Need help in choosing and installing new rom. Please - HD2 General

Hi to everyone.
I wanna change the rom version on my HD 2. But my English is not so perfect. Can someone assist me with this? I will need help in doing it step by step.
I am using the lates version of Cookie's home tam, and will need the ram where I can use it normally as well.
I really need someones help. I am using the skype...and here is the adress
Viktor44207. Once again, please.

There is already a step by step guide.

Great, thank you. I will try to understand. Any advices concerning Rom version?

Viktor.Tsoy said:
Great, thank you. I will try to understand. Any advices concerning Rom version?
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Read up about it, like I did, and many others before. All the answers to all of your questions have been asked and answered time and time again.
Two of your three posts have been asking for people to hold your hand and give you a step by step guide on ROM flashing, try using the search engine. Or better yet, go to the ROM forum and look at the stickys.
The link that Leechoonhwee posted will tell you exactly how to flash a ROM, which ROM you want to flash is up to you, flash as many as you like it takes less than 10 minutes from start to finish to flash a ROM on a HD2.
My advice is to look thoroughly and find a ROM you like the look of, EnergyROM & Artemis are some of the most popular ROMs, start by looking there.

Thank you.
I knnow that I ma asking maybe stupid questions. But my English is not so good.That's why I was asking someone to help. Thank you very much for the links and advices, I will try get it


New Phone and Roms

I am due to get my new HTC Touch HD from Orange tomorrow and i was wondering if someone could explain what the roms on here are able to do that the original rom wont be able to do.
I am Completely new to this as this is my first WM Device.
here we go again! ! ! ! !
jamieewart said:
I am due to get my new HTC Touch HD from Orange tomorrow and i was wondering if someone could explain what the roms on here are able to do that the original rom wont be able to do.
I am Completely new to this as this is my first WM Device.
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What you need to do is read the wiki (see signature), and rom related threads, as to answer your question would take to long and as the previous person mentioned, we have been here before.
Do a search in the rom development forum and read the first few posts on each rom which will tell you basically what that rom includes. Do the same for whaever roms you are interested in and then try them out if you want.
All I can say is read read read and follow guidelines regarding flashing in the wiki and cRaCKwHoRe's guide. Both can be found in my signature
Thanks for your reply I am goign to start reading tonight and hope I understand what it all means.
Thanks again
jamieewart said:
Thanks for your reply I am goign to start reading tonight and hope I understand what it all means.
Thanks again
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It may appear daunting at first, but everyone here was in your shoes at first. After reading the wiki and implementing advice/tips/tweaks etc listed within you should be on your way to understanding. As a close mate (cRaCKwHoRe) said, if you read the wiki you'll know what I know, and this is the truth
There is also guidelines and tutorials on how to flash to knew roms and improve radio (reception) etc.
All information on each rom is listed on first few posts of each thread on that particular rom.
If you have any problems on any topic people here will gladly assist you (well most). If no one helps you, which I doubt, PM me.

HTC HD english ROM how to?

first sorry for my english.
So, I have HTC HD for couple of months and it is in danish language. I can't undertand a thing. So it would be really nice if somebody could explain step by step how to install default english rom or suggest me any cool custom english rom. I tried to search in this forum but i couldn't find any detailed tutorial. Thank you in advance.
HD2010 said:
first sorry for my english.
So, I have HTC HD for couple of months and it is in danish language. I can't undertand a thing. So it would be really nice if somebody could explain step by step how to install default english rom or suggest me any cool custom english rom. I tried to search in this forum but i couldn't find any detailed tutorial. Thank you in advance.
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Hi HD2010,
please read the following information from this thread (on post #1, 2 and 3) as it explains what is required to perform the whole flashing process:
You can also see this blog as it explains the flashing process in a more step-to-step simplified manner.
If you want an english based custom ROM, then look for ROMs posted here that contain a [WWE - World Wide English] heading.
Ok, thank you very mutch :] I'll try to use your links.
HD2010 said:
Ok, thank you very mutch :] I'll try to use your links.
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no problem mate. Just read everything carefully before you attempt any flashing of your device. As it is explained in those guides, you first need to unlock your phone first using either HSPL or USPL and then you can flash a custom ROM afterwards. So take your time, make sure you have a good understanding of everything, and you will be fine
Let us know how you get on.
So, thank you again!!! :] I fallowed the tutorial on that blog and I succeeded, at last english interface. Awesome! So now i have Topix rom :] anyway which rom would you suggest and which is the fastest?
HD2010 said:
So, thank you again!!! :] I fallowed the tutorial on that blog and I succeeded, at last english interface. Awesome! So now i have Topix rom :] anyway which rom would you suggest and which is the fastest?
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hey there
i'm glad it worked out for you mate
It really depends on what you are looking for. The best thing is to try and test other ROMs to verify which one meets your needs. You can try out the one i'm currently using (XannyTech ROM Grid Evo 1.7, build 28014) as it is very stable and quite fast.
For more information on the latest builds, check out this link:
Best Regards.
all right, Topix seems to be ok for me so far, so next one may be the one you recomended. thanx, man :]
HD2010 said:
all right, Topix seems to be ok for me so far, so next one may be the one you recomended. thanx, man :]
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no problem, its a pleasure mate
I'm looking forward to Xanny's ROM, but we have to wait as he is planning to release it on a more stable system build.
Best Regards.

HD2 on TP2

is there any way to get the T-Mobile HD2 theme on a HTC Touch Pro 2 for tmobile? i really want the layout of that touch flow and the weather ianimations that take up the whole screen, please help!
best answer, flash a custom ROM
be sure to read the flashing roms for noobs guide before proceeding
oh thank yu so much for replying, but when i flash a custom ROM will i be able to go back to the original ROM?
BoiRomeo said:
oh thank yu so much for replying, but when i flash a custom ROM will i be able to go back to the original ROM?
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If and when you do need to go back to your original or stock rom, YES you will/can by simply running Task29 and then flashing your original/stock rom.
oh okay thank yu so so much! well ima go ahead and try it
so does anyone knoe where to download the hardSPL?
and a good ROM? im looking for the exact ROm operating on a HD2 to run on my TP2, its GSM.
thanks so much guys i hope to become a senior member and help people out like yall do!
Here you go:
There are a number of ROMS there cooked by a number of chefs. If you follow respective chef's link, you can see the images of their ROMs to see if they look like anything you want.
And, don't wait to become a senior member to help out where you can. You have tech experiences and knowledge you can use to help all of us. We all help each other here.
Hopefully you will find the ROM you require.
ima go and check that out right now and see any that i like, i thank yu so much for helping me out and well i hope i get to do this right, im scared to brick my phone or something, and ima see if i can somehow get this whole thing to run in a CAB file so it wonr be lot of back and forth and stuff, but thank yu so much,
but one last thing, do yu knoe where i can find a good hardSPL unlocker or whatever its called...cuz from what i understand on this process,
1st-unlock the phone using HardSPL
2nd jus flash the new rom to the device?
3rd-its ready?
or is there anything else?
thnaks so much! i promise to help out the best i can to any other members!

[Q] HTC HD2 - Android Porting

Getting ready for brickbats, I send in this query.
I have an HD2. I want to try Android OS on it. However, the information in the forums is quite overwhelming for someone like me, who only knows the front end of the phone. I have searched the forums for methods and which version to use, but end up getting lost.
All I know till now is that I need to download the Android file and save it on the phone and then run it. But which version(there are so many!)? What are things that work, and do not work? What all do I need to do for a functional phone after I port it?
My apologies if the answer to this has already been posted somewhere; please point me to it and I shall be grateful.
Please help!
Sorry mate, but all the answers to your questions are in the threads in the development section.
Just pick one and read the first post (realistically, read the first few pages). That gives you all the info you need on running Android.
Just go from ROM to ROM and read what's already been written about them, in order to decide which to use.
Thank you John! I will do that!
Seasons Greetings!
rovanv said:
Thank you John! I will do that!
Seasons Greetings!
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The MDJ Froyo Sense HD version 4.6 on my signature works and i have had no problems with it.
For instructions on installing Android please follow the link on the signature
Hope it helps and happy androiding.................

I need help with installing android on my hd2.. i see there are many similar threads...but i just don't know how to install android...i have WM 6.5 thats as far as i know i rly need help with installing it and copying other links here doesnt help cause i dont understand ... hope you understand,i just need someone to lead me through all steps ty
Try this thread
Have you flashed the hspl 2.08? If so you might want to try to flash a coustom windows mobile rom first.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
It is SPL-2.08.HSPL
but i rly want android...and its so hard for me to install it alone,,and here is noone to show me.. a lot of radio versions,roms,dunno what to do..
Despy1989 gave you a link to his thread with a fantastic step by step guide.
If you can't make it work with that much help you better stay with winmo.
okey thank you....i'll see something and if i suceed i'll tell you
Djole9393 said: i see there are many similar threads...but i just don't know how to install android...i have WM 6.5 thats as far as i know i rly need help with installing it and copying other links here doesnt help cause i dont understand ... hope you understand,i just need someone to lead me through all steps ty
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Dude, please go and read some stickies as there is a abundance of info and simple guides on process.
Also please do not post in here, this is not for n00b help its the dev section. Use search/Q&A forum.
its okey....i made it yesterday now i am studying it

