fps2sd glitch or pretty cool find?? 30 fps "cap" - EVO 4G General

i've been running godmode kernel(003 epson) all day on fresh .03 enjoying the 50-55 fps with the draw back of the visual tearing which doesnt even bother me all that much....
but i flashed my back up of fresh's rom (without godmode) and and was messing around with fps2sd and i hit the top power button and when i came back and unlocked my phone i saw that the test finished at like 57 fps and im pretty sure i saw it go well over 60 for a milli sec or 2 and then drops back down to the "capped" 30 fps....
but the plot thickens this is what makes me think its a glitch (im not a dev so i really dont want to assume in an area thats not my place...
after like the 50th time i let it sit at lockscreen at the lock screen till it went on standby again and when i hit lockscreen i come back to a finished fps test of like 190+ fps??!!??? th max i got it to was 208!!!
however when you run fps2sd and just let it sit there completely on standby(blackscreen) till the test is finished the avg i got was 54 which is about what i get with toasts godmode
well heres a link to the video....... try it out for yourself
havent tested on any other evo or any other phone for that matter

breaking news

Sorry, this has been known man.

lol sorry man wasted all that time for nothing hehe
sincerely didnt know

Has to be a glitch in the software. For some reason I don't think the hardware could handle that FPS period. Also, with it being at the lockscreen there is a lot less being visually illustrated on the screen therefore the software thinks it is blowing through the test. But then again, what do I know. Interesting find man and I can't wait to see what the pro's say about it (Toast, Flipz, Etc)
Since it was already talked about, I guess I will get blown out for not searching the threads. Oh well, the beer is getting to me so I am going to bed.

the thing thats cool is if you run it press the lock button afterwards and just keep it on blackscreen for a few minutes the test will complete and come back at an average of like 54 fps...
just thought it was cool find....

kiddecks said:
breaking news
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Overclocked to 273 and my screen had an earthquake!

So i decided to overclock my wing yesterday. I started at 243 and i felt that it was too slow so i did a reset and ran it up to 273. It ran smooth and i loved it. So today after an hour long phone conversation, i look at my screen to see it wiggin out...like its having an earthquake...like looking at your reflection in a pond, throwing a rock in it and having the image all messed up..etc...so i did a soft reset and it didnt fix the problem...so i underclocked it down to 260 and its running smooth again....
So my question is...has this happened to anyone else (i checked but couldn't come up with anything)...and 2 what the hell happened?....and three, did i do any damage to my phone?
Thanks in advance!
bulzeyelou said:
So i decided to overclock my wing yesterday. I started at 243 and i felt that it was too slow so i did a reset and ran it up to 273. It ran smooth and i loved it. So today after an hour long phone conversation, i look at my screen to see it wiggin out...like its having an earthquake...like looking at your reflection in a pond, throwing a rock in it and having the image all messed up..etc...so i did a soft reset and it didnt fix the problem...so i underclocked it down to 260 and its running smooth again....
So my question is...has this happened to anyone else (i checked but couldn't come up with anything)...and 2 what the hell happened?....and three, did i do any damage to my phone?
Thanks in advance!
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I overclocked my HTC S621 to 288 (i am currently on 276) and my screen went crazy too. my sliding panels looked like scattered confetti and the outer ends were glitching lights so i put it back down to 276 and it runs great......I believe it is that the refresh rate on the screens (just like your lcd comp. monitor) is not fast enough for an overclocked system of that magnitude, therefore it freaks out. as far as doing damage to your phone, u shall see in the long run i guess...sorry...lol...i really dont believe you did any damage though...as long as your programs are still running smoothly
Yeah thats pretty common and I've done it many many times with no damage whatsoever. Here recently it was pretty wierd. I went to 260 and it wigged out. And I said screw it I'll go higher and see what it does so I went up to 312 and it was perfect. But that seemed like a little too much so i'm currently running at 299 and its perfect. I've also found that it reacts differently with different roms.
ok u guys are saying that you are overclocking to these crazy ass speeds mine only goes up to 288.....im using omap clock on kavanas rom...can u tell me how to go higher?
Battery Status Ill Provide Link Later
my story on this:
i had a nice phone... everything was running great, than tha wifi started not to work anymore... i had it "omaped" to 247 all the time and was fine with it! no problems on anything!
but i got a replacement because of the wifi-problem!
now this one was okay.. everything was okay... again omaped it to 247 and everything looked good till it got warmer around it - like having the wifi turned on and surfing the net with display on... it "earthquaked" first only in the top of the screen, till the whole screen went crazy...
today i called my provider to get a replacement... because it is (was, till now) clear, my replacement was not okay...
mmm... now i know that it IS okay... but... tomorrow the UPS-man brings a new one! hope that that one works again on at least 247
I've done that... on one of my MDA's... it was permanent... and I had to get a replacement...
Hi y'all i 2 have the something going on cant get it past 247 hey its not just mine Ive tried it on 3 wings 2 with open touch v3.0 biggy and one right out of the store brand new, anyway Ive been reading on this for many days now, i think I'll try to flashing a new rom, but i don't think its going to help, i'll get back to ya when i find a rom i like, till then happy modding
mine wigs out at several different speeds, but 299mhz seems to work great but wigs out at 286mhz. go figure. the best tip can give is do not set it to overclock after reboot incase the phone wigs out you can soft reset and be back to factory setting and change from there.
To get higher speeds use Battery Status! much better plugin.I have been at 299mhz for about 4 months no issues

Highest overclock on Wing/P4350?

I can only get 243mhz stable. At 260mhz, it works for a while, but then the screen starts getting a little ... squiglly is the best way to put it I guess. At 273mhz, the screen is unusable.
Definitely will not try higher, but I've seen people on here with 299mhz!!
284mhz with my last wing, I haven't tested this one. With my ROM, I don't really need the extra clocks to run smoothly.
I use batterystatus and set the omap to 247 and then let cpuscaler do the rest when it is sitting idle or whatnot. Seems to work for me!
I am running 299mhz perfectly stable on ttrans open touch 3.0 biggy with battary status. If I use scaler for some reason its not stable so I dont use it.
Although batterystatus claims that I'm running at 299mhz, omapclock says it's 276mhz. Both will cause it to freeze if I go any higher. I just kept increasing it until it froze, reset, and went with the last working setting. Just from reading here, there doesn't seem to be much consistency. Some wings freeze, while some work perfectly. I guess it depends on the mood of the assembler that day. But I have a problem with underclocking to save power. The screen makes this God-awful hissing whenever the speed drops below 188mhz.
Audiopro said:
Although batterystatus claims that I'm running at 299mhz, omapclock says it's 276mhz. Both will cause it to freeze if I go any higher. I just kept increasing it until it froze, reset, and went with the last working setting. Just from reading here, there doesn't seem to be much consistency. Some wings freeze, while some work perfectly. I guess it depends on the mood of the assembler that day. But I have a problem with underclocking to save power. The screen makes this God-awful hissing whenever the speed drops below 188mhz.
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The biggest thing with the inconsistency is the processors and roms, no processors are exactly the same, some heat up faster etc. and also the rom has a play in the speed factor with how fast it can go, if its processing too much at that speed it will heat up faster.
ivanmmj said:
284mhz with my last wing, I haven't tested this one. With my ROM, I don't really need the extra clocks to run smoothly.
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DUDE lol I know your name and avatar is highly recognized on these forums but it is so not Christmas as your avatar suggests LOL HEHEHE just jerkin ur chain man!!!
armyboi4id said:
DUDE lol I know your name and avatar is highly recognized on these forums but it is so not Christmas as your avatar suggests LOL HEHEHE just jerkin ur chain man!!!
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lol. It's ok, I change it every so often but usually only when I see a new vgcats that catches my eye.
Im working perfectly stable on 312MHz.
Sometimes it's a bit wierd but then CPUscaler helps me out
wich ROM i am using is listed below.
ElProempie said:
Im working perfectly stable on 312MHz.
Sometimes it's a bit wierd but then CPUscaler helps me out
wich ROM i am using is listed below.
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Let me know when you fry your processor lol j/k
armyboi4id said:
Let me know when you fry your processor lol j/k
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You'll be the first one to know, hehe
Never had any problems but now the summer is coming so im going back to 260.
Sun shining on the phone so i think that's helping it to get fryed.
ElProempie said:
You'll be the first one to know, hehe
Never had any problems but now the summer is coming so im going back to 260.
Sun shining on the phone so i think that's helping it to get fryed.
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I was just now messing with my phone and said well lets see if i can run 312 so i did. It worked pretty well until i opened up solitaire, and then the screen looked like it was vibrating lol... so i changed it back real quick, that and the temp went up to 99 degrees F. I was like WOAH!!!
Mine is at 247 w/ CPUscaler enabled. 260 and it gets jittery. Anything past that and it turns white and locks up.
my wings antenna broke and i cant connect to any networks anymore but i have a touch pro 2 anyways so im going to see just how high i can overclock it before it dies!!! mwa hah hah

Mega video walkthrough

er, 45 minutes long...
modaco said:
er, 45 minutes long...
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Damnn, jusr like watching a movie.
Thx paul!
Must go grab a cuppa before I sit and watch that!
Thanks for your time, great video, lots of questions answered
Watched it al lthe way through haha god im a saddo
Nice vid thanks mate
I also watched the whole video and it still looks great. What I did notice was that the GUI sometimes does unpredictable things, like closing an app and going to the home screen instead of back to the start menu. Also, sometimes he had to tap something a couple of times before it responded.
Sure these are things you get used to in a day, but still. I am not even sure if my iPhone always reacts on the first tap.
Now I really cant wait till it's the 13th.

Homebuttonlag: Watch this!

So, even the the magical iPads homebutton is slower then the Galaxy S 2s one. Also when waking the device up! You will have to live with that. Also this is not a problem at ALL for me, I can not understand why people are always flaming about it.
Please tell me what you think. I know the video is useless, don't tell me that.
This video will fall on deaf ears for the Apple Fanboys I think... because your attachment is Flash and they probably can't view it.
This video clearly shows that Galaxy S2 isn't the only device that takes a second to wake up or return to home, which is nice and all. Still, coming from a HTC Desire, it does present an annoyance, as it's not something you expect from a device that costs that kind of money. I bet the Sensation wakes up instantly...
The thing that's even worse for me is the extra step that just shows a black screen with a clock, before the wallpaper kicks in. I know that's just because I'm using a stock ROM, but they should at least sort that out, because it really looks ugly, slow and cheap.
ThaiM said:
This video will fall on deaf ears for the Apple Fanboys I think... because your attachment is Flash and they probably can't view it.
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I watched it on my iPad just fine.
666fff said:
I watched it on my iPad just fine.
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You really want me to upload somewhere else than YouTube?
I know home button lags and that there is a wake-up lag on my SII, but i haven't been in a situation of life and death up till now to rely on home button to save my life. So i'm still cool with it, even though i would have liked the phone to perform faster.
apple falling down with releasing SGS2 ))
fanboys are unhappy
Well the SGS 1 home button press is nearly instant when exiting from an application. So I expected the same from SGS 2. I'll flash it with cyanogen when I get my JIG to reset the counter. I hear it doesn't have the lag.
1-2 second lag also cannot accept is crazy...
Maybe this is why apple is suing Samsung. They even copied wake up lag. Lol. Seriously its not lag its the phone waking up from a lower clock speed while in sleep. Sure they could fix it but battery drain will be worse I think. My quad core i7 also has lag when waking up.
Thanks for sharing the video. I wonder if someone could show an HTC wake up I bet there is a small lag too
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
gvoima said:
Well the SGS 1 home button press is nearly instant when exiting from an application. So I expected the same from SGS 2. I'll flash it with cyanogen when I get my JIG to reset the counter. I hear it doesn't have the lag.
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Im using Cyanogenmod, and theres still "lag" if the device is in deep sleep.
But if you just lock the screen, and then unlocks, its instant.
As the first post, I think this is normal.
janis605 said:
You really want me to upload somewhere else than YouTube?
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LOL nice video, I never really understand when people said they have "wake-up lag" coming from an iPhone 4 it's pretty much the same. Maybe 2 seconds is too much but anything under 1 second is definitely how it should be.
blue265 said:
Maybe this is why apple is suing Samsung. They even copied wake up lag. Lol. Seriously its not lag its the phone waking up from a lower clock speed while in sleep. Sure they could fix it but battery drain will be worse I think. My quad core i7 also has lag when waking up.
Thanks for sharing the video. I wonder if someone could show an HTC wake up I bet there is a small lag too
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
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exactly... it takes a while waking your phone from deep sleep. u all should be happy u r having deep sleep. to prove this.... next time your charging your phone... press home button to wake the phone WOW it wakes up INSTANTLY ! haha
goodsmile said:
exactly... it takes a while waking your phone from deep sleep. u all should be happy u r having deep sleep. to prove this.... next time your charging your phone... press home button to wake the phone WOW it wakes up INSTANTLY ! haha
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By god its TRUE!!!!!!!
I honestly dont understand what the fuss is about with the home button lag and wake up lag, such a miniscule issue thats not worth getting upset for.
Can anyone exactly explain why this is frustrating or annoying ?
EarlZ said:
I honestly dont understand what the fuss is about with the home button lag and wake up lag, such a miniscule issue thats not worth getting upset for.
Can anyone exactly explain why this is frustrating or annoying ?
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Let's say you have 500ms delay after pressing the home button. In real life, the delay is much much longer but let's say 500ms. How many times do you press the home button in a day's use? I personally press it at least 300 times a day, actually much more times in a busy day, but let's say 300.
So 300 x 0.5 seconds: 150 seconds = 2.5 minutes of my life every single day is lost because Samsung can't code properly.
I've been using this phone for 2 months: 60 days. 2.5 minutes x 60 = 150 minutes of my life gone waiting so far. That's more than 2.5 hours in two months... Vanished.. Gone.. Just waiting for the home screen to appear, nothing else...
goodsmile said:
exactly... it takes a while waking your phone from deep sleep. u all should be happy u r having deep sleep. to prove this.... next time your charging your phone... press home button to wake the phone WOW it wakes up INSTANTLY ! haha
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Nothing wrong with deep sleep but it doesn't have to take 1.5 seconds. Deep sleep still means that RAM is refreshed, so it is not impossible to do this much faster. Waking CPU <10ms, restoring CPU state (reloading code etc) <100ms, so where is the time spent? The delays are probably related to other hardware like GPU etc since everything must be ready. But it is not impossible to do this faster.
This is not a big problem for me, but I cannot see any reason not to demand improvement.
EDIT: I'm talking about wake-up lag of course, probably a bit off-topic here...
There is no Homebutton-lag! It has to have a delay because on the standard Samsung rom it has to "wait" for a second press because they mapped an action to double pressing the homebutton. I don't know why you people can't understand this... On CM7 there isn't this lag because there is nothing mapped on double pressing the homebutton.
Oh and wakeup lag is a whole other story...
gvoima said:
Well the SGS 1 home button press is nearly instant when exiting from an application. So I expected the same from SGS 2. I'll flash it with cyanogen when I get my JIG to reset the counter. I hear it doesn't have the lag.
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It its so that the phone has enough time to detect a second click which its used for voice control. Find a room without the voice control installed and it won't have the exit lag.

over heating symptoms

ok guys need info. i rooted my evo and all was good!!! was out side talking and battery went dead plugged it in and screen would not come on after playing with it screen would come on vary light or with lines in it. battery said it was at full charge i left it over night and turned it on and worked but light screen and some line after about 5 min it stayed on. did a few bench mark test nothing showing up and i unrooted last night blind i could not see screen but hopped it worked lol i got it right
So what is it that you're looking for ? You're grammar is so terrible that I'm sure I'm not the only one who has no idea what you're asking. We need more information to be able to help you. Like what rom you were on? Were you using a kernel? Most importantly though, what it is that you're trying to accomplish.
yeah i know i have bad grammar sorry
my lcd screen crapping out need to know what happens if phone over heats if anyone has had it happen
was rooted not anymore stock everything
i get lines in screen or really dark and acts like its charging up if it even comes on
craven667 said:
yeah i know i have bad grammar sorry
my lcd screen crapping out need to know what happens if phone over heats if anyone has had it happen
was rooted not anymore stock everything
i get lines in screen or really dark and acts like its charging up if it even comes on
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It could be an overheating issue or a man. defect. Is it still doing this on the stock rom ?
yeah but i cant get it to do it on que i have a e ticket for sprint but if i cant make it do it they wont fix it
Well, do you have TEP? If they won't fix it then that's going to be your best bet. Right now Sprint is letting anybody enroll. I don't know if that's a permanent thing or if it's just temporary. It's $8 a month for TEP. It's only like $100 to get a replacement and it will be much quicker than fighting with Sprint to get them to fix it. If it's a spotty problem you'll be fighting for a while.
Evo4eva said:
So what is it that you're looking for ? You're grammar is so terrible that I'm sure I'm not the only one who has no idea what you're asking. We need more information to be able to help you. Like what rom you were on? Were you using a kernel? Most importantly though, what it is that you're trying to accomplish.
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Douchey thing to say dontcha think? Not everyone in this world knows perfect English.
Deck's + SZ + SuperCharger script + ViperMod script.
Crossrocker said:
Douchey thing to say dontcha think? Not everyone in this world knows perfect English.
Deck's + SZ + SuperCharger script + ViperMod script.
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He knew I didn't mean it in an insulting way. I don't believe that this contributes to anything. So why don't you keep your mouth shut unless you're trying to help.
Shot in the dark but sometimes leaveing the battery out for extended periods of time resets/changes behavior I would try leaving it out for full day and seeing what happens maybe you will get it to do lines or somethin worth a shot before ya give em money
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