I am trying to get an IM program running on my Nexus One running Froyo 2.2. I was able to get the instant messaging program from online (http://www.samsungmomentforum.com/s...62;PHPSESSID=b596af84e6a68795f8f1c96fe67dbcde).
The program runs perfectly fine, installs, but when I try to sign on, it gives me the error message above (Error: The MD5 digests do not match) and does not sign me on. I have tried using the IM programs that were on Hero that I searched on this website, but they crash.
Any help would be greatly helpful...
I uninstalled a couple programs and suddenly every time I wake up my device via the power button, I receive this error: "Cannot execute \windows\pmnotify.exe." What is pmnotify.exe? Do I need it? Is this a system file that has been removed by a program? Is it possible to re-obtain this file?
I searched here and through Yahoo and haven't found reports of anyone that sound like they understand this issue.
This was caused by Pocket Music. I installed the program and it worked until I entered my device registration number. After that it would give me a white screen when attempting to run the program. I fixed this by reinstalling pocket music. This time it works correctly.
I'm not sure if this will happen again if I ever try to remove the program. I'm using it for now, so it's all good.
hellocacanyou help me in sending thee pmnotify.exe
im trying to install the new lvsw rom and i'm getting the an error message ''RUUWRAPPER.EXE APPLICATION ERROR'' can someone tell how to make this work
Do you have .net 2.0 installed? If so, have you tried redownloading the file?
gemini7866 said:
im trying to install the new lvsw rom and i'm getting the an error message ''RUUWRAPPER.EXE APPLICATION ERROR'' can someone tell how to make this work
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
see the guide for upgrading to LVSW. This will talk your through it. Read it through word for word and you will be fine.
CRC Error
trying to download the RUUWrapper but when i try to unzip it
it says CRC Error
plzzz help
I recently tried installing spb's Phone Suite. It seemed to work fine until I received a text message, when it threw up an error:
"The file 'mrplay' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. You might need to reinstall or restore this file."
Uninstalling Phone Suite didn't solve the problem. My guess is that there is either a file missing from the install, or the install changed/deleted/moved a file that was there previously. I'm yet to receive any real support from them, so I was wondering if anyone on here knew anything about 'mrplay'. Is it something comes with Windows Mobile 5?
Tried the latest Android Froyo build on my phone with some interesting results.
I downloaded Froyo, copied the Android folder to my SD card, hit CLRCAD and then Haret. Froyo started booting, but after 4-5 lines all stopped. There was nothing happening after 15-20 min, so i pulled the battery, and started the phone again.
Now i get the message (in Norwegian)
"The file <filename> cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of it's components cannot be found. If the problem persists try reinstalling or restorig the file"
The problem is that none of the programs installed on the SD-card runs. They all get the above error.
I can not install any programs (reg editors) because i again get the above message. My registry editor that is already installed wont work, and i can not install anything.
I have tried Googling the problem and i've also searched the forums here in XDA. But i have not found anything that actually might work, because they all wants to install something. I can not install anything, and all of my 3'rd party apps doesn't work.
How do i disable the certificate verification without having to install anything or run any 3'rd part apps??
Is there maybe any program that i can run from my Win7 computer??
Thanks for all informing answers..
Heelloo guys,
I got my hd2 unlocked and activated. Signed in my Live ID.
Tried to download apps from marketplace but failed with error saying "Can't get this info right now. Check back in a little while".
Does my Live ID has to be created from the same region of my device setup?
I have the same problem with my HTC HD2 Win7 upgrade. All the tools I've installed from this site does work, but when trying to load app from marketplace, I get the same error. "Can't get this info right now. Check back in a little while".
Anyone has any ideas for a fix?
Lots of people here have had this problem, apparently there's some threads here that explain why you get this message. Did you try searching for them?