Continuously running frames per second app - Hero CDMA General

I'm looking for a true indication of FPS for my device. Standalone benchmark apps are nice, but only report marks gained from within their own processes, which in most cases there is little overhead and are written to be as streamlined as possible.
Does anyone know of a benchmark or any other type of app, that continuously displays a frames per second value in the top notification bar while you're running everyday apps?
I'm in a discussion with an iPhone user who mentions that regardless of the running app, the screen runs at a constant 60fps, but I find this to be a bit of a stretch.
I'd be curious to know what the average running FPS is while just normally using this Android device.

A FPS monitor isn't going to tell you much when most applications really don't update the screen more than once or twice in a second. Sure, it'd tell you if the phone's refreshing properly when you're scrolling, switching screens, etc, but the metric is pretty much useless outside of games or the standalone benchmarks you mention.
You can certainly get a 'constant 60fps' if the display update layer and the application layer are disconnected from eachother - basically if an app can only draw 10 frames per second, you'll still only see 10 changes per second, all the while the phone can happily tell you that it's updating the screen at 60fps. This is more akin to refresh rate than frame rate.
A better metric would be a process that takes low-priority and updates a counter at some set interval. If it falls behind, you know things are running slowly (ie. it can't get a CPU slot to update).
So yeah, the FPS indicator you're looking for wouldn't do much but tell you your refresh rate, which really doesn't change.

Ahh, good points. I hadn't thought it through that way.


Very high CPU usage while using integrated Opera

Is it normal behaviour of Opera Mobile, that it uses CPU as hell? Basic page loading and browsing usually loads 100% on CPU, not to mention when you have more than one tab open. My X1 gets really hot after 10m of browsing and it eats battery almost instantly (ok, its bit exaggerated, but still...)
Well, I don't know the exact CPU - don't use any meter,
but bear in mind it's a huge app displaying almost 100% content of the websites which are normally operated by few times more powerful computers, including flash and smooth scrolling......
I can understand 100% usage while loading page, but its even for moving page, zooming and so on...
Wlko said:
I can understand 100% usage while loading page, but its even for moving page, zooming and so on...
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Well, moving the page is exactly where CPU usage is huge too!
The whole page is in cache etc..

speed up auto rotate?

Is there a way to speed up auto rotate or change the amount of tilt before the screens auto rotation happens?
I've searched without avail.
Thanks for any info
To my knowledge, I don't think you would be able to speed up the auto-rotation. But hey, im sure one of our more technological swavvy and programming gods can do it some day
AroundTheWorld said:
To my knowledge, I don't think you would be able to speed up the auto-rotation. But hey, im sure one of our more technological swavvy and programming gods can do it some day
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I agree. by the way, auto-rotation is nice for many things but it can sometimes be a little annoying when it auto-rotates the screen in the middle of something u didn't need it or when you are in an uncomfortable position and it starts rotating a lot..I don't know, probably it only happens to me. on the other hand, it would be more interesting to have a faster and smoother "apps Menu" drawing. when you slide the apps menu you can notice the lag. so let's hope for cupcake to be what we actually expect it to be.
the lag you speak of is directly proportional to the number of apps you have running and how many are on your phone. if you are like me and have 100 apps on the phone and they are on your class 4 sdcard then you are gonna have a little more lag pulling up the menu as it is reading from the sdcard, if you have them on a class 6 or on internal memory they will come up faster. also if you have a lot of apps all running in the background eating RAM you are gonna experience more lag just like when you have 100 windows open on your comp at home or work. try looking at what apps you have running or get a faster sd card and the app menu will respond better. the tilt is gonna respond based on available ram as it takes power and processes to change the orientation of the screen.
I'm using a class 6 card and only have 4 programs installed. "52MB of free space on phone"
yes shadowhacker I feel the same way,
I set my PocketPC to use a hotkey, so if you press the cameras shutter button it would set screens orientation to portrait or landscape. If in landscape the PocketPC was also clever, it used the dialer screen and call status in portrait.
I hate to say it but... the G1 is a pain and boring me.
I only have 5 extra apps, but the lag has always been there since I got my G1, and every G1 I have seen is the same. the drawing speed (given by the speed the CPU is set up) is too low and probably it could only be fixed if some update comes with a CPU tweak (just like the iphone, remember? 400mhz then 412.) That's what I mean.
shadowhacker27 said:
I only have 5 extra apps, but the lag has always been there since I got my G1, and every G1 I have seen is the same. the drawing speed (given by the speed the CPU is set up) is too low and probably it could only be fixed if some update comes with a CPU tweak (just like the iphone, remember? 400mhz then 412.) That's what I mean.
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the overclock app in the market tweaks the cpu, makes a big difference for me, some say its a placebo effect, but im getting much higher FPS in Neocore and Kid GBC when i tweak it up, and lower when not tweaked up. its a dollar in the market, worth a try
The over clocking works to an extent, but if you opened alot of apps recently the flip still seems to lag

Browser killed after phone sleep for a while

If I load a few pages in a browser (have tried many different browsers, all works the same) they gets killed after a sleeping for a while, meaning I have to reload the content. It seems to happen after a certain time not being used.
This did not happen on my HTC Desire HD.
I tried today to place a browser (miren) into the /system/app folder, to see if that made any difference, but it didn't.
Why is this happning? any why not on the desire HD?
any hack I can do to fix it?
It's useful to when on fast internet load 10 pages and read them sometime later.
Just a guess, but it may be a RAM management thing. My N1 will exit the browser occasionally even when the phone is asleep to free up RAM.
I'm experiencing this issue as well and it's irritating. I wondered, too, if it was a ram management issue, but it'll happen even after just a few minutes with no other apps launched. None of my other phones have closed the browser for ram issues without a long time of inactivity and many other apps opened using lots of ram.
Is there some way to specify the browser as preferred or something so the system won't close it, in case it is ram management?
maxh said:
Is there some way to specify the browser as preferred or something so the system won't close it, in case it is ram management?
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I guess it has something to do with ram management, so how to adjust that?
I tried putting it in system folder, that didn't make any difference, tried running it as root, no difference.
Maybe another kernel would do it differently? anybody knows? Don't want to spend lots of time installing a new kernel if it doesn't make any difference.
This is both a browser and a ram management issue.
Android automatically kills off apps that are using ram on the background after they are inactive for a period and most browsers, the stock one included, tend to hog a surprising amount of memory which in turn makes them priority number 1 for android to kill off.
I have no answer as to how to fix this problem aside from trying other browsers, sorry.
akselic said:
This is both a browser and a ram management issue.
Android automatically kills off apps that are using ram on the background after they are inactive for a period and most browsers, the stock one included, tend to hog a surprising amount of memory which in turn makes them priority number 1 for android to kill off.
I have no answer as to how to fix this problem aside from trying other browsers, sorry.
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what you're saying is not completely accurate, because this does not happen in other phones, desire HD has less RAM also.
I don't think it's a browser issue, as I have tried many different and it will work the same. The ram does not need to be critically low before it gets killed, it might happen when there is more than 250mb free
It happens for me with messaging app also. It can be the only thing running with loads of free ram. And suddenly its killed, very annoying because its pretty slow starting again. Never happened in my SG SII
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
nick5000 said:
what you're saying is not completely accurate, because this does not happen in other phones, desire HD has less RAM also.
I don't think it's a browser issue, as I have tried many different and it will work the same. The ram does not need to be critically low before it gets killed, it might happen when there is more than 250mb free
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The Note isn't my first android phone that does this (mind you I haven't owned any HTC devices) but if this is the case then it means that ram management on the Note is quite aggressive. The only way to "fix" this is with custom kernels unless Samsung does something about it themselves (and I wouldn't count on that)
I'm experiencing the same problem but I don't really mind since I don't open many tabs at time. So I just have to go to the history tab to reopen the page.
At least for the stock browser it would have been better just to save the URL while killing the browser so when u open it again it will reload all the pages.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Is it possible the S-pen places greater demands on the Note's RAM than other phones? Perhaps it tries to keep a certain amount of RAM free at all times for this purpose.
Maybe, but remember that with higher resolution and higher amount of RAM the device will use more RAM.
An example is computers. I have a netbook and a standard notebook (laptop). The netbook has 1GB RAM and the resolution is 1024x600 and running Ubuntu. It uses 90MB at boot (after tweaking)
My notebook has 2GB RAM, and the resolution is 1366 x 768 and is also running Ubuntu. It uses 200MB at boot (same tweaks as the notebook)
- Higher resolution = More pixels and more information that needs prosessing on the screen
- More RAM = It can allow itself to use more
I've seen A LOT of this at Ubuntuforums and other places with people with 8 and 16GB RAM, and they are complaining about high RAM usage. It's the same with computers with HD screens.
I've tried to find the thread about this, but i can't find it
BazookaAce said:
Maybe, but remember that with higher resolution and higher amount of RAM the device will use more RAM.
An example is computers. I have a netbook and a standard notebook (laptop). The netbook has 1GB RAM and the resolution is 1024x600 and running Ubuntu. It uses 90MB at boot (after tweaking)
My notebook has 2GB RAM, and the resolution is 1366 x 768 and is also running Ubuntu. It uses 200MB at boot (same tweaks as the notebook)
- Higher resolution = More pixels and more information that needs prosessing on the screen
- More RAM = It can allow itself to use more
I've seen A LOT of this at Ubuntuforums and other places with people with 8 and 16GB RAM, and they are complaining about high RAM usage. It's the same with computers with HD screens.
I've tried to find the thread about this, but i can't find it
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Excellent points.
So I played with root explorer and moved many of the samsung apps that I don't use out of /system/app folder.
I'm not sure what exactly did it. The email program was the only one I deleted (by accident) - but it was set to not sync, so it shouldn't be working in the background anyway.
I also put the Miren browser in the /system/app folder. Didn't notice any difference to that at first, so not sure if that contributed at all.
Another thing I did was to install adfree. It didn't seem to work, but I don't know if it made any changes that would make a differnece. I'm just listing up everything I did that day.
But the biggest change after all this is:
has doubled! I used to get around 10-12 hours with moderat usage, yesterday I was at 50% after 12 hours usage. And Miren browser now does not shut down, except I push the phones with other ram hungry applications.
Funny is, that display used to be high up on the battery usage statistics, but now Andoird OS is very high, but the phones use much less battery! Doesn't make any sense, but I don't complain..
I'm running stock european 2.3.6 firmware that I downloaded from I rooted it, but didn't notice any differnce before or after the root.
Can you list down what apps did u remove? Thanks
entaro said:
Can you list down what apps did u remove? Thanks
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I moved the following to /data/app, but they don't seem to work anymore, not sure what is needed to make them work, but anyway disabling them did the job.
Email was deleted.
nick5000 said:
If I load a few pages in a browser (have tried many different browsers, all works the same) they gets killed after a sleeping for a while, meaning I have to reload the content. It seems to happen after a certain time not being used.
Why is this happning? any why not on the desire HD?
any hack I can do to fix it?
It's useful to when on fast internet load 10 pages and read them sometime later.
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I am pretty sure it is not a memory management issue. I come from the GalaxySII and it never happened despite having many browser windows open. I think this phone now is harder trying to close unused apps, based on inactivity time, to improve battery life (which is much better than SGS2) and shuts down apps that may not allow the CPU to go to deep sleep.
To me it does not look like an issue, more like a feature, it is not like you get you work "killed" or unsaved. And you could always load pages from your browser's history. -I know, I know, you like to preload your webpages to look at them later.-
Also, updated versions for the note have several options to battery saving within the browser, have you tried them?
runaway64 said:
I am pretty sure it is not a memory management issue. I come from the GalaxySII and it never happened despite having many browser windows open. I think this phone now is harder trying to close unused apps, based on inactivity time, to improve battery life (which is much better than SGS2) and shuts down apps that may not allow the CPU to go to deep sleep.
To me it does not look like an issue, more like a feature, it is not like you get you work "killed" or unsaved. And you could always load pages from your browser's history. -I know, I know, you like to preload your webpages to look at them later.-
Also, updated versions for the note have several options to battery saving within the browser, have you tried them?
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More excellent points. I'll bet you're right.
runaway64 said:
I am pretty sure it is not a memory management issue. I come from the GalaxySII and it never happened despite having many browser windows open. I think this phone now is harder trying to close unused apps, based on inactivity time, to improve battery life (which is much better than SGS2) and shuts down apps that may not allow the CPU to go to deep sleep.
To me it does not look like an issue, more like a feature, it is not like you get you work "killed" or unsaved. And you could always load pages from your browser's history. -I know, I know, you like to preload your webpages to look at them later.-
Also, updated versions for the note have several options to battery saving within the browser, have you tried them?
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Yeah, it might be something to better battery life, but then it's the complete opposite of my recent findings that the battery life was much better while the browser does not get killed (after removing system apps).
I guess this issue/feature wouldn't have been a problem if I lived in a world with perfect high speed internet access all the time. here in China, it can get slow, some pages take a long time to load, so why should I want to reload them..
also, when I fly, i like to load up 10 pages and read them while up in the air. last week I was very disappointed when i found out that just leaving the phone by itself for halv and hour had made the browser restart.
Anyway, I'm happy now, after the mod Miren browser does not reload alot, only after loading several heavy progams in between. Still, it makes me want to optimise it more, so i could get even more free ram to use.
nick5000 said:
Yeah, it might be something to better battery life, but then it's the complete opposite of my recent findings that the battery life was much better while the browser does not get killed (after removing system apps).
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Wait, what? I interpreted your results as consistent with his hypothesis. You removed apps that were draining the battery, allowing better battery life. Perhaps that's why the system is no longer compelled to shut down the browser.
bigmout said:
Wait, what? I interpreted your results as consistent with his hypothesis. You removed apps that were draining the battery, allowing better battery life. Perhaps that's why the system is no longer compelled to shut down the browser.
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he said that the better battery life is because the browser gets shut down.

4.4.2 vs 4.2.2

OK, I tweaked a tosser 4.4.2 GT-N5110 to see what if anything, is worth all the troubles.
I can say is there is too many issues with stock 4.4.2 that peeps have kept quiet with.
Here are the issues that I am unable to resolve...
App drawer pops open after lock screen wake up.
Multitasking sux... Will pause ui action during app installs.
Build.prop mods don"t work as well as before. Best not to modify. Hosts and gps.conig files work as before.
Lots of odd background apps to mess with tracking user interaction with apps.
Tricky to tweak with trickster mod.
Random resets when having multitasking bog down.
Still a bit of work is needed by developers in fixing apps. As of today BBC IPlayer is working with perfect picture playback and with downloaded programmes. Hulu still sucking hind tit on playback issues with 4.4.2.
Things I corrected to allow for stability and performance...
Set my router to allow for sleep packets down to 90ms intervals, and set the tokens to 5 in the advanced features. I now have strong signal in weak areas of the house. Gained an extra bar or two. Downloads have steady 4MB/s peaks at times, with a link speed of 72mb/s at the router on a 20Mb/s modem. For those who are unable to grasp speed and connectivity... WIFI has high amount of overhead on connection speed. 72mbps / 9 = 8MB/s, so ruffly half of 8 (WIFI overhead with parity, packet size, security features and so on) equals 4. So 4 MB/s is about max until I am able to connect above 72mbps at the very old wireless router. Time to get a Netgear for xmas!
Tweaked the CPU cores affinity in trickster mod to allow for better power management in moderate use age. Able to keep temperature hanging around 78 degrees F under browsing minor tasks. Thus no need to have power savings mode on.
Replaced Samsung keyboard with Kii Keyboard and customizations. smaller app size and better layout. Though left and right arrow indicators are greyed on the cursor control keys. Might or issue, as every keyboard has some issue.
Added two of the only kitkak bug fix apps on Xposed, there must be more patches to be done to make it stable.
So far after a few days of messing with 4.4.2, I have pretty much made it livable, with rooting and adding most of what I use on my 4.2.2 for Xposed customization and tweaks.
Just 4.4.2 is a different animal in using the long line of tweaks most have used in Jellybean devices, memory management especially.
Oh, first thing was to uninstall Knox in the app manager... easy peasy, no hacking or rooting to do that.
So far both OS are fast and battery friendly, as long as Samsung DVFS is disabled and Google Play Music is removed. Tried the new Xposed media optimizer... all it does is delay the media scan from finishing promptly. It is not a media scan issue, as 4.4.2 is terrible with multitasking. Until I find the proper I/O timing with the device, swap priority and interleaves will always be an issue that will plague smooth multitasking.
Google screwed the pooch with ignoring Samsung instead of working with them. As long as you get two dominant personalities to conflict, they will never be as big as Apple or M$.
Also google's mindset is stagnate with tablet vs phone capabilities... Phones are not tablets so why make tablets with phone like lollypop or material design. It wastes 20% of the table's screen in useless formatting.
So either way you can have either firmware and be happy... just 4.4.2 is buggy by design and by lack of developer knowledge to work out the wrinkles. 4.2.2 can work speedy and have excellent battery usage with small tweaks.
I will post my Trickster Mod settings for better affinity with both 4.4.2 and 4.2.2 later on.
OK, I have done a lot of tests with 4.4.2 on the GT-N5110, and found causes to some issues along with my tweaking.
Never expect a Ti backup restoration to be 100% bug free. After 20 different reloads of the firmware both being fresh and clean, to performing a refresh over existing 4.4.2 that has been modified, I have found Ti backup restoration problematic. Some apps will restore with odd behavior. Like delays when starting or performing tasks. Even when cleaning out Devlik cache and clearing app cache and data. So I recommend if doing a fresh install of 4.4.2 to use Google play to restore all your apps from install points. After all if you were to restore and clean out data and cache, it would be easier to do a reinstall from Google.
Some apps that have a lot of data, I have not had issues restoring data after installing Google installed app. Though I have over 150 apps would make a lengthy testing, with all the variations in how to install / restore and clean.
If need performing a 4.4.2 refresh over existing 4.4.2 does not bring on the issues found with Ti Backup restores. Just make sure to delete Dalvik Cache before booting into boot loader.
As for using tools designed to tweak JB and earlier builds, do not use them!!! There are a few for KitKak and some are universal such as Trickter Mod and Clock Sync.
Now for my Trickster Mod settings... They are simple and should work with any 4.4.2 device as long as there are not any tweaking tools to adjust memory or build.prop adjustments with system perimeters. KitKak is a diff animal with such configs and handles memory perimeters way diff than before.
Since I noticed that KitKak will not use 300Mhz and 400Mhz in throttle frequency, I decided not to attempt look for parameters to allow the two to function. Though I have made parameter changes to allow highly responsive full throttling between cores. You can actually watch before and after how cores will interact with loads by using the video player in window mode, and running Trickster Mod simultaneously.
Here are the new values in the General page of Trickster Mod...
Read ahead buffer size - change to 384 and tap on the check mark in the upper corner.
Tap on Governor Control at the bottom of the page and change the values to reflect mine.
cpu_down_rate 1
cpu_up_rate 20
sampling_rate 30000
up_threshold 95
The settings are very stable and will not effect the device, if by chance there is a tweak applied that you forgot about, the read ahead buffer size will cause reboots. Though Trickster Mod will boot clean and ask if you want to reapply your settings. If you select no, it reverts back to stock settings permanently. If you select yes, it loads the tweaked settings and continues with your normal processes.
I'be tested further with CPU_up_rate set at 35. My old setting needed tweaking to limit CPU usage under throttling. Though the higher number will make slight decrease in throttle up transitions. The pay off is better browsing and document battery life. Videos may find a wee more playback time, but if you can stand lowering the frame rate in power saving mode, that will be the biggest gain if needed.
I also tweaked the sampling rate for faster responds times, together my changes allow for better throttling with minimum cores needed to perform the tasks. Though they will not keep all 4 cores from hitting 100% utilization when needed. Which is a good thing until you get a frozen app. Ha!
cpu_down_rate 1
cpu_up_rate 35
sampling_rate 25000
up_threshold 95


You're busy and don't have time to wait, which is why you need to stop reading this thread and get back to organizing your Pogs. Rate this thread to express how the Google Pixel 3 XL performs when multitasking. A higher rating indicates that the Google Pixel 3 XL keeps many apps in memory so that they don't need to reload, and that when moving between apps, transitions are smooth and performance is excellent.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!
Does a poor job of memory management. Apps to be reloaded. I am quite surprised this is occurring.
Chrome pages rarely stay in memory even when jumping to one or two other apps for a short bit. Even the messaging app dumps out frequently. These are Google's own apps too, what's their excuse?
Slightly off topic but I love how safari on iOS devices keeps the last page stored so hitting the back button to the last webpage is instant vs chrome having to reload a page
Seems quite good to me. I loaded Spotify, messages, Viber, what's app, chrome and nest and no reloading. Seem to normally have about 750mb free
I haven't seen much reloading. I do mostly use apps that start each time I open them (like games like Clash Royale, etc), so I'm sure that has something to do with it, but for my most used normal apps I can open Gmail, Chrome, Instagram, YouTube, G+, and some others, and rarely will an app need to pause to reload. They mostly open right where I left off. Maybe if I cycle eight or so apps is when I see a pause/reload.
Seems great to me. I can swap between Discord/Camera/Snapseed/Twitter/YouTube music with no reloading. Taking pictures or videos doesn't pause or completely stop YouTube music like I've seen some YouTubers/reviews comment. I even bumped it up to about as stressful as I could - HDR on, highest mp, take raw, nothing I could do would get the music in the BG to close
I will experience redrawing when I open a game such as FGO or Dragalia Lost, but that shouldn't be shocking, in my opinion
I've tried both streaming apps and local playback of a downloaded podcast and have gotten process kills for every situation. How is it some people have no issue and others don't if it's just a software issue?
Only thing I've noticed is aggressively closing Pandora is I've been out of my car a few minutes. It's a little annoying but doesn't really bother me. Spotify and slacker stay open.
Other than that I haven't had the other issues reported like the camera closing Spotify etcetera
could this be related to the SWAP thats being used aggresively? if someone has root maybe they can test disabling swap, and changing the swappiness value should make things perform better.
Zenoran said:
I've tried both streaming apps and local playback of a downloaded podcast and have gotten process kills for every situation. How is it some people have no issue and others don't if it's just a software issue?
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I've found it to be due to Adaptive battery. Turn the adaptive battery setting for the app off.
virtyx said:
could this be related to the SWAP thats being used aggresively? if someone has root maybe they can test disabling swap, and changing the swappiness value should make things perform better.
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How is SWAP adjusted with root?
Battery management seems to be the culprit. I have turned it off as it makes my phone almost unusable; it allows me to use two apps, MOST of the time, but it constantly closes everything else, even when I have told it NOT to optimize specific programs. This is a terrible user experience. TERRIBLE. I hope they make the program less aggressive with a future software update.
As an aside, this was not how things were with Oreo on the Pixel 2 XL, and things weren't this way with the first release of Pie on the XL 2, either. However, I started seeing this after an update to Pie on the XL 2, and it has been constant on the XL 3.
rohmbd said:
How is SWAP adjusted with root?
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there should be a magisk module
'torpedo' something i think its called
you can also change swappiness to 0 (i think its in /proc/sys/vm )
if you have root you can try swapoff -a in terminal with su
report back on your finding please
RAM management is worse than phones from 2016
So I just got my pixel last week and one of the biggest issues is the RAM.
Sometimes I'll only have THREE things open, Chrome, Podcast Addict, and YouTube for isntance. And the pixel will kill off the podcast (while I'm listening to it still).
The same thing happens when I'm browsing the web, and want to take a picture, boom, kills the music I'm listening too.
It's a BIG issue, happens daily for me.
virtyx said:
there should be a magisk module
'torpedo' something i think its called
you can also change swappiness to 0 (i think its in /proc/sys/vm )
if you have root you can try swapoff -a in terminal with su
report back on your finding please
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I did that last night - swap is off and, while I'm still getting reloads of Chrome tabs (really the only negative thing I noticed before), the phone *is* a bit more responsive. I've switched back and forth between swap and no swap, and there's definitely a non-placebo difference. I'd give it a shot if you're rooted (I used the Torpedo module in Magisk).
Roll3r said:
I did that last night - swap is off and, while I'm still getting reloads of Chrome tabs (really the only negative thing I noticed before), the phone *is* a bit more responsive. I've switched back and forth between swap and no swap, and there's definitely a non-placebo difference. I'd give it a shot if you're rooted (I used the Torpedo module in Magisk).
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thats great news!
how many chrome tabs are you using? is it only in chrome tabs that the reloading happens? how about recent apps?
im sure there are a few settings in /proc/sys/vm that can be adjusted to get better ram management
virtyx said:
thats great news!
how many chrome tabs are you using? is it only in chrome tabs that the reloading happens? how about recent apps?
im sure there are a few settings in /proc/sys/vm that can be adjusted to get better ram management
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I haven't kept track of *any* of that. The phone just feels a bit (hate this adjective) snappier. And from what I understand (don't have the links in front of me) adjusting the LMK settings is going to be difficult.
I keep getting low memory warnings while playing wgt golf. Sucks
is this issue too bad on pixel 3?
i use a pixel 1 xl now and wants to buy a new phone.
getting really concerned and thinking if i should just buy a note 9 or not.
what do you guys suggest?
wtharp2 said:
Battery management seems to be the culprit. I have turned it off as it makes my phone almost unusable; it allows me to use two apps, MOST of the time, but it constantly closes everything else, even when I have told it NOT to optimize specific programs. This is a terrible user experience. TERRIBLE. I hope they make the program less aggressive with a future software update.
As an aside, this was not how things were with Oreo on the Pixel 2 XL, and things weren't this way with the first release of Pie on the XL 2, either. However, I started seeing this after an update to Pie on the XL 2, and it has been constant on the XL 3.
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You turned off the adaptive battery feature?

