[Q] HTC HD2 - Android Porting - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Getting ready for brickbats, I send in this query.
I have an HD2. I want to try Android OS on it. However, the information in the forums is quite overwhelming for someone like me, who only knows the front end of the phone. I have searched the forums for methods and which version to use, but end up getting lost.
All I know till now is that I need to download the Android file and save it on the phone and then run it. But which version(there are so many!)? What are things that work, and do not work? What all do I need to do for a functional phone after I port it?
My apologies if the answer to this has already been posted somewhere; please point me to it and I shall be grateful.
Please help!

Sorry mate, but all the answers to your questions are in the threads in the development section.
Just pick one and read the first post (realistically, read the first few pages). That gives you all the info you need on running Android.
Just go from ROM to ROM and read what's already been written about them, in order to decide which to use.

Thank you John! I will do that!
Seasons Greetings!

rovanv said:
Thank you John! I will do that!
Seasons Greetings!
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The MDJ Froyo Sense HD version 4.6 on my signature works and i have had no problems with it.
For instructions on installing Android please follow the link on the signature
Hope it helps and happy androiding.................


New Phone and Roms

I am due to get my new HTC Touch HD from Orange tomorrow and i was wondering if someone could explain what the roms on here are able to do that the original rom wont be able to do.
I am Completely new to this as this is my first WM Device.
here we go again! ! ! ! !
jamieewart said:
I am due to get my new HTC Touch HD from Orange tomorrow and i was wondering if someone could explain what the roms on here are able to do that the original rom wont be able to do.
I am Completely new to this as this is my first WM Device.
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What you need to do is read the wiki (see signature), and rom related threads, as to answer your question would take to long and as the previous person mentioned, we have been here before.
Do a search in the rom development forum and read the first few posts on each rom which will tell you basically what that rom includes. Do the same for whaever roms you are interested in and then try them out if you want.
All I can say is read read read and follow guidelines regarding flashing in the wiki and cRaCKwHoRe's guide. Both can be found in my signature
Thanks for your reply I am goign to start reading tonight and hope I understand what it all means.
Thanks again
jamieewart said:
Thanks for your reply I am goign to start reading tonight and hope I understand what it all means.
Thanks again
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It may appear daunting at first, but everyone here was in your shoes at first. After reading the wiki and implementing advice/tips/tweaks etc listed within you should be on your way to understanding. As a close mate (cRaCKwHoRe) said, if you read the wiki you'll know what I know, and this is the truth
There is also guidelines and tutorials on how to flash to knew roms and improve radio (reception) etc.
All information on each rom is listed on first few posts of each thread on that particular rom.
If you have any problems on any topic people here will gladly assist you (well most). If no one helps you, which I doubt, PM me.

Need help in choosing and installing new rom. Please

Hi to everyone.
I wanna change the rom version on my HD 2. But my English is not so perfect. Can someone assist me with this? I will need help in doing it step by step.
I am using the lates version of Cookie's home tam, and will need the ram where I can use it normally as well.
I really need someones help. I am using the skype...and here is the adress
Viktor44207. Once again, please.
There is already a step by step guide.
Great, thank you. I will try to understand. Any advices concerning Rom version?
Viktor.Tsoy said:
Great, thank you. I will try to understand. Any advices concerning Rom version?
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Read up about it, like I did, and many others before. All the answers to all of your questions have been asked and answered time and time again.
Two of your three posts have been asking for people to hold your hand and give you a step by step guide on ROM flashing, try using the search engine. Or better yet, go to the ROM forum and look at the stickys.
The link that Leechoonhwee posted will tell you exactly how to flash a ROM, which ROM you want to flash is up to you, flash as many as you like it takes less than 10 minutes from start to finish to flash a ROM on a HD2.
My advice is to look thoroughly and find a ROM you like the look of, EnergyROM & Artemis are some of the most popular ROMs, start by looking there.
Thank you.
I knnow that I ma asking maybe stupid questions. But my English is not so good.That's why I was asking someone to help. Thank you very much for the links and advices, I will try get it

[Q] How to port/cook an Android ROM for HD2 (chefs please help)

I'm looking for some hints about the subject: how anyone can take a shipped, let me say, HTC Desire rom and let it work on HD2.
I'm not talking about doing heavy tweaks, modifications and so on... just to take a stock Android ROM and have it working on HD2.
I asked to some chefs and received some hints but It's not enough.
I don't want to think that this is a "secret" and I think would be great if some chef would share his experience/step-by-step instruction on how to do this.
As I said before, I think we could start just with simple porting of a stock htc desire ROM, just to understand all the steps. I think that further steps on how to customize and tweaks will be explored later and anyone could experiment itself.. but we need a basic starting point.
Some step by step instruction will be great like:
1) Download shipped rom from here .........
2) unrar it in linux folder
3) copy this folder, rename the other one, dowload this file, copy this...
4) execute shell command XXXXX
5) copy on your sd card
6) boot...
of course I know it's not so easy, but is just an exaple on what I ask here. I think there are a lot of other perople looking for this.
Thanks to any chef/dev that would to explain to our noobs how to get the "magic"
I ask the moderators to keep, if possible, this thread in the Dev forum... this because we need help from devs here and in the Q&A forum it will be never noticed.
I came across this the other day that maybe of use:
Tallon said:
I came across this the other day that maybe of use:
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Yes, I was pointed to that thread too. If you look at the end there are some questions I did. The problem is that is based on MIUI... That is already a custom ROM.
I think the better way to understand the process (not just do it) is to have hints on how to port a standard/stock HTC DESIRE rom.
rafpigna said:
Yes, I was pointed to that thread too. If you look at the end there are some questions I did. The problem is that is based on MIUI... That is already a custom ROM.
I think the better way to understand the process (not just do it) is to have hints on how to port a standard/stock HTC DESIRE rom.
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Ideally the same way. In theory it should work...I never tried because sense builds (especially hd ones) are very laggy
domineus said:
Ideally the same way. In theory it should work...I never tried because sense builds (especially hd ones) are very laggy
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Hello, I was just replying on the other thread to thanks you for the answers
I will try to follow your guide to port a stock desire rom (strange that are laggy for you... for me they fly...)
Anyway it's still something not clear about the donor files... If it's ok to take them from an already HD2 working rom or not.. but I will ask on your thread, avoid to make confusion
no one tip from the devs?
I'm start thinking that instructions on rom cooking for hd2 is like a secret
I've asked this many times, but as you said, no one seems to want to share this "secret"...
the_scotsman said:
I've asked this many times, but as you said, no one seems to want to share this "secret"...
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go to the link...
it pretty much puts how to port and even where to get the files for a working miui/cm 6 build on hd2
literally it can't get that much easier...
domineus said:
go to the link...
it pretty much puts how to port and even where to get the files for a working miui/cm 6 build on hd2
literally it can't get that much easier...
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I think you are the only one that shared your findings.. Hope others will do.
Anyway I'm trying just know your guide.. I'll let you know.
good thread and wish everyone to share your cooking knowledge here.
its good for the XDA community.
i am a newbie to android system and trying to cook my own rom too.
pls ask/share your question here, lets make it easier to cook/modify android for everyone.
of course this cannot success without chefs support.
hi there, i m newbie too want so bad to change my hd2 winmo to androis cos winmo is really suck!!! thanks a million to chefs in advance!
most appreciated if there is step by step info
ahuh said:
hi there, i m newbie too want so bad to change my hd2 winmo to androis cos winmo is really suck!!! thanks a million to chefs in advance!
most appreciated if there is step by step info
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you can start with one of the hunderd rom that chefs already cooked. This thread is just to ask help with cooking a rom, you have not to wait.. you already can use android daily on your phone.
I have had success building with this guide but cannot get it to work with cedesmith's new initrd.gz. Does anyone have done tips on how to build with the new initrd.gz?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk
tyween said:
I have had success building with this guide but cannot get it to work with cedesmith's new initrd.gz. Does anyone have done tips on how to build with the new initrd.gz?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk
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Did you cook a MIUI rom or a Sense rom or a stock android rom?
For the cedesmith's initrd.gz I was thinking the same thing.. maybe we have to ask directly to him.
wow, both tyween, and rafpigna, started from this, to now:
best roms on xda. Really nice work guys!
But still, no one shares the "secret" I have tried several things myself, but it didnt work. Would really appreciate if someone could share how to port a rom to the hd2.
Yeah would be great if tyween and rafpigna let us know how they managed it, what guides/reference they started of on or if they have any tips for us etc
I totally agree, I would definitly cook my own rom if I knew how to...

[Q] How to get Android on HTC HD2 (Windows phone 6.5))

Guys, I'm new here, so could you give me manual or guide how to install Android on HD2.
I didn't found thread about this, so i started new.
Don't you think it would be good to check at least the FIRST one thread in this forum ?
1Rus1Fantom said:
Guys, I'm new here, so could you give me manual or guide how to install Android on HD2.
I didn't found thread about this, so i started new.
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When i first joined this forum this time last year i didn't have a clue where to look for anything and was a total noob but i spent many hours reading various topics and was then confident enough to go ahead and flash my first WINMO ROM.
All the information you need is on this forum, you NEED TO SEARCH THE FORUM and you will find what you need.
Enjoy XDA
I'm understand your RAGE about new double threading. I used search, and don't found something useful for my problem.
I just don't have enough time to read all threads, i have two other phones on Android, and i need to solve problems there too.
Please sorry me, and if someone can just give me link to useful thread.
It's not the matter of RAGE or something like this (maybe a little annoyance
I thought, that I was clear in my first post - just look at the first (sticky) thread in this foru, which is: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=915663
There you will find very thorough explanations of what should you do to have HD2 running with Android.
Question you must answer yourself first is if you want to have both Windows Mobile and Adroid (then you should look at Android SD) or if you'll be good with only Android running (then Android NAND). I personally use NAND version.
Easy Install of MAGLDR 1.13 And ClockworkMod Recovery 1.3 On Our HD2!
And Help You Setup Your New Android ROM!
WarlockW said:
Easy Install of MAGLDR 1.13 And ClockworkMod Recovery 1.3 On Our HD2!
And Help You Setup Your New Android ROM!
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Thank you for this thread, excellent help. I have no experience......and this take me straight to the point. I'm in love w/ froyo now, its time to try out the new thing. This is great.
Thanks every one who answered here!

HD2 NEWBY installing Android gingerbread, KINDLY NEED YOUR HELP

Hello members, Im really a NEWBY for any modifying HTC, I do not really know where to get the flash files, guides, on how to flash my HD2 to gingerbread and run it with android
IF there is a person here that has a BIG heart to let me know or give me a link on how D.I.Y on how to install android for HD2 please kindly write it here.
I will really appreciated if you can hep me, THIS IS MY VERY FISRT TIME TO EXPERIMENT ON THIS HD2 ANDROID SOFTWARE...
If you can let me know which is the best software that all function works I will be very happy for that, Thank you all
Please any help from membrs
mymiela0419 said:
Please any help from members
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you could try searching the forums for tutorials
as for the rom, you should experiment with them all and find the one you like, they are all pretty amasing. i use http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=769026
Weeman2k3 said:
you could try searching the forums for tutorials
as for the rom, you should experiment with them all and find the one you like, they are all pretty amasing. i use http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=769026
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I agree look for guides as it will help you understand better that's how we all learn
Go to http://lmgtfy.com/
blankers said:
Go to http://lmgtfy.com/
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Seriously though,the more you read,the more you learn,the fewer mistakes you will make
Most roms that you choose to install if you scroll down on second or third post you will see cwm or clk installation instructions...
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

