WiFi Issues - XPERIA X2 General

So I have WiFi setup at work and it seems to be working, albeit slow but working.
When I plug the phone into the laptop via USB to charge the phone, the wireless connection is no longer available.(START>SETTINGS>CONNECTIONS>WIFI)
However when I unplug the X2 from the micro USB, the icon comes back and I have a wireless connection.
Is there a setting that I need to adjust for USB connection?
Another question:
Before i connect to WiFi I see the E at the top right of the phone. When I connect to WiFi the E is replaced by the WiFi icon. So I am assuming that my E (EDGE) connection is NOT being used at all when WiFi is on?
In other words, when I am using WiFi, is the internet service from my cellular provider, T-Mobil, completely disconnected? And then when I disconnect from WiFi does the phone internet service go back on to T-Mobil?

For WIfi + USB, i will test it for you tonight at home,
As for Edge and Wifi, yes, when you are connected to wifi, your cellular data connection is not used anymore for internet connection (and actually why do you need it?) However if you connect your phone via USB and allow to use the internet connection from it, your data connection from your Cellular still active. It allows to differentiate the 2 active sync connections, as each connection has its own properties for which items to be synced. so i wonder why Wifi and USB is not...

So now I have had the device for over a week and find that after a while, 2-4 hrs or longer, the WiFi just does not work. I go to settings>connections> WiFi and I am told to enable WiFi on my device. Then there is a list of about 10 different connections to choose from.
The only way to connect to my WiFi is to turn off the phone and back on (waiting at least 2 min) for the phone to load up.
Any suggestions?


Choose Intelligently between Wifi, USB, or GPRS

I have a problem where I have my Prophet connected via USB to my computer, which in turn has a broadband connection. It can connect just fine through this connection, but I have remove my MEdia Net (cingular) from drop down choice in my Connection Settings page. But then when USB isn't connected, I have to go back and choose MEdia Net on drop down choice for internet so it will connect to GPRS. When connected via Wifi, I don't have this problem. It seems to automatically see that the Wifi is on and so connects to internet via this, instead of GPRS. How can I do it so that there's this intelligent choosing of USB over GPRS, that way it'll only connect via GPRS when there's no Wifi or USB.

No 3g after Wmwifirouter install

After tweaking my new Touch Pro and not getting PDAnet to work, I got wmwifirouter to work great, but now I cannot get out on the 3G network. I have tried IE, Opera, updateing weather and nothing works.
I am using KK rom and had no 3G issues before trying pdanet and wmwifirouter. I dont have Phone as Modem selected either.
Any ideas?
i had the same issue.
when i turned on the wifi router, it over-rode the connection settings turning off my data connection. it also confused my usb connection. so every time i connected my device to my pc, it saw it as a network adapter.
all i did was turn off the router completely and restart my data connection manually.
after that, it reset all connections itself.
works fine now.
you may also have to manually disconnect your internet sharing proggie (open the program, select disconnect), as it uses that.
now that i think of it, try that first.
no wifi
after installing wmwifirouter i cannot connect to other wifi signals. The router works great, but when I turn off, my phone does not connect o other wifi signals.
How can i fix this?


I hav GPRS enable on my phone and at my home i have a WiFi
So when i connect to the internet from my phone when i am at home it always connects using GPRS but i want to connect it through Wifi when i am at home...Is there any optio through which i can select as to how i want to connect to the internet i.e. either by GPRS or Wifi??
Plz help
disconnect your gprs connection just clikc on the Edge Icon on the top bar and then and disconnect the t-mobile data connection and then manually connect to wifi spot and it shouldnt connect through ur gprs until u want it to
If you have WiFi turned on, it'll automatically try to find a network it can connect you and notify you of the best connection. If it doesn't WiFi may not be on, you can check in the Comm Manager to make sure its on. If it is on, you can click the WiFi icon on the top bar and select your network.
The phone will automatically use Wifi instead of GPRS if WiFi is connected. If it tries to connect through GPRS it is either because WiFi is disabled or WiFi isn't connected to a network.

HD2 as wirelss usb device?

Hi, I got a laptop without a wireless card for internet connection. So I've been using my HD2 as a USB wireless device, which gives me internet everywhere. THat very nice, and it works extremely well, however I got a question. WHen at home and at work I would like to connect to the wireless router, and not to my mobile internet, is that possible?
Because even tho i connect without problem to my own router at home, I cant really make my HD2 use that for my computer. Is it even possible?
nope... and that is the whole purpose of a wireless card, to pick up wifi signals from a router
It is possible.
Use ICS Control:
Setup should be as follows:
public interface: BCMSDDHD1
private interface: RNDISFN1
Connect your HD2 to WiFi network, click "Start ICS" and plug the cable in to your PC. Should work If you have XP, you should kill Active Sync process first.
Thank you, however I'm not sure that I do everything correctly.
There's quite a lot of settings in that pieve of software, is all I have to edit really the public and private interface drop down boxes? Nothing else?
And when connection to wifi, shall i then just minimize ICS controls, go to phone settings and connect to wifi there?
Thank you
What you want is for your phone to connect to the internet through wireless connection, not your phone's data/internet connection?
If so, then it's definitely possible. Not only at home and work, but also at many wifi spots throughout the world. How you go about it depends on some things.
Does your home and/or work wireless router connect straight to the internet (such as a connection from the wireless router to a cable modem, etc.) ? If so, you only need to know how to connect with the wireless router and your phone should default to that connection for internet when your phone's wifi is turned on. You can always turn data connection off when you turn wifi on to make sure it goes through wifi.
If your wireless router does not connect directly to the internet but one of the computers on the router's network does, then you'll have to use Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) on that internet enabled computer as posted about above.
I want my phone connected to the wifi router, simple yes. However, then I want my phone to share the internet from the router, with a computer connected to the phone via usb cable.
So my phone will actually work as a wireless usb device, connecting to a wifi router.
WMWiFi Router provides following options on the phone:
1)3G converting to WiFi
2)3G converting to USB
3)3G converting to BlueTooth
4)WiFi converting to USB
5)USB converting to WiFi

Use LTE while connected to WiFi Camera

So, I recently got a camera that connects to my phone via WiFi to use as viewer. When connected to the WiFi camera, I can't surf the internet. I figured when the phone didn't detect internet connection through the WiFi it would use the mobile/LTE connection for internet. This seems to not be the case. Does anybody know of a way to force using the mobile/LTE connection while the phone thinks it's connected to a WiFi network? Thanks in advance.
Put the wireless camera on a network and get remote access to it or use download booster which should work as a back up internet
Thanks for the suggestion. I can’t put the cam on the network, it doesn’t have an interface. All settings need to be adjusted through the phone. It’s a Xiaomi MiSphere.
Download booster, on the other hand, is worth looking into. I took a hiatus from Android for a while, just got back into it with the GS8 so relearning things.
If I understand your question correctly, the phone connects directly to the camera via WiFi. So as far as the phone can tell, the camera is a router with no internet connection.
I have the same problem.. I need to connect to my car via WiFi without internet connection, but I want to stay online via mobile network. It has worked well on my previous OnePlus 3 with the stock rom, but SGS8+ doesn't support this feature. I have tried to turn on "Keep Mobile data turned on" option in "Developer options", but it isn't helpful. The Mobile Data is on while connected to the WiFi, but the Internet connection doesn't work via Mobile network. Google Chrome and all other apps say, I am offline without the Internet.
Any solution?
Any possible solution for this issue?

