ROM for my photon(Htc Mini) - HD Mini General

hello :
i need a new rom for my photon(mini)
cause my mobile has a lot of proplems with his system
my mobile rom is: 1.36.415.4
i want newer than that of mine and support english lang <<and arabic if possible>>
please please

official middle-east 1.36.488.1

thank u very much old chap)
thanks for help and i'll try it

...............But have you tried it???
because i m a beginner to make upgrading for the device....and i m worry
please tell me if u can

tyten said:
...............But have you tried it???
because i m a beginner to make upgrading for the device....and i m worry
please tell me if u can
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Yes... I use SSPL for upgrading and testig the roms and it works fine.

the update utility cannot get response from your pda..................
this message appears on my laptop by its windows XP
i did what the message suggest. but nothing new happen
please what is the solution
tell me if you now
i wait for your advices

tyten said:
the update utility cannot get response from your pda..................
this message appears on my laptop by its windows XP
i did what the message suggest. but nothing new happen
please what is the solution
tell me if you now
i wait for your advices
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did you sync phone and laptop with activesync?

@Tzapacapa: that's not necessary I flashed much ROM's with Mobile Device Center not running (maybe it was running without foreground notice)
I have had this too a few times. Hard resetting before flashing solved it for me though


error connecting via activesync to flash new ROM

My version of Trinity ROM-PDAMobiz wm6.1OS:5.2.19949 bySvmobile just expired last week - i`m trying to install any other WWE ROM but it`s useless! It`s not working! HELP NEEDED - cant use my phone anymore!
slimul said:
My version of Trinity ROM-PDAMobiz wm6.1OS:5.2.19949 bySvmobile just expired last week - i`m trying to install any other WWE ROM but it`s useless! It`s not working! HELP NEEDED - cant use my phone anymore!
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set the phone in bootloader!
cyron_at said:
set the phone in bootloader!
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I already did this - the error in the bootloader mode is 270 - the same connection problem - if u know more about this please help me!
When i was testing this version i have observed that other ROM does not flash! It`s a little bizzare!
When i try to flash normally i get the error 260 - regarding connection problems!
I uderstand that i`m not the only one with this problem - any suggestions?
For the momment it looks like i`m stuck on that ROM - i will try these for the beggining but i dont have any official ROM to change...
slimul said:
I already did this - the error in the bootloader mode is 270 - the same connection problem - if u know more about this please help me!
When i was testing this version i have observed that other ROM does not flash! It`s a little bizzare!
When i try to flash normally i get the error 260 - regarding connection problems!
I uderstand that i`m not the only one with this problem - any suggestions?
For the momment it looks like i`m stuck on that ROM - i will try these for the beggining but i dont have any official ROM to change...
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Last offical ROMs:
CAB Collections | ROMs | Useful links
dateboy said:
Last offical ROMs:
CAB Collections | ROMs | Useful links
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Ok for the first i have find more about this problem:
Upgrade error number 270 means that the bootloader is not correct for the rom i am trying to flash (seems that i have installed a different Hard SPL on my device.
10x allot again man - u are the best as usual
I will try as soon possible !

Error 260

hello everyone plz i need some help
i did upgrade it into the blue manilla
the OS version is 5.2.19974 (Build 19974.1.2.8 Vincent)
now i need to go back to my original phone rom but it always give me the error code 260
i did reset my device and my PC and still the same problem occuring, so any help??
Can you give us more information thanks whats giving you the error message? did you read the recovery procedure if RoM upgrades Fail flash back to WM5 then WM6.1 using lazy tool it works for me and you can use your phone right? just flash back to what ever rom you want thats what I do can you reply Thanks and include some more information
thanx alot my friend
but i discovered that the problem was that i was using windows vista , and i couldnt install any ROm on it
thanks soo much for your care
MoucHi said:
thanx alot my friend
but i discovered that the problem was that i was using windows vista , and i couldnt install any ROm on it
thanks soo much for your care
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Am glade you it worked it for you and am happy to help any time my friend

No network after flash

Hello, I'm new in this forum, I have a problem with my LG KS20 SFR France, everything was OK till I tried to upgrade my wm 6 to 6.5, so I had after the reset the message (illegal use) (unavailable otp block) I solved the problem by restoring my old wm 6.5 but the problem is that my mobile doesn't recognize any network wether manually or automatically I'm afraid that I can't repair it, What do you suggest me? Thanks for trying to help me, for reading my message and being intrested.
bartola7 said:
Hello, I'm new in this forum, I have a problem with my LG KS20 SFR France, everything was OK till I tried to upgrade my wm 6 to 6.5, so I had after the reset the message (illegal use) (unavailable otp block) I solved the problem by restoring my old wm 6.5 but the problem is that my mobile doesn't recognize any network wether manually or automatically I'm afraid that I can't repair it, What do you suggest me? Thanks for trying to help me, for reading my message and being intrested.
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Not sure this will work but you should give it a try, plse install cab below and keep me informed.
Thank you so much bro for replying me I downloaded the package, installed it but no way, still the same, doesn't recognize any network thank you for help.
bartola7 said:
Thank you so much bro for replying me I downloaded the package, installed it but no way, still the same, doesn't recognize any network thank you for help.
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Maybe you should take a look at this site, this is made for the LG maybe they can help you overthere.

Universal qtek 9000 Problem. What im doing wrong?

Hello good friends,
Im from Portugal and i have a qtek 9000 since 2006. In the last days i decide to improve my universal performance...
i try everything to update my qtek since the software is very old ( windows mobile 5 2005)
After a lot of hours searching in this forum, i download a lot of software from all the posible tutorials.
From evk to updatev2, kitchen, etc.
With the kitchen in the last part i always get an error of the extended rom.
With the update, it only appear the nk file.
I try to download one of the radio files, but without sucess and i donw know what to choose
I dont know what to do more, since i use the romupgradeut, but now the qtek only start in the first image where tells the version of rom and hang up, freeze, dont do the all restar.
The only thing that work it is the soft and hard reset. With the bootloader appears usb when connected and serial disconected.
Can you guys help me find a full package including the last windows mobile, the last radio definitions, the extended rom and all i need to upgrade my qtek.
I really dont know what to do more, even the qtek logo image not appear any more.
Sorry for all this questions, but i see in this forum you are my only hope.
Please help me.
Thanks a lot
jus to help us..
could you post the error message?
I try to upgrade the rom with a software download from, but i still dont have good news
Can anyone help me?
I dont know what to do anymore
cybervtec said:
I try to upgrade the rom with a software download from, but i still dont have good news
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did you read and answer Simon request ?
what are the error message ?
I currently have a qtek9000, and i made my first upgrade late 2006.
I was using XP sp2, activesync, and a software called uniextROM...
Later, I have tried using vista and win7, both requiered installation of USB Mobile Modem Driver and disabling activesync or mobilesync.
so be more precise when you post you issue.
Welcome to forums
have a deep read in my signature link
Most likely you´ll be able to solve the problem.
If not please give us more detailed info so we can help
Read, Search, Respect and Enjoy!
Simon_WM said:
jus to help us..
could you post the error message?
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Hi Guys,
How can i read the errors? Where can i find it?
Sorry for all the noob questions.
All i can see in the universal is a dead phone without any kind of signal when turned on
cybervtec said:
Hi Guys,
How can i read the errors? Where can i find it?
Sorry for all the noob questions.
All i can see in the universal is a dead phone without any kind of signal when turned on
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Can you get into the bootloader?
Power + light + Softrest button ?
then connect to your pc and flash
Simon_WM said:
Can you get into the bootloader?
Power + light + Softrest button ?
then connect to your pc and flash
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Hello Simon,
Yes, i can get in the bootloader. When i connect appears usb.
The problem is i dont know what files i should load.
Can you give me the links to the files i should use. Sorry for the trouble.

Need Some Help From Senior Member

good day..just now i try to install back to my original Rom from MonfroROM OpalOPlus WM6.1.21057 18mar2011 to OPAL original ROM 1.35.xx.xx ..after all the installation finish then i saw some msg from my phone :-
ONBL 1.27.0000
SPL 2.00 cmon
now the question is.. how to i install back the new rom without use activesync (my pc active sync cannot connect to my phone because this problem?
please need some advice to solve my problem thanks for all member..
9w2tln said:
good day..just now i try to install back to my original Rom from MonfroROM OpalOPlus WM6.1.21057 18mar2011 to OPAL original ROM 1.35.xx.xx ..after all the installation finish then i saw some msg from my phone :-
ONBL 1.27.0000
SPL 2.00 cmon
now the question is.. how to i install back the new rom without use activesync (my pc active sync cannot connect to my phone because this problem?
please need some advice to solve my problem thanks for all member..
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you have to flash this roms bro: 1.26.xx.xx or 1.27.xx.xx
it's simple
thanks for the member my problem solve already many thanks...
There's a connection error: 260, while upgrading my htc touch viva..
hiten.shah said:
There's a connection error: 260, while upgrading my htc touch viva..
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look your fix
mehulkarate said:
look your fix
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I tried but There's a connection error: 260..

