[Q] facebook contacts' birthdays don't appear in calendar - Galaxy Note GT-N7000 General

Since my last rom update, the birthdays of my facebook contacts dont appear at my calendar. This is a very improtant matter for me since i've learnt for years to use it this way (in all my android and windows mobile phones). Any ideas?

For any with same problem, i've found the following solution.
I went to my facebook account - events - birthdays, export url, copy url.
Then to my google account - calendar - other calendars - import url and then sync the new calendar from my andriod phone
Solution found.


Synchronise Google Contacts / Calendar

I would like to know if somthings exists (like ActiveSync) to synchronise your contacts and Calendar with Gmail ?
AFAIK this is the best thing so far...
I've read that there's a team at Google workign on this already but for now we have this:
I watched the link you sent me but the sync is a one way sync from google calendar to Outlook and then to your PDA. It seems to be the only thing existing for the moment.
Waiting for Google to correct this has they always do
I found this adress from google, listing all the APIs you can use to make applications working with the Google web sites and softs :
It could be useful to someone if he wants to make this kind of synch tool...
It seems rather weird that if you were to key in appointments on your phone which will not be appearing on the google calendar. It be a good idea to have your calendar to be published onto a website where everyone can see your schedule (if you let them) or at least they wil know when you will be busy or not.
Even the google works, you still need to have a google account to view the time table.
Google Calendar Sync
5 March 2008 Google Calendar Sync allows you to sync events between Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook Calendar.
You can now access your Google Calendar account from your mobile phone! Just visit mobile.google.com/calendar/ with your phone's web browser and once you're logged in, you'll see your list of upcoming events with date and time information in an easy-to-browse format.

Birthdays & Calendar

I have a problem which I heard around the places before but haven't found any solution.
So, we have a contact - then we add a birthday date for it, after all the calendar does not remind us about it in any possible way.
I must enter an event by myself.
Writing this after almost missing the birthday yersterday of a closed one.
Any help would be appreciated,
P.S. I know about "Manila Birthday for Leo", but still I want to have a full synchronized contact list with calendar, can I?
Any help guys?
try entering the contact into the microsoft contact app.
you need to sync your callendar with outlook, then you will see birthdays in your HD2 in callendar
Can that be done automatically? Or you need sync with Outlook every time to add birthdays into calendar? Because after synchronizing it I may add some new ones' and still they would not be displayed.
you need to have set B'days in your contacts in the field Birthday. if you do and then you sync Contacts and Callendar with Outlook, then Outlook will automatically assign B'days to your callendar. if you enter birthday to a contact after syncing, then you ofcourse need to sync again.
I synchronize my HD2 with Outlook once per week to be updated as much as possible.
also in case of losing your device you have all contacts and callendar in Outlook
Or if you don't use outlook, you can install "Manila Birthday", it detects all birthday entries in your contacts, and adds calendar entries for them.
You can even set it to repeat those entries every year.
Works very well here.
use a free app called birthday2calendar. it scans your contacts and syncs the birthdays with the calendar. works fine here so far and it's small and free!
Thanks for answers people, as far as I understood we can't sync it automatically like in Nokia phones. Too bad...
You can do it automatically only if you use full Outlook features. It's quite normal for Microsoft to promote its own products...

Facebook Calendar Birthdays don't show up

My htc HD2 used to, automatically, somehow import my FB friends birthdays in the HTC Agenda. Now, whatever I do, I can't find where to set it so the birthdays imported by the phone, don't come back.
I logged in on FB with dataservices menu, sync apps: FB, datasync enabled.
Next I'm always logged in with the FB app from MS.
So I don't get why it was possible when I got my HTC at first, and now, after a few hard resets, erasing all data (because I like trying new tools), it doesn't automatically update/show up CALENDAR BIRTHDAYS (facebook status etc gets updated, I do see birthdays on contact page itself, but not HTC Agenda) at all. Regards
I have the same problem :/ I can see bithdays reminders for some contacts and for others i don't get any reminder in HTC Calendar. I can see dates on contact page but nothing in HTC Agenda.
Ok, I found the workaround:
1. Check for birthday date on every contact with link to facebook. Open conact card and check is there any date or date with "f" (facebook) symbol. If you see with "f" or there is no any date, go to edit contact card, remove link with facebook, and link again. After that you should see birthday date not only in contact card but also when you click edit contact card
2. Sync contacts with pc outlook
3. Check pc outlook calendar - you should see reminders
4. HD2 - Start - tools - activesync - options- sync contacts AND CALENDAR (check source seetings: I have keep item on my device if there is a conflict)
5. Sync contacts and calendar
6. Check HTC Calendar
7. If you had previously any reminders, clean calendar (check current and next year) for any duplicates
8. Sync again to remove duplicates on pc.
From now on contacts birthday date and events will be added automatically via activesync. Just check, when linking conatct with facebook, do you see events dates on "edit contact card" tab, activesync with pc and done

PC Sync calendar option

So I've just flashed a Gingerbread ROM after coming from mcr r9 for a few months. Prior to that I was on stock Sense 2.1 (I'm sure some may remember that! )
With 2.1 the calendar app, you had the option to have a good few calendars:
your google/gmail account calendar
a "my calendar" or similar calendar
the PC Sync calendar - for syncing with outlook
and iirc UK holidays
and maybe the Facebook calendar
With 2.2 going into the Calendar app and pressing [Menu]>More...>Calendars>[Menu] they removed the "my calendar"/"personal calendar" but you still have these calendars:
your google/gmail account calendar
the PC Sync calendar - for syncing with outlook
UK holidays
Facebook calendar
Now in Oxygen rc7/test build @6 Feb 11 you obviously get the new 2.3.2 calendar.
It looks like I only have
your google/gmail account calendar
UK holidays
So my questions are:
Is that correct or is the calendar still a WiP?
Is this something google are slowly changing over the android revisions i.e. Is this a feature of gingerbread or the 2.3.2 calendar? - So that people are forced to use google calendar as their sole calendar...
I need to use Outlook calendar on my pc and sync both a WM phone and this android phone from that - I don't want to sync my calendar with/migrate to google calendar thanksbutnothanks.
Do I have any options/workarounds other than to go back to froyo?
Thanks for reading this far and for any insight/help you may give.
I have had succes syncing my Outlook with something called Myphoneexplorer (for PC there is an android client app for this program.)
But I have found syncing the contacts can be a bit of a pain because of the multiple contact sources (facebook LinkedIn and Google) and it take some work to actually link the contacts on the phone to remove and combine the dupes.
I haven't had time to play with it very much but it did sync my contacts and calendar.
Still a robust and cloud consolidating option would be a god send.
Not sure if that would require better cloud support in Outlook but it seems logical.

Google calendar problem

I was using my HTC Calendar but wanted to transfer my Calendar to Google Calendar so that it syncs. I did this successfully and all my appointments show up online on Google Calendar. However, although I can see my appoints for the last two months, prior to that, I can only see calendar entries from added calendars such as UK HOlidays and Contacts Birthdays. My entries from my Calendar are not showiing up on my HTC Hero Calendar, although they are in the Google Calendar online.
Please can someone tell me how I can sync the whole of my Google Calendar to my Calendar on my phone. I want to be able to view the whole Calendar and not just the previous two months.

