Trapster download help - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

I am trying to download trapster which I have done and made an account....BUT for some reason when I go to use it on my says I need a "Newer," Version of the framework.
I try to download the framework 3.5 on my phone AND on my computer but it says that it ISNT a executable file on the phone or something.
Can anyone help me with these two apps please...
Oh and I also searched the forums found 2 threads with "Trappster," In the name but NOONE said a step by step process on fixing said problem...they dont even have it on the main page of trapster.


It sounds like you downloaded the desktop version of .net framework, you need the mobile version. Just put the attached cab on your phone and run it from there. Do a soft-reset, and then try running trapster again.

Related help instaling programs help

I am running the newest version of open touch and i am trying to download and use , , this bluetooth hacking program because it looks like it could be some fun but i dont know how to use the .jad and .jar download files to install them on my phone after they are downloaded, and i tried going to the quick downoad site on my phone to download the files but that doesnt work either. If anyone could help me, with a short step by step guide of what to do, i would greatly appreciate it.

HTC Touchflo not installed :S

Hey guys. I bought a clone HTC Touch 3G from
Basically, I've watched videos on the net and have seen people use these clones, and they come with HTC TouchFlo/Manilla 2D. Mine however, did NOT come with it installed. It just boots to the regular windows 6.1 pro menu.
Normally, I'd email the company but theyre on chinese newyear holiday. Can anyone please help me on tell me how to get touchflo installed on this device?
(If the device is a clone, its a pretty good clone. HTC Branding everywhere.)
EDIT: By not installed, I mean it is not on the phone. So it looks like I'll need the ROM or theme of it somehow. Help pleaseeeeee?
Lyth said:
.. EDIT: By not installed, I mean it is not on the phone. So it looks like I'll need the ROM or theme of it somehow. Help pleaseeeeee?
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You can easily install TF2D (M2D). If you search XDA, you can get the cab files.
Thank you. Is there a step by step process? (I am unsure what to run/install once I would have the files on my phone.)
Lyth said:
Thank you. Is there a step by step process? (I am unsure what to run/install once I would have the files on my phone.)
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You can download the application from here
How to, basically..
1) download the .cab file to your PC and transfer it to your phone.
2) on your phone, run the .cab file and it will auto install.
3) after that, you can leave the .cab file or delete it.
Where is the .cab file on that link? When I click the blue "DOWNLOAD" letters, it leads me to a forum. I don't know what to get from the form. I'm new to all this.
EDIT: I got the cab from a post on that seperate forum on the DOWNLOAD link.
MY only issue is: After installing, the phone just says "Touch here to launch TouchFLO". I have a "clone" of a HTC Touch 3G, and I am running Win 6.1, and the MD2 is what I believe to be the newest version. I've searched here, and people mention to download some shared dll's or something. I have no idea what to do.
I downloaded the .cab file from the mobility digest forum post called "UPDATE 5-29-09 COMING SOON - FIXING ERRORS on Jade Manila 2D Build 1.20.19131520.0"
at "This is the link to m2d cab here: 2DManila_1_20_19131530_00"
EDIT 2: I downloaded cracing's m2d for non htc cell phones. And it works, but it seems kinda slow, and doesnt autorun. (Every startup, I have to enable it again. Any help on this? (The m2d for non htc cell phone is just an .exe that I run.). Plus I need to download like all of these programs to avoid getting errors. :S
EDIT3:Web Browser does not load through cracings m2d, albumsearcher.exe cannot be found, weather says its 36 degrees even though its WINTER (Obviously in fahrenheit. How do I change it to celsius?), and settings has all these blank buttons (which have little pictures of the phone beside them. How do I fix all this?
I am not sure how else to help you. I've installed on HTC Kaiser without any problem.
Your problems could be due to the clone set.
Ive got it all working now. Except I have an unrelated problem. Text messages work fine, but whenever I try to make a phone call it says "Phone: The operation failed".
Ive read online that this is because the phone is trying to send data while making the phone call. I do NOT have a data plan, and data service under the settings is 'OFF'. (I cant even turn it on. If I try, it just auto turns off after.)
edit: i got it to work. somehow. i had to turn everything off in settings, and then on again. :S Maybe the phone needed data service off eventhough it already was. Hmmph.
i have the same problems as Lyth.
AlbumSearcher can not be found or doesn't have a certificate.
in an older version it worked. but there were a lot of shell errors.
does anybody know how to fix it?

hi, I'm a noob with a question about my HTC tilt 2. Help please!

I installed a few apps on my HTC tilt 2 with at&t from some sites. Everything was working fine for a while until my phone started slowing down and freezing alot, so I did a soft and hard reset and it fixed the freezing problems but when I run most of the apps, I get this message, ' This application requires a newer version of the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework than the version installed on this device.' Then it says quit and I hit it and this message comes up in a box, ' .NET CF Initialization Error ' and in the box it states, ' The application failed to load required components. If the .NET Compact Framework is installed on a storage card, please ensure that this card is in place and launch the application again. If this fails, a re-installation of .NET Compact Framework is recommended. Support info: -2147483643 (80000005)' So i downloaded it and get a message saying, ' NETCFSetupv35.msi' and in the box it states, 'There is no application associated with "NETCFSetup35". Run the application first, then open this file from within the application.' I don't know what I'm doing wrong but any help or advise will be appreciated. I don't know much about my phone but I'm pretty sure I did everything right. It all worked before when I installed the apps? Thanks in advance for your help.
drehustler said:
I installed a few apps on my HTC tilt 2 with at&t from some sites. Everything was working fine for a while until my phone started slowing down and freezing alot, so I did a soft and hard reset and it fixed the freezing problems but when I run most of the apps, I get this message, ' This application requires a newer version of the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework than the version installed on this device.' Then it says quit and I hit it and this message comes up in a box, ' .NET CF Initialization Error ' and in the box it states, ' The application failed to load required components. If the .NET Compact Framework is installed on a storage card, please ensure that this card is in place and launch the application again. If this fails, a re-installation of .NET Compact Framework is recommended. Support info: -2147483643 (80000005)' So i downloaded it and get a message saying, ' NETCFSetupv35.msi' and in the box it states, 'There is no application associated with "NETCFSetup35". Run the application first, then open this file from within the application.' I don't know what I'm doing wrong but any help or advise will be appreciated. I don't know much about my phone but I'm pretty sure I did everything right. It all worked before when I installed the apps? Thanks in advance for your help.
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Yeah it sounds like you had CF 3.5 on there before but somehow it didn't stay after the hard reset (which indicates it was installed sometime after the phone was first purchased).
The file you downloaded is to install it from your PC, not the phone. Put the cab file I attached here on your phone, run that, and it should resolve the issue
Thanks for your response, when i click on it it get a message saying, 'FIle download failed The requested header could not be located.' i've actually been getting that message a few times with other downloads too. would you know what that means? thanks again for your help.
run this from your computer.
drehustler said:
Thanks for your response, when i click on it it get a message saying, 'FIle download failed The requested header could not be located.' i've actually been getting that message a few times with other downloads too. would you know what that means? thanks again for your help.
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Hmmm no, never heard of it, and basic searching turns up nothing but lists of odd HTTP error codes, that one included. My guess would be an issue with your browser on your PC, but I really couldn't say for sure.
You can also just run the file Rhodium500 linked to above, it's the same .msi file you put on your phone in the first place but couldn't get to run from's an automated installer that just handles everything from your PC instead of you putting the cab on the phone manually.
thanks alot guys, still have no luck and since my phone is under warranty, i'm gonna get a new one. I got 2 htc tilt 2's and only mine is doing this? i'll be back.
dude getting a new touchpro2 wont help... i dont think... like the guy who posted the attachment said, just install it and it should work. if u cant download it use your friend's computer or the library
Dude I had the same problem and if you wait a few mins Ill find it in the microsoft website so you can try downloading from there. Just run it on your computer, then connect your phone with active sync. Go to programs> More> Add/Remove programs and click on the little box there. (I am not sure if the menu goes like this, im actually sure that it doesnt, but for some reason my phone wont connect the WMDM right now so i cant tell u) anyway dont return the phone just because of that cuz the new one might have a problem thats actually harder to fix
I dont remember where I got it from but Ill try to find the original place where I found it.
Heres the file
Microsoft Website
You can download it straight from their website. Its free and it doesnt hurt
thanks, just tried it and had no luck?? i can't even return my phone until the 12th so i'm still trying to figure it out.
hey everybody, I reset my sync center/active sync and re downloaded that from the microsoft website and it seemed to have fixed the problem. I appreciate your help very much.
drehustler said:
hey everybody, I reset my sync center/active sync and re downloaded that from the microsoft website and it seemed to have fixed the problem. I appreciate your help very much.
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Just a hint; it seems that either resetting the device or ActiveSync seems to solve a lot of problems sometimes. Had the same that my device didn't want to accept new Exchange-settings I made on my PC. After resetting both, it worked flawlessly.

.net framework on windows 7

I have a question concerning .net framework 3.5...i was attempting to start cooking, but ran into a problem when trying to download framework and its service pack. First I used the hyperlink. Then I went to microsoft and clicked the easily found "download" button(only 2.8 Mb)...Well that didnt work, then I found out that it was a update pack, so on the same page closer to the bottom it says full version.
I downloaded the full version (something like 200Mb). I ran the .exe and it wouldn't make it to the end before it would tell me that I needed to open-> control panel->programs->turn windows features on or off-> and select microsoft .net framework 3.5.1
Well that was already selected...attempted it several ways and still receiving the same error.
I also found that windows has had a problem with windows 7 and .net fW. It suggested I give my then sent me fixit link and that link would not load.
I have looked at some other sites to see if I can figure this out, but havent quite got it yet.
Thanks in advance

Problems installing cabs on T-mobile HD2

I am having problems installing cabs on my new HD2 with T-mobile. About 90% of the ones I try just say uninstallable after I save them. I tried to download the BsB tweak cab and same thing. I tried to download .NetCF 3.5 and it won't install either. Can anyone give me an idea, and also is there a place on my phone I can find out what .NetCF I'm running? Do the HD2's already have 3.5 on them? I've done a search on here to try and find answers but nothing yet.
Try a Soft Reset, see if that helps...if not Hard Reset
zoth said:
Try a Soft Reset, see if that helps...if not Hard Reset
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Hold on, not just yet on the hard-reset...
amstaff, what exactly happens when you try to install CF3.5? Are you trying it from a cab or a desktop installer?
sirphunkee- I'm trying it from a cab. .NetCF keeps saying this is a previous version, that's why I was wondering if I have 3.5 already. I don't know where to look and see. I tried to download a cab off modaco that says which version is running but I can't install that cab. It's one that just says uninstallable.
amstaff72 said:
sirphunkee- I'm trying it from a cab. .NetCF keeps saying this is a previous version, that's why I was wondering if I have 3.5 already. I don't know where to look and see. I tried to download a cab off modaco that says which version is running but I can't install that cab. It's one that just says uninstallable.
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Yeah you know what, I thought I had to put 3.5 on here when I first got it, but I remember now that it was never needed so I assumed it was already on here.
Whatever is causing your problem, I don't think it's CF3.5, because I never put it on and I have BsB Tweak running just fine, and I've never had installation issues like that. So yeah, I think a hard-reset might be a good place to start, to try to get whatever is interefering with your installs cleared up.
I tried a hard reset and still the same problems. Things download I just can't install most of them. I need some help.
amstaff72 said:
I tried a hard reset and still the same problems. Things download I just can't install most of them. I need some help.
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Are you saving them to the SD card and running them from there? If so, try one running on the phone instead...just to rule out any issue with the card.
I tried that too. It still wont let me install. Is there some safety thing or something I need to disable? I remember in Vista microsoft made it impossible to delete and download some files, did they do something like that on winmo 6.5? It was like you had to have the administrator rights or something. I don't know what's going on, but customizing a windows phone is one of it"s best attributes, I can't even install any games. I need some help, please!
man...this is a chin scratcher never heard of any thing like this before. maybe it has something to do with the certificates. have you tried installing a free app from the marketplace that came on the phone. im curious if that would work.where are you getting the cabs you are trying to install. try something from freeware pocket
Yeah, the only apps that should potentially give you issues for insufficient rights when installing are homebrewed ones like those found here...but as long as you have sdkcerts installed even those shouldn't do that. But it sounds like the issue here goes beyond that because you're trying to install things that shouldn't need that anyway
NetCF 3.5
amstaff72 said:
sirphunkee- I'm trying it from a cab. .NetCF keeps saying this is a previous version, that's why I was wondering if I have 3.5 already. I don't know where to look and see. I tried to download a cab off modaco that says which version is running but I can't install that cab. It's one that just says uninstallable.
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T-Mobile HD2 (US) already has NetCF 3.5 installed.
I have tried cabs from here and from places like and so many won't install. There are some that do but like I said about 90% don't. What is the sdkcerts or whatever, I don't think I have that do I need it to install some cabs? Please someone give me some Ideas. Thanks for letting me know about NetCF 3.5 I was wondering about that. But again need some ideas for the cabs. Thanks for the help and ideas so far.
I just tried to download and install the sdk certs cab. It downloaded and installed but I still can't install most cabs. I tried BsB tweaks again and it still says "BsB Tweaks uninstallable". Do I need to install the sdk certs somewhere special or can I just install it like normal?
amstaff72 said:
I just tried to download and install the sdk certs cab. It downloaded and installed but I still can't install most cabs. I tried BsB tweaks again and it still says "BsB Tweaks uninstallable". Do I need to install the sdk certs somewhere special or can I just install it like normal?
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You just install it like normal, it sounds like it went on fine for the problem has to be somewhere else, but I'm really still at a loss on this one. I don't know what other cabs/apps you're trying, but I know BsB installed on mine without a hitch.
Let me ask you this....when you're using file explorer to navigate to a cab you want to install, do you do it in landscape mode? And then, as soon as you click the cab, you filp to portrait? I just remembered that whenever I did that, it killed the install, and I would need to click the cab to run it while in portrait mode. Just a thought.
Is there a place I need to check or something that maybe makes me administrator that could be guest or something right now?
sirphunkee-when I download and install cabs I click the link, it sends me to the save screen, I most of the time save to my card and then install...but I have tried to save to the hard drive and install but it doesn't seem to matter which way I do it. When I save and install, I just leave the phone in the regular position, I don't turn it on its side. Some of the apps I've tried to install as cabs that didn't work are grooveshark for 6.5 from, BsB Tweaks from here, there was a couple of others I just tried to see if they would work from 1800pocketpc and they didn't work either. Only a few are installing without any problem. Thanks for your help sirphunkee, I appreciate it.
