cannot install cutolla rom on my jam, - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

hi, i cannot install cutolla rom on my i-mate jam, every time i install it, it trys to load jam in boot loader, but my jam restarts, except going into bootloader mode, i have big storage rom 2.3 TX www, plz help me, how to install cutolla rom or my original rom,

flash your device with some of shipped roms (not bigstorage mod) and then try to flash Cotulla's rom
shipped roms:
if you got error 120 use this
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Magician/Tools/MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe
then download some of cotulla's roms:


After Flashing a Rom, cannot turn on the device

After flashing this rom : [Rom][WM6.5][27 Aug'09]New Elfin ROM With Latest build 23034 Xip/Sys
The device stay in the 'smart mobility' screen,
I can't even boot it up first time
I can't turn it on so how can flash back other rom?
Can someone tell me what can I do?
Please Help me. thank you
You can use this Unbricker ROM ---> It's the easyest way, without using other WM devices. It worked for me.
You can also use the Elf/Elfin Unbricker (Gold Card) ----> Hadn't tried this one though.
Hope that I helped.
A user of this forum, 911sniper, provided us with an HTC test-only ROM:
Alternate download link:
Alternate download link:
IMPORTANT: Read the steps below before flashing!!!!
This is a ROM that can potentially overwrite and/or unbrick a device with an original (non-patched) SPL. It has a wildcard for Model ID (ELF0*****) and CID (11111111).
I don't have a bricked Elf but I tested it with an original CID-locked SPL and it overwrote it and flashed a new generic HTC ROM with the following:
IPL 2.11.1002
SPL 2.11.1000 MFG
ROM version: 2.11.0. WWE
ROM date: 08/14/07
Radio: 02.98.90
CE OS 5.2.1620 (Build 18125.0.4.2)
Here are the steps to make it work:
Download this ROM from the link above
Two ways to flash:
Rename the file to ELF0IMG.nbh if you want to flash from SD card (you must format the card to FAT32 first)
Put the ROM in a RUU folder that contains the RomUpdateUtility.exe. You must remove any other .NBH files in that folder first.
Start your bricked Elf in bootloader mode (hold down camera button and reset). If you are using the SD card, it should flash right away.
NOTE: If the device flashed successfully but is now stuck at the new boot screen, you are still ok. Now you can flash ANY shipped ROM at the bootloader (if you have an Elfin, flash only an Elfin shipped ROM) and your device will be running again. If you can't flash a shipped ROM after successfully flashing the Unbricker ROM, then make a Gold Card and follow the steps in that thread.
NOTE: If the Unbricker ROM doesn't work then make a Gold Card and use it again on that card.
One thing I noticed is that you cannot use the white screen method (elf-uspl.exe) after you flash this ROM. If you try that, then the message "Not in use" pops up under the penguin. However, you can flash ANY shipped ROM from bootloader after this unbricker ROM has been flashed. From there, you can do white screen method and then flash the Hard-SPL/USPL/cooked ROM.

Step back to original ROM

i rooted my phone with "rootsingleclick" and now i'm using fyodor ROM (newest version).
I have the problem that the connection is normally GPRS (G) and sometimes UMTS (3G). With the original ROM the connection type was normaly HSDPA (H).
So i decided to test the original ROM again.
I downloaded the ROM and try to patch it but unsuccesfully. The program shows me that he can not found the phone. Regards it on the new recovery?
How can i step back to the original ROM?
kind regards
Here are instructions for that:
And there is another way. You can just run the RUU utility and without to close it, go to temp(on pc) directory and search for Rename it to and copy it to SD card. Reboot phone to bootloader and you can flash the rom via fastboot.
Thanks for your help, it works with HBoot and the zip file -> my recovery was damaged.
The connection speed is really faster than with fyodor ROM.
problem solved closed

How to install official ROM without USB cable

Hi everybody,
I'm have HTC Hero wich have some problems with USB. Windows has see this device as unknown device even when device is running at recovery(ra recovery 1.6.2), so I will send this hero to service when I have guarantee for he. But I have unofficial software therefore I have to install official ROM but I can't used RUU. Maybe is exists other way to install that software ?
have u tried just updating drivers?
[Guide] How to Setup Correct Hero Drivers (for x86 & x64 users)
....But no, as far as I know there is no method for installing an RUU without using a USB cable.
But I didnt need RUU, I only need information how to restore generic ROM for my hero
przeqpiciel said:
But I didnt need RUU, I only need information how to restore generic ROM for my hero
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
To restore generic ROM though, you use an RUU.
I had the same USB problem before I send it back for warranty to get it fixed. in order to install official rom without using USB:
1. get official rom which suit your HTC from
2. flash the rom like you flashing other custom rom to your htc.
3. If you use flashrec to root your hero you probably have backup of your recovery image, put it on your sd card run flashrec this time restore your original recovery image. (if you dont have backup of your origiinal recovery image I uploaded mine in this post
4. that's it! you got your virgin hero back. (
if you have Nadroid back up of your Hero you can restore it in order to get back to original rom. but again you need to follow step 3 to flash original recovery image.
I have the same problem. I had restore the original android 2.1 (T-Mobile G2 Touch) from nandroid. But flashrec does not work on this version. I got an error message: "Flash FAILED: Could not run command." Had anyone a idea?

[Q] Porting Generic ROM

Anyone know porting generic ROM (original htc ROM) to tattoo
eg Hero/Wildfire ROM to tattoo
main problem is custom recovery cant open/flash them they say bad zip or ROM
& orig. recovery match signature for phone - ROM
if any custom recovery can flash orig. ROM please tell me or how to extract orig. ROM
can HSPL can do this
Have you tried putting it onto your sd card and opening the file directly using a file manager app ??
Also what recovery are you using?
alpick36 said:
Have you tried putting it onto your sd card and opening the file directly using a file manager app ??
Also what recovery are you using?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yes I did
custom recovery 1 amanra maverick 2 clockworkmod
now I m working Rom kitchen
direct update wildfire ROM not working we may retain tattoo kernel & make mix ROM
its my exam time so I don't have much time I will work on it in Feb

[Q] Original Rom for Tattoo

Hello everyone!
So in these last couple of days I wanted to restore original ROM (Android 1.6) back from Cyanogenmod, but unfortunately I can't get any available stock ROM to work, installation of .zip s end up with "E: Unable to install............... .zip (bad)", the only one that worked so far was Cyanogenmod 7.2.0. Also I can't use any RUU to install ROM, because I'm using Linux, and RUU software doesn't work properly. I'm using Clockworkmod Recovery, my bootloader is unlocked and I have rooted phone. And I wanted to know if anyone has got original ROM's backup that would work for my recovery to reinstall original Android 1.6.
Have you tried to extract ROM zip file from ruu package installer? (I've not tested)
Just found this thread that can help you: (untested too, I've retired my tattoo long time ago )
If you're trying to flash donut roms try to downgrade recovery (for which i can remember from old days, very old Rom uses amend scripting language for flashing instead of edify)
