Vibrant unable to login Gmail - Vibrant General

Anyone ever have their Vibrant error message, that the phone couldn't connect to their Gmail account before? To fix this problem, I have too restart my phone for it too work, but today it took me a couple try for it too work. When they have this Error, there is no 3G or Network. Had this phone for 12 days, and it's my 4 time that it have happen to me.


Connection to Google issues (ATT, GMAIL, Registration)

Since mid December I have used a Dev1 phone on ATT (never setup on TMobile).
Things have worked pretty well, but after returning from a week long overseas trip I couldn't sync gmail, calendar, contacts.
I finally gave up and did both factory reset methods I found.
After setting up the ATT APN again, and entering my gmail info, it just seemed to sit and spin never finishing the initial sync. I tried this maybe 10 times and it never worked.
So, I hard reset again and tried using a brand new gmail account. After several attempts that just got stuck at the sync point during setup, I actually got a notification that I had email. This was the welcome to gmail message. I was able to read it, but the initial sync has still not completed. I sent another email to the new account but it has not shown up on the phone yet.
If I log into the phone with adb I can ping various websites. If I launch the browser via adb I can browse websites just fine.
I have tried using ATT and wireless ethernet to register. Both connect and say it is syncing, but it never seems to finish (after after 30 minutes).
Anybody have any ideas?
Who/where would I contact Google if they need to check into it?
Is there a log file someplace on the phone to check?
After trying everything I could think of I just installed an and blasted the phone back to a factory state.
That seems to have fixed everything. I guess something was corrupted, but I don't know what.

This could be a temporary problem or your SIM card may not be provisioned for data se

Just switched from symbian to android and now I really want to get some apps installed to my phone.
When I click the market app, I need to sign in with my gmail account.
But when I try this it gives me the message.
"Can't establish a reliable data connection to the server.
This could be a temporary problem or your SIM card may not be provisioned for data services"
The part with temporary I don't believe and the SIM card part I know is wrong as I can surf the net, sync my exchange company mail etc.
I have tried with WIFI also, but same message coming.
Living in Norway, using Netcom as carrier.
Does anybody have any clue on how I can get past this and log into market?
Best regards
Remove the sim. Wifi should still work. Tested here fine, when I had a Hero. This will not be a data provisioning issue.
I can also confirm this. I didn't initially have a Google account, and when I tried to create one via the handset I got the data provisioning error. I master reset the phone, created a Google account online with my PC, and set the Google login details in the initial setup of the phone. After this I had no problems.
Good luck.
ditto, I didn't set up android account when I went through initial setup, and it wouldn't work later. Had to factory reset and do it during initial setup (it was happy enough using my wifi for this)
same problem on HTC Magic =(
I have HTC Magic, i purchased it several days ago and it was working just fine. Then i found out that i can't replace the google account from previous owner and decided to hard-reset.
After that I'm getting this (I'm on T-mobile USA and I have just internet for 5.99):
"This could be a temporary problem or your sim card may not be provisioned for data services, if it continues, call customer care"
Called customer care, they said it won't work without 24.99 data plan, but it WAS working before! I tried changing APN from to but it didn't help =(
Phone is unlocked. Without signin in to google I can't even use phone features.
Any ideas?
I am having this issue now. I bought my Hero last week and set it up with my China Mobile SIM card. Then I decided to switch to China Unicom because they offer WCDMA 3G service. I am able to connect to CU data just fine but none of my Google apps will function. I can check gmail through the browser but not the internal application. This happens on Wifi as well.
I have done several factory resets with no luck. Any ideas?
after more than 12 hours my problem just went away. i don't know why. my guess is google has a mechanism in place to lock out accounts from more than one source or something. it's strange that i never had the problem with my G1 as often as i changed ROMs and when I changed SIM cards with it.
after more than 12 hours my problem just went away. i don't know why. my guess is google has a mechanism in place to lock out accounts from more than one source or something. it's strange that i never had the problem with my G1 as often as i changed ROMs and when I changed SIM cards with it.
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I've been having issues with getting signed into Google here in China as well. I had also just come back from vacation where I was using a different carrier.
I had been unsuccessful in getting a connection to the Google servers for the last 12+ hours. I have reflashed my ROM (actually three different ones) and reformated my SD card, all with no luck.
Just got to the office and connected successfully right away over our VPN wireless router, however I'm still having trouble getting Gmail to load all of my conevrsations.
So, my guess is the usual iffy Chinese connection.
billybot6000 said:
I've been having issues with getting signed into Google here in China as well. I had also just come back from vacation where I was using a different carrier.
I had been unsuccessful in getting a connection to the Google servers for the last 12+ hours. I have reflashed my ROM (actually three different ones) and reformated my SD card, all with no luck.
Just got to the office and connected successfully right away over our VPN wireless router, however I'm still having trouble getting Gmail to load all of my conevrsations.
So, my guess is the usual iffy Chinese connection.
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it's very strange. I never had an issue with my G1 but hero has all kinds of connection issues whether on WiFi or 3G. I rarely get email notifications, this issue, and now I can't download ANYTHING from the market.
please help ! =[
someone please help i just bought a sony ericsson x10 mini pro yesterday and im not able to browse the net, use the market or anything without it saying
"This could be a temporary problem or your SIM card may not be
provisioned for data services"
what does this mean?, do i need a new sim card in order to use the functions on the x10 mini pro? if so what sim card and where do i buy it ?

Live messenger problem

I can log on live messenger fine, I tried the original rom version and the lastest from the marketplace.
The issue is after a while, say 2 or three hours normally, it will say cannot connect
i tried sign out and sign back in, it will just say "there was a problem signing you in to messenger....."
i tried switch account and setup again, it still the same
the reception here is perfect, i can browse internet at no problem, i can even log on via ebuddy, but just cannot log on via live messenger.
nothing seems to have crashed, i can open and close any programs at no problem at full speed, cpu usage only at 49%, plenty
I need to do a soft reset and every will be fine for another few hours
is there any fix for this or i have to live with it.
thanks alot.
Is there some setting
Ok, I got the answer for this one!.
I usually only read XDA forums, but I haven't seen this answered anywhere so Ill do my best to do it now.
Looks like Windows Live Messenger is kind of bugged. Very bugged actually. Once you get the "cant connect" message, none of the Live apps will be able to connect to the Internet.
This behavior usually happens after 15 minutes of inactivity on the Messenger, or the most common after losing the phone signal, or when the signal is really weak.
The 15 minutes issue can be fixed via registry tweak:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Live\Messenger]
That last DWORD value is equivalent to 1000 minutes. Its 15 by default.
Even tho that will help with the 15 mins inactivity time out, I doesn't help out with the Live services getting completly stuck with the "cant connect" message after losing the signal or internet conection a few times.
What I did to fix it? Easy, I installed Palringo hehe. It gets the work done, looks nice and lets you connect to multiple Chat protocols.
After ditching out MSN Live Messenger, None of my Live services have crashed again.
Hope this helps!
Ya I use palringo too. But on my T-Mobile US HD2 I do not get audio or vibrate notifications when the phone is asleep until after the second or third message received in a row. Does anyone else have this problem?
thanks i will try try

Google account password forgotten every time I lose 3g

Hello everyone,
I recently bought a new Nexus One and so far everything is perfect but one thing.
Every time I lose 3g connection, mostly when I enter the subway, I will get this error message : "sign-in error to xxxxxxx at ". Then I need to register my password again in order to login. It will happen even if i am on wifi. It is getting a little bit annoying to write my password 5 times per day to sync my emails and calendar.
PS: I get the same thing on stock 2.2.1 or cyanogenmod 6
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for your time.
pabl03 said:
Hello everyone,
I recently bought a new Nexus One and so far everything is perfect but one thing.
Every time I lose 3g connection, mostly when I enter the subway, I will get this error message : "sign-in error to xxxxxxx at ". Then I need to register my password again in order to login. It will happen even if i am on wifi. It is getting a little bit annoying to write my password 5 times per day to sync my emails and calendar.
PS: I get the same thing on stock 2.2.1 or cyanogenmod 6
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for your time.
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a bit strange...but it should automatically disappear as soon as you get data connection again
pabl03 said:
Hello everyone,
I recently bought a new Nexus One and so far everything is perfect but one thing.
Every time I lose 3g connection, mostly when I enter the subway, I will get this error message : "sign-in error to xxxxxxx at ". Then I need to register my password again in order to login. It will happen even if i am on wifi. It is getting a little bit annoying to write my password 5 times per day to sync my emails and calendar.
PS: I get the same thing on stock 2.2.1 or cyanogenmod 6
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for your time.
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That normally happens to me when I change SIM cards. So maybe you have a problem with your Sim card? Try a different one...
itay1 said:
That normally happens to me when I change SIM cards. So maybe you have a problem with your Sim card? Try a different one...
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I don't have another sim card to try it :S
BiTXBoi said:
a bit strange...but it should automatically disappear as soon as you get data connection again
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It doesn't get back on, when I go in the Account Settings menu, it says my that "my password is incorrect or my account must have been changed".
It forces me to go in airplane mode while I'm in school because otherwise I need to re-enter my password every 10 minutes (poor reception) even though wifi is on. I mean, if the wifi is on there shouldn't be any problem since there is a data connection. How would the mobile connection affect that?
hmm.. school, wifi... you're credentials could be being hijacked. stop using wifi.
fyid said:
hmm.. school, wifi... you're credentials could be being hijacked. stop using wifi.
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My credentials are most definitely fine, and besides, I don't have the luxury to overlook wifi with my overpriced 200 mb 3g plan
pabl03 said:
Hello everyone,
I recently bought a new Nexus One and so far everything is perfect but one thing.
Every time I lose 3g connection, mostly when I enter the subway, I will get this error message : "sign-in error to xxxxxxx at ". Then I need to register my password again in order to login. It will happen even if i am on wifi. It is getting a little bit annoying to write my password 5 times per day to sync my emails and calendar.
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Yes, this is normal; I live in a place with spotty coverage as well, and trust me, on a phone with 4 registered Google accounts, re-entering passwords is a big bother!
The problem is that Android assumes that the connection problem is due to incorrect password rather than connectivity problem (because presumably the connection attempt was made before it realized that the connection is lost), and does not let you re-try with the same passwords even after a good connection is reestablished.
Workaround: simply disable Sync from the "control panel" widget when you're not sure you have good coverage.
Happens to me every time I switch up sim cards too. I had to replace one because it kept loosing data connection.. I jumped up and down when I found out it was not my N1!! Happy day!
hircus said:
Yes, this is normal; I live in a place with spotty coverage as well, and trust me, on a phone with 4 registered Google accounts, re-entering passwords is a big bother!
The problem is that Android assumes that the connection problem is due to incorrect password rather than connectivity problem (because presumably the connection attempt was made before it realized that the connection is lost), and does not let you re-try with the same passwords even after a good connection is reestablished.
Workaround: simply disable Sync from the "control panel" widget when you're not sure you have good coverage.
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Thanks for this explanation, I didn't know about this widget, I guess I will use it from now on Knowing that I am not the only one with this problem, I may now hope for a fix in the future.
Can't you just request a new sim from your carrier? just tell them the current one is faulty.
DirkGently1 said:
Can't you just request a new sim from your carrier? just tell them the current one is faulty.
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I don't know, my sim card doesn't seem faulty? It looks more like an android problem to me. Anyway if you think it might help I could try to get another one.
DirkGently1 said:
Can't you just request a new sim from your carrier? just tell them the current one is faulty.
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I can only speak for ATT on this but the answer is yes. You walk in, tell them you need to replace your sim, and they give you a new one at no cost; this has been my experience for myself and for replacing my better half's sim for her iphone.
It can't hurt to try a new sim...the worst that can happen? Nothing
I know this is an old thread, but I found a solution if anyone is interested.
It would appear that I would lose my google account's credentials everytime my phone lost cell signal and tried to look for the "partner" network.
Well it seems I can fix the problem by forcing my phone to stay on "WCDMA only" instead of "WCDMA preferred". Downside is that I wouldn't be able to go on the partner network when I'm outside my main network.
To do that just type *#*#4636#*#* on your phone application and a settings screen will pop up. You can find WCDMA Only in "Phone Options".
I hope it can help someone

[FIXED] Cannot create Activesync account - Activation failed !

I removed my ActiveSync Email account on Friday evening as part of a system test.
However, whenever I try to re-setup the account, at the last step in the process where it says "Activation - By activating this application ....", when I press YES, the screen shows "Checking incoming server settings" as normal for a moment, but then a popup dialog appears saying
Setup could not finish
Activation failed. Unable to
connect to network. Try again
with network provider's
default APN
I have tried a "Factory data reset" - same result
I have tried setting up over both Vodafone network, and known good wi-fi network - same result
I have tried reflashing the firmware - same result
I did find a thread on the Galaxy S II forum that has about 10 reports of this issue happening to other people over the weekend.
Hopefully Samsung can fix this quickly, as I need my email.
In the meantime, if you need Exchange Email - I would advise not changing anything on your phone.
I have exactly the same problem on my i9100 stock ROM 2.3.5. I was thinking if it was my problem but after trying the same procedure on 3 of my colleagues i9100 all of them get the same error. Obviously there is something wrong with Samsung activation (???) server.
LiverpoolFCfan said:
I removed my ActiveSync Email account on Friday evening as part of a system test.
However, whenever I try to re-setup the account, at the last step in the process where it says "Activation - By activating this application ....", when I press YES, the screen shows "Checking incoming server settings" as normal for a moment, but then a popup dialog appears saying
Setup could not finish
Activation failed. Unable to
connect to network. Try again
with network provider's
default APN
I have tried a "Factory data reset" - same result
I have tried setting up over both Vodafone network, and known good wi-fi network - same result
I have tried reflashing the firmware - same result
I did find a thread on the Galaxy S II forum that has about 10 reports of this issue happening to other people over the weekend.
Hopefully Samsung can fix this quickly, as I need my email.
In the meantime, if you need Exchange Email - I would advise not changing anything on your phone.
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I am using Galaxy S II on 2.3.5 and experiencing exactly the same problem!
Some discussion going on about this here:
Just tried again 5 minutes ago - and voila !
Finally it is working again. Only 4 days later ...
yes its started working again........ God know wht went wrong for four days.
Samsung galaxy s2 cannot connect to activesyn account
I am having the same problems as below with my Samsung Galaxy S2 4G
Originally no problem connecting.
Then did factory reset. Now cannot connect at all to activesync account.
Keep getting message "unable to connect to network. try again with network providers default apn"
I have tried to connect through main account, email and calendar (as advised previvously)
I have done it manually. All info is correct.
Please help - I am desperate!!
I think all have the same problem like you..just wait a couple of days
"Activation failed", Cannot connect to network. Please try connecting to network prov
Hi All,
I am experiencing the same problem. I factory reset my samsung galaxy ace s5830i phone. Everything is working fine except email.
When i am trying to setup AtiveSync, it says "Activation failed", Cannot connect to network. Please try connecting to network providers default APN.
Requesting help as soon as possible as my work is held up..
Cheers !!
nranjit said:
Hi All,
I am experiencing the same problem. I factory reset my samsung galaxy ace s5830i phone. Everything is working fine except email.
When i am trying to setup AtiveSync, it says "Activation failed", Cannot connect to network. Please try connecting to network providers default APN.
Requesting help as soon as possible as my work is held up..
Cheers !!
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Try uninstall profile, reboot and install it again.
APN Problem Resolved
kozianozdra said:
Try uninstall profile, reboot and install it again.
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" Hi All,
I had already mentioned that inspite of factory reset, the problem persisted. Then how can by unistalling the profile, reboot & installing it again will work ????
"The problem has resolved only after contacting samsung service center. They took the remote screen of the mobile & asked me to setup my email & to my surprise it worked this time. It seems they have made some changes in their server which made it work though they didn't mentioned this "
Thanking all for your support
Same here - how did you resolve the issue?
LiverpoolFCfan said:
Just tried again 5 minutes ago - and voila !
Finally it is working again. Only 4 days later ...
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And how did you fix it?
I'm having the same problem and have been trying to solve it for two weeks now!?

