Very high CPU usage while using integrated Opera - XPERIA X1 General

Is it normal behaviour of Opera Mobile, that it uses CPU as hell? Basic page loading and browsing usually loads 100% on CPU, not to mention when you have more than one tab open. My X1 gets really hot after 10m of browsing and it eats battery almost instantly (ok, its bit exaggerated, but still...)

Well, I don't know the exact CPU - don't use any meter,
but bear in mind it's a huge app displaying almost 100% content of the websites which are normally operated by few times more powerful computers, including flash and smooth scrolling......

I can understand 100% usage while loading page, but its even for moving page, zooming and so on...

Wlko said:
I can understand 100% usage while loading page, but its even for moving page, zooming and so on...
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Well, moving the page is exactly where CPU usage is huge too!
The whole page is in cache etc..


Netfront 3.5 tech preview out
been trying it out for a few minutes on x51v -- it's pretty darn fast! It loads up Engadget in its entirety in around 10 seconds and is fully surfable after that.
I've goten it too and set it to my default browser. I defineatly like it but it is a memory hog. The only problem about this is if I leave it open in the background it errors saying not enough free memory.
Other than that it loads up in about 3 seconds on my titan andloads most big sites in about 10-15 seconds.
One issue is that sometimes while scrolling it seems the page has to refresh and keep up.
i am really liking this tech preview. i installed it last night and it's really zippy, although one time i got an error saying that it did not support javascript (even though it does elsewhere).
other than that one instance, everything works perfectly, and it renders web pages really quickly with the "Full Browsing" mode. (don't bother with Rapid-Render, it's actually slower than "Full Browsing"). also, for anyone that's used 3.4 tech preview, this 3.5 beta has working visual bookmarks, meaning it makes the thumbnail based on the part of the page you're viewing. it's great
My "Browser View" settings are (in order):
Full Browsing
and with those settings, it is just flying.
A couple questions:
1) Does anyone know how to get the "External Tools" to work? I added .flv to work with TCPMP, and i went to to test it out, but nothing happen. ytpocket sends flv format to TCPMP, so I don't know what happened. any ideas?
2) What is the difference between "Full Browsing" mode and "Simple Browsing" mode? they both render the pages as we would see on the desktop, and i can't see much speed difference.
this blows skyfire out of the water. i keep getting the memory error.
I tested netfront 3.5 for a few hours. It seems to me that it is faster than opera mini. However, I am waiting for opera mobile 9.5. I heard it will a lot better than skyfire and netfront 3.5
They finally come up with an update after all these years! (alright, well months...) and obviously, it still doesn't do it.
sounds like a lot of WM browsers around here. PIEPlus has been stuck at 2.2 for as long as I've been using WM, but I'm waiting to see what Opera's next attempt will be like.
rzanology said:
this blows skyfire out of the water. i keep getting the memory error.
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You keep getting the memory error with which program? And could you give us more of an in-depth comparison since you've tried both?
For me it seem to take forever to download a website.
Like take a good 3-6 minutes to download when using IE take less a minute.
But once downloaded it scroll the page very fast but I do notice if I use my finger to scroll the page around it keep opening up my battery status setting apps.
I was no where near the battery icon which does that when you touch it.
its decent, it doesnt support youtube or any other video site... in addition to that, there isnt a dedicated back button lol, which is crucial. ill wait for opera... itll own all the other web browsers, bar none.
i wil keep ma fingers crossed and jus wait for the new Opera 9
well...skyfire feel too unpolished. even though its fast...its just not ready yet. there is no mobile few. im a fan of mobile few...meaning...i like the browerser to org everything in on coloumn so there is no need for scrolling to the right or left. how ever.....netfront does a good job of the zooming out and zooming in. so i can live with that. its also faster than skyfire. but i still find myself needed to launch up opera mini....for my myspace and facebook well as general browsing like and engadget....opermini offers the best experence. but netfront really isn't bad. im looking foward to trying the new i didnt really care for 8.5 or 8.6 what ever it is.
Guys, Some questions.
I have never had the need to install 3rd party web browser.. due to the fact that I think the more apps you install, the slower your device will be... so, I always keep my apps to minimum...
Now, is skyfire/opera much faster than PIE? (how much faster?)
What makes you guys think that it is necessary to install 3rd party apps?
What makes you guys "hate" the default PIE?
joseph.sapri said:
Guys, Some questions.
I have never had the need to install 3rd party web browser.. due to the fact that I think the more apps you install, the slower your device will be... so, I always keep my apps to minimum...
Now, is skyfire/opera much faster than PIE? (how much faster?)
What makes you guys think that it is necessary to install 3rd party apps?
What makes you guys "hate" the default PIE?
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even though pocket ie has gotton just isnt up to snuff. you should really try opera're in for a treat.
um...the more you install on your phone doesnt really make it slower. but it is good practice to keep your 3rd party app to a the device atlease. i install everything to the storage card.
TechBill said:
For me it seem to take forever to download a website.
Like take a good 3-6 minutes to download when using IE take less a minute.
But once downloaded it scroll the page very fast but I do notice if I use my finger to scroll the page around it keep opening up my battery status setting apps.
I was no where near the battery icon which does that when you touch it.
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It takes me a good 3-6 minutes to load up CNN as well, in fact most sites PIE opens up faster. :/
I just timed opening and it only took 44 secs on AT&T 3G connection. In fact, Im replying while on Net Front right now. So far Im really liking this browser, besides the fact that it burns through my battery with incredible speed.
I've been playing with this browser a lot over the weekend, and so I'm here to post sort of an explanation of it.
1) MEMORY HOG, wow that is my biggest issue. In Task Managers, it's only using up about 1.4 mb of RAM, but seriously, if i just open the browser (not even opening a webpage), then go to PointUI, every single animation is slowed down. That's just an example, but everywhere else, the device is slowed. Well, except for the browser itself.
2)I figured out the little differences between the Browser View Settings.
Browsing Mode
Full Browsing: Desktop Mode. As you see the site on your Desktop. My favorite by far.
Text Browsing: All Text. Pretty Straightforward.
Simple Browsing: Basically all text, except for some small images. For example, loading up the "Development and Hacking" here on Xda loads as all text, no formatting, but shows the little thread ratings stars, the little paperclip, the little thumbtack, etc.
Rapid-Render: Pretty annoying, from my tests anyway. Loads up the page as all text, then goes back and loads all the formatting so it ends up as a Desktop View. Seems good in theory (get the speed benefit of "Text Browsing", and you still have the option to wait for the full formatting of "Full Browsing"). HOWEVER, your reading is always interrupted because the screen refreshes itself and goes blank when it goes from Text to Full. I tested, and it takes the same amount of time to get to full formatting of a webpage whether you use Rapid-Render or Full Browsing, so I prefer to avoid that screen refresh.
Display Mode
Normal: Normal. Duh.
Just-Fit: Shoves everything into one screen, messing up all formatting.
Smart-Fit: Resizes web page tables and stuff to fit on the screen. Better than Just-Fit.
Zoom - It's obvious. Kinda annoying how NetFront reloads the page when you change zoom levels, though. I leave mine at 75%.
Virtual Canvas - Changes the screen size. Think of it like the size of your desktop monitor. Best setting for me is 640x640, because anything bigger shows tons of blank spaces on web pages (since NetFront auto resizes text to fit in one screen), and the "Disable" option doesn't allow you to double-tap the screen (or double click the Action Button) for the zoomed out screen.
Text Size - Obvious. I leave mine on Medium. Along with the 75% zoom, I am able to read text comfortably, as well as maximizing the screen area.
Azimuth21 said:
I've been playing with this browser a lot over the weekend, and so I'm here to post sort of an explanation of it.
1) MEMORY HOG, wow that is my biggest issue. In Task Managers, it's only using up about 1.4 mb of RAM, but seriously, if i just open the browser (not even opening a webpage), then go to PointUI, every single animation is slowed down. That's just an example, but everywhere else, the device is slowed. Well, except for the browser itself.
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That is because it is a CPU hog. This is the best browser on memory I have used so far, especially on Simple Browsing mode. I have to close the browser when I am finished using it because it uses about 80% cpu when minimized. But it is so fast I don't mind.
I think everything else you have said is spot on.
Netfront 3.4 didn't use up any noticable CPU when in the background, 3.5 uses up a huge amount, since it's obviously something they changed/added, hopefully they fix it before release
i already posted this in another thread about netfront, but this thread seems to actually have people viewing it
after putting this browser through multiple speed tests, it continuously produced slow results...especially in comparison with IE
when connected to wifi, i tested multiple times, and heres about the averages i would get with the browsers
IE-1.7 mbps
Opera-800 kbps
Picsel-1.0 mbps
NetFront- 300 kbps
the only reason i wanted to speed test was because netfront felt slow, and according to those tests, it was alot slower than my other browsers...
i LOVE the browser, the wordwrapping to fit on screen works great, i like the scrolling, tabbed browsing, and everything.....featurewise, its better than opera, speedwise its terrible...
EDIT** i have been speed testing at
lupes5 said:
i already posted this in another thread about netfront, but this thread seems to actually have people viewing it
after putting this browser through multiple speed tests, it continuously produced slow results...especially in comparison with IE
when connected to wifi, i tested multiple times, and heres about the averages i would get with the browsers
IE-1.7 mbps
Opera-800 kbps
Picsel-1.0 mbps
NetFront- 300 kbps
the only reason i wanted to speed test was because netfront felt slow, and according to those tests, it was alot slower than my other browsers...
i LOVE the browser, the wordwrapping to fit on screen works great, i like the scrolling, tabbed browsing, and everything.....featurewise, its better than opera, speedwise its terrible...
EDIT** i have been speed testing at
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Thanks for this... so basically, PIE is still the best in performance?

Nexus One vs HD2: Web Browsing Video
Results aside, that was a really great video, showing off what these phones can do.
Skyfire vs N1
I love how ill informed these reviewers are and the peons making comments. Android 2.1 supports multi touch, and there are browsers that take advantage of multi touch, even on 1.5/6 ROMs on my G1.
I do think the HD2 is one heck of a sexy phone! Too bad it is running WM, but maybe it will be nice and snappy with the dragon under the skin! I hope I get to test it for work, at the least.
Back on track, I think this matchup is pretty pointless, in the end, though. Both phones are going to surf at about the same speed, and comparing a proxy based browser to a phone based is flawed, to say the least. As well, Skyfire supports flash, which makes it even more flawed of a comparison. Come back in a month or two when Android has Opera Mobile 10, and flash support, then compare! Until then, it is flawed to make any sort of comparison.
Personally, as someone that was on a WM device before Android, both have pros and cons with their web browsing. Personally, the big thing with flash is youtube, and I think the Android youtube app trumps WM's. As well, I would say the overall browsing experience with the Android browser is better, especially when on a mobile network. But I was able to do a little bit more with WM, but it was a result of having 4 browsers to chose from.
Hehe, I guess we saw it differently. To me, the Nexus One absolutely hands down just slaughtered the HD2: Brighter screen, first to load content, first to finish, faster rotating. Hands down won in every category.
To be objective, plusses for the HD2: bigger screen (obviously) and more screen real estate (100% full screen once wepage fully loads), whereas the notification bar stays on screen permanently for Android. What I don't understand is that in Android 2.0, the address bar disappears once you scroll down the page. I wish there was an option to do the same thing with the Notification Bar. So you scroll down, and both the address bar AND the notification bar go away. Perhaps someone will hack this in?
(The skyfire test was kind of useless, since it "finishes" first, but the Nexus One loads content first, so you can actually, like... read stuff. But to be fair again, Skyfire does do flash, so plus for that.)
I agree that the Android browser was better overall in the side by side. But that doesn't change the fact it wasn't a fair comparison, and that with WM you can do more stuff on the internet(not much, but you can do more).
I don't even know why skyfire is even being used as a browser for comparison, since any web page is loaded server side with flash and all.
They should use Opera, with real load times, since its actually being loaded from the phones own power.
~~Tito~~ said:
I don't even know why skyfire is even being used as a browser for comparison, since any web page is loaded server side with flash and all.
They should use Opera, with real load times, since its actually being loaded from the phones own power.
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This. Server-side processing should always always always be faster at the cost of rendering integrity. Also, "winning" in my opinion is how fast content becomes accessible to the user, I can interact with pages while they're loading on the N1 but Skyfire doesn't display until loading is complete.
Nexus one is miles better due to WM on the hd2.. i sold mine
~~Tito~~ said:
They should use Opera, with real load times, since its actually being loaded from the phones own power.
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The first video is using Opera on the HD2. The second (the "rematch") is Skyfire.
On Android you can start reading the page within 2-3secs while on both WinMo browsers you'll have to wait till the page is almost fully loaded. Advantage Android for me
Can the N1 browser play internet videos? I get a message like 'can't play on my handset' when I try to in msn, yahoo, etc. Do I need a plugin or something?
galaxys said:
Can the N1 browser play internet videos? I get a message like 'can't play on my handset' when I try to in msn, yahoo, etc. Do I need a plugin or something?
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It does not have flash support at this time.

Continuously running frames per second app

I'm looking for a true indication of FPS for my device. Standalone benchmark apps are nice, but only report marks gained from within their own processes, which in most cases there is little overhead and are written to be as streamlined as possible.
Does anyone know of a benchmark or any other type of app, that continuously displays a frames per second value in the top notification bar while you're running everyday apps?
I'm in a discussion with an iPhone user who mentions that regardless of the running app, the screen runs at a constant 60fps, but I find this to be a bit of a stretch.
I'd be curious to know what the average running FPS is while just normally using this Android device.
A FPS monitor isn't going to tell you much when most applications really don't update the screen more than once or twice in a second. Sure, it'd tell you if the phone's refreshing properly when you're scrolling, switching screens, etc, but the metric is pretty much useless outside of games or the standalone benchmarks you mention.
You can certainly get a 'constant 60fps' if the display update layer and the application layer are disconnected from eachother - basically if an app can only draw 10 frames per second, you'll still only see 10 changes per second, all the while the phone can happily tell you that it's updating the screen at 60fps. This is more akin to refresh rate than frame rate.
A better metric would be a process that takes low-priority and updates a counter at some set interval. If it falls behind, you know things are running slowly (ie. it can't get a CPU slot to update).
So yeah, the FPS indicator you're looking for wouldn't do much but tell you your refresh rate, which really doesn't change.
Ahh, good points. I hadn't thought it through that way.

Atrix's (or Android's?) memory handling behavior -- auto shutdown of apps etc.

Hi fellas,
Something's been peeving me lately with the Atrix, and it's got to do with its memory handling & auto-killing functionality.
This particular situation has been driving me nuts:
I like to use both the native browser & and the Opera browser. Primarily I use the native browser, which is set as the default, and Opera when I want to check something and I want the full (non mobile) webpage layout and its superior (in my opinion) rendering quality and speed.
So, say I've got Opera open on Engadget or XDA, one or two tabs open. I hit the Home button and open Youtube to look something up. Finish the video, hit the Home button again, and launch Opera, and it has exited already and has to reload my tabs again. This of course can cause issues like losing my place in the page or a flash video I had paused, or a message I was typing and wasn't done with.
In this simple example, all I did was launch a browser, open 2 tabs (40-60 or maybe even 80 MBs of RAM usage, depending on page complexity), hit the Home button, launch the YouTube player (30 to 50 MBs RAM usage), hit the Home button again and Opera's already been killed.
OS Monitor shows there's about 470 MBs of RAM free.
What gives? Checking the autokill settings it shows that the OS will kill empty processes when free RAM hits 82 MBs of free RAM (default settings, haven't messed with them)
This behavior doesn't happen only right after a fresh reboot. Once I've opened a few apps, google readers, twitter, facebook, camera/gallery, browser etc., it happens every time. I say this because, while I'm not a programmer (beyond high school level C++ and general computer curiosity), from what I understand by watching the app life cycle videos on Google's Android programmer site, if Opera and YouTube were the last apps to be launched, they should have the highest priority in being kept in memory and not being killed, and previously open apps should be killed off to reclaim memory before them.
I found that using Gemini app manager I can set an app to not be killed automatically, and while I understand that it's not recommended that this is done by end users, it does work, and I use the Exit button in Opera to exit it once I'm done using it.
It just seems ridiculous that I always have between 350-450 of free RAM available to the system, while apps that I use often end up being killed in the background.
Before someone jumps on me, I understand that Android apps are designed to be shut down and reopened seamlessly. My annoyance stems from the behavior of a phone that has 836 MBs of RAM to work with, and about 570 available on startup (I've frozen several motorola processes I don't use, such as the social network integration and home launcher).
I just tried what you did (open opera, loaded bbc and endgadget, watch a youtube video than returned to opera) and opera retained everything including webpage, where I have scrolled to etc. I would suggest you to unfreeze the moto apps and try again, maybe that is what is causing the problem. Sorry I could not be of greater help =(
I'm not disagreeing with you -- like I said, it's not the case after a fresh reboot, or perhaps when not using the phone heavily. It had been a couple of days since rebooting the phone for me, and kept happening all evening long every time I switched apps.
Still, even when I force keep Opera open through the Gemini third party app manager, and while opening other apps, the RAM usage never goes below 300. The OS is overly aggresively in keeping RAM free, and considering it never falls below 100 MBs free of RAM, it shouldn't be shutting down apps EVER -- at least according to the autokill levels. Is there something else I should be looking at in determining when Android kills apps open in the background?
Was it just a fluke due to memory leaks, etc?
Further research shows that Gemini app manager doesn't stop it from being killed, but rather removes it from its own auto task kill list (which I don't use). Seeing Opera stay open for a while after a fresh reboot shows that after two or three days of being used, the phone's memory management gets bogged down & that's what caused the very short app lifespan.
I wouldn't mind rebooting more frequently if it wasn't for that damned battery jumping issue.

Browser killed after phone sleep for a while

If I load a few pages in a browser (have tried many different browsers, all works the same) they gets killed after a sleeping for a while, meaning I have to reload the content. It seems to happen after a certain time not being used.
This did not happen on my HTC Desire HD.
I tried today to place a browser (miren) into the /system/app folder, to see if that made any difference, but it didn't.
Why is this happning? any why not on the desire HD?
any hack I can do to fix it?
It's useful to when on fast internet load 10 pages and read them sometime later.
Just a guess, but it may be a RAM management thing. My N1 will exit the browser occasionally even when the phone is asleep to free up RAM.
I'm experiencing this issue as well and it's irritating. I wondered, too, if it was a ram management issue, but it'll happen even after just a few minutes with no other apps launched. None of my other phones have closed the browser for ram issues without a long time of inactivity and many other apps opened using lots of ram.
Is there some way to specify the browser as preferred or something so the system won't close it, in case it is ram management?
maxh said:
Is there some way to specify the browser as preferred or something so the system won't close it, in case it is ram management?
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I guess it has something to do with ram management, so how to adjust that?
I tried putting it in system folder, that didn't make any difference, tried running it as root, no difference.
Maybe another kernel would do it differently? anybody knows? Don't want to spend lots of time installing a new kernel if it doesn't make any difference.
This is both a browser and a ram management issue.
Android automatically kills off apps that are using ram on the background after they are inactive for a period and most browsers, the stock one included, tend to hog a surprising amount of memory which in turn makes them priority number 1 for android to kill off.
I have no answer as to how to fix this problem aside from trying other browsers, sorry.
akselic said:
This is both a browser and a ram management issue.
Android automatically kills off apps that are using ram on the background after they are inactive for a period and most browsers, the stock one included, tend to hog a surprising amount of memory which in turn makes them priority number 1 for android to kill off.
I have no answer as to how to fix this problem aside from trying other browsers, sorry.
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what you're saying is not completely accurate, because this does not happen in other phones, desire HD has less RAM also.
I don't think it's a browser issue, as I have tried many different and it will work the same. The ram does not need to be critically low before it gets killed, it might happen when there is more than 250mb free
It happens for me with messaging app also. It can be the only thing running with loads of free ram. And suddenly its killed, very annoying because its pretty slow starting again. Never happened in my SG SII
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
nick5000 said:
what you're saying is not completely accurate, because this does not happen in other phones, desire HD has less RAM also.
I don't think it's a browser issue, as I have tried many different and it will work the same. The ram does not need to be critically low before it gets killed, it might happen when there is more than 250mb free
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The Note isn't my first android phone that does this (mind you I haven't owned any HTC devices) but if this is the case then it means that ram management on the Note is quite aggressive. The only way to "fix" this is with custom kernels unless Samsung does something about it themselves (and I wouldn't count on that)
I'm experiencing the same problem but I don't really mind since I don't open many tabs at time. So I just have to go to the history tab to reopen the page.
At least for the stock browser it would have been better just to save the URL while killing the browser so when u open it again it will reload all the pages.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Is it possible the S-pen places greater demands on the Note's RAM than other phones? Perhaps it tries to keep a certain amount of RAM free at all times for this purpose.
Maybe, but remember that with higher resolution and higher amount of RAM the device will use more RAM.
An example is computers. I have a netbook and a standard notebook (laptop). The netbook has 1GB RAM and the resolution is 1024x600 and running Ubuntu. It uses 90MB at boot (after tweaking)
My notebook has 2GB RAM, and the resolution is 1366 x 768 and is also running Ubuntu. It uses 200MB at boot (same tweaks as the notebook)
- Higher resolution = More pixels and more information that needs prosessing on the screen
- More RAM = It can allow itself to use more
I've seen A LOT of this at Ubuntuforums and other places with people with 8 and 16GB RAM, and they are complaining about high RAM usage. It's the same with computers with HD screens.
I've tried to find the thread about this, but i can't find it
BazookaAce said:
Maybe, but remember that with higher resolution and higher amount of RAM the device will use more RAM.
An example is computers. I have a netbook and a standard notebook (laptop). The netbook has 1GB RAM and the resolution is 1024x600 and running Ubuntu. It uses 90MB at boot (after tweaking)
My notebook has 2GB RAM, and the resolution is 1366 x 768 and is also running Ubuntu. It uses 200MB at boot (same tweaks as the notebook)
- Higher resolution = More pixels and more information that needs prosessing on the screen
- More RAM = It can allow itself to use more
I've seen A LOT of this at Ubuntuforums and other places with people with 8 and 16GB RAM, and they are complaining about high RAM usage. It's the same with computers with HD screens.
I've tried to find the thread about this, but i can't find it
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Excellent points.
So I played with root explorer and moved many of the samsung apps that I don't use out of /system/app folder.
I'm not sure what exactly did it. The email program was the only one I deleted (by accident) - but it was set to not sync, so it shouldn't be working in the background anyway.
I also put the Miren browser in the /system/app folder. Didn't notice any difference to that at first, so not sure if that contributed at all.
Another thing I did was to install adfree. It didn't seem to work, but I don't know if it made any changes that would make a differnece. I'm just listing up everything I did that day.
But the biggest change after all this is:
has doubled! I used to get around 10-12 hours with moderat usage, yesterday I was at 50% after 12 hours usage. And Miren browser now does not shut down, except I push the phones with other ram hungry applications.
Funny is, that display used to be high up on the battery usage statistics, but now Andoird OS is very high, but the phones use much less battery! Doesn't make any sense, but I don't complain..
I'm running stock european 2.3.6 firmware that I downloaded from I rooted it, but didn't notice any differnce before or after the root.
Can you list down what apps did u remove? Thanks
entaro said:
Can you list down what apps did u remove? Thanks
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I moved the following to /data/app, but they don't seem to work anymore, not sure what is needed to make them work, but anyway disabling them did the job.
Email was deleted.
nick5000 said:
If I load a few pages in a browser (have tried many different browsers, all works the same) they gets killed after a sleeping for a while, meaning I have to reload the content. It seems to happen after a certain time not being used.
Why is this happning? any why not on the desire HD?
any hack I can do to fix it?
It's useful to when on fast internet load 10 pages and read them sometime later.
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I am pretty sure it is not a memory management issue. I come from the GalaxySII and it never happened despite having many browser windows open. I think this phone now is harder trying to close unused apps, based on inactivity time, to improve battery life (which is much better than SGS2) and shuts down apps that may not allow the CPU to go to deep sleep.
To me it does not look like an issue, more like a feature, it is not like you get you work "killed" or unsaved. And you could always load pages from your browser's history. -I know, I know, you like to preload your webpages to look at them later.-
Also, updated versions for the note have several options to battery saving within the browser, have you tried them?
runaway64 said:
I am pretty sure it is not a memory management issue. I come from the GalaxySII and it never happened despite having many browser windows open. I think this phone now is harder trying to close unused apps, based on inactivity time, to improve battery life (which is much better than SGS2) and shuts down apps that may not allow the CPU to go to deep sleep.
To me it does not look like an issue, more like a feature, it is not like you get you work "killed" or unsaved. And you could always load pages from your browser's history. -I know, I know, you like to preload your webpages to look at them later.-
Also, updated versions for the note have several options to battery saving within the browser, have you tried them?
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More excellent points. I'll bet you're right.
runaway64 said:
I am pretty sure it is not a memory management issue. I come from the GalaxySII and it never happened despite having many browser windows open. I think this phone now is harder trying to close unused apps, based on inactivity time, to improve battery life (which is much better than SGS2) and shuts down apps that may not allow the CPU to go to deep sleep.
To me it does not look like an issue, more like a feature, it is not like you get you work "killed" or unsaved. And you could always load pages from your browser's history. -I know, I know, you like to preload your webpages to look at them later.-
Also, updated versions for the note have several options to battery saving within the browser, have you tried them?
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Yeah, it might be something to better battery life, but then it's the complete opposite of my recent findings that the battery life was much better while the browser does not get killed (after removing system apps).
I guess this issue/feature wouldn't have been a problem if I lived in a world with perfect high speed internet access all the time. here in China, it can get slow, some pages take a long time to load, so why should I want to reload them..
also, when I fly, i like to load up 10 pages and read them while up in the air. last week I was very disappointed when i found out that just leaving the phone by itself for halv and hour had made the browser restart.
Anyway, I'm happy now, after the mod Miren browser does not reload alot, only after loading several heavy progams in between. Still, it makes me want to optimise it more, so i could get even more free ram to use.
nick5000 said:
Yeah, it might be something to better battery life, but then it's the complete opposite of my recent findings that the battery life was much better while the browser does not get killed (after removing system apps).
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Wait, what? I interpreted your results as consistent with his hypothesis. You removed apps that were draining the battery, allowing better battery life. Perhaps that's why the system is no longer compelled to shut down the browser.
bigmout said:
Wait, what? I interpreted your results as consistent with his hypothesis. You removed apps that were draining the battery, allowing better battery life. Perhaps that's why the system is no longer compelled to shut down the browser.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
he said that the better battery life is because the browser gets shut down.

