[Q] Facebook sync problem - Galaxy S I9000 General

Looks like calendar sync with facebook is having a bug.. I can't find the solution anywhere Here is what i did:
1. I tried to add my facebook account to be synced.
2. After it's finish syncing, I saw that all of my friend's birthday are added to "My Calendar" instead of "Facebook" calendar. I have already tried to uncheck all of my calendar except "My Calendar", but all of my friend's birthdays are still there!
3. I removed my facebook account from my account management, all of the facebook contacts are gone, but the birthday events remained in "My Calendar"
4. Added my facebook account to be synced again
5. "My Calendar" now contains duplicate birthdays event
Have anyone met this problem before?? It's a madness to delete 400 event * 2 = 800 (duplicated) manually.... Any solution is appreciated..

I have exactly the same problem. Anyone got any idea how to fix it?

Funny that I can't find anyone complains about this problem..
Turns out this is a feature for Galaxy S' TouchWiz "Contacts" feature. The feature is to automatically add your contact's birthday to the calendar. Tried it out on my friend's HTC Legend, add birthday to the "People" app, nothing is added to the calendar. Since the facebook contacts are coming with birthday info, those birthdays will be added to your calendar as well...
Can't seem to find a workaround yet.. What I did is to clear the Calendar Storage data, which means all of your events saved to your calendar will be erased as well. Another workaround is to always add your own event to your GMail calendar, and hide your "My Calendar"..
Hope they will fix the on froyo..

straide said:
Funny that I can't find anyone complains about this problem..
Turns out this is a feature for Galaxy S' TouchWiz "Contacts" feature. The feature is to automatically add your contact's birthday to the calendar. Tried it out on my friend's HTC Legend, add birthday to the "People" app, nothing is added to the calendar. Since the facebook contacts are coming with birthday info, those birthdays will be added to your calendar as well...
Can't seem to find a workaround yet.. What I did is to clear the Calendar Storage data, which means all of your events saved to your calendar will be erased as well. Another workaround is to always add your own event to your GMail calendar, and hide your "My Calendar"..
Hope they will fix the on froyo..
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The work around is to not use the Touchwiz crap and use the facebook app from the market, which has a PROPER contact and calender sync. It gets confusing though because after you install it you now have two facebook providers, one from Samsung and one from Facebook, in your sync setup, and you have to pick the right one.
I really hate the Social Hub BS... I wish it could be uninstalled, all it does is duplicate a bunch of stuff already available in Android, except poorly.

I only use it for phone numbers with facebook and gmail account and I check "Only show contacts with phone number" and for duplicated I went to gmail contact and applied "Find & Merge duplicates".
Maybe you could try:
Turn off facebook calendar sync, sync your calendar with google calendar, go to google calendar on computer and delete it

brunes said:
The work around is to not use the Touchwiz crap and use the facebook app from the market, which has a PROPER contact and calender sync. It gets confusing though because after you install it you now have two facebook providers, one from Samsung and one from Facebook, in your sync setup, and you have to pick the right one.
I really hate the Social Hub BS... I wish it could be uninstalled, all it does is duplicate a bunch of stuff already available in Android, except poorly.
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Can you name the facebook app? Tried facebook for Android but it doesn't seem to have a contact and calendar sync...
exadeci said:
I only use it for phone numbers with facebook and gmail account and I check "Only show contacts with phone number" and for duplicated I went to gmail contact and applied "Find & Merge duplicates".
Maybe you could try:
Turn off facebook calendar sync, sync your calendar with google calendar, go to google calendar on computer and delete it
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the birthday is added to "My Calendar", not your "google" account's calendar.. so syncing it won't enable you to delete it from computer..

straide said:
Can you name the facebook app? Tried facebook for Android but it doesn't seem to have a contact and calendar sync...
the birthday is added to "My Calendar", not your "google" account's calendar.. so syncing it won't enable you to delete it from computer..
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-_- You can sync birthday with "my calendar" and you can sync "my calendar" to google so birth goes to google calendar !! Facebook > My calendar > Google Calendar then if you delete under Google Calendar the phone will sync.
The sync with android is in the contacts app under "Activities" press add account (only worked for me on JPC)

exadeci said:
-_- You can sync birthday with "my calendar" and you can sync "my calendar" to google so birth goes to google calendar !! Facebook > My calendar > Google Calendar then if you delete under Google Calendar the phone will sync.
The sync with android is in the contacts app under "Activities" press add account (only worked for me on JPC)
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lol sorry nobbie here how do you sync "my calendar" to google?? do you mean i have to edit the event 1 by 1?

Open my calendar> press menu button> More > Settings > Calendar Sync> Under manage account turn off facebook calendar sync (for the time of deleting everything)
tap on you gmail account check sync calendar > wait for sync then go to google calendar this page https://www.google.com/calendar/b/0/render (settings in top right then calendar settings > calendar tab) and delete your default calendar it will not delete it but the events in it
Wait for phone to sync or try Menu > More > refresh
Then you can turn facebook sync back on
Done ^^


Why is there 2 calender?

I noticed there is a default google calender usually and recently I noticed there is a new one called ' my calender'. Why are there 2 google calender on my device?
I logged to gmail.com but it only show I have one default calender. Is it because of the new firmware?
I am using JM2
Sent using Samsung Galaxy S
The "my calendar" is a local calendar that isn't synced with Google calendar.
As to why there is such a calendar, it's for example very convenient if you want a business calendar, that is also updated by your assistent, and a local private calendar that you don't want to share.
appelflap said:
The "my calendar" is a local calendar that isn't synced with Google calendar.
As to why there is such a calendar, it's for example very convenient if you want a business calendar, that is also updated by your assistent, and a local private calendar that you don't want to share.
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Thanks.. but I am seeing my friends/contacts birthday on 2 calendar now :\
I wonder how 'my calender' got my contacts birthday while I always sync to my google calender.
Any reason why? thanks again...
OP, where do you see the My Calendar? I'm on JM2 also but don't seem to see a second calendar.
Anyone know if there is a way to prevent syncing the calendar to the cloud?
if you go in the normal calendar app and in the settings where you can choose your calendar to be displayed you will see google calendar and my calendar
That's what I have
And on my phone , my calendar has 3 times each birthday which makes 4 times with google and 5 times with my corporate calendar
I can tel you that I won't miss any calendar now
As for my calendar, I have synced with Kies so I guess it's the reason for 1 occurence. Then I can see that there is one coming from Facebook ( even there is a also a dedicated facebook calendar which could give me a 6th birthday )
It's a little bit a mess
EDIT : ok so I looked at my contact anmd I can see that there is 3 linked account : corporate account, facebook account and the "my phone" account
So my calendar is goignt to take the birthday from your contact. If you have your contact coming from google and you disaply my calendar and google calendar you will see twice the birthday.
That's kind of stupid
It is messy all right. Thanks for your reply.

Calendar, could I set default Google calendar not My calendar?

Hi people!!
Well, I need my pc and my PDA sync calendars without connecting them everytime, so I discovered that if when I'm creating a new appointment in the calendar I select to save it in google calendar (My calendar default) then I see this appointment in Google calendars in my pc automatically, so I can sync it with outlook with google calendar sync.
But this only work if I select to save it in Google calendar, not in my calendar, so, can I erase "My calendar" and have only Google calendar? Or just make default google calendar it would be ok also!
The last question, can I disable that syncing Facebook account countacts put birthdays into calendar too?¿
Thanks a lot
I have not found the option to make google calander standard, but It will be an option in Android 2.2 (see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=770152)
yzerenthijs said:
I have not found the option to make google calander standard, but It will be an option in Android 2.2 (see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=770152)
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Thanks!! So i'll wait

Anyone have issues with Google Calendar syncing?

I have my Google Calendar set to sync.. and I have my Calendar online show friends bdays and they all show up just fine on the website. But it doesn't seem like they sync to the phone. Any ideas why?
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I had problem with google calendar updating. In the calendar I would hit refresh with no effect. If you go to the main menu, settings, sync, and hit the gmail sync, I think it syncs correctly then. Since I manually sync all my apps for battery reasons I just put the "sync all" widget on my homescreen and press it when I want everything to update. Hope that makes some kind of sense and helps.
p3p3l3pew said:
I had problem with google calendar updating. In the calendar I would hit refresh with no effect. If you go to the main menu, settings, sync, and hit the gmail sync, I think it syncs correctly then. Since I manually sync all my apps for battery reasons I just put the "sync all" widget on my homescreen and press it when I want everything to update. Hope that makes some kind of sense and helps.
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I've tried to do a manual sync as well. The 'Us Holidays' calendar shows up on my phone. But not the Birthdays. I put the birthdays in my Gmail contacts.. They sync to the calendar online without a problem. For some reason they just don't go to my phone
I had this problem with a friend's shared calendar and was able to fix it.
Verify under Google Calendar you are actively viewing that calendar
Under Accounts and disable the calendar sync for your google account
Under Applications, clear data for "Calendar Storage" note this is different from "Calendar"
Re-enable the calendar sync to resync
That should work. If not, try reversing the order. I did it myself, and a friend of mine fixed his phone after i gave him similar directions.
thenags said:
I've tried to do a manual sync as well. The 'Us Holidays' calendar shows up on my phone. But not the Birthdays. I put the birthdays in my Gmail contacts.. They sync to the calendar online without a problem. For some reason they just don't go to my phone
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fastmikey1969 said:
I had this problem with a friend's shared calendar and was able to fix it.
Verify under Google Calendar you are actively viewing that calendar
Under Accounts and disable the calendar sync for your google account
Under Applications, clear data for "Calendar Storage" note this is different from "Calendar"
Re-enable the calendar sync to resync
That should work. If not, try reversing the order. I did it myself, and a friend of mine fixed his phone after i gave him similar directions.
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Worked perfect. Can't believe I didn't think of that before. Thanks.
Actually. It worked for some people but not all. So weird.

Calendar does not sync all Gmail Apps Calendars!!!!

The standard calendar app doesnt show all calendars. If I add new calendars though there are shown in the standard Calendar app.
Weird enough some third party apps do allow to select all other gmail app calendars, but they are marked as inactive?
How do i get teh calendar to sync all Gmail Apps Calendars?
Weird, when I go into the calendar settings and click calendars, all of them show up.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Riccardo83 said:
The standard calendar app doesnt show all calendars. If I add new calendars though there are shown in the standard Calendar app.
Weird enough some third party apps do allow to select all other gmail app calendars, but they are marked as inactive?
How do i get teh calendar to sync all Gmail Apps Calendars?
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With google calender the first time the sync occurs, it happnes with the calenders that are enabled google calendar on the web.
Here is what u can do .
1. Go to google.com/calendar and make all the calendars visible
2. In phone - settings /manage applications delete the data from calendar and calender storage.
3. then settings / accounts and sync - re sync calendar.
Now all the calenders will come in calendar app in phone.
Select the ones that u want.
Thanky you
I tried your method of deleting the data and then re-syncing the accounts. But, now even the main calendar from my google account has disappeared and refuses to show up. Is there something missing here??? Cal widget for example shows all the calendars in its configurations but does not show any of the events from the same.
there is something wrong with the default calendar. I am running stock rom xxki3.
Hi, I had similar issue, i think this is one of known issue on android, I tried "clear data" method, sometimes it may work, sometime it doesnt. I google for solution and I found this temporary workaround would solve the issue, atleast for me..
you may want to try this:-
1. Go to android setting, application (all), clear data on calendar storage (WARNING-this step will wipe all calendar entries which were saved internally on your phone)
2. Go to market, download & install this app called: Business calendar (FREE)
(This app have direct connection to google calendar, which will also download and keep all of your calendars entries (including sub calendars)
3. Open business calendar, login with your gmail account, and it will start sync
(manual: more > sync now) it may take few mins, be patient.
this way, your stock or default calendar will get synced as well automatically...try this out
Thanks for the tip. After selecting the sub-calendars on the app, the default calendar also started recognizing the same. Weird.....
This tips is working.
First time, this doesn't work, I had to erase my google account (by the way to refresh my apps ^^).
But the second time, it worked.
nishadh said:
Thanks for the tip. After selecting the sub-calendars on the app, the default calendar also started recognizing the same. Weird.....
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I think this is a bug in Samsung Calendar app. The first time the phone synchronize with google calendar, the phone will download all calendars available for the google account. Each calendar has two flags, sync and visible. The first time, all calendars will be flag unsync and hidden (not visible) except our main calendar. After that we can use the calendar app to choose which calendar will be sync and visible. The problem with Samsung Calendar app, if the calendar is flagged as hidden, then the Calendar apps won't recognize the calendar at all, so we can't change the flag to visible. This does not happen with my other phone. So this is not Android bug. I think this bug exist since Samsung Galaxy S. Someone in Galaxy S use sql editor to edit the calendar database. Meanwhile I use Calengoo. Bussiness Calendar can be used as well

Why can't I stop Facebook from syncing contacts?

I have tried multiple times to stop facebook from syncing contacts. The only way i've managed to stop it is by removing facebook. Now, obviously i'm doing something wrong.
Can someone point me into the right direction? I have actually unchecked "sync contacts" under facebook in accounts...but when i checked to see if it was still unchecked a couple
hours later...it was checked. Now everytime i want to text someone (as i type in their name) my phone contacts AND facebook contacts show. HATE IT lol Help
v2.2v said:
I have tried multiple times to stop facebook from syncing contacts. The only way i've managed to stop it is by removing facebook. Now, obviously i'm doing something wrong.
Can someone point me into the right direction? I have actually unchecked "sync contacts" under facebook in accounts...but when i checked to see if it was still unchecked a couple
hours later...it was checked. Now everytime i want to text someone (as i type in their name) my phone contacts AND facebook contacts show. HATE IT lol Help
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Did you turn off facebook contacts in your contacts app?
Inside Contacts, hit the three dot icon then settings then contacts then contacts to display, and then select your gmail (or which ever contacts list you use). It's defaulted to all contacts, so maybe that's why you still see facebook contacts.
AssassinsLament said:
Did you turn off facebook contacts in your contacts app?
Inside Contacts, hit the three dot icon then settings then contacts then contacts to display, and then select your gmail (or which ever contacts list you use). It's defaulted to all contacts, so maybe that's why you still see facebook contacts.
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yes sir i did...do you think after i installed facebook and had it installed for a bit that it synced FB contacts already...so even after i turned sync off it was too late? I'm not worried about the contact list though. I can choose what contacts i see in the contacts app. Thats no problem. It's when i compose a new text message...that's when ALL contacts show up. Phone and FB
Check the FB Messenger app if you have that installed; it also has an option to sync
The Facebook app itself also has an option to sync. In the app settings, it gives you 3 options under "Other Settings" - Sync all (which is what it's doing on your phone), Sync with existing contacts (which only syncs Facebook info with contacts you have on your phone), and Remove Facebook data (which removes all Facebook info from your contacts; it may also be called Don't sync).
bsweetness said:
The Facebook app itself also has an option to sync. In the app settings, it gives you 3 options under "Other Settings" - Sync all (which is what it's doing on your phone), Sync with existing contacts (which only syncs Facebook info with contacts you have on your phone), and Remove Facebook data (which removes all Facebook info from your contacts; it may also be called Don't sync).
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InfiniteRefrain said:
Check the FB Messenger app if you have that installed; it also has an option to sync
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Thank you guys. Finally found the option in the actual FB app. I was always looking under "accounts" in main settings. Thanks again

