Mystery Menu - EVO 4G General

OK, this is probably a dumb question, but I can't find anything on this question anywhere. I have been playing with my stock EVO when, on a couple of occasions, a menu pops up in the middle fo the screen. I can't find any reference to this m enu in the users guide, nor can I reproduce the touches/button presses that it takes to get it to come up. But it looks interesting. It's a full color menu that covers approximately a thiord of the screen's center, with six icons. Since I can't get it to come up again, I can't recall what exact menu items are displayed, but they are icons to applications such as calendar.
Has anyone else seen this menu and know how to get it to pop up consistently?

its your 6 most recently used applications. this happens when you hold down the home screen button.

Thats your recent items menu. Hold the home key for 3-4 seconds and it lists your six most recently used apps.

Hmmmmm awesome! I didnt know that

Thanks!! I would have never figured that out.

And if you just rebooted, it says, "No recent applications."


Menu titles disappearing?

Hey guys, I'm new to the forums and just installed the 3VO ROM.
This was an issue I had with my Dash 3G even when I was on WM 6.1 - but I notice that when I'm in the Start Menu, the text in top black bar at the top of the screen which has the Time, Signal, Battery Meter, etc. disappears? Because I have my start menu titles disabled, it's a little difficult to navigate because I can't see what any program/folder is called.
It seems like it's being forced to the left; it recenters once I reboot my phone - but otherwise, I don't know what's up. I can post a screenshot if my description's a little ambiguous.

Android 2.1 Wish/Looking For List

I've just moved to Android 2.1, coming from WinMo (HD2 Flashed WM6.5.x). I spent many long hours, tweaking just about everything in order to get the look I wanted. I was told by many, that I would have no problem doing all the same on the Evo and even much more. So I'm in love with my Evo experience so far and have no plans to go back to WinMo even though I was happy with it.
All weekend, I've searched high and low. Ran through nearly a hundred apps out of a list of 150 and growing. Yet here I am still trying to find a few types of apps and mods.
1. An app like ListPro which is the best Windows Mobile general list keeping app ever made. I'm looking for an app to create general lists of all types, with custom fields and so on. And furthermore, having a desktop app that syncs with it, is also high on the list. Being able to enter data on a desktop and sync it all with great ease, to a matching mobile app, is something I would pay dearly for.
2. On the HTC Evo, the Sense home screen is okay but could really use a touch of xda Co0kies Home Tab. Looking, but can't find any such app. Recently, I downloaded nearly 200 analog clocks for the HD2 Sense home screen. Where are the Android custom analog clocks?
3. Is it possible to change the color of the top status bar of Android? And also how about the bottom bar? Can we not have wallpaper that extends the entire screen so that the bars match the wallpaper?
4. Can the slide to unlock bar be disabled? Pressing the power button is hard enough to not have to worry about the screen being on when not wanted.
5. How about an on-screen power/sleep icon/button? It would be nice to be able to put the phone to sleep without having to reach for that little power button.
6. What is up with the wallpaper??? At first I thought, well since I love my HTC HD2 wallpaper so much, why don't I just transfer it to my Evo. Sure thing but it ends up being cropped and stretched, no matter what I do. I've read page after page and tried a few different things and can't seem to get it right. I tried using a png image that was 960x800 after first trying the 800x480. I tried holding my finger in the crop screen and sliding the selection area but it will not allow me to select the entire image size. So the Evo Sense has 7 screens but why not just one image displayed in full screen, on each screen? What was Google/HTC thinking?!?!?!
I've searched many forums and I just can't seem to find the answers to these questions so far and so I figure it can't hurt to ask around.
Thanks to jmxp69, an answer for number 4: Freeware app called No Lock in the Android market does the trick. Installing it and then activating it will turn off the slide to unlock screen. Furthermore it makes the volume up/down buttons wake up the Evo, the same as the power button does. So far it looks like it does not effect any of the 4 cap buttons.
You can install Menu Unlock form market [donate] or find it on xda for free. It works for me(I removed HtcLockScreen). I'm not sure I like No Lock yet. It works but it seems like it can be too much. Meaning I don't want it to wake and unlock, just wake from the volume buttons then slide or menu to unlock the screen.
That said I'm trying to get something like trackball wake going that will let the phone just be woke from sleep then you'll need to slide or tap menu.
The other thing I'm looking forward to is full display out on the HDMI. I want to see the home screen and games and anything else on the display.
Thanks but now I'm trying to find a way to only disable the lock screen on wake up and only have it show up when the phone rings. Still looking and hoping to find a way to do this.......

Can I choose which screen is "home" ?

I have noticed that by default, the left-most screen/desktop is set as "home screen". I want the screen in the middle to be home, is there any way to do this? I'm on the stock XXJF3 firmware.
yea, use the search button theres a thread on it.
it requires you root your device and change 2 digits of code, not hard
I would go with LauncherPro.
You can set how many homescreens you want and which is the main one. Plus it works in landscape
And this goes for all firmwares? Even in the newest firmwares, we still can't choose which one is home (in TouchWiz)?
Set Default Home Screen on your Galaxy S
BronzedDroid said:
And this goes for all firmwares? Even in the newest firmwares, we still can't choose which one is home (in TouchWiz)?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i did answer this question u just didnt listen, look at gamers link to the thread i was on about, please use search
I actually don't have this issue. I thought I would...but I don't.
When I go to an application or to my applications menu and then go back to home, I always wind up in the last screen I was on. So if I left the homescreen when it was focused on the center most one, when I return I'm back to that same homescreen. So it's just a matter of making sure you go back to your preferred main homescreen before going to the applications menu or wherever else. Yeah it's a few extra presses on your part but if you don't want to bother with the tweak posted by others, then this is the simplest solution. What's a few extra presses or a few extra seconds out of your life right?
I'm actually never bothered by whatever homescreen I'm on. It's easy to jump through them anyway by just clicking the corresponding "dot" on top. The Froyo build will allow for an HTC like homescreen switching experience from what I read so that makes your life even easier.
EDIT: Actually it's just one extra press on your part to go to your preferred homescreen. Most people aren't aware of the jumping to whatever homescreen by pressing the dots on top feature. From all the videos I've seen, the reviewer always remarks on how it's a hassle to swipe all the way to whatever homescreen you want to get to. I guess they didn't know pressing the dots on top allows you to jump homescreens with one press. The same method works for the applications menu. So if you really love that center homescreen, then just press the center dot and there you go, you jump there immediately. Not too hard.

Solved: Google Now UK

Hi all,
Sorry if already asked, had a quick search but couldn't find anything directly related to the Nexus 7. Does the UK have Google Now with cards etc.? Can't see anything related to Google Now on my Nexus 7 but was sure I set it up on first login?? I've set a calendar event to drive to my parents from work at 4pm today to see if that triggers a traffic card later but otherwise can't seem to find much info on how to use it and whether it works. Certainly can't see any Google Now settings anywhere.
Hold down the Home button and a "Google" should appear just above it, select that and you'll see the Google Now Tour
Thanks for the reply. When I do that a google search box appears at the top of a white screen (no cards etc.). Not to say it didn't do the tour when I first did that. I was just expecting cards to start appearing automatically (options like location services are enabled). When I click on the microphone and say weather a weather card appeared at the top of a list of google searches for "weather" but shouldn't things like that appear naturally in the morning?
The other thing that's weird is that I can't find an app or any settings for Google Now anywhere on the Nexus 7, should there be?
NOW should start to build a profile of your travel habits and interests as time goes on, it mainly builds up its info based on your search results. It wont have much to show to start with, but you should see more info and cards as it gets an idea of what you are interested in seeing.
Oops sorry guys I guess I must have not enabled it (i swear i had during first boot...). Went to the search pane and slid it up so that the bar at the bottom was visible with the menu button (three squares vertical). Clicked the menu button, settings and google now was off so turned it on and now gives me two cards when I slide up from the home button on any screen. These cards are the route and travel time to my parents later (as entered in calendar) and the local weather.
Excellent, apologies for my stoopidnessnous.
aha, thanks! I had it switched off too, am sure I turned it on too
Two things some people might find useful:
1) You don't have to hold down the home button. Just tap and drag up from there. Doesn't save a lot of time though, just an alternative.
2) Scroll to the very bottom of the Google Now page and you'll see a menu at the right (looks like a stack of 3 dots). Settings for Google Now are in there. Each card also has its own menu at top-right.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

Mysterious in-call menu

recently when I took my phone away from my ear to bring up the keypad during a call I was surprised to see some white menu overlay. I pressed the back button to get rid of it in order to be able to press the keypad button because I was in a hurry which is why i can't really remember what its options were. There were two or three and I think one them said something like 'Record call' but I could be wrong there. I have absolutely no idea where it came from and what might have triggered it. Has anyone seen this, too? Could it be some kind of bug and/or some function I accidentally discovered that's not really supposed to be accessible (by geographic or other reasons)?
It looked similar to this sketch from memory:
(Sorry, can't post images because I haven't made enough posts, yet)

