Evo 4G as iPod Touch replacement? - EVO 4G General

I am about to get the Evo 4G. I heard that the battery life of the Evo is bad, but i've seen a few people post tips and tricks on how to get a longer battery life.
Since I found this out, I was wondering if it would be wise to use the phone as an Mp3 player also?
Has anyone used the music player on their phone, with medium usage of talk/text & have it last the entire day?
Please share your thoughts and opinions with me. Thank you.

It will but I found its not da loud as an ipod touch

Waleezy said:
I am about to get the Evo 4G. I heard that the battery life of the Evo is bad, but i've seen a few people post tips and tricks on how to get a longer battery life.
Since I found this out, I was wondering if it would be wise to use the phone as an Mp3 player also?
Has anyone used the music player on their phone, with medium usage of talk/text & have it last the entire day?
Please share your thoughts and opinions with me. Thank you.
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The battery really isn't that bad. If you plan on using it as an MP3 player with some texting, you could turn off all mobile networks except 3G, turn the brightness down, and set it to never roam.
Besides, you can buy two 1500 mAh batteries for the Evo with an additional charger for ten dollars shipped. Can't beat that deal.

Mecha2142 said:
The battery really isn't that bad. If you plan on using it as an MP3 player with some texting, you could turn off all mobile networks except 3G, turn the brightness down, and set it to never roam.
Besides, you can buy two 1500 mAh batteries for the Evo with an additional charger for ten dollars shipped. Can't beat that deal.
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Where do you order that from?

Waleezy said:
I am about to get the Evo 4G. I heard that the battery life of the Evo is bad, but i've seen a few people post tips and tricks on how to get a longer battery life.
Since I found this out, I was wondering if it would be wise to use the phone as an Mp3 player also?
Has anyone used the music player on their phone, with medium usage of talk/text & have it last the entire day?
Please share your thoughts and opinions with me. Thank you.
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This has replaced my ipod touch. I can't speak on whether or not it will go to "11" however, I don't have any trouble. I do have awesome headphones though!

drbadass said:
Where do you order that from?
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Just do a search on ebay for evo battery and you'll see them; 2 standard (after market) batteries with a desktop charger. Seller has hundreds of them.

This is where I purchased it from. I actually ordered two quantities, so I'll be getting four batteries .

Waleezy said:
I am about to get the Evo 4G. I heard that the battery life of the Evo is bad, but i've seen a few people post tips and tricks on how to get a longer battery life.
Since I found this out, I was wondering if it would be wise to use the phone as an Mp3 player also?
Has anyone used the music player on their phone, with medium usage of talk/text & have it last the entire day?
Please share your thoughts and opinions with me. Thank you.
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I can honestly say I sold my IPOD when I bought my Nexus One and used that as my preferred music player. I can say the same for my EVO!! I work out for about 1.25hrs everyother day so during my work out it may go down about 15 percentage 20 at the most! Try it! For some odd reason Player music on this things doesn't drain the battery as much as one would think! Good Luck

i can't imagine this replacing an ipod touch. they're just two totally different devices. apple really has its act together when it comes to simplicity and user interfaces for appliance-like applications. i also can't imagine any non-apple device handling my ~60GB music collection in any fluid, timely manner. my hero choked on just a few GB.
it also doesn't gracefully sync with itunes. whether people like it or not, itunes is the industry standard for digital music distribution, and it's nice to be able to seamlessly buy music sometimes.

Slightly off topic, but has anyone looked at there iPod touch and gone, "Wow when did this thing get so small?" As for replacing my iPod Touch with my phone? Not going to happen anytime soon. I use my phone heavily when im out and about and would rather not waste phone battery for playing music. Especially since my headphones are bluetooth. With 'MY' normal use I have to charge my phone nightly, the iPod at least every other day, and the headphones every few days.
Now playing on iTunes: Del The Funky Homosapien - Press Rewind

Waleezy said:
I am about to get the Evo 4G. I heard that the battery life of the Evo is bad, but i've seen a few people post tips and tricks on how to get a longer battery life.
Since I found this out, I was wondering if it would be wise to use the phone as an Mp3 player also?
Has anyone used the music player on their phone, with medium usage of talk/text & have it last the entire day?
Please share your thoughts and opinions with me. Thank you.
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I use it as an player while I mow the lawn on Sundays. Usually takes me about 1.5-2 hours and the battery doesn't go down much. Still lasts me the rest of the day.

I don't know what I've been doing different lately but ever since I flashed Fresh 0.2 and set my preferred network to CDMA and turn ON my wifi when I have that in range (especially if I have low 3g signal)...or sometimes I program my PRL to prefer verizon towers--all of this has resulted in my battery never dipping below 50% by time I leave work. That is with moderate usage which includes 5-20 txts, 5-15 minutes of voice calls, 10-30 min of web surfing on 3g (I am at work after all), full screen brightness. I work a 10 hour day in building that nearly blocks all 3g signals so I get 1-2 bars tops. I have used it to play mp3's for an entire day (with volume low, it's hooked to a stereo), or through headphones on max for a few hours here and there. never went below 50%.
My battery life has actually been fantastic lately. (I also have an Autokiller running...though I doubt that thing actually does anything useful, the jury is still out on that.)
Now, is it a slick an interface as an ipod? No. Itunes can be hacked to work with it, but it just isn't the same. Though, I ****ing hate itunes with a passion. What's wrong with drag-n-drop? I find the sense music player to be acceptable, though a bit lame. There are plenty of other media players in the market though.
The battery life is not even close to that of an ipod, but it will certainly make it through a day, especially if you put it in airplane mode. I've never tried but I bet I'd barely get down to 75% of a full day of mp3 playing with no radios on....maybe more.
Personally I think carrying around a phone like this AND an ipod to be simply ridiculous and mostly redundant. It does not replace all functionality of an ipod without a little effort. Drag-n-drop music instead of syncing is a pain to some, but far easier to me. you'll have to re-encode video to a mpeg4 or h.263 if you want video...and video will likely hurt the battery a bit with that gigantic screen....and the interface is a bit clunkier than an ipod....but, I'd feel like a tool carrying both around with me.
...but I wouldn't have a need for a dedicated media player, your needs may be different.

daneurysm said:
I don't know what I've been doing different lately but ever since I flashed Fresh 0.2 and set my preferred network to CDMA and turn ON my wifi when I have that in range (especially if I have low 3g signal)...or sometimes I program my PRL to prefer verizon towers--all of this has resulted in my battery never dipping below 50% by time I leave work. That is with moderate usage which includes 5-20 txts, 5-15 minutes of voice calls, 10-30 min of web surfing on 3g (I am at work after all), full screen brightness. I work a 10 hour day in building that nearly blocks all 3g signals so I get 1-2 bars tops. I have used it to play mp3's for an entire day (with volume low, it's hooked to a stereo), or through headphones on max for a few hours here and there. never went below 50%.
My battery life has actually been fantastic lately. (I also have an Autokiller running...though I doubt that thing actually does anything useful, the jury is still out on that.)
Now, is it a slick an interface as an ipod? No. Itunes can be hacked to work with it, but it just isn't the same. Though, I ****ing hate itunes with a passion. What's wrong with drag-n-drop? I find the sense music player to be acceptable, though a bit lame. There are plenty of other media players in the market though.
The battery life is not even close to that of an ipod, but it will certainly make it through a day, especially if you put it in airplane mode. I've never tried but I bet I'd barely get down to 75% of a full day of mp3 playing with no radios on....maybe more.
Personally I think carrying around a phone like this AND an ipod to be simply ridiculous and mostly redundant. It does not replace all functionality of an ipod without a little effort. Drag-n-drop music instead of syncing is a pain to some, but far easier to me. you'll have to re-encode video to a mpeg4 or h.263 if you want video...and video will likely hurt the battery a bit with that gigantic screen....and the interface is a bit clunkier than an ipod....but, I'd feel like a tool carrying both around with me.
...but I wouldn't have a need for a dedicated media player, your needs may be different.
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Wow, thanks for giving me some great detailed feedback on that. And thanks to the rest of the people who responded. I wasn't expecting that much of a response.
But yea I loved my 64GB iPod touch. I sold it to get the new Evo, but then I will sell my Nexus One on ebay. And I was either going to use those funds to re-buy my iPod touch or just buy a 32GB SD card and use the music player on my phone. I'm still on the fence about that.
I love the interface of the iPod Touch, if there is any app out there in the Android Market that can match the iPod Touch's interface, someone please let me know. (I use TuneWiki on my N1, if theres a better one, let me know please). I do like the simplicity of dragging and dropping my mp3s onto the SD card w/o syncing & having it show the artwork. Less hassle than syncing to itunes.
The only thing that I do not like is that the volume on the phone (with headphones plugged in) is not as loud as the iPod Touch's volume. If there were a volume hack, thats would be a DEFINATE PLUS. Also, like I said, I use TuneWiki and there aren't any EQs that I could set it to, maybe there might be a program that is better that allows you to set the EQs to your liking?
Overall, I was concerned with battery life. I hope they make a good extended battery that does not make you purchase a big ass backdoor. I wish there was an SD card bigger than 32GB, but unfortunately there isnt (If there is, point me in that direction). Once I get my phone, I am planning on rooting it and using Bugless Pete's ROM. Hopefully I get some good battery life on it though...

Well, I came from using an LG Lotus as a mp3 player and that had pitiful volume level...this is on par with my samsung moment, which compared to my Lotus is WAY louder. It's loud enough to overload my car stereo, home stereo and work stereo, so I keep it 2/3rd turned down so it doesn't sound like crap.
...it gets far louder in my headphones than I could ever need it, and I've been playing in a punk band for almost 15 years now, my hearing is shot. If it isn't loud enough for you I would recommend some better headphones...or a hearing aid, lol.
and so far as interface is concerned that's up in the air, it's only as good as the app you use and thankfully the android community is growing by the day, so there are tons of media player apps and will likely be tons more, growing in complexity and/or polish with each day.
32gb of music is still a mammoth amount of music, and when 64gb micro-sd cards come out I'm sure we can support it, if not out of the box then a simple update will likely change that.
I'm sure the EQ thing will be addressed shortly...and if batterly life is that much of a concern you can turn the screen brightness all the way down, disable background data and syncing, put it in airplane mode if you have no concern for communcations (this will likely make it last for days, however it's unpractical for most).
Though I think most of the credit for my recent battery life boost goes to the Fresh rom. In the thread I found it in people complained of worse battery life, but I think that might have been the battery memory just leveling out or something like that...I ignored it as the battery life is always less than thrilling, so I just kept it charging when I had time to do so...and now I only charge it right before bed (around midnight) and it goes from when I wake up (4:15am ish) till bedtime again (midnight ish) and has yet to dip into the yellow...regardless of how much I use it with the screen brightness maxed out (though I keep GPS off unless I need, well, GPS...wifi is on if I have availability...or forget to turn it off...hasn't been an issue).
YMMV, as always, but, I'd say you'd probably be pretty happy after adjusting to the "mere" 32gb of storage, different interface and need to buy some decent (or maybe less power hungry) headphones.
Just have a charger wherever you go in case of emergency. Now you've only got one device in your pocket.

daneurysm said:
Well, I came from using an LG Lotus as a mp3 player and that had pitiful volume level...this is on par with my samsung moment, which compared to my Lotus is WAY louder. It's loud enough to overload my car stereo, home stereo and work stereo, so I keep it 2/3rd turned down so it doesn't sound like crap.
...it gets far louder in my headphones than I could ever need it, and I've been playing in a punk band for almost 15 years now, my hearing is shot. If it isn't loud enough for you I would recommend some better headphones...or a hearing aid, lol.
and so far as interface is concerned that's up in the air, it's only as good as the app you use and thankfully the android community is growing by the day, so there are tons of media player apps and will likely be tons more, growing in complexity and/or polish with each day.
32gb of music is still a mammoth amount of music, and when 64gb micro-sd cards come out I'm sure we can support it, if not out of the box then a simple update will likely change that.
I'm sure the EQ thing will be addressed shortly...and if batterly life is that much of a concern you can turn the screen brightness all the way down, disable background data and syncing, put it in airplane mode if you have no concern for communcations (this will likely make it last for days, however it's unpractical for most).
Though I think most of the credit for my recent battery life boost goes to the Fresh rom. In the thread I found it in people complained of worse battery life, but I think that might have been the battery memory just leveling out or something like that...I ignored it as the battery life is always less than thrilling, so I just kept it charging when I had time to do so...and now I only charge it right before bed (around midnight) and it goes from when I wake up (4:15am ish) till bedtime again (midnight ish) and has yet to dip into the yellow...regardless of how much I use it with the screen brightness maxed out (though I keep GPS off unless I need, well, GPS...wifi is on if I have availability...or forget to turn it off...hasn't been an issue).
YMMV, as always, but, I'd say you'd probably be pretty happy after adjusting to the "mere" 32gb of storage, different interface and need to buy some decent (or maybe less power hungry) headphones.
Just have a charger wherever you go in case of emergency. Now you've only got one device in your pocket.
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Thank you for your input.
When I had my 64GB iPod Touch. It was only half way full, like about 31GB, but many of the albums I put on there, I did not like. I just put them on there because I use my iPod in my car alot, so my friends can choose what they would like to listen to, even if I didn't like it. That might change now lol.
I've been searching around and found an app called bTunes. It looks almost exactly like an iPod Touch's interface. I'm quite impressed, but they still need to polish it out a little more to get it to look as good as the Touch.
As far as the volume goes, im a huge music lover. I am a rapper/producer, love listening to my music loud and listening on my N1, the volume is up to par like on the iPod Touch. Like I said, if they release a voume hack for the EVO, I might be sold!
And also, I never had a car charger for my phone, so I guess that would be something that I should look into once I receive my Evo. Thanks again!

I strictly used my ipod to play music so the interface, games and apps were secondary. Carrying both around for me seemed silly but I understand the battery life concerns for others. I work at a desk and power is always near by. Doubletwist is a free app that syncs your itunes with your android. It also converts video to work on your android. It takes some time but it does do the job. My mogul had a special port that was used for headphones and was a pain to use a dongle to connect headphones. I see that they have done away with that and made it alot easier.
You CAN drag and drop your music to the phone. As Itunes will convert your aac music to mp3. Battery life is what it is. Prepare for it or carry two devices. I have a zune 30gb and an ipod touch 8gb. There were some conveniences you won't have like buying things from the Store, ultimately you would still want to sync with your home machine. I only buy when I'm at home though.

I also can't imagine any non-apple device handling my ~60GB music collection in any fluid, timely manner. my hero choked on just a few GB.
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Zune 120GB
Whether people like it or not, itunes is the industry standard for digital music distribution, and it's nice to be able to seamlessly buy music sometimes.
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Discography torrents :3


Music player and sound quality. OH GAWD.

Being used to cellphone audio quality (nokia 5800, SE W850) i know they are usually decent, but not more than that. So it didn't occure to me that i should try the player on the SGS i9000.
Today i finally did, to test the supplied earphones.
Hearing that the phone with the mediocre supplied earphones sounds good, i switched to my AKG K317.
HOLY *stuff that shouldn't be written here* THE SOUND QUALITY IS MINDBLOWING.
I don't know what the hell Samsung did here, but it appears that someone did something VERY right here.
Now i have no use for my Creative Zen, which is kind of sad.
If any of you still didn't try it- well, it's about time to.
Agreed, it's amazing.
I'm not sure this suprises me tbh, Samsung know what they are doing in this field, more than a lot of other companies.
Not a big fan of the headset tho. I find it hurts after a while and in the stock music player there is no way to skip the current track. No skip, no fast forward, reverse etc. MixZing can skip tracks, but it's a bit iffy and that's all it can do.
I have yet to find a music player that is as good as the one on my old iPhone. On that phone I could skip, reverse, fast forward, pause, play etc with the headset. And I often used voice control to change playlists and shuffle the songs when I'm out bicycling. Can't do this on this phone right now and that is a problem.
Sound quality on this one isn't bad though.
Got any advice for me?
WiseDuck said:
I have yet to find a music player that is as good as the one on my old iPhone. On that phone I could skip, reverse, fast forward, pause, play etc with the headset. And I often used voice control to change playlists and shuffle the songs when I'm out bicycling. Can't do this on this phone right now and that is a problem.
Sound quality on this one isn't bad though.
Got any advice for me?
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Apparently (there's another thread that talks about that) the Nokia remotes work since it's the same jack layout. I'll have to try that out since controlling the player from the remote is essential.
Totally agree with the OP. Music is awesome on this phone. Beats the HTC HD2 and the iPod. Together with the Sure SE500 and Dolby surround enabled on the Galaxy it is simply amazing.
i agree, but the stock ear phones are funny :/
there's too much treble in it, and bass is low on high.
apart from that its an awesome phone.
When GSMarena reviewed the Galaxy S, they described it as "perfect audio quality":
Finally a phone that equals or surpasses the iPhones in sound quality.
Better than iphone's music player? LOL. I'll have whatever pot you guys are smoking.
The sound in SGS is shallow, skips beats occasionally, and pauses occasionally, may be due to lags. It is also very lacking in functions and features.
iPhone's music player is miles ahead, if you really have been using both.
1. iPhone music player lets me combine music video and audio into a single playlist. SGS can't.
2. iPhone music player lets me continue to play the sound on video with the option of screen completely shut off, therefore good for listening to music videos without having to look at the picture. SGS can't.
3. iPhone music player lets me pause/play/skip/repeat songs entirely with the volume button, with the music running in both foreground and background and both screen on or off. SGS has an application in the market place to contra music totally with the volume button but the screen must be on, and music player must be the foreground task, so you can control it which surfing the net, for example.
4. iPhone music player has the option of displaying lyric while the music play. I'm not aware of such possibility. I'm talking about stock music player here.
5. iPhone standard headset also let me completely control the music playing (play/pause/skip/previous) with the control on the wire itself. What can the button in SGS's wired headset control? Limited, isn't it?
6. iPhone slider let's you slide either very fast or extremely slow depending on how far away you move your finger from the slider.
7. iPhone music player never ever pause, skip music. SGS does, which is one of the first things I noted and complained about.
8. iPhone music player does not require long media scan each time we reboot the phone. I don't even dare to put in all my 22 GB of musics on my SGS.
There are things i like more in SGS than iPhone, but music player and sound quality aren't among them.
eaglesteve said:
Better than iphone's music player? LOL. I'll have whatever pot you guys are smoking.
The sound in SGS is shallow, skips beats occasionally, and pauses occasionally, may be due to lags. It is also very lacking in functions and features.
iPhone's music player is miles ahead, if you really have been using both. [....]
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From my experience, it all comes down to the right combination between the music player and the characteristics of the headset. For me the combination between the SGS and the Shure in ear phones is by far the best of all combinations I tried.
what model are you using appelflap?
I am pondering to get myself a sony/sennheiser soon..
appelflap said:
From my experience, it all comes down to the right combination between the music player and the characteristics of the headset. For me the combination between the SGS and the Shure in ear phones is by far the best of all combinations I tried.
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You're right there, appleflap, more expensive headset does make hugh difference, but this works for both if one is willing to spend that much more for expensive headset. Won't help with the skips, pause, long media scanning time when you want the entire collection of music in, and the limited fuctionalities that I mentioned though.
Personally, I much prefer connecting my SGS or iPhone to good external speakers. Wow, the sound depth and richness completely change with that set up. That's what I always do before bed. I miss the ability to just rest my finger on the volume button to completely control the music in iPhone, without ever have to turn on the screen. I don't like sticking anything into my ear while trying to get to sleep, although I have that option.
Correct me if im wrong, but Apple uses a dedicated audio chip for music playing while samsung is just using the A8 CPU for it. This accounts for the crap battery life when playing audio on the Galaxy (barely 10 hours) vs 40 on the iPhone 4 and the better sound quality on the iPhone.
I basically went back to the iPhone because of this. For a phone that's touted as a multimedia powerhouse, not having a dedicated audio chip seems absurd to me. I work for 10 hours a day and I like to listen to music the whole time, with the Galaxy I'd go back home with 30% battery and only if I hadn't used the phone for anything else. With the iPhone I can play music all day and be back home with more than 75% battery.
jmjacas said:
Correct me if im wrong, but Apple uses a dedicated audio chip for music playing while samsung is just using the A8 CPU for it. This accounts for the crap battery life when playing audio on the Galaxy (barely 10 hours) vs 40 on the iPhone 4 and the better sound quality on the iPhone.
I basically went back to the iPhone because of this. For a phone that's touted as a multimedia powerhouse, not having a dedicated audio chip seems absurd to me. I work for 10 hours a day and I like to listen to music the whole time, with the Galaxy I'd go back home with 30% battery and only if I hadn't used the phone for anything else. With the iPhone I can play music all day and be back home with more than 75% battery.
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You can always buy a spare battery. Or better yet, buy 10 ( ebay sells them for 5$ the piece) and you can listen for 10 days to music.
iPhone can't do that that's why I even didn't consider the iPhone (kidding)
appelflap said:
You can always buy a spare battery. Or better yet, buy 10 ( ebay sells them for 5$ the piece) and you can listen for 10 days to music.
iPhone can't do that that's why I even didn't consider the iPhone (kidding)
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Those battery are useless. I've tried them. It's cheaper to buy the genuine one although they cost 20 times more. It turns out cheaper.
eaglesteve said:
You're right there, appleflap, more expensive headset does make hugh difference, but this works for both if one is willing to spend that much more for expensive headset. Won't help with the skips, pause, long media scanning time when you want the entire collection of music in, and the limited fuctionalities that I mentioned though.
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Yeah, I read that. I personally haven't any problems with it. I have had never any skip or pause. And as for the media scanning: I was pretty amazed about the speed actually. In contrast to my HD2 it is blazing fast. Scanning 14 Gb of audio files in just a few seconds is pretty amazing.
Maybe there are some problems with your SD card?
Personally, I much prefer connecting my SGS or iPhone to good external speakers. Wow, the sound depth and richness completely change with that set up. That's what I always do before bed. I miss the ability to just rest my finger on the volume button to completely control the music in iPhone, without ever have to turn on the screen. I don't like sticking anything into my ear while trying to get to sleep, although I have that option.
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Haven't tried that set up. I use a iPod for an external speaker set up
eaglesteve said:
Those battery are useless. I've tried them. It's cheaper to buy the genuine one although they cost 20 times more. It turns out cheaper.
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I just ordered 2 with a charger. I know they won't last as long as the original ones, but as spare batteries I expect they will do there job. (For my HD2 I also had those cheap ebay batteries and I was very satisfied with it)
appelflap said:
I just ordered 2 with a charger. I know they won't last as long as the original ones, but as spare batteries I expect they will do there job. (For my HD2 I also had those cheap ebay batteries and I was very satisfied with it)
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I ordered two of those before. I gave a 5 star rating to them when I first got them. However, very very quickly the live shorten, and within a couple of months became useless. Now they no longer charge.
eaglesteve said:
I ordered two of those before. I gave a 5 star rating to them when I first got them. However, very very quickly the live shorten, and within a couple of months became useless. Now they no longer charge.
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for $5 a piece I can live with that (in fact i didn't expect more)

[Q] Some questions before buying a X10...

I have been reading a ton of reviews on the X10, and am thinking about getting one. However, I have some questions about it that can only seemed to be answered by everyday users and not tech blog critics, and was wondering if you can help me sort out some doubts. Especially when the 2.1 Update just come out and the critics haven't properly reviewed it yet.
- How is the battery life? Several places on the internet says the battery life is horrible. I am secretly hoping that there are also people who love the battery life that just haven't given it a shout yet. I don't mind charging it once per day, but can it survive through at least 4 hours of music playing, about 50 texts, 1 hour of call with 3G turned on at all times for one day?
- Ringing Volume/Vibration Strength? Would you still be able to hear it ring in a busy citycenter?
- Is TimeScape THAT useful? Do you use it, or do you use the native messaging app?
- Keyboard - GSMArena says the 2.1 update helped a lot. Your thoughts?
- Last but not least, do you regret getting the X10? What would you have gotten instead?
I know I sounded annoying - please give in just any input. Thanks a lot in advanced!
I work for a cellular company, and really use the Internet a lot on 3G/HSPA. And I have 9GB of music playing nonstop. The battery lasts about 5-7 hours. I always have a spare battery available to last the day.
The ring/buzz is not very loud. I often have missed calls.
Timescape is more usable with 2.1.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
I have been using the X10 since April 26th and I think it is a great device with one fairly major flaw. The in-call volume is ridiculously low even at maximum level. It has been reported to SE since release and has not improved at all over the course of two software updates. It's my belief that the hardware is inadequate to raise the volume and users will be forced to live with it.
- How is the battery life? Several places on the internet says the battery life is horrible. I am secretly hoping that there are also people who love the battery life that just haven't given it a shout yet. I don't mind charging it once per day, but can it survive through at least 4 hours of music playing, about 50 texts, 1 hour of call with 3G turned on at all times for one day?
Battery life was abysmal to start, improved on R2 firmaware and has improved again on the 2.1 update.
- Ringing Volume/Vibration Strength? Would you still be able to hear it ring in a busy citycenter?
Ringer volume is adequate, even in busy places. I do not use vibrate unless I'm in a meeting and it is useful enough to alert me.
- Is TimeScape THAT useful? Do you use it, or do you use the native messaging app?
I do not use Timescape at all. I don't bother with Facebook or Twitter so it is essentially useless unless you like eye candy. I suppose if you are very socially inclined through these services that it would be benficial.
- Keyboard - GSMArena says the 2.1 update helped a lot. Your thoughts?
Keyboard has improved with the latest update and I find it to be on par with the better on-screen keyboards.
- Last but not least, do you regret getting the X10? What would you have gotten instead?
I do not regret purchasing an X10. I'm happy with it. It is excellent for browsing and both audio and video capture and playback. The camera is outstanding as long as it is not dusk or later. The phone has good signal strength and call quality. The in-call volume is the only problem.
Thank you for your comments!
Regarding in-call volume - could this be solved with a headset/pair of earphones? I'd imagine that I would most probably use it as my primary music player anyway.
yes you can solve it by using headsets as I always use them for music playing and receiving phone calls
My battery life last minimum 13 hours with constant use ( beautiful weather live wallpaper ) with facebook and twitter updating every 1 hour.
I do use timescape and I found it very useful, the only downside of it that it uses the browser to open comments or status, it would be better if it uses integrated application or 3rd party apps to open the notifications.
the ringtone volume is not the best in crowded places as you will miss some calls eventually.
And no I do not regret buying it because I am enjoying it
Ok i dont know whats wrong with the people above but they should check their ears and handsets. First my battery lasts 2 days with medium use and a whole day with heavy use. Any smartphone with this kind of capabilities wont last any longer (iphone, galaxy s, desire hd.. etc) . The loudnes of internal speaker was fine on 1.6 and now with 2.1 is great. The external speaker good enough and a lot better than some brand new devices like the desire hd wich speaker is terrible. The phone itself is great, dont beleive this reviewers as they dont take time to play with the devices and they just test everything stock and untouched. The x10 is the best smartphone phone ive had and ive had quite a few some of woch are galaxy s and still have an iphone 4 wich my wife uses. Let me tell u from build quality, good looks, stability and usfulnes to modding, customising and having fun.. this phone delivers. Its just solid. I have looked for many other options and i just cant find anything that matches my needs better than this. For example the galaxy s is cheap built very light and ugly and really unstable had it for a week and its gone. Iphone is just simple and boring with no customatisation whatsoever, small screen and everyone has it. Htc devices have bad cameras and bad audio quality witch i cant cope with. The new dhd for example has a really bad loudspeaker and a really ****ty 8mp camera also battery life is half that of the x10. The x10 is unique device and my strong points that i look in a phone are : works good as a phone, has a big bright screen thats easy to read, fast and responsive, stable, good camera, good audio quality internal and external, good battery life, a lot of customatisation options to make it look and work as i want it to, sd card, removable battery, flash light (very useful), notification led (very very useful). The x10 gives me all this and more. There is many many x10 users that are very very happy with their handsets and i think you will find that out soon . Personaly the best experiance ive had with a phone. Hope this helps.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Nankov said:
Ok i dont know whats wrong with the people above but they should check their ears and handsets. First my battery lasts 2 days with medium use and a whole day with heavy use.
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Basically, it all depend on your usage... some have 4 days battery life while other 7 hours of battery life..
if you use your phone to update your social life every X hours, have direct push emails to your phone, live wallpaper that connects to your internet every 1 minute to check weather forecast. listen to music for 2 hours a day, play games for another two hours. Then you'll get the 13 hours I'm talking about..
Medium usage can take me up to 3 days but I am a heavy user so I don't think that I will cut-off anything just to save battery time
In the end it depends on how are you going to use your X10.... butt keep in mind that comparing to other android devices, X10 has the better battery life
The battery lasts me a day and usually have around 30-40% remaining before I go to bed. About 15 hours of usage. I listen to songs on it for about 30 minutes each day, 30 minutes ebook reading, 30-60 minute angry birds, a few texts, and some random playing around with it just for the sake of it, I feel like it is a bit improved since 1.6, about 15% more.
Ring is pretty loud, although I still have some missed calls because I keep decreasing the ring volume by accident.
In-Call volume has been a bit improved after 2.1, I can now hear the other person at a skytrain station, could still be louder tho.
Timescape takes too long to start up, I really never use it.
As for keyboard, there are tons of alternatives on the market, so I don't think that will be a problem at all.
Finally, I would probably get a WP7 phone if I hadn't got my x10, WP7 feels quite sexy IMO. But the x10 is still much more impressive than the n900 i traded. ( missing the built in FM transmitter though )
good luck
- How is the battery life?
I got about that sorta useage but i dont use headphones, i play the music over bluetooth to my sterio in my car and in the office. and i get 18 to 20 hours out of it.
- Ringing Volume/Vibration Strength?
The ring tone is a bit quiet but still prety good. you just have to find the right ringtone, or tweek yours till it's right. (theres Apps for that ) i herd my phone in the machine shop at work so i'd say it's loud enough.
- Is TimeScape THAT useful? Do you use it, or do you use the native messaging app?
Timescape is prety cool, i like how you can put all the post from all your social and SMS in cronological order. I dont use the native Messenging App nemore I use Handcent to make and read my messeges. Timescape is just to slow.
- Keyboard -
I like the new keyboard heap better, i'm still using it since i got the update. and prob will keep using it i think.
- Last but not least, do you regret getting the X10? What would you have gotten instead?
Was loooking at a Samsung Galaxy but went for the X10 instead, Now my GF has the Galaxy i'm glad i went for the X10. it looks good, (doesn't look like a Iphone ) it's fast, and works.
- How is the battery life?
I play music, lots of texts and moderate calling... there has been maybe one day since I've bought it that it died before I got home to charge it, but that was at about two in the morning. If I dropped the music and kept my eye on the use, easily go two days. I have no problems with it..I don't have to be careful or not do what I want to do, and it'll still last at least the day
- Ringing Volume/Vibration Strength?
It's fairly loud, but the vibrate is great too....very rare that I don't know I get a text or call
- Is TimeScape THAT useful?
Pretty nice looking, but I don't use it. I think its just a fad, I'm kinda curious now as to how many people use it
- Keyboard -
New keyboard is nice, but you can download all sorts of things to get what you need
- Last but not least, do you regret getting the X10? Not at all, I love this phone
Battery life depends on the apps you run, how much you use wifi, gps, etc. It's a decent battery that can easily be run down with heavy use. But that's not the battery's fault. Think of it as a car battery that has to run extra lights, high power stereo system, in-car DVD... Get the picture?
Ringtone and vibrate are fine. In-call volume is the problem that has yet to be corrected.
I don't use Timescape or Mediascape. There are many other good alternatives to them.
As other users have said, you have a load of keyboards to choose from, no problem there.
The X10 came late to Android 2.1 but it's a fine phone in general. There still are kinks that need to be ironed out but in my mind it's the best looking Android phone out there.
If I were to get another phone it would have to be its successor, the x12/Anzu which should arrive sometime in 2011. Maybe that's something you want to consider.
Wow... I'm surprised. Not a single bad review here... much different from what I've been reading elsewhere on tech blogs.
I was talking to a sales rep in a local electronics store, and he was trying to get me to buy the Desire HD. Honestly, it is giant, but I don't know if I am wiling to spend that much more money.
Alright then, I think I'm sold. Galaxy S isn't an option according to reviews and its bad quality. Others are just too out of price range. I'm coming X10!
If you can try to borrow an X10 & make a call in a noisy environment, so that you're sure you can live with the audio level. Go through some of the other threads & see what people are complaining about, & decide if it's something that matters to you.
Actually, only people who never used it, hates it. That's the downside of being beautiful. You have detractors. I don't find any problem with in call volume at all. I always have two phones with me, but at noisy environment both will be the same on whatever volume level it is. My solution, go inside or plug in the headset. I'm planning to buy a SE MW600 Bluetooth headset anyway, so this part will be a moot point soon, plus the benefit of having an FM radio...
Go inside is not a solution, & not everyone wants to wear a BT headset all the time. What if you forget to bring your headset with you?
To say that people who dislike the X10 have never used one is wrong. The advice I gave is sound, you can never go wrong trying something before you buy.
To be honest. I just not only like my x10. But I really love it. Although there are some relly annoying bugs like in call volume, battery performance, virtual keyboard problem. Use bluetooth is not a solution because it will decrease the power easily.
But x10 is good phone. Trust me. If you don't like x10, it means you don't like android. This is all about OS. All about Android. All about smart phone. A phone with so many features. Just find, install. And may be tweak.
Gunawan-GN Multimedia-X10i
I know this won't go down well but here is a summary of my experiences.
I was really excited about the x10, I pre ordered it and owned it for about 6 months. I cannot in good conscience advise that you buy one. Having recently (last week) upgraded to a desire HD i realise just how poor the x10 was in so many respects. The only thing it really excels in is looks. When I bought it it was not a terrible choice, but it has only slipped further behind in my opinion. Despite the LONG awaited 2.1 update the software is still poorly implemented. SE have proven to be unreliable.
There are too many good (better) alternatives available at the same price that you should really look at them.
Hope this helped...
JamesBarnes said:
I know this won't go down well but here is a summary of my experiences.
I was really excited about the x10, I pre ordered it and owned it for about 6 months. I cannot in good conscience advise that you buy one. Having recently (last week) upgraded to a desire HD i realise just how poor the x10 was in so many respects. The only thing it really excels in is looks. When I bought it it was not a terrible choice, but it has only slipped further behind in my opinion. Despite the LONG awaited 2.1 update the software is still poorly implemented. SE have proven to be unreliable.
There are too many good (better) alternatives available at the same price that you should really look at them.
Hope this helped...
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Sorry but can you please explain poor? I mean what is better in the DHD than the X10? Camera, Audio quality, Speakerphone, Battery life, Build quality? or is it just smoother because of 2.2 and you think its so great?
Nankov said:
Sorry but can you please explain poor? I mean what is better in the DHD than the X10? Camera, Audio quality, Speakerphone, Battery life, Build quality? or is it just smoother because of 2.2 and you think its so great?
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Im pretty sure its because of 2.2 which in fact is being worked on for our phones as we speak, and also because of the sense ui which i think is ubber s***. To the OP, the desire hd is garbage with battery and camera quality and tbh as a long time htc customer with devices owned such as the tilt 2 and touch pro and the desire(for a month) the camera can never be as good as x10s and also battery is outstanding on my x10 it all depends on how you configure your device its your decision mate, u can get the x10 now or wait for the x12 either way sony makes quality built phones im not trying to sound like a fanboy here, i like htc and sony equally, like people said, try it out, people who hate it, never tried it!
Sent from my X10a using XDA App
Sure i can go into a little more detail...
Firstly, yes the DesireHD is fast, REALLY fast but i dont think that on its own if a fair comparison, its a newer phone.
Firstly, battery... the x10 battery is quite poor, not awful, but not great. If you use the phones features fully it will not last a day. That isnt too unusual when it comes to smart phones, but saying it has a good battery is wrong in my opinion.
The camera, part of the reason i bought the phone was the camera, and it really is not that great. The app takes a long time to open which is a real pain for "in the moment" shots and the results are below average in poor light. Not having a flash is a HUGE problem in my opinion. The camera application is hopeless too.
Timescape and Mediascape have some nice features but need to be faster. Overall though i like them.
The touchscreen, multi-touch issues aside, the actual touchscreen is quite poor. It really struggles with accuracy near the edges (more than most) and often gets "stuck" on. (I have had 3 x10 handsets, so not an isolated issue)
Sony made a lot of customisations, most of which sucked. The looked pretty (sort of) but impeded functionality and slowed things down. They have gotten slightly better in that regard but still...
As for HTC sense, i think its very good indeed. The sense launcher is not at all to my tastes, i use ADW, but the modifications HTC have made to the rest of the UI are actually helpful. Often just little things like the "magnifier" for moving the cursor in the text etc but it all adds up.
If the x10 were half the price i wouldnt have an issue, but its expensive for what it is.
To me, after 6 months of daily use, it seems obvious that this was SE's first attempt at an android smartphone, I would wait till they have had more practice or go with a manufacturer that has a better track record... Samsung, Motorola, HTC etc
Ultimately though, its a personal thing, you may fall in love with it!

[Q] Another "I'm thinking about a Streak" thread

With the price drop, I'm seriously tempted to order one. I played with one at Best Buy for a few minutes (literally maybe 2) and I did like what I saw. That said, I have a few questions...
I think my primary device will remain my N1. I see it as a bit more portable. The Streak will certainly get some regular use when I need a little more size, once I get a good BT, that is.
At any rate, my questions are:
Does the Streak still suffer from large borders around most apps? I think most of this is probably dependent on the app, and the developer making it work for various sizes and resolutions. I know it was a decent complaint upon initial reviews. How's it look now?
I've read a lot of complaints about the 2.2 update. Is it better? Is it stable? Is it better to flash something like DJ Steve's (I think that's the name) or some other custom ROM?
How's the audio performance? Let's split this into three sections. First, audio on phone calls. Decent noise cancellation? Decent incoming sound? Any complaints from those you chat with?
Second on audio, how's the speaker? The N1 has a huge shortcoming there, in my ever so humble opinion. For speakerphone and audio from music/videos, the speaker on the N1 sucks. How's the Streak's?
Audio out and bluetooth audio. I listen to a lot of music at work, and I plug my N1 into my car stereo quite frequently. I can't imagine any issues here, but it's a prime function for me, so I want to sure I won't have any issues.
Video performance. Decent GPU? I don't do a lot of videos, but I can see myself doing more with the Streak. Additionally, I take my son on some road trips, and I definitely foresee him watching movies and playing games while on the road. Most trips are about an hour and a half, up to two hours. He sleeps in the car less and less as he gets older, so I see huge potential here. The N1 GPU isn't that great, sadly.
I've tried to read most of these threads, and I know the vast majority of you are very happy with your Streaks. I'm seriously tempted to pick one up. I also plan on getting whatever dual core comes to AT&T, so the Streak is basically just a bonus. I may hold out for a 7". Pretty torn, but that $400 price point is right up my alley and pretty hard to turn down.
Thanks in advance.
The new ones would be worth less than the old ones because it's worth less (they've spoiled it)
Imagine it being like finding a beautifull girl, you go away for a week, only to return to find she's now 85, saggy tits, has long straight hair, short curly teeth and walks with an upright stoop
checkbox111 said:
The new ones would be worth less than the old ones because it's worth less (they've spoiled it)
Imagine it being like finding a beautifull girl, you go away for a week, only to return to find she's now 85, saggy tits, has long straight hair, short curly teeth and walks with an upright stoop
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Ummm, what?
SoberGuy said:
I think my primary device will remain my N1.
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I said the same thing about my iPhone 3GS. But in the 10 days I have had my Streak, I have not even considered turning the iPhone back on.
Mobs69 said:
I said the same thing about my iPhone 3GS. But in the 10 days I have had my Streak, I have not even considered turning the iPhone back on.
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Any info on the questions? I've gathered that the vast majority of people here really like the Streak.
SoberGuy said:
Does the Streak still suffer from large borders around most apps? I think most of this is probably dependent on the app, and the developer making it work for various sizes and resolutions. I know it was a decent complaint upon initial reviews. How's it look now?
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Every app I've used so far takes up the entire screen. Some pics in apps don't; TMZ is the one that comes to mind. Other than that it uses the entire real estate for me.
SoberGuy said:
I've read a lot of complaints about the 2.2 update. Is it better? Is it stable? Is it better to flash something like DJ Steve's (I think that's the name) or some other custom ROM?
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2.2 is very stable for me. The stock UI is pretty worthless so I'm running ADW.Launcher. I cannot speak for custom Streak ROMs; haven't tried any of them yet. Nor have I had desire to.
SoberGuy said:
How's the audio performance? Let's split this into three sections. First, audio on phone calls. Decent noise cancellation? Decent incoming sound? Any complaints from those you chat with?
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Phone calls via the handset are flawless for me.
SoberGuy said:
Second on audio, how's the speaker? The N1 has a huge shortcoming there, in my ever so humble opinion. For speakerphone and audio from music/videos, the speaker on the N1 sucks. How's the Streak's?
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I usually turn on the speakerphone only when I'm on hold waiting for the next available coordinator. It's pretty much like any other phone I've used. Sound is decent. I haven't listened to any music but I have watched a movie or two and it's not theater sound but it works. I have a Otterbox Defender case that might interfere with the sounds but I have no complaints.
SoberGuy said:
Audio out and bluetooth audio. I listen to a lot of music at work, and I plug my N1 into my car stereo quite frequently. I can't imagine any issues here, but it's a prime function for me, so I want to sure I won't have any issues.
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I have a Parrot in my truck that I use for calls and the bluetooth sound for phone calls is great. No complaints at all. I haven't paired my Plantronics 590 headphones with it yet so I can't speak for music over bluetooth yet.
SoberGuy said:
Video performance. Decent GPU? I don't do a lot of videos, but I can see myself doing more with the Streak. Additionally, I take my son on some road trips, and I definitely foresee him watching movies and playing games while on the road. Most trips are about an hour and a half, up to two hours. He sleeps in the car less and less as he gets older, so I see huge potential here. The N1 GPU isn't that great, sadly.
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I watched Iron Man 2 on my Streak end-to-end and it was flawless. I was using my Denon headphones for sounds.
Now all that said, my ONLY complaints about the Streak are the battery life and trying to find a car charger that works unmodified. Battery life is to be expected the way I use it. Wifi, 3G, Bluetooth, all on 24x7. But the car charger thing miffs me. I bought a 1000mA USB charger but the Streak will not recognize/charge with it. I've read where you have to solder pins together to work. WTF?
My 2-cents.
Dude, thanks for the detail! Will have to look into the car charger issue.
Sent from my Sexy Nexy, courtesy of the fine developers of Tapatalk
SoberGuy said:
. . .
I think my primary device will remain my N1. I see it as a bit more portable. The Streak will certainly get some regular use when I need a little more size, once I get a good BT, that is.
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I just ordered the unlocked Streak today and they offer this bluetooth headset for 99 cents when you buy.
I don't know how good it is but for 99 cents I figured it was worth it. I have bluetooth built in on my vehicle radio, but will probably use a headset more with the Streak.
BTW - thanks for starting this thread to to those who responded, it's been informative.
ameiurus said:
. . . .
Now all that said, my ONLY complaints about the Streak are the battery life and trying to find a car charger that works unmodified. Battery life is to be expected the way I use it. Wifi, 3G, Bluetooth, all on 24x7. But the car charger thing miffs me. I bought a 1000mA USB charger but the Streak will not recognize/charge with it. I've read where you have to solder pins together to work. WTF?
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The charger issue appears to be common with many of the newer phones. I know there are a lot of posts about this same issue in the Motorola owners forums. From what i have read the mod to a cigarette lighter to USB adapter is pretty easy.

[Q] Use fascinate w/o service as iPod Touch or sell? Case, ROMs, etc.?

I just upgraded to the Trophy and switched to WP7. Love it and not looking back. I miss the slightly bigger screen, a few free apps and google maps/directions, but other than that, WP7 is a winner for me.
Now, what should I do with my fascinate? Is it worth keeping as something like an iPod Touch? Or should I sell it off and just buy a dedicated camera plus mp3 player for that purpose? I'm assuming I could get at least $200 for this, which would get me a nice Rockbox player. I would get an iPod touch, but I'm very allergic to iTunes.
I'd like to use the fascinate (or something else) as an MP3 player and exercise tracker for the gym, offline map use with google maps and HTPC remote control. However, I'm worried because the battery life is utter crap. Is it still that way w/ the cellular radio turned off?
Now assuming I keep it and don't sell it there are some other questions. Which ROM would be best for my purposes? Assume all I need to do is underclock and Voodoo. Still Comm ROM?
Also, having trouble finding accessories. Is there a gym-appropriate case that works well for the gym? Something like a silicone bumper with armband, legband or beltclip/holster? Double duty for around the house would help.
Appreciate your opinions.
the Fascinate is a great music player if you install Voodoo Sound.
Id sell it and get an ipod touch
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
I'm keeping mine and using it like an iPod when the GS2 comes to VZ. With voodoo sound, the audio output of the Fascinate is incredible to say the least. The GS2 apparently isn't near as good with audio, and I know sound quality is pretty crappy from iPods.
Why use it as an ipod if your windows phone is also a great mp3 player? why carrying two devices when one can do all?
sell it, make some money out of it and take your girlfriend out for dinner Lol
Primary phone + gym = don't wanna go there. I love that WP7 has an FM radio and great music, but I view most things I take to the gym as likely to die/disappear/destruct (for historical reasons). Also using phone as a music player for an hour workout guarantees battery failure at a needed point - been there / done that. I like to keep it separate for many reasons. That said, if I get a good enough case, maybe I'll try it.
Additionally WP7 doesn't scobble or support replaygain. I like both. Crossing my fingers that someday the APIs will allow Foobar2000 (or an equivalent) to run on WP7.
I don't like iTunes. Will never get an iPod touch for that reason. If they cut the cord, fine, but if I have to use iTunes that's a dealbreaker. I evaluate a lot of tech and it pains me whenever I have to check something on an iPad because that means installing iTunes.
Dinner for girlfriend is fine, but I'm single at the moment. I don't take a girl on a date and tell her I sold a phone to buy her a Chalupa
Ok, so apparently I need to Voodoo my phone twice now. All I thought I needed was to get rid of that damned Samsung filesystem. Is there a ROM that has this pre-loaded?
Com rom would be great...i get over a day and a half with split time on 3g and wifi, listening to music with power amp for about 4 hours at work, and texting on and . voodoo sound is in kernels, but both that are included withCom rom have it
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
You can use Winamp and various other apps to manage music on iDevices. Personally, my old iPod Touch easily gets 20 hours of continous music playback (that's likely on the conservative side! I frequently forget to pause my ipod at night, so it'll end up playing ~10 hours, and do that several nights in a row without charging!), while my Fascinate would probably get no where near that amount... Music playback seems to use a shockingly large amount of battery for some odd reason. Either should be more than fine for a couple days worth of work outs without charging, though. There's also definitely going to be every accessory under the sun for the iPod, while the Fascinate will have a tiny handful of accessories (most of which will probably be some generic 'universal' one that doesn't fit quite right and is of questionable build quality).
Also, people keep saying how "great" the sound is from the Fascinate... I doubt with headphones you'll be using at the gym that the claimed difference would matter. When using any reasonably priced headphones, you won't be telling the difference! That's also assuming the audio files you have are of high enough quality to tell as well...
If you're sticking with the Fascinate, I'd recommend sticking with whatever ROM you currently are on until CM7 supports all the hardware you want to use. I'm personally waiting for a fully funcional CM7 before upgrading from SC 2.9.2.
Edit: If your phone is running any ComRom/UKB, you already have Voodoo Sound. Voodoo Sound has been supported in Froyo almost since we started using the kernel source for the Mesmerize back on some version of Super Clean.
KitsuneKnight said:
You can use Winamp and various other apps to manage music on iDevices. Personally, my old iPod Touch easily gets 20 hours of continous music playback (that's likely on the conservative side! I frequently forget to pause my ipod at night, so it'll end up playing ~10 hours, and do that several nights in a row without charging!), while my Fascinate would probably get no where near that amount... Music playback seems to use a shockingly large amount of battery for some odd reason. Either should be more than fine for a couple days worth of work outs without charging, though. There's also definitely going to be every accessory under the sun for the iPod, while the Fascinate will have a tiny handful of accessories (most of which will probably be some generic 'universal' one that doesn't fit quite right and is of questionable build quality).
Also, people keep saying how "great" the sound is from the Fascinate... I doubt with headphones you'll be using at the gym that the claimed difference would matter. When using any reasonably priced headphones, you won't be telling the difference! That's also assuming the audio files you have are of high enough quality to tell as well...
If you're sticking with the Fascinate, I'd recommend sticking with whatever ROM you currently are on until CM7 supports all the hardware you want to use. I'm personally waiting for a fully funcional CM7 before upgrading from SC 2.9.2.
Edit: If your phone is running any ComRom/UKB, you already have Voodoo Sound. Voodoo Sound has been supported in Froyo almost since we started using the kernel source for the Mesmerize back on some version of Super Clean.
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+1. For messing with my iPod Touch files, I use CopyTrans Manager, which is free, it is decent and very reliable.
Heh, without the celluar radios on, android devices have a crazy amount of battery life. Using my hero as an mp3 player it would go 2 days before needing a charge with lite use. No reason the fascinate would be much different especially being used as a mp3 player seeing one of the biggest power draws is the screen it's self. I'd just keep it and continue use, you pretty much have a Galaxy S player.
Depending on how much you use the screen you could probably get around 2-4 days use out of it. Cm7 has a feature where you can hold the volume key up or down to skip a song or play the previous one while the screen is off so theres some potential battery savings there if you make good playlists. If audio quality is important to you, this phone + voodoo sound + a decent pair of headphones will provide a top notch experience.
Sent from my kang banged fascinate, bro.
Just for a better reference point for an older iPod Touch's battery life (the newer ones are better), I last charged mine 3 days ago, and have used it the last two nights for somewhere on the order of 10-12 hours each night, totally somewhere from 20-24 hours... and I currently have more than half my battery left. I'll get at least another 2 nights of similar usage before it gets into the red, so I'd figure somewhere around 40-50 hours of playtime.
are you guys using a dock out something or the internal speaker? I know with my daughters nano (5thgen) a long as its not powering it own speaker it last forever lol but its a lot smaller battery too
Sent from my SCH-I500
devlp1213 said:
are you guys using a dock out something or the internal speaker? I know with my daughters nano (5thgen) a long as its not powering it own speaker it last forever lol but its a lot smaller battery too
Sent from my SCH-I500
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I've never owned an ipod myself but I would assume most people use them with headphones...
Sent from my kang banged fascinate, bro.
well there are talking about night time use so headphones don't seen logical especially if sleeping... atleast I don't sleep with them anyway haha
Sent from my SCH-I500
If you have one of the custom kernels (PBJ, OTB), just download Voodoo Control (free) from the Market.
Regarding battery life, I went out of the country last year, and had to keep my phone in airplane mode to avoid roaming fees. I basically just used it as an alarm clock (no music, etc). After seven days, I still had about 70% battery left. I really wish I had taken a screen shot so people won't say I'm lying. This was on bloated stock rom, btw.
And I agree with your hate of iTunes. The iPod Touch is an amazing piece of hardware, but being tied to iTunes is also a deal breaker for me. Maybe you could jail break it and not have to rely on iTunes?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
devlp1213 said:
well there are talking about night time use so headphones don't seen logical especially if sleeping... atleast I don't sleep with them anyway haha
Sent from my SCH-I500
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I use earbud-style headphones. Those present absolutely no difficulties with sleeping I prefer earbuds since they're far more portable than any other style (just shove them in my pocket and go!).
beenz said:
Regarding battery life, I went out of the country last year, and had to keep my phone in airplane mode to avoid roaming fees. I basically just used it as an alarm clock (no music, etc). After seven days, I still had about 70% battery left. I really wish I had taken a screen shot so people won't say I'm lying. This was on bloated stock rom, btw.
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That's not really surprising, the phone should be using virtually zero power in that case. Nothing should be waking it up until the internal timer wakes the kernel, that'll then trigger the alarm, pretty much.
beenz said:
And I agree with your hate of iTunes. The iPod Touch is an amazing piece of hardware, but being tied to iTunes is also a deal breaker for me. Maybe you could jail break it and not have to rely on iTunes?
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You don't need to jailbreak it to use something else. I mentioned Winamp earlier in the thread, and someone else mentioned another program. There's quite a few that can be used to sync your music, including multiple programs on Linux/OS X as well. Hating iTunes isn't really a good enough reason
KitsuneKnight said:
You don't need to jailbreak it to use something else. I mentioned Winamp earlier in the thread, and someone else mentioned another program. There's quite a few that can be used to sync your music, including multiple programs on Linux/OS X as well. Hating iTunes isn't really a good enough reason
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I should have said that the requirement to use any program to sync my device is a deal breaker for me. I thought maybe jail breaking would allow a drag and drop (like our phones)
But if it isn't for the OP, I think Media Monkey will also sync an iPod
I personally kinda like iTunes as a music player and the syncing isn't that horrible... but anyway enough about that.
If I was against getting an iPod then I'd keep the Fascinate as an MP3 player. You get to use it not only to play music but you get the added benefit of Google syncing (personally I can't live without calendar, Gmail) and the entire Android Market. Using Voodoo will get you a faster filesystem and awesome sound, and with the appropriate kernel you can configure it for battery life. Without the radio and using wi-fi sparingly you can get some amazing battery life. And don't forget it's got that awesome screen.
If you don't need a camcorder and don't mind limited BT, then CM6 is pretty stable and will be the cleanest and smoothest ROM (MMS is broken too but that won't matter since you don't have service on it). There should be some voodoo kernels for it floating around somewhere in the Development forum.

Desire HD: One-year review / my first year using Android

This is my attempt to review the phone after a year (and a bit) of use. It may seem pointless to review a phone that is at least a generation old, but I think what I have to say gives some insight into HTC as a manufacturer, and Android as a whole. These are also the sorts of things that can't be understood from using a phone for a few hours. I'll also cover Sense in part.
I'll start by listing everything that has annoyed or just disappointed me over the last 13 months.
Battery life
One of my major worries with Android as a whole (and by extension, all smartphones and the direction the market is heading): it is just not acceptable for a phone to not last a whole working day on moderate use (which for me is: about 2 hours web browsing and listening to music, a few text messages and emails). There are ways to avoid this happening (and the question should be, if users can do things to improve the battery, why don't they come out of the
factory that way?) but the fact is that a phone that requires the user to tinker extensively to get a day's reasonable use is not well designed. The trade-off is a thinner, lighter phone. Well, it's not worth it. Consumers are being hoodwinked into desiring crazy thin handsets before the technology is really there to support them. Ever-faster specs are the other side of this sorry tale. Phone software shouldn't need dual-core phones running at above 1Ghz, with 1gig of RAM. WP7 and iOS show this.
Build quality: I've had several serious problems caused by the hardware:
The battery cover - everyone knows about this. It is possible to remove it, and reinstall it, but it's difficult - and it just shouldn't be. That's all there is to it.
Volume rocker - the poor arrangement of the battery cover and the volume rocker meant that when I tried to pull off the battery cover, I broke off the top half of volume rocker. Luckily it still holds on and the volume control still works, but again - not good enough. The fact that there are packages of replacement volume rockers complete with the needed tools on Ebay show this is not limited to me and my clumsiness.
USB port - for no obvious reason, and very suddenly, the USB/charger port stopped working properly - no power was going to the phone. The main board and so the whole until had to be replaced. I'd not been rough with the connection. Which lead to...
GPS. One of my biggest disappointments. Although it worked reasonably well to begin with, when my internals were replaced because of the USB port failure, the internals must have been from the batch with the poorly connected GPS module. Everyone knows about this issue by now. I never ever ever get any GPS signal, no matter where I am or what the weather's like. Yes there are solutions, none of which worked for me, and I couldn't bare to be without my handset for another 7-14 days to get it repaired. Very poor.
HTC Sense
I've not found Sense to have any additional functionality that make it worth the resource overhead on top of Android. Really the only useful thing it does is linking contacts between my contacts and Facebook and Twitter (though this brings it's own problems, for instance forcefully importing a friend's outdated phone number from Facebook without giving me the option to choose the stored number instead). I've never been able to use the default Android calendar app because the Sense one replaces it, and I don't like the Sense one at all, it's quite unintuitive.
I find the extra chrome is not especially attractive, and doesn't make efficient use of space. It looks very mid-late 00s. So dumping Sense was one of the first things I did, first in favour of ADW Launcher and lately GO Launcher, for it's superb and beautiful widgets.
HTCSense.com - I've nearly forgotten what it did. Suffice to say, none of the services were useful enough or reliable (they didn't work at all for the first few months) to keep me coming back.
General Android issues
Music playing
There are many brilliant music-playing programs for Android. I've happily paid for two that I love using (PowerAmp and PlayerPro). Sadly, four years in, the experience of getting music onto an Android phone lags behind iPhone fundamentally. Spotify subscribers will call me a dinosaur for caring about this, but for those of us with large mp3 collections that they like to change up on their phones regularly, it's an unhappy experience. Technology
blogs would have you believe the iTunes/iPhone experience can be replicated, but my experience is that this just isn't true.
To give an overview of the problem (for anyone thinking of coming to Android and hoping to use their phone for playing music), here's my experience of using several Windows music management apps, and their limitations as a solution for managing Android devices.
DoubleTwist - marketed as iTunes for Android - laughable, and crushingly disappointing: ignoring slow performance and instability, not finding all files, misreading mp3 tags, all DoubleTwist does is sync a playlist to the phone (over Wi-Fi if you pay the upgrade). If you use iTunes, it will sync any playlist that you create in iTunes - but does anyone want to install iTunes if it's just to transfer music? I hate having it on my system. The main failing is that it has no easy way to select tracks to be transferred - they have to be added to a playlist. Unlike iTunes, you cannot tick or untick songs from the main library. If you want to remove a song from your phone, you have to find and then remove it from the appropriate playlist. Which is far more time consuming. No developers of music management software for Windows seem to understand this. The same problem applies to Winamp, Songbird, MediaMonkey, all of which I've tried and none of which work as well as iTunes does for iPods. All have various bugs or limitations (Winamp won't let you browse the syncing playlist by artist/album, only letting you edit the sync list as a great big long list, does a really poor job of finding artwork and lyrics. But the wifi sync option is very cool, if slightly pointless. Songbird is still unstable after years of development and has enduring problems with recognising tags.)
So far the best option is MediaMonkey, which is fast, stable and has some brilliant additional functions even in it's free version. It does allow you to browse tracks stored on the phone by artist and album which makes it easier to remove tracks, but doesn't give the selecting tracks from the main library option that iTunes has. Also, CD-ripping is only available in the paid version ($40).
Ideally I'd like to see Google develop or encourage the development of an iTunes equivalent media manager for Android phones on Windows that would do the simple job of syncing music easily, effectively, and without bugs! However this would go against their ambitions for getting everyone to to everything (including music) through the cloud, so I don't have much hope.
Another small issue I've got with music on Android is that the system's music management library doesn't recognise the album artist tag on music files. This means that when browsing music in any application by artist, compilations are split out into each artist. This makes for a messy library. I want the option to have all compilations combined under the 'Various Artists' name - simple to implement, but only possible by recognising the album artist tag.
Android Market
A constant source of irritation to me is a couple of bugs in the Market. The first of these is automatically starting updates which stall before downloading starts, requiring you to long-press and cancel, and then manually re-start each of the updates. Tedious. The other major problem is that about 1/3 to 1/2 the time, completed downloads will fail to install, often repeatedly. No idea. It works eventually, so it's not an issue of compatibility. Aggravating.
In progress...
I have had the DHD for a year too and came from a Iphone and I agree with some of your issues.
Battery life: For me at first I was having to charge at sometimes 1 or 2 in the afternoon >< but now I get to midnight often with 50% charge if i have been using lightly, a day with some gaming music and calls its 15% 20% left this is around 11 when i normally goto bed and put it on charge so battery life is ok for me now (I am on stock sense rom 2.3 something, the latest one)
The GPS been flaky really annoys me sometimes taking 3 4 minutes to get one Sat, makes hoping in the car and getting directions something you have to add 5 minutes to your journey for.
Build Quality has been fine for me, but I have not opened really since i put in my SD card and it's been in a clear gel case with protector since day 1 so looks immaculate. I think the GPS issue is a design flaw.
HTC sense is ok, I only use a couple of their widgets but yea it's not really that useful and can be replicated with many things often free from the market.
Android music players: At first coming from Itunes I liked the fact I could add a new song with drag and drop but in retrospect its better to have a database driven system like itunes for organizing music and playlists means you end up with your music nicely organised tagged and searchable.
The market i have had no issues with really (Though IOS apps are overall slicker than Android still, though Android has caught up in a few now)
I think Android looks really promising with ICS and will finally root and put a Rom on once one is hacked on the Desire HD.
Overall the handset has been nice and I like been able have live wallpapers and change themes with things with different launchers, the Iphone got boring from a OS perspective whereas Android you can change everything and seem like you have a new phone.
Now for the gotcha...I solved all my Android & HTC problems by getting a Samsung Omnia 7 16gb WP7 I have had both phones now concurrently for 8 months and the WP7 is my everyday phone since about 3 weeks into buying it, but I have the desire HD with a backup sim in it and carry that too.
It lasted all day from day one on a charge and I found the OS to do everything I needed without any tweaking, that been social networking, syncing with google calendar, making calls, listening to my music and surfing the web on the go. (I am not really a phone gamer, maybe play the odd puzzle game like jems or something.)
It's a bit like the iphone I guess everything just kind of works with no tweaking but it looks different and you can actually make your home screen look really nice and personal with live tiles of your photos news feeds etc. And Zune I love its a really cool looking desktop client, it checkerboards album art when you play music and my phone wirelessly syncs any new music when its on charge over night (though PC has to be on ofc) I would never go back to drag and drop into folders now. WP7 has its quirks and annoyances too but I think it does the things I need better.
I still love Android though and may get the Galaxy Nexus, However will wait and see the reviews, if Android still has jerky lag scrolling and the random stutters on the homescreens and in browser will wait until next gen, hopefully though they have got the accelerated GUI working well enough, and it looks a lot nicer seems much more integrated from the demos I have seen less hodgepodge than it currently is.
It's great to have three different phone OSes to be able to choose from, currently its not looking like one will get a monopoly like MS did with windows so hopefully we can continue to have some choice and variety for years to come which also drives innovation which means better experiences for us the users!
I gave up with it
I eventually gave up with my HD a couple of weeks ago. The phone, as you wrote, has some strengths and some (serious) weaknesses.
The battery is awful. I stated that the first week I got it -- and the deniers said it was fine. It's not. It's crap. And seriously harms the device.
The phone is also heavy. If that sounds dumb, it's not when your hand is tired holding the damn thing for 45 minutes.
And, after a while, the phone lags badly. Only a complete reset fixes this.
The camera is also so-so, and slow as Hell. Video recording is poor and jerky.
Fortunately, there is a cure to all of these problems -- the Samsung Galaxy S2.
bobbyelliott said:
I eventually gave up with my HD a couple of weeks ago. The phone, as you wrote, has some strengths and some (serious) weaknesses.
The battery is awful. I stated that the first week I got it -- and the deniers said it was fine. It's not. It's crap. And seriously harms the device.
The phone is also heavy. If that sounds dumb, it's not when your hand is tired holding the damn thing for 45 minutes.
And, after a while, the phone lags badly. Only a complete reset fixes this.
The camera is also so-so, and slow as Hell. Video recording is poor and jerky.
Fortunately, there is a cure to all of these problems -- the Samsung Galaxy S2.
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Bye Bye....
I've had my DHD for about 6 months now coming from a TyTN II on WinMob 6.0 which I still have. This one is miiiiiiiiles ahead. I agree that the major put-off with the DHD is the battery and I don't care how much freaking tweaking one does, it SUX!!!! I don't get a full day of moderate use at all. I am constantly plugging it in to charge. This seems to be a common Android device problem. Battery technology just has not kept up with the rest.
That being said, I am happy with most everything else. I love my music and I use Mortplayer. I love to be able to just plug my phone into my laptop via USB and just copy and delete music at my leisure. This goes for videos, series, movies etc.
I have the best apps I believe for my various needs. I will elaborate on this a little later.
I dumped SENSE!!! I have been using GO Launcher for the last 3 or 4 months. I love it! I also only use Live Wallpaper.
My GPS is great. I have had no issues at all. I get a lock indoors in an average of about 20 seconds flat. I have made no alterations or mods whatsoever. My phone is stock, unrooted etc. Don't fix it if it aint broke!
The apps I mostly use:
OfficeSuite Pro
Sygic Navigation
Perfect Viewer for comics
QuickPic gallery
Total Commander
Moboplayer for movies
Mortplayer for music
GO Keyboard (THE best Android keyboard after having tried seven or eight different ones)
Camera ZoomFX Pro
I hardly play games.
GO Contacts and Dialer
Black Facebook
LinkedIn for Android
Agile Locker
Animated Weather Pro
Weather Bug
Sense Analog Clock (The best one imho) Lots of skins available
Pocket Informant (Calendar)
Lookout Security
Volume Ace
Whiteboard Pro
Lots of dictionaries
Aldiko Book reader (The best for Android imho)
Barcode Scanner
Barcode Generator
Opera Mobile
...And various other tools and utilities.
well what i say m my sig tells everything about it . its just the worst decision of my life to buy it and even bad thing is that no one want to buy this kind of bulky phone here so i m kind of stuck with this phone still.
when i see ics boot up and running on dhd but not sgs2 well first time this phone give me some happiness .
I must say i haven't had many if any of the above issues, build quality is solid as a rock for me, phone been dropped a few times works perfectly well...
Sim cover did tend to be a pain to get off when i first got the phone, but i learned to pull it off by holding the sides of the cover and just gently pulling down.
The Volume rocker does suck, i don't think there's any debate here. You actually have to physically see the screen in order to know you've changed the volume level because it's not tactile whatsoever.
Battery life isn't as bad as people make out. Especially with custom roms, i can have 3 hours screen time and still last the full day in standby without my battery dying.
Camera performs quite well with the right settings as hamdir has demonstrated in his guide.
Overall i'm pleased with the DHD it's not perfect no, but for a year old smartphone it's got plenty of life left in it.
Ok... let's start with Music. The desire hd audio chip sucks. Period. My HD2 kicks its ass all over the place. Still... what you describe as a DHD problem with music sync etc, is present on most if not all Android devices. We only have mass storage.
Now, i do use MediaMonkey... but not the Free or Paid version. I downloaded the latest Beta4 and it manages my 180gb of mp3/ogg/flac/wav/ape whatevah. It syncs what i want and converts on the fly (why would i use FLAC on a cellphone?)
As for battery, with my DHD it lasts 2 days with very moderate use, but 3G always on, 2 google acounts, facebook, etc etc. Wifi is kept on, and when i arrive home, it connects to my wifi at it's own pleasure.
Battery door: Battery is not mean to be removed/inserted all that much. My DHD lasts months without a restart, so i don't see why you should need to remove that as often.
Volume rocker: Due to the above probably, it's still in it's place.
GPS: On this one i'll have to agree... it sucks. That plastic cover on the back is a issue, so much that a homemade fix is necessary.
As for the necessity of dual cores and so what... There really no NEED. We don't NEED this. We were fine with those dumb phones back in the Nokia Black/Green day.
As we want more, we need more... more processing power.
Now, i've used WP7 and iPhone. Lets not compare. WP7 is limited has hell. What it does, it does well. But it suffers for the same as iPhone. It need Zune to make it worth it. iPhone need iTunes. Who the hell designs a cellphone that requires a computer ?
So... please drop the comparision between WP7/iOS with Android. Yes, what they do, they do better than Android. But they do so little.. so so little..
Wrong thread
Black1982 said:
Bye Bye....
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You write in the wrong thread br0. Go and cry on Samsung threads. It's not me it's DHD community which says this. Bye! Bye!
You understand Black1982: I'm with you.
I too use HTC Desire HD only problem is battery
Nice Thread.....
For me 1st year is just getting over today. This phone is awesome, I came from Symbian UIQ3 (W960i) phone. Actually I blindly chosen this phone due to Android+Dolby+HTC. But now am very happy with this decision. I had battery issues and GPS problems, but thanks to XDA devs all these gone over time. I will keep this phone till it dies.
Samsung Galaxy S2......
....is a very fast piece of plastic!
My brother has one and frankly I wouldn't swop my DHD for it ......EVER!!!!
After the DHD I will get another HTC. I am on my third HTC now.
I have seen Sony-Fricssions, Samdungs, (actually the proper name is SAMpple), and frankly HTC is still tops as far as build quality, etc. goes.
What can I say.....I luv me DHD!!!!
BTW, how on earth do people get 2 days without charging? Maybe flashing roms? but I don't want to do this.
The audio on my DHD is actually quite good. I use Equalizer and Volume Ace with Moboplayer and Mortplayer. I have an in-ear Phillips headset and the sound is maybe not the best but it is certainly good. Bass and loudness & clarity is actually quite good on mine. My family complains that my phone is too loud! hehehehehehe
Why do people keep whingeing about the battery life...its a smartphone...what more do you need to know...I've had a few of them...they are ****e,the galaxy s lasts about an he longer,look at this way,if your on the laptop plug it in...you got a sky hd box..plug it ...any device with a USB stick it in ..if your battery goes down to quick you can tweak it to be fair,in general though it just is accepted...the iPhones are even worse!
Htc sense is quality in my opinion,I've tried roms without and didn't gel,I like the DHd it still isn't old in my eyes
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Nice review there. Honestly, I agree with the first few points of TS regarding the battery, Sense and GPS.
For the battery, its also the major setback I noticed when I got this phone. It's not crappy, its utter bulldung. But hey, due to the battery prob forces me to snoop around and found my love, ROM flashing! It's a mixed blessing I guess. Without the battery prob, I wouldn't stubble upon the amazing devs at XDA. as for the battery prob, it lasts for me through the day, an hour of music, Bluetooth headphone connected, a little mail, text and 10 minutes call max got me through the whole day.. all that is possible with a little thing called flashing. It does improve battery life. Period.
Sense.. hmm.. no idea, skipped the whole marketing thing.. sense location and what not. What ONLY like about sense is that u call silence a call by flipping it over, or turn into a blowhorn during a conversation with the same method. Lol. But other then that, its not much about to bother look let alone try.
GPS... Hmmm... First few locks are slow.. sure. But hey, nothing like rooting, flashing CWM GPS.zip can't handle..
Finally.. its a beautiful phone.. albeit its weakness in some areas. It's like a classic car, few chinks here and there, but with a little personalized tweaking, it'll be your phone indeed. I cherish it more than any other phones I had cause its me in an aluminum shell... It's a great phone. And I'm a happy owner.
Ps: want a phone that last a week? Get a Nokia 3210. Lol.
sent from Borneo
What with the obsession with itunes, googlemusic works just fine for me, with a couple of hundred random tracks synced via banshee for offline appreciation
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
What with the obsession with itunes, googlemusic works just fine for me, with a couple of hundred random tracks synced via banshee for offline appreciation
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
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Well... Google Music works fine. I bet it does, i can't have it yet. Not here on my country anyway. But i can have iTunes.
I don't like iTunes. To be honest, iTunes is everything i HATE on a media manager.
But, it has a advantage that GMusic does not. iTunes does not store your entire collection on the cloud. I have 180gb+ of media... this makes Google Music a "no no" for me.
In just about two weeks, it'd be our anniversary
With DHD being my first smartphone, I really didn't have much expectations of it. I just bought it then because the HD7 was still unavailable. Sense rocks. Sure the stock eventually grew very laggy, Messages does not send messages.. But hey, that's what Android Market is for.
Eventually tried rooting and flashing custom ROMs, and hell yeah, I think I may well use it for, if time allows, still another year. In the internal side, I find nothing wrong with it. It's not like it's gonna replace my computer or anything. At this point, I kinda appreciate Sense, especially Sense 3.5, the UI is just perfect, and the Beats Audio works well at default compared to how PowerAMP does. Equalizer app makes it more perfect.
The build quality for me is kinda mixed. We gotta love the metal casing. But the detachable plastic parts, they're questionable. I also bought the phone with the power keys in a deeper position than advertised out of the box, which at the time I was unaware, so it's kinda takes more effort to press it.
Just around five months ago, the volume rocker somehow broke off and fell somewhere while I was walking home. I usually joke with my friends that DHD comes with a stylus.. a toothpick for pressing the volume lol. The h and t in the htc logo behind the phone got lost as well. I can only see the shining c with holes on the h and t lol.
But, given that the phone fell on the road with a strong impact once, fell in a pail full of water once while having a call, and ran against the rain with it once, and that my phone is still alive, I guess I like it. The mic's busted though.
I think I gotta bring this baby to the hospital, er the service centre one of these days. I still love it today. Custom ROMs rejuvenate it. )
Almost all the issues are caused by the alluminum body. You can't have a handheld radio device with metal casing that doesn't have some plastic parts to embed the antenna. Well, actually you can, but then you'll have to expose the antenna and explain to the users that they are holding the device the "wrong" way. But having the metal body has one great advantage over plastic - with proper care it still looks as good as new. I have mine DHD for little over a year and it's like brand new. And the only protection it has against the elements (including my two kids) is just the stock screen protector. I love that feature so much that it was one of the two things that drove me in the direction of choosing acer a500 for a tablet. And I seriously can't understand all the people complaining about the battery life. Mine lasts two days with normal usage and can easily last a workday with moderate to heavy usage. And if you don't have any access to a power source / usb plug near your workplace, I somehow doubt that your work requirements involve spending 8 hours playing with your phone . And I'm on a rooted stock 2.3.3 ROM with no battery tweaks whatsoever. Actually I pluged my phone yesterday for an hour while having lunch (that could not charge the battery completely) and 30 hours later I'm on 20%. True - I didn't use it that much (maybe 20 minutes talking on the phone) but it's still what should be expected of a smartphone. BTW iPhone4 battery life is worse despite it's tiny screen and limited functionality and I hear 4s is even worse.
Sent from my A500 using XDA Premium App
daedric said:
Well... Google Music works fine. I bet it does, i can't have it yet. Not here on my country anyway. But i can have iTunes.
I don't like iTunes. To be honest, iTunes is everything i HATE on a media manager.
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Not available here officially either, but hey us XDA'ers aren't going to let that stop us are we?
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
snowpatrol1702 said:
Why do people keep whingeing about the battery life...its a smartphone...what more do you need to know...I've had a few of them...they are ****e,the galaxy s lasts about an he longer,look at this way,if your on the laptop plug it in...you got a sky hd box..plug it ...any device with a USB stick it in ..if your battery goes down to quick you can tweak it to be fair,in general though it just is accepted...the iPhones are even worse!
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Why? Because it's not satisfactory, that's why. Do you not understand the concept of a review?
Why do you even have a mobile phone if you never leave the house/office? If you're happy to stay plugged in all the time, why not just use your laptop for computing etc and a landline for phone calls? You do realise that smartphones are meant to be mobile too, don't you?
tkolev said:
I seriously can't understand all the people complaining about the battery life. Mine lasts two days with normal usage and can easily last a workday with moderate to heavy usage.
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Seriously? Seriously, try reading my post again. As I described, I don't get the same performance as you. Clearly lots of other people have the same problem. I don't know why this is, but it doesn't stop it being a fact. What's not to understand? Do you think I'm making up my experience for fun, or something?
ghostofcain said:
What with the obsession with itunes, googlemusic works just fine for me, with a couple of hundred random tracks synced via banshee for offline appreciation
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I didn't realise there was anyway to access Google Music in the UK yet - I'm going to give it a try out of curiosity, but... continuously drain my battery and be dependent on a decent signal? No thanks. I'm really still not convinced cloud storage of music and video is the way forward at present in general. Plus the Google Music app is pretty bare bones and it doesn't seem possible to play music downloaded from Google Music in other music apps.
I'm not obsessed with iTunes, it's just really good for syncing music to portables. My point was that there's no decent equivalent for Android phones.

