Messages Question/Annoyance - HD2 General

This has been annoying me lately and i am wondering if anyone has a solution: When i scroll across to my messages tab - the text message that appears on the screen is not alway the most recent (or unread text).
Is there a way to make it display the first unread text message or is it stuck on displaying the last text i looked at?
I know i can click "all messages" and then get a list of everyone who texted me (conversation mode) or i could scroll up on the messages tab to see my latest texts...but it would be pretty neat if it automatically displayed the first unread text and i can just scroll up to see any other unread texts.
Oh and while we are it, i'm gonna guess it is normal for the non-custom rom versions of the phone to get laggy when there is about 80-100 texts in memory. Is this a common annoyance? I've read about how the tmobile sd card is flakey and could cause lag, is this relevant?
Thanks for your time, oh yeah and im using the newest rom from tmobile's website and have htc sense enabled.

Hello. Well, in regards to your messaging question: all stock versions of Sense that I have seen will in fact display the last message received and not the last message viewed... Strange to hear you are having problems with this. Perhaps your Date/Time settings are incorrect? I have seen issues where message get arranged very strangely if the Date/Time is off sync..
In regards to the threads of 80-100 texts: I would agree that the phone will at times become sluggish and/or laggy during normal usage. I recommend keeping threads under 50 for best performance. It's unfortunate you are still having this probelm after upgrading to T-mobile's latest official ROM as apparently this should have been addressed more...
The 16Gb SD card that comes with your phone shouldn't effect the SMS behavior although it is only a Class 2 16Gb, so an increase in Class size will improve SD accessibility.
Good luck.

Thanks for your reply.
I think you're right about it switching to the most recent text, i just checked again and it apparently happens only when the phone is initially locked. When i tap the lock (instead of sliding), then slide the message icon to the left or right, it will take me to an older text message (in the messages tab) rather than the new text!


New Threaded Messaging Problem

In my HTC threaded messaging, the display is not in order such that all SMS sent by me is displayed at the top while messages of my recipient's are displayed below, regardless of the order they are sent, that isn't threaded messaging isn't it. Have any of you faced this problem? And how can i go about solving it? I just purchased my LEO today and it's running on 1.66 by default.
Another problem which have already been mentioned by other threads i faced is the shaking screen problem when trying to select text in htc messages or cropping of images, this is especially annoying as it prevents me from copying and selecting text accurately.
I'd appreciate all the help i can get since i am relatively new to the community. Thanks guys!
Search timestamp fix...has worked for me so far.
Hey! Thanks so much for you response. Will install the cab and see how it goes!
Thanks thanks!!
Failing that, assuming all your messages are from a backed up PIM?
1)Backup messages.
2)Disable threaded SMS
3)Delete all messages
4)Close / kill the messaging app
5)Restore messages
6)Enable threaded SMS and wait (maybe a long time depending on how many messages) while it re-threads them for you.
nope, my messages were all 'new' messages meaning they were sent and received on while using the phone after unboxing. i didn't store any backup messages on it. But it's working alright so far, but the screen is pretty annoying as i'm making plenty of typo errors, either i type "too fast" (which is slow in my opinion) and then it somehow register other key presses or not even registering any. I've already installed the cab V3.3 for reduced sensitivity and it doesn't seem to be working?
messaging problem still need help
hey guys, the whole display and layout of my threaded messaging is still screwed. it makes things really inconvenient and i have to do alot of scrolling when i have a considerably large amount of history of texts. i need help and the timestamp cab didn't work. is there a registry fix for this? the reason why my messages are sometimes positioned below my recipient i suspect is the difference in time. i believe it is due to either mine is faster or slower and that determines the position of the messages. isn't it supposed to be all according to my phone's time? i am puzzled and dismayed that a core function of the phone is screwed up.
pls help me with this guys. thanks so much.

New SMS issue...

I've searched for this but come up with nothing.
This initially occoured with the SMS hotfix, but is now also happening with the ROM upgrade to 1.66.
When I open a message thread from someone and start writing a reply, as the last message in the thread loads it is like i have touched the screen and highlighted one of the individual messages as it turns black. I can still type although none of the text appears until i tap in the text box again, where all of the text i'd been continuing to write appears.
Same here am on stock rom and it only happened since hot fix ...and another thing this last 3 weeks Ive started having the sms stuck in outbox randomly in untill I reset the phone ...
Never had this problem before or for a month after hot fix ..Had the phone since November
i've noticed this as well. you can continue to type, but the text doesn't show up until you touch the text box.
it seems that it's doing some sort of enumeration/parsing of the sms messages in the conversation as you can see number of messages counting up in the bracket at the top of the screen before it then highlights the last message.
tedious i agree
I get this but also when I insert a symbol it puts it at the biginning of the message regardless of where I was!
So it's not just me then!
I have also noticed the cursor jumping to the beginnning of the message for no apparent reason.
yes its discused already here somwhere (im to lazy to search for it ). the sms application normmaly reads all messages and then sets the focus to the last msg. so far so good. to serve the users that complaining about the long time the have to wait until the can answer a message, htc made a fix so you can start typing directly. unfortunatly they miss to disable the routine that is setting the focus ;(. i found out that i can continue typing even when im not seeing what is going on on the screen. after i finished typing my line i touch the display to set the focus back to my text. meanwhile i switched to rom 2.02 and have no problems with lost focus anymore.
regards mad
So I guess the new ROM is the answer? Any ideas when a 2.xx ROM will be released by HTC?
Me too
I'm getting this problem since the "upgrade" to 1.66.
However, at least I can send text messages now!
Since 1.66 I've also got the pink tinge in the middle of photographs problem back but the fix published by HTC wont work with 1.66.
Anyone got this solved? When 1.66 were released, a 3rd sms hotfix also were released. Does this fix the highlighing problem, or is this just for people who don't want to upgrade to ROM 1.66, but want to send SMS messages?
I had brought this up before now.
This happens for both 1.66 and also people applying the hotfix, as the hotfix is included in the 1.66 rom.
If we could disable it selecting the last message once it has loaded them all, this wont be a problem anymore.
The problem before was it taking forever to load the text, so they fixed that by loading it in the background (i still dont see why ALL messages from that conversation has to be loaded, would be better if it had pages like it did on my diamond), but this fix has then included the fact it looses focus on your typign when the final message is loaded and selected. As stated you can still type and send, you just cant see it untill you press the text box again.
MalekoUK said:
I had brought this up before now.
This happens for both 1.66 and also people applying the hotfix, as the hotfix is included in the 1.66 rom.
If we could disable it selecting the last message once it has loaded them all, this wont be a problem anymore.
The problem before was it taking forever to load the text, so they fixed that by loading it in the background (i still dont see why ALL messages from that conversation has to be loaded, would be better if it had pages like it did on my diamond), but this fix has then included the fact it looses focus on your typign when the final message is loaded and selected. As stated you can still type and send, you just cant see it untill you press the text box again.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hmm... wonder if this is a registry thing.. But a "finished_loading_higlight_last" set to "1" would be to easy, right?
Gonna try this out: trying to locate the "highlight image" on the device. Maby a black .png image is to find on the device somewhere... and search for the filename in the registry... I'm kinda noob at registry etc. but this might be a way to find out if we can disable the highlight of the latest message...
I would guess the black highlight image is embedded in a manila file.
Same problem here with 1.43 and hotfix installed. I guess it's still better than waiting forever for the messages to load...
Mine is also doing this and I'm running Dutty's Leo HG v0.9 WWE.. Quite annoying!
Text input gets really sluggish too, and I find I often enter the wrong characters in a text as a result..?
Seems to happen when I've got 300 messages stored by a contact or No messages stored by a contact, and is a pretty much on/off thing as it can be fine sometimes??
yeah, same problem here on cooked 2.02 rom.
What can we do against that?
HTC fixed the bug that you can start typing immediately, but that seems not to be fixed if you are using Swype as your default keyboard. Still have to wait till all messages are loaded to start swype recognizing my inputs.
Does anyone else experience that problem?
I've experienced this problem too. However, I think the highlighting of the last message behaviour is intended because if you think about it, what you are doing when you touch the text message to enter the 'proper' text messaging app is to select that message - hence it selects it for you.
Now, if you just want to reply without it highlighting the last message mid way through, then select the right 'Menu' softkey and then select 'Reply' from the pop up menu. It'll go straight to the typing bax and shouldn't highlight the last message.

HD2 Messaging selects last message when typing?

Hi all,
I have searched through the (hundreds!) of messaging threads but noone seems to report this issue. When I am replying to a message in the HTC message app, seemingly randomly the message loses focus, and an earlier message is highlighted. What I type is not lost, but is not shown until I tap back on my reply.
I've tried the sensitivity tweaks, tried typing slower and more accurately, but still happens.
Really annoying, is this at all common?
I have seen same issue and not been able to find a fix. was thinking it could be a faulty touchscreen
yeah i have some issues with this im guessing software problem sometime, i carry on typing and its still there click the screen and its fine again, i just thought it was a software fault so never asked anything.
I believe this is also related to the messaging app issue, as it tends to follow the same trend.
The annoying thing is I know why it's happening. When you tap on the text from the sense tab, it loads messaging app, then loads all of the messages, and then selects the message you tapped on from the tab. If there are a few previous messages from the same person, tap on an earlier message and you'll see what I mean.
If there was a way to change it to only open the messaging app and choose the same contact, not that same sms, then it would be fixed. I ended up just binding one of my hardware keys to messaging client, and I use that instead of the messages tab.
Thanks for the replies!
That makes sense. And whilst its loading the messages it types pretty slowly, particularly the space bar is not detected, and thats really irritating!
Will raise it as an issue with HTC, and see what happens.
A work-around is to click send on a blank message, and cancel. All messages are then loaded instantly, type away!
You'd think, now that we are 10 years on from greyscreen Nokias, with all this lovely hardware and software to play with, that simple text message would be no problem.
Instead, we have this problem (which I get as well), and a very glitchy messaging program which every fifth text seems to lag to infinity. For me, it's the weakest part of the HD2 and I hate sending texts sometimes. I hope they build in a solid messenger soon.
Mine has been doing this for ages, its worse with more messages. I wish they would hurry up and fix this. grrr
Hmmm... Yes, mine does this too - but I thought it started after applying a hotfix from the HTC site. I am on ROM 1.48.405.2 and I assume that the fix would have been
I applied the fix as I was finding that sometimes when I tapped in the typing area to reply, I got no response at all. The fix certainly sorted out that issue, it appears but my text now suffers from the above issue. - There is no 'uninstall' for this hotfix.
So - I've just seen this post
it seems that the hotfix and subsequent new ROM including the hotfix proves that it is an update related issue.
I'm running a ROM based on 2.10, it certainly isn't fixed in this version!

A couple of SMS grievances (maybe already answered but I couldn't find)

I've noticed a couple of SMS grievances that I was hoping there was a way to address. I'm running the stock rom 1.66.405.2 (WWE) and the HTC messages service.
The first one is that, when typing an SMS to someone I already have a conversation with, as it populates the list the screen will "jump" up a bit and highlight the latest message in the conversation. I can carry on typing, but now the keyboard is covering the text entry view so I have to stop and scroll down. Is there any way of stopping this known?
The other is that when I receive a message, if I am still on the messages tab on the home screen, the notification area icon will remain onscreen even after I have 'read' the message (the green counter on the tab disappears, but I didn't enter the messages service) or deleted it (as I would instantly with delivery receipts) until I move to another tab and come back to messages - or actually go into the service itself. It's annoying because if I lock the screen, the lock slider behaves as if I have a new message and is insistent on telling me.
If I'm not being clear enough, let me know and I'll try and clarify.
the first one is very known and has never been solved so far. there has been a mini Fix... where you add the messages tab to the quicklinks and then it won't happen. Not a fix for manila which i love and wish it wasn't enabled there.
the second one ... i have never solved myself. just got used to it.
Oh well getting a desire soon so will leave this Windows crap behind
may i know what u mean by adding the msg tab to quicklink?
I have tried adding HTC msging tab to the quicklink on the today's main page, but it didnt seem to help the jumping bit.
Really desperately need to solve the sms jumping problem thanks

Threaded SMS + Swype + Over 200 Total Messages = WTF

1) Why is there a relationship between number stored text messages and delay time between when phone first lights up until I am unable to unlock the phone and read my message? It seems sometimes when I have even 200+ messages stored, my phone will light up indicating a text is being received, but will "freeze" until it has (what seems to be) re-loaded every text stored. Only then, allowing me to access my new text message. So fukcing has to be Sense related.
- No, turning off Sense does not fix the problem either. I'm stock ROM (2nd to latest ROM upgraded)
2) Why does Swype, in threaded mode, insist on having every message load prior to being able to use it? Again, if a contact has 200+ messages in their thread, the phone is useless until all messages have loaded...
I enjoy using the threaded view, because I'm often referring back to previous text messages in my conversations. I can avert the Swype loading by using traditional mode. As of right now, it's either Swype + traditional or no Swype + threaded. I shouldn't feel I should have to choose, am I right?
I realize I can just delete my messages every 200+ that occur, but I reach that in a couple of days. Deleting takes too long too and going through SMS Backup is a too much of a pain if it's not for 1000+ texts.
I know this is cache/memory related. I wish there was a way to transfer the texts from phone storage to SD storage. I'm running a Class 6 too, so I don't think I can attribute slow processing speeds to the card either.
Thanks in advance. I realize this is MOST likely a repeated question. But I feel I haven't been able to arrive to a just answer from searching.
yep, its an ooold problem with no specific fix other than don't save more than 100 or so txts.
tried the latest rom?
I find that using a custom ROM has pretty much fixed the problem of HTC messageing freezing like that for me. I constantly have 1000+ texts in 3-4 threads, and have minimal wait times for messageing to open and let me reply.
Try using the latest TMO USA stock ROM. This ROM seems to have completely eliminated any problems with the HTC messaging app.
I have twitter send tweets from certain users as txt messages to my phone. The thread for twitter has reached over 1000 messages on a couple of occasions with this new ROM without causing significant lag like the previous stock ROM used to
swype is crap I notice that was the problem why my sms app would slow app...I use the regular keyboard and I have over 300 messages with one contact and its still not slowing up, and on top of that I notice I type faster with the regular keyboard....first time I used the keyboard since i got the phone back in june
I recommend a rom without HTC messaging. HTC messaging is still slow wether its stock rom or custom. Why they decided to uber up WinMo SMS I will never know.

