so where is it? - Streak 5 General

im always going to wait for the streak but ill listen to no more rumors!

dkwelton said:
im always going to wait for the streak but ill listen to no more rumors!
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If you dont want people telling you rumors then you wont want to ask "where is it?" Like you did =P

youre absolutely right!

dkwelton said:
so where is it
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I don't know where did you put it last?
For #dellstreak news all i can say is very soon. you won't be disappointed.
3 minutes ago via web
#dellstreak news coming very very soon. thanks for the patience
23 minutes ago via web
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please please 2.1 and ordering this week...pretty please

koolin said:
please please 2.1 and ordering this week...pretty please
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Naw man... just make a T-mobile 3g version and that's all anyone will need

ap3604 said:
Naw man... just make a T-mobile 3g version and that's all anyone will need
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i hope its one device with both at&t and t mobile that would be awesome

dkwelton said:
i hope its one device with both at&t and t mobile that would be awesome
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I agree Ive been staring at my phone all day here at work. I'm waiting on a promotional decsion, a douche trying to low ball me with my N1, and to see when the streak is coming out; today its killing me!

there you go.

I have mine in hand, where is yours?
Dell said 'end of July' so unless today's date is August 1st or after, your 'so where is it' question is invalid.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App


Just got mine!

Will be playing with it the rest of the day!
Breakthecycle2 said:
Will be playing with it the rest of the day!
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Hurray, hit me up on qik or fring if you want to try out video chat, mrono is the name for both. Hint, use headphones, it helps alot
Most comprehensive list about how to save battery. These are probably the best tips. You don't need to use all, but 4 is probably the biggest saver out of all of them.
mrono said:
Hurray, hit me up on qik or fring if you want to try out video chat, mrono is the name for both. Hint, use headphones, it helps alot
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Awesome will do in a few! Just letting the battery fully charge!
Just got mine too lol, Is it possible to video skype people?
eck0728 said:
Just got mine too lol, Is it possible to video skype people?
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Good question, I'll let someone who has had it longer answer this one.
eck0728 said:
Just got mine too lol, Is it possible to video skype people?
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Yeah, download Fring. You can sign into your Skype account and video chat with them.
Breakthecycle2 said:
Awesome will do in a few! Just letting the battery fully charge!
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Give me a bit, flashing new roms to try and find a good one
where you from? All the stores around me are sold out.
deekoi said:
where you from? All the stores around me are sold out.
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NJ...I pre ordered one from Best Buy.
damn it im at work and my evo is sitting by my front door i cant wait to get off work the wait is killing me 3 more hours left at work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
spyngamerman said:
Im at work and my evo is sitting by my front door
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Hey there buuuuuuuudy... whats your home address?
i was waiting for this response LOL ud have 2 locked doors to go through gate and then apartment complex doors i didnt want to miss UPS guy so i left him an envelope with 20 bucks in it and key to get through gate lol apparently he took the bait usually they leave a note and i have to hunt my package down at stupid delivery place luckily i thought of solution other then calling off work to wait for my EVO im sure they wouldnt have been happy so i had to compromise
Just got mine too! its gonna take sometime to get use to, coming from a 3.5 inch screen iphone user, its worth it though
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
spyngamerman said:
i was waiting for this response LOL you'd have 2 locked doors to go through gate and then apartment complex doors
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Just thought I might ask
Yeah loving it getting used to typing with touchscreen but not bad I keep I keep pissing off my little bro who's an Apple fanboy
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App

For Those Wanting Remote Control

I have noticed several threads lately of people wanting remote control of their Android phone.
XDA Delivers once again -
Now THAT'S cool!!
(am I still allowed to post in the hero section?)
nebenezer said:
Now THAT'S cool!!
(am I still allowed to post in the hero section?)
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As a self proclaimed Mod, I ban you for your High Treason. You will be hung at dawn by your HDMI cable. May God be with you.
Ok, so the most amazing thing about this app is it mounts your system in a way that lets you see it as a folder structure... VERY COOL indeed!!
nebenezer said:
Now THAT'S cool!!
(am I still allowed to post in the hero section?)
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i wondered where you went. TRAITOR!
Oh and thanks KC this is the bee's knees.
sdotcarlisle said:
i wondered where you went. TRAITOR!
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It was a bittersweet transition...
I look forward to you guys making the switch, I hope you do..
nebenezer said:
It was a bittersweet transition...
I look forward to you guys making the switch, I hope you do..
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i'm sure i will, got offered a free one from a sprint buddy, but the option was take this now or wait until something else and he had a big smile so i decided to wait. i'm hoping he wasnt messing with me.
sdotcarlisle said:
i'm sure i will, got offered a free one from a sprint buddy, but the option was take this now or wait until something else and he had a big smile so i decided to wait. i'm hoping he wasnt messing with me.
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damn dude, sucks to be you. I mean what a decision... take a free evo now or wait a while and take a free "whatever comes next"
I'm so glad I only had the options of buying an evo or not buying an evo
I had messed with this one, but the 1 issue that would keep me from using it is you have to be connected through USB.
nebenezer said:
damn dude, sucks to be you. I mean what a decision... take a free evo now or wait a while and take a free "whatever comes next"
I'm so glad I only had the options of buying an evo or not buying an evo
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i know right, man i have a ****ty life.
sdotcarlisle said:
i know right, man i have a ****ty life.
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dude, if your friend indicates it will be more than a couple months you should take that evo and sell it when the next something comes out.
This phone is ricockulous (I thought I was funny in HS when instead of saying ridiculous I started saying ricockulous )
nebenezer said:
dude, if your friend indicates it will be more than a couple months you should take that evo and sell it when the next something comes out.
This phone is ricockulous (I thought I was funny in HS when instead of saying ridiculous I started saying ricockulous )
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We say "RiVagulous" at work...only 3 guys in the whole office...
I'm a news author over at (Dustin) and put up a short article about this. Good job all! I freaking love it!
nebenezer said:
Now THAT'S cool!!
(am I still allowed to post in the hero section?)
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No, traitor.

Rebuttal to the thread that says no Froyo till says otherwise.
ps... the source is supposedly some samsung guy at a bbq, believe what you want.
I heard they were skipping Froyo altogether and are planning on a december gingerbread release. I heard this form a reliable voice in my head.
I heard I was going to invent a device to stab people in the face over the internet. I'm going to use it on the next person who posts a thread like this.
This changes everything, again.
think different.
rudeguy said:
I heard I was going to invent a device to stab people in the face over the internet. I'm going to use it on the next person who posts a thread like this.
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Big Bird says violence is never the answer little children.
I'll believe when I see it.
beren28 said:
I heard they were skipping Froyo altogether and are planning on a december gingerbread release. I heard this form a reliable voice in my head.
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It just works.
smutek said:
It just works.
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what just works?
rudeguy said:
I heard I was going to invent a device to stab people in the face over the internet. I'm going to use it on the next person who posts a thread like this.
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are you going to sell these devices, ill take one.
rudeguy said:
I heard I was going to invent a device to stab people in the face over the internet. I'm going to use it on the next person who posts a thread like this.
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First good chuckle all night.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
This site seriously needs to implement killfiles.
smutek said:
This changes everything, again.
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Only this time.......... ITS DIFFERENT.
cursexcore said:
Only this time.......... ITS DIFFERENT.
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Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
rudeguy said:
I heard I was going to invent a device to stab people in the face over the internet. I'm going to use it on the next person who posts a thread like this.
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oooh, ill take 4!
cursexcore said:
Only this time.......... ITS DIFFERENT.
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and its better...
beren28 said:
I heard they were skipping Froyo altogether and are planning on a december gingerbread release. I heard this form a reliable voice in my head.
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yea, VIN is awesome
Are we there yet?
Consequences will never be the same.

Sprint Update to 2.3 Android

According to a friend of mine (works for Sprint), he says some people have downloaded 2.3 on their phones. They showed him, i have searched everywhere and find no information on the 2.3 release.. Was he mistaken?
IsaacRCCL said:
According to a friend of mine (works for Sprint), he says some people have downloaded 2.3 on their phones. They showed him, i have searched everywhere and find no information on the 2.3 release.. Was he mistaken?
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Read this:
"Gullible" is written in a black cloud in the sky right above your head...
drmacinyasha said:
"Gullible" is written in a black cloud in the sky right above your head...
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LIAR! I don't see crap up there!
drmacinyasha said:
"Gullible" is written in a black cloud in the sky right above your head...
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A friend of mine (works for Websters) told me they removed the word "Gullible" from the dictionary...
I just want friends
Joeriginal said:
I just want friends
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Friends seem like they would be so much fun, don't they?
Joeriginal said:
I just want friends
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Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I have a friend that works for Sprint. He said that the 2.3 update will be installed exclusively by your local rub and tug and it will include a complimentary happy ending. I can't wait!
As a retention supervisor I can officially say that training has taken place for 2.3 on our Evo's, no release date though... Then of course I realized I had just clicked on an engadget link while I was at work
_MetalHead_ said:
Friends seem like they would be so much fun, don't they?
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They are not fun, at least not my friends. They are assholes...
DirtyShroomz said:
As a retention supervisor I can officially say that training has taken place for 2.3 on our Evo's, no release date though... Then of course I realized I had just clicked on an engadget link while I was at work
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So does that mean you can hook people up with discount?
xHausx said:
So does that mean you can hook people up with discount?
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Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I got my update, I DL'ed it yesterday.
Ezintn said:
A friend of mine (works for Websters) told me they removed the word "Gullible" from the dictionary...
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same thing I heard
On Another note tmobile is shutting the game down with all these new phones... nexus S, my touch 4g... if their service didnt suck here I may have been convinced to jump ship.
can someone be my Friend.? i will release 2.4 android star wars
Joeriginal said:
I just want friends
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I think it was pulled from the market. I have the virtualfriend.apk if you need it.
DirtyShroomz said:
As a retention supervisor I can officially say that training has taken place for 2.3 on our Evo's, no release date though... Then of course I realized I had just clicked on an engadget link while I was at work
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What kind of details can you share about 2.3? So far Google has been nothing but a tease.
Your statement seems to confirm that EVO's will all receive 2.3? That is good news.
khov07 said:
What kind of details can you share about 2.3? So far Google has been nothing but a tease.
Your statement seems to confirm that EVO's will all receive 2.3? That is good news.
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Really??? WOW??? I love how people cannot get sarcasm.

Gingerbread for Nexus One comming as OTA

Gingerbread for Nexus One comming as OTA
See the Following Twitter A/c
hetaldp said:
Gingerbread for Nexus One comming as OTA
See the Following Twitter A/c
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Uhh yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone knows that already. This isn't news
Android 2.3 being pushed to N1 is news to me , thanks for the same .
Good news, i just hope this gets stickied BOLDED in each nexus one section so i don't have to read new threads on "when is GB coming or how can I get it"..........
Everyone knows/knew it was coming OTA.
What we don't know is when that will be. Something that the tweet doesn't help with in any way
Rusty! said:
Everyone knows/knew it was coming OTA.
What we don't know is when that will be. Something that the tweet doesn't help with in any way
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exactly my thought
This just in: XDA will be available on the Internet!!!
I think everyone is checking this thread with the hope that it will say the OTA will be today.
10 scrolls for no news. bof.
codesplice said:
This just in: XDA will be available on the Internet!!!
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OMG!! Now I know where to look!
codesplice said:
This just in: XDA will be available on the Internet!!!
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WTF when did happen and why am I just hearing about this?
Poolmunch said:
I think everyone is checking this thread with the hope that it will say the OTA will be today.
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I just want it to come out so that the Inc can get some solid builds coming out.
E30kid said:
I just want it to come out so that the Inc can get some solid builds coming out.
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Wait wait wait im not getting a gingerbread disc to upgrade?!?
We still get the ten hours of aol,right?
JCopernicus said:
Wait wait wait im not getting a gingerbread disc to upgrade?!?
We still get the ten hours of aol,right?
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Google hates N1 owners, remember? You only get a slideshow demonstration of AOL. S owners get 15 free hours
Sent from my Sexy Nexy, courtesy of the fine developers of Tapatalk
Rusty! said:
Everyone knows/knew it was coming OTA.
What we don't know is when that will be. Something that the tweet doesn't help with in any way
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Sure it did, it told us that the OTA wasn't coming yesterday.
Rusty! said:
Everyone knows/knew it was coming OTA.
What we don't know is when that will be. Something that the tweet doesn't help with in any way
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Well, I'm sure a few bright sparks will figure it out. Who needs OTA when you have AOSP?
Well there isn't either right now...
Rusty! said:
Well there isn't either right now...
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From the looks of things (rumors and twitter feeds), GNG should hit AOSP before OTA...but that's all speculation still.
Mod edit: No racism!
