So who else despises the EVO soft keyboard? - EVO 4G General

I dont understand why HTC didn't just use the Desire's keyboard. Instead just added really annoying arrows, and in result I find myself constantly hitting these arrows instead of the space or enter keys. Typing is a mess.
Well, no longer. Just wanted to let you guys know jonasl's modded htc keyboard works PERFECTLY. NO MORE ARROWS. YAY!

how do you navigate without a track pad?

You obviously missed the Swype guide >>

danknee said:
You obviously missed the Swype guide >>
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swype all the way for me, can't even type on the reg keyboard without having to fix every single word

Trackpad? With a 4.3 inch touchscreen? I dont need arrows when i can just pan around the screen with my finger. But im coming from an iPhone.

danknee said:
You obviously missed the Swype guide >>
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Actually Swype was the first thing I tried. But its not for me. I can type fast using swype but faster on a qwerty. Also, I am constantly typing in different languages and sometimes I simply cannot rely on any kind of prediction.

zeuzinn said:
Actually Swype was the first thing I tried. But its not for me. I can type fast using swype but faster on a qwerty. Also, I am constantly typing in different languages and sometimes I simply cannot rely on any kind of prediction.
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I realize this is kind of weird, but have you tried just using the Swype keyboard like a normal keyboard? for some reason I feel like it is easier to use than the other keyboard that way. And you could always practice with swyping, you might get pretty good at it!

phinnaeus said:
I realize this is kind of weird, but have you tried just using the Swype keyboard like a normal keyboard? for some reason I feel like it is easier to use than the other keyboard that way. And you could always practice with swyping, you might get pretty good at it!
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I did! But sometimes I move so fast between keys it actually thinks I'm swiping. Plus It would still try to "correct' words that were typed in another language into english, no matter how accurately I touched each button.

zeuzinn said:
I did! But sometimes I move so fast between keys it actually thinks I'm swiping. Plus It would still try to "correct' words that were typed in another language into english, no matter how accurately I touched each button.
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You might try Shapewriter out. I believe you can add custom libraries to it, so you could add other languages you type in the same file as your English library.

How is swype for dealing with words that aren't necessarily regularly part of the english language? I tend to use my phone for searching for device model numbers for example, and sense annoys me somewhat because it autocorrects words that aren't actually words but model nomenclatures.

Rakeesh_j said:
How is swype for dealing with words that aren't necessarily regularly part of the english language? I tend to use my phone for searching for device model numbers for example, and sense annoys me somewhat because it autocorrects words that aren't actually words but model nomenclatures.
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good, you can add words to the swype dictionary by typing it in and pushing the "swype key"

phinnaeus said:
I realize this is kind of weird, but have you tried just using the Swype keyboard like a normal keyboard? for some reason I feel like it is easier to use than the other keyboard that way. And you could always practice with swyping, you might get pretty good at it!
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You must be really slow at Swype if you're faster with QWERTY. @[email protected]

I also like SmartKeyBoard Pro which is more IPHONE like for some.
But bottom line folks is that you have choices. If this were an IPHONE and you didn't like the keyboard what options for you have? That is the main point of arguement between the two camps.
Both have their good points and bad points. We are not required to buy either. We can go back to the Motorola Razr Ver(xx) if we wanted to.
If the new IPHONE had at least a 3.8 or 4.0 screen I would use my upgrade and get one to have. But I am very happy with the EVO and I look foward to Froyo 2.2 update that has everything working on it.


pocketcm question

i love the keyboard but i was wondering if there is anything out there that is as intelligent as the iphone keyboard. For instance, the software, over time, recognizes the general area of where your thumb presses a key and adjusts so you always hit the key. anyone know what i am talking about?
well anyone know of any keyboard that does that or if the new pocketcm will have it?
i can search online,or you can come to find,there are have many products,as like shoes,clothes,and so one
From David Pogue:
"* Although you don’t see it with your eyes, the sizes of the keys on the iPhone keyboard are changing all the time. That is, the software enlarges the “landing area” of certain keys, based on probability.
For example, supposed you type “tim.” Now, the iPhone knows that no word in the language begins timw or timr—and so, invisibly, it enlarges the “landing area” of the E key, which greatly diminishes your chances of making a typo on that last letter. Very cool."
That is what i mean.
mikechen said:
i can search online,or you can come to find,there are have many products,as like shoes,clothes,and so one
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why do you keep advertising nike???
and meccax, that does sound cool, but i dont think there is a keyboard out there like that. the closest thing i can think of is PocketCM.
no one knows?
Yes you can!
hello, just use resco keyoard pro (5.xx) with the and for me it is perfect.
See U
meccax5 said:
no one knows?
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what is know?
mikechen said:
i can search online,or you can come to find,there are have many products,as like shoes,clothes,and so one
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why still have this
when i used rescoe keyboard it was really slow.
ammadchen said:
when i used rescoe keyboard it was really slow.
yes,but you don't used keyboard,you also can open it
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what? what are you talking about?
Its not really like the iphones keyboard but cooltek touchpal has mistyping correction....
does anyone here speak proper english ?
wow this is sort of a screwy thread...
tj78492 said:
Its not really like the iphones keyboard but cooltek touchpal has mistyping correction....
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anyway, as said above ^^^, touchpal has mistyping correction built-in. i personally dont care much for that keyboard.
but something GREAT that i didnt even know about is...the standard htc touch keyboard kind of has it!!
you can try typing "timw" and get time! just make sure and go into the input settings, and check all boxes. do not, however, check "multi-tap correction". this i think does help improve typing prediction a little, but it prevents the keyboard from searching your contacts in "to:" fields.
hope this helps!

When will htc ime get multitouch?

When will htc ime get multitouch? Does anyone know? or have any idea? or is there a hack to make it multitouch?
I don't think it ever will. I don't think it's necessary either because I can type really fast on it without missing any characters. If you want multi-touch you can try smart keyboard in the market.
well with multitouch it would be even faster.. and yeah i tried every other keyboard but none of them have the prediction as well as htc ime
Smart keyboard for the win..... I love it and just add your own predicted words
yea but i wish i could click the word and it would add to the dictionary by itself... like htc ime. HTC perfected there keyboard the only thing missing is multitouch. People saying it doesnt need it needs to use a multitouch keyboard. Right now you cant type with two fingers at a time..
sasha101 said:
yea but i wish i could click the word and it would add to the dictionary by itself... like htc ime. HTC perfected there keyboard the only thing missing is multitouch. People saying it doesnt need it needs to use a multitouch keyboard. Right now you cant type with two fingers at a time..
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Just long press a word on Smart Keyboard to have it add to the dictionary just like HTC_IME. problem solved!
i love the htc keyboard for the adding words so easily. if most people are like, and thats not for me guess lol, i am too lazy to spend time in a menu adding words unless i use them all the time. on htc i add them every day at least once with no thought, and i find prediction getting much better by the day.
however, i agree it needs multitouch.the iphone oskeyboard seems faster in tests ive seen, and it may be due to the wide screen, but i would guess its the multitouch. if nothing else, it couldnt hurt and it could very easily help
i agree multi-touch on the htc ime keyboard is the only thing missing from making it perfect.. it's so frustrating to use sometimes, especially jonasl's version which adds the "swipe to left" feature to delete words... when i type fast it deletes previous words instead of writing the new ones
Aside from multitouch we would be better off with an iPhone like system that enlarges predicted characters but is invisible. It's like the thick keys IME but much more accurate, doesn't actually move characters (which is completely stupid) and is invisible,it just runs and the user just sees the normal keyboard. I hate to say it but I absolutely think that's the best implementation.
DMaverick50 said:
Aside from multitouch we would be better off with an iPhone like system that enlarges predicted characters but is invisible. It's like the thick keys IME but much more accurate, doesn't actually move characters (which is completely stupid) and is invisible,it just runs and the user just sees the normal keyboard. I hate to say it but I absolutely think that's the best implementation.
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I agree with you I think our keyboard can use some more work to it, I love the iphone keyboard, not a fan boy just like the keyboard..only thing decent apple has on that thing..that we dont..
I'm not sure if you guys actually tried smart keyboard long enough but if you press an hold on the word it adds to the dictiknary. I think its better this was so sometimes I can type junk for captcha stuff or other useless words without adding each of them to the HTC ime when I press in the word.

Thinking of selling my HD2 and moving on. Why? Keyboard sucks.

Don't get me wrong. I love my phone. Have been with windows mobile for many years. Never had an iphone or any Apple product.
I just find the keyboard on this phone sucks. You would expect it to be better than the iphone as it is wider but the truth is the iphone keyboard is way better. I think the ghost area for each key spans a bigger area on the iphone thus makes it more accurate. My sister has an iphone and i can type very well on it.
With the HD2 keyboard I am constantly making mistakes. I hate that the XT9/ABC key is directly below the A key as I find myself constantly switching to ABC mode by accident. I have to be more careful and precise when typing, thus slower. Sometime spaces are not entered. I have tried the sensitivity tweaks. I have tried different roms. I have tried the phone pad. Still aways not perfect.
Ok, I am a big fan of Winmo. I started the HUGE hints and tips thread on here and on the Blackstone forum too many years ago. Not bashing WinMo or this phone - just the keyboard makes for frustrating use.
I think I should get a new phone. Not sure whether to get a Blackberry with a physical keyboard, an iphone, an android phone or just another winmo phone with a keyboard. I used to have an Asus P525 which was a fab phone and had a great keyboard. Sadly dated specs though.
Am very tempted with a WP7 phone. Am just fed up with the HD2 keyboard.
Don't know what to do.
Any advice?
Have you tried other keyboards such as Swype?
i know what you mean. however, i use swype and that makes typing on this phone quicker than any other phone i have ever tried.
I have tried swype briefly but I did not give it the benefit of time. Maybe I should try it again.
I know how you feel man. I hate the keyboard on my HD2. Thats the main reason I have been using my iPhone over my HD2. The HD2 blows my iPhone away as far as performance goes, but I just cant type on the damn keyboard. I tried Swype and it adds so much speed to typing, but It seems like it doesn't recognize a lot of the words I type, and it suggest things that aren't even close. I know back when I was running Hero roms on my G1 I had the option of calibrating the keyboard. Do we not have this option on the HD2?
yea you are right it takes forever typing using the hd2 keypad constantly making mistakes.. a physical keypad would be my preferred choice But it is abit weak to change mobile phones over a keypad dont you think?? if you said the battery life then i would agree! anyway all the best. i tried using swype but it suffers from lag!!
Do you really think it is a bit weak of me to change the phone because of the keyboard? Don't you think that the keyboard is one of the most important parts of a phone that someone uses daily? How can HTC not get the one important thing right? Everything else about the phone is great - well almost. But the keyboard just sucks! with a capital S
how much you willing to part with it?
i totally agree with the keyboard thing. I don't know if mine is even worse than others because when I ask other people about the keyboard on the HD2 they say its fine.
When I press "keys" it constantly hits all the keys around it, so i want to type 1 letter and end up having 4 or 5 letters pop up. Because of this I rarely text anymore and end up calling people for simple replys to their texts such as, what time for a froff?
It's possibly the only bad thing about the HD2, but it is massively bad.
I think hot and cold days really effect it, along with really warm fingers and when the screen heats up a bit from being on for a few mins.
I've learned to live with swype. Still not as fast as my hardware kb on my tp2, but the other specs made upgrading a nobrainer.
haven't had any problems with the keyboard on my hd2, have you guys tried asking any of the developers to try to replicate the iphone keyboard for the hd2?
tboy2000 said:
Do you really think it is a bit weak of me to change the phone because of the keyboard? Don't you think that the keyboard is one of the most important parts of a phone that someone uses daily? How can HTC not get the one important thing right? Everything else about the phone is great - well almost. But the keyboard just sucks! with a capital S
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I just noticed how difficult it is to use the keyboard for long senteces. I was doing heavy, long texting today, and I kept getting mistakes. (I sometimes use Swype, but its accuracy can be way off at times.
I agree that HTC's EzInput isn't that great. It was probably meant only for single-touch, resistive screens that their older devices have. I personally found the virtual keyboard easy to use on my TP2 when I had to do quick texts -- it was much more accurate (and keep in mind: resistive screens are more accurate than capacitives).
They only boast their keyboard because it has the d-pad buttons on it (compared to other keyboards).
I have no idea what you are talking about: i fing the virtual mb to be quite nifty. for example, i am using it right now to type this rsponse. its going just zplebdix. except cor the paefz when my fingeracacvidentakky touch outside the area of the keypad abnd that automaticlly diskisses the meyoad. that is annoying.
Have you tried to change the settings for the standard keyborad - it kan change the feeling a lot.
But in the end i wasn't satisfied with the standard keyborad, so i tried Fingerkeyboard that isn't a "swyping" keyboard?
Or, SlideIT, that i use. It's smilary to Swype, but much better for me.
By sensitive tweaks do you speak about this one :
Work for me....
tboy2000 said:
I have tried swype briefly but I did not give it the benefit of time. Maybe I should try it again.
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you really should give it a good try. At first it does not recognise all the words you type but then it learns and is soooo much quicker.
A friend who has the iphone said my keyboard was crap so we compared his against my swype. he was still on the first couple of words by the time i had finished the sentence. Granted i do touch type but swype really is quick with practice.
i wouldn't
use swipe pal, once it learns a few words and you get used to it its awesome, also the rate at which andriod is being developed for the hd2 is quick and the keyboard on that is fantastic on the massive screen.
i stick with it mate.
jkolner said:
SlideIT, that i use. It's smilary to Swype, but much better for me.
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SlideIT is the one, I love that keyboard. It'd a bit quirky when you first use it, but once you get used to it, it's amazing. I can't use Swype anymore, it's not half as good as SlideIT IMO, and the fact that it hangs over the bottom taskbar on 6.5.x puts me off too.
So many links, I'm not trying to get you to try SlideIT, honest!
There are so many 3rd party keyboards, resco keybpoard, touchpal, fingerkeyboard, sywpe....
I'm using swype&touchpal. tochpal for internet browsing, cause swype sucks there - i'm using german dic.
..and i love them.
Ah yes, Fingerkeyboard, I forgot about that one. It's a nice freeware keyboard, similar to the default one. Try that also.

Sick of the 'stock' keyboards.

I find the button to close together, even the android keyboard. What do yall think of them? What do yall recommend for big fingered dudes? Also, how hard is it to install a new keyboard?
I agree the Android keyboard is 'meh'. While I do wish the Standard keyboard had a larger space bar, otherwise I love it, I like Betterkeyboard with the Glass Orb skin. I know it doesn't affect the actual key size but I find that I'm a lot more accurate with that skin than others. Plus they have the Compact keyboard mode which may help. It was worth cost to me.
The HTC_IME mod is great...
And IF it still is too small, you can set it to show up as an old-style phone keyboard with the 12 keys, and then it will use t9 spelling for you...
I cant recommend shapewriter highly enough. Once you have used it (or similar, swype for eg) you will not want to go back to the normal "tapping" method.
PM me if you want the apk.
Yeah, HTC touch input is very cool. Smart keyboard pro is also nice, but if your fingers are THAT big, I'd suggest Blindtype
(it has not been released yet, though )
JamesBarnes said:
I cant recommend shapewriter highly enough. Once you have used it (or similar, swype for eg) you will not want to go back to the normal "tapping" method.
PM me if you want the apk.
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lol shapewriter can be found in the market
been trying a lot of different keypads. Swiftkey is pretty good for the language and predictive options but not much space between the keys like all the others. No matter what keypad i try i still seem to be going back to the htc one.
They really should release it onto the market officially.
I use smart keyboard and just recently gone pro with it .
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
tuxo87 said:
lol shapewriter can be found in the market
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Not in mine
What about ultra keyboard? I love it, everything is configurable!
I have the same problem that I don't like any of the keyboards out there.
Swype is slow for me - I only speed up if I swipe the same word over and over again, which rarely happens in real life.
T9 and Ultra requires too many corrections and having to double or triple tap to get the exact letter you want is annoying when the prediction doesn't get it right.
Other keyboards the keys are too small especially if you have to type anything a bit unusual. Blindtype would have the same problem though it's not available yet.
Anything else out there?
i have tried a whole dozen before someone here recommend shapewriter, it's really that good, once i got used to it, i don't even want to use 'keyboard' on my phone anymore
Shapewriter 3.0.9 (Non-expiring) :
Try Swift Key.........i prefer it over Skype and Stock
SlideIT for the best "exotic language support" gets my vote. Has about 18 languages supported - including the Nordics, including different keyboard layouts (so you'll see the national keys, too). Current version (2.x) looks professional enough, too. A nice bonus is the single-key language switcher.
Shapewriter has a nicer key-spacing, so less error-prone, but lacks advance language support feats. If they get the Nordics fixed, it'd be a good choice too.
Swype looks good but seems lag-ridden, at least enough for me not to trounce SlideIT at present (let's see, if Nordic languages come by).
Bottom line: since I found Shapewriter, and later SlideIT, I haven't looked back to the traditional tap-tap-tap-keyboards - no matter how polished, no matter how good their prediction is. Speed, and even a reduced error rate (at times, only!) - two top reasons to start using a sliding keyboard.
Give them a try. A good try. Once you get beyond that initial WT... barrier, writing on your phone will never be the same.
Just tried shapewriter on the evo and I have to second that so far it is better than swype. I just like the fact that is it real easy to add words to the dictionary.
I have now swiftkey, its new and so far it's working well
Sent from my rooted X10i using tapatalk
I had a few problems with the latest update of Swype.. UNTIL... I changed some of the settings (found the problem on there website, can't recall what the changes were now..) but now it's fantastic again.. and the sliding from the swype key to the Sym key to get the navigation keys is just genious..)..
Needless to say, I love it.. it is the proverbial dogs cogs.
JamesBarnes said:
I cant recommend shapewriter highly enough. Once you have used it (or similar, swype for eg) you will not want to go back to the normal "tapping" method.
PM me if you want the apk.
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+1 (and enough for the 10 character minimum post)
JamesBarnes said:
Shapewriter 3.0.9 (Non-expiring) :
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awesome, the expiration was getting annoying. Much appreciated!!
_raz_ said:
SlideIT for the best "exotic language support" gets my vote. Has about 18 languages supported - including the Nordics, including different keyboard layouts (so you'll see the national keys, too). Current version (2.x) looks professional enough, too. A nice bonus is the single-key language switcher.
Shapewriter has a nicer key-spacing, so less error-prone, but lacks advance language support feats. If they get the Nordics fixed, it'd be a good choice too.
Swype looks good but seems lag-ridden, at least enough for me not to trounce SlideIT at present (let's see, if Nordic languages come by).
Bottom line: since I found Shapewriter, and later SlideIT, I haven't looked back to the traditional tap-tap-tap-keyboards - no matter how polished, no matter how good their prediction is. Speed, and even a reduced error rate (at times, only!) - two top reasons to start using a sliding keyboard.
Give them a try. A good try. Once you get beyond that initial WT... barrier, writing on your phone will never be the same.
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homie I REALLY appreciate the fact that you took the time to hook up up with some seriously detailed knowledge; your post is far more useful than the "I like ____ more than ___."
Per your rec's, I actually will try both alternatives, because I ran out of Swype beta time and I couldn't find a lasting apk
Time for a new keyboard [again]!


Guys when u are writing something on galaxy s2 do u think the dictionary sucks i mean is there any other dictionary that similar to iphone or HTC?
Try SwiftKey. It adds stuff to its dictionary by analysing your SMS and emails, so when it predicts something, it's usually going off things you've typed before. I've had full sentences predicted for me just by starting the first word!
It is a paid app, but it's very much worth it. Also (another little treat it has) you can turn cursor keys on and off. It's worth paying just for that!
johncmolyneux said:
Try SwiftKey. It adds stuff to its dictionary by analysing your SMS and emails, so when it predicts something, it's usually going off things you've typed before. I've had full sentences predicted for me just by starting the first word!
It is a paid app, but it's very much worth it. Also (another little treat it has) you can turn cursor keys on and off. It's worth paying just for that!
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I have swift key u know its not really not lukw iphone or HTC
jasdev said:
I have swift key u know its not really not lukw iphone or HTC
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Personally, I think it's better than the HTC and iPhone keyboards, but that's obviously just my opinion. If you're struggling with SwiftKey then I think you need to just take your time a bit more when typing, until you get the hang of it, because SwiftKey really does make typing a breeze, even without using the predictive text.
I find that the dictionary is quite good ... BUT ... HTC and the default Android keyboard include contact names and more locations and standard words like GMail and android (with an uppercase 'A'), Samsung doesn't do that.
Also anyone know how to stop the keyboard from trying to always autocorrect, I want to see suggestions but I rather not have it try and force a word on me. Also why must it add every one word to the dictionary, not every word I time is worthy ~.~ ...
Any developments on this? Also anyone know how I can turn the whole add to my dictionary thing off automatically. I want to choose what I want to add not for everything to just add itself if it is a new word.
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