pocketcm question - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

i love the keyboard but i was wondering if there is anything out there that is as intelligent as the iphone keyboard. For instance, the software, over time, recognizes the general area of where your thumb presses a key and adjusts so you always hit the key. anyone know what i am talking about?
well anyone know of any keyboard that does that or if the new pocketcm will have it?

i can search online,or you can come www.fine-nike.com to find,there are have many products,as like shoes,clothes,and so one

From David Pogue:
"* Although you don’t see it with your eyes, the sizes of the keys on the iPhone keyboard are changing all the time. That is, the software enlarges the “landing area” of certain keys, based on probability.
For example, supposed you type “tim.” Now, the iPhone knows that no word in the language begins timw or timr—and so, invisibly, it enlarges the “landing area” of the E key, which greatly diminishes your chances of making a typo on that last letter. Very cool."
That is what i mean.

mikechen said:
i can search online,or you can come www.fine-nike.com to find,there are have many products,as like shoes,clothes,and so one
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why do you keep advertising nike???
and meccax, that does sound cool, but i dont think there is a keyboard out there like that. the closest thing i can think of is PocketCM.

no one knows?

Yes you can!
hello, just use resco keyoard pro (5.xx) with the iskin...skin and for me it is perfect.
See U

meccax5 said:
no one knows?
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what is know?

mikechen said:
i can search online,or you can come www.fine-nike.com to find,there are have many products,as like shoes,clothes,and so one
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why still have this

when i used rescoe keyboard it was really slow.

ammadchen said:
when i used rescoe keyboard it was really slow.
yes,but you don't used keyboard,you also can open it
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what? what are you talking about?

Its not really like the iphones keyboard but cooltek touchpal has mistyping correction....

does anyone here speak proper english ?

wow this is sort of a screwy thread...
tj78492 said:
Its not really like the iphones keyboard but cooltek touchpal has mistyping correction....
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anyway, as said above ^^^, touchpal has mistyping correction built-in. i personally dont care much for that keyboard.
but something GREAT that i didnt even know about is...the standard htc touch keyboard kind of has it!!
you can try typing "timw" and get time! just make sure and go into the input settings, and check all boxes. do not, however, check "multi-tap correction". this i think does help improve typing prediction a little, but it prevents the keyboard from searching your contacts in "to:" fields.
hope this helps!


No hardware keypboard!

I love my x7500, except this hardware keyboard that is poorly designed and not very functional. But there is the way to use this device and type very fast with built in software keyboard! Just go to the Options for keyboard and change size to Large. Now keys are accessible without using a stylus! I am very happy now.
No need to carry stinkin' keybard no more
ID64 said:
I love my x7500, except this hardware keyboard that is poorly designed and not very functional. But there is the way to use this device and type very fast with built in software keyboard! Just go to the Options for keyboard and change size to Large. Now keys are accessible without using a stylus! I am very happy now.
No need to carry stinkin' keybard no more
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even the hardware keyboard isn't that good compare to Universal, i still find it quicker compare to the soft keyboard.
Does anybody know anything technical about the KB? It should be possible to make our own keyboards for the Athena if we can just find out a little about it.
Imagine a small clip on adaptor that sticks to the bottom and has a PS2 socket on it
I've considered making a magnetic ribbon cable for "detached" use. Where you hold the keyboard in your hand and it's connected to the Athena via a magnetic cable that attached to the two components. Not sure if this would be worth anything to anyone out there but it should be VERY easy to make.
I also wondered if there was support for a docking station like use, with charger and keyboard plugged in, so you pop the athena into it and it charges as well as connects the KB.
You dont suppose the kb is actualy just USB do you?
I think some kind of slide down qwerty keyboard similar to the hermes / spv m3100 would be great. That way the keyboard could clip on the back of the Ameo and then the keyboard could slide out? if you get me?
The magnetic keyboards great if your at home, or in the office, but out and about its not practical.
I do agree that the software keyboards pretty good with large keys, thats what i use.
Yes, a slide out KB could easily be incorperated into a clip on protective case. In fact, you wouldnt need a new bk. Just mount the existing one into the slide part of the case, where the case would have a ribbon cable to make the connections.
There is a HUGE market for third party KB mods for the Athena, HTC really missed a trick here by not having some alternate kbs ready at launch.
For example, why doesnt the Dock have a KB? or a KB socket? Jeez, its not hard to put a ps2 socket in the dock, or a slot to put the normal Athena KB into it!
How about a large full size KB with Athena connector in it...
have you guys tried go-ten yet? Nothing can match this in terms of accuracy and speed. I've tried Resco, Spb, Hikeyboard, the standard default both big and small, and nothing come even remotely closed to the ease and speed of go-TEN for me. It is unconventional at first glance, but once you see it, you may wonder why was'nt all soft input keyboard so smart, easy, and quick. If you use predictive text in SMS you may get the idea right away.
There is very very small learning curve only. Only six keys most is the times, but you have the option is pressing all 26 characters.Best thing is there is a free version.
Try it, and you won't want the hardware keyboard again.
eaglesteve said:
have you guys tried go-ten yet? Nothing can match this in terms of accuracy and speed. I've tried Resco, Spb, Hikeyboard, the standard default both big and small, and nothing come even remotely closed to the ease and speed of go-TEN for me. It is unconventional at first glance, but once you see it, you may wonder why was'nt all soft input keyboard so smart, easy, and quick. If you use predictive text in SMS you may get the idea right away.
There is very very small learning curve only. Only six keys most is the times, but you have the option is pressing all 26 characters.Best thing is there is a free version.
Try it, and you won't want the hardware keyboard again.
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Do you mean TenGo??? Dude you had me searching the wrong thing on Google because I didn't want to be lazy and ask for a link. LOL
Check spelling bro.
Here's a link for those that want to look into his suggestion
eaglesteve said:
have you guys tried go-ten yet? Nothing can match this in terms of accuracy and speed. I've tried Resco, Spb, Hikeyboard, the standard default both big and small, and nothing come even remotely closed to the ease and speed of go-TEN for me. It is unconventional at first glance, but once you see it, you may wonder why was'nt all soft input keyboard so smart, easy, and quick. If you use predictive text in SMS you may get the idea right away.
There is very very small learning curve only. Only six keys most is the times, but you have the option is pressing all 26 characters.Best thing is there is a free version.
Try it, and you won't want the hardware keyboard again.
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Hi eaglesteve.
Do you have a link to this software or developer info etc please? can't seem to find anything when googling for it.
No worries found it. Thanks for the heads up.
ID64 said:
I love my x7500, except this hardware keyboard that is poorly designed and not very functional. But there is the way to use this device and type very fast with built in software keyboard! Just go to the Options for keyboard and change size to Large. Now keys are accessible without using a stylus! I am very happy now.
No need to carry stinkin' keybard no more
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Tere Igor
Have you tried any of the soft keyboard options out there?
TenGo is not as intuitive as it appears, but is smart software.
OK just given the TenGo SIP a good run for it's money tonight. It is a very nice lookin application that has real potential.....BUT....the learning curve is a major drawback IMHO and not worth the time to learn. Why do I say that?
Firstly, I/we use QWERTY keyboards of one type or another every day and wether it's afull sized USB PC keyboard or a slide-out PPC keboard or SIP based, the QWERTY principle really has left an intuitive mark on me at least over the years and learning a new system does not make much sense to me if it is not going to be everywhere....just on my Ameo.
2ndly, I have no time to keep checking if the predictive text has recognised the word I intended for it to type. I mean if you don't check what you're typing regularly, then by the time you've reached the end of your document/txt, you'll struggle to make sense of what you have typed yourself!
3rd and last, I like to use slang terminology and this causes the predictive technology more problems in recognising what I have typed e.g. it will try to guess what slang I have used and effectively translate it to something similar in it's perfect english database.
Verdict? Perfect for those who write perfect english all the time and have the time to learn and train a new system,....BUT useless for those who already know what they want to type and just want it done quickly without spell checking every word as they type. It is very smart software indeed, but not natural or smart enough for the human mind. Gimme a larger SIP panel instead.
Not for me, but thanks for the heads-up.
mackaby007 said:
3rd and last, I like to use slang terminology and this causes the predictive technology more problems in recognising what I have typed e.g. it will try to guess what slang I have used and effectively translate it to something similar in it's perfect english database.
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Same for me but for me it's the fact that I regularly communicate in a number of languages.
mackaby007 said:
OK just given the TenGo SIP a good run for it's money tonight. It is a very nice lookin application that has real potential.....BUT....the learning curve is a major drawback IMHO and not worth the time to learn. Why do I say that?
Firstly, I/we use QWERTY keyboards of one type or another every day and wether it's afull sized USB PC keyboard or a slide-out PPC keboard or SIP based, the QWERTY principle really has left an intuitive mark on me at least over the years and learning a new system does not make much sense to me if it is not going to be everywhere....just on my Ameo.
2ndly, I have no time to keep checking if the predictive text has recognised the word I intended for it to type. I mean if you don't check what you're typing regularly, then by the time you've reached the end of your document/txt, you'll struggle to make sense of what you have typed yourself!
3rd and last, I like to use slang terminology and this causes the predictive technology more problems in recognising what I have typed e.g. it will try to guess what slang I have used and effectively translate it to something similar in it's perfect english database.
Verdict? Perfect for those who write perfect english all the time and have the time to learn and train a new system,....BUT useless for those who already know what they want to type and just want it done quickly without spell checking every word as they type. It is very smart software indeed, but not natural or smart enough for the human mind. Gimme a larger SIP panel instead.
Not for me, but thanks for the heads-up.
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Ha ha, that was my first reaction too. So I almost passed it up initially without giving it a fair chance.
This are the facts:
1. You have not given up your qwert keyboard. It is still functioning 100% as one. If you choose to press the precise position of each individual 26 keys, what u type on is also one of the words that can b selected. Therefore you can still use slang such as lol, gtg,brb,etc. C how I can intentionally use shortened words on this post?
2. It is to b thought is as a very forgiving qwert keyboard, because of the built-in intelligence. You can type in the exact spelling of your words, not just limited to the words in the dictionary.becausr while it tries to predict what you want to type, what you actually type also appears as one of the choices. Now you see why slang is not a problem?
3. the system is actually very smart in selecting the default hint word out of all the suggested ones. The default choice is the underlined and first hint word. You don't need to do anything in order to select it other than the space bar ( which u hve 2 anyway w normal qwert keyboard) The only difference is u need not be precise in typing. U merely hve 2 touch the correct keygroup. U got it?
I thnk u r really going 2 like it once u go thru the 3 min tutorial. THERE IS ALMOST NO LEARNING CURVE!
btw, there is a known problem with tengo installation. You may have problem selecting this as the default sip, or even selecting it.
i'll find the thread later and post it here.
eaglesteve said:
btw, there is a known problem with tengo installation. You may have problem selecting this as the default sip, or even selecting it.
i'll find the thread later and post it here.
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Installation problems aside, I agree that one can write a very nifty speeds and that the learning curve can appear to be low. My point was that it is not natural, certainly not to me.
I see your point about being able to use slang, but as it will not be the default word selected, you have to select it yourself each time you use it or teach the database a new word (slang) in order for it to recognise it in the future.
If it works well for you eaglesteve that's great and I wish I was as capable at adapting as you are, but for me and possibly for others, I'm looking for a SIP keyboard that will help to improve/enhance the way I'm already used to typing without feeling unsure if my document/txt is being typed correctly. I know you know what I mean.
However as your experience has taught you, maybe one evenings worth of testing is not enough for me to dismiss it so easily. But then I have kept it installed for further testing alongside my usual SIP methods.
Thanks again for the heads up though.
mackaby007 said:
No worries found it. Thanks for the heads up.
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go here for free tengo:
Go here for commercial versions"
It supports vga
You may use it exactly the same way as your old qwert board is you go choose.
But then,you'll right away realise that there is a much easier way....quicker... More flexible..enjoy.
mackaby007 said:
I see your point about being able to use slang, but as it will not be the default word selected, you have to select it yourself each time you use it or teach the database a new word (slang) in order for it to recognise it in the future.
I'm looking for a SIP keyboard that will help to improve/enhance the way I'm already used to typing without feeling unsure if my document/txt is being typed correctly. I know you know what I mean.
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You don't have to teach the dictionary that the slang is a valid word. when you use it the first time, there will be an audio warning. But if you used it once, it automatically gets into the dictionary, and become just another normal word the next time you type it
Funny it is exactly because I want an SIP keyboard that will help to improve/enhance the way I'm already used to typing without feeling unsure if my document/txt is being typed correctly that I think tengo is the answer.
mackaby007 said:
Hi eaglesteve.
Do you have a link to this software or developer info etc please? can't seem to find anything when googling for it.
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When will htc ime get multitouch?

When will htc ime get multitouch? Does anyone know? or have any idea? or is there a hack to make it multitouch?
I don't think it ever will. I don't think it's necessary either because I can type really fast on it without missing any characters. If you want multi-touch you can try smart keyboard in the market.
well with multitouch it would be even faster.. and yeah i tried every other keyboard but none of them have the prediction as well as htc ime
Smart keyboard for the win..... I love it and just add your own predicted words
yea but i wish i could click the word and it would add to the dictionary by itself... like htc ime. HTC perfected there keyboard the only thing missing is multitouch. People saying it doesnt need it needs to use a multitouch keyboard. Right now you cant type with two fingers at a time..
sasha101 said:
yea but i wish i could click the word and it would add to the dictionary by itself... like htc ime. HTC perfected there keyboard the only thing missing is multitouch. People saying it doesnt need it needs to use a multitouch keyboard. Right now you cant type with two fingers at a time..
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Just long press a word on Smart Keyboard to have it add to the dictionary just like HTC_IME. problem solved!
i love the htc keyboard for the adding words so easily. if most people are like, and thats not for me guess lol, i am too lazy to spend time in a menu adding words unless i use them all the time. on htc i add them every day at least once with no thought, and i find prediction getting much better by the day.
however, i agree it needs multitouch.the iphone oskeyboard seems faster in tests ive seen, and it may be due to the wide screen, but i would guess its the multitouch. if nothing else, it couldnt hurt and it could very easily help
i agree multi-touch on the htc ime keyboard is the only thing missing from making it perfect.. it's so frustrating to use sometimes, especially jonasl's version which adds the "swipe to left" feature to delete words... when i type fast it deletes previous words instead of writing the new ones
Aside from multitouch we would be better off with an iPhone like system that enlarges predicted characters but is invisible. It's like the thick keys IME but much more accurate, doesn't actually move characters (which is completely stupid) and is invisible,it just runs and the user just sees the normal keyboard. I hate to say it but I absolutely think that's the best implementation.
DMaverick50 said:
Aside from multitouch we would be better off with an iPhone like system that enlarges predicted characters but is invisible. It's like the thick keys IME but much more accurate, doesn't actually move characters (which is completely stupid) and is invisible,it just runs and the user just sees the normal keyboard. I hate to say it but I absolutely think that's the best implementation.
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I agree with you I think our keyboard can use some more work to it, I love the iphone keyboard, not a fan boy just like the keyboard..only thing decent apple has on that thing..that we dont..
I'm not sure if you guys actually tried smart keyboard long enough but if you press an hold on the word it adds to the dictiknary. I think its better this was so sometimes I can type junk for captcha stuff or other useless words without adding each of them to the HTC ime when I press in the word.

Typing With The Keyboard Help

Hello All....
I just recently purchased the HTC HD2 and coming from an Iphone, they keyboard on here to type seems to be rather difficult. Is anyone else having problems with this at all? It seems it takes me twice as long to write a message or anything on here vs. iPhone. Does anyone have any suggestions? Or does it just take a good amount of time to get use to?
Any help, would be much appreciated!!
it does seem different to any keyboard i've used, and a lot of that i think is down to the screen sensitivity.
I use swype, which helps some, but even then it is almost unuseable until i apply the bsbtweak for reduced screen sensitivity.
for me, it helps to have the audible and vibrate options checked. it makes it a little bit easier to tell when you've actally touched a key. you could also try the phone keypad option for texting and use xt9....it works surprisingly well for text messages though it can be a bear to use when it doesn't recognize a word.
samsamuel said:
it does seem different to any keyboard i've used, and a lot of that i think is down to the screen sensitivity.
I use swype, which helps some, but even then it is almost unuseable until i apply the bsbtweak for reduced screen sensitivity.
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yap try swype or the new slideit 4.1. with them i type almost faster than with a hardware keyboard - true story.
shu8i said:
with them i type almost faster than with a hardware keyboard - true story.
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yea I agree.now that I'm two months into using swype itsa fair bit faster than keying.
I agree with you Marcf, the HD2 keyboard isn't near as easy to use as the iPhone, it's the only feature of the HD2 that I still have a problem with. I use the Skype keyboard which is a little better but it still doesn't work near as well as an iPhone or even my old Omnia. My only hope is that some third party developer will come out with something better one of these days.
The keyboard is a pain.
I found disabling the vibrate on key press to help, it speeded up my typing anyway.
Swype is good but im not sure if im quicker using it tbh.

So who else despises the EVO soft keyboard?

I dont understand why HTC didn't just use the Desire's keyboard. Instead just added really annoying arrows, and in result I find myself constantly hitting these arrows instead of the space or enter keys. Typing is a mess.
Well, no longer. Just wanted to let you guys know jonasl's modded htc keyboard works PERFECTLY. NO MORE ARROWS. YAY!
how do you navigate without a track pad?
You obviously missed the Swype guide >> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=687056
danknee said:
You obviously missed the Swype guide >> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=687056
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swype all the way for me, can't even type on the reg keyboard without having to fix every single word
Trackpad? With a 4.3 inch touchscreen? I dont need arrows when i can just pan around the screen with my finger. But im coming from an iPhone.
danknee said:
You obviously missed the Swype guide >> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=687056
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Actually Swype was the first thing I tried. But its not for me. I can type fast using swype but faster on a qwerty. Also, I am constantly typing in different languages and sometimes I simply cannot rely on any kind of prediction.
zeuzinn said:
Actually Swype was the first thing I tried. But its not for me. I can type fast using swype but faster on a qwerty. Also, I am constantly typing in different languages and sometimes I simply cannot rely on any kind of prediction.
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I realize this is kind of weird, but have you tried just using the Swype keyboard like a normal keyboard? for some reason I feel like it is easier to use than the other keyboard that way. And you could always practice with swyping, you might get pretty good at it!
phinnaeus said:
I realize this is kind of weird, but have you tried just using the Swype keyboard like a normal keyboard? for some reason I feel like it is easier to use than the other keyboard that way. And you could always practice with swyping, you might get pretty good at it!
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I did! But sometimes I move so fast between keys it actually thinks I'm swiping. Plus It would still try to "correct' words that were typed in another language into english, no matter how accurately I touched each button.
zeuzinn said:
I did! But sometimes I move so fast between keys it actually thinks I'm swiping. Plus It would still try to "correct' words that were typed in another language into english, no matter how accurately I touched each button.
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You might try Shapewriter out. I believe you can add custom libraries to it, so you could add other languages you type in the same file as your English library.
How is swype for dealing with words that aren't necessarily regularly part of the english language? I tend to use my phone for searching for device model numbers for example, and sense annoys me somewhat because it autocorrects words that aren't actually words but model nomenclatures.
Rakeesh_j said:
How is swype for dealing with words that aren't necessarily regularly part of the english language? I tend to use my phone for searching for device model numbers for example, and sense annoys me somewhat because it autocorrects words that aren't actually words but model nomenclatures.
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good, you can add words to the swype dictionary by typing it in and pushing the "swype key"
phinnaeus said:
I realize this is kind of weird, but have you tried just using the Swype keyboard like a normal keyboard? for some reason I feel like it is easier to use than the other keyboard that way. And you could always practice with swyping, you might get pretty good at it!
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You must be really slow at Swype if you're faster with QWERTY. @[email protected]
I also like SmartKeyBoard Pro which is more IPHONE like for some.
But bottom line folks is that you have choices. If this were an IPHONE and you didn't like the keyboard what options for you have? That is the main point of arguement between the two camps.
Both have their good points and bad points. We are not required to buy either. We can go back to the Motorola Razr Ver(xx) if we wanted to.
If the new IPHONE had at least a 3.8 or 4.0 screen I would use my upgrade and get one to have. But I am very happy with the EVO and I look foward to Froyo 2.2 update that has everything working on it.

[Q] Phone Key (T9) Keypad functions - how to order Words?

Hi all,
I'm using the Phone Pad, HTC default, Keyboard to type SMS, Mails, Searches etc, cuz i can't handle the qwertz (german) or the simple qwertz key pads. They suck to type SMS (for me)
All works fine (okay, adding the mouth of the smiley ) or ( is a little complicated but manageable).
But... there is a very unlogical order of the different T9 Words. My old Sony Ericsson ordered the words by how often i used them.
I don't need exactly this feature, but to order the words by my own would be nice.
the only accessible workaround is, that i have to add the words manually (then they exists twice).
Then they are the first words the phone suggests me. but this isn't very nice.
do you know some tips to help me with my problem?
how do you handle the sms typing stuff? do you all bought a extra keyboard app in the market??
kind regards
I've started using Swiftkey as it does actually learn the words you type. It works well. I personally found it better the default keyboard and better than the much raved about Swype .
I can't post a link but you can find it on app brain.
is it free?
can u modify the words order?
heady2k said:
is it free?
can u modify the words order?
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Yes it is free. It learns the words you use most so you shouldn't need to manually edit the word order. Try it and see if it is better for you.
Hpez said:
Yes it is free. It learns the words you use most so you shouldn't need to manually edit the word order. Try it and see if it is better for you.
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hmm kay, i installed it, tried it, but you only can choose qwerty/qwertz.
i haven't found a phone-pad layout. :/

