Froyo FRF57 leaked? (for Droid) - Nexus One General
I'm not a coder or anything so I dunno what to make of it..

so much for learning more about this...

I kinda wanna know too. I was just waiting for someone who knew This chime
But very interesting
Awesome pic by the way....

What's there to learn, it's one of motorolas early build for the droid.


Will HD2 get android 2.1?

Sorry if this has been asked I just can't find it anywhere. I have bought a unlocked rogers Magic +, plus but it is a bit cramped for me and light. So what the chance that there will be a port for HD2, or even dual port with windows hopefully 7 and android 2.1 with sense. Not trying to beg but I would love to have a phone like that. My iphone is getting really boring, and I'm tired of jailbreaking and having it crash quit alot when I need it. How long do these releases usually take to come out? again not trying to be rude, it would just be awesome. Thanx
"oops meant to put this in the t-mobile section"
Im not sure how informed you are on this but there is no guarantee that android will be coming by xda... im sure some1 is working on it but definitely not confirmed. maybe ppl r waitin evo 4g to come out and then see how to port it... HD does have it ported not sure how is it working on it though...
I wonder how many people have asked this. use the SEARCH next time.
There is a group working on it. They stoped their thread, due to non-devs spamming the thread with "encouragement".
It will take probably somewhere about a year.
the EVO will have pretty much all diffrent hardware, only the design is the same. So they cant just pull android off of the EVO.
BigB42078 said:
Sorry if this has been asked I just can't find it anywhere. I have bought a unlocked rogers Magic +, plus but it is a bit cramped for me and light. So what the chance that there will be a port for HD2, or even dual port with windows hopefully 7 and android 2.1 with sense. Not trying to beg but I would love to have a phone like that. My iphone is getting really boring, and I'm tired of jailbreaking and having it crash quit alot when I need it. How long do these releases usually take to come out? again not trying to be rude, it would just be awesome. Thanx
"oops meant to put this in the t-mobile section"
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You obviously didn't look to hard.... there's an active thread in the rom section that is always on the first page or 2. Its being worked on, but there are a lot of problems arising getting the linux kernel ported. It may take a long time before there's a functional port. Don't expect it anytime soon.


Coming from an htc eris to droid 2 about a week ago now. And man these boards are QUIET compared to the eris's android development. Is this due to motorolas encryption skills or people just dont have this phone. Or maybe perhaps they just dont care?
Can anyone shed some light on this please?
It is from all the reasons you listed, many people don't have the phone because they chose the X over the droid 2 and the locked bootloader discourages developers from doing anything, I think motorola is making a wrong move in the market personally because less people is going to buy the phone because there are slim developing oppertunities
Sent from my DROID2
setyourgoals said:
Coming from an htc eris to droid 2 about a week ago now. And man these boards are QUIET compared to the eris's android development. Is this due to motorolas encryption skills or people just dont have this phone. Or maybe perhaps they just dont care?
Can anyone shed some light on this please?
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I would say it is the lock bootloader. I am guessing that lots of people did not upgrade to Droid2 from Original Droid cause of the bootloader. I would still be on the OD if I dod not receive the D2 as a gift and would have not got it for myself because of the lock bootloader.
It's been slow recently but devs have overcome and done somethings that people didn't even think would happen, like Root and ROMs. We just need to be patient because our device is a bit of a challenge but I'm thankful for all of the people working to make this thing really rock!
Thats what i kind of figured it was ( the bootloader ). i don't really even think it's so much as people going with the droid x because even looking at their boards, its still quiet. yah they have a couple of "roms" (tranquility, focused) but not like the eris's kaos.froyo or any of the other completely re-done kernels.
Don't get me wrong i absolutely love this phone and do NOT miss my eris at all, but i just wish there was some interest from devs on this phone.
Oh well, i'll just keep checking the boards i guess.
There is interest from devs for this phone. It's just taking time for them to get past the problems. You don't see many posts yet because they are working on that. Once there are work arounds I'm sure the development will pick up.
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No Cyanogen Rom??

I heard cyanogen is not going to be working on a rom for the this true?
Anyone supporting the fascinate or is it a dead issue now. Hope not.
martyotaku said:
I heard cyanogen is not going to be working on a rom for the this true?
Anyone supporting the fascinate or is it a dead issue now. Hope not.
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Thats because someone needs to step up to start working on CM for the fascinate just because its out doesn't mean that they will make a rom for it.Noobnl over in the Epic forums took the reins and is working on CM for the Epic.
Koush tweeted a while back that he will be porting CM for the Fascinate.
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anaphora68 said:
Koush tweeted a while back that he will be porting CM for the Fascinate.
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Porting seems to either A) render the port useless with the Fascinate or B) takes an extremely long amount of time because of A.
Hopefully something will come soon.
Hopefully we will see some clean and Google filled ROMS soon. I for one would gladly donate to the cause. The fascinate is a great device hardware wise and could really use the help of Cyanogen or Bugless Beast. If anybody has any insight on the matter could you post it here or start a new thread? It was my assumption that they were waiting on an opportunity to develop for 2.2 i/o dealing with 2.1 because of the kernel situation. I am a noob so correct me if I'm wrong here...
For starters Cyanogen himself does not support any device he himself doesn't own. Secondly CyanogenMOD is a rather large Dev team and many of those devs port CyanogenMOD to their devices, also its hard to get CyanogenMOD support for the Fascinate if the CM team doesn't have one or two to work with. You could try making a donation to the CM team specifically for a Fascinate so they can start development. Also as stated before Koushik Dukutta will be porting CM6 once we get a 2.2 kernel source. So as usual just be patient, everything takes time remember how long before the Droid got CM? Development is coming along so we must be patient if we ourselves can't help development move along swimmingly, like myself so I just donate to help the Devs out.
Holding out doing anything with my Fascinate until CyanogenMod comes out for it. How will CyanogenMod work with voodoo?
It will most likely use an EXT4 partition by default so there will be no need for Voodoo. Their forum has a Galaxy S FAQ as it applies to CyanogenMod.
As was already stated, the Vibrant is first. They believe porting to the other Galaxy S variants will be quick after that. We can only hope, donate, and wait.
Let's hope somebody with the required skills and a Fascinate joins the dev team.
Sent from my Dirrk overclocked/lagfixed SCH-i500
I am debating on giving up my beloved Droid Inc today to a new employee and taking over the Fascinate that I ordered for them... Looking forward to CM for sure, here's hoping that Koush or someone similar will take up the Fascinate builds of CM...
I am assuming all of this will be hinging on a good kernel source for froyo hitting.
choices choices...
I think im going to return my fascinate. I had hoped there would be solid support for this phone but it doesnt seem so. Koush tweeted a SUPRISE but never said exactly what he was working on.
Its a shame because hardware wise this is the best android phone right now.
Hate to say it....but i might go wm7
martyotaku said:
I think im going to return my fascinate. I had hoped there would be solid support for this phone but it doesnt seem so. Koush tweeted a SUPRISE but never said exactly what he was working on.
Its a shame because hardware wise this is the best android phone right now.
Hate to say it....but i might go wm7
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Ok guys. AOSP roms are being worked on, but to be honest, there are only 2 people really working on development on this phone right now. There are some more devs that are learning the system and such and trying to get things working, but it will take some time.
CyanogenMod wasnt on the droid 1 for around 5 months, and at the time it was Koush just doing experimental ports. We will get AOSP on this phone, just be patient. We had a huge hang up on the kernel source, but now that we have that all sorted out, and birdman is joining in on the development, we should have it soon
martyotaku said:
I think im going to return my fascinate. I had hoped there would be solid support for this phone but it doesnt seem so. Koush tweeted a SUPRISE but never said exactly what he was working on.
Its a shame because hardware wise this is the best android phone right now.
Hate to say it....but i might go wm7
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If you're that stupid then please go ahead, so we don't have to listen to your *****ing on this board anymore. I get so sick and tired of people complaining about lack of support and how long everything is taking. Seriously people, have some patience. the phone has barely been out a month and already we have Root, Clockworkmod Recovery, Custom Theme's, AOSP apps, and an awesome Voodoo Lagfix. And all of that is on top of Samsung releasing source code that didn't work. Our amazing dev team was able to overcome that and more that almost no one on this forum is even aware of. Instead of donating time and money to encourage these guys, you waste time complaining about what you don't have. Just get your WP7 phone and take your impatience over to their forum.
sonofskywalker3 said:
If you're that stupid then please go ahead, so we don't have to listen to your *****ing on this board anymore. I get so sick and tired of people complaining about lack of support and how long everything is taking. Seriously people, have some patience. the phone has barely been out a month and already we have Root, Clockworkmod Recovery, Custom Theme's, AOSP apps, and an awesome Voodoo Lagfix. And all of that is on top of Samsung releasing source code that didn't work. Our amazing dev team was able to overcome that and more that almost no one on this forum is even aware of. Instead of donating time and money to encourage these guys, you waste time complaining about what you don't have. Just get your WP7 phone and take your impatience over to their forum.
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I agree... heck on the Inc we didn't have root for months and months... You guys are way ahead of where the Inc was at the same time frame. Patience is key... it really seems like this phone is going to rock. I'm really torn on giving my Dinc over to a co worker and taking the new fascinate due to the development, but I know its coming.
as someone who trolls for info, doesn't contribute/dev (referring to myself), I agree. from what I've been reading, sounds like only a few are contributing with lots of folks benefitting. There's no way anyone should be complaining.
BTW, thanks to all for the work you've done and are doing. right now my contribution (at this point) is to read the info and if I have questions, read some more to find the answers. 99% of the time the question/problem has already been addressed...just takes a "little" effort to find it!
Look at the huge fanbase for CM from original Droid owners- Cyanogen had little or nothing to do with that. It was all Koush.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Easy Assh#le. I didnt complain call anyone names BUT YOU NOW.
All i said was i might switch to wm7 and you go crazy. 99% of the people contribute nothing. Neither do you!! Were having a conversation! You dont like it leave bitc%!!!
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Btw my last post was aimed at sonofskywalker!
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Im quite sure if you go back over koushs tweets, or look in the CM forum it states he will do a port soon as the offical 2.2 is released. As always..he works from base, clean files. So I am willing to bet we see something after the infamous 2.2 comes around.
Koush has specifically said that he is waiting for Froyo to be released on the Galaxy S/Fascinate before even starting to port. Official Froyo. He needs the drivers, Kernel source, etc.
It's not like you can just make an AOSP ROM based on 2.2 out of thin air. You need the right tools.
If you're all that motivated, start coding. Otherwise, be patient. Incessant whining isn't going to make a dev who does this in his/her free time work any harder. If anything, it might turn them off.
If you look at the git repository you'll see that there hasn't been development on éclaire in months (since July). All development is being done on the Froyo branch.
Don't expect CyanogenMod until we get Froyo.
BTW, instead of being so impatient and making threads here, read through their info on the CM website. It has a wealth of information. If you want to see who's working on what then look at the git commits.
Sent from my Dirrk overclocked/lagfixed SCH-i500

[Q] XPrize: Get Gingerbread on Fascinate? GREEN LIT!

Hey guys,
I'm feeling rather enterprising at the moment. The question is, what would it take to get a clean/stock/aosp version of Gingerbread up and running for the Verizon Fascinate? Could an XPrize style reward work? If so how much would it need to be? $1000? less? A LOT MORE? Thoughts? PLEASE ANYBODY, THOUGHTS? I need replys from devs and non-devs... If there is enough interest we could easily setup a prize fund and have it auto-refund people if the prize was not attained within a given time frame...anybody?
UPDATE 1: I'm totally gonna set this up! See my latest post (pg.4) for more details and new questions.
(1) Money is the strongest motivating force that we can use.
(2) Refunds will be available should you change your mind about supporting the XPRIZE.
(3) Waiting for an official release is futile. They are MONTHS behind on a Froyo release, and we will all likely have new phones with HoneyComb before we get gingerbread through official channels.
(4) The CDMA radio is understandable the biggest obstacle, money should at least get people to work more aggressively to fix this or pursue a leak.
(5) beg, borrow, steal, i want a true google experience with the ability to RULE THE AIR, on verizon.
"Can you hear me now?"
come on guys, i can tell this is getting a few views, just add a quick reply and say, that you think this a good or bad idea...please
Sounds appealing, but I don't think this is the ideal phone developers would want to spend time on. I'm using this phone simply as a bridge to the Nexus S.
i can understand the nexus S appeal, but i imagine there are many people who wouldn't want to leave Verizon. In fact i ditched my iphone not only because Steve Jobs is a prick, but more importantly because Verizon has a much better network...
trojjanhorse said:
Sounds appealing, but I don't think this is the ideal phone developers would want to spend time on. I'm using this phone simply as a bridge to the Nexus S.
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Oh, and it looks like you may not even have a Sansung Fascinate...on verizon...which is the phone i am posting about. Most of the Galaxy S variants are GSM/HSPA phones, the fascinate is a CDMA/EVDO phone and seems to be not benefit as much from the development on the other variants because of its different modem/radio. This is why i think we (verizon facinate owners) need to put some incentives out there...
I like the idea, just not sure how viable it actually is.
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dboss713 said:
I like the idea, just not sure how viable it actually is.
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andrewblanejr said:
Oh, and it looks like you may not even have a Sansung Fascinate...on verizon...which is the phone i am posting about. Most of the Galaxy S variants are GSM/HSPA phones, the fascinate is a CDMA/EVDO phone and seems to be not benefit as much from the development on the other variants because of its different modem/radio. This is why i think we (verizon facinate owners) need to put some incentives out there...
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i agree with this
Would gladly donate a few bucks for that sweet Gingerbread..
It's a nice idea but I don't think it'll go. We don't even have a working port of 2.2 yet, nor AOSP of 2.2 running on this device... Would I like to see some gingerbread goodness? Why heck yes, but do I think it's possible...? Nope. Best just to wait for OTA release and modify it I say...
...Yes I know with samsungs history we wont see that until android 5.1 but that's besides the point!
I would gladly donate sounds like a good idea if we can make it happen
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Good idea sure
Although I have not done any really really heavy dev work for the platform, I think this is more a question on feasibility. Would I kick in for it sure, breaking totally free of the VZW\Samsung cycle would be great. However without some support or "leaks" making everything work would be a monumental task. At least if I understand the methodology.
i'd give at least $30 towards this..
I'm not going to say its not possible....but more like its not probable. It might get some money hungry devs on the fascinate though (ultimatedroid), so it cant be too bad. Well talk is cheap as they say.... So start the xPrize and see what happens...the worse thing that could happen is probably nothing gets done.
And i apologize right now in advance.... but this doesnt belong in this forum.... lol... i had to. im sorry.
Being a dev, I have to say its more trouble than its worth.
First we'd have to hack up at LEAST the .32 kernel and get froyo running. Without the froyo kernel source, its more of a pain than anything. Getting the system running to be compatible is no where near as hard as Getting the kernel.. That's something different.
I don't know what would be involved in making something like this happen, but I'd throw $50 at it.
Considering we don't have a fully working build of AOSP 2.1, I can't see this happening. Maybe if there is better source released for 2.2 when it gets here it will be easier, but I feel like if that happens, then devs would work on it anyway.
I don't think people realize that we've had aosp froyo all along. What we don't have is our driver specific kernel. We'll have gingerbread the day it becomes available but that doesn't mean anything as we won't have kernel again at the release.
@op you want us build up from the ground like we did with milestone? NONE of us will go through that hell again ever. $1000? haha that amount is nothing considering what we would put in if we were to build it up from the ground again.
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i have seen a prize work
a little history
my first smart phone was the VZ 6900 aka the HTC vogue
a windows mobile 6 phone that never had an "official" Rom or Kernel for android and yet the dev were able to not only build a fully working android 2.2 including getting all drivers to work, and as we speak those same vogue dev are now working on 2.3 builds, mind you i am not a dev and but i know this took a lot of work but a prize is what got the team moving and i would give $20 or more if we could get this going
So among poll responders most non-dev USERS would be willing to contribute some money towards this. Good news, but with only two responders claiming to be developers it's hard to say whether we could really get the interest of developers...perhaps i should PM some people? who are the big shot developers in these parts?

Why is Droid X development dead?

Just wondering....
Theres really nothing exciting going on with the Droid X as far as development. In contrast, I can flash a new ROM or kernal onto my Vibrant once a day.
Im not being disrespectful, but whats wrong with the Droid X? It seems like a nice platform.
Because it has a locked bootloader my friend...
What about bootstrap or whatever? I flashed Liberty onto my significant other's phone using that method.
well theres a couple of things. theres the locked bootloader but also some other things like gingerbread coming out. most rom dev's are shifting gears and waiting to get a good GB rom out for their next release. theres also Liberty 2.0 that was just released, should be released for non-donors in the next day or two. im a huge liberty fan so this is an exciting time for me.
Just give it a bit while devs switch gears from froyo to GB and there should be a whole host of new stuff coming out soon.
yeah that is probably the biggest thing. there is only so much you can do with the locked bootloader.
boolboo said:
Just wondering....
Theres really nothing exciting going on with the Droid X as far as development. In contrast, I can flash a new ROM or kernal onto my Vibrant once a day.
Im not being disrespectful, but whats wrong with the Droid X? It seems like a nice platform.
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Development has also died down due to the Thunderbolt coming out. A lot of the big devs for the X jumped ship to a new phone. Its a lot easier to support a device that is unlockable...
I dont think its dead. There doesn't seem like there is much happening right now, but I bet the devs are working on their GB releases and we're about to see a bunch of new gingeROMs coming out soon.
Locked bootloader = only so many options as far as customization goes.
Not that I've been around for eons but something I've learned from the three droid's I've owned and actively modded is that development comes and goes on our end, but it never stops on the dev's end. Usually a slow down in releases means that the next wave of them will be monumental. Even more so with gingerbread coming out! Can't wait for some girly themes to come out for GB roms so I can convince the girlfriend to let me reflash her liberty 1.5 dx over

