anti-bug and dog whistle apps - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

I just snagged 2 apps that if they actually work would be really cool. Both use speaker frequencies we can hear and not hear. Anti-Bug emits sounds to repel atleast mosquitos etc. and dog whistle emits sounds dogs respond to. Both have varying frequencies, most of which I can actually hear in the worst way with dog whistle. Im gonna try'n test these as best I can, Id love some help if you guys have dogs (or live amongst the worst mosquitos ever)

forgot to mention, for the dog whistle app the touch orientation is off, tap just above the whistle to activate. At 8000khz you should clearly hear the tone.

I have the dog whiste one, my sister was askin me about dog whistles because she has a puppy. So I searched one of the freeware sites, found it, and tried it out on the puppy. The upper frequencies beyond human hearing definitely work, the dog definitely noticed it. Just wish it was louder, could use it to call the dog in from outside. Never seen the mosquito one before, but I'm gonna try it out this summer, could be a very handy app if it works. Imagine being able to be outside while everybody is getting ate up and the mosquitos wont even come near you.

I've read that producing high frequency sounds to repel insects doesn't work. Can anyone here tell me otherwise ?

The dog whistle works definately. Tested My 2 dogs, my gfs dog, and my friends cat. All respond to different frequencies.
couldnt test the anti bug, little too cold last nite, today seems like its gonna be buggy, will test

My neighbor has a dog that leaves my back porch full of fleas, so I'm going to mess with the antibug tonight if they are out and report back.

I wonder how the dogs are supposed to react at the sound, do you scare them away or will they follow me?
Good to know before I try it on someones dog...

Oh boy! I'm eager to try this in the field. I conduct field trips as a volunteer naturalist in a local wildlife refuge. (The Great Salt Lake Nature Center at West Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area in Utah). I conduct bird watching tours and nature walks with mostly 4th graders. On these walks we encounter all manner of birds, but I give lessons on the importance the macroinvertibrates that live in the water.
As it happens, Midges and Mosquitos react to specific frequencies. I can't wait to try the antibug app while we're out being pestered by these bugs! Who knows, perhaps these kids'll will learn something and I'll be glad I could use my WinMo device for yet another field experiment. I'll report back with my findings.
We have some invasive fox in the area as well. Hopefully I'll get a reaction with the wistle too. Yay

dik23 said:
I've read that producing high frequency sounds to repel insects doesn't work. Can anyone here tell me otherwise ?
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Apparently not
My dad has an annoying device in his attic that apparently does drive away squirrels.
I had a high-pitch squealing drive me away, once, but then it went away after the divorce....

kierandill said:
I had a high-pitch squealing drive me away, once, but then it went away after the divorce....
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Same problem here. Thinking of playin the dog whistle app thru my home stereo at high volume. It should in theory keep my ex away from the house, since technically a ***** is just a female dog. Will report back with results

Haaahahaha!!! Next time instead of getting a divorce, find some broad you dont like and buy her a house!
The Dog whistle doesnt necessarily scare them away it just gets a response which seems to vary at frequency and breed.
Havent had a buggy enough day to play with the anti bug yet but there seems to be mixed ideas as to whether it even works at all, love to see if we can get some practical feedback

Careful everybody....if we actually validate the ability of this app to keep away unwanted family members (especially former ones), the developer will have such a hit on his hands that he'll be a fool not to start charging for it

Hahaha, u guys made me LOL....
But seriously, the anti bug software does not work. I was having lunch yesterday and saw a mosquito land near my plate. I launched the prog and brought my phone slowly towards it. I selected all 3 variations and even set it at 1m and 5m. I also flipped it around in case the high freq sound it's supposed to be emitting comes from the front speakers.
The phone was about 5cm away from the mosquito and it didn't even flinch. I finally reached out and squashed it with my fingers...


went jogging with my evo... not happy.

So here in buffalo we had the Chase Corporate Challenge this past week. I was pretty excited to have my evo, both for music, and to use as a timer (if you've ever walked/run the corporate challenge, you know that you'll never get an accurate time unless you take time tracking into your own hands). Not being much of a runner (besides occasional run-ins with the treadmill at the gym) I hadn't gone jogging with my phone before, so I was pretty dismayed when my phone started to completely act up on me.
First off, my music kept skipping and going to the next track. On top of that, for some reason, my phone kept going into voice search mode. Lastly I discovered that the route/timing tracking software I was using must have gotten itself paused for a large chunk of my run in the middle... completely losing where I was and ruining any chance at getting a real time for my run. What made it even worse is about 80% of my company is iPhone users... so the whole thing was pretty embarrassing.
I have a few theories that I need to test as to why it acted so flaky... I kept it in my pocket the whole time. After the run when I was diagnosing, I noticed that when I jiggled the headphone plug, the phone would pause/play the music and sometimes go into voice command mode. I can only imagine that on top of that, the power button must have kept getting pressed when it was flying around in my pocket and somehow my thigh was hitting the pause/play button on the lockscreen. As for the route tracking software, I have no idea... it probably got confused when my phone kept doing all the other things.
So this post is partly a rant, but I'd like to know, has anyone else gone running with their phone? Have their adventures been more successful than mine? And what the heck is up with the voice command thing? Maybe it was the headphones I was using sending odd signals somehow through the jack? Does anyone have any ideas there? At some point I want to get a pair of BT stereo headphones, but it seems like even then not all my problems will be solved... Very annoyed.
At least the good news is I think I came in first out of the "XXL" category here in buffalo... if only they tracked the results by weight, I'd be a superstar
I have no idea if this would cause a problem because I haven't researched how it works, but I wonder if the phone's proximity switch could cause problems when jogging/running.
You should try and get a waist band thing for it or look for something that you can put it on your arm. Just something that can hold it securely in one place.
this has been covered exhaustively, unfortunately not many people seem to care
or they haven't tried the headphone jack out yet.
Read this thread:
Check out the "list of issues" thread in this forum. #6 sounds like yours
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
been running 2 times with music on and using my tracks... everything was perfect.
I jog 4 miles a day and lift weights. Never had those issues. Maybe its just you.
sounds like a bad headphone jack
I run and bike with my EVO and it has been a pleasure. I recommend using CardioTrainer as your work out recorder. It does a great job and even speaks over your music at set intervals to tell you how far you have in what amount of time. It also auto pauses your workout if you take a break and automatically uploads all of the data to a private website.
I went running with my Evo for the first time today.
I strapped it on to am arm band.
It felt a little large at first, but got used to it on my arm after a few minutes.
I played music and also ran Google's "MyTracks" software.
MyTracks uses GPS to log your run and reports all kinds of stats (Pace, Avg moving time, Distance, etc).
I had absolutely no problems.
I agree with other posters that you should try to get an arm band or a belt.
It almost sounds like you were hitting the bottom 4 buttons, but i don't think that is it.
I was listening to music through the headphone jack on my home stereo earlier today and noticed some of the same ****. No skipping, but the song would change by themselves. Happened like 5 times in the course of a couple of hours. Strange.
Just as a side note the BT headphones I have work almost flawless, it's awesome.
the problem with the headphones jack is that it is like the one for the nexus, and the nexus comes with headphones that control playing (play/pause, skip forward/backward). standard headphones don't have the contact that mediates those controls, so when the jack jostles around, it hits that contact point, and causes the skipping issue. as far as i know, only solution is to use a set of headphones with those controls.
which is why i kept the headphones from the N1 when i sold it.
I would never put my EVO in my pocket when I run. In my opinion, a tight belt clip or an arm band are the only solutions.
Sent from my HTC EVO 4G using Tapatalk Pro.
Thanks for all the suggestions. It definitely does seem to be a headphone jack issue, as the phone is constantly getting signals to activate voice dialing. I saw there was a DIY mod on android forums that involved bending one of the headphone contacts... I'm trying to decide if I want to try that or just find a set of nexus-style headphones until I get the BT set (BT stereo headphones are pretty pricey so I need to do research before I just throw down $100-200 on a set).
I could try finding an armband... but this thing is huge. good thing I have big arms? Seems more reasonable than a belt clip though, as I don't exactly have a flat stomach lol... seems that having something there while running would be pretty uncomfortable!
How do you run with it in your pocket? Unless you're wearing spandex...
I run with mine but I just hold it in my hand. But I never run more than 5k.
Definitely a headphone problem. If you have crappy headphones with bad contacts or wires, it will confuse the EVO into thinking you are pressing remote buttons on the inline remote. do you run with it in your pockets? That would annoy the crap out of me with all the un-anchored weight and probably some chaffing.
where can I get an armband for it?
There are also a number of apps fir the EVO that execute things like skipping songs, taking screen shots, etc by shaking the phone.
It sounds like one of those was running in the background.
adelaney said:
I jog 4 miles a day and lift weights. Never had those issues. Maybe its just you.
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what exactly does lifting weights have to do with anything? or did you just throw that in there for the sake of your e-penis?
fiveohhh said:
How do you run with it in your pocket? Unless you're wearing spandex...
I run with mine but I just hold it in my hand. But I never run more than 5k.
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Mbai2 said:
... do you run with it in your pockets? That would annoy the crap out of me with all the un-anchored weight and probably some chaffing.
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I have normal running shorts but I've been wearing lightweight cotton plaid golf-type shorts for running recently. They're almost as light as the running shorts and they have deep narrow pockets... didn't bother me at all. Of course I also mentioned that I'm a large guy, so maybe all the fat on my thighs acts as a barrier so it doesn't annoy me haha.

[MOD] Speaker hole enlargement

Hey all, watching some flash videos today made me notice how poorly the N1 puts sound out the back speaker, even compared to my old G1. I remember back in my Blackberry days that people used to mod the backs to "let more sound get out", and so I started looking into this...
First off, the speaker is GINORMOUS in relation to the slit. If you look inside the back where the speaker is, you can see a little internal grille, and the small slit for sound to escape. There's also a TON more room where that grille isnt attached to the back (same shape as the slit, only about 5x the size) that could be milled out pretty easily, and still retain the "keep crap out of the back" feature of the grille.
So, this leaves me with a few questions:
Where can I get a replacement back, in case my mill catches a bit more than I anticipate?
Anyone else interested? I figure if I set up to do one, I might as well bang a few others out instead of setting up multiple times.
Once I get a second back, I will be going at this with pics and hopefully notable improvement in projecting sound into my hand, and back toward my face!
I might not be a software hacker, but when it comes to this sort of thing, I figure its the best way I can give back to the community!
Give HTC support a call and tell them your cover doesn't line up properly(I don't think any of them do) they'll send you out a replacement. If they don't they can sell you one for ten bucks I think.
Hope to hear good results from your mod, might do it myself.
I actually think the small slit does something to amplify the sound..
Take the back off, play music, put it on. Notice it gets louder when you place it back on..
I don't know though, but I'll be following this thread!
Wisefire said:
I actually think the small slit does something to amplify the sound..
Take the back off, play music, put it on. Notice it gets louder when you place it back on..
I don't know though, but I'll be following this thread!
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Yea, I think the OP should test and see if there's even a noticeable difference without the back cover. I would think not...
Try removing the cover, sounds WAY worse.
Yes, I completely realize the back sounds bad off, its acting as a resonator, or isolating front from back waves of the speaker, which causes phase cancellation. Thus why im not removing the cover, just making the one hole bigger. It SHOULD not lose the "low end" that it has with the back on (if you want to call it that.
Either way, Im hacking at least one up, Ill post results!
Do it. (poor phone!)
I would suggest to replace the speaker with a Desire one, some people who have both phones pretend it's way louder on Desire, and yes it's the same form factor and size so it should fit
It is quite a bit louder without the cover but sounds bad due to the lack of resonance.
Shouldnt be too bad with just an enlargement, make sure you put something to block out dust. Let us know how it goes.
I've found that attaching one of these to the back quite useful...
or try a vuvuzela
I think the engineer who designed that whole was well aware of resonance qualities. If you make that whole and turns out better, you should apply to HTC job hehe...
Good idea ...
What about drilling mini-holes arround the "slit" ?
Instead of making ONE BIG hole ...
Very Interesting mod idea...I think the small drilled holes would be an effective test.
Or just cup your left hand around the back of the phone.
I looking for the out come of this.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
mrbkkt1 said:
Or just cup your left hand around the back of the phone.
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hah, I've never seen anyone else do it, but I do this all the time if I'm showing people a video or am in a noisy setting (ie. party)
clickwir said:
hah, I've never seen anyone else do it, but I do this all the time if I'm showing people a video or am in a noisy setting (ie. party)
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Nah, everyone does it.. I mostly do it when I want to listen to something quiet, I can turn it down and redirect the sound towards me.
I actually have a really good pair of earphones. I prefer that the main speaker is in the back, instead of in the earpiece like some phones. Prevents earspeaker blowout and call quality is damn good with this phone so far.
mrbkkt1 said:
Or just cup your left hand around the back of the phone.
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I try to put it up against a wall. Your hand can work to absorb sound waves, thus deadening sound and lowering overall quality; but drywall bounces the sound waves back nearly impeccably. Desks, etc, any hard surface should do the trick.

Be careful with your HD2. The screen apparently shatters easily

I have a very low to the ground car with low-profile tires.
I had my phone in my lap, and forgot it was there, got up and it just barely flopped to the ground. Flipped it over, the entire screen was shattered. It dropped maybe 12 inches from my pants to the ground.
Just a quick heads up for those who wear their phone in their crotch while they drive.
It will break from one time forgetting to take it out of your lap and into your pocket before you get out of the car. Take it from me.... FML..
Damn, that sucks bro! =[
I must be a lucky guy because I left my phone on my lap while I was driving my dad's truck (2002 Toyota Tundra), and then I forgot it was on my lap when I exited the vehicle. It landed face down, and not a scratch.
Another instance is when I was working out at the gym....again, I left my phone on my lap, and after completing my sets, I quickly stood up, and my phone hit the metal part of the equipment, and the battery door came off, and the battery flew out. Again, no scratch.
I didn't know a glass screen could shatter!!!
Good info to know.
had the same problem, dropped from a low height, screen cracked, my problem is I have a Telsta model, you have to replace screen and display (soldered together can't buy individualy) sad
eddyhsline said:
had the same problem, dropped from a low height, screen cracked, my problem is I have a Telsta model, you have to replace screen and display (soldered together can't buy individualy) sad
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most people break the screen when trying to replace it anyways. Probably better to replace both parts together.
It's all relative.
I've dropped my HD2 several times from various heights and so far the phone doesn't have a scratch on it. Once it skid down a couple of concrete stairs but miraculously survived without any damage. I guess I'm just lucky?
i use otterbox defender. in a moving car about 40km/h with window open and holding it outside when suddenly i lost grip and it felt on the asphalt.
the first thing in my mind is about the screen.
no scratch.
Was the phone on vibrate?
Just joking. Thanks for the heads up
Hey thanks guys on that otterbox thing. I might have to try that if they do have such an easy propensity to breaking.
Crazy how mine shattered so easy, and some not so easy.
If its any consolation this happened to a friend of mine - i guess its just bad luck.
people who mess with their phone whilst in charge of a vehicle deserve to crash and suffer terrible injury and / or a slow painful death, so im glad you broke your phone, just a shame you didnt cripple yourself into teh bargain. Whether making a call, or just holding it, you aren't in control of the vehicle, and deserve bad things to happen to you.
Just the opinion of someone who lost a relative to a driver who was 'just checking the time on my phone, officer'.
Glass screen can shatter? WHO WOULDA THUNK IT!?
In other related news, fish do live in the ocean and the sky is definitely blue.
I went through many of those drops with my Diamond. I put it on my crotch while talking on the headset, then got out of the car, unbeknownst that the phone is still on my crotch and BAMM! ate cement... Good thing the Diamond's screen was resistive heh. I take care of the HD2 like a baby now and always have it either on the passenger seat when i drive or put it in the phone holder.
badai said:
i use otterbox defender. in a moving car about 40km/h with window open and holding it outside when suddenly i lost grip and it felt on the asphalt.
the first thing in my mind is about the screen.
no scratch.
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+1 on what sam said too.......
samsamuel said:
people who mess with their phone whilst in charge of a vehicle deserve to crash and suffer terrible injury and / or a slow painful death, so im glad you broke your phone, just a shame you didnt cripple yourself into teh bargain. Whether making a call, or just holding it, you aren't in control of the vehicle, and deserve bad things to happen to you.
Just the opinion of someone who lost a relative to a driver who was 'just checking the time on my phone, officer'.
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For your opinionated and assumptive information, I wasn't driving and talking on the phone, nor was I texting either. I pulled a pack of GUM out of my pocket and the phone had to come out in the process, so before you go wishing I DIAF, maybe you shouldn't assume things that never happen when I drive. Sorry you lost a relative, but I'm not retarded.
yep, hand off the wheel rooting in a pocket, that would count as driving without due care and attention too, except of course it's unenforecable, cos drivers have a whole set of laws all to themselves. I swing an iron bar around and accidentally hit someone and kill them, its manslaughter, a driver picks his nose and slams a half ton of metal into someone and its an unfortunate accident.
Im sorry i unloaded on you specifically, it was aimed at all car drivers (especially the pillock with his phone in hand hanging out of the car, christ, moron).
Even the (comparitively speaking) safe drivers look around, eat food (and gum!), pick their nose, fiddle with the radio, , none of these activities are safe.
How long to take your phone out of your pocket, take the gum out, unwrap it, put it in your mouth? 30 seconds? 30 seconds where you aren't in control of your car, it takes what, 3 seconds to mount the pavement, your car judders, your beloved phone leaps out of your lap, you automatically jump to grab it (studies have already shown people automatically try to grab their phones to protect them during incidents), bang, small child being scraped along the concrete leaving skin and blood in a trail behind your car. What happens? A year or so jail at the most, probably suspended.
So, again, im sorry i leaped down your throat, but for me, ANY story where something bad happens to a driver is good news.
samsamuel said:
yep, hand off the wheel rooting in a pocket, that would count as driving without due care and attention too, except of course it's unenforecable, cos drivers have a whole set of laws all to themselves. I swing an iron bar around and accidentally hit someone and kill them, its manslaughter, a driver picks his nose and slams a half ton of metal into someone and its an unfortunate accident.
Im sorry i unloaded on you specifically, it was aimed at all car drivers (especially the pillock with his phone in hand hanging out of the car, christ, moron).
Even the (comparitively speaking) safe drivers look around, eat food (and gum!), pick their nose, fiddle with the radio, , none of these activities are safe.
How long to take your phone out of your pocket, take the gum out, unwrap it, put it in your mouth? 30 seconds? 30 seconds where you aren't in control of your car, it takes what, 3 seconds to mount the pavement, your car judders, your beloved phone leaps out of your lap, you automatically jump to grab it (studies have already shown people automatically try to grab their phones to protect them during incidents), bang, small child being scraped along the concrete leaving skin and blood in a trail behind your car. What happens? A year or so jail at the most, probably suspended.
So, again, im sorry i leaped down your throat, but for me, ANY story where something bad happens to a driver is good news.
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I've been an insured driver for a decade. Never had an accident. NOR even a speeding ticket to speak of. Without taking my eyes off the road, its easy to drive with one hand and take a piece of gum out of your pocket. I don't LOOK off of the ROAD when doing this. Unfortunately some drivers do, and while one deems "safe driving" one thing, obviously another can deem it unsafe by their standards. Simply put, there are a LOT of bad drivers out there. You see them every day talking on their cell phone and using MAYBE 20% of their attention on actually PAYING ATTENTION to driving, so I get your point... but I'm sorry, taking ONE hand off the wheel while still watching the road is not unsafe, and if you cannot change the station in your car, or do simple things without getting into an accident then your license should be revoked. People take it to the extreme. I used to live in Phoenix and in the morning rush hour traffic you'd see women putting on their makeup and curling their FRIGGIN hair in the car. It boggles your mind how someone could deem THAT safe driving, because you should be BANNED from driving if you were to get pulled over or KILL someone for some stupid time-saving choice. If you've gotta do that in the car you might wanna hire someone to drive you to work every day.
So like I said I see what you're getting at and obviously, its a sensitive subject for you but I mean, 10 and 2 not 100% of the time in the car isn't gonna be unsafe if you're still prioritizing your attention & what you can, and cannot take a hand off the wheel for. ONE huge stupid is definitely TEXT/CALLING people. And the aforementioned.
So people, while this isn't a debate thread about texting and driving, moral of the story is.. don't be stupid and use your phone while you drive. I'm just the unlucky bastid that happened to have his in his lap when it shattered to the cement.
samsamuel said:
yep, hand off the wheel rooting in a pocket, that would count as driving without due care and attention too, except of course it's unenforecable, cos drivers have a whole set of laws all to themselves. I swing an iron bar around and accidentally hit someone and kill them, its manslaughter, a driver picks his nose and slams a half ton of metal into someone and its an unfortunate accident.
Im sorry i unloaded on you specifically, it was aimed at all car drivers (especially the pillock with his phone in hand hanging out of the car, christ, moron).
Even the (comparitively speaking) safe drivers look around, eat food (and gum!), pick their nose, fiddle with the radio, , none of these activities are safe.
How long to take your phone out of your pocket, take the gum out, unwrap it, put it in your mouth? 30 seconds? 30 seconds where you aren't in control of your car, it takes what, 3 seconds to mount the pavement, your car judders, your beloved phone leaps out of your lap, you automatically jump to grab it (studies have already shown people automatically try to grab their phones to protect them during incidents), bang, small child being scraped along the concrete leaving skin and blood in a trail behind your car. What happens? A year or so jail at the most, probably suspended.
So, again, im sorry i leaped down your throat, but for me, ANY story where something bad happens to a driver is good news.
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Texas has a new "distracted driver" laws in effect. Basically, they can cite you for doing anything that isn't driving. I'm going to have to look it up.
guess it wasn't as far reaching as I thought:
nrfitchett4 said:
Texas has a new "distracted driver" laws in effect. Basically, they can cite you for doing anything that isn't driving. I'm going to have to look it up.
guess it wasn't as far reaching as I thought:
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Yeah, I live in Michigan, and we just started to pass laws. Lots of states have. We just got a "no texting" law. If an Officer sees you on your cell while driving you will absolutely get a ticket every time. I actually think this is a GREAT idea. Maybe we'll save some lives and when a person thinks to get on their phone while driving they'll think twice.

Another evo kill

Anyone in the so cal area might have seen abc 7's article this morning of a bus driver that was reading while driving. Even used his elbows to drive. All of this was video captured by the evo. Video is clean and clear, no choppy and just perfect.
Sent from my Evo
EDIT: Okay so the guy didn't die. He was just driving illegally.
What burns me most is there are people who are capable of multitasking whilst driving and know enough to pay more attention to the road. Now you can't even be seen holding a phone inside of a car in some states or you can be subjected to being pulled over.
could you link us...-.-'
mbaseball3 said:
Anyone in the so cal area might have seen abc 7's article this morning of a bus driver that was reading while driving. Even used his elbows to drive. All of this was video captured by the evo. Video is clean and clear, no choppy and just perfect.
Sent from my Evo
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A link would make your post much better! If you dont post one, I'd get ready for the heat....
Looks like you got bailed out this time!
P.s. That driver is just an ignorant asshole and I hope he never gets another job where he can put peoples lives in danger ever again.. Imo..he deserves a couple nights in jail for him to think about how many people he could have killed, and families he might have destroyed with his ignorant actions!
F**king ridiculous!
It's funny, at the end of the video they stated the bus driver told the person filming it that he can't take pictures while the bus is moving. Hmmm, I think a passenger taking a pic while the bus is moving is far less dangerous than what he was doing.
imwillzillla said:
EDIT: Okay so the guy didn't die. He was just driving illegally.
What burns me most is there are people who are capable of multitasking whilst driving and know enough to pay more attention to the road. Now you can't even be seen holding a phone inside of a car in some states or you can be subjected to being pulled over.
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Or even using a PTT mic..
imwillzillla said:
EDIT: Okay so the guy didn't die. He was just driving illegally.
What burns me most is there are people who are capable of multitasking whilst driving and know enough to pay more attention to the road. Now you can't even be seen holding a phone inside of a car in some states or you can be subjected to being pulled over.
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What burns me is people who think multitasking whilst driving is safe. Any distraction while driving is a safety hazard. Those who disagree are the ones who always say "...but I only took my eye off the road for a second..." when they try to explain why someone else is dead.
agreed anytime you're not paying attention to the road is dumb.
Sent from my Satan fone

SmartSwitch fact i never knew about. TIL smartswitch uses ultrasound to connect

So... I found this out by mistake.
Check out the video.
You will have to turn up the sound in the video since its just a humming sound. Sounds like capacitors charging.
I'm pretty sure that the note is not supposed to make that sound.
Wow pretty scary especially when you're in a loud place
matteosaeed said:
Wow pretty scary especially when you're in a loud place
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The thing is is really not supposed to make any noise. From close it sounds like a microwave
It's the speaker making noise. I can confirm mine does the same thing
Sent from my SM-N930T using Tapatalk
Root-Maniac said:
It's the speaker making noise. I can confirm mine does the same thing
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doesn't sound like the speaker.
Don't hold it to close to your face. If it's a short or a battery problem you don't wanna be close to it if it blows or catches on fire
Sounds like it to me. Coming from the speaker on my unit.
Sent from my SM-N930T using Tapatalk
Root-Maniac said:
Sounds like it to me. Coming from the speaker on my unit.
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Still... I don't understand why or makes nose
apatcas said:
Still... I don't understand why or makes nose
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+1. It shouldn't do that...
Sent from my SM-N930T using Tapatalk
I'm going to see if it sounds louder or does anything starting this and charging the phone.
Wish me luck...:fingers-crossed:
I guess none of you have used Smart Switch before? It's something I used on the daily working at T-Mobile to transfer data on customers' phones. The noise you're hearing IS coming from the speaker, it's an ultra-sonic noise emitted that the receiving phone that would be running Smart Switch, would pick up with its microphone and use it as a means of pairing. Think of it like the new Google Nearby API... If you ever play with a Nexus running Nougat, you'll have a similar experience transferring accounts and app install lists. It used to be an NFC pairing, now using the Nearby API it scans wifi, Bluetooth, and ultra-sonic pairing noises are probably also possible using it.
flamingblue8z said:
I guess none of you have used Smart Switch before? It's something I used on the daily working at T-Mobile to transfer data on customers' phones. The noise you're hearing IS coming from the speaker, it's an ultra-sonic noise emitted that the receiving phone that would be running Smart Switch, would pick up with its microphone and use it as a means of pairing. Think of it like the new Google Nearby API... If you ever play with a Nexus running Nougat, you'll have a similar experience transferring accounts and app install lists. It used to be an NFC pairing, now using the Nearby API it scans wifi, Bluetooth, and ultra-sonic pairing noises are probably also possible using it.
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Never thought of that. I guess i never expected it to be that loud.
apatcas said:
Never thought of that. I guess i never expected it to be that loud.
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Welcome to Samsung's newest speaker in the Note 7 lol. It may not have much oomph, but clarity and loudness are high on the list.
flamingblue8z said:
Welcome to Samsung's newest speaker in the Note 7 lol. It may not have much oomph, but clarity and loudness are high on the list.
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Yeah... still my phone gets hot and i still have a perfectly working note 5. I think I might just go back to that. Started SmartSwitch on that and can a very fain noise, not even comparable with the note 7.
TL;DR: It's fine, no one has a malfunctioning speaker in their Note 5 or Note 7.
Grab another device or 2, non-Samsung, and try Smart Switch to hear how each device's speaker is audibly different. Don't worry. It's by design for both phones. It's the limitations of the N5 speaker that prevent such a wide dynamic range to be reproduced. The speaker on the 7 has to also be water resistant. You ever hear any phone inside a Lifeproof case? The biggest complaint I hear is that it muffles the sound. Samsung didn't want that compromise the speaker experience when they went for their resistance rating. Just wanted to try and tamper down the hatred on an otherwise beautiful (if pricey) device. The battery fiasco sucks for them right now. No need to go all TMZ and try and put salt in their wounds by causing mass hysteria. Even the few other replies in this post could be quickly read and someone flies off the handle and goes to the nearest store.
For those who DO care about the retail aspect of this recall, this is going to be a VERY rough time for T-Mobile Reps, they're put under a TON of pressure to hit sales goals, and if they spend too much time doing customer service, their numbers suffer and they lose their jobs. Trust me, I know, I worked just shy of 2 years at a corporate kiosk in a mall that's probably going to be closed before the holidays. It was already a losing battle trying to hit goals, doing exceptional customer service to promote "Brand Loyalty" in yourself as a sales rep was a recipe for not even hitting 50% during the month of December.
First joke I've cracked in 9 years on this site haha.
flamingblue8z said:
TL;DR: It's fine, no one has a malfunctioning speaker in their Note 5 or Note 7.
Grab another device or 2, non-Samsung, and try Smart Switch to hear how each device's speaker is audibly different. Don't worry. It's by design for both phones. It's the limitations of the N5 speaker that prevent such a wide dynamic range to be reproduced. The speaker on the 7 has to also be water resistant. You ever hear any phone inside a Lifeproof case? The biggest complaint I hear is that it muffles the sound. Samsung didn't want that compromise the speaker experience when they went for their resistance rating. Just wanted to try and tamper down the hatred on an otherwise beautiful (if pricey) device. The battery fiasco sucks for them right now. No need to go all TMZ and try and put salt in their wounds by causing mass hysteria. Even the few other replies in this post could be quickly read and someone flies off the handle and goes to the nearest store.
For those who DO care about the retail aspect of this recall, this is going to be a VERY rough time for T-Mobile Reps, they're put under a TON of pressure to hit sales goals, and if they spend too much time doing customer service, their numbers suffer and they lose their jobs. Trust me, I know, I worked just shy of 2 years at a corporate kiosk in a mall that's probably going to be closed before the holidays. It was already a losing battle trying to hit goals, doing exceptional customer service to promote "Brand Loyalty" in yourself as a sales rep was a recipe for not even hitting 50% during the month of December.
First joke I've cracked in 9 years on this site haha.
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I edited the title so it doesnt look like im trying to hurt Samsung.
apatcas said:
doesn't sound like the speaker.
Don't hold it to close to your face. If it's a short or a battery problem you don't wanna be close to it if it blows or catches on fire
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If it explodes, you're holding it wrong..
Wrong advice, here's a list of what should happen.
1) Find a lucky coin.
2) Change your name to Harvey Dent
3) Hold Note 7 close to your face until it explodes
4) Fight Batman
slaapliedje said:
If it explodes, you're holding it wrong..
Wrong advice, here's a list of what should happen.
1) Find a lucky coin.
2) Change your name to Harvey Dent
3) Hold Note 7 close to your face until it explodes
4) Fight Batman
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Extremely good and useful advice. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to write this

