and well i might buy this program if i figured out how then fck it works the manual is no help either already tried that
lol hectiq i wish it was that easy
edit : before anyone keeps whining or says ahh then go back to your old phone boohoo <-- it died that's why i thought since this phone has been out for a while it would be a good step UP
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So why don´t You get Yourself an Iphone Crap4 and get Your hacked sw there ? It´s one thing that You pay 400 bucks for a phone (nobody forced You though with a gun to Your head) it´s sumthin completely different to install cracked sw. The Dev-People have to live on it and invest much time in dev. So You better shut up an f*** off.
Best would be to delete this thread to keep XDA clean ...

troed said:
Best would be to delete this thread to keep XDA clean ...
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I couldn't agree more. In the meantime, I'd suggest that the OP familiarize himself with #6 in the rules section. Punk kids with foul language and bad attitudes are not what will help keep XDAdev a great community.

Thread closed.


I'm over it I just want it done, please

Can anyone here please for the love of god tell me how to get my damned computer running Window's Xp 03 to detect this HD2. I picked it up for my friend and it was already running Android but all the guys info, pic's and email is still locked into the phone and no clear data doesn't work. I need to access the file that holds all of this and delete it. You can call or skype me and I'll be happy to pay someone to walk me through this. Its worth it to me not to waste anymore time or stress and get him outta my hair.
Hey there, judging by your area code you are in SC...but where in SC? I'm in Florence...if you are local, I could possibly help you out in person.
I'm in Myrtle Beach, I actually go the hd2 to connect to my macbook and I can make out the files on the sd card I simply don't know which folder contains the personal info stuff, I don't wan to delete the android stuff. Although there is one file called android.
jacumja said:
Can anyone here please for the love of god tell me how to get my damned computer running Window's Xp 03 to detect this HD2. I picked it up for my friend and it was already running Android but all the guys info, pic's and email is still locked into the phone and no clear data doesn't work. I need to access the file that holds all of this and delete it. You can call or skype me and I'll be happy to pay someone to walk me through this. Its worth it to me not to waste anymore time or stress and get him outta my hair.
Have you uninstalled your antivirus and, then, connected the phone for autodetect? Everytime I flash... the same problem...
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I haven't but I will, right now I have the access I need oddly enough via macbook first try I just need to remember what folder I delete that removes the gmail adress and all the info. I'm copying them all over to my desktop and I guess I'll just delete them one by one.
I will gladly pay someone 50 dollars to fix this garbage for me I'm sick of this phone and ready to wipe my butt with it. Mainly because i tried deleting a file and upon restart now it won't detect there is an sd card which there is. I don't get how easy this is for you guys.
jacumja said:
I will gladly pay someone 50 dollars to fix this garbage for me I'm sick of this phone and ready to wipe my butt with it. Mainly because i tried deleting a file and upon restart now it won't detect there is an sd card which there is. I don't get how easy this is for you guys.
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If you wouldn't delete a file on your computer unless you were REALLY sure you knew what you were doing... DON"T DO IT ON YOUR PHONE! untill you're sure. Just a rule I live by...
P.S. For goodness sake don't mess with the registry!
jacumja said:
I'm in Myrtle Beach, I actually go the hd2 to connect to my macbook and I can make out the files on the sd card I simply don't know which folder contains the personal info stuff, I don't wan to delete the android stuff. Although there is one file called android.
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Why don't you just start from scratch...
Honestly I don't have time to start from scratch and i don't understand any of this mess. I work 2 jobs and hacking or modding is not my forte. You want me to rebuild a motor and I can do it blind folded but this is your world and not mine and I'm experienced enough to know that.
You bought a phone that is modded and you call it a piece of crap. Do a hard reset and use the stock ROM if you don't want to mod it.
If you bought a computer that had the wrong OS would you call it a piece crap too? Don't blame the phone blame the mod that the person you bought it from.
NO mensa candidate with an obvious lack of reading comprehension. I'm upset with the situation of not being able to delete the guys info off the phone. Obviously I wanted it modded if I bought it modded and I've stated I wanted it modded. I'm not blaming anyone except you for adding your useless input into this thread.
Master of the Obvious
This is a problem I see often with people who want to do Technology savvy stuff without the disciplines and background in Technology whatever it is?
(At the very least make the Effort to know the Basics)
That is why Apple products exist for? I always hear Mac people insult Windows products! and its always for the same reason? "Severe Ignorance of Technology!"
That is why Grandmothers can use Macs!
"Distinctions without Differences is Master of the Obvious"
The only real advice I can give you is...
Stop Whining and "Man-Up" to the task at hand! Relax and use your brain for which it was intended for? "Reasoning" you are very fortunate to have found XDA, but "most" of the people here are for the advancement and self-Teaching of Technology! You are not going to find more Intelligent Tech Savvy people than on XDA!
Now for the Master of the Obvious things?
make sure that you have described the problem with enough detail for someone to help you! and hopefully you previously have taken the time and effort to do a "Search" on your problem! but if you are like many I see here and want everyone to hold your hand for something you are too slothy to do yourself? Then hope that someone here is Altruistic enough to help you? Remember you have spent more energy whining about the problem than....
Back up everything using either MS MyPhone or SPB Backup?
and then you can reinstall the HD2 with what you want on it?
Good Luck
Sent using my HD2
Wow hd2shadow, thank you so much for your useless input as well as the anonymous insults. Its really easy to make fun of someone or put them down when they're not in front of you. I'd probably do the same thing if I were you so no worries. I don't know you anymore than you know my but you seem like a real *****.
I am not a Mac fan boy nor am I putting anything down. I'm using a Mac because I'm in the middle of a move and do not have access to my Windows operated desktop. I build half a million dollar race cars for a living. I highly doubt I'm severely ignorant of technology as you put it.
Compute that while you rail your Steve Jobs blow up doll with a hacked HD2 balls deep in your ass, best of luck.
$100 to anyone that will walk me through this, last two ******s excluded.
So are you talking about on android? If you can get it to sync to your mac just access the file on the SD card "android" then remove data.img give your phone a nice little reboot and you can set android back up per your settings with no previous data.
jacumja said:
NO mensa candidate with an obvious lack of reading comprehension. I'm upset with the situation of not being able to delete the guys info off the phone. Obviously I wanted it modded if I bought it modded and I've stated I wanted it modded. I'm not blaming anyone except you for adding your useless input into this thread.
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Ok, so let me try to understand then. You bought a phone that was modded with a ROM that wasn't made for you're phone, you don't have the time or desire how to get it to work and you don't want to hard reset the phone and start from scratch?
Yeah I must have been talking out my a**
odds are I fixed it.
how to get my damned computer running Window's Xp 03 to detect this HD2
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. use ActiveSync 4.5
already running Android but all the guys info, pic's and email is still locked into the phone
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delete account in email or reinstall Android do Search on that!
HD2 Boots up in Windows Mobile and you have to tell it to Run Android!
I have the access I need oddly enough via macbook.
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so use DoubleTwist? or other Mac Syncs use Search.
I just need to remember what folder I delete that removes the gmail adress
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Windows you just delete account! but you never were specific if Android?
Mainly because i tried deleting a file and upon restart
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Well that was just Stupid Deleting without know what you are doing!
J Newtons 2nd Law; Don't know enough to be Dangerous!
i don't understand any of this mess. I work 2 jobs and hacking or modding is not my forte
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That is very True, J Newtons 1st Law; When you don't know anything? Then Do Nothing! J Newtons 2nd Law; Don't know enough to be Dangerous!
NO mensa candidate with an obvious lack of reading comprehension. I'm not blaming anyone except you for adding your useless input into this thread.
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You Blame everyone but yourself for not knowing enough!
Wow hd2shadow, thank you so much for your useless input as well as the anonymous insults. Its really easy to make fun of someone or put them down when they're not in front of you.
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Actually it easier when they are in front of me! Its how I prefer it. And if you have not figured out why people here cant help you is because you don't give enough information to deduce what the problem is and how to fix it? I purposely put all that you posted because just maybe you might learn what the problem is here?
COMMUNICATION FAILURE! Advice #1 Don't Whine when posting!, #2 Don't Insult those who try to HELP YOU! #3 The Most important, Be Humble!
I build half a million dollar race cars for a living. I highly doubt I'm severely ignorant of technology as you put it.
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Don't care about cars you build? has nothing to do here with Tech.
and I know you doubt it but let me ask you, THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE NOT BEING UNDERSTOOD? Remember Its not up to us to try to figure out what you are trying to say? Its up to you to make yourself clear to everyone who is trying to help?
I don't know you anymore than you know my but you seem like a real *****.
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I only know what you write, just like you know me by what I write. and you don't know if I am a Gay Woman? and ***** is not very nice
$100 to anyone that will walk me through this, last two ******s excluded.
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You get more Flies with Honey than Vinegar! If you change your attitude you might? not have to pay? But if you READ what you posted below you might understand why they might not jump at that savory opportunity?
Lets Try Again but this time Leave out the unnecessary, and focus on details of the problem. I get tired of guys like you here! that why I unloaded on you! I have been with XDA along time but use different Login names when I see immaturity of actions because they have a tendency too vengeful boyish tactics.
The rest is here below;
Can anyone here please for the love of god tell me how to get my damned computer xxxxxxxxxxxx. I picked it up for my friend and it was already xxxxxxxxxxxxxx into the phone and no clear data doesn't work. I need to access the file that holds all of this and delete it. You can call or skype me and I'll be happy to pay someone to walk me through this. Its worth it to me not to waste anymore time or stress and get him outta my hair.
I'm in Myrtle Beach, xxxxxxxxxx and I can make out the files on the sd card I simply don't know which folder contains the personal info stuff, I don't wan to delete the android stuff. Although there is one file called android.
I haven't but I will, right now I have the access I need oddly enough via macbook first try I just need to remember xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and all the info. I'm copying them all over to my desktop and I guess I'll just delete them one by one.
I will gladly pay someone 50 dollars to fix this garbage for me I'm sick of this phone and ready to wipe my butt with it. Mainly because xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx now it won't detect there is an sd card which there is. I don't get how easy this is for you guys.
NO mensa candidate with an obvious lack of reading comprehension. I'm upset with the situation of not being able to delete the guys info off the phone. Obviously I wanted it modded if I bought it modded and I've stated I wanted it modded. I'm not blaming anyone except you for adding your useless input into this thread.
Honestly I don't have time to start from scratch and i don't understand any of this mess. I work 2 jobs and hacking or modding is not my forte. You want me to rebuild a motor and I can do it blind folded but this is your world and not mine and I'm experienced enough to know that.
Wow hd2shadow, thank you so much for your useless input as well as the anonymous insults. Its really easy to make fun of someone or put them down when they're not in front of you. I'd probably do the same thing if I were you so no worries. I don't know you anymore than you know my but you seem like a real *****.
$100 to anyone that will walk me through this, last two ******s excluded.
Ok I am bored now....
Thank You to CyanPrinter for helping me getting this issue resolved. Also thank you z33dev33l your simple idea would have solved the issue as well. I unfortunately stopped reading before you posted it due to the two **** sticks that needed to turn the thread into an "Internet Pissing Contest". I appreciate the help from either of you. Thank god there are tech savy people our there that aren't complete douche bags every chance they get to people that are not.
Fyi. hd2shadow I find it hilarious that you had to run your **** sucker like you did yet you had not clue with your infinite experience how to fix the issue. Yet the people that took know issue with me did in less than one sentence. Maybe your just a pretender who's obviously got a self worth complex. Either way keep lurking and being confrontational to people for no reason on the internet. We all know what would happen if you ran your mouth like this face to face with someone. Which is exactly why you do it here.

[Q] Remove Camera - ASAP!!

Hi guys,
I really need someones help in finding a simple way to disable the camera or just change some setting to make it not work. PLEASE HELP!!
salonluden said:
Hi guys,
I really need someones help in finding a simple way to disable the camera or just change some setting to make it not work. PLEASE HELP!!
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I really don't know why would you want to do that but I have a hardware solution for you and it needs your HD2 to be disassembled partialy.
That would be awesome.... Can you explain it to me somehow? And would I be able to get my camera back again?
Thanks soooooo much!
why would you want to? whats wrong?
hacking it apart is a bit extreme if you ask me you could just not use it i dont see how it effects anything else.
salonluden said:
Hi guys,
I really need someones help in finding a simple way to disable the camera or just change some setting to make it not work. PLEASE HELP!!
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According to your sig, you're still on Dutty's WM6.5. Why are you posting in the WP7 forum to ask this question aside from the obvious...just don't use the camera.
I used to work construction in the chemical plants where cameras were not allowed and phones were checked by security at the gate. Upgrade time--me "I need a phone with no camera" Radio Shack dude "uhh...uhhh...uhhh...Idunno..." So I carry my antique cameraless phone on my belt to show security and stuff my new one deep down in my pocket. What am I gonna do, sell pictures of pipes and tanks to the Russians?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Ok, the duttys rom thing i'll get rid of now - I'm using WP7 (thats why i posted here). I was hoping to get more of a software answer than hardware btw.
And mrfyisms was close. Where I work I cant use a camera phone but I really need my HD2 (its my life!!!! )
so again... any answers?
Seems easy. Disassamble the cover of your phone and stick some tape on the inside of the lens. There are just 4 screws underneath your battery cover.
You can always reverse this process...
well, we dont have a camera button as such, so its not easy to see except for the rather obvious camera lens!
Theres no easy way of showing them that your camera with a physical lens isnt working, you could make sure there is no tile with the camera icon on it but any company worth a damn would realise that anything you could do to you phone in a software sense could be reversed very easily.
If i was your security guy i wouldnt allow it if that was the rules and if your chap would let it go through with a simple software mod then can you PM me your company and his job description i would feel the need for a wee phone call and a career change
Preferably I would love to have just a software mod that deletes the camera app from wp7... is that at all possible?
Dumbest request ever. sorry that i have to say it and i realy dont wanna be offencive but its stupid.
if you work in such a company where cameras arent allowed , a software mod which removes camera app wouldnt make it legal in your company. there could be another app with camera funktions too. also to remove camera hardware is stupid cause it just would destroy your device.
if you know that camera smartphones arent allowed dont buy one or buy another to use it at work. there are many of them out there. if i would work there i would buy a normal phone for work.
another work around would be to quit the job.
sorry that i have such emotions in that question but i work in a it department of such a company where cameras arent allowed. and people like this guy are going on our nerves every day. some try to make a sticker on there camera and think its done with that.
ITS NOT ALLOWED GET OVER IT. we dont care if you have the cam app removed or the hardware is broken.
allowed!!!!! now get out of my room and **** you.
Sorry and have a nice day.
Wow your a pain... I cant really say where I work but basically because the iphone 4 is so popular they came out with a rule saying that if you just delete the software it counts... I guess they expect us no to be TOO tech savy.
Thanks for the beautiful message... but I didn't ask for any nasty replies, just a helpful one - you don't quite know the situation I'm in so lets not start getting up all tight.
lokiderelb said:
Dumbest request ever. sorry that i have to say it and i realy dont wanna be offencive but its stupid.
if you work in such a company where cameras arent allowed , a software mod which removes camera app wouldnt make it legal in your company. there could be another app with camera funktions too. also to remove camera hardware is stupid cause it just would destroy your device.
if you know that camera smartphones arent allowed dont buy one or buy another to use it at work. there are many of them out there. if i would work there i would buy a normal phone for work.
another work around would be to quit the job.
sorry that i have such emotions in that question but i work in a it department of such a company where cameras arent allowed. and people like this guy are going on our nerves every day. some try to make a sticker on there camera and think its done with that.
ITS NOT ALLOWED GET OVER IT. we dont care if you have the cam app removed or the hardware is broken.
allowed!!!!! now get out of my room and **** you.
Sorry and have a nice day.
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just because you say sorry doesn't make it all're such a douche!!! you don't own the xda boards nor anything else on here. i am going to contact xda to remove your sorry ass.

help with activation , tips n tricks

ive been helped out , but left title for search reference
souljaboy said:
i heard it takes no more than 4 minutes , so ill paypal $2 for an activaton code if any1 helps me get one , and no im not lazy i gave it a try myself , but they saw my ip ... my guess is the same thing would happen thru phone with my number
any 1 needs some info ill provide thru pm
im not from a wp7 launched country and theyre giving a brotha hard time
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your too honest, you should have just said your on holiday!
try it again
Well if you really want to pay me 30$ i can do it
dazza9075 said:
your too honest, you should have just said your on holiday!
try it again
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yea ill have to do it ... should it be ok if i say i bought it in craigslist ?
souljaboy said:
i heard it takes no more than 4 minutes , so ill paypal $2 for an activaton code if any1 helps me get one , and no im not lazy i gave it a try myself , but they saw my ip ... my guess is the same thing would happen thru phone with my number
any 1 needs some info ill provide thru pm
im not from a wp7 launched country and theyre giving a brotha hard time
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Okay, I'll do it for free.....but what's your IMEI number. They ask for that
(and if you do accept my help, send the # in a PM)
souljaboy said:
yea ill have to do it ... should it be ok if i say i bought it in craigslist ?
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up to you want you want to do, the chap above can do it, or you can try for yourself. Personally and absolutly no discredit is ment by this, id try it again, purely from an education point of view, feels much beter when you get something right yourself
um as for speaking to them, you can tell them whatever you like, personally in your situation i would say i got this somewhere else, your working abroad just now and you had to reset it, and its coming up with some funny message, youve never seen this before so youve just followed the directions,
Remember, your an average user and youve never heard of XDA dev
na seriously, when i did mine it was over the phone and they said no they stopped doing it, i kicked up a **** storm with them, playing Mr innocent average jo, and took it to their boss, and amazingly an email dropped in my inbox with a key 30 seconds later, other people have had no bother at all, it really is just luck who you talk too,
souljaboy: Check your PM inbox.
i would have left the title and original post, it aids other folk when/if they do searches, now its just an out of context conversation.
i simply called windows and they gave me a key i didnt even have to tell them if i had an hd2 or hd7 they never ask i simply told them i had a htc and in 2 mins i had my own key

[Q] LG G2 battery drain [again]

Hey guys,
i post this thread cuz its not resolved by other threads that i found (google, xda)...
ok i rooted my phone and i got battery drain, ye while root it`s normal but i installed new firmware with LG Flash tools and once already made Factory Reset and my fu**ing phone isnot like it that was in past... what to do? it drains battery more then in past it did -_-
i already tired of those phone problems, already thinking that i mistaken buy those sh** phone and not bought nexus 5 -_-
Please help, Advanced thanks
DerNoisy said:
Hey guys,
i post this thread cuz its not resolved by other threads that i found (google, xda)...
ok i rooted my phone and i got battery drain, ye while root it`s normal but i installed new firmware with LG Flash tools and once already made Factory Reset and my fu**ing phone isnot like it that was in past... what to do? it drains battery more then in past it did -_-
i already tired of those phone problems, already thinking that i mistaken buy those sh** phone and not bought nexus 5 -_-
Please help, Advanced thanks
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I feel your frustration but in the same time, it's funny to see you put a blame on the G2 instead of the custom ROM or even yourself. Seriously.
You said it was NORMAL, didn't you. It only happens after you "play" around with it. Don't you have anything in your mind such reverse back to stock?
votinh said:
I feel your frustration but in the same time, it's funny to see you put a blame on the G2 instead of the custom ROM or even yourself. Seriously.
You said it was NORMAL, didn't you. It only happens after you "play" around with it. Don't you have anything in your mind such reverse back to stock?
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i dont actually blame it, i really like phone put i`m critical person and i`m say just what i dont like, Sensor probs, battery drain on a FLANGSHIP? come on? play with? i rooted for delete LG MLT which eat up my ram (freed about 200mb ram) and hmm xD if i`ll install CM phone will just lose his awesome functions and it`ll be look like any Snap800 device (ofc camera will be awesome just), i use stock for these features and if it also drains battery and makes my sensors like a Heart Pulse, what u think? i`ll not say bad? (cuz i paid $500 for unlocked version) maybe in USA $500 is nothing but in my country its a pro money xD xD
so if anyone can really help plsssss
DerNoisy said:
i dont actually blame it, i really like phone put i`m critical person and i`m say just what i dont like, Sensor probs, battery drain on a FLANGSHIP? come on? play with? i rooted for delete LG MLT which eat up my ram (freed about 200mb ram) and hmm xD if i`ll install CM phone will just lose his awesome functions and it`ll be look like any Snap800 device (ofc camera will be awesome just), i use stock for these features and if it also drains battery and makes my sensors like a Heart Pulse, what u think? i`ll not say bad? (cuz i paid $500 for unlocked version) maybe in USA $500 is nothing but in my country its a pro money xD xD
so if anyone can really help plsssss
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First off, sorry you're having problems with your phone, but it might not be going into deep sleep. You could try BetterBatteryStats or CPUSpy to see if you could alleviate the problem. Good luck.
DerNoisy said:
i dont actually blame it, i really like phone put i`m critical person and i`m say just what i dont like, Sensor probs, battery drain on a FLANGSHIP? come on? play with? i rooted for delete LG MLT which eat up my ram (freed about 200mb ram) and hmm xD if i`ll install CM phone will just lose his awesome functions and it`ll be look like any Snap800 device (ofc camera will be awesome just), i use stock for these features and if it also drains battery and makes my sensors like a Heart Pulse, what u think? i`ll not say bad? (cuz i paid $500 for unlocked version) maybe in USA $500 is nothing but in my country its a pro money xD xD
so if anyone can really help plsssss
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Did you say this? "it`s normal but i installed new firmware ... "
Did you say this? "buy those sh** phone and not bought nexus 5"
You buy a Rolex, rip it apart, put something else in, then it doesn't function well. You say the Rolex is a piece of junk?
You buy a BMW, rip it apart, add some mod. and it looses power. You claim the BMW is a shyt?
You buy a MAC, put Windows OS in, ehhhhhhhhh. The MAC sucks????
Use some thinking before doing anything to your device.
As for your case, I advice you
1. Call your provider or LG, tell them that the G2 sucks 'cuz you flash new firmware and it wouldn't work the way you expect. Demand their apology. See what they tell you.
2. Throw away your LG, and buy the Nexus 5 and be happy with it.
Mike already gave you some suggestion, I hope others will too.
mikefeFe said:
First off, sorry you're having problems with your phone, but it might not be going into deep sleep. You could try BetterBatteryStats or CPUSpy to see if you could alleviate the problem. Good luck.
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thanks i`ll try it
12:49 AM here and 2nd time firmware flash from PC i`ll see what will happens
votinh said:
Did you say this? "it`s normal but i installed new firmware ... "
Did you say this? "buy those sh** phone and not bought nexus 5"
You buy a Rolex, rip it apart, put something else in, then it doesn't function well. You say the Rolex is a piece of junk?
You buy a BMW, rip it apart, add some mod. and it looses power. You claim the BMW is a shyt?
You buy a MAC, put Windows OS in, ehhhhhhhhh. The MAC sucks????
Use some thinking before doing anything to your device.
As for your case, I advice you
1. Call your provider or LG, tell them that the G2 sucks 'cuz you flash new firmware and it wouldn't work the way you expect. Demand their apology. See what they tell you.
2. Throw away your LG, and buy the Nexus 5 and be happy with it.
Mike already gave you some suggestion, I hope others will too.
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OK you,
0. Don`t act like super genius person and don`t act like u`r boss
1. "Did you say this? "buy those sh** phone and not bought nexus 5"" <-- Yes i said like it
2. "Did you say this? "it`s normal but i installed new firmware ... "" <-- no i said that "ye while root it`s normal" and reseted firmware for unroot
and you think that i`m always like that way? noo man u are totally wrong... i installed new firmware cuz of those battery drain and root (actually same version as i had but just re flashed, but u can think its new firmware)
ohmm Nexus 5 is by LG by the way xD xD
oh and about carrier contact xD i bought from reseller in my country so...
idk what u mean in suggestion for Mike but at last he helped me, he suggested a apps that can help me he`s not like u. Oh ye and i actually was (and im now) nervious cuz it? why not? its a simple problem? nooo
and last thing: i`m not going to "fight" with u in my thread so its my last words, if u have to tell something more to me. PM me
DerNoisy said:
OK you,
0. Don`t act like super genius person and don`t act like u`r boss
1. "Did you say this? "buy those sh** phone and not bought nexus 5"" <-- Yes i said like it
2. "Did you say this? "it`s normal but i installed new firmware ... "" <-- no i said that "ye while root it`s normal" and reseted firmware for unroot
and you think that i`m always like that way? noo man u are totally wrong... i installed new firmware cuz of those battery drain and root (actually same version as i had but just re flashed, but u can think its new firmware)
ohmm Nexus 5 is by LG by the way xD xD
oh and about carrier contact xD i bought from reseller in my country so...
idk what u mean in suggestion for Mike but at last he helped me, he suggested a apps that can help me he`s not like u. Oh ye and i actually was (and im now) nervious cuz it? why not? its a simple problem? nooo
and last thing: i`m not going to "fight" with u in my thread so its my last words, if u have to tell something more to me. PM me
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No one fights with you.
I just take a little time to educate you a bit so next time, instead of say "this one sucks and should have bought the others", just saying "i have done some stupid things and now it won't work, please help" or "what's wrong with my device since it drains so much, can someone please give me some advice".
That will make your life better, not only in this sub-forum of G2 but every other aspect in life. Nobody wants to hear you put a blame on something that wasn't there in the beginning.
Have you ever searched and see how many people get great battery life on stock ROM?
Have you ever wonder why only a few come to your thread and help?
Anyway, that was just my advice to you, take it or leave it.
Kids who blame the device because they can't use it.
Sent from my LG-D802 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
if you wanna keep everything the same as before, you shouldn't flash any customized roms, only the stock rom is the most stable one.

Nexus 6P locked NEED HELP FAST!

Kay so i have a problem with my Nexus 6P
Let me tell you the story
Since the update from 6.0.1
I had battery problems like the most of the people..
So i decided to make a backup on my google account and reset it. I was dumb, and lazy and i just entered some random things in registering email etc like [email protected]om
Then it wasnt fixed. But i wanted to go back to my old account, so i resetted it again.
This time he askes me this: his device was reset. To continue, sign in with a Google Account that was previously synced on this device.
I dont know the account anymore, so i'm probably ****ed. I tried my setup account i've used when i configured it. I did make a call to google, but due connection problems i couldnt understand what he was saying lol..
He sayed that this can be fixed in 72h ( dafuq so long without my phone i'll die )But there is also a chance it wouldnt. So he said if that doesnt solve it i need to go back to the shop where i buyed it. I have proof of purchase etc. I just dont want to leave my phone for 4weeks alone lol.. Im pretty addicted to this..
I'll just use my OnePlus One tho..
Anyone that had this in the past? I need some serious help.. I've ****ed it up probably..
JonathanBogaert said:
Kay so i have a problem with my Nexus 6P
Let me tell you the story
Since the update from 6.0.1
I had battery problems like the most of the people..
So i decided to make a backup on my google account and reset it. I was dumb, and lazy and i just entered some random things in registering email etc like [email protected]
Then it wasnt fixed. But i wanted to go back to my old account, so i resetted it again.
This time he askes me this: his device was reset. To continue, sign in with a Google Account that was previously synced on this device.
I dont know the account anymore, so i'm probably ****ed. I tried my setup account i've used when i configured it. I did make a call to google, but due connection problems i couldnt understand what he was saying lol..
He sayed that this can be fixed in 72h ( dafuq so long without my phone i'll die )But there is also a chance it wouldnt. So he said if that doesnt solve it i need to go back to the shop where i buyed it. I have proof of purchase etc. I just dont want to leave my phone for 4weeks alone lol.. Im pretty addicted to this..
I'll just use my OnePlus One tho..
Anyone that had this in the past? I need some serious help.. I've ****ed it up probably..
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I am not sure if I am understanding what happened exactly....
Why exactly did you set your phone up with a google account that you don't know the password to? Why would the account you are logged into the phone with change any issues with the phone?
I apologize in advance, but, I am always a little weary of someone just asking for help unlocking a phone.
I would be willing to help, but I need a little more insight and exact details on how you got into this predicament.
Again, no offense meant, this just looks funny to me.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Your post makes no sense. There are no battery problems with this phone, and there is no way to sign into a Google account unless you have the password for it. Do not tinker with your phone unless you know what you're doing.
JonathanBogaert said:
Kay so i have a problem with my Nexus 6P
Let me tell you the story
Since the update from 6.0.1
I had battery problems like the most of the people..
So i decided to make a backup on my google account and reset it. I was dumb, and lazy and i just entered some random things in registering email etc like [email protected]
Then it wasnt fixed. But i wanted to go back to my old account, so i resetted it again.
This time he askes me this: his device was reset. To continue, sign in with a Google Account that was previously synced on this device.
I dont know the account anymore, so i'm probably ****ed. I tried my setup account i've used when i configured it. I did make a call to google, but due connection problems i couldnt understand what he was saying lol..
He sayed that this can be fixed in 72h ( dafuq so long without my phone i'll die )But there is also a chance it wouldnt. So he said if that doesnt solve it i need to go back to the shop where i buyed it. I have proof of purchase etc. I just dont want to leave my phone for 4weeks alone lol.. Im pretty addicted to this..
I'll just use my OnePlus One tho..
Anyone that had this in the past? I need some serious help.. I've ****ed it up probably..
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Yeah, you've screwed up. Hopefully this is a lesson.
scoyok said:
I am not sure if I am understanding what happened exactly....
Why exactly did you set your phone up with a google account that you don't know the password to? Why would the account you are logged into the phone with change any issues with the phone?
I apologize in advance, but, I am always a little weary of someone just asking for help unlocking a phone.
I would be willing to help, but I need a little more insight and exact details on how you got into this predicament.
Again, no offense meant, this just looks funny to me.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
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Indeed @scoyok I agree something seems odd and unsettling about this issue
Sent from my Nexus 6P
who registers a bogus account to their phone?
I know XDA'ers do a lot of dumb things sometimes, but even this makes absolutely no sense. I smell dried cod.
Hey guys, I'm (somewhat) new!
I'm going to buy a Nexus 9P used today from a guy I don't know. The phone is supposedly in as new condition and the first thing I plan to do with it is a reset, then logging using my regular account.
Will I risk ending up in the same situation as the OP? What is the security process for Android account? Why would it lock me out if the phone has not been flagged as stolen? I've never bought an Android phone used before, especially with Marshmallow encrypting the FS I'm starting to worry!
Thanks to whoever can tell me if I risk running into problems and how to avoid them!
have him turn it on in front of you and make sure the phone boots up into android
play with it a bit.. look for cracks, etc. if youre forking over that kind of cash, you do a fairly thorough inspection.
Yeah thanks, I'll inspect it closely. Thing is, I'll not be able to put in my SIM immediately, (upgrading from a One M7, I have a micro SIM when the 6P requires a nano) so I'll be without Internet connection when I make the purchase decision. Is there a risk from the software security point of view?
kinosama said:
Yeah thanks, I'll inspect it closely. Thing is, I'll not be able to put in my SIM immediately, (upgrading from a One M7, I have a micro SIM when the 6P requires a nano) so I'll be without Internet connection when I make the purchase decision. Is there a risk from the software security point of view?
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shouldnt be... just ask him to leave his SIM in until you test the phone.
If he starts acting squeemish, or makes excuses for simple requests, I wouldnt touch the phone
Thanks everyone for the replies tho.
I dont understand why i did it.. But i needed to go, and i wanted to use my phone. So i maked a fast new account. Is there any chance that it will be unlocked tomorrow (72H will ben passed on friday) I dont know im truly new with this kind of security.
I had expierence with rooting, unlocking bootloader. But i dont want to risk this on my 6P since i can say byebye to warranty then. And this still is under warranty (i think so). I just dont want to wait 4weeks since it needs to be sended to Huawei and not to Google. It will take ages till i have my phone back.. Atleast if i'm lucky i can use my phone tomorrow. Anyone knows if i can use it tomorrow again?
This was a stupid move. ideed.. I'm feeling me bad due this lol
Everything seems to be working fine. I had the guy use his data connection to check out of his Google account and let me check in with mine. After that I did a factory reset and now I'm updating and installing apps.
Thanks for the help and sorry I have derailed the thread. I'm the (so far) happy owner of a Nexus 6P. Heading to the rooting guides next
JonathanBogaert said:
Thanks everyone for the replies tho.
I dont understand why i did it.. But i needed to go, and i wanted to use my phone. So i maked a fast new account. Is there any chance that it will be unlocked tomorrow (72H will ben passed on friday) I dont know im truly new with this kind of security.
I had expierence with rooting, unlocking bootloader. But i dont want to risk this on my 6P since i can say byebye to warranty then. And this still is under warranty (i think so). I just dont want to wait 4weeks since it needs to be sended to Huawei and not to Google. It will take ages till i have my phone back.. Atleast if i'm lucky i can use my phone tomorrow. Anyone knows if i can use it tomorrow again?
This was a stupid move. ideed.. I'm feeling me bad due this lol
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ok, I tried. If you don't know your google password and can't recover it using "forgot my password" then its not your phone, if you were actually experienced in rooting and flashing then you would have solved this problem already. Sorry but a moderator needs to shut this thread down please.
If some how I have mistaken this I am sorry but you contradict yourself and make claims that are obviously not true based on the sentences that follow the statements your making. If it really is your phone then take your proof of purchase and walk in to any cellphone repair store.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 07:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 AM ----------
kinosama said:
Everything seems to be working fine. I had the guy use his data connection to check out of his Google account and let me check in with mine. After that I did a factory reset and now I'm updating and installing apps.
Thanks for the help and sorry I have derailed the thread. I'm the (so far) happy owner of a Nexus 6P. Heading to the rooting guides next
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No worries, this thread needed derailed! I recommend Heisenberg's guide (found on xda) and the Nexus Root Toolkit (NRT) by WugFresh (I believe also has a thread in development now) for the driver check process, it will make sure you have no conflicting drivers installed. Have fun!
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
scoyok said:
ok, I tried. If you don't know your google password and can't recover it using "forgot my password" then its not your phone, if you were actually experienced in rooting and flashing then you would have solved this problem already. Sorry but a moderator needs to shut this thread down please.
If some how I have mistaken this I am sorry but you contradict yourself and make claims that are obviously not true based on the sentences that follow the statements your making. If it really is your phone then take your proof of purchase and walk in to any cellphone repair store.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 07:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 AM ----------
No worries, this thread needed derailed! I recommend Heisenberg's guide (found on xda) and the Nexus Root Toolkit (NRT) by WugFresh (I believe also has a thread in development now) for the driver check process, it will make sure you have no conflicting drivers installed. Have fun!
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
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Wtf is this for a forum even.. You can think it can be stolen, but i can get every proof on the table its mine. It looks not very truthfull. But all i ask is for a little bit of help. I've worked hard for this phone, since i do only a vacation job. You can think what you want, if you believe me or not. But i need help. And yeah, i know that it will probably fixed with flashing a new rom because this isnt caused by a hardware unit. I just dont wanna risk my warranty and not this time, becaus if i **** it up i can say byebye to this great phone.
Anyways thanks you'd tried to help.. But it makes no sense that you think this is stolen. As i said, i'll do that. But i dont want to lose my phone 4 weeks. Maybe in your country you have some nerd asses that fixes phones. But me and my friends have bad experience with them. They ****ed up some of my friends phones, and just said it wasnt her fault. Closed, they couldnt do anything with their phones. I tought you guys could tell me more about that 3-day limit. But you actually dont know what you are saying. You are just joking yourself this one is stolen. And so what? If its stolen would that forces you to not help people? I can show you everything this one is not stolen.
Anyways somebody that can help me, and answer my question?
JonathanBogaert said:
Wtf is this for a forum even.. You can think it can be stolen, but i can get every proof on the table its mine. It looks not very truthfull. But all i ask is for a little bit of help. I've worked hard for this phone, since i do only a vacation job. You can think what you want, if you believe me or not. But i need help. And yeah, i know that it will probably fixed with flashing a new rom because this isnt caused by a hardware unit. I just dont wanna risk my warranty and not this time, becaus if i **** it up i can say byebye to this great phone.
Anyways thanks you'd tried to help.. But it makes no sense that you think this is stolen. As i said, i'll do that. But i dont want to lose my phone 4 weeks. Maybe in your country you have some nerd asses that fixes phones. But me and my friends have bad experience with them. They ****ed up some of my friends phones, and just said it wasnt her fault. Closed, they couldnt do anything with their phones. I tought you guys could tell me more about that 3-day limit. But you actually dont know what you are saying. You are just joking yourself this one is stolen. And so what? If its stolen would that forces you to not help people? I can show you everything this one is not stolen.
Anyways somebody that can help me, and answer my question?
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Again, password recovery through google. How many times should I type it? There is also a username recovery option. You seriously gonna sit here and tell me that you can't answer any of the details about your account via any of the recovery options!?!?
No, I am not sorry. Why would you care about your warranty if you can't survive 72 hours without your phone!?!?
Nothing your saying makes sense at all. I am done responding to you, think what you want but after 10.5 in the private sector as a PMC (private military contractor), you are full of it.
I hope that no one on this forum helps this guy get into someone else's account, if they have android pay then this guy gets their credit card info, this could really screw someone over.
Google has in place proven and effective ways to get your username and password back if its really your account.
Moderator's please step in!
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
scoyok said:
Again, password recovery through google. How many times should I type it? There is also a username recovery option. You seriously gonna sit here and tell me that you can't answer any of the details about your account via any of the recovery options!?!?
No, I am not sorry. Why would you care about your warranty if you can't survive 72 hours without your phone!?!?
Nothing your saying makes sense at all. I am done responding to you, think what you want but after 10.5 in the private sector as a PMC (private military contractor), you are full of it.
I hope that no one on this forum helps this guy get into someone else's account, if they have android pay then this guy gets their credit card info, this could really screw someone over.
Google has in place proven and effective ways to get your username and password back if its really your account.
Moderator's please step in!
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
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Moderators here you have proof of purchase. Since this dumbass thinks i've stolen it.
If you need any more proof, just lmk. In case you still wouldnt believe me.
Oh wait, i'll show you some more proof
Enough like that? Or need more? Just in case anyone that would like to help me this is proof it isnt stolen. And its actually mine.
And again, if you cant read. I've filled in an random email and an password. What can i do if i even dont know the email? I didnt setup a alternative email adres. I screwed it up. But that doesnt give you the right to say it is stolen. If i worked even harder for it then you will ever do in your life. Grow up kid, you're just here to make some fun, i'm looking for some guys that are here to help people. If you cant help people then just leave. You have like 6 posts and you're saying "mods here mods there" wtf men? I'm new here too. But i don't feel me like i'm the boss here. I'm here to help people and i hope there a people that want to help me. And not like this dumbass
JonathanBogaert said:
Moderators here you have proof of purchase. Since this dumbass thinks i've stolen it.
If you need any more proof, just lmk. In case you still wouldnt believe me.
Oh wait, i'll show you some more proof
Enough like that? Or need more? Just in case anyone that would like to help me this is proof it isnt stolen. And its actually mine.
And again, if you cant read. I've filled in an random email and an password. What can i do if i even dont know the email? I didnt setup a alternative email adres. I screwed it up. But that doesnt give you the right to say it is stolen. If i worked even harder for it then you will ever do in your life. Grow up kid, you're just here to make some fun, i'm looking for some guys that are here to help people. If you cant help people then just leave. You have like 6 posts and you're saying "mods here mods there" wtf men? I'm new here too. But i don't feel me like i'm the boss here. I'm here to help people and i hope there a people that want to help me. And not like this dumbass
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First off nobody said its stolen secondly I have never seen google ask for the last account used when setting up a phone. It asks for the Google you intend to use for the phone. Honestly from what it sounds like since you didn't properly setup the google account you most likely will have to make a new one or call google and set on the phone with them until they can locate and figure the password but if you cannot provide sufficient information about the account they will not help you. Hopefully this will help and just so you know we cannot see or use any link you put up due to limitations per xda rules
Sent from my Nexus 6P
slick97477 said:
First off nobody said its stolen secondly I have never seen google ask for the last account used when setting up a phone. It asks for the Google you intend to use for the phone. Honestly from what it sounds like since you didn't properly setup the google account you most likely will have to make a new one or call google and set on the phone with them until they can locate and figure the password but if you cannot provide sufficient information about the account they will not help you. Hopefully this will help and just so you know we cannot see or use any link you put up due to limitations per xda rules
Sent from my Nexus 6P
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I have, when I borked my friends phone I used Wugs toolkit to just reflash everything and then it asks what the ladt account was. Basically a security check from google for people who like to steal phones and just fastboot them. Makes complete sense and I love it. Makes for funny moments when people forget passwords.
But none of this adds up. HOW on gods green earth have you "unlocked phones" before but mysteriously don't have a previous google account. Hmm...
Nope, none of this adds up at all...this is all wrong.
slick97477 said:
First off nobody said its stolen secondly I have never seen google ask for the last account used when setting up a phone. It asks for the Google you intend to use for the phone. Honestly from what it sounds like since you didn't properly setup the google account you most likely will have to make a new one or call google and set on the phone with them until they can locate and figure the password but if you cannot provide sufficient information about the account they will not help you. Hopefully this will help and just so you know we cannot see or use any link you put up due to limitations per xda rules
Sent from my Nexus 6P
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Thanks for replying. And trying to help me. If the 3-day limit is passed and nothing happened, i'll just go back to the store. Will Huawei help me as long as i have a proof of purchase (wich i have)? I'll just go then by the store where i buyed it. I hope that will work. Thats my only hope.. Anyways happy new years eve for you guys Thanks for helping me, shows they are some guys with real hearts out of here lol.
JonathanBogaert said:
And so what? If its stolen would that forces you to not help people? I can show you everything this one is not stolen.
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Well yes, obviously. Because if it is/was stolen why would anyone want to help you use stolen property when next time it cound be their phone that is stolen?
Also, what do you expect the shop to do for you? I dont really see why you dont just set it up with a new google account rather than keep trying to get into one you obviously wont use.

