HD2 no signal, shows exclamation - HD2 General

Hi everyone, my HD2 just stopped working with no signal at all.and shows a exclamation all the time, sim cards are no problem. i've updated the phone with official sw, still have this problem at the beginning.

has the phone been blacklisted?
is the phone turned on in wireless mode in settings? ( ya never no)
is it still under warranty?

My HD2 has done the exact same thing, just shows an !
it doesnt even try to find a signal.
phone was a tmobile UK version, which was unlocked to use any network.
the problem has literly just happened today.
have tried different offical roms, and different sim cards.

sebstermw said:
My HD2 has done the exact same thing, just shows an !
it doesnt even try to find a signal.
phone was a tmobile UK version, which was unlocked to use any network.
the problem has literly just happened today.
have tried different offical roms, and different sim cards.
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Just phoned my provider in regards to my phone, quoted the emei and have been told the phone is blacklisted.
they are sending a request to have it unbarred. will post the outcome.

I have had this happen alot with Vodaphone UK. This is a brand new number so doubt it has been black listed.
I can get this working my turning the phone to airplane mode then back to phone mode, this most of the time makes the phone look for a signal.
Usually happens to me when there is no signal like in a tunnel, the phone does not seem to try looking for the network until you force it to.

This is possibly a fault with the timeout of the HTC HD2. Could be once it tries to connect when out of signal the device gives up after a number of attemtps.
Does anyone know?t

paul211b said:
I have had this happen alot with Vodaphone UK. This is a brand new number so doubt it has been black listed.
I can get this working my turning the phone to airplane mode then back to phone mode, this most of the time makes the phone look for a signal.
Usually happens to me when there is no signal like in a tunnel, the phone does not seem to try looking for the network until you force it to.
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I was searching before posting for just this problem.
It is really irritating me. The phone can jump from deciding there is no signal to sometimes even going to full-bar "H"!
I hav currently resorted to turning off 3G as at least that way I am eliminating the idiocy of it prefering 0/1 bar of "H" vs near full non-3G reception for calls.
Even so at times it will just sit there for ages having dropped a signal with the exclamation showing and then jump back to life [in the same place] with good reception.
I am also on Voda UK

Mine has done that twice, in 4 months. 1 time phone was turned off inside connections, no idea how? 2nd time I just shut off, & back on, signal was back, hasn't happened in months now?

so does anyone have a solution to this problem?
I've checked with my service provider and my phone is not blacklisted...
My SIM card seems fine and everything else seems fine, except it keeps giving me the exclamation mark.. most of the time i notice it's when i get out of the lift (but that could be because that's when i usually check my phone before I put it on my desk).
There are many occasions (probably 5+ times/day) where I turn my phone on (ie, off standby) after it's been sitting on my desk for an hour or so to check calls, etc and there is that dreaded exclamation mark.
I know the area around my desk does have a signal because the guy next to me on the same network has a strong 3G and 2G signal.
Sometimes going to Comms to turn airplane mode on and off to force it to look for a signal works, but sometimes it doesnt.
I've tried soft-resetting, hard-resetting, using different radios, different ROMs, etc and still no good.
Funny thing is, it's only been happening over the past 2-3 weeks.. and I'm not sure what triggered it.
It's really starting to frustrate the crap outta me and friends have been asking why they can't get through...
Any help would be appreciated.. . I'm trying to avoid sending it to the HTC service centre if I can because they're slooooow and the stories I've read about my local centre are pretty bad (when I had my HTC diamond).

Solved:upgrade your rom everything gonna b in place

Upgrade to what?

I am having the same problem, for a hile now. Been fiddling with phone settings parameters, trying to see the effect. One particular combination so far seems to work. Try this: Comm manager --> Phone --> Tap Change Phone settings --> Menu --> Advanced network --> GPRS --> select CHAP authentication --> then CSD Line Type --> select Data rate 9600(v.110). Then OK, Back, and Done with the Comm manager. Observe if the network pickup performance (switching from non-existent H or 3G to E or G) works better for you after that. It does better for me, so far.

I'm having the same problem - NO SIGNAL
Any solution?

i recently discovered that for my problem, it was to do with the earphones. Not sure why, but it only seems to happen to me not long after i plug or unplug the earphones.
I usually have my HD2 on my desk with the music going while I work, but every hour or so, I unplug the earphones and take my phone by itself out with me for a cigarette.. then I come back and plug the earphones back in.
Often when I'm about to head downstairs, I turn on the screen while the music is still going and i see the "!"... as soon as I unplug the earphones, the bars indicating reception comes back straightaway!
Not sure if it's a coincidence or whether it really does have something to do with the earphone/earphone jack.

Since I upgraded to the Vodafone rom on the htc website I have not had this problem

htc hd2 no signal
i having a hard time with my htc hd2 its been a week that i dont get a signal and my phone dont recognize my sim..i read a lot of suggestion and help here in forum but all of them did'nt work...
please help i had htc hd2 been brought here in italy.im using wind operator.
Please somebody help!!
Manila Version: 2.5.20153712.0
Rom Version: Energy Rom
Radio Version:

paul211b said:
Since I upgraded to the Vodafone rom on the htc website I have not had this problem
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I have just bitten the bullet and accepted the phone is crap at swithing between 2G and 3G signal so turn off 3G in a couple of locations when I know I get this problem [home - I can use WIFI] and my office.
HTC would not be drawn at all on un updated Radio and this problem being "fixed" in USA ROMs

the very easy fix is to do this :
settings _ personal _ phone _ network then make network selection to manual ,, then choose ur provider,,, then u will have signal,, after that u can turn it back to automatic
100% working

Thanks a "fix" not a solution.
Rather silly to have to jump through hoops to make a mobile phone recognise available reception

Have the same problem
I have the same problem now, any solution for that?


Exec looses signal

Hi guys,
ive had my exec for about 2 weeks now. In the last week it has started to randomly loose network signal. It keeps searching till you either soft reset it or turn flight mode on and off. It will find a signal in about 10 seconds after that.
Is this there a 'dont keep loosing signal' setting that im missing?!
Mine does the same thing - annoying as hell! Not worked it out yet.
Are you talking about telephone or GPRS signal ( U or G )
Phone signal
everything! it looses all signal.
I called o2 and they want me to go into an 02 shop for them to have a look at it before they give me a replacement
The are all 'handset trained' apparently.
I also called o2 a week ago stating the same problem, They gave me a refferance number and said they will look into it, But of corse 1 week later they have not called me, So this afternoon i will find the referance number and give them a call.
I will post ther Bollox answer on here tonight
Same problem here with a MDA Pro. I ahve noticed that this happens when I am roaming in Germany as well. Very anoying. That and the thing freezing in a call and needing a re-set. This is my second one as the first one the screen portion became loose, happened on the one before as well.
I have the same problem althoughmine will refind the signal after about a minute. It seems to disappear whenever I ask thephoneto do something new (open a program etc).
I finally persauded T-Mobile to exchange mine so I'm getting a new one delivered tomorrow.
I'll let you know if that fixes it!
My XDA2 used to lose its ability to communicate if I was out of a signal area for more than 15 minutes, but I haven't had it happen yet with the Exec. A soft reset or Flight Mode on/off cycle would fix it.
It is frustrating but didn't happen often.
Well i phoned o2 and they said there was still no answer and that no one else had complainded about this, So i told them of this forum......
As per the last post i have also had this on a 2 and 2i, and i gree if its out of servie for a few mins its seems to give up looking for service until you reset.
mine has done it overnight befor, i looked befor going to bed and it had just the 3 dots flashing where the aerial should be. the next morning it was still the same, quick soft rest and into full service, thats when i first rang o2
I've had this on all my XDAs in the past, and seems to continue with the Exec.
Very annoying, but not sure what can be done about it.
wait for a rom upgrade from o2, ( with new radio rom)
that should solve the problem.
happens with xda, xda2, skipped xda2-i and xda2-s,
and now it's back.. :roll:
Hi Guys, I have been having this problem for weeks with my MDA Pro. I convinced myself it wasn't the phone and that it was T-Mobiles Network. In desperation last night I spoke to T-Mobile about the problem. They told me it was a faulty phone and that I would have to contact the supplier of the phone and ask them to replace it. I tried to explain others had the problem and that I wasn't happy to have to send my phone off and wait for a replacement. But no avail. So I sat down at home and looked at the settings. I think I might of cured it! Maybe it is a fluke but by clicking the signal meter and going to settings, then changing network selection to manual it has stopped hunting when it loses signal and quickly re-picks it up. HNope this helps others.
abarthsmart said:
changing network selection to manual it has stopped hunting when it loses signal and quickly re-picks it up. HNope this helps others.
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Defenitely...that did it.
I had the same in Holland with KPN: while switched to manual no more problems.
In Romania however, where I also have UMTS, I had to switch it back (or it switched itselve back, after changing SIM card, I don't remember) to AUTO.
There it switches from GPRS to UMTS if UMTS signal is OK.
Ok, i have the same problem. Have GPRS Always on set in registry and 10 minutes ago, my MDA Pro lost GPRS connection. It trys to reconnect all the time. But no Connection can be build up. After Flight Mode and back, i get a connection immediately. But on start of MSN Messenger, it loses the connection again and does the same loop like before. Only a softreset brings my connection back to live.
Looks like a ROM issue. Maybe GSM or CE.
I am delighted to say that my replacement MDA Pro seems much more stable in the signal department. Although I still loose signal ocaasionally, I no beleive that is due to poor signal area and not the phone...
If you phone isloosing and reconnecting all the time then like mine it is probably faulty! Hopefully the ROM upgrades will sort out the last few issues I'm having!!
I love this phone!!
Same problem with JASJAR
People still have this problem? i'm using radio 1.03.01. When i used the original firmware, the phone part would lock up (Would get the busy - wait 15 seconds and try again, but it would never clear - had to soft reset)
With the 1.03.01 radio, i still get disconnected, but it'll find the signal again after a few retries - which is very bad! I rely on the phone at work, and people can't get through when it's disconnected. I have full signal strength (4 bars) so it's a software/hardware problem.
It looks like maybe it happens more frequently when charging or activesync'ing, than when it's disconnected from usb.
Can anyone confirm having the same problem, and it getting better or FIXED with the new radio firmware? If not, i'm going to have to return it.
I am using radio version 1.04.02 on the O2 exec, although i use a Vodafone SIM (supplied by work!). Mine suffers from the same problem, mainly at home, which is a very odd signal area for Vodafone. I can go from no signal to full signal to none again, and yes, sometimes it drops completely and needs a soft reset - bingo! full signal again.
Switching the network type from auto to GSM does seem to make the unit a little happier, but i need to use WCDMA when possible, so i leave mine on auto and live with the dropouts!
Lets hope the next rom fixes the problem.
I have the same problem with my XDA and O2. a soft reset nor a full reset have been able to fix the problem. :roll: is the new rom version available as yet?

Connection Issue (AT&T) Help!

I have had my dual for the past 3 weeks and it has done great (even with out 850 on the AT&T network).
Yesterday I took a driving trip to another location (about 2 hrs). The entire trip down I was monitoring the connection on the phone and it had ok connect. At one point I made a call on the phone and it was great call quality. About 20 min later I went to make another call and the phone had not connect (radio Icon with constant dots or !). I thought I had just wandered into an 850 zone. So the entire drive back I had no connection (where I had had it on the way down). Even at my house I have no connect. It will not connect with the AT&T network anymore. I called AT&T and "registered" my IMEI number just in case they had locked me out (they said they did not).
I have taken my SIM out of my Dual and put it into my Cingular 8125 phone and it works like a champ.
I have also done a hard reset on the Dual.
I hope I did not throw $$ power the toilet.
Any Thoughts??? Any logs to look at??
ROM- 1.31.405.09
Date - 10/31/07
Radio -
Willieg said:
I have had my dual for the past 3 weeks and it has done great (even with out 850 on the AT&T network).
Yesterday I took a driving trip to another location (about 2 hrs). The entire trip down I was monitoring the connection on the phone and it had ok connect. At one point I made a call on the phone and it was great call quality. About 20 min later I went to make another call and the phone had not connect (radio Icon with constant dots or !). I thought I had just wandered into an 850 zone. So the entire drive back I had no connection (where I had had it on the way down). Even at my house I have no connect. It will not connect with the AT&T network anymore. I called AT&T and "registered" my IMEI number just in case they had locked me out (they said they did not).
I have taken my SIM out of my Dual and put it into my Cingular 8125 phone and it works like a champ.
I have also done a hard reset on the Dual.
I hope I did not throw $$ power the toilet.
Any Thoughts??? Any logs to look at??
ROM- 1.31.405.09
Date - 10/31/07
Radio -
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had the same problem on the first day I got the phone. wasn't roaming like you tho. Signal came right back after a soft reset. haven't had this problem since then. it's been a wk.
D 1.31
Same with O2-Germany
Same issue here. Using my Dual for 2 days now. Everything worked like a charm (phone, 3G-internet) and then I was travelling by tram (few km) while surfing and then... you know it.
No connection for several hours, network scan shows all available networks, but connecting failes. Several soft-resets didn't help either. Done a hard-reset a minute ago: didn't help. Using the same SIM in my old Magician I experience nothing but a fully working phone.
So... I gotta return that Dual to O2-Germany tomorrow, hoping to get a working one soon.
just got connection after a soft-reset.. but... here is how:
1. soft-reset
2. entering PIN
3. Dual searches...
4. And after 3-4 seconds, it connects!
5. after again 3 seconds it recognizes 3G
6. after another 3 seconds it looses the connection. Damn sh*t.
// another edit... looks like this is becoming a monologue, uhm?
Since I do not want to give my Dual back to O2 I searched a bit and have come to this solution:
Changing the phone settings does the job. Go to Settings->Phone->Band and choose the appropriate values. In my case there are W-CDMA issues, since sticking to GSM solves my problem. Nevertheless, this is not the way I wanted to use the Dual, if I CAN have 384kbit (no HSDPA around), i WANT it. End of story.
Tomorrow I'll tell O2. I promise.
// update 3
This is obiously turning into a monologue now, but now I know why:
This wasn't an issue with the device. After calling the hotline several times, it turned out that my access-rights to the umts network were altered accidently. The man on the phone did a usual check of this today and changed it instantly and after some minutes the problem and was gone. So to summarize:
Everything is fine with my touch dual.

No Service On Unlocked Nike/HTC Touch Dual?

Hi, I have unlocked my Nike and have put in a new 3G O2 SIM card. But it says No Service and has no signal at all... The card has been activated so it's not that, and I can get signal on the O2 SIM when I put it in a different phone in the same location...
Please help!
PS. Sorry if this is in the wrong section and should be in the Nike one.
this is an acceptable section for this post.
try running the network wizard for your phone.
By that, do you mean going to Settings - Phone - Network - Find Network?
Because if so, I've tried it and it just says "Current Network - Searching..." for ages and ages then eventually goes to No Service IIRC. I'm doing it again now...
Also, when I do find it (when I've turned 3G on in the Comm Manager) it goes to 3G O2-UK (which is what I want) but then has no signal, then it goes to just O2-UK and no signal.
network wizard is an actual application that will set the correct specifications for you. Try searching the forums for it.
I have searched for it, I downloaded it, I ran it and restarted my HTC Touch Dual like it said... And I get "No Service"...
Please help?
Now it says "Denied, Searching..." sometimes, then says "No Service". Or occasionally it says "O2-UK" but has no signal and when I try and ring it off my house phone it goes straight to voicemail.
I think I may have got it to work. I think the Network Wizard may have sorted it out, just took a while to work.
Unfortunately though, the signal is still weak. Any way I can improve my signal?
Now today I managed to get the signal to FOUR bars, but that was for only about a minute. Now, I am finding it hard to even find service, especially when I turn my phone on.
I've also noticed that if I push the Network to GSM it goes to "No Service" for quite a while!
Please help people, how can I get this to work wherever I go? It seems that sometimes it only works when it's plugged into the laptop via USB cable... I'm a noob.
well try flashing a new radio and see if that fixes it
You'll have to walk me through it man, I'm a complete noob. I don't even know what that means tbh.
With a load of help from ScouseMartin I've managed to get it working but with extremely bad signal/reception. I lose all service most of the time when I'm on the move but after being in the same place for a while the signal manages to get back to about 2 bars... Sometimes is goes full or 4 bars but still calls drop after about a minute or so. About half of the time people can only get through to me, the rest it goes straight to voicemail. Texting is generally okay although sometimes I do receive texts quite a while after they were sent...
Scouse Martin believes that it must be the antenna inside the phone because when I try an Orange SIM in the same phone I get the same situation.
So, I have purchased a T5 screwdriver but now I need a Philips #0, I cannot find any in any shop so can anyone point me towards one (in the UK please) for a couple of quid?
Thanks in advance.
Not the answer. Anyone else have any suggestions?
Well, seems I've stumped. I am selling this phone for £120 ONO with TomTom 6 on the 1GB MicroSD card. I put the teal Manilla2D UI on it.
Anyone interested in it, to fix or for spare parts can find it here: http://manchester.gumtree.com/manchester/39/28860039.html
I sold if, it anyone cares, for £91.02.

Gsm signal issue

I have my sgs for 2 weeks now. GSM disconnects around every 2 days.
At service mode (*#*#4636#*#* - Phone information) i can see this repport:
GSM disconnects:
State: inactive
disconnected with last try
at 00:59
fail because No Error
The question is: why does this happen?
Is this an android issue or a hardware problem?
Any pointers?
Thanks in advance
do you ever enter a building, subway, or some other location where the GSM becomes poor?
AllGamer said:
do you ever enter a building, subway, or some other location where the GSM becomes poor?
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That's not the problem.
Gsm disconnects just like that ,at home for instance. And when I notice that and try to reconnect (settings- wireless networks- mobile networks - networks operators) it doesnt find ANY of them.
Then I restart the phone and gsm network is back.
If I dont notice disconnection in time (so I can restart phone, people just cannot reach me....quite frustrating...
i see what you mean now.
yes, i've noticed that on mine too, but.... that's because i was fooling around with some new Apps Widgets settings i was testing to control the radio and data to save battery.
Did you install any new Apps recently that might cause that?
betoNL said:
That's not the problem.
Gsm disconnects just like that ,at home for instance. And when I notice that and try to reconnect (settings- wireless networks- mobile networks - networks operators) it doesnt find ANY of them.
Then I restart the phone and gsm network is back.
If I dont notice disconnection in time (so I can restart phone, people just cannot reach me....quite frustrating...
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do you have an old sim card? i had a 3g sim card that wasnt even 1 years old and replacing it fixed connectivity issues on my nexus 1 and i had a similar experience with my old htc magic
AllGamer said:
i see what you mean now.
yes, i've noticed that on mine too, but.... that's because i was fooling around with some new Apps Widgets settings i was testing to control the radio and data to save battery.
Did you install any new Apps recently that might cause that?
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Well I installed all kind of apps. but i have the feeling this problem was happening even before that.
And I dont need widgets to control data ( I think) because I set the sgs to use 2g networks only and I dont have apn configured( section is empty. Internet connec. only via wifi.
hondaguy said:
do you have an old sim card? i had a 3g sim card that wasnt even 1 years old and replacing it fixed connectivity issues on my nexus 1 and i had a similar experience with my old htc magic
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Well, my sim card is VERY old (2002) and the carrier (Telfort) is roaming into another carrier's network (Kpn) with no extra costs of course like real roaming, but still roaming (I get the little "R" next to the signal strenght bars)
Anyway this never happened with the Nokia 5800xm running Symbian OS and using the same sim card...
Starting to get pissed of with Android...
With Symbian you hack or root or tweak because you want to, not because you NEED to like with Android....
And then you prob. get side effects...
Thank you guys for your time
I would get a new sim card if I were you. Every android phone that I have had seems to work better with a good 3g sim.
Get a new SIM card.
same problem, different phone
i have the same problem on kaiser with flashed android on it.
sim is 2 years old, and now suddenly this happened, tried differents sim cards, but the problem persists. My guess is, it is a software problem.
Maybe i will report when I flash original WM6.1 rom onto it, if you are interested in the result
btw, this happened about two days ago and because of this im buying galaxy s so i hope the problem will be gone with new phone
did you guys see this other topic?
anyone able to reproduce this issue?
Maranevim said:
i have the same problem on kaiser with flashed android on it.
sim is 2 years old, and now suddenly this happened, tried differents sim cards, but the problem persists. My guess is, it is a software problem.
Maybe i will report when I flash original WM6.1 rom onto it, if you are interested in the result
btw, this happened about two days ago and because of this im buying galaxy s so i hope the problem will be gone with new phone
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Why you think the problem will be gone if it's still android and I also got it with my sgs? Or are you counting on Froyo?
Yesterday I upgraded my sgs to froyo jpc with kies. I am new with Android but the post of Aery was so clear that i didnt resist: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=769400&highlight=froyo+upgrade
I did get stuck on reboot but could get out of it after applying a cache/data/factory reset on recovery mode (3 buttons)
Now I am being carefull with the 3rd party apps., and so far so good, no gsm disconnections .
Froyo is of course better that eclair but Android is still disappointing to me.
You flashed Android onto a WM device (i'm impressed); could you not teach me how to flash Symbian onto my SGS?
Voice dialing (over bluetooth or not) and proper connectivity control (network, data, gps and bluetooth) of android is years behind Symbian; and such a well written, light OS, it will just fly on a high-end hardware like the sgs; but that is an issue for another thread.http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=7938430#post7938430
Pls keep reporting..
AllGamer said:
did you guys see this other topic?
anyone able to reproduce this issue?
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I think indeed that's not the same issue. My problem is that the radio signal get turned off during inactivity. That's why I got connection back after reboot: radio signal gets turned on again; later I learned how to turn radio signal back on without rebooting, but that is just a remedy , no real solution.
Try to upgrade to froyo, make a factory reset and be carefull with 3rd party apps. With froyo you will need less interfering tools anyway
I dont thing that my old sim card is the problem, but i'll try to replace it anyway...but first things first
Btw dou you have 3g turned on? Cause I never...
Another mistery: When I have 3G on I see those bars (signal strenght) dancing and that "death grip" thing happening:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LROTHrTR92k
But when I have it on 2G only the bars doesnt move even if I strangle it with both hands.....
Please repport later how it's going...
I had the same issue, i sent mine back and got my money back, i had also tried with different simcards and resets and nothing worked.. so hopefully my new galaxy wont have this problem. Its strange that these problems are so rare though.. But as long i get it going ill be a happy man.
fourth day with JPC ( and 4 days after a factory reset) so far so good no disconnections . I think problem is gone...
Today just to be safe, I got a new sim card....the other one was too old anyway(8 years)
i have the same issue, for a few days i can't get 3g. i'm seriously wondering about sending back my sgs. i've ttried all the settings, changed my sim..nothing...begin to think it was a fullish thing to change Desire to SGS..
alpachiles said:
i have the same issue, for a few days i can't get 3g. i'm seriously wondering about sending back my sgs. i've ttried all the settings, changed my sim..nothing...begin to think it was a fullish thing to change Desire to SGS..
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Well... this is not the same issue.
I have 3G (WCDMA) disabled. I only use 2G (GSM) and WIFI for data/internet connection.
I Dont have a data account, I dont need it therefore I disabled 3G in order to save battery.
If you do want to use 3G, just go to settings - wireless and network - mobile network settings - network mode and set auto-mode (GSM/WCDMA or 3G/2G)
If it doesn't work, apply a data/factory reset and try again.
And if it doesnt work, it's probably hardware related and you should return it or send it for repair.
My issue is more complicated; next to the fact that I dont want to use 3g, my carrier is roaming to another network and probably Android OS or the firmware cannot handle it properly.
Android is still premature and the "Samsung - Android integration" seems to need a lot of development as well.
It is just a shame that basic functions like proper connectivity control just wont cut it. And Google is not doing any good either.
And dont let me get started on the voice recognition issue......
Hardwarewise, the SGS is superior that htc desire.....I wonder how it would perform if running Symbian^3 OS or Meego.....
I get a great sound quality from the stock music player just by mixing the equalizer and using the music clarity effect...just great...better than any other device I tried.
And the OFFLINE Gps experience is just great as well: the combination SGS - Motonav - External Bluetooth gps device is working like a charm.
I wouldn't change my sgs just yet......
yesterday i was swiching sims to determine if is a sim fault and suddenly i have my 3g/h back. happy owner again. i've tried all to do this, from firmware upgrade to servide mode settings..i don't know why but i'm ok again...
betoNL said:
Well... this is not the same issue.
I have 3G (WCDMA) disabled. I only use 2G (GSM) and WIFI for data/internet connection.
I Dont have a data account, I dont need it therefore I disabled 3G in order to save battery.
If you do want to use 3G, just go to settings - wireless and network - mobile network settings - network mode and set auto-mode (GSM/WCDMA or 3G/2G)
If it doesn't work, apply a data/factory reset and try again.
And if it doesnt work, it's probably hardware related and you should return it or send it for repair.
My issue is more complicated; next to the fact that I dont want to use 3g, my carrier is roaming to another network and probably Android OS or the firmware cannot handle it properly.
Android is still premature and the "Samsung - Android integration" seems to need a lot of development as well.
It is just a shame that basic functions like proper connectivity control just wont cut it. And Google is not doing any good either.
And dont let me get started on the voice recognition issue......
Hardwarewise, the SGS is superior that htc desire.....I wonder how it would perform if running Symbian^3 OS or Meego.....
I get a great sound quality from the stock music player just by mixing the equalizer and using the music clarity effect...just great...better than any other device I tried.
And the OFFLINE Gps experience is just great as well: the combination SGS - Motonav - External Bluetooth gps device is working like a charm.
I wouldn't change my sgs just yet......
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I know its been a long time since you wrote this thread but I just came by it!
I have the exact same problem with you (I had it since August) even now with the official froyo. I tried factory reset and no new apps (that could cause the problem) but it still disconnects randomly in GSM mode. However, when I have it on auto (gsm and wcdma) I have no issues. I just disconnect data from the power button in froyo. I am wondering if you ever found a solution..
Well, I am subscribed to this topic so I saw your post.
Good and bad news:
First the bad one: No solution yet, it keeps disconnecting IF I stay on "gsm only".
And the good (or a little better) news:
I noticed that on sgs, using "gsm only" or "gsm/wcdma (auto mode) makes no difference on battery consumption....
By the way, this is a Samsung issue, not really an Android one.
On a HTC Desire HD, you can use "gsm only" mode with no problems...
Thank you for your answer!
I noticed that about the battery too. So not too bad, I just have to keep it on auto mode then..
Same issue
Im having the same issue but in a optimus t the worst part is that i cant get service at all.. when i press change network preferred it wont change and when i try to press on turn on radio it wont work either....

[Q] i9505 stuck out of service

I have a weird problem with my S4.
At work I have some areas with really bad coverage so sometimes the phone can stay for a few minutes (or even say 1h) out of service.
This is all normal. The coverage sucks, the building is weird, not problem here.
The problem is that when I go outside where the signal is normally full it does not register back to the network.
Even more it does not even go to "emergency only mode". On a few occasions I arrived back home (10Km + drive) until I realized people can't call me because the phone is out of service.
What is even weirder is the fact that on some occasions, even though the (no service) (/) sign is displayed mobile data works just fine.
My previous iPhone did something similar too - it took a while for it to recover signal after exiting the coverage black spots but never more than maximum 5 minutes.
To me it looks like a radio modem issue and maybe this is aggravated by the fact that my carrier uses the same 2100MHz frequency for both Data and Voice.
I would like to know if any of you have experience anything like this or if there is some app available that can monitor what's happening.
what network and firmware you on and wich s4 variant:thumbup:
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda premium
It's Europe standard i9505.
Network is Digi.Mobil Romania - but I doubt it's relevant since it can't get even emergency only (other networks).
so... any idea?
Android needs to work on it's notification. No Service and the reception bars only gauge voice coverage. You can test this out by using Service Mode to do a PS Only (data) attach instead of the standard PS + CS (voice) attach. It'll say no service, but data will be fine.
Emergency only, is when there is coverage from other operators but not yours. No service, means your way off the grid.
I've noticed the issue you describe and it's only on some firmwares. Try a newer one and see if you still have the same issue. But you might notice a drop in your battery life because your phone will be scanning all the time. If you're happy with no coverage at work, best to just turn it off and then turn it on when your outside.
Best option is to tell your operator about the lack of coverage. There's someone in charge of stats who get's beaten every time you drop a call. You'll get extra attention if you've got other businesses around you, so let them know that too.
Thanks for the reply.
I am already on the latest firmware and I noticed the same behavior on the firmware before this one.
Unfortunately I can't try out other modem versions (from other FW packages) as that would void my warranty.
avoid said:
Thanks for the reply.
I am already on the latest firmware and I noticed the same behavior on the firmware before this one.
Unfortunately I can't try out other modem versions (from other FW packages) as that would void my warranty.
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but...what about reboot phone? i know isnt funny but until u find a problem u can just reboot ur phone while u are going out from ur office...or just try to enable and disable airplane mode
Of course reboot works but I am looking for a solution, not a partial workaround.
The most annoying problem is that if I forget to reboot it when I leave work it will not recover network connectivity even if I am in areas with very good coverage, areas where you would expect your phone to work.
It looks like when it decides to give up it does not try again. It is very weird that it also drops the signal from other networks (the "emergency only") even if it's well in their coverage areas. I guess I will have to switch phones... Even if this issue was present for the iPhone too it never took more than a few minutes for it to recover on its own. And I'm not an apple fan
Just to do some brain ecercise...do u keep in power save when u are out of signal ? Its possible that disable check after few tries
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app
It's not in power save. I only use that function in case of battery emergency.
Same problem here
Hello, I have the EXACT same problem here. I am in Argentina.
Now, I've been in the USA for a few weeks, visiting, and while my phone was roaming, I didn't have a single problem with my phone.
Since I came back, 3 days ago, I haven't had any problems in Argentina, either.
Is it possible that something got activated when the phone was registered to another company? (it was AT&T i believe)
If that's the case... maybe you can try putting a sim card of another company and see if you still have the problem?
Please let me know if you still have the same problem or if you got it solved. I would love to know something more scientific about all this.
I don't know if this is relevant, but my compass is off by about 30 degrees. Maybe my phone is defective?
avoid said:
I have a weird problem with my S4.
At work I have some areas with really bad coverage so sometimes the phone can stay for a few minutes (or even say 1h) out of service.
This is all normal. The coverage sucks, the building is weird, not problem here.
The problem is that when I go outside where the signal is normally full it does not register back to the network.
Even more it does not even go to "emergency only mode". On a few occasions I arrived back home (10Km + drive) until I realized people can't call me because the phone is out of service.
What is even weirder is the fact that on some occasions, even though the (no service) (/) sign is displayed mobile data works just fine.
My previous iPhone did something similar too - it took a while for it to recover signal after exiting the coverage black spots but never more than maximum 5 minutes.
To me it looks like a radio modem issue and maybe this is aggravated by the fact that my carrier uses the same 2100MHz frequency for both Data and Voice.
I would like to know if any of you have experience anything like this or if there is some app available that can monitor what's happening.
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Hi I have similar issue,
My phone says its out of service or no signal or no network also I checked my sim card in other phone in the same place and it is fine. The i9505 model in ireland meteor provider was running ok until deicided to give a try to another network operator, when I changed the sim card it didnt only catch up the signal from new network provider but also it refuses to catch the old network provider. Funny thing is that I am receiving 3G but no signal bars and no service sign is beeing displayed. I am running latest official BTU (UK) firmware, the phone was never rooted, altough I had to remove the simlock and instal unbranded firmware. The phone worked fine with the newest updates for a month and now I am facing this trouble.
No factory resets nor installing same radio (couple of times) have helped. Also I used odin to instal same firmware (as it has locked bootloader) so I cannot revert back to other stock firmwares, but still no joy.
hope that someone faced the same problems and describe how to solve this issue. thanks

