More Likely To Happen First....WP7 or Android? - HD2 General

I'm sorry HD2 lovers but although Windows OS is pretty custimizable its CLEARLY a VERY OLD OS that I just cant get that into. So my question is this and your answers really depend on whether I decide to keep the phone or not. What is more Likely to happen first
-Fully Working WP7
-Semi Working Android(ie: broken wifi,bluetooth, camera etc...)

Hum! its hard to say... But I am sure that when either of those come out, its going to be a P.O.S.

I wouldn't keep my hopes up on either, but im thinking WP7 might be the easier port.
If you really don't like WM6.5, return it and get an android device. By the time WP7 is out there will likely be much better hardware out with it officially installed.
Qualcomm has dual core and 1.5ghz snapdragons in the pipeline for later this year, im sure there will be many WP7 phones with them.
On the other hand if you're a WM fan like myself, stick with the HD2 because its probably the best hardware that WM will ever be officially released on.
It would be interesting to see HTC do an official android release for the HD2. There are no licensing issues why they couldn't, just have to spend some time to do it, or at least give the enthusiast community the needed drivers and other know how to get it working so we're not reinventing the wheel. you know they've probably already got it working in shop.

@ OP
Use the SEARCH link.
WP7 port was done a couple of months ago. Android may take a loooong time or it may not even happen if we get a flurry of hi end devices running android on all 4 major carriers.

kcaj32 said:
@ OP
Use the SEARCH link.
WP7 port was done a couple of months ago. Android may take a loooong time or it may not even happen if we get a flurry of hi end devices running android on all 4 major carriers.
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No, there is no legitimate port currently.

kcaj32 said:
@ OP
Use the SEARCH link.
WP7 port was done a couple of months ago. Android may take a loooong time or it may not even happen if we get a flurry of hi end devices running android on all 4 major carriers.
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Last I head that "port" was a scam, it was someone using the remote desktop client in WM6.5 to connect to a remote emulator running WP7

kcaj32 said:
@ OP
Use the SEARCH link.
WP7 port was done a couple of months ago. Android may take a loooong time or it may not even happen if we get a flurry of hi end devices running android on all 4 major carriers.
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what tom said was a big fake ,it was not ported to hd2 ,may be the russians have lied to him as i personally don't think he will make a thing like that

vampsandbats said:
I'm sorry HD2 lovers but although Windows OS is pretty custimizable its CLEARLY a VERY OLD OS that I just cant get that into. So my question is this and your answers really depend on whether I decide to keep the phone or not. What is more Likely to happen first
-Fully Working WP7
-Semi Working Android(ie: broken wifi,bluetooth, camera etc...)
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This is the 3rd time i'e seen this exact same question posted. Either one will be at least 6 months-1 year away.... maybe more.... so if you don't like WinMo, I suggest getting a different phone. Personally, I think WinMo is the best OS out there for mobile devices and I am glad to have what will probably be the best WinMo phone of all time since there won't be many more winmo phones made.

My bad. You guys are right. I saw the news for the port but didn't follow up about it being fake.
I still think WP7 will be ported first.
With all the Android Superphones coming out (EVO [sprint], Droid X, Incredible [verizon], Galaxy S [t-mobile], Captivate [ATT]), its easier to buy a new device than use a ported ROM on the HD2.

I think we're more likely to see a windows 7 Shell similiar to how HTC Sense is on the HD2 before any fully working windows phone 7 ports are done. Although the hardware on the HD2 is pretty much as impressive as anything available now the fact is that, just as with computer parts it will be considered "not fast enough" when windows 7 phones are actually released.
I'm 26 years old and had my first pc in 1994. it was a packard bell and ran at 600 Mhz with 128MB or ram and a 40 GB HD. My HD2 is faster than my first pc ever was and it is about 20x smaller. Anyone else think about these sort of things and really marvel at the pace technology is moving?
The wife and I were in the food store the other day waiting in line behind some lady paying for groceries with a check. My wife was *****ing to me that people are crazy that still carry around paper checkbooks. I told her that when we're older and probably holding up a line with our surgically implanted RFID chips to pay for groceries, some youngsters will be complaining about us not using retinal scans so we can be done quicker..LOL.


class action against HTC/Microsoft?

What do you guys think of getting involved in a class action against HTC/Microsoft if HD2 is not allowed WP7? Now that WP7 is announced, many software companies are going to stop (or already stopped) developing for WinMo 6.5 and we are left outside with an already bricked 2 month old device (it's not even out for USA). I don't like paying $1.000 (yes it is that expensive where I live) for a device which will be outdated in 2 months. HTC and Microsoft should be more loyal to their customers than that. What do you all think?
HTC and Microsoft never promised a WP7S upgrade.
If you're thinking about raising a class action for something that wasn't in the contract of sale, you are, as we say in Scotland, an eejit (idiot).
Sell your HD2 now and be phone-less for 6 months, then buy a Wp7s capable phone. Or at the very least wait for an official announcement on whether it will be upgradable or not.
they never promised an upgrade, but they never said that we won't be able to use WP7 apps as well. Even when you buy a desktop PC with Windows, you're given the option of free upgrade when the new OS is imminent, else no one would buy. And that's when you can still perfectly use all the new applications on your old OS. Don't you feel kinda being cheated, is it only me??
bricked device? it still works doesn't it? you've got a year or so before 7 really hits the mass market, that doesn't stop your phone from working NOW.
do you look at cars the same way? I got my Renault Laguna, it's made in 2001 but I'm not moaning because they don't let me upgrade to the nice shiny 2010 model engine just because i have an older version.
I don't get the complaining about being able to have 7 on their phone when clearly it doesn't have the hardware (4 point multi touch, 3 buttons etc) that windows 7 needs.
I'm sure MS or HTC will take the OS as far as they feel like before 7 rolls out and I would not doubt that some of the clever code monkeys here on XDA will be able to cook up a fantastic 7 ROM that will work in some way on our currently working and rather impressive HD2's
why are people complaining about not having win7 available on the device when it is out in about 7 months time? Did you buy the HD2 SOLELY on the basis it would have this upgrade in OS? Did HTC promise you that it was going to upgraded to win7 when it came out?
ozkaya said:
they never promised an upgrade, but they never said that we won't be able to use WP7 apps as well. Even when you buy a desktop PC with Windows, you're given the option of free upgrade when the new OS is imminent, else no one would buy. And that's when you can still perfectly use all the new applications on your old OS. Don't you feel kinda being cheated, is it only me??
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WP7 is not new version of WM6.5. Call it Zune Phone and it all becomes clear.
And even if free upgrade is offered sometimes with desktop computers, it clearly is stated as a part of the contract. Here it was not. If you don't like it, you should have not bought it.
I had thought of hanging on to my Touch Pro until WP7 came out. I ended up getting the HD2 and I've never had so much fun with a phone.
We are spoiled rotten in this community. I can get my device to do anything I want it to do and a few things I hadn't even thought of thanks to the hard work, generosity and smarts of the good people who contribute to these forums.
Come on! We don't even know if we will like WP7 yet! Enjoy the amazing device you have. Modify it, flash it, load a thousand apps on it if you like.
By the time WP7 is stable, usable and has a load of good apps, we'll probably be good and ready for an upgrade.
If the HD2 does everything you need in a phone what does it matter if it will run 7 or not? Especially if HTC never promised it would.
If its just for epeen status you're gonna look like gypsy joe anyway come the time trying to run a new OS on an old phone. Either way I am sure some bright spark on XDA will make 7 run on the HD2.
Also remember that WP7 is brand new OS with no applications at all. It will take at least a year till it will start to be usable for basic operation. We don't know how hard it will be to adapt actual applications. It might be minor modifications, it might be totally impossible, and everything would have to be done from the scratch.
Yes .. we all want new better WM .. but WP7 is just not that.
How many more threads are we going to get on the same subject.
WM6.5.5 is NOT being withdrawn and will continue to support the business users. From what i've seen of wm7, its "pants" and not suitable for business use, but thats my opinion.
I find it difficult to beleive that so many of you purchased the phone based on the pretence that it would be upgraded to WM7. At the end of the day, you will get it anyway - albeit not from HTC but from XDA.
ardsar said:
How many more threads are we going to get on the same subject.
WM6.5.5 is NOT being withdrawn and will continue to support the business users. From what i've seen of wm7, its "pants" and not suitable for business use, but thats my opinion.
I find it difficult to beleive that so many of you purchased the phone based on the pretence that it would be upgraded to WM7. At the end of the day, you will get it anyway - albeit not from HTC but from XDA.
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you are right but most applications developers stoped developing for wm6.5 and starts to develope for the upcoming wp7 series so it is wm6.5 end (but not in an official way)
reasons why this bull
1 in the box which my htc hd2 was piece of paper saying that this phone would get a upgrade to wm7
2 there footage of wm7 on the htc hd2
3 the fact that ms always denie all rumours about all their products
4 no device has 4 point mutil touch if was the case this would be a big deal for microsoft as apple owns the patents for true mutil touch screens
5 windows specs change all the time and this is true for all software
6 the htc hd2 pro is coming out and professionals would want wm7
a piece of paper may say they will do 7 but maybe the rules changed and they discovered in the full release version they can't run wm7
i'm sure the initial idea was great but reality has deemed the hd2 not suitable for wm7
would a pro want an OS that's not allowing backward compatibility of their "pro" apps? no so maybe they'll stick with 6.5xxxx
have you actually tried wm7 yet? all this fuss and it might turn out to be rubbish then i guess you'll bring another class action against MS to say you want 6.5 back
whether it be Apple/MS/HTC they can't please everyone but to rant about it BEFORE the OS is out is pretty pointless. think logically rather than throw toys from pram please
I think WP7 will be business oriented. Only think they can do better then the others would be exchange synchronization. Otherwise I see no reason why would anybody buy it. And before new apps are done for it, iPhone will have new version, Android will be at 3.0 and another players may show up.
ozkaya said:
What do you guys think of getting involved in a class action against HTC/Microsoft if HD2 is not allowed WP7? Now that WP7 is announced, many software companies are going to stop (or already stopped) developing for WinMo 6.5 and we are left outside with an already bricked 2 month old device (it's not even out for USA). I don't like paying $1.000 (yes it is that expensive where I live) for a device which will be outdated in 2 months. HTC and Microsoft should be more loyal to their customers than that. What do you all think?
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Sorry guys, I couldn't help it
this forum gets dumber by the day.
I'll Stick with 6.5!
Why does anyone want WP7 anyway? My phone works just the way I want it (now, after a few problems initially), it is fast, looks great and makes most other phones look like they were just dug up in an episode of Time Team!
I have just about every app I could want, running beautifully and doing pretty much everything I could ever need. If I was offered WP7 today I would say no! An untried OS with no software support for at least another 6 months (after release) and we don't know how customizable or flexible it will be... I'd be mad to jump ship from 6.5!
When I know what the new OS actually is, when I know I can get all the software I require and that I can make the phone the way I want it and that the OS is something I actually like THEN... I'll have a new device that will have even more bells and whistles and this won't be an issue...
scottmo said:
Why does anyone want WP7 anyway? My phone works just the way I want it (now, after a few problems initially), it is fast, looks great and makes most other phones look like they were just dug up in an episode of Time Team!
I have just about every app I could want, running beautifully and doing pretty much everything I could ever need. If I was offered WP7 today I would say no! An untried OS with no software support for at least another 6 months (after release) and we don't know how customizable or flexible it will be... I'd be mad to jump ship from 6.5!
When I know what the new OS actually is, when I know I can get all the software I require and that I can make the phone the way I want it and that the OS is something I actually like THEN... I'll have a new device that will have even more bells and whistles and this won't be an issue...
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why would you like to stay with un supported version of os ,as wp7 arrives developers will stop developing for wm6.5
ardsar said:
How many more threads are we going to get on the same subject.
WM6.5.5 is NOT being withdrawn and will continue to support the business users. From what i've seen of wm7, its "pants" and not suitable for business use, but thats my opinion.
I find it difficult to beleive that so many of you purchased the phone based on the pretence that it would be upgraded to WM7. At the end of the day, you will get it anyway - albeit not from HTC but from XDA.
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+1 -CLASS ACTION? That is so laughable! End these threads please it just annoying to guess at everything. Wait for the MIX '10 and listen to then as to what they want to say. Until then no more threads about WP7 upgrades on HD2...wahh.wahhh.wahhh...
There goes another 2 minutes of my life. When will I learn....

Definately no Windows Mobile 7 for HD2??

I work in the industry and we had a vist from Windowsphone Rep today and he confirmed, no matter how much i argued the subject with info, that the HD2 will not be getting WinMo 7 update, this, as he explained was due to minimum requirement of device for WinMo 7 and the HD2 does not match the hardware requirements, namely the graphic accellerator chipset on board is not compatable with inbuilt use of things like Silverlight which is going to be a feature of WM7????
What he did confirm is some of the things WinMo7 will be able to do, like gaming, start the game on PC, continue on your XBox and if you want log on and finish on the WinMo7 phone.....
so there you go...... question is was he telling the truth or just BS'ing????
Sounds like win mo 7 is going to be pants man. I think I'll be keeping my hd2 for as long as possible and going for the 4th gen iphone
I have waited to get HD2 for over 6 months since it came out in Europe. Playing with in the phone in the store and reading various different forums and posts. I have decided to get a device that will be supported in the long run. I'm thinking of getting a HTC Incredible from Verizon over HD2.
fygtbug said:
I work in the industry and we had a vist from Windowsphone Rep today and he confirmed, no matter how much i argued the subject with info, that the HD2 will not be getting WinMo 7 update, this, as he explained was due to minimum requirement of device for WinMo 7 and the HD2 does not match the hardware requirements, namely the graphic accellerator chipset on board is not compatable with inbuilt use of things like Silverlight which is going to be a feature of WM7????
What he did confirm is some of the things WinMo7 will be able to do, like gaming, start the game on PC, continue on your XBox and if you want log on and finish on the WinMo7 phone.....
so there you go...... question is was he telling the truth or just BS'ing????
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this was confirmed like on mix 10? (15. march)
-but there will likely be an unofficial WP7 port-
My HD2 will probably be my last Winmo based phone, this is not to say I don't love my HD2 as I do. There are only a few things I like about the upcoming W7PS the rest IMO looks bloody aweful, it is like it's designed for a child. If HTC ever develope another phone based on Winmo and manage to cover the Winmo7 with a newer type of Sense, I'll reconsider .
Other than that I don't give a dam about W7PS, all hype and I'd put money on it being a spectacular failure. Microsoft tend to 'hit or miss' with most things they do, just like HTC really .
I'm not looking forward to the day when I need replace my LEO, as I do think it's awesome just the way it is now .
xavierdemon said:
My HD2 will probably be my last Winmo based phone, this is not to say I don't love my HD2 as I do. There are only a few things I like about the upcoming W7PS the rest IMO looks bloody aweful, it is like it's designed for a child. If HTC ever develope another phone based on Winmo and manage to cover the Winmo7 with a newer type of Sense, I'll reconsider .
Other than that I don't give a dam about W7PS, all hype and I'd put money on it being a spectacular failure. Microsoft tend to 'hit or miss' with most things they do, just like HTC really .
I'm not looking forward to the day when I need replace my LEO, as I do think it's awesome just the way it is now .
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I agree and feel the same way 100%.

No Mobile 7 upgrade!!!!

So, I just got off the phone with TMob support and found out that my new phone will NOT qualify for Windows Mobile 7 later this year. Needless to say I am pretty upset about this, but I am torn because I LOVE this phone...I do have the option to return the phone for a full refund.
Should I dump it and wait for Sprints Version with Android or roll the dice and mod the hell out of it???
I can't stand Windows 6.5, but fear hosing my phone with heavy mods...
I was thinking of getting the HTC EVO/Supersonic as well but its a non GSM phone
i am sure it will get ported to this device.
oshizzle1991 said:
i am sure it will get ported to this device.
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I was thinking the same thing (porting android) since the devices are almost identical aside from the 8 megapixel camera, hardware buttons and physical size. Oh yea and sim card vs no sim card
oshizzle1991 said:
i am sure it will get ported to this device.
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Its already been ported to the HD2. I'm not sure why people want WP7 it sucks compared to 6.5.X. WP7 is so locked down with no multitasking, copy n paste, and restricted install on apps. Granted something like side loaded apps will be taken care of with cooked roms but no multitasking or copy n paste is big problem for me.
I'm sorry but all I want to say is SRSLY? I hope you didn't really just find out about this, this has been all over tech blogs, here and tmonews for months, even before the HD2 was released, just give it time and it will be ported.
Ahanix said:
I'm sorry but all I want to say is SRSLY? I hope you didn't really just find out about this, this has been all over tech blogs, here and tmonews for months, even before the HD2 was released, just give it time and it will be ported.
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Yup, he's right. More than likely it will be ported sooner or later. Same goes for Android on HD2. Dunno when though. Still don't let it stop you from enjoying the HD2.
Well the joke is on me for sure...Thanks for all the comments and I will have to make the decision to join the fun and make this phone really rock or wait for the next generation...I am please with Tmob and their understanding to let me out of my contact with a full refund...good customer services for sure
bigworm460 said:
So, I just got off the phone with TMob support and found out that my new phone will NOT qualify for Windows Mobile 7 later this year. Needless to say I am pretty upset about this, but I am torn because I LOVE this phone...I do have the option to return the phone for a full refund.
Should I dump it and wait for Sprints Version with Android or roll the dice and mod the hell out of it???
I can't stand Windows 6.5, but fear hosing my phone with heavy mods...
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If you can't stand WinMo6.5, you should consider returning it. Their won't be fully-functional ports of either WinPhone 7 or Android until at least the end of the year, maybe longer(probably). This is a WinMo6.5 phone... why did you get it in the first place if you can stand WinMo? If you want an Android phone, get an Android phone. If you want WinPhone 7, wait for a WinPhone 7 phone.
Has no one seen this video? The HD2 has already had WP7 ported to it. Everything is working except the video drivers are beta so it runs kinda slow.
speoples20 said:
Has no one seen this video? The HD2 has already had WP7 ported to it. Everything is working except the video drivers are beta so it runs kinda slow.
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It hasn't been released, and it's debated whether it's real or not. And it was never stated that everything was working, plus without good video drivers, it won't be very useful.
From what I have heard and seen...6.5 > 7
Besides...7 will not be out till probably Q4 and thats not to say that TmoUs will have a Winmo 7 device at launch.
TmoUS now gives full handset discounts after 1 year, and I myself have 4 lines on my account...2 of which are still available for a full upgrade after I upgraded my line to get the I dont think there is much to worry about here.
Besides...I have no doubt is the abilities of the XDA cooks
I say keep it! the Hd2 has a bright future with the ppl of Xda on top of it.
Stick it out man.. its gonna have wp7 and android later on for sure.. i have no doubt.
Mod it dude.. you can get it just how you want almost. theres is many roms and mods and theres no limit.
I say keep your phone because it's a great machine and 6.5 can be good. As far as android and WP7S go it could be a long wait. Android is in progress but there is a lot of work to do.
On the Windows Phone 7 Series side I wish people would stop promising that XDA will port it over for this phone. We don't know. There is a video of some reliable people claiming they have it partly working but until we have something we can install it is all rumor.
bigworm460 said:
So, I just got off the phone with TMob support and found out that my new phone will NOT qualify for Windows Mobile 7 later this year. Needless to say I am pretty upset about this, but I am torn because I LOVE this phone...I do have the option to return the phone for a full refund.
Should I dump it and wait for Sprints Version with Android or roll the dice and mod the hell out of it???
I can't stand Windows 6.5, but fear hosing my phone with heavy mods...
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It was widely known that the HD2 wouldn't get a WP7 update weeks before it ever came to t-mobile (why do you think they're selling it so cheaply?)
That being said, there's a good chance that an unofficial WP7 and/or Android port will come to the HD2 in the future. The biggest question is how long it will take for this to finally happen...and if by the time it does, you would have moved onto a new device or not.
Supposedly WP7 has already been ported to the HD2, but there isn't any solid confirmation that its real. On the other hand, there isn't any solid confirmation that its fake either.
If you don't like Windows Mobile, then I would return the device to t-mobile, rather than going through the mind f*ck of waiting for a port to come. I don't know why anyone bought the HD2 without being absolutely sure they could stand Windows Mobile. I don't know why anyone would buy a device on the *chance* that it would be upgradable to a new OS.
WP7 will not be perfect
I agree with many ppl here that WP7 will be less functional than 6.5 mainly because of its interface.. I know that having tiles for every single app and scrolling vertically in order to find the app at the bottom would not be nice...
However, putting all the negatives of WP7 aside, the only reason I would want it running on my HD2 is mainly for the apps... lets face it, Microsoft is going to go crazy on new applications and all the developers are gonna support WP7 once it comes out... so all I want is application support as HD2 has all the hardware required to run the apps for WP7...
Love the HD2 and WM6.5, just want more and better looking apps... there are many good ones out but I would love it if I had the option to pick between similar apps...
I'm a software developer and let me tell you, working on applications for the .net 3.5 CF is horrible. For me, WP7's support for both silverlight and XNA is probably the biggest draw for me. Plus the XBOX Live integration will be killer. I saw a demo of the same application running on the phone and on the xbox and the dev said that 90% of the code stayed thed same. That is a HUGE win.
I think that the quality, look and feel, availability, and discoverability of apps is the the main reason for WP7.
WM 6.5 is a computer, and I use it like a computer. I had an iPhone before my HD2 and even though it was limited, slower, smaller, locked, etc the fact that I could search for an app and find exactly what I was looking for in seconds ON THE PHONE and have it work and consistantly look good is what I miss most. That is what WP7 is bringing to the table, and if numbers are any indication, that's what people want. Just look at market share trends.
Dream setup: Dual boot WPClassic and WP7.
bigworm460 said:
So, I just got off the phone with TMob support and found out that my new phone will NOT qualify for Windows Mobile 7 later this year. Needless to say I am pretty upset about this, but I am torn because I LOVE this phone...I do have the option to return the phone for a full refund.
Should I dump it and wait for Sprints Version with Android or roll the dice and mod the hell out of it???
I can't stand Windows 6.5, but fear hosing my phone with heavy mods...
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Wait, you just found this out YESTERDAY?!?!? Wow. How was life under that rock? Fear not. While it might not be an "official" update, there is promising video out there that shows WM7 running on the HD2.
My questions is why in the blue blazes anyone would want that iPhone clone is beyond me.
My second question is if you can't stand 6.5 why did you get the HD2? If you can't stand it, take that sucker back.

Update on Android on HD2 - New Article

Hey all,
I have been waiting for news on this and it has been May since there has been any word on the Android OS being able to run on HD2s. Supposedly they have gotten over most of the major conflicts with this anticipated pairing. Check out some of the information from this article below:
HTC HD2 Android Port Makes Strides, Nears Release [Community Overcomes Problems Plauging HTC HD2 Android Port, Hopes to Have Public Release Available Soon[
With Windows Mobile dying a slow and painful death, Windows Phone 7 right around the corner and Android gaining a considerable portion of the smartphone marketshare along with buzz, the HTC HD2 remains a device lingering in limbo, begging for some attention. Regarded as one of the best Windows Mobile 6.5 powered handsets with a 4.3-inch capacitive display, 1GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, 576MB of RAM, a 5 megapixel camera, microSDHC slot and WiFi/Bluetooth/GPS/3G the HTC HD2 lacks no where in terms of hardware, but arguably everywhere in terms of software.
Apparantly, the port was plagued with problems regarding the HD2′s processor along with the Linux boot tool dubbed HaRET that would be used to actually make the Android port. Luckily, those problems have been overcome giving the HTC HD2 Android port the much needed kick to near public availability. Be sure to check back soon as we track the port’s progress.
If/when this port is made available, will all of you HD2 owners out there make the jump from Windows Mobile to Android? If not, why?
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Article from -
I am not sure how true this is but hopefully it does come out soon cause i do miss my Android OS. Let me know how you guys feel about the article if you want to search for it.
I also have heard that someone actually has a working Windows Mobile 7 on a HD2, its in the development stage, can someone post on that if they know more. I am hoping for a dual boot so I can use both and have the best of both worlds.
T-Mo HD2 6.5
Energy GTX Rom
android fake app
hey theres a pretty cheezy app in the omarket that looks like android its basicly like the sbpshell i guess but its kinda cool to mess around with =) and i cant wait for andriod i check up on it every day haha i hate this winmo 6.5 crap
Keep in mind we are still a long way from a fully functional port that you would actually want to replace winmo with. I wouldn't expect a fully working port that can actually use most of the hardware (bluetooth, wifi, gps, camera, etc.) and that works like an actual android phone for at least a year... and I would consider that fast development. Look at all the other ports for other winmo phones... none of them are fully functional yet... they all have missing parts and bugs. Great progress has been made in the last week for the hd2, but theres still a long way to go.
guess if you could do a dual boot with windows and android..would that make it the first hybrid OS? maybe call it WinDroid..or has that already been coined?
check out the twitter page where they posted a pic of the hd2 running ubuntu
twitter. com/htc_linux
fusion06 said:
guess if you could do a dual boot with windows and android..would that make it the first hybrid OS? maybe call it WinDroid..or has that already been coined?
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There are several other WinMo phones that can boot into android... this isn't the first winmo device there working on this for. That's how we pretty much know what to expect with the port and how it will take a long time to get it fully functional... They'e been porting android to winmo devices for years... even before there was an android device released.... but not one port is fully functional yet like a dedicated android phone. These android ports are fun to play with and if theres specific apps you want to use its nice to be able to boot into android... but they usually aren't good enough to replace winmo as your daily phone os for a long time. So don't expect your HD2 to become as functional as an EVO or any other android phone anytime soon.
zarathustrax said:
Keep in mind we are still a long way from a fully functional port that you would actually want to replace winmo with. I wouldn't expect a fully working port that can actually use most of the hardware (bluetooth, wifi, gps, camera, etc.) and that works like an actual android phone for at least a year... and I would consider that fast development. Look at all the other ports for other winmo phones... none of them are fully functional yet... they all have missing parts and bugs. Great progress has been made in the last week for the hd2, but theres still a long way to go.
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Who can tell whether the android port for HTC HD2 is also valid on my t-mobile HD2.
I know the work is in progress but want to check it first, since I have an offer to exchange for a HTC HD2 currently.
Titicaca said:
Who can tell whether the android port for HTC HD2 is also valid on my t-mobile HD2.
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IT works on TMoUS HD2 the same as EU HD2
they work just the same
zarathustrax said:
There are several other WinMo phones that can boot into android... this isn't the first winmo device there working on this for. That's how we pretty much know what to expect with the port and how it will take a long time to get it fully functional... They'e been porting android to winmo devices for years... even before there was an android device released.... but not one port is fully functional yet like a dedicated android phone. These android ports are fun to play with and if theres specific apps you want to use its nice to be able to boot into android... but they usually aren't good enough to replace winmo as your daily phone os for a long time. So don't expect your HD2 to become as functional as an EVO or any other android phone anytime soon.
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Wow if I knew this I wouldnt have gotten one. Guess I should have done more research..
i hate windows, i cannot wait for an android os for the hd2, if the android os wasnt in the works i never would have bought the hd2. i appreciate all of your hardwork on this project, youre all great, and if i could i would donate thousands to the cause. but im a poor broke white boy, lol.
ClosetFreek said:
i hate windows, i cannot wait for an android os for the hd2, if the android os wasnt in the works i never would have bought the hd2. i appreciate all of your hardwork on this project, youre all great, and if i could i would donate thousands to the cause. but im a poor broke white boy, lol.
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Like I said earlier... the android port is not going to be as good as an android phone. Your not going to want to use it full time and replace windows with it for at least a year. You shouldn't have gotten a HD2 if you don't like winmo, because thats the only os that will run well on the phone for a long time. The android port will be nice to play with, but its going to be very buggy and not very functional for a long time. Look at the android ports for the other winmo phones... and they've been under development for years.
I don't know about that...I've used the port on both the Touch Pro and the Touch Pro 2 and both are REALLY good. Really...the ONLY thing that stops me from using the TP2 port in everyday use is the "no external speaker". It's usually not a big deal durring work hrs since it's on vibrate all day anyway...but when im home and stuff gets loud...vibrate doesn't work for me. The only other things that don't work I believe are camera, bt, and gps(which KIND of works). None of those 3 would stop me from using a phone every day. The Android port for the TP2 is blazing fast compared to other devices with the same processor(i.e. g1/mytouch) and offers you that beautiful wvga resolution(480x800). if and when the HD2 gets to that point...i'd use WM durring the day for work, and Android by night lol
Is triple booting possible?
I thuroughly enjoy the freedom that the HD2 allows us. If you know how to us WM propperly,there isn't anything that this hardware can't handle. Adding the ability to boot into Android, or WP7 for that matter,is simply an added bonus. Will I install it on my phone? Of course. There isn't much that I haven't installed on my phone. But did I buy this in hopes of a port to another OS? No. I would have bought a phone that came with said OS if I needed that.
Thank you to all the developers who have worked tirelessly to make our phones so much fun. Keep doing what you do for those of us who can't.
^i agree wholeheartedly. I bought this phone after having a G1 and before that having a Wing, MDA and SDA. I am used to WinMo and Android and though I love Android, I can't say I'm dissatisfied with WinMo at all. I love the freedom to flash roms and all the different sorts of customization options I've got. If Android is what you want, I'd say don't get the HD2 from the start.
Speaking of Win 7 I hope the developers are working on it for the HD2. Rumor was that it will not be able to run on it.
jelliottz said:
I thuroughly enjoy the freedom that the HD2 allows us. If you know how to us WM propperly,there isn't anything that this hardware can't handle. Adding the ability to boot into Android, or WP7 for that matter,is simply an added bonus. Will I install it on my phone? Of course. There isn't much that I haven't installed on my phone. But did I buy this in hopes of a port to another OS? No. I would have bought a phone that came with said OS if I needed that.
Thank you to all the developers who have worked tirelessly to make our phones so much fun. Keep doing what you do for those of us who can't.
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+1! Very well said!
zarathustrax said:
Keep in mind we are still a long way from a fully functional port that you would actually want to replace winmo with. I wouldn't expect a fully working port that can actually use most of the hardware (bluetooth, wifi, gps, camera, etc.) and that works like an actual android phone for at least a year... and I would consider that fast development. Look at all the other ports for other winmo phones... none of them are fully functional yet... they all have missing parts and bugs. Great progress has been made in the last week for the hd2, but theres still a long way to go.
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Why even bother if it is soo buggy and not fully functional? Just for fun? I don't get it if it is sooo far away from a fully functional port why is everyone so excited. Sorry but your statement makes me feel like this android port is a big waste of time. Im sure next time I get a new phone I will try out an ANDROID phone.
The reason we are excited is because it brings new life to our phones, it allows us the freedom of choice. I love Windows and I love Android and the prospect of getting WP7 makes me excited because I don't have to shell out money for a new phone when I have a phone that I love right here, to do whatever I want and make my phone what I want it to be. It isn't a waste of time, it is a huge step to the development for a Android port to an original Windows phone. Saying it's a huge waste of time is like saying cooked roms is a huge waste of time, it adds another spectrum to our devices allowing us to customize, mod, hack, and personalize as we please.
I just booted Android on my HD2 and I can not wait till it's stable and I can play around with it even more. I got to the Set Up Device screen and played with the menu ! I'll post a video soon!

HD2....Phone of the Decade....

What a [email protected]#$%^& phone!
Runs the Latest version of android AND runs the latest Version of win mobile.
Can't you also install unbuntu?, winxp ? lol
amazing...and a solid performer....considering u can get a used unit online for sub 200$ its almost stupid not to own one of these...
I am running the latest Cynagogen mod and have gutted it with root un-installer and replaced the gutted apps with my own...
the result is a 100% customized smart phone....
how do you run xp?
it practically can run all those OS
BUT with a lot of bugs and issues
the only os that can run it with less problem is winmo 6.5
and that doesn't make it the phone of decade
m2shakiba said:
it practically can run all those OS
BUT with a lot of bugs and issues
the only os that can run it with less problem is winmo 6.5
and that doesn't make it the phone of decade
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I don't really have any problems on Android or WP7.
Yeah there are SOME not A LOT of bugs, but most of them are fixed for the Android port and the WP7 port isn't really official yet so I'm sure more bug fixes are on their way. Microsoft stopped supported 6.5 a while ago so whatever bugs it had weren't fixed. Maybe to dub it the phone of the decade is a little much, but it's definitely the most versatile phone of the decade.
Ubuntu, Android, WinMo 6.5, WP7, and probably more.
m2shakiba said:
it practically can run all those OS
BUT with a lot of bugs and issues
the only os that can run it with less problem is winmo 6.5
and that doesn't make it the phone of decade
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I Don't know about you, but in the latest versions of Nandroid I Didn't have no bugs at all, and in WP7 the bugs the HD2 users experience is exactly what other users of WP7 experience, meaning those are OS issues.
Besides, if i'd have to choose which OS works worst on the HD2, i'd choose WinMo 6.5.
And we should always remember that Android, Wp7, Ubuntu, Meego, and all other OSes that are currently in development for the HD2, are just that, IN DEVELOPMENT.
Thank the devs and try to enjoy =].
yes, im running cyan mod7 ver 2.4 and could not be happier...
ZERO issues.. and as i also stated I have removed most of the system apps and replaced them with better market apps...
with clock work i have backed up the rom and have the a2sd+ partition so i can switch roms directly from my sd card and have all my apps installed right when i boot...I'm coming from a nokia N97 and this phone is just head and shoulders above that...
tkato said:
I Don't know about you, but in the latest versions of Nandroid I Didn't have no bugs at all, and in WP7 the bugs the HD2 users experience is exactly what other users of WP7 experience, meaning those are OS issues.
Besides, if i'd have to choose which OS works worst on the HD2, i'd choose WinMo 6.5.
And we should always remember that Android, Wp7, Ubuntu, Meego, and all other OSes that are currently in development for the HD2, are just that, IN DEVELOPMENT.
Thank the devs and try to enjoy =].
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bigfoots1 said:
What a [email protected]#$%^& phone!
Runs the Latest version of android AND runs the latest Version of win mobile.
Can't you also install unbuntu?, winxp ? lol
amazing...and a solid performer....considering u can get a used unit online for sub 200$ its almost stupid not to own one of these...
I am running the latest Cynagogen mod and have gutted it with root un-installer and replaced the gutted apps with my own...
the result is a 100% customized smart phone....
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I was lucky. I bought my HD2 before the developers picked it out for fame and glory. It, unknowingly, became the most hackable phone and I am sure it will remain so through 2011. However, I am wondering which phone will take the crown in 2012 because surely the HD2 can't be the best phone in the world for 3 years in a row.
m2shakiba said:
it practically can run all those OS
BUT with a lot of bugs and issues
the only os that can run it with less problem is winmo 6.5
and that doesn't make it the phone of decade
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lol, You obviously havent been using the same phone as us or havent had much experience. simple as that.
/\ took the words right out of my mouth! lol
+1 Amazing phone...
I 've been on the same Android SD build for one month now, with zero issues, so many different uses, and 2 days full battery life thanks to the Extended Kit (which I love just as much for it's kickstand!).
I want to switch ROMs (used to be a flash-junkie) and when the right Honeycomb build comes along, I will. But I'm just so happy with my set-up I really can't ake myself. Even with it being so easy to drop and restore different ROMs onto your SD card, I'm not even doing it!
And Android is amazing software. Maybe HTC putting 6.5 on the HD2 was simply because every phone needs a flaw, and they couldn't find a way to do it with hardware!
i'm wondering if HD2 prices skyrocket now on ebay. i've heard about many people wanting to buy it because it is cheaper than a desire HD but with the same functions (well, DHD got more ROM but its speakers appear to be really bad)
Phone of the decade!?!?!
We're 3 weeks into the 2nd year of it!!!!!!!
To say the HD2 is the phone of the decade would be a fair statement. No other mobile phone out there is as old as the HD2 and still in the upper end of top smartphones.
And there are endless opportunities! You can use WM6.5 and Android STABLE, WP7 will take maybe 2 weeks and you can use is for daily use... Ubuntu is fully compatible, Meego is also an interesting OS, Ports of every Windows-PC-OS like Seven is usable (there are some errors, but many approaches are here)...
I had an iphone4 for some time and switched back to the hd2 because the iPhone has a big handicap against the HD2... There is not a bit open-source...
With the HD2 everything is possible and thats the reason, why it's imo the phone of the decade!
Best regards
+1. I'm sooo glad I didn't sell my HD2 after I got fed up with WM6.5 and bought a Milestone (that was a mistake -_-).
It sure is the Phone Of The Decade!! Please Support the Best hTC device of 2010.
Shum97 said:
It sure is the Phone Of The Decade!! Please Support the Best hTC device of 2010.
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I always wanted to try the Motorola Droid X but never was available worldwide only as a cdma unit in US.
Personally, the HD2 has undoubtedly won this award and anyone else telling you otherwise is talking up their [email protected]@....
Between the ease of modification and all the different avenues you can direct the phone into, I am hard pressed to find another candidate to dethrone the HD2. Part of the appeal has to be the price. You can get one for less than $200 on Craigslist or for $50 / free on contract with Tmobile. Talk about a jumping off point with next to no startup and and some of the best and most active devs on these forums... You can't lose. Combine that with a big screen, 1ghz (before overclocking) processor, expandable memory, etc etc etc.
I don't think it is pretentious to call it the device of the decade. You won't find a flexible base to build upon like WinMo for a long time.
I don't know if its the phone of the decade, but it is an awesome phone. Got the warranty on mine so I can make sure if it has issues I can keep using it after the 1 yr mfr warranty expires. The only thing that would make this better is a front facing camera IMO.
bates_1974 said:
Phone of the decade!?!?!
We're 3 weeks into the 2nd year of it!!!!!!!
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And?? ...What has that got to do with the price of fish?
Just because its only a year old, doesn't mean it isn't the best phone in the last 10 years. Do you even understand the concept of this topic, its about the past 10 years, not the next!!
Get back to school.
TheATHEiST said:
And?? ...What has that got to do with the price of fish?
Just because its only a year old, doesn't mean it isn't the best phone in the last 10 years. Do you even understand the concept of this topic, its about the past 10 years, not the next!!
Get back to school.
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his point is valid, but not well interpreted. technically we are in a new decade. ease up, man
