Omg i fried my shift!!!!!!!! - Shift General

I cant believe this happened to my lovely Shift.
The plastic that separates the USB pins inside the USB port came off long time ago. I have been saying i will try re-attach it with some super-glue or something but delayed before doing so.
So the other day I was watching some football World Cup game on tv and decided to power up my Shift to check up something. I was totally unsighted. Guess what I ended up doing? You wont believe this but I ended up inserting the power pin into the USB port!!!!! And since the plastic was not there the power pin went in smoothly. As fate would have it the wall socket was already switched on.
As soon as I made the mistake I noticed and removed the power pin, straightened one of the usb middle pins that was bent inwards. Tried powering up the Shift but nothing doing. It wont come on; not even the winmo side. Tried switching on even with the battery alone but still nothing. In other words my Shift is as dead as dodo now.
So what did I damage? I understand that in the worst case scenario is a question of short-circuiting whereof I ended up doing a "12V Power In" instead of the usual usb "5V Power Out". If thats the case some serious barbecue went on inside the shift. But then it could just have been a simple case of shorting the usb pins without loading the 12v in. Either way something got burnt.
Anyone got any idea what I ended up frying inside my shift and whether ther is absolutely any hope of resurrection. I love the Shift and the thing was as good as new without any blemish at all......

Sorry to hear about this sad news.
I'm no expert on 'cooking roms' but I can suggest the basics:
Have you tried removing the battery for a few minutes to flush any static from your shift? Give it 10 minutes in your case.
Is there any new smell? If so, you could possible open up your shift and follow the smell with your nose.
Do ANY of the lights flash? Did you leave HSDPA ebabled? does the HSDPA green light flash anymore after attempting power up?

Flanimal said:
Sorry to hear about this sad news.
I'm no expert on 'cooking roms' but I can suggest the basics:
Have you tried removing the battery for a few minutes to flush any static from your shift? Give it 10 minutes in your case.
Is there any new smell? If so, you could possible open up your shift and follow the smell with your nose.
Do ANY of the lights flash? Did you leave HSDPA ebabled? does the HSDPA green light flash anymore after attempting power up?
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Thanks for the advice. I will remove the battery and keep it out for a while as suggested. There is no smell coming out of the shift. And all the led lights are off. They were onm before the accident. The only light that comes on is the one for charging the battery when i plug the wall charger in. No other lights come on when i try switching on.......

PlayStation said:
Thanks for the advice. I will remove the battery and keep it out for a while as suggested. There is no smell coming out of the shift. And all the led lights are off. They were onm before the accident. The only light that comes on is the one for charging the battery when i plug the wall charger in. No other lights come on when i try switching on.......
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Just as a note, I had something similar happen to a notebook of mine several years ago, and I thought it was wasted. I removed the battery let it sit a few days because I was mad and thought it wouldnt work again anyway and 3 days later I plugged the battery back in and powered on and it worked.
Todays (and even yesterdays by the Shift's account) electronics are a lot more resiliant than people give them credit for.
I wish you the best, but I think youll be ok! PUT SOME TAPE ON THAT USB PORT in the mean time, dont make a mistake like that again, that way when you do get to fixing the port, you'll be ok!!
Best of luck.

Yes a few days without batteries or power could well discharge any static charges that are causing problems. If that fails, you could try connecting EARTH to the USB points to give your shift a flush from the same points where the unintended power went in.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for your Shift...

Thank you guys for your encouragement and prayers during this time of sorrow....
Sure I have taken out the battery will wait another day or 2 and report back any progress. Keep praying for us


My is Wizard Dead. Please help

I got a used wizard today,it is a few weeks old I also got a cradle with it.
I pluged in the cradle to the USB port and the charger to power, after playing with it for 1-2 hours I placed the wizard on the cradle to charge and after a few mins i noticed that it was over heating. I removed it from the cradle right away and noticed that the battery was droping 1% every minute or so. After it was down to 27% i removed the charger and left only the usb connection and placed the wizard on the cradle again. it was charging fine, when it was up to 90% removed it from the cradle and again was droping fast.
When it was down to around 25-30% of the battery I did a soft reset and since then I can never get it to start again also the red charging light does not show.
What the heck is wrong with it? I also get a light burning smell from the bottom of the wizard where the connector is located.
Any help?
I need your lights guys.
Don't like the sound of the light burning smell, that sounds like an electrical fault. It looks like your battery has died and the wizard battery setup is well known to do this. You need to plug it into the official mains charger (not the usb one) as this has an output of 1A, enough to kick start the wizard battery into life and start the charging. You need to wait a short while though before the light comes on. If this fails try to get a new battery and try that. Any more light burning smells and it needs to go back to the supplier.
I would suggest that you send it back to replace/repair. The rapid dropping of the battery power suggest that it is using power somewhere (illegally). I've heard cases of battery caught on fire, etc. and I won't suggest you to use it anymore until you sort out the 'burning' smell.
First of all thanks for your replys.
I pluged the charger on it and the red charging light came on after a while.
charged for over 6 hours and its still red? I think after been charged should change to green? right?
anyways after all that still doesnt want to turn on. I got it to start a couple of times but only to the point that shows the splash screen with the rom numbers and then it turns back off.
Should I give it a smash across the room on the wall? done that with some other things and worked just kiding.
Forgot to add that up to the point when i did the soft reset the device was working fine except the charge drop. Soft reset was done while it was working ( turned on)..... if thats any help.
i thinking u need flash phone with jafwm
and here u will find 3 flashs
fonec said:
i thinking u need flash phone with jafwm
and here u will find 3 flashs
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That ain't gonna do jack sh1t to it. If it can't start to get into bootloader, it can't flash....and it's not a flash issue.
Usually the red light means power but not charging - happens to my qtek 9100 when I let it get too flat and I have to remove and insert the battery while the mains adaptor is attached - others have to 'jump start' the battery by directly connecting to a PSU - I wouldn't do this with yours.
From what you have said it sounds like a short somewhere. Any signs of water damage? Warranty? What Wizard do you have and what country are you in?
I got the wiza 200 O2 xda mini S from a guy in UK from ebay. The idiot sold me a cradle for it with an adaptor that says 12V on it (Like an idiot that I am i just noticed that) but then again how am I supposed to think that he gave me an adaptor that its not made for it when it says on the back of it "for Imate - Kjam". Do you guys think thats what burned the **** out of the unit ?
dont forget that some times turns on shows the ROMS numbers and turns off.
No water damage... I think its on warranty... I live in Greece.
Might not be the cradle - it could be it steps down internally to 5v. Use a meter and check what it outputs to the phone. Warranty with XDA's are 2 years to the *original* purchaser. As they are only supplied with an airtime agreement then that isn't you.
have you tried changing batteries to a new one? Seriously, thats the easiest thing you could do right now and you could actually get results.
Ok this is what I did.
Removed the baterry from the device,
got a 12V 1 Amp power supply that I had lying around and give it a few shots connecting it to the battery giving it an electro shock.
(If you're going to try this be very carefull.<<<< DONT LEAVE the power supply connected to the battery>>>> just give it a few shots 1 second on and off.
That was it.
It started working, device turned on and now its charging (I think) yellow light is on.
I'm going to leave it on for a few hours and see what happens.
Wish me good luck. I'll let you know soon.
ok... this is what happend.
Battery is drained and its not charging due to a blown fust on the main board.
I open the phone and placed and solder a little wire over the fuse.
Still does not charge. ^%$#%$#$^%$*
Before I replaced the fuse or should i say short it the yellow light would come on for a few min and then red again. Now when I charge the battery with another external power supply the pda comes on for a few mins and then dies again. ( no charging light whatsoever).
Does anyone know where to get a mainboard for it and about how much it costs?
Asking for help again.
SmartMan said:
ok... this is what happend.
Battery is drained and its not charging due to a blown fust on the main board.
I open the phone and placed and solder a little wire over the fuse.
Still does not charge. ^%$#%$#$^%$*
Before I replaced the fuse or should i say short it the yellow light would come on for a few min and then red again. Now when I charge the battery with another external power supply the pda comes on for a few mins and then dies again. ( no charging light whatsoever).
Does anyone know where to get a mainboard for it and about how much it costs?
Asking for help again.
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Hey man, sorry to hear about that.
The best you can do is to claim your money from ebay.
You probably killed it when you pluged in the 12V PSU. That's 230% of the normal Volts! Otherwise sell it for parts.
I'm in the process of claiming the money back from the IDIOT that sold it to me.
Lets see if that part of Ebay works as good.
SmartMan said:
I'm in the process of claiming the money back from the IDIOT that sold it to me.
Lets see if that part of Ebay works as good.
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Doubt it. Did you ask the seller for help before opening the phone and voiding the original warranty on the device?
SmartMan said:
ok... this is what happend.
I open the phone and placed and solder a little wire over the fuse.
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Not a good idea IMO as now the blame is on you as previously he may have been able to get warranty service from the original vendor.
I did ask.
He is not the original buyer.
what was I suposed to do.... track back 2-3 buyers to find the original... send it to him so he can have it repaired? Anyway it was out of warranty because of the burned fuse that says that some other charger was used with it.
I had a similar thing happen but fortunately not as bad as yours. Twice now my battery has mysteriously drained completely. The last time when I tried to turn the unit on, it flashed the boot screen for a couple of seconds then poof, no more juice. When I plugged it into the USB port, nothing, no lights, no charge, no recognition from Activesync, I thought the unit was fried. I use Tmobile and got to admit they did send me a replacement fairly quickly. Before I packed up my unit I thought maybe I should plug it in using the wall charger and presto, it came on and is working fine. I have no idea what causes this but do know that if the battery is completely discharged the USB port can not over come this to put a charge on.
Same thing happened to me, kind of strange though. The charge was perhaps 70% to the best of my knowledge. I flashed it with Mr. Clean ROM and booted it up.. it came in fine into WM5, then it started the installation of the 3 progs or whatever comes with Mr. Clean.. after the second finished the unit just died *poff*. Screen blank, no responce to power buttons or any other buttons for that matter.
I've tried taking out the battery for different intervals of time, no luck. I've tried using the AC charger, no luck. No lights, sounds, telepathy or matrix ****.. it just lies there like a dummy phone.. hmm what to do. Bought it from a guy in UK (im in sweden) on eBay, don't think I will have much luck there.. even though it's brand new...
Any thouhgts?
I have had this problem - I bought a replacement battery and all is now fine. Another thread in this group states that the battery cannot charge without the OS up - so if the battery is completely discharged then it is impossible to charge through the phone. The only solution seems to be somehow to charge the battery directly - as appears to have been done earlier in this thread.
p.s. if anyone knows of another way to do it I'd be interested to hear as I'd like to revive my old battery and keep it as a spare

[Q][Updated]Bought A Used A500 With Some Problems, Need help trouble shooting!

Well someone on craigslist is selling an A500 for $80, the only issues with it is the screen intermittently does not respond to touch and it wont charge over 12%. Doing a quick google search both of these problems might be easily fixable. So my question is, is it worth the $80 and if any one has any suggestions to try to fix those two problems. Thanks.
EDIT: Upon talking to them they said the charger cable has to be held at an angle to charge, so that could just be the cable or possibly the jack. I guessing it still doesnt charge past 12%.
Might have talked him down to $50 now, which makes the deal a little sweater if I can fix it for nothing!
I went ahead and bought it and looked at it for awhile lastnight but havent figure out whats going on but these are the problems its having.
1. It will not charge, if you plug it in it says the battery is 12 percent, if you remove the power cable it turns off.
2. Touch screen unresponsive at lockscreen, tried a factory reset it just sits there on the screen that says android system in the top left corner and you can see the back/home/wifi/power icons at the bottom of the screen.
3. The power cable fits very loose in the jack, I popped it open, lifted the jack out from where it sits and plugged it back in. It works just fine until you wiggle the power cable inside of the jack, at that point the device will shut off and if you keep moving the cable you can hear what sounds like a possible short, but only if you wiggle the cable inside of the jack. Somewhere over on the left side of the device you can hear little pops or kind of sounds like paper being crumpled.
I feel like maybe all of the problems are releated to the power issue. I have yet to get another power cable but I think thats where I will start and go from there (Just because I feel like it should not be sooo loose inside of the jack). If any one else has any suggestions I would love to hear them!
brock029 said:
I went ahead and bought it and looked at it for awhile lastnight but havent figure out whats going on but these are the problems its having.
1. It will not charge, if you plug it in it says the battery is 12 percent, if you remove the power cable it turns off.
2. Touch screen unresponsive at lockscreen, tried a factory reset it just sits there on the screen that says android system in the top left corner and you can see the back/home/wifi/power icons at the bottom of the screen.
3. The power cable fits very loose in the jack, I popped it open, lifted the jack out from where it sits and plugged it back in. It works just fine until you wiggle the power cable inside of the jack, at that point the device will shut off and if you keep moving the cable you can hear what sounds like a possible short, but only if you wiggle the cable inside of the jack. Somewhere over on the left side of the device you can hear little pops or kind of sounds like paper being crumpled.
I feel like maybe all of the problems are releated to the power issue. I have yet to get another power cable but I think thats where I will start and go from there (Just because I feel like it should not be sooo loose inside of the jack). If any one else has any suggestions I would love to hear them!
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A good universal charger is a good start. At least you rule that issue out.
Checking (visable) around the input jack will rule out anything else.
As far as 12%, I would say, EC PWR control. It's quite possible he fubarred the pwr ctrl with some really bad flashes. It happens. This would explain the unresponsivness at the screen.
A good flashing with a stock 3.0x rom might shake some life into it. Might have to do it a few times. Or even a 3.1 or 2x rom.
Moscow Desire said:
A good universal charger is a good start. At least you rule that issue out.
Checking (visable) around the input jack will rule out anything else.
As far as 12%, I would say, EC PWR control. It's quite possible he fubarred the pwr ctrl with some really bad flashes. It happens. This would explain the unresponsivness at the screen.
A good flashing with a stock 3.0x rom might shake some life into it. Might have to do it a few times. Or even a 3.1 or 2x rom.
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Ill try flashing it once I get home, it doesnt have CWM or anything on it so I am assuming I can do that through the stock recovery? and would this ICS one fix my problems?
And there doesnt seem to be anything wrong with the jack, but I don't get how the power cable would be too small for it. Its really loose, you barely move and it just slide out.
EDIT: Well you were right I follow this How to unbrick your tablet!!!!!!!!!!!!! - xda-developers got everything working fine except the power cable having to sit at the right angle to charge, but it did charge past 12%, now im off to get a new cable.
brock029 said:
EDIT: Well you were right I follow this How to unbrick your tablet!!!!!!!!!!!!! - xda-developers got everything working fine except the power cable having to sit at the right angle to charge, but it did charge past 12%, now im off to get a new cable.
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Great! You got a bargain of a tablet! Just needed a full rom flash with EC.
As with the charging port, I've heard of some others with the same issue, but be advised, you could break it for good if you go messing with it too much. I would guess the "prong" that sticks out a little on the side of the jack, got flattened in somehow. (I have a TV that mother in law did the same thing to). Now the jack has to be taped to the side to get proper contact.
THEN AGAIN if you have a soldering iron you could remove the port , find another at radio shack ,and re insert>solder the new port and now you have a new tablet for 50 bucks ,I had to do that for my Windows Phone 7 Samsung Focus phone , never had a problem since (that was for a usb port, the power port shouldnt be any different)
Vintage144 said:
THEN AGAIN if you have a soldering iron you could remove the port , find another at radio shack ,and re insert>solder the new port and now you have a new tablet for 50 bucks ,I had to do that for my Windows Phone 7 Samsung Focus phone , never had a problem since (that was for a usb port, the power port shouldnt be any different)
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Ill have to see if I can find the same port and just remove the wiring from it. If not I found the whole part for $25 online.
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk 2

General information on a NO POWER on situation!

The HTC One (m7) was a incredibly designed device, with one problem repair-ability.
Some back story I created a 5v OTG charge out of cardboard, washers, and a hacked up USB - mUSB cord.
Worked great when I tested it, used rechargeable AA batteries. Well stupidly i crossed the negative and positive wires by accident. The phone instantly powered off. But no smell of smoke or burning. Would not power on and no charge light. Button reset would not work. Completely dead, or so you think!
This could be substituted with a nice power surge in normal circumstances, but I'll continue.
So I took a chance, disassembled the phone and disconnected that battery, low and behold it came back to life.
So there is very good circuit protection built into this phone. So as general advice, if you run it a situation where your out of warranty and your phone wont power on try disconnecting the battery before chucking it for a new one.
Only problem is they are so hard to get apart I shattered the LCD, touch part was ok though which is kinda funny. Anyways I got a whole new shell and screen assembly coming and I'm gonna modify the tabs so its easier to access the inside of the phone should the need ever arise again.
yeah, great tip, lets all smash our screens to reset the battery..
How about not rigging up a dodgy charging option and use it normally and safely, would be much less costly...
I think the story is interesting and adds knowledge to the forum. I wouldn't take it as a advice, but it does let you know that even when it seems that your phone has been killed by a hardware issue, it can still come back to life. Maybe if he had left it unplugged for some time it would eventually had worked without intervention.
twerg said:
yeah, great tip, lets all smash our screens to reset the battery..
How about not rigging up a dodgy charging option and use it normally and safely, would be much less costly...
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I'm pretty sure the tip wasn't "let's all smash our screens to reset the battery".. it was more along the lines of "you may not be dead in the water if you don't get any reaction from the power button". I think if he were to write a tutorial, "Smash the screen" wouldn't be a step...
homeslice976 said:
I'm pretty sure the tip wasn't "let's all smash our screens to reset the battery".. it was more along the lines of "you may not be dead in the water if you don't get any reaction from the power button". I think if he were to write a tutorial, "Smash the screen" wouldn't be a step...
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My point is that he attempted to fix it himself, knowing it is a hard phone to open.
By doing so he shattered the screen.. this will happen to others so why follow the suggestion.
Would have been avoided if he did not make a dodgy peripheral and instead used known safe charging options..
I would send it in for repair instead of attempting an unknown fix.. Each to their own
i crossed the negative and positive wires by accident too and the phone wos death ,i do nothing ,after half hour power get back and phone turn on normally and work like nothing happend


Hello everyone,
I was going for a swim in the pool three days ago and have forgotten to put my Nexus 4 in my duffel bag. The phone was submerge along with my swimming short for over 30 seconds :crying:. I dried off the phone, opened it up to removed the battery, and dried it off with a hair blow dryer for five minutes continuously. Then I put my phone in a bowl of rice. Its been two days hoping that the moisture is gone, I plugged it to a wall charger and have gotten the "blinking red light of death". Next, I removed the battery and charge the phone with out it, giving me a boot loader screen with the green android and the Google logo. But putting the battery back and turning it on only giving me that annoying blinking red light. I hope all the phone component is still good. So at this stage can you guys tell me if the battery is dead and would purchasing a new battery resolve this issue? Any input to resolve this red blinking light would be helpful, thank you for reading.
This worked for me:
tommyga said:
This worked for me:
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I have charge twice and installed the battery back and still get the blinking red light. As you have done this before, how did you go about doing it? Was the battery suppose to be "hot" when its being charge? Did you soldered the charging cable "hot and neutral" to the battery positive (+) negative (-) as shown in step 7?
dante510 said:
I have charge twice and installed the battery back and still get the blinking red light. As you have done this before, how did you go about doing it? Was the battery suppose to be "hot" when its being charge? Did you soldered the charging cable "hot and neutral" to the battery positive (+) negative (-) as shown in step 7?
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I'm not sure the battery was hot during the process #7..
I took some old phone charger, cut the two wires apart (the positive and negative), and just made them touch the relevant spots on the battery (no soldering was made).
Did you wait more than 15 minutes during this charging?
tommyga said:
I'm not sure the battery was hot during the process #7..
I took some old phone charger, cut the two wires apart (the positive and negative), and just made them touch the relevant spots on the battery (no soldering was made).
Did you wait more than 15 minutes during this charging?
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Thanks for your reply. I also used an old lg charge with the right amount of Voltage ouput. I think it was 5 Volt or something and just split the cable, made it touch the relevant spots and used it electrical tape to secure the the charging charging cable making sure that the wire made contact with the positive and negative spot. Im not sure which cable was positive or negative, so I had to swap cable around and recharge every 15 minutes trial. I know my connection looks messy but thats the best i could do to make sure the make contact at the charging point on the battery. Is this how you do it? lol
Basically it seems fine.
There are two more things I recommend trying:
1. Try charging it for 30 minutes.
2. When plugging the battery back, just plug it, and don't screw the two screws of the battery.
Try these two things - and keep updating if the red light still shows
tommyga said:
Basically it seems fine.
There are two more things I recommend trying:
1. Try charging it for 30 minutes.
2. When plugging the battery back, just plug it, and don't screw the two screws of the battery.
Try these two things - and keep updating if the red light still shows
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I have tried charging twice with 30 minutes cycle on each attempt, and have installed the battery back to the phone without the screw of the battery. I tried turning the phone on by holding down the power button for 10 seconds, but there was no Google logo splash screen. The same thing happen on my second attempt, no Google or boot-loader screen. I plugged in the wall charger and let it sit for over two hour and still cant turn it on, only the blinking red light. Removing the battery, charging directly from the cable, and holding the power volume button down at the same time gave me a boot-loader screen and Google logo but the phone immediately shut off. Any ideas what else I could try? Could you tell me about where my phone is damage base on the picture from my earlier post?
If you see Google's logo, your phone can run fine. The problem is probably the dead battery. Consider replacing it with a new one.
sky0165 said:
If you see Google's logo, your phone can run fine. The problem is probably the dead battery. Consider replacing it with a new one.
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Thanks i just order a new one yesterday, just thought I give it a shot instead of buying a new phone. Lets hope its as you say. Thanks for your input.
Ordered a new battery, and it booted up fine. The important thing is that the blinking red light of death is gone so far.. thank goodness! Looks like the battery shorted out when my phone was submerge in the water. There is one small yellow streak line on the bottom right of the screen now but I can live with that. Glad nothing else is damage Thank you for all of your help! Cheers!

S10+ All of a sudden went black and now wont turn on

Unrelated to any custom roms ( I hope this is not offtopic )
S10+ All of a sudden went black and now wont turn on
Vol Down + PWR does not work
PWR 30 sec does not work
Phone was running Android 11 stock.
This morning it behaving strangely ( some app were crashing ). It had no water damage, no mechanic damage of any kind.
After trying to run Strava before starting my run it went black with no way to get it back.
Sitting on the charger for few hours by now with no sighs of life.
Wireless charging - so sighs of life.
Any ideas what can I do with it?
Thank you!
Checked with USB power meter when phone connected to charger:
It consumes 50mA, no difference when Power or any other button combination pressed....
Maybe a battery or mobo failure if it's completely nonreactive ie no sounds or images when plugged into charger.
Try a known good charger/cable.
You could let it sit until the battery completely self discharges and hard resets, but if it's near 100% that would take years with no load.
Oh, I hope this is not mobo I can fiddle with bat but not with mobos
Tried again on wireless charger, charger reacted as if phone is charging. So phone and charger are talking to each other. But still no signs of life. Will leave it charging overnight...
There is a strong suspicion that charge IC is gonsky
Will try to fix it myself, this is going to be fun said:
There is a strong suspicion that charge IC is gonsky
Will try to fix it myself, this is going to be fun
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If it's a multilayered PCB be very careful as they are easily damaged by heat/poor technique. If you don't have experience working with surface mount components and flat packs this isn't the place to learn.
Use lead based rosin core solder only as it flows much better than no lead crap and at lower temps.
Guys! After some time of pokin around I have fixed it!!!!
Check this out
Had to make a FrankenSamsung... said:
Guys! After some time of pokin around I have fixed it!!!!
Check this out
Had to make a franketsamsung...
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Balance Herr Frankenstein, balance... K.I.S.S.
More like the Humpback of XDA

