Universal qtek 9000 Problem. What im doing wrong? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hello good friends,
Im from Portugal and i have a qtek 9000 since 2006. In the last days i decide to improve my universal performance...
i try everything to update my qtek since the software is very old ( windows mobile 5 2005)
After a lot of hours searching in this forum, i download a lot of software from all the posible tutorials.
From evk to updatev2, kitchen, etc.
With the kitchen in the last part i always get an error of the extended rom.
With the update, it only appear the nk file.
I try to download one of the radio files, but without sucess and i donw know what to choose
I dont know what to do more, since i use the romupgradeut, but now the qtek only start in the first image where tells the version of rom and hang up, freeze, dont do the all restar.
The only thing that work it is the soft and hard reset. With the bootloader appears usb when connected and serial disconected.
Can you guys help me find a full package including the last windows mobile, the last radio definitions, the extended rom and all i need to upgrade my qtek.
I really dont know what to do more, even the qtek logo image not appear any more.
Sorry for all this questions, but i see in this forum you are my only hope.
Please help me.
Thanks a lot

jus to help us..
could you post the error message?

I try to upgrade the rom with a software download from qtek.nl, but i still dont have good news

Can anyone help me?
I dont know what to do anymore

cybervtec said:
I try to upgrade the rom with a software download from qtek.nl, but i still dont have good news
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did you read and answer Simon request ?
what are the error message ?
I currently have a qtek9000, and i made my first upgrade late 2006.
I was using XP sp2, activesync, and a software called uniextROM...
Later, I have tried using vista and win7, both requiered installation of USB Mobile Modem Driver and disabling activesync or mobilesync.
so be more precise when you post you issue.

Welcome to forums
have a deep read in my signature link
Most likely you´ll be able to solve the problem.
If not please give us more detailed info so we can help
Read, Search, Respect and Enjoy!

Simon_WM said:
jus to help us..
could you post the error message?
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Hi Guys,
How can i read the errors? Where can i find it?
Sorry for all the noob questions.
All i can see in the universal is a dead phone without any kind of signal when turned on

cybervtec said:
Hi Guys,
How can i read the errors? Where can i find it?
Sorry for all the noob questions.
All i can see in the universal is a dead phone without any kind of signal when turned on
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Can you get into the bootloader?
Power + light + Softrest button ?
then connect to your pc and flash

Simon_WM said:
Can you get into the bootloader?
Power + light + Softrest button ?
then connect to your pc and flash
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Hello Simon,
Yes, i can get in the bootloader. When i connect appears usb.
The problem is i dont know what files i should load.
Can you give me the links to the files i should use. Sorry for the trouble.


Herald Unbrick... At least!

Well, finally I get my device running up again! Unfortunately I wont publish it, maybe I will charge for total solution.
If u are interested, contact me by PM. This is a mail-service, so u have to send your device to me (so you pay for package sending)
Device OS recover 100%, Phone part recovered too.
Dont know If unlocks too bcoz my bricked device was unlocked state. Anyone that wants to send me a locked Herald (to test if unlocks too), would be really appreciated.
Thank you everyone for your support+post and if u want to donate, come on! Its time
See ya s00n
ps. for the Technically Experience devs/users, solution is not what u think its more complex and easy than you'll know!
wait....how did your herald get bricked?
i assume it was during a failed HardSPL
yes dude unfortunately
but the main here is to recover OS area... at least
I bricked mine and have just ubricked it. Its easy, connect USB to PC, enter bootloader, run any RUU wizard.
* Enter bootloader - Press and hold the camera key, then press the soft reset button. Hold the camera button until the bootloader menu shows it. You will see 3 different gradient colors.
For details check http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=327046
Good luck
if the above does not work, try flashing using the USPL
tramuyo said:
So I started this. Sounds crazy, but it can be done...
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I think, it's a good idea. Actually I thought about something like your thread but if you don't mind I will say something in your thread.
I've got the same problem as you've got. Moreover, I've seen a lot of users posting on this forum, which have got such a problem with their Heralds. They boot only in tri-color bootloader mode and even RUU dedicated to our models doesn't work, saying Error 300. When we are trying to use MTTY to run getdevinfo command, as a result we can see error message. That's why RUU can't check the right CID in our devices.
All known solution for Heralds don't work with our problem. We should develop or wait for being developed by someone (Olipro,pof,mestrini,...) suitable solution. There are fine solutions for bricked Wizard or Hermes so it should be the way to unlock our Heralds, too.
My idea is to count all users with bricked Heralds to see the size of the problem and to show our great developers on this forum that it is important to find a way to unbrick our Heralds. Or maybe we should establish the prize for the person who will be the first in finding the unbricking method and than donate him? I think it could motivate some of them...
So, all bricked Herald's users, please leave your post in this thread, to show the world that this is a huge problem!
My Herald is Dopod C858 (I think so, because I'm not the first owner and this is what I was told about)
IPL: 1.11.0001
SPL: 1.11.0001
a bricked one
here is one bricked, have htc p3450 with
ipl : 1.08.0001
spl : 1.08.0001
only bootloader and RUU with error 300
hope to find solution.
mine is bricked
IPL 1.08.0001
SPL 1.08.0001
trying with every solution: forced RUU, patched RUU and their DLLs, WM5 emulator, SD-Flashing + heradiag
I was thinking in something.. Do u remember PDAVIET first version for Prophet? You cannot flash PDAVIET WM6 directly.. U have to flash a special PDAVIET WM5 to prophet first, then PDAVIET WM6. And... when u got a bricked prophet device, the solution is...? PDAVIET WM5 special rom
So, i'm on it. working hard!!
Forced RUU? I know that the Univesal has an RUU to bypasses any and all checks and just starts flashing the ROM. I wonder if this would help... I assume the IPL is still fine unless it was overwritten in your devices because it's in a different memory address in devices with an SPL lower than We would have to create our own RUU, though.
EDIT: After some research, this will not work. If the radio was damaged but the radio bootloader was not, there might still be hope, if the radio bootloader was damaged, then it's a no go.
Ive tried with Bepe's RUU (Polaris Premium BEPE ROM) but have no luck... maybe i should try to patch IPL/SPL in RUU check
keep goin...!
how progress on unbricking
hopefully you get it working
first sorry about my language...
at last , what the members do??? (with IPL:1.08.0001 and error 300 )???
is there any solution?????
all the members with IPL 1.08.0001 and error 300 issue are welcome
ps. need RUU Blank Device application, or a customized RUU
anyone would help?
#2 just waiting days to post a NEW, KILLER topic bcoz im just getting bored
it means we should give our ppcs to repairman to change their motherboard??????????????
no bro, i just not find some support on the members. none of the mods has been presented a "suggestion" to fix our devices. Ive talked with OliPro, seems he have a solution for that, but he's working hard on it. Maybe he can provide some solution for us
tramuyo said:
no bro, i just not find some support on the members. none of the mods has been presented a "suggestion" to fix our devices. Ive talked with OliPro, seems he have a solution for that, but he's working hard on it. Maybe he can provide some solution for us
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hey men...
you can test http://s131209249.online.de/e-plus/4350main.html
it can be usful
thank you for your suggestion.. its a German ROM, i will analyze it if can be converted to a another thing..
also ive found ExtROM updater (this is new) so Ill analyze that too
thank you bro
new solution
Dear all
Good day !
Please check below link :
I gess you can solve this Problem to First :
install WM5 ( no mater what language you use ,only to get your PPC back to work as a workable part )
secound :
Use WM6 to start as a usuall PPC ,
Please inform us ( we are Iranian WEB master in Iran for Update & every thing that will be involved) the results & solving some of our Friends Problems in iran too ,
Your Truly
dear smikhan.
i am an iranian too...
(((samikhan... shomaro too mobilestanam dide boodam ke...
man alaan zadam yedune p4350 ro inshekli kardam... felan paitakhte...
inravesh ro age gushim az paitakht oomad test mikonam
too pitakht bordam namaayandegie YAAS migan bayad mainesh avaz she 230,240 toman...
vali dar soorati ke moshkele sakhtafzaari nadaare.)))
tighoor said:
dear smikhan.
i am an iranian too...
(((samikhan... shomaro too mobilestanam dide boodam ke...
man alaan zadam yedune p4350 ro inshekli kardam... felan paitakhte...
inravesh ro age gushim az paitakht oomad test mikonam
too pitakht bordam namaayandegie YAAS migan bayad mainesh avaz she 230,240 toman...
vali dar soorati ke moshkele sakhtafzaari nadaare.)))
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Dear Tighoor
Hope this Email Finds you in good Health & Great Sprit !
No dear ,, this is not Hardware Problem , because You know better than me , this Problem happens while you have Problem with Core ROM ,
I'm really get fascinated to hear the Result from you ,
I'm really Hopeful that this Problem get solve by this Method ,
Please don't lessen to YAS company !
Believe me , they don't have any information about PPC , they just import & warranty
parts !
I'm Purchase manager Of matrix warranty !(www.matrixfzcuae.com)
so I know their ways ,they just import & sell ,nothing More
Please kindly do this Method & I think this Problem will solve !
Best regards

How flash the ROM from Mini SD Card? Please!!

My device was suffering crash(no GSM when rebooting) yesterday when I was updating my device,I know that was my fault coz I did not check the ROM if it's support G4...
Whatever! I need you guys' help,tell me how to flash the G4 ENG WM5 ROM from the mini SD Card for my Hp6915.
I already had the G4 ENG ROM in my laptop,what I should do in the next???
Your kindly help is highly appreciated!
......I'm still waiting for your kindly help,please!
wow... hard thing. frist try to pass your SD informationto your PC ... many friends should have minisd reader or cellphones that reads miniSD ... then should be easy... there are a lot of threats about flashing...
VRchaos (Perú)
Hi man....To be honest,I don't know what they were talking about,I'm a donkey to know that Pro info......
Could anybody just tell me a simple solution to repair my device?
Someone help me,please..........
**** out of luck
bramblyrose said:
Someone help me,please..........
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You are **** out of luck, just like me and everyone else
is it because while you are trying to update ur radio rom, the process didnt complete and ur ipaq stuck at HP logo startup??
if yes, try to reinstall the radio rom again. BUT first of all, u need to stop all those running programs on ur pc by using taskmanager on ur pc. after u cleanup all those running programs, then reinstall the radio rom again.. let me know whether it success or not.. thx..
cdguider said:
You are **** out of luck, just like me and everyone else
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No one can figure this out??? Holy****,what the hell lucky I am!
christiankirana said:
is it because while you are trying to update ur radio rom, the process didnt complete and ur ipaq stuck at HP logo startup??
if yes, try to reinstall the radio rom again. BUT first of all, u need to stop all those running programs on ur pc by using taskmanager on ur pc. after u cleanup all those running programs, then reinstall the radio rom again.. let me know whether it success or not.. thx..
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Hi,buddy,thanks for your help.
I swear to god,I tried to upgrade & flash the Radio.nbf,but it didn't work coz the upgrade tool always was warnning " xxxx is error",and the upgradeing just stuck on the bootloader mode,****! This ****ing stuff really drives me crazy!
have u end all those running programs on ur task manager (PC).. sounds like very simple, but it will affect ur upgrade process significantly..
bramblyrose said:
Hi,buddy,thanks for your help.
I swear to god,I tried to upgrade & flash the Radio.nbf,but it didn't work coz the upgrade tool always was warnning " xxxx is error",and the upgradeing just stuck on the bootloader mode,****! This ****ing stuff really drives me crazy!
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make sure wcescomm.is terminated
Are you listening
We have a hw6900 Series, A propeitary device, not like the wizard, hermes, ......
Our devices are CID Locked, etc, As far as upgrade via minisd, don't count on it unless you have a fully working device, you will end up at the cal checksum screen, hell even if you did have a fully working device, it still may not work, I have already posted how to at least backup rom to minisd, as far as flashing through mini sd, do not count on it, I have downloaded damn near every sable program out there and beetles. Nothing, NO GSM, If your GSM is fried then, You have a paperweight, you can still use the os, don't count on it as a daily device. Email me if you have any questions, I can point you to all the tools you need,
Serious man, first thing first, we don't even have a rom to flash via sd in the first place.
[email protected]
NO GSM FIX FOR SOME hw6500 / hw6900 Series
NO GSM FIX FOR SOME hw6500 / hw6900 Series
POST #56

windows mobile

help me please and give me a windows mobile 6.1 for G4 Qtek 9100 device.i've searched the xda section for windows mobile 6.1 but i can't decide what is good and what is bad.
Visit This Link
Men visit this link
I can tell you that roms arent good or bad... in every device we have diferent issues believe me... and everyone can said this is good to me but somebody said its the worst one! why?... cause its their points of view... be sure you have everything to upgrade before do it ok?
good luck.
thanks for the link.i have downloaded from there but i only have an nk.nbf.how can i install this.i know i'm a complete n00b.
Dont said that men!
All of the people you can see as a Senior one day we were noobs hahaha
Search on the brushed metal by noonski ROM in post number 82 i have attached A RUU just copy your nk.nbf to the file unzipped and run the RUU xp if it doesnt works run the normal RUU. in this link:
good luck... are you sure you are hard SPL? apply it... or make a soft SPL
Thank you for your answer.I have choosen this rom http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=355591.
I have a Qtek 9100 and it is G4.I will run first hard spl, unlock it and then install the rom above.I think this is ok,or i miss something ?
CocoSS said:
Thank you for your answer.I have choosen this rom http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=355591.
I have a Qtek 9100 and it is G4.I will run first hard spl, unlock it and then install the rom above.I think this is ok,or i miss something ?
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Its an old rom but if it is of your likely... first read the way to upgrade in G4 section of wizard forum maybe you miss a step...
Good luck the new ERA of Roms are the included Manila 2D in it... so give it a try is most prettier.
Good luck men.
i've choosen this one because i red that it is very stabile and i pretty need this now.i wil try to read more, but more likely tomorrow i'll try to install it
i've tried to install a new rom on my wizard and i got this error: "This update utility cannot be used for your PDA Phone.Please get newer update Update Utility."my phone enters bootload before giving this error.
sorry.i found out alone what was all about.succefully installed wm6.1 on my wizard
Good work
CocoSS said:
sorry.i found out alone what was all about.succefully installed wm6.1 on my wizard
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Enjoy it men!!!
it seems my rom upgrade haven't solved one of my major problems.The GPRS connection is not working.I'm connecting to the network (Vodafone) but if i want to browse the internet internet explorer says :"The page cannot be found.Check the name and try again".
Most of roms
Most of roms has this kind of prob, cause the ccokers said that is better to conect via WIFI or USB stills a problem... but you can try and try again
One more thing maybe your carrier Configuration have missing something... acharacter... a number a dot..... i dont know men!
what do you mean about "try and try again "...different rom or what ?
Of course!
Of course men! try a new one when you think it doesnt reach what you want.

Qtek 9000 Boot problems

First, I am very sorry, that I open a new thread, but forum system doesn't allow to me to reply to one's post.
Following is a quotation (part) from a senior member:
orb3000 said:
I´m sure you´ll find your way there
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Hello thanks for your fast answer.
But I still don't know what I need for re-install.
Do I need a hardsplash? (what is hardsplash?)
Do I have to flash a rom in vista? (What is "flash a rom"?)
What is "kitchen"?
Which link should I click to get a solution? I cannot click on hundreds of links...
As mentioned before have a deep read of the WIKI page this will give you detailed information with regards to USPL, Flashing and recovery after failed flashes.
You'll find it here
I understand that getting all the terms clear can be hard, but it´s really easy to install another operating system (ROM)
I´m answering inside your quote in red, and also giving you another link to the most comprehensible thread to install:
Also in the Wiki you can find most of your questions
Good luck,
ccolucci said:
First, I am very sorry, that I open a new thread, but forum system doesn't allow to me to reply to one's post.
Following is a quotation (part) from a senior member:
Hello thanks for your fast answer.
But I still don't know what I need for re-install.
Do I need a hardsplash? (what is hardsplash?) Instructions on the link I´m giving you above
Do I have to flash a rom in vista? (What is "flash a rom"?) Flashing a ROM means installing another version of the WM operating system, it´s easier to install a ROM on a computer with XP system, but if you don´t have it can be done also in Vista
What is "kitchen"? Don´t worry for this, you don´t need it
Which link should I click to get a solution? I cannot click on hundreds of links...
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Thanks a lot for the link.
I found the solution and the necessary file(s).
It is installed. It works. I am happy.
Glad to know
Enjoy your Uni!
Hello there! im new here in the forum and i have some problems with my qtek 9000...
Let's start, but lemme tell u something, i am totally NOOB in these things so u gotta tell me step by step if u can
Okay, first of all my Qtek 9000, when i turn him on it appears the Qtek Keep the world in one Screen and the usb connect/disconnects all the time so i cant do nothing that uses usb port, after the Qtek screen it appears something in red:
R 1. 18. 00
G 42. 54. P8
D 2. 07. 00 WWE
And then it turns off...
I tryed to charge the ppc but if i put in charge, it turns on and off all the time
sometimes it appears the Windows Mobile screen too but it turns off again...
What can i do here, im totally confused... Please Help Me!
Welcome to forums
Have you tried to do a hard reset? (instructions in the wiki)
Check also your battery.
Hope it helps,
well i think its from the battery cuz it doesn't charge, when i put it to charge it stars to turn on/off all the time... and if i use the hard reset while in charge does the same thing, just turns on/off
and btw what are those things? with R, G and D (WWE means worldwide english right?)
I'd buy a new battery.

ROM for my photon(Htc Mini)

hello :
i need a new rom for my photon(mini)
cause my mobile has a lot of proplems with his system
my mobile rom is: 1.36.415.4
i want newer than that of mine and support english lang <<and arabic if possible>>
please please
official middle-east 1.36.488.1
thank u very much old chap)
thanks for help and i'll try it
...............But have you tried it???
because i m a beginner to make upgrading for the device....and i m worry
please tell me if u can
tyten said:
...............But have you tried it???
because i m a beginner to make upgrading for the device....and i m worry
please tell me if u can
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Yes... I use SSPL for upgrading and testig the roms and it works fine.
the update utility cannot get response from your pda..................
this message appears on my laptop by its windows XP
i did what the message suggest. but nothing new happen
please what is the solution
tell me if you now
i wait for your advices
tyten said:
the update utility cannot get response from your pda..................
this message appears on my laptop by its windows XP
i did what the message suggest. but nothing new happen
please what is the solution
tell me if you now
i wait for your advices
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did you sync phone and laptop with activesync?
@Tzapacapa: that's not necessary I flashed much ROM's with Mobile Device Center not running (maybe it was running without foreground notice)
I have had this too a few times. Hard resetting before flashing solved it for me though

