Facebook Calendar Birthdays don't show up - HD2 General

My htc HD2 used to, automatically, somehow import my FB friends birthdays in the HTC Agenda. Now, whatever I do, I can't find where to set it so the birthdays imported by the phone, don't come back.
I logged in on FB with dataservices menu, sync apps: FB, datasync enabled.
Next I'm always logged in with the FB app from MS.
So I don't get why it was possible when I got my HTC at first, and now, after a few hard resets, erasing all data (because I like trying new tools), it doesn't automatically update/show up CALENDAR BIRTHDAYS (facebook status etc gets updated, I do see birthdays on contact page itself, but not HTC Agenda) at all. Regards

I have the same problem :/ I can see bithdays reminders for some contacts and for others i don't get any reminder in HTC Calendar. I can see dates on contact page but nothing in HTC Agenda.
Ok, I found the workaround:
1. Check for birthday date on every contact with link to facebook. Open conact card and check is there any date or date with "f" (facebook) symbol. If you see with "f" or there is no any date, go to edit contact card, remove link with facebook, and link again. After that you should see birthday date not only in contact card but also when you click edit contact card
2. Sync contacts with pc outlook
3. Check pc outlook calendar - you should see reminders
4. HD2 - Start - tools - activesync - options- sync contacts AND CALENDAR (check source seetings: I have keep item on my device if there is a conflict)
5. Sync contacts and calendar
6. Check HTC Calendar
7. If you had previously any reminders, clean calendar (check current and next year) for any duplicates
8. Sync again to remove duplicates on pc.
From now on contacts birthday date and events will be added automatically via activesync. Just check, when linking conatct with facebook, do you see events dates on "edit contact card" tab, activesync with pc and done


Unable to synchronize appointment created on phone with Outlook (PC)

I've just tested the synchronization of Contacts and Calendar with the Hero, and I can't seem to get it to synchronize appointments made on the phone to Outlook on my PC. I have the latest version of HTC Sync (2.0.4) installed. I haven't changed any of the default settings.
Anyone else have the same problem? Please test it.
Thank you.
when you create new events in the phone calendar, you need to attend to the top-most drop-down, which is to which calendar the new event should be added. The choices are "My Calendar", "Outlook", and then your Google Calendars listed.
If you get this wrong, the sync won't work as expected. The default is the first in the list "My Calendar", and I took ages wondering why it wouldn't sync to my Google Calendar, which was the third in the list.
Then I read about this in another thread, set my google cal when creating a new event, and it did sync.
tedious though.
I can second this.
Just change the Calendar to Outlook and it will sync as expected.
Caught me out also!
Thank you sooooo much!
and if you go into "calendars" you can permanently de-select the ones you don't use - all but Google in my case, perhaps all but Outlook in yours - and then it should be fine. And I think the new event calendar selector remembers your last choice anyway.

Birthday from contact into Google calendar

Hi all,
i filled in a birthday information for one of my contacts. The tattoo informs me that there is a birthday but the info was not syncted to my google calendar. Is it possible to sync the contact birthday information into the google calendar with a rembering?
kind regards
Try the following:
1) Simply go into Google Calendar
2) Select "Add" under other Calendars on the left
3) Select "Interesting Calendars"
4) Click the "More" tab
5) Subscribe to the "Contacts' birthdays and events" calendar.
Next time your phone syncs, you should get all your contacts birthdays.
Hope this is what you were after
thank you for the answer. Unfortunately this works not by me. I saved my contacts on the phone (synced with outlook) and now entry for a birthday was created.

Birthdays & Calendar

I have a problem which I heard around the places before but haven't found any solution.
So, we have a contact - then we add a birthday date for it, after all the calendar does not remind us about it in any possible way.
I must enter an event by myself.
Writing this after almost missing the birthday yersterday of a closed one.
Any help would be appreciated,
P.S. I know about "Manila Birthday for Leo", but still I want to have a full synchronized contact list with calendar, can I?
Any help guys?
try entering the contact into the microsoft contact app.
you need to sync your callendar with outlook, then you will see birthdays in your HD2 in callendar
Can that be done automatically? Or you need sync with Outlook every time to add birthdays into calendar? Because after synchronizing it I may add some new ones' and still they would not be displayed.
you need to have set B'days in your contacts in the field Birthday. if you do and then you sync Contacts and Callendar with Outlook, then Outlook will automatically assign B'days to your callendar. if you enter birthday to a contact after syncing, then you ofcourse need to sync again.
I synchronize my HD2 with Outlook once per week to be updated as much as possible.
also in case of losing your device you have all contacts and callendar in Outlook
Or if you don't use outlook, you can install "Manila Birthday", it detects all birthday entries in your contacts, and adds calendar entries for them.
You can even set it to repeat those entries every year.
Works very well here.
use a free app called birthday2calendar. it scans your contacts and syncs the birthdays with the calendar. works fine here so far and it's small and free!
Thanks for answers people, as far as I understood we can't sync it automatically like in Nokia phones. Too bad...
You can do it automatically only if you use full Outlook features. It's quite normal for Microsoft to promote its own products...

[Q] Facebook sync problem

Looks like calendar sync with facebook is having a bug.. I can't find the solution anywhere Here is what i did:
1. I tried to add my facebook account to be synced.
2. After it's finish syncing, I saw that all of my friend's birthday are added to "My Calendar" instead of "Facebook" calendar. I have already tried to uncheck all of my calendar except "My Calendar", but all of my friend's birthdays are still there!
3. I removed my facebook account from my account management, all of the facebook contacts are gone, but the birthday events remained in "My Calendar"
4. Added my facebook account to be synced again
5. "My Calendar" now contains duplicate birthdays event
Have anyone met this problem before?? It's a madness to delete 400 event * 2 = 800 (duplicated) manually.... Any solution is appreciated..
I have exactly the same problem. Anyone got any idea how to fix it?
Funny that I can't find anyone complains about this problem..
Turns out this is a feature for Galaxy S' TouchWiz "Contacts" feature. The feature is to automatically add your contact's birthday to the calendar. Tried it out on my friend's HTC Legend, add birthday to the "People" app, nothing is added to the calendar. Since the facebook contacts are coming with birthday info, those birthdays will be added to your calendar as well...
Can't seem to find a workaround yet.. What I did is to clear the Calendar Storage data, which means all of your events saved to your calendar will be erased as well. Another workaround is to always add your own event to your GMail calendar, and hide your "My Calendar"..
Hope they will fix the on froyo..
straide said:
Funny that I can't find anyone complains about this problem..
Turns out this is a feature for Galaxy S' TouchWiz "Contacts" feature. The feature is to automatically add your contact's birthday to the calendar. Tried it out on my friend's HTC Legend, add birthday to the "People" app, nothing is added to the calendar. Since the facebook contacts are coming with birthday info, those birthdays will be added to your calendar as well...
Can't seem to find a workaround yet.. What I did is to clear the Calendar Storage data, which means all of your events saved to your calendar will be erased as well. Another workaround is to always add your own event to your GMail calendar, and hide your "My Calendar"..
Hope they will fix the on froyo..
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The work around is to not use the Touchwiz crap and use the facebook app from the market, which has a PROPER contact and calender sync. It gets confusing though because after you install it you now have two facebook providers, one from Samsung and one from Facebook, in your sync setup, and you have to pick the right one.
I really hate the Social Hub BS... I wish it could be uninstalled, all it does is duplicate a bunch of stuff already available in Android, except poorly.
I only use it for phone numbers with facebook and gmail account and I check "Only show contacts with phone number" and for duplicated I went to gmail contact and applied "Find & Merge duplicates".
Maybe you could try:
Turn off facebook calendar sync, sync your calendar with google calendar, go to google calendar on computer and delete it
brunes said:
The work around is to not use the Touchwiz crap and use the facebook app from the market, which has a PROPER contact and calender sync. It gets confusing though because after you install it you now have two facebook providers, one from Samsung and one from Facebook, in your sync setup, and you have to pick the right one.
I really hate the Social Hub BS... I wish it could be uninstalled, all it does is duplicate a bunch of stuff already available in Android, except poorly.
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Can you name the facebook app? Tried facebook for Android but it doesn't seem to have a contact and calendar sync...
exadeci said:
I only use it for phone numbers with facebook and gmail account and I check "Only show contacts with phone number" and for duplicated I went to gmail contact and applied "Find & Merge duplicates".
Maybe you could try:
Turn off facebook calendar sync, sync your calendar with google calendar, go to google calendar on computer and delete it
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the birthday is added to "My Calendar", not your "google" account's calendar.. so syncing it won't enable you to delete it from computer..
straide said:
Can you name the facebook app? Tried facebook for Android but it doesn't seem to have a contact and calendar sync...
the birthday is added to "My Calendar", not your "google" account's calendar.. so syncing it won't enable you to delete it from computer..
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Click to collapse
-_- You can sync birthday with "my calendar" and you can sync "my calendar" to google so birth goes to google calendar !! Facebook > My calendar > Google Calendar then if you delete under Google Calendar the phone will sync.
The sync with android is in the contacts app under "Activities" press add account (only worked for me on JPC)
exadeci said:
-_- You can sync birthday with "my calendar" and you can sync "my calendar" to google so birth goes to google calendar !! Facebook > My calendar > Google Calendar then if you delete under Google Calendar the phone will sync.
The sync with android is in the contacts app under "Activities" press add account (only worked for me on JPC)
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Click to collapse
lol sorry nobbie here how do you sync "my calendar" to google?? do you mean i have to edit the event 1 by 1?
Open my calendar> press menu button> More > Settings > Calendar Sync> Under manage account turn off facebook calendar sync (for the time of deleting everything)
tap on you gmail account check sync calendar > wait for sync then go to google calendar this page https://www.google.com/calendar/b/0/render (settings in top right then calendar settings > calendar tab) and delete your default calendar it will not delete it but the events in it
Wait for phone to sync or try Menu > More > refresh
Then you can turn facebook sync back on
Done ^^

[Q] facebook contacts' birthdays don't appear in calendar

Since my last rom update, the birthdays of my facebook contacts dont appear at my calendar. This is a very improtant matter for me since i've learnt for years to use it this way (in all my android and windows mobile phones). Any ideas?
For any with same problem, i've found the following solution.
I went to my facebook account - events - birthdays, export url, copy url.
Then to my google account - calendar - other calendars - import url and then sync the new calendar from my andriod phone
Solution found.

