I recently discontinued my data plan for nexus one and my friend asked me to root his g1. I wasn't sure if it would work since I was using my simcard.
As I downgraded g1 to rc29, I had 3g!!! I thought may be wifi is on or something. but wifi was off.i searched market,web and I had fast connection!
later when i changed his rom to 2.1 eclair 3g was gone. Then I put my sim in nexus and I had again 3g for like 10 mins and it was gone. But i had 3g on g1 withr rc29 more than 2 hours.
I don't know if downgrading to different roms or radio may give everyone free data plan but I was curious if this might happen for anyone else and our incredible Developers have any idea about it.
What did you develop again?
This has to be due to the IMEI numbers or phone switch till the t-mo servers were updated. This could also cause data charges on the bill.
Data is HIGHLY regulated and they are sure to find out AND bill you for the usage of their service. This is the phone development section, not try to get away with free 3g.
evilkorn is right. When the tmo base stations see a new imei number they offer all services to make sure that you get data if you need it while they check the sim card against their servers. Once the figure that you don't have a data plan, they cut the data service. I'm afraid you will be charged for the data use.
evilkorn you dont need to be too harsh one me of course im not a developer and just curious!
I thought it's ok to post it here. Well you guys know more than me. Im ok if i got charged. Thanks for replies
How was I harsh?
john206 said:
evilkorn you dont need to be too harsh one me of course im not a developer and just curious!
I thought it's ok to post it here. Well you guys know more than me. Im ok if i got charged. Thanks for replies
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I would wait for the bill before you say you are ok with it. A while back I made some changes to my service in the evening and the next morning not quite 14 hours later I and had already built up 47 bucks in data charges because they had accidentally stopped my data plan. The kicker would be I did not use data myself and by that I mean browsing or using other data consuming apps during that time, it was just the phone downloading weather updates, email, etc. The charges add up scary fast man.
krabman said:
I would wait for the bill before you say you are ok with it. A while back I made some changes to my service in the evening and the next morning not quite 14 hours later I and had already built up 47 bucks in data charges because they had accidentally stopped my data plan. The kicker would be I did not use data myself and by that I mean browsing or using other data consuming apps during that time, it was just the phone downloading weather updates, email, etc. The charges add up scary fast man.
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I know what you are saying. but I just browsed market and web for like 5 min and turned it off. an hour later i turned it on and changed the rom. Btw my nexus is unlocked and it doesnt appear on tmobile website.They think I have a outdated motorolla lol
ps i asked them to disconnect data 2 3 days before that and its not my fault i got 3g even my tmobile doesnt show any data usage
If I didn't buy a data plan i could still go on 3G. Id just pay per MB rather than buy, say 500MB, at the start of the month on my monthly contract.
I don't get this thread at all. Just cos your not signed into a contract to get data, doesnt mean you cant use data....
john206 said:
I know what you are saying. but I just browsed market and web for like 5 min and turned it off. an hour later i turned it on and changed the rom. Btw my nexus is unlocked and it doesnt appear on tmobile website.They think I have a outdated motorolla lol
ps i asked them to disconnect data 2 3 days before that and its not my fault i got 3g even my tmobile doesnt show any data usage
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i think you are really confused. Data has nothing to do with whether your phone is a registered t-mobile phone or not. they care that your sim is accessing their data. you WILL be charged for data per mb. You would see a 3G signal even if you had no data plan, you just wouldn't be able to connect.
i do see 3g signal with my nexus right now and yes i cant connect.but when i changed phone to g1 and only on Rc29 rom i could access market and internet.when i upgraded to eclair 2.1 , 3g access was gone.again i downgraded and 3g was back. I also tried an att simcard(g1 was also unlocked) and no data. so that is why i assumed only on Rc29 3g was really working.
john206 said:
i do see 3g signal with my nexus right now and yes i cant connect.but when i changed phone to g1 and only on Rc29 rom i could access market and internet.when i upgraded to eclair 2.1 , 3g access was gone.again i downgraded and 3g was back. I also tried an att simcard(g1 was also unlocked) and no data. so that is why i assumed only on Rc29 3g was really working.
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Tmobile has no idea what rom your phone is on. It probably has something to do with the IMEI changing. Expect a large bill.
Thread moved since it isn't related to rom development.
I also contacted Tmobile and asked if i used a retail nexus without data plan and no contract, am i able be to use the phone and not get charged? she said, u wont be able to connect to 3g even if it says 3g and no we wont charge you! and its ok not to have data plan.
hah2110 said:
Tmobile has no idea what rom your phone is on. It probably has something to do with the IMEI changing. Expect a large bill.
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i just temporarily took out my sim from nexus in order to root my friend's phone which is g1. as u know when you, u need to flash a basic rom(which is Rc29) and after u can flash any rom u want.
i did this a week ago and i called tmobile and no im not charged
krabman said:
I would wait for the bill before you say you are ok with it. A while back I made some changes to my service in the evening and the next morning not quite 14 hours later I and had already built up 47 bucks in data charges because they had accidentally stopped my data plan. The kicker would be I did not use data myself and by that I mean browsing or using other data consuming apps during that time, it was just the phone downloading weather updates, email, etc. The charges add up scary fast man.
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the reason i say im not worried is that i used g1 with my simcard for 5 mins.i turned the phone off.hour later i used it again and still had access,then i flashed a eclair and data was gone. so even if they charge me, i didnt use that much data in 5 min .
ps i called them and im fine
Are you in the US? Your service providers are such balls. All I hear on these forums is problems with T-Mobile and AT&T 3G access and whatever.
Thank god for the UK where everything isn't sh!t
T mobile doesn't charge per megabyte of data, either you have data or you don't.
Thats stupid. In the UK if you don't have a data plan on your contract you pay per MB used or MB over your data plan allowance. On Orange anyway
you are right. I did call them and they confirmed if you don't have data plan, you are not gonna get charged
lol yes i am in US
My SIM was cooked by my Nexus yesterday and had it replaced. The T-mobile guy I was talking to said that the 3G issue might be happening because I still had the G1 data plan and not the android data plan. I have no idea why this would matter. But since he changed that, and my SIM, I have had great 3G reception in places where I used to only get EDGE.
I thought I would share.
Also, if you want to test this just call up T-Mobile and ask them to switch you from the G1 data plan to the android connection. It doesn't cost a penny.
Your SIM was cooked by your nexus one.... wait, what?
ryan22158 said:
My SIM was cooked by my Nexus yesterday and had it replaced. The T-mobile guy I was talking to said that the 3G issue might be happening because I still had the G1 data plan and not the android data plan. I have no idea why this would matter. But since he changed that, and my SIM, I have had great 3G reception in places where I used to only get EDGE.
I thought I would share.
Also, if you want to test this just call up T-Mobile and ask them to switch you from the G1 data plan to the android connection. It doesn't cost a penny.
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Isn't the Android data plan more expensive?
AverageCanadian said:
Isn't the Android data plan more expensive?
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No. They had the G1 data plan first but then when they came out with T-Mobile's Visual Voicemail to get it to work you had to have the plan switched to the Android plan (same price).
Also, OP, tell us how did you fry your SIM?
funny you mention that, I opened a new acct with the mob and on my bill it says 'android plan' $0.00. i asked what that was and he said it was for 3G.....
ryan22158 said:
My SIM was cooked by my Nexus yesterday...
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wait, what??
This the second time, My g1 did it too. Don't think melted plastic or anything like that. I have a theory that the SIM sits right on top of the processor and other components in the phone. If you haven't noticed the phone can get really hot when charge (no my phone is not broken). I think it might be my charging habits. I run the battery to about 25-30% and then let it charge all night. So, that might have something to do with it.
No worries about your cool Nexus One because I honestly think this is a HTC hardware design problem. Also, I am sure these cheap little SIMs (insert bad Sim video game pun ) aren't meant to handle much heat.
bfspider said:
wait, what??
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This could possibly be a registration issue on the sim due to the flapping. The older model sims generally start to fail/suffer around 90k registrations (If you reg on a tower @ 3g, then switch to 2g, then back to 3g, that's 3 registrations right there).
The original G1 plan had $25/month for data + 400 texts, and $35/month for data + unlimited texts.
The Android plan has $25/month for data only, and $35/month for unlimited texts. You lose the 400 free texts, even though it's the same cost.
As for the Android plan having $0.00, I'm assuming it's from the Even More Plus bundle.
G1 Data plan is the same as the Android data plan. There is one with 400 texts on it that is a part of a bundle basically. Basically what I'm saying is all of the android data plans will work on all of the T-Mobile phones because they are the same...I still have my G1 data plan on my line and my 3G is flawless and I don't even live in a major market (Jacksonville, FL). I work for T-Mobile and know this to be true. Granted I always put the designated plan for each phone, but I'm almost 100% positive it doesn't make a difference. The cooked sim thing sounds shady too. Your G1 didn't "cook" your sim. Just my $0.02...
Get this though. I had my G1, SIM died about a month of use, Nexus One died after one week. Now my manager has a MT3G and bought it new about 4 months ago and had the same SIM for the past 6 years, died yesterday. He had a Wing before the MT3G, but his SIM never. I also have another co-worker with a G1, but no data plan. His SIM has been fine ever since he bought his G1 off some chick.
3G sucks in the Minneapolis area. I am always connecting and reconnecting, happened with my G1 too. Not to blame you or anything. I think the connect reconnect issue here in the Mpls/St. Paul area might have something to do with the dying SIM cards.
masse1369 said:
G1 Data plan is the same as the Android data plan. There is one with 400 texts on it that is a part of a bundle basically. Basically what I'm saying is all of the android data plans will work on all of the T-Mobile phones because they are the same...I still have my G1 data plan on my line and my 3G is flawless and I don't even live in a major market (Jacksonville, FL). I work for T-Mobile and know this to be true. Granted I always put the designated plan for each phone, but I'm almost 100% positive it doesn't make a difference. The cooked sim thing sounds shady too. Your G1 didn't "cook" your sim. Just my $0.02...
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I am relatively new to SIM cards, coming from the dreaded CDMA. Is there any special care I should take with them??
Orangeandblue302 said:
I am relatively new to SIM cards, coming from the dreaded CDMA. Is there any special care I should take with them??
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I've had my SIM since I joined T-mobile in January of 2003. I only replaced it because the paint on one side was chipping a little and I didn't want it to clog up my phone. Special care...? Just pop it in and leave it. Nothing special needed.
uansari1 said:
I've had my SIM since I joined T-mobile in January of 2003. I only replaced it because the paint on one side was chipping a little and I didn't want it to clog up my phone. Special care...? Just pop it in and leave it. Nothing special needed.
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I meant special care, as in not letting it get to hot or charging it a specific way, not cleaning it or anything.
Orangeandblue302 said:
I meant special care, as in not letting it get to hot or charging it a specific way, not cleaning it or anything.
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No... it's just a sim card man. No worries.
I'm reposting my post in the development forum for you guys... thought you may be interested:
So I've been following this issue on Google's support website, and one of the rooted users over there is almost positive it's a software issue with 2.1. He actually flashed a port of 2.0.1. Although he got lots of FC's, obviously as 2.0.1 isn't made for the N1, he was getting excellent 3G connectivity, and constant speeds over 1500kbps!
Here's the link so you can read for yourself. The user's name is GNove.
uansari1 said:
I'm reposting my post in the development forum for you guys... thought you may be interested:
So I've been following this issue on Google's support website, and one of the rooted users over there is almost positive it's a software issue with 2.1. He actually flashed a port of 2.0.1. Although he got lots of FC's, obviously as 2.0.1 isn't made for the N1, he was getting excellent 3G connectivity, and constant speeds over 1500kbps!
Here's the link so you can read for yourself. The user's name is GNove.
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Dead link.
Breakthecycle2 said:
Dead link.
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The link was working earlier. Go to the help site and click on the link for 3G problems. GNove posted there...
I am chatting with T-Mobile customer service now, we'll see what they say but as of now if I go online a T-Mo page pops up and this is what I get:
"To connect to the web with the device you are using, you will need a webConnect data plan"
Did anyone have anything like this happen to them?
same problem here. i called they had no idea plan looked fine and told me i would need to call htc. weird thing is i have a nokia n900 that is fine i swapped the sims and same message on the nexus but the n900 still works.
Same here, I hope they fix it soon. Worked fine last night.
Did it just start for you? I didn't notice until early this morning. This might be happening all over. The t_mobile said my network needed to be updated. Had me remove the battery and still nothing. She then said it's outta her hands and gave me a Google number.
I am not calling yet. Still waiting to see what happens. Thing is, I can go to google and search -- results come up. So the web is working, its just like t-Mo restricts it when trying to go any further.
The lady said they might have me swap out the phone. But my phone is perfect - no dust, or anything like that, so I will do what it takes to not do that.
I am guessing this rep doesn't know what's going on. At least I hope.
EDIT: I am from the Philadelphia area BTW.
Double Failure in West Texas, best I can say it it was around 2:30am Mountain. TWO Nexus (Nexi?) crapped at the same time, wifi connection still worked.. just got off the phone with T-Mobile and they tried to pass me off to Google and I dug in heels and got a supervisor... and he said they had a LOT of calls coming in for the same thing. Got them to file a trouble ticket. Gotta be something in their network, was SHOWING a solid 4 bars of 3G AND/OR EDGE (I swapped them by hand) and nutting, nada.. "you need a webconnect data plan"... and they checked our account and it was all set up right.
Sounds like someone farkled something up real good.
Wow so it doesn't seem to be just in my area. I too always get 3-4 bars of 3G. I wonder if this is just a problem for N1's?
booloobunny said:
Wow so it doesn't seem to be just in my area. I too always get 3-4 bars of 3G. I wonder if this is just a problem for N1's?
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I moved the sim card over to one of my old G1's (thank goodness still had battery in it) and things worked just fine.. so yeah, someone ginked the T-Mobile network to.. not recognize the N1 for a data plan? Since it's 'not a T-Mobile device'??? Ohhhhh this is gonna get ugly..
This just popped up on the T-Mobile forums...
"Nexus Webconnectivity Issues: 1/29/10 (starting around 3:30am cst)
There is apparently an issue going on with web connections that started around 3:30am cst today. A phone call to T-Mobile tech support got routed to HTC tech support, and they are well aware of the issue. They say they have been flooded with calls regarding the issue. As of 6:30am, they have no idea what is causing the problem but are looking to the issue. They hope to get the issue resolved as soon as they can identify the problem. If anyone representing T-Mobile can get us more information, it sure would be appreciated. Tech support was rather vague."
Just out of curiosity, is anyones nexus 1 receiving data on T-Mobile right now?
Only via WiFi
webConnect data plan
Same thing just happened to me at about 7:45 am. It was working fine earlier this morning, then suddenly I get the webConnect data plan message and it won't connect over 3G or Edge. I live in Indianapolis, IN.
Wow why now,when I'm ordering mine today. =/
Something tells me that its a scheme of them trying to lock everyone into that awful 500a month 80 dollar plan...
Same Issue in NYC as well!
I have called T-Mobile and HTC. This is without a doubt a TMO problem and the reps have no clue! All they do is switch you over to HTC Tech support, lol! The endless loop until someone figures out whats wrong.
Out of curiosity, are those that are having problems currently enrolled with the G1 data plan? I am still using my older G1 data plan for 24.99 per month and was told I did not have to change my plan.
Also, its not totally out. My VOIP software is working and connecting fine. Seems to be only web browser.
dave98rt said:
Just out of curiosity, is anyones nexus 1 receiving data on T-Mobile right now?
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Getting data on my Nexus One - 3G Outside of Chicago Android data plan.
Same problem in Atlanta
Definately the broswer. News/weather widget works till you try to get to the full story, then craps out. Ohm, market is broke too.
ilanad said:
Definately the broswer. News/weather widget works till you try to get to the full story, then craps out. Ohm, market is broke too.
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So it twitter connectivity via API
I'm thinking Old Data Plans are the problem!
I am thinking the only N-1s with a problem are G-1 converts that have older "cheaper" data plans. TMO can't force you out of that plan but maybe they tried switching something and forgot to include that! Maybe a stupid idea but it is a feasible one. The newer "android" plans are alot more money!
I'm on the android plan and not working
Maps and G mail also broke.
Well, on release date I ran to the bell store on got my new shiny galaxy s i9000m. Since then I have had my phone cut off. I called mother bell to find they think my phone has been tethered with my laptop (which was stolen last sunday ) even though I have never tethered with this phone. It seems it is logging my web surfing data properly but any data an app uses seems to be counted as out of plan tendering. Before u ask I do have an "unlimited data" plan and am keeping 3g usage well under 5gb. First is anyone else having this fight with bell and do u think it could have something to do with apn settings. My phone is not rooted (yet) as I want to leave everything stock until they fix the billing issue.
It is increasing my bill by between $200 and $500. What a joke
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
this is the reason i don't want to use bell
good lord Fido, protect us all
sorry to hear that, but thanks for share, it is definitely something we should be aware of.
SGS i9000 phone is a data hungry device, specially if you have lots of sync with emails, facebook, tweet, weather, etc, etc....
but regardless of any of that, even if you go as far as backing up your ROM to an online storage, it will not consume so much data
the worst part is WTH is wrong with Bell? you got the unlimited data plan, so why the hell are they trying to charge you $500
this is ridiculous.
They think that app data on the phone is tethered data. And being that I don't have a tendering plan they are charging me $6 per mb. Nice huh. After they told me to pay and get lost twice I went to the store and had a fit. Store believed me and got hung up on when trying to fix the issue with the call center. They are escalating it but in the mean time I am accumulatING lots is coin on my bill
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
I am having the very same issue as you on bell with the i9000. I am covered under the new 6GB plan but i am getting charged pay per use an well as in plan usage. I am alreeady over 100mb in pay per use (600$ i beleive) even though i never tether my phone and tethering is included anyways.... I called bell and they said i shouldnt have to worry about anything once my bill comes as it will be taken care of... i sure hope so.
d3a said:
I am having the very same issue as you on bell with the i9000. I am covered under the new 6GB plan but i am getting charged pay per use an well as in plan usage. I am alreeady over 100mb in pay per use (600$ i beleive) even though i never tether my phone and tethering is included anyways.... I called bell and they said i shouldnt have to worry about anything once my bill comes as it will be taken care of... i sure hope so.
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They are full of it. They will bill u if it is being marked as out of plan. I have a hand delivered mail from them telling me I owe $2000 for tethering . I can add your info into my general complaint if u want. Pm me and I can pass your info onto the regional manager the local store is dealing with to prove they need to fix there ****
On a side note my apn looks to be setup to use the phone for tethering and does not use the suggested nexus one apn settings again I feel that all data NOT traveling over port 80 or not travelling through the browser is being considered tethering by their proxy
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
Unlimited data isn't a normal plan option so maybe they're confused. I didn't even think you could get unlimited data. I know they had unlimited mobile browsing but I would think that's just web browsing if you grandfathered that feature in.
I have a very old grandfatherd smartphone data plan. At the time they offered 500mb or unlimited. The trick is unlimited means 5gb and then they start pulling out the network abuse card to have legal course to shut down your data. Kinda like the unlimited plans in the US.
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
Well, definitely keep arguing with them, but unless your plan is godly you can also grab 6 GB of data for $30, which includes tethering. Then they can't accuse you of tethering anymore, so they'll just accuse you of roaming data charges instead >_>
Have you had an HSPA smartphone before or just CDMA ones? If this is your first HSPA phone maybe the plan transfer from CDMA didn't go properly. This is Bell we're talking about, staffed by idiots.
Frostshock said:
Well, definitely keep arguing with them, but unless your plan is godly you can also grab 6 GB of data for $30, which includes tethering. Then they can't accuse you of tethering anymore, so they'll just accuse you of roaming data charges instead >_>
Have you had an HSPA smartphone before or just CDMA ones? If this is your first HSPA phone maybe the plan transfer from CDMA didn't go properly. This is Bell we're talking about, staffed by idiots.
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that is a good point. I did have a cdma smartphone b4 so I never know. I am paying $40 for my data but that also includes enhanced vm, unlimited txt and mms, and caller is so I will have trouble giving up what I have as to add those features to the data plan u have would cost more than what I pay now. Currently I have an awesome plan setup between two phones and if I had to restructure it would cost way more
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
You might want to check you APN settings.
Some carriers use different APN for phone data and tethered data.
In my case, first time I booted my GS, it was the thethered data APN that was selected and I had to change it (hopefully I always check APN settings when using a new phone).
ArcanaXVIII said:
You might want to check you APN settings.
Some carriers use different APN for phone data and tethered data.
In my case, first time I booted my GS, it was the thethered data APN that was selected and I had to change it (hopefully I always check APN settings when using a new phone).
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That is exactly what I was think as one of my posts stated. Thank-you for the confirmation on that. Mine is set to inet.bell.ca which on bells site is used if u want to tether. Because I am on an older smartphone plan I believe it is thinking all app data is tethered data.
P. S. These forum posts have cost me like $10 as I am using the xda app. Lol. They are saying they will get back to me mid next week about this
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
I just checked and my APN is also inet.bell.ca. I don't know if it's supposed to be something else but when I go to self serve it says I've been using data in-plan. I'm covered for tethering anyway, but still, if that's the tethering APN they shouldn't make it the default for this reason.
I'm Getting billed fine.. Mine is set to inet.bell.ca .. I just checked my un-billed usage and it shows all usage in-plan Data use. I have used about 20meg since the 8th also I just have 500meg data plan a month..
I agree. The settings for the nexus one are different and probably the right ones for my data plan however I don't want to change them yet as they will probably tell me that I must have stopped tethering after I got the letter from bell and stick me with the charges. Until mid next week I need to be able to reproduce the issue so I van prove they are retarded.
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
TriC_101 said:
Mine is set to inet.bell.ca and i'm getting billed OK... shows all usage in-plan Data use.
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Are u on a data plan that includes tethering? I think all the data plans within the last year have. I have an older one that is saving me money over the new ones
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
clearcase said:
Are u on a data plan that includes tethering? I think all the data plans within the last year have. I have an older one that is saving me money over the new ones
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
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Ya all the new plans do included Tethering.. just checked... your likely right as to the reason this is happening to you.. the computer system is not seeing that you have a data plan.. might take a few level up to fix that for you but I have a feeling if this is what is happening there are others as well having the same issue.
yeah Im going to call in right now and tell them to fix it right away, Im rightfully paying for my 6GB data package, I WILL NOT pay them a cent more than I agree to. 30$ is quite enough already for 6GB.
BTW i changed it to pda.bell.com and it seems to be working... ill keep you guys informed.
On a side not, if they were smart i think they would charge at least simi reasonable rates for out of plan data usage while roaming or not... ie 1$ per megabyte. That way people would travel with their phones and actually bring in more revenue for said provider... I dont carry my phone while i travel because of the ridiculous 54$/mb.
Lol. Without roaming ire is 6 per meg. I just calculated the total they think i owe and it Ian up to $ 3408 since Aug 6th. Gotta love it.
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
clearcase said:
On a side note my apn looks to be setup to use the phone for tethering and does not use the suggested nexus one apn settings again I feel that all data NOT traveling over port 80 or not travelling through the browser is being considered tethering by their proxy
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that exactly is.
Bell is stuck in the ancient times, they believe only WAP and port 80 browsing is web, and everything else is over use.... like WTF? wake up, we are in the 21s century already, we are not stuck in web only phones.
At least Fido and Rogers are less knuckle heads as Bell
clearcase said:
That is exactly what I was think as one of my posts stated. Thank-you for the confirmation on that. Mine is set to inet.bell.ca which on bells site is used if u want to tether. Because I am on an older smartphone plan I believe it is thinking all app data is tethered data.
P. S. These forum posts have cost me like $10 as I am using the xda app. Lol. They are saying they will get back to me mid next week about this
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
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you know what, raise them hell
put your video on YouTube or something, remember the guy from Virgin in Canada, same ****, Virgin tried to charge him $8000 on data usage on his iphone.
I'll vote for you, lets create a new facebook or twiter account to raise this issue.
the media will pick it up in a snap.
I have simple mobile on this mytouch slide and since friday the data has been very slow, before friday i would normally get over 1500k but since i cant pass 250k. any ideas? On my vibrant with a diferent sim card i get 4000k easy.
ericm115 said:
I have simple mobile on this mytouch slide and since friday the data has been very slow, before friday i would normally get over 1500k but since i cant pass 250k. any ideas? On my vibrant with a diferent sim card i get 4000k easy.
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Maybe they're throttling the speed, but have you changed roms recently or anything special. You can always call your provider to ask them about the speed.
From what i hear, their unlimited data is capped to 1gb?.... the is what kept me from switching lol.
From what i hear is it is indeed unlimitied data. I think the Simple Mobile $60 plan used to be for 1GB of data but recently got changed to unlimited data.
The current plan is indeed unlimited but if you are caught deviating from the terms of use (i.e tethering, downloading torrents and files from peer to peer) they will either restrict your data or disconnect it.
If you use the data for your phone it is truly unlimited.
You should check with their customer care, I work for T-Mobile and I remember reading something about how they can add a throttle feature and you have to call to have it removed. It won't drop off when the bill cycle switches.
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
Ace42 said:
Maybe they're throttling the speed, but have you changed roms recently or anything special. You can always call your provider to ask them about the speed.
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I too am in the same boat, I did change ROM, and suddenly my data got very slow. I called simple mobile to check if I was getting throttled or anything, they told me I was not getting throttled.
It's puzzling me what might be the reason for this, is this because I changed a ROM?
i called them and complained about slow data speed, agent just "rebooted" my account and speed went back
ericm115 said:
I have simple mobile on this mytouch slide and since friday the data has been very slow, before friday i would normally get over 1500k but since i cant pass 250k.
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Dude! Same thing here and I haven't done anything!
To me it started happening like last Friday or since Thursday.
My speed is like 0.18 down.
I restored a nandroid and still same thing, I switched to another rom, and still same thing >:S
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using XDA App
My phone gets "Throttled down" around the 15th as I go over 5gig worth of data...and paying 39.99 for Unlimited Data...WTF?!
I am facing the same issue on Simplemobile. I do some (light weight) tethering to browse my emails etc.
Suddenly last week (Mar 15, 2011) my phone internet speed reduced drastically. Most webpages pages started timing out. Internet basically becomes unusable.
I am start of my billing cycle and have only used 200MB of data. I have never exceeded 1GB in a month.
The only reason I moved to simpleMobile was so that I could use the 'unlimited' data plan.
What to do now? I guess time to move on to other more welcoming providers ?
I was trying to see how much data i could use up before simple mobile decided to throttle down or interrupt my data services so I started watching a lot videos on youtube, movies and i even did some light tethering. So a couple days ago after I hit the 2GB mark my internet slowed down to a crawl.
I still have the H icon but the internet is very slow, I've called them 4 times; they have restarted my data services more than once but it's still slow so today they just created a ticket with their technical support team and the rep said they'd call me withing a couple of days. So let's just wait and see.
Using speedtest.net app, I'm seeing between 1.50mbps-2.70mbps SOMEtimes in the 3.00mbps range. Most I've gotten since I rooted was 3.96mbps and upload is usually always around 1.30mbps. Is this normal for 3G? I don't remember what my results were pre root, but I think I was getting at least 5mbps download. Also I updated to the latest froyo 7.15 blah blah radio, and I see no difference. Supposedly your supposed to get better service and faster 3G. That's not the case for me. Seems the same as always. I'm not using simple im using tmobile us epc.tmobile.com since it was checked on default
Same here. As soon as I hit 2 gb my speed went down. I was listening Pandora, watching YOUTUBE, now I have to wait 2-3 minutes for just for google search page to load! It is complete BS - UNLIMITED, dah?!! Let's all of us who experience problems just file BBB complains under FALSE advertising.
I flashed back to the older radio that the stock slide uses. I get better speeds on it.
This morning I received a text from Simple:
Your Simple Mobile Data service is at risk of being suspended due to violation of terms and conditions.
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I checked my account and saw that I had used just over 2gb worth of data. I began the plan (firs time doing unlimited, had just bought an android and killed H2o's(at the time) 50mb limit in 2 days) on the 9th of this month (18 days ago) and was absolutely thrilled at my new Android + Simple experience.
I rooted a G1 I bought and will admit I tethered. I enjoyed bragging about my Android feeding my Chumby, netbook and my girlfriends Phone and how "I *WAS* the internet". This seriously damaged my droid ego.
It was the first month having it and I did do some pretty heavy compared to what I would normally do downloading so I think I can get by on the measly 2gb of bandwidth you get but I don't want to get stuck at the slow speed I've heard mentioned before.
Am I doomed? If it's like this I'd rather go with H2o's 50 plan since it has better coverage and the picture messages are unlimited, not taken out of the 100mb bandwidth. IF it's an unwritten rule not to go over 2gb I can deal, 3 would be friggin perfect though.
Simple Mobile New 2G "unlimited" plan
Have been using Simple Mob for a while with their $60 plan, in June I went abroad, and since they do not have roaming, decided to move to the $50 plan. Now I’m back, and while away they changed the $50 plan from 100 Mb to “2G unlimited”….that is just insane. 2G might be good enough for IM, chatting, and nothing else, and doing that you will never go beyond 100MB, unless you have the patience to wait forever for pictures lo download when surfing any web site.
Now I’m stuck until my new cycle, which will start in 20 days!!! I have called to complain, and they aren’t willing to do anything. At least they should refund me $10 since I can’t use their lousy 2G, and that’s what costs to have Voice + Text, well that didn’t work either.
Arguments were: “we are trying to give our customers the best value for their money….and if you have an AT&T phone you can’t get 3G, so that’s why we created this plan”….. Well that wasn’t a creation, that was an unfair modification, IMO. Very disappointed, with their lack of willingness to help.
ekmenet said:
Have been using Simple Mob for a while with their $60 plan, in June I went abroad, and since they do not have roaming, decided to move to the $50 plan. Now I’m back, and while away they changed the $50 plan from 100 Mb to “2G unlimited”….that is just insane. 2G might be good enough for IM, chatting, and nothing else, and doing that you will never go beyond 100MB, unless you have the patience to wait forever for pictures lo download when surfing any web site.
Now I’m stuck until my new cycle, which will start in 20 days!!! I have called to complain, and they aren’t willing to do anything. At least they should refund me $10 since I can’t use their lousy 2G, and that’s what costs to have Voice + Text, well that didn’t work either.
Arguments were: “we are trying to give our customers the best value for their money….and if you have an AT&T phone you can’t get 3G, so that’s why we created this plan”….. Well that wasn’t a creation, that was an unfair modification, IMO. Very disappointed, with their lack of willingness to help.
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What there not telling you (prob because they have no clue) is that the 2g plan falls under the "throttled" profiles on the epc apn (slotted throttling to hold you near 50kbps)
edge @ ~<300kbps is technically 2.5g tech (to simple that is)... cs and pr forget to mention that
wow what the hell???????? i have a sidekick 4g rooted and on custom rom gingerbread clone v2 and my speedtest is download: 0.12mbps upload: 0.14mbps... thats bull... everytime i try to watch youtube off wifi on my data it lags and freezes all the time.. it takes like 10mins to watch a 2 min video... is there a way to fix that????
Possible reason for slow data speeds on Simple Mobile
Seems like this is an older thread but on the same topic that has yet to have an answer or solution.
Since I've come into the same problem, I thought I would repost what I found out today on this topic.
Finally spoke to someone at Simple Mobile tech support that was able to tell me something that makes sense. At least in my case and it may be the issue for others as well.
I switched my SIM from a Verizon Motorola Droid 2 Global, that only supports EDGE / 2G connection to a Tmobile Sidekick 4G. Which is considered a Samsung Galaxy S 4G.
Well the problem is that it connects at 4G and since I am on the $40, when it does try to connect to the towers I am not authorized for 4G, so it automatically throttles me to 119..
He suggested I toggle 4G off and connect 3G and I should get full speeds... My problem now is that this phone doesn't have an option or toggle, that I know of to test.
Perhaps someone else that knows how to toggle a SK4G could give me a hint or someone could put this to the test on their, it would help the rest of us resolve this mystery.
Simple mobile throttles after 1gb of data per billing cycle.
sent from an HTC sensation on CM7 alpha #10
I'm reading as much as I can, but I'm pretty much green! I have never owned an unlocked phone, rooted anything, or know where to start or if that's even what I need to do.
Here is my situation. My wife and I started a small business and talked with sprint. I was told unlimited data. I asked specifically if that was including hotspot. The answer was yes. I also gave to 2 locations that we worked in and wanted to know about coverage. I was told coverage in both. NOT! I'm Roaming at one location. I have not roamed in years!! Seriously??? WOW!
My questions:
1- After talking to them, I indeed have unlimited data... but only 5 gigs is included in my hotspot mode. I called because I got the notification today that I was capped until the 29th of FEB. My phone runs fine. Youtube.. surf.. perfect. Hotspot.. nope.
What can I do to use the unlimited data I was assured I would get? What's an easy work around?
2- I'm roaming.... seriously.... What the frick? Is there a solution for that?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Astro2012 said:
I'm reading as much as I can, but I'm pretty much green! I have never owned an unlocked phone, rooted anything, or know where to start or if that's even what I need to do.
Here is my situation. My wife and I started a small business and talked with sprint. I was told unlimited data. I asked specifically if that was including hotspot. The answer was yes. I also gave to 2 locations that we worked in and wanted to know about coverage. I was told coverage in both. NOT! I'm Roaming at one location. I have not roamed in years!! Seriously??? WOW!
My questions:
1- After talking to them, I indeed have unlimited data... but only 5 gigs is included in my hotspot mode. I called because I got the notification today that I was capped until the 29th of FEB. My phone runs fine. Youtube.. surf.. perfect. Hotspot.. nope.
What can I do to use the unlimited data I was assured I would get? What's an easy work around?
2- I'm roaming.... seriously.... What the frick? Is there a solution for that?
Thanks for your help in advance.
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Yeah, they cap hotspot at 5GB. I was told this when they tried to upsell me a tablet. Try FoxFi with PDANet+, or root the device.
arusiasotto said:
Yeah, they cap hotspot at 5GB. I was told this when they tried to upsell me a tablet. Try FoxFi with PDANet+, or root the device.
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I installed PDANet+ and purchased foxfi. No luck so far. It never asked about vpn etc.. Is there a guide on that? maybe the one I followed was wrong
If you are new, they have a return window. Take it back and switch carriers.
Sent from my SM-G930U using XDA-Developers Legacy app
I'm so sorry, bro. So, so, sorry. I currently am using this phone under an unlimited data plan. For the phone, the lte is in fact unlimited, and sufficient, for all 8-10 phones on the account.
Hotspot.... Well, everything about sprints Hotspot "plan" is an absolute ****ing joke. Want 5 gb Hotspot data per device per month? 60 bucks. Run out and want to extend it?
Makes total sense for an "unlimited data" account.
And don't think you'll get by on the "limited 2g speed." I don't remember 2g all that much, but this is not it. It is no speed. 100% unusable.
What I did: Got an inexpensive phone that isn't locked down, currently I'm using a nextbit robin and an iPhone 5S, switching back and forth. I buy a 65$/month straight talk prepaid plan - full high speed unlimited data. I use over 100gb a month just in Hotspot data. No issues so far. **** sprint. You use up your measly 5gb of data, and you havd to buy a gig at a time, untill your service month resets. No other options whatsoever. You can even transfer data from other devices.
I really regret this phone. I'm on nougat beta, and my battery life is HORRIBLE. My phone shuts off and dies at 7%, after going from 30% down in 5 minutes of web browsing. Need to revert back to regular build and root. I was able to get unlimited Hotspot on certain buulds if rooted, but the root method for this device is inherently unstable, so... There's no real ideal situation with this device.
Astro2012 said:
I'm reading as much as I can, but I'm pretty much green! I have never owned an unlocked phone, rooted anything, or know where to start or if that's even what I need to do.
Here is my situation. My wife and I started a small business and talked with sprint. I was told unlimited data. I asked specifically if that was including hotspot. The answer was yes. I also gave to 2 locations that we worked in and wanted to know about coverage. I was told coverage in both. NOT! I'm Roaming at one location. I have not roamed in years!! Seriously??? WOW!
My questions:
1- After talking to them, I indeed have unlimited data... but only 5 gigs is included in my hotspot mode. I called because I got the notification today that I was capped until the 29th of FEB. My phone runs fine. Youtube.. surf.. perfect. Hotspot.. nope.
What can I do to use the unlimited data I was assured I would get? What's an easy work around?
2- I'm roaming.... seriously.... What the frick? Is there a solution for that?
Thanks for your help in advance.
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You have 30 days to take the phone back.
As far as rooting and tethering goes, if you use too much data or roam constantly they will send you a warning letter and eventually void your contract. I know because it happened to me on a two year contract with my Galaxy S2. I rooted it and was using the hacked hotspot as my home internet (I was in school living in a tiny studio apartment). One month I used like 60GB of data. I received a letter telling me to stop which I did (for a while). A few months later I again used upwards of 50GB of data tethering without a hotspot plan. They sent me another letter but this time it was informing me that I had 30 days to find another carrier and that they were terminating my contract. The surprising thing was that in the letter it stated there was ZERO early termination fees and I was able to keep my phone with a clean IMEI.
After reading the contract it states that Sprint offers unlimited data, calls and roaming with a fair use clause. Excessive roaming or data usage out of the scope of what Sprint considers fair use will force them to essentially cut their losses with a customer who they feel is abusing that fair use by roaming a lot or using large amounts of data. It's basically an amicable parting.
18 months later I was able to walk into a Sprint store and open another line without any issues