Menu titles disappearing? - Dash 3G, Snap General

Hey guys, I'm new to the forums and just installed the 3VO ROM.
This was an issue I had with my Dash 3G even when I was on WM 6.1 - but I notice that when I'm in the Start Menu, the text in top black bar at the top of the screen which has the Time, Signal, Battery Meter, etc. disappears? Because I have my start menu titles disabled, it's a little difficult to navigate because I can't see what any program/folder is called.
It seems like it's being forced to the left; it recenters once I reboot my phone - but otherwise, I don't know what's up. I can post a screenshot if my description's a little ambiguous.


unknown menu bar symbol

Sorry if this has been discussed before, I'm a veteran Xda-er having had 3 I's ( I lose them!) and now a II (love it) but I'm new to this forum lark!!
On the menu bar at the very top of the screen on occasion an icon appears that I cannot identify in any of the documentation.
The icon seems to appear at randon times, and on soft reset, sometimes disappearing almost imediately sometimes lingering for several seconds. The only way to descibe it is as a small head and shoulders icon with a cross inside and a curved 'telephone' below to the left! Sorry for the rubbish description, but hopefully someone will know what I mean, I have attached a pic.
if someone could let me know what (if anything) it means that'd be great, cheers
As far as I know it means you cannot make a voice call whilst that is displayed i.e. when you are downloading over GPRS it seems to come up. I might be wrong but I'm sure thats what it is
seems to make sense
This is the program icon of IA CallerID.
Right, and that it pops up every now and then is just damn useless...
hi guys
i thought it was something to do with the memory because when it comes up the phone is very slow to respond.
regards kevin beecher

Anyone tried Pontui ?
Its free and looks pretty cool... gonna install it when i get home (no cables here) if anyone has a play before the end of the day i'd appreciate opinions before i do the deed myself!
Well, i gave it a try yesterday on my WM5 wizard.
Its overall look and feel is really quite impressive. All the animations are unbelivably smooth, even without any overclocking. The app is finger-friendly, but i dislike list scrolling method they used - it's not like the one in fTouchflo, or iContact, where you scroll the list as if it was a physical object and moves in sync with the finger sweeping the screen, but instead the list moves in the direction of the sweep: if you put your finger on the screen and move it down a bit, the list will start scrolling down at constant speed. if you move finger farther down, it will accelerate and again keep constant speed if finger is still. if you move finger up, it will slow down, move it u even farther, ant the list will reverse direction and scroll up. It's not very intuitive, not to mention that it's really hard to use to precisely scroll long lists. If they changed this one thing, the overall fell of the program would improve significantly.
Beside that UI is clean and well designed, gives you quick access to start menu, settings (control panel, wifi, BT, GSM module, sound volume), tasks, calendar, appointments and clock, it also has some customizable menus for accessing frequently used software.
The downside is that it replaces your Today screen, so you won't be able to use your favorite Today plugins.
Overall, it's worth a try, especially for a user who just wants a phone with a simple, yet really good-looking interface. More advanced users who like to be able to customize everything might find this a bit limiting.
Overall, the program really has huge potential, and let's not forget that it's just the first public version. It will certainly improve over time. I'd recommend giving it a try, just be aware that there are some uninstallation issues read the tread on pointUI forums for more info, or if you have something like SPB backup or other software that does FULL device backup, use it and if something goes wrong, simply HR the device.
By the way:
Given it a try, and was impressed by the smooth flowing interactive menu's. But I find its quicker and easier to use SPB Shell (yes it looks basic in comparison but its straight forward and easily customised) and have therefore unistalled the software. However do not be put off by my comments, give it a go.
prior to my phone breaking ( solutions on a postcard please) i used this UI for a few days and throught it was pretty cool. theres deffo a learning curve as some of the apps are located in strange places but overall i was very happy with it.
Impressive, but very bad support for non-English OS.
Give it time. Its a brand new and revolutionary program and those guys are doin it all in their free time so you got to give them time.
I'm running this on my wizard, Tried it and I liked it enough that I won't leave it alone.
Runs fast on my wizard, thumb approved, things are organized a little funny but after a day of using it everything is cool, I haven't looked yet but I would like to custom the 4 icons that lauch programs and some things are linked incorrectly but overall i'm impressed with the program out of box and I hope development keeps up.
i just wanted to ask
does the weather application on PointUI cost... if so.. .does any1 no how much
thanks in advance
weather is free
i think they get their weather info from yahoo/weather channel, free
Been using this for 3 days now and I love it. This and pocketCM with a the pontUI skin is amazing. Also the Iphone a like skin works well.
The main screen is great with the middle ribbon allowing really smooth action to access Analogue clock, digital clock, Calender, Tasks, Local weather and appointments.
Main screen top contains from left to right; Lock, signal meter Carrier info, Volume, Battery and Cog (settings).
You can lock the device on lock icon, hit the signal icon and the screen flip animates to show all connections settings (Flight mode, phone status wifi things like that) Hit the Speaker Icaon and you can adjust phone and speaker volumes as well as mute. hit the battery icon (which show bat level) and you can see battery life and go to power settings and backlight settings (well I can't but hey it's a beta) Hit the Cog and too many settings to list but among them is update feature so you can get the latest version straight to your device, you can also exit PontUI Home from here.
You have four icon down the bottom of the main screen which are, left to right; phone icon for call history list, tap it then swipe right on a name to call or sms them. Envelope icon press this to go to your email account (can choose which one through new registry string) next is SMS icon tap it to go to standard SMS app. Then last is the WM Icon, tap to go to windows media player (can choose which one through new registry string).
There is also a bar with an arrow down the bottom which you tap this then gives you four options; New, from which you can create new Email, SMS, MMS, Appointment, task, document or spreadsheet.
Favourites which shows all apps in the start menu folder. Applications which allows to to smoothly scroll through all installed apps and Currently running which does what it says on the tin.
As this App evolves i'm sure these menus will become nicely configurable.
I 'm really loving this App and it's only BETA. I'm running HTC Trinity (orange M700) and it's just sooo smooth. I tried Freestyl, which is good and I've been following, but when I tried this, I was blown away.
It's kind of nice to have an App that seems to integerate well with the phone rather than being a kind of clucky overlay that you can tell isn't meant to be there.
I urge you all to try it and see what you think.
Cheers all.
loving it
What i think they can improve are:
1 make the hardware buttons to work, now i can't take a picture, record any sound, or change the volume with the h-buttons.
2 a contacts app will be nice and as well a favorite contacts like the htc home
3 a way to close app on the currently running menu
4 a little bigger back button or more to the left cause when i try to pres the back button with the tumb i usually had to try 2 or 3 times couse is really near to the border.
finaly a way to select favorite app that don’t depend of the start menu
don’t get me wrong i think that app is amazing but this 5 thing will make it perfect to me
I am loving Pointui!

[APP] [31 Oct 08] StartBar Toggle v0.1

Hey Guys,
Finally, Im into windows mobile development & Im no big developer right now. Here's my first app to enable or disable Start Bar i.e. Top Bar. At first its of no use, But one example is to use it with S2U2, assign StartBarEnable.exe to run whenever the device is unlocked by editing S2U2 registry settings & it'll disable the Start Bar, Later you can enable it by running StartBarDisable.exe
Works good and does what you say, But its very unnessacery
WhiteRussianBC said:
Works good and does what you say, But its very unnessacery
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i would NOT say it's unnecessary. this is perfect if youre making a theme that moves the top bar to the bottom, or just disable everything completely. great work.
This is great! Thanks! Now I can make my own top bar in ThrottleLauncher!
nice idea... is there a way to hook that program to launch when I slide my keyboard out (t mobile wing), at the moment I use Vjay's toggletoday and everytime I open/close my keyboard the start menu reappears.
For a future rev...hide/unhide the start bar... Different than stopping it. Like on desktops, if you get your stylus near the top the start bar pops back up, but disappears again when there is no pressure on that part of the screen.
Great little app, but just one thing: on non-English devices it installs the shortcuts in the wrong Start Menu folder. "Windows\Start Menu", instead of the correct, locally named one.
jeepers007 said:
For a future rev...hide/unhide the start bar... Different than stopping it. Like on desktops, if you get your stylus near the top the start bar pops back up, but disappears again when there is no pressure on that part of the screen.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ooooo ya I like that idea
jeepers007 said:
For a future rev...hide/unhide the start bar... Different than stopping it. Like on desktops, if you get your stylus near the top the start bar pops back up, but disappears again when there is no pressure on that part of the screen.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Wow, that would be amazing! If it's possible it would definately be a winner!
where does it install this to? i cant find it in programs?

[SOLVED]Can't scroll in Excel Mobile

I've done a search in both the Leo forums as well as xda in general and can't see a solution for my problem:
I am unable to scroll within excel mobile. Whenever I drag my finger across the screen it selects cells rather than scrolling. This isn't a problem if I wish to move up and down as the vertical scroll bar is visible and can be used. However, the horizontal scroll bar doesn't display even though it is selected in the menu.
Can anyone suggest what I can do to fix this? Thanks in advance.
can anyone help?
When you open Excel, click on the right side of the screen (= scroll bar) and the scroll-button will appear. Use that to scroll up and down. The same goes for the horizontal scroll bar (well, it's on the bottom of the Excel screen and you scroll from left to right ;-)). Should be there, otherwise I wouldn't know.
Thanks for the reply but unfortunately the horizontal scroll bar isn't visible on the screen, even though when I go into view -> show the horizontal scroll bar checkbox is ticked.
The vertical scroll bar also works like a "normal" scroll bar in that the scrolling part is always the same size; it doesn't increase in size when the scroll bar is tapped on. However, I seem to remember that's how it used to work when I first got the phone, so perhaps in all the various tweaks and things I've done since I've unwittingly edited something that is affecting it?!
Oh well.
You're not in full screen mode are you?
And have you tried opening a new document?
No not in full screen mode, and I have opened various different (existing) spreadsheets, and tried creating a new one and the same thing happens in all of them.
I've solved the problem. A little look into HD2Tweak and I spotted an option for horizontal scroll bar which was set to none. I changed it to normal and a quick soft reset later and I was able to see the horizontal scroll bar again; not just in Excel but other apps too.
I don't remember switching it to none, but am just glad it's working again now!

Weird Notification Bar Issues

To start, I've installed BsB Tweaks, Co0kies Home Tab and Opera 10.
Once and awhile the notification bar will remain what program I was just in. For example, if I'm in the main Notification screen and go back to home, it will still say Notifications up top. Conversely, if I just exited Opera or Home Tab editor, those title bars will be up there, rather than the main notification bar. The only way I've found to get it back is to shut the phone down and restart it. Restarting Sense doesn't bring it back. I did a soft reset last night and it's done it once already today.
Any thoughts? I've searched quite a bit as I don't like to post if the question has already been answered.
juggs said:
To start, I've installed BsB Tweaks, Co0kies Home Tab and Opera 10.
Once and awhile the notification bar will remain what program I was just in. For example, if I'm in the main Notification screen and go back to home, it will still say Notifications up top. Conversely, if I just exited Opera or Home Tab editor, those title bars will be up there, rather than the main notification bar. The only way I've found to get it back is to shut the phone down and restart it. Restarting Sense doesn't bring it back. I did a soft reset last night and it's done it once already today.
Any thoughts? I've searched quite a bit as I don't like to post if the question has already been answered.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I think its Opera 10. I didn't have that happen prior to installing it, but I've not tweaked or installed anything since.
I've noticed it doesn't like being minimised either, causing Sense to lag into life, whereas every other prog I have is fine.
