Maybe you guys can help me out, 1 problem/1 question - HD2 General

I'm having one huge issue with this phone, and that is it not staying connected to the 3G at my house. I can sit in my living room and have 3-4 bars of 3G service, as can everyone else in my family, and my phone will just plumb disconnect and give me that lovely error message that you must "dismiss" before going on. Now if it was once in a blue moon I might be more forgiving, but it's all the time, literally almost every 2-3 minutes if I'm surfing. I don't really want to hard reset my phone because I'm not sure it will solve the issue, so if anyone has any advice here that would be fantastic. This is a freakin expensive phone, and I would hate for it to not work right after jumping through T-Mobile's hoops to get it. My friend's HD2 also has this issue and it's quite frustrating for both of us.
Now on to my question. Is it possible for Windows Mobile to even play 720p video? I have an mp4 copy of Kung Fu Panda for instance, that is 720p resolution and only 800mb, with a total bitrate of less than 1200kbps, and none of the media players (Album, WMP, TCPMP) will play this file at all. I didn't figure it would be that big a deal for this processor but I'm just curious, it's kind of a pain to re-encode EVERY video for playback on the phone. I have some MKV TV shows that are smaller files as well but 720p resolution and TCPMP won't play them either. Anything with that resolution causes TCPMP to crash. I was curious as to whether this was the phone not accepting the resolution or the audio track, which is a 5.1 surround track. I love this website and searched for both of these issues and couldn't find anything useful, so I have to ask y'all

Well, Homestar1217, I am also located in the DFW area and have the same problem. I constantly have to go to wireless controls in settings and turn my Data connection back on! You're right! It's VERY annoying!

It's probably the codec/container that you're using for your 720p file that's the issue.

Svegetto said:
It's probably the codec/container that you're using for your 720p file that's the issue.
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Okkkkk... and in english? Please?

It is extremely annoying. If I hadn't already passed my 14 day return policy I'd be taking it back pronto. The new vibrant catches my eye at this point. Quite honestly I'm disappointed with this phone. Both browsers are sub-par, it took forever for me to figure out just the right bunch of settings on 3 different pieces of software for proper video conversion, swype has about a 25 second delay in the sms app before it lets me type, and mainly, it can't even stay connected to the network! I got this guy because of the processor, but it seems like all of the effort went into Sense, and no one tried to optimize the rest of the OS for the beast of a processor that it packs. Anyways, didn't mean to turn this into a complaint post. One 720p file is AVC with an mp4 container and video bitrate of 932kbps, and audio is AAC 6 channel at 278kbps. the other is an MKV with AVC video at 3476kbps and AC-3 audio at 384kbps, also 6 channel. I thought TCPMP would play those files but it crashed on both. I hope all that makes sense to you guys, it does to me

Homestar1217 said:
It is extremely annoying. If I hadn't already passed my 14 day return policy I'd be taking it back pronto. The new vibrant catches my eye at this point. Quite honestly I'm disappointed with this phone. Both browsers are sub-par, it took forever for me to figure out just the right bunch of settings on 3 different pieces of software for proper video conversion, swype has about a 25 second delay in the sms app before it lets me type, and mainly, it can't even stay connected to the network! I got this guy because of the processor, but it seems like all of the effort went into Sense, and no one tried to optimize the rest of the OS for the beast of a processor that it packs. Anyways, didn't mean to turn this into a complaint post. One 720p file is AVC with an mp4 container and video bitrate of 932kbps, and audio is AAC 6 channel at 278kbps. the other is an MKV with AVC video at 3476kbps and AC-3 audio at 384kbps, also 6 channel. I thought TCPMP would play those files but it crashed on both. I hope all that makes sense to you guys, it does to me
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as far as TCPMP goes ... have you soft reset since you installed it? It crashed repeatedly on me before I soft reset, then, magic

if you want a different phne but are past the 14 day ask tmobile to send a new hd2 if you have the unit replaced 3 times in a 90 day period you are eligible for a handset exchange, I'm in this process right now... on my 3rd HD2 and i have the same data issue, after this i can upgrade to the mytouch slide,
*edit* as long as there is no heavy physical damage a.k.a. drop....

Just an fyi...I am in that third phone catagory. You won't get the phone you want...they offered me a Dash 3g! I said "That's not a comparable phone". They said that was the exchange phone and now they're sending me my 4th HD2. I'm having terrible lag issues while texting.

joe the lag issues might be happening because your threads are getting too big.i was having the same lag issue through the regular t9 texting then i switched over to swype in the settings and had a 15 second delay before i could text and realised after some help from this forum that there was too many messages in some contacts threads so everytime it gets to around 60 messages i just delete the thread. This happens with a lot of phones not just this one so give it try and see if it helps with your problem.


Any Video encoding gurus in the forum? Need help!!!

Hi all. Have managed to get DVD quality playback on the Jasjar with no frame dropping.
Encoded a DVD (test sample of 3 minutes) @ 44,100 Mhz Stereo, 128kbps MP3 and 1 pass @ 768 kbps at 640x480 resolution. looks good. Only problem is that it's a little jerky. Can't remember where I read it, on this forum or elsewhere, but some guys have experimented with CPU overclocking in conjunction with video playback. Need to find that thread or those guys. my experience, like theirs, is that whilst plugged in to the mains, the jasjar playsback the file perfectly without any jerks whatsoever in extremely high quality!! Obviously there's a power issue going on. Either CPU power or battery (even if it's fully charged) or something similar.
Feedback would be appreciated and much needed.
I'm generally doing things at a lower quality. I use about 500kbps for video and 32kbps for audio (using Xvid and LameMP3, respectively).
I haven't had any problems with stuttering at those settings, when using normal battery power, and with my usual plugins running, etc.
Anything much above that though, and the jerks start, but I find those settings are pretty much optimal quality. It's my favourite balance between quality and smoothness, anyway.
I'm sure overclocking would help in your case, but every time I've overclocked previous devices, it's caused problems here, there, and everywhere, so I don't bother anymore! Over to someone else with more overclocking knowledge, methinks!....
Here's the thread:
I'm not sure if it's fair to call it overclocking if you just use the 520mhz setting, but it's been working for me. It chews up the battery very quickly but it's worth it, video playback is now nice and smooth.
Thanks galt. That's what I was looking for. I read all the posts and based on your last post, took the plunge and bought the software with the discount code. Cheers mate! :lol: I'll let you know how I got on.
Q. You mention that you encode at 20 fps. Does it still playback like @ 25 fps or isn't it noticeable? And how is ur battery life now, with the CPU Hack and UMTS disabled?
mackaby007 said:
Q. You mention that you encode at 20 fps. Does it still playback like @ 25 fps or isn't it noticeable? And how is ur battery life now, with the CPU Hack and UMTS disabled?
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@ 20 fps it plays back very very smooth (if the device can handle it without dropping frames). I haven't encoded any video @ 25fps but I'd guess that it's unecessary. My battery life was unchanged by turning off the UMTS, I really don't think it made a difference, and I typically have my GPRS on alll day. I don't run PHM at 520 mhz unless I'm watching high quality videos, but when I do it runs the battery down much faster. I really want a second higher capacity battery now (Mugen Power is working on it), but I also bought an extra wall and car charger so I can keep the device running full speed more often.
If you have any questions about setting up PHM feel free to AIM me (galtish) and I can try and hep but if you follow the directions in the other thread you should be ok. Do use the filter for the official Intel PXA270 when selecting settings in the speed configuration, and when you go to test them only test 3-4 settings at one time.
Agreed. Most of my videos are at 25fps, but the drop down to 20fps (which I've done a couple of times) is practically un-noticable.
Have a bit of a play around with your settings, and you'll fnd something which suits you (with or without overclocking...)
hello mate! Was just signing off the night and saw you in here. What do you use to encode your vids and are they DVD quality, apperance wise anyway? You see that's what I'm striving for and to be honest, it's not hard to achieve, but the trade off is sometimes a little to costly for my liking.
Hello again...
I use VirtualDub for everything. Bit tricky to figure out at first, but well worth the effort (in my opinion)
Every device I've had seems to work better on different settings, so I'm still trying out different permutations, but the ones I mentioned earlier work very well for me. (Everyone I've shown the results to has been suitably impressed, at least!)
When I get to a point that I'm completely happy with, I'll let you all know though!!!
Hello again...
I use VirtualDub for everything. Bit tricky to figure out at first, but well worth the effort (in my opinion)
Every device I've had seems to work better on different settings, so I'm still trying out different permutations, but the ones I mentioned earlier work very well for me. (Everyone I've shown the results to has been suitably impressed, at least!)
When I get to a point that I'm completely happy with, I'll let you all know though!!!
Be happy to continue this discussion from HTC & MS...:
nabil2000, sub69, trendystyle and other video buff bretherens
In response to your discussions about video encoding, I thought I'd post some of my techniques also. nabil2000, I think you'll find that what sub69 said about re-converting videos (avi divx xvid or mpeg etc) to be the norm on pocket pc's. I too have beeb doing this for many years and you really don't need the full monty (PC spec encoded movie files for the pocket pc). However, admittedly, the higher the video bitrates, the better the look of the video. Like you nabil I wish you could just transfer your PC spec encoded vids as this would be awesome, but the usage of space really is unnecessary.
My best result to date is a divx 6.0 encoded movie file encoded directly from a DVD and looks just like the real thing.
I used DVDx and divx 6.0 in conjunction with Lame MP3, and the settings were as follows:
1 Pass encoding at 768kbps @ 640x480 resolution (Bi-cubic Sharp), use medium or better quality encoding option and set Maximum keyframe intervals @ 375. Audio is set to min of 80kbps but 128kbps sounds much better and louder on the Jasjar.
The result is beautiful!
However there is a major drawback. It stutters every few frames and often drops frames unless you either plug it in to the mains or overclock your cpu on the Jasjar to at least 520Mhz (I know the Jasjar is a 520Mhz CPU, but believe me, it doesn't perform like it in videos or anything else for that matter).
With PocketHackMaster2005 set to 520Mhz it plays back flawlessly! 8) So I try to overclock to 624MHz like the Axim X50v and it crashes.
Sub69 however, with the same Jasjar and ROM version can happily overclock to 624Mhz for hours. There's a problem here and it's starting to look like hardware differences in my opinion. I thought it might have been operating system build versions differing, but that is slowly being ruled out as sub69 has the same o/s version as me!
Anyway, what say you all? Any suggestions on what's going on?
I get a pixelation problem after watching playback for about 20 mins...
I think these pda's have slightly different hardware features or so, since different people report different results... It doesn't bother me either way, I now know a workaround so i am happy, but i wont remove the pressure on i-mate/htc as i think the device was overpriced for what it can do... my opinion anyways... matter of fact i prefer to watch dvd's or divx on my compact player, or better still on laptop or desktop or tv bigger screen, using the jasjar will be only if i want to travel light and take a couple of movies to entertain myself...
greetings dudes...
(it took me 24 mins to re-encode a divx to the rate a third of what we normally use for hdtv on pc's)... quality ok, but ultimate pixelation is a pain in the a##...
Re: pixelation
nabil2000 said:
I get a pixelation problem after watching playback for about 20 mins...
I think these pda's have slightly different hardware features or so, since different people report different results... It doesn't bother me either way, I now know a workaround so i am happy, but i wont remove the pressure on i-mate/htc as i think the device was overpriced for what it can do... my opinion anyways... matter of fact i prefer to watch dvd's or divx on my compact player, or better still on laptop or desktop or tv bigger screen, using the jasjar will be only if i want to travel light and take a couple of movies to entertain myself...
greetings dudes...
(it took me 24 mins to re-encode a divx to the rate a third of what we normally use for hdtv on pc's)... quality ok, but ultimate pixelation is a pain in the a##...
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Fair enough, but I can't afford to let it go. My experience over the years with PCs' has been that if your PC has powerful graphics processing capabilities in conjunction with a decent CPU, then all multimedia applications (inc video) will benefit. As the jasjar doesn't have a dedicated graphics accelaerator like the X50v, I am not expecting this...but it does have a 500+ Mhz CPU and in my experience of PPCs' should be more than capable of handling 640x480 vids! I suppose ultimately, we can't gat away from these two facts:
1) The CPU still has probably more to contend with in WM5.0 then its' predessors and is therefore unable to devote enough power to more CPU intensive applications without dedicated acceloration and....
2) As with most PPC software at the moment, what 3rd party software (inc TCPMP) has been specifically written with WM5.0 in mind? Potentially the reason for these issues.
Quite right. Unfortunately there isn't a single media player which was written specifically for WM5 (not even WMP10, right?) so we may be waiting for a while until a properly compatible player comes along with perfect performance?
Which .avi codecs can WMP10 handle, by the way?
wmp10 codecs
for pc's with win xp, i dont know mostly because i always have all codecs i need installed... i had a friend who has a windows media center 2005 laptop and we could play a divx 5 straight away without using any codec...
for pocketpc's i have no clues, it certainly doesnt have codecs for xvid and divx as i tried this, mptcp is the only one who bothered to include most needed codecs...
and btw don't forget that MS hate opensource, so they will delay implementing opensource codecs unless they really have to
but how about the sound, any way to boost it, on headphones at least?
Re: Xvid Codecs for TCPMP? Maybe!
nabil2000 said:
for pc's with win xp, i dont know mostly because i always have all codecs i need installed... i had a friend who has a windows media center 2005 laptop and we could play a divx 5 straight away without using any codec...
for pocketpc's i have no clues, it certainly doesnt have codecs for xvid and divx as i tried this, mptcp is the only one who bothered to include most needed codecs...
and btw don't forget that MS hate opensource, so they will delay implementing opensource codecs unless they really have to
but how about the sound, any way to boost it, on headphones at least?
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Funny you should say that nabil2000 (no codecs for PPC that is). sub69: this may be of interest to you too. using smartvideo concerter, they either have an option to install an xvid codec to the PPC as part of the smartmovie player or you can install the codec seperately. I wonder if this same codec could be utilised for TCPMP. You would have to go to their website to download the player and they offer the codec there. Additionally, TCPMP also have plugins for their player, I'm sure they are either codecs or equivalent. If I'm wrong please tell me, as this was picked up along the way and I didn't delve into it too much.
I used to use SmartMovie for my SonyEricsson P-series phones, I remember having their codec installed there too...
...what I'm thinking is that as TCPMP is a pre-WM5 piece of software, and WMP10 should be optimised for WM5 (although that's by no means certain, judging by Microsoft's track record!), we may all be more successful if we try encoding in a format which WMP10 understands, therefore cutting out a (possible) weak link...TCPMP.
It's been ages since I used SmartMovie though, and I've never used it on any of my PPC's, so can someone tell me if installing the SmartMovie codec enables you to use Xvid .avi's from within WMP10?
Also, throughout all of this I've been assuming that the native WMP10 codecs all result in having to have huge video files, I actually haven't tried encoding any WMP10-friendly Videos yet. Is there any list of WMP10 supported codecs, 'cause I can't find one
wmp10 codecs
encoding in mpeg4 for sure will be accepted by winMP10, in the past i used windows media encoder sdk that allows u to encode in wmv or asf format, now u can use windows movie maker 2 which is available for free with win xp...
in ppc wm2k5, there is no codec for xvid, or divx5, we need third party one, and tcpmp included them along with others ported from other open source codecs and adapted for wm2003...
happier than before!!
Hi guys. Recenttly done a hard reset and let all cabs install. Only 3rd party software installed is TCPMP and it now plays 640x480 vids much better.
Nabil2000: You can even play divx movies at that resolution encoded @ 1500kbps! and it's pretty smooth. A few jerks here and there, but nothing unacceptable and with the mains plugged in, flawless!!
I think we should wait for the next ROM update and hope for the best!!
mackaby007, i am tired of fiddling with it, i take your word for it... i now have set it up as i wish to use it... i have written to htc explaining about what i wished the machine could do... everybody is competing now for bigger storage and better video even apple with their announcement with a video playing ipod... my marketing hunch is that if u dont offer top specs u dont survive long (or at least the multimeddia digital device u are wishing to market)... thats my couple cents wisdom...
the machine is great (barring the necessary needed rom update fine-tuning), it just annoys me that i will feel compelled to buy the jasjar ii if they answer all my wishes (which are not by the way that out of this world, i never asked to fit the universal with a teleporter or a replicator lol)... i saw a 4GB palm in pcworld last night and the temptation was big to purchase it, but common sense prevailed (i am unfortunately a very impulsive buyer!) ...
I share that same impulse, it's very costly isn't it? Anyway, good luck with your decision. At least you are truly well informed now.

wizard video playback sucks ass... fix posible?

i cant get the video playback much past 500kb/s +/- 100kb/s (which is ****), and im running at 264mhz.
this is only about half the speed of normal mobile video bitrates. i dont think the limiting factor is miniSD card speed, cuz i got the same benchmarks from mp4s played off the internal storage.
i know i can encode video to fit the wizard and that works fine for most purpose, but i also want to have streaming video podcasts that come straight to the phone. fiddling with the settings on tcpmp didnt really help... vlc might do the trick, but vlc menus are intolerably slow for me
anyone have had the same problem? any ideas/suggestions? ill surely be puzzling over this...
Try TCPMP (freeware) don't forget to install plugins too. Google for it :wink:
I think he is using tcpmp
Well overclocking and using TCPMP is the best you can get for video playback. However, i could be something with the codecs being used. I see this on PC's all the time, the the codecs dont quite match, playback can stutter etc.
Other than that, maybe a slicker ROM might help but it's a unlikely and a bit drastic..
yeah i have a similar problem. I have encoded episodes of simpsons, family guy and south park into 3gp format. each one is about 25mb in size, and of average quality. when i start playing them back, they're fine for the first 8 - 9 minutes, but EVERY time at about 9 minutes in, the picture starts stuttering slightly, its not too bad, but quite annoying, even overlocked at 240mhz it still does it so i knwo its not the processor speed ? any ideas ??
[quote="bendog2784" ]I think he is using tcpmp[/quote]
ooops.! sorry not to read all...

Your TMOUS HD2 may have these problems!

I bought my TMOUS HD2 on launch day. I've noticed a few strange things about it that I thought I'd report. You should check your HD2 for the same things. Pay attention when you check--these are sometimes subtle.
1. The demo racing game, Ferrari, is choppy--there are small freezes during races.
2. The audio is slightly delayed (audio plays just before the mouths move, producing "lip sync" problems, etc). Turns out this affects the Transformers videos as well as all players and maybe some games. Coreplayer/tcpmp are affected, too.
3. Newton's rings. After a day of use, angle your device in front of an indoor/flourescent light. You might be able to see oily rainbow rings appearing in your screen. These can't be wiped off, and are not just under your case/screen-protector, they're deeper than that.
Does anyone else have these problems? Are they normal? Should I/you ask for a refund or an exchange?
#1 is CONFIRMED for users with some stock microSD cards! Moving the game off of the memory card fixes the choppiness!
#2 seems to be present in ALL HD2 devices!
#3 seems unique to my device.
I've observed all of these problems except the newton's rings.
i havent noticed these things, ive had mine since launch day
fiendskillz said:
i havent noticed these things, ive had mine since launch day
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umm.. if you can replicate those problems on pc (more specifically the movies on a pc, just copy the files to your pc and play them and see if its the same) I have had my phone since the thursday before launch.. and i don't have ONE of those problems...
good luck getting an exchange done with the backorders and high demand BUT i would at least return it till more come in if they can't "exchange" it.
My biggest problem i HAVE had is random sleep of deaths... where it doesn't want to turn back on from sleep mode... but being a long time windows user... pulling the battery randomly is natural (sad i know lol)... and it doesn't happen frequent enough to piss me off.
Also... r you on the stock rom or cooked rom?
I've noticed skyfire to be choppy and audio out of sync on a strong 3g connection pulling 1100 kb/s. Never had that problem on my touch pro 2.
the ferrari game is , and has been, choppy since day 1. there was an unboxing video a few days before the HD2 came out, can't remember what site it was, and he played the game for a little bit....looked choppy too.
the transformers audio does appear to be a little bit out of sync, very little but still noticeable.
I don't see the 'rainbow screen' on the HD2 though I do have it on the TP2, first I've heard of it on the HD2.
The problem with the choppyness on the game is actually the micro SD card. The micro SD cards that shipped with our devices seems to have a problem. If you copy the game on to another micro SD card the choppyness will go away. The same might be true for video (I just have not had time to test it yet).
I don't want to thread jack, but maybe you guys are having this issue also.
After syncing my contacts, I lose contact numbers. I've synced via outlook and gmail and I get the contact's names onto my phone, but phone numbers are randomly missing. I can't figure out what the contacts have in common. I came from a blackberry and my lady from a dumb phone and we both have the same issue with missing phone numbers.
Anyone else? Got a resolution?
igotdatglow said:
I don't want to thread jack, but maybe you guys are having this issue also.
After syncing my contacts, I lose contact numbers. I've synced via outlook and gmail and I get the contact's names onto my phone, but phone numbers are randomly missing. I can't figure out what the contacts have in common. I came from a blackberry and my lady from a dumb phone and we both have the same issue with missing phone numbers.
Anyone else? Got a resolution?
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which server are u trying to sync? google server? I just notice the names aren't syncing properly but in terms of phone numbers and e-mails and addresses, i got all of those back by syncing to google's server via outlook.
in terms of this thread tho, i haven't had any of these problems above, i just tested my transformers pc and phone and both are playing in sync... the ferrari game yes its kinda choppy, but like the guy said above it might've been a sdcard issue, since they will only ship us with class 2 sdcards...
xtenpeben said:
which server are u trying to sync? google server? I just notice the names aren't syncing properly but in terms of phone numbers and e-mails and addresses, i got all of those back by syncing to google's server via outlook.
in terms of this thread tho, i haven't had any of these problems above, i just tested my transformers pc and phone and both are playing in sync... the ferrari game yes its kinda choppy, but like the guy said above it might've been a sdcard issue, since they will only ship us with class 2 sdcards...
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yep, synced via google's server and outlook
my girl just imported from her simcard and has the same issue
Received my HD2 from TMO on the 31st and do not have the problems you are describing.
Thanks for the responses, everyone! For those of you who aren't experiencing at least problems 1 and 2, can you answer the following:
1. Are you using a custom microSD card?
2. Could someone take a video demonstrating that the problem does NOT occur with your device?
T mobile will claim ignorance unless there is some proof that at least some of our devices don't have the first two issues (the choppy racing game and the audio delay).
I havent noticed the audio lag in transformers but have noticed that Ferrari game to be choppy. Have any of you notice Sense UI locking up your phone?
For Instance, If im browsing on Opera Mobile 10 and then quit the app, I get a black screen for the today screen and only the Start Menu is accessible.
Then I hit Start, and I hit settings but its just stuck so I can get to "HOME" to turn off Sense UI so basically I have to remove the battery.
Also, in the Photo Viewer IN SENSE UI , I recorded about 15 3min videos (Went to a Mexican Corrido Concert ) Once I click on "Albums Soft Key", All the preview thumbnails start loading for the videos and just freezes there.
Then when I try to click on any image, It wont pull up the picture in fullscreen. It just hangs. This is BS.
Never had these issues with my Sprint Touch Pro 2. Will remove the SD card and try my 4gb card.
erick10 said:
I havent noticed the audio lag in transformers but have noticed that Ferrari game to be choppy. Have any of you notice Sense UI locking up your phone?
For Instance, If im browsing on Opera Mobile 10 and then quit the app, I get a black screen for the today screen and only the Start Menu is accessible.
Then I hit Start, and I hit settings but its just stuck so I can get to "HOME" to turn off Sense UI so basically I have to remove the battery.
Also, in the Photo Viewer IN SENSE UI , I recorded about 15 3min videos (Went to a Mexican Corrido Concert ) Once I click on "Albums Soft Key", All the preview thumbnails start loading for the videos and just freezes there.
Then when I try to click on any image, It wont pull up the picture in fullscreen. It just hangs. This is BS.
Never had these issues with my Sprint Touch Pro 2. Will remove the SD card and try my 4gb card.
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A hard reset and new card should fix the software issues. So would a new ROM. This thread is primarily concerned with hardware defects.
buy class 6 microsd card and your problem will be gone
u will find alot of problems with this device reason being tmo never looked into it they just seen it and said we will take it , slapped there name on it and threw in a few bells and whisles and apps and threw it on the shelves. without knowing anything about it, now its like if u need to know anything about the device or need to fix it because of a software issue its pointless to call them because they dont know anything about the hd2, so u hav to know people like us to help u guys out
shah_vm said:
buy class 6 microsd card and your problem will be gone
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Exactly...The card came with the phone is class 2 which is too slow for this kind of device. Damn cheap ass Tmo.
curiousGeorge said:
I bought my TMOUS HD2 on launch day. I've noticed a few strange things about it that I thought I'd report. You should check your HD2 for the same things. Pay attention when you check--these are sometimes subtle.
1. The demo racing game, Ferrari, is choppy--there are small freezes during races.
2. The audio is slightly out-of-sync with the Transformers videos (audio plays just before the mouths move, etc). Turns out this affects all players and maybe some games. Coreplayer/tcpmp are affected, too.
3. Newton's rings. After a day of use, angle your device in front of an indoor/flourescent light. You might be able to see oily rainbow rings appearing in your screen. These can't be wiped off, and are not just under your case/screen-protector, they're deeper than that.
Does anyone else have these problems? Are they normal? Should I/you ask for a refund or an exchange?
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1. The Ferrari game runs smooth on my HD2, not choppy at all
2. This is a microsd card speed issue, I replaced mine with a class 6 and the audio is in perfect sync.
3. I have yet to see the rings you are speaking about.
kongzilla said:
1. The Ferrari game runs smooth on my HD2, not choppy at all
2. This is a microsd card speed issue, I replaced mine with a class 6 and the audio is in perfect sync.
3. I have yet to see the rings you are speaking about.
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Was it ever out of sync for you, even with a class 2?
My videos can often play without skipping any frames. Playback is full speed, but the audio is always 250ms behind the video (that's 1/4 second--a large amount).
Are you sure the card speed is the only issue here? I can understand for the ferrari game, or for skipped frames in large videos, but my videos can be as low as 25MB for 25 minutes, and not drop any frames, but the audio is still exactly 250ms behind the video at all times.
I'm going to create a new thread specifically about the audio delay.
the ferrari game plays perfectly if you copy it to the phone. i tried it on mine and it worked fine without any choppiness whatsoever.

Major flaw in the HTC HD2: 250ms Audio Delay

For the lazy reader:
Your HD2 probably suffers from an audio lag using the default media players. This is evident in the transformers movies and many other videos. You just may not have noticed it for a variety of reasons. There is no fix yet.
Coreplayer/TCPMP are not solutions, since they defeat the purpose of proper HW scaling and decoding for battery life/processor utilization. They also render the video improperly (bad scaling, colorspaces, etc), and Coreplayer doesn't even support AAC+ (HE-AAC) audio.
The first day I got my HD2 from TMOUS, I noticed that the included Transformers videos suffered from what appeared to be close to a 250ms audio delay. Sure enough, the problem was universal to all video files unless an artificial delay is introduced into the transcoding process. This means that every video file placed on the device will play back with the audio playing up to 250ms (about 1/4 second) late. This turned out to be a very common problem with the HTC HD2 and many devices seem to suffer from it (including some other HTC devices mentioned in this thread), particularly in video playback. This is a not a placebo effect and is very noticeable--in some videos/scenes more than others due to video pacing.
Before you post to say "Mine doesn't seem to do it," read the following and check again just in case--you'll be surprised. As I mention below, to some people with untrained eyes, even a 250ms delay (about 1/4 second) isn't very noticeable, and without careful attention, the mind can sometimes be tricked into thinking the delay somehow "isn't real." The proof? Testimony of many members (read this thread), and of course: Here's a video of me playing the new test clip below.
This problem is well known and is often referred to as a "video sync" or "lip sync" problem. All seem to describe this problem in which the audio ends up getting significantly delayed.
A list summarizing the current understanding of the situation.
1. The audio lag is up to 250ms (100-250ms) for ANY a/v stream. Please understand that the duration of 250ms is 1/4 of a single second; in some slow scenes (or even slow speech), this problem is very difficult to detect. However, in any very fast scenes or speech, it should become strikingly and painfully apparent to even the most callous of observers.
2. It does appear that a minority of HD2 users insist they are completely unaffected by the problem, and they are very vocal about it. This does introduce the possibility that, in fact, contrary to all common sense, there may be differences in HD2 hardware that are quite elusive. Alternatively, there is some yet-undiscovered combination of settings, roms, and drivers in which this problem disappears. More likely in many cases is the possibility that the issue is simply difficult to spot in some people's chosen sample footage.
3. HTC has acknowledged the problem in some form but is doing nothing about it, either because of development cost (software issue) or hardware issues. Again, there is also the possibility that there are other factors tying the company's hands.
4. In theoretical terms, the class 2 SD card read speed is more than sufficient to maintain sustained data flow of, for instance, a 300kbps audio/video stream. However, the delay issue persists even with the smallest of encodes, and even when the files are placed in the phone's built-in memory.
5. The Snapdragon chipset itself has been repeatedly implicated as being the culprit behind the A/V delay. Other potential candidates include driver issues, ROM issues, and/or general software issues on the part of HTC.
6. It is absolutely not a codec issue. This is not speculation or conjecture, but certainty. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence to support this, including the use of different players and encoders that produce valid streams--which play back perfectly in sync on any other computer or device. If there is any software you are using that you claim "doesn't get lag," you either do not experience lag/delay issues on your device, or the software is introducing opposite audio delay to compensate, which isn't a solution at all. The latter is known to occur with some community-produced frontends specifically for the HD2 as a crude workaround for this issue. However, it is hardly necessary to stress that the dilemma of not only re-encoding every existing media file for the HD2, but also the obvious lunacy of producing invalid files specifically so this device can read them.
7. The issue is ROM-independent. Cooked and stocked ROMs produce identical results. However, some users report a slight decrease in delay when they disable processor scaling (i.e. lock the device near 1ghz).
First, decisively determine whether or not your device has this problem, which a large number of HD2 units seem to have. To test this, play this video (or others mentioned in this thread) on your HD2 in Windows Media Player or the HTC Video Player. Also try the included Transformers movie if you have a TMOUS unit. If you have any other media players on the device, you may also play these clips in those players with default settings. Note that all of these files are properly encoded and exhibit no audio lag when played using a computer or other device (including the original HTC HD). Report your findings, along with your OS version, ROM version, radio version, and model of HD2 (i.e. TMOUS or "European"). Also indicate your purchase date or, if known, the date of manufacture.
Secondly, once you've confirmed you have the issue, contact HTC and issue a report/complaint (in other words, request that they fix the problem). To support your complaint, you may refer to some of the ticket numbers at the bottom of this post, which are relevant to this issue. Once your complaint is filed, post the complaint ticket number here. It is crucial that HTC understands the prevalence of this problem or they will not fix it.
Finally, propose a solution (optional). If you manage to change device settings or install software/drivers/tweaks to eliminate the issue device-wide without destroying the file's actual synchronization (i.e. it remains in sync on the computer, other devices, etc), please post what you did! Please, no touting random 3rd party "converters" unless you understand the approach used by these to escape this sync/lag issue.
Ticket numbers (HTC Support)
10ZACW16ENA000014 (HTC's acknowledgment)
Further Reading
Another test video. This was the default test clip until I replaced it with my own above.
Sorry, George, its not everybody's doesn't do it. Seriously, no matter what you may think of my mind, etc. mine doesn't seem to do it.
I'm not trying to say the problem is non-existent, you might be right. I didn't investigate enough.
But to give my 2 cents; I am very familiar with video encoding, digital audio and video and everything related. On a PC or on a TV i have an eagles eye (ear) for spotting sync problems. But I haven't noticed a sync problem on my HD2 whatsoever after having watched several movies on it... and 250ms should be very, VERY noticeable. Just 20ms usually catches my attention right away.
barty22 said:
I'm not trying to say the problem is non-existent, you might be right. I didn't investigate enough.
But to give my 2 cents; I am very familiar with video encoding, digital audio and video and everything related. On a PC or on a TV i have an eagles eye (ear) for spotting sync problems. But I haven't noticed a sync problem on my HD2 whatsoever after having watched several movies on it... and 250ms should be very, VERY noticeable. Just 20ms usually catches my attention right away.
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I'm also very familiar with encoding. I also notice stuttering problems in the video I play, in addition to sync issues (even baseline AVC with 1 ref, bitrate capped at 1000kbps, LC-AAC audio at 64kbps). This problem was even present on the included Transformers movies (the same movies play fine on the PC-- but with the exact same sync issue on coreplayer and TCPMP on the HD2).
Do you have the TMOUS device? What radio and ROM version are you using?
One other interesting thing I noticed. When the volume is turned down to 0, the choppiness present in some videos or situations dissappears, and when the audio is turned back up the choppiness comes back (tried in HTC Media Player).
This might relate directly to the sync issues I'm experiencing. What if there's a problem with the audio module or chipset rendering in general?
Change your thread title. its misleading. just because your device and someones friends first cousin sisters ex boyfriend suffer from this delay doesnt mean that ALL HD2s are affected. and to claim that all apps are affected? do you have all apps that are out there? kind of farfetched to say its a widespread occurence when this is the first time anyone has claimed such a "MAJOR FLAW!!!"
DialecticThought said:
Change your thread title. its misleading. just because your device and someones friends first cousin sisters ex boyfriend suffer from this delay doesnt mean that ALL HD2s are affected. and to claim that all apps are affected? do you have all apps that are out there? kind of farfetched to say its a widespread occurence when this is the first time anyone has claimed such a "MAJOR FLAW!!!"
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Changed; happy yet? And I'm not so sure it's as "misleading" as you think. I've seen more with the issues than without. If it occurs on all the included videos and apps, I think it's safe enough to say it's a problem with all of them.
If you don't think your device has it, feel free to post to the contrary. It would help to specify what version of the device you're using.
Based on the responses I'm getting, the problem seems constrained to the new 1024 Leo units (the TMOUS devices). If you have such a device and don't have this problem, I (and many others here who complain about the sync--it's not just me) would love to know about it.
A little less arrogance, please.
no audio issues here either... TMOUS stock using CorePlayer in GDI
I have TMOUS hd2 with stock rom, since I read this thread, I watched Transformers couple times using built-in player and Core player, but I did not notice any audio lag.
You said 250ms audio lag, what programs you used to measure this number, how you measure audio lag in game? Karaoke game?
The lag is measured qualitatively; I adjust the skew until I find that there is no more lip sync issues on the video files (basically I change the delay until the audio matches exactly with what's being shown). Then I observe that this audio delay is the same in all videos (including the stock). Then I notice that games are a bit delayed; since the 250ms appears to hold for all of the videos I've tried (the audio delay was set by an mp4 container flag), I simply assumed that the lag that is observable in games is the same; it appears to be the same magnitude, at least.
I noticed it in the Transformer movie as well. (This is probably the first time I played it and paid attention.)
TCPMP can't handle the Transformers movies. I can't notice any lag while playing another video file I had on my sd card. The quality is much lower, compared to Transformers.
curiousGeorge said:
I simply assumed that the lag that is observable in games is the same;
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You know what they say about assumption ay? lol
See second post on in this page.
TCPMP solved my problems (Audio sync in videos, I don't have any delay at all in apps etc though).
Don't know if that will help you out for your videos?
aceo07 said:
TCPMP can't handle the Transformers movies.
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TCPMP runs 2.5 - 3 hour action films fine for me.
I've experienced no audio sync issues in the couple included games I've played with (all but Prince of Persia) nor any in the videos I've played (both Transformers and a couple other mp4's I've encoded with CloneDVDMobile). I'm not a big fan of games on these though, but the video capabilities have been THOROUGHLY tested on my unit. Oh, and all of this has been played from the supplied 16GB card and two 8GB cards (both made by Kingston) which I already had. I've played the videos using both the included "Video Player" and TCPMP (took a little work to get MPEG2s to play decently though).
Stock T-Mo US --NOT HardSPL or flashed yet.
OS: 5.2.21889.5.0.87
Manila ver: 2.5.20121412.1
ROM ver: 2.10.531.1 (82076) WWE
ROM date: 02/22/10
Radio ver:
Protocol ver:
I have reformatted the memory card and only replaced what I still wanted that was originally on it. I have not hard reset at all.
The only app I have installed which might affect performance is BsB Tweaks, and the only settings I've adjusted are: Power Saving - OFF; Hidden Camera Modes - ON; Camera 8MP - ON; and Wifi N - ON (I was curious about what this does, but it's not something I need.. I'm turning it off now, now that I'm thinking on it).
To those of you experiencing these issues: Are you only seeing this problem with games? Or is it affecting movies too?
HTC_Junglist said:
TCPMP runs 2.5 - 3 hour action films fine for me.
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I did not say that TCPMP couldn't handle long films. It was very specific to the Transformer movies. More specifically, I meant the exact Transformer movie files that came with the US T-Mobile HD2. TCPMP was not able to play those Transformer movie files smoothly.
However I do notice the audio lag in the default movie player it uses to the Transformers movies. The video is smooth, but the audio is lagged a little.
I am experiencing the exact delay that is being reported.
All you have to do is actually watch a few minutes of Transformers. Its really annoying.
aceo07 said:
I did not say that TCPMP couldn't handle long films. It was very specific to the Transformer movies. More specifically, I meant the exact Transformer movie files that came with the US T-Mobile HD2. TCPMP was not able to play those Transformer movie files smoothly.
However I do notice the audio lag in the default movie player it uses to the Transformers movies. The video is smooth, but the audio is lagged a little.
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No you just said "The Transformers movies", I have 2 transformer movies & TCPMP plays them both fine. They did not come with the handset like yours though, but they are both high quality of 2.5gb each (Don't know how big the issued ones are, I'm in UK here so we didn't get them).
So maybe it's an issue with the way they were encoded too as well as a hardware issue.
i don't have such an issue with mine... games and movies play fine... maybe you have slower ear sensors or faster vision lol .... and I am curious why do you advertise this in your signature?????? if you were writing in a sports forum and had some disability, would you write that down in your signature as well??
i have this same problem. I loaded my favorite alert sounds from my previous phone. They all get a half second to a second chopped off. So do my ring tones. I have not seen a fix for this on any board yet. You are not crazy.
DialecticThought said:
Change your thread title. its misleading. just because your device and someones friends first cousin sisters ex boyfriend suffer from this delay doesnt mean that ALL HD2s are affected. and to claim that all apps are affected? do you have all apps that are out there? kind of farfetched to say its a widespread occurence when this is the first time anyone has claimed such a "MAJOR FLAW!!!"
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It's not actually the first time, there was a thread running for a few days not so long ago about the same issue. And as far as I can ascertain, most, if not all HD2's are plagued with this issue.
I have a TmoUS HD2 and I haven't noticed any delay in sound.

New Video Problem

Alright here's the deal, I got my HD2 when T-Mo had their sale on the 19th, so I'm pretty new. I've searched the forums, and I found several threads on the audio/video sync issue, but they don't help me too much with the problem I have. I used Red Kawa video conversion software to convert my MKV files to MP4, and while most people were saying the HD2 is the cause of the delay, I will note here that my videos were out of sync before I ever transferred them to the phone, so I had to delay them from the get-go. That's not my problem though. Now that I have about 10 videos in the correct format for the phone (800x480, video 1024kbps, audio 192kbps, -200ms delay) once I actually place them on the storage card and play them, they look fantastic until 7 minutes into any movie I play and the phone freaks out. Regardless of whether I'm in Album or WMP, and TCPMP won't play them hardly at all. I also can't use the slider to select any part of any video or the same thing happens, complete freakout. It's the weirdest thing, and there are videos I put on the phone without the delay that worked fine 2 days ago, but these mess up like clockwork EXACTLY 7 minutes in! Any advice here would be much appreciated. I haven't used Windows Mobile since the 2003 version, so I'm new to a lot of it.
Just wanted to add that the videos play perfectly on my computer, and I can use the slider on here to change spots...
Whoops! I thought I had both Anamorphic and Widescreen profiles set up the same, turns out one was on the Baseline Profile and another was on the Main Profile. As a result Anamorphic (Main) movies play fine, they're still not really slideable, but they don't jack up at 7 minutes.
