Screen stopped working, then magically fixed itself - Touch HD General

Ok weirdest **** ever just happened. Touch HD was working fine, all day, came home, pulled the phone out and the screen wouldnt respond, coudlnt unlock the screen. Looking at the screen carefully, I could see these "swirly marks", looked like water was underneath the screen, or moisture, and i could move it all around, it was all over the screen in small dots.
I was looking for another phone to put my sim in with no luck. Was just sitting here flashing my HD2 and i thought let me try again with the touch HD, and while booting, i noted the "swirly marks" had disappeared, and sure enough, the screen responded!
Any ideas? maybe i should trade it in while its still working!

i used to work in a phone repair shop and ive seen loads of phones that have been dropped in water and then been fine.
i dropped my old kaiser in a glass of milk and it stopped working, so i took it apart and cleaned it all with a small brush and some alcohol. put it back together and it worked fine.
but on the other hand ive seen phones that have been destroyed by simply keeping it in a pocket.
moisture can build up inside the phone because of humidity and the warmth of the phone and your leg etc...
when the phone dries again sometimes the residue of the evaporated liquid is non conductive and harmless and the phone works normally again.
if the phone is powered (most are on, duh) or the residue is conductive it can sometimes cause temporary malfunctions, that can be fixed by 'washing' the phone like i did with my kaiser, or it might have caused permanent hardware damage. then you have to get new parts for it.
so basically you were lucky. try to keep it out of the sauna
oh yeh, just to be safe check all the features of your phone like gps, wifi, camera, etc... try to keep your phone in less humid or cooler places, like your outside pockets on a jacket, and try to keep it somewhere where it can get cool fresh air

ah cheers for that! good timing too since i just replied to another topic with a similiar problem, maybe they can read this too
Maybe the hot weather had something to do with it, i dunno, it was in my jeans pocket!


Screen buttons goes crazy . . .help !

After a trip to the beach the screen on my phone looks "foggy" like some water vapor is inside, after a few days the screen return to normal apearence again, then when i turn on my phone again the icons on the screen apear like always i touch it very fast , randomly (not at the same button-icon) , i think is something wrong with the touch screen, is there any way to "clean" inside of the touch screen or how can i fix that ?, i already try installing a new Rom and same thing hapen.
sounds like you got some moisture inside the phone. Assuming you didn't do anything to allow the phone to get wet, you may have justification for a warranty replacement since, IMHO, the phone really shouldn't let that much moisture in there to cause a problem like that just from carrying it with you. If you did allow water to enter the phone somehow or it's out of warranty, you could try putting it somewhere warm and dry for a couple of days. I have even heard of people using the oven (on it's lowest setting). That shouldn't really get hot enough to damage anything, but I'm not responsible if you try that and you cook the phone (although, really, it's not working right now anyways) Remove the battery cover and battery to aid in circulation. If you can rig a small fan to blow at it, that might help a little too. If that doesn't work or you feel adventurous, removing the front bezel would probably go a long way towards drying things out too, especially coupled with a fan or the oven method mentioned above.

Fixing the Touch Display

hey everyone.
Through a random episode in the rain, my phone was soaked in water.
I have all the buttons working, except for the touch display.
It doesn't respond to anything when I touch the screen (Finger or stylus).
Any suggestions on getting it to work again? It was working before, not anymore .
Was it operated while wet?
If so, it may be fried.
If you are VERY lucky, it just got gunked up when the water hit all the crud that inevitably collects beneath the buttons and other cracks between the case edges.
Turn it off, remove the battery.
Open the case and disassemble it (the more thorough you are here, the better your results will be).
Take a blow-dryer to EVERYTHING for a good solid hour at its highest setting (or until your blow dryer quits heating air).
With some isopropyl alcohol and a cotton swab, carefully clean away anything that doesn't belong there. Keep checking for streaks. Streaks mean there's still more gunk to remove.
When you are done cleaning it, wait at least 24 hours before buttoning it back together. It needs to be bone dry. If it's humid in your area, dig through old gadget boxes, jerky bags, etc. and find as many desiccant packets you can, dropping them in a box with the phone parts overnight.
Reassemble and turn it back on. If it survived, it will work fine. If not, you'll probably be able to sell the parts here...
Sounds good,
but all the other buttons work 100%
It's just the Touch screen (the display itself works), doesn't accept any input.'
Otherwise, SmartKey 1-handed operation is saving my life at the moment lol.
shadezero said:
It's just the Touch screen (the display itself works), doesn't accept any input.'
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Well, you might get away with just checking the connections between the screen and the main circuitry, but I'd still do the cleaning, to prevent any increase in problems. Water in phones = never a good idea. (Duh, right?)

Water Damaged G1?

I spilled water on my phone they other night in my sleep. When I awoke the phone was still on but had frozen up. Upon a reboot it locked up on the splash screen and with a couple more tries it locked up on a black screen. Eventually I got it to boot to home but the touch screen isn't working and I'm getting force closes when I try to open any apps. I tried leaving it in uncooked rice to absorb the moisture overnight but I'm still getting the same problems. Anything I can do?
There are two very important rules when electrical equipment is soaked.
1: take the battery out as quickly as possible so it shuts down and doesn't short.
2: LEAVE IT OFF UNTIL COMPLETELY DRY! This can not be stressed enough. Having it turned on with water inside is like trying to kill yout phone intentionally.
I find the best way to dry it is to take of any covers, batteries, sd-cards, sim cards ad anything else you can easily dissasemble, and then leaving it in an oven on 40-50 degrees overnight. Electrical stove is kind of neccessary for this though, unless you have a gas stove with good temp adjustment.
If I bought a cracked LCD G1 and replaced the digitizer with the one on my broken phone (touch screen isn't working) it should be fine right? There are no actual electronics to the digitizer screen, right?
Snakebear said:
If I bought a cracked LCD G1 and replaced the digitizer with the one on my broken phone (touch screen isn't working) it should be fine right? There are no actual electronics to the digitizer screen, right?
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Theoretically, that should work. Haven't done it so I cant account for it.
However, how will that stop the FC's?
No, you misunderstood. I plan to buy a functional G1 with a cracked digitizer and use my old digitizer from the water damaged phone to fix it.
Nevermind, just found out the glass has some electrical parts to it and that's probably what I shorted out. Guess that's out.
I had my phone in my pocket when i went on a drunken creek walk. Long story short I pulled my battery had the same problems as you. So for my fix I wiped flashed a new rom then wipe again for good measure. Stopped force closes and works like a charm now.
read my post here for water damage if it happens again....
Well I did a Nand backup to no avail but I havn't tried a full wipe/format. Maybe I will give that a go and see if it helps. Did your touch screen also fail?
I'm currently using the G1 my brother dropped in a toilet. It accidentally turned on when he was removing the battery. It's really odd that the phone is working 100% at the moment.
Give it a few days before you rule it dead.
My sister dropped a RAZR in the toilet one day (Stoopit!) so my dad took it out (no pee in derp), hair dryer, rice, window, BAM!
Snakebear said:
Well I did a Nand backup to no avail but I havn't tried a full wipe/format. Maybe I will give that a go and see if it helps. Did your touch screen also fail?
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The left side of my screen did not work for about 5 hours after I placed it in rice. Some say you need to keep it in rice for a full day or so. Basically take out the SD card, sim card, and battery and place the rest of the phone submerged in rice for at least 8 hours or so. Then try the phone.
BTW, my phone was acting sluggish ever since then so this morning, I did a factory wipe of the phone and things seem to be working normally. I also copied the SD contents and formated the card.

[Q] Please Help me troubleshoot this S4 problem!

Argh! i just spent the last 20 mins typing up a post and lost it! So lemme try this again...
Ok long story short, I goofed and dropped my s4 into a cup of coffee. It was submerged about 1/3 of the phone , on the top portion of the phone. I removed it immediately, pulled the battery and used a small vacuum to suck out as much of the liquid from the phone before i opened it up. Im pretty good with these kinda projects and have fixed many a phone over the years for friends who busted their screens etc. I hadnt been inside an S4 before this though, so i approached with caution. I used alcohol and a lint free microfiber brush to clean off anything that had coffee on it. All and all everything went pretty smoothly. After cleaning i put the phone in a bag of rice and silica gel for a few hours then put it back together and turned it on. It loaded up quick as usual, everything was pretty normal. But suddenly the screen would stop responding to my touches for a few seconds, and then start working again. So i turned it off, took it apart again and dug a lil deeper. I cleaned off all the contacts for the ribbons, and anything else that had any kinda sticky coffee residue on it. I put it back in the bag last last night and opened it up today and reassembled it. Turned it on , and like magic, everything was great! well 99% great. The phone is acting like it always has,and no more screen unresponsiveness or anything like that. All except for a small sliver of the top of the screen under the Samsung logo. Just a tiny sliver of the screen doesnt respond to my touches, which is a big pain in my butt because its just enough to not be able to swipe down the pulldown menu, and in some games i play, i cant click anything thats on the very edge of the screen in landscape mode. The screen looks normal, no signs of damage like ive seen in other devices when digitizers become damaged etc. Just that tiny little line of screen wont pick up touches.
I only went so far as to taking out the mobo and looking underneath that. I know i can go deeper, and would have to if i needed to replace the digitizer, but before i go through all that, i figured id seek the advice of the XDA Gurus first. Is there possibly anywhere else that i missed cleaning out the junk a that could be causing the problem in that area? Ive been very careful thus far and everything is working accordingly, hell the headphone jack even works still and that thing was full of coffee!! And all the other problems after the initial cleaning have gone away,and im left with this little line of screen that wont read my touches!! So i must have done something right so far! Im hoping that maybe i just overlooked another possible place to clean up any leftover junk and then will get full function of my screen again. if not, then i guess ill be ordering a new digitizer sometime soon.
Thanks for your time, anyone who reads this. I hope to hear some good news *crosses fingers* soon, and get my phone working properly again.
I'm impressed. Not just in your skills but with the build of the S4. Coffee is highly acidic. I once tore apart a keyboard that my wife spilled coffee on. The coffee etched the traces right off the P.C. board. If the S4 survived coffee on the inside workings they use a pretty good coating. It is possible they missed a spot and the coffee got it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

Water Damage: Screen not working

Hi all,
last week we had a really heavy rain and I was outside. As a precaution I put my phone out of my front pocket into my backpack only to realize that the backpack was filled with water when I came home.
The phone was swimming in water but still on and working but I had no equipment to open up the phone (damn T3) so I had to leave it powered on and put it in rice over night.
The next day when I tried to boot the phone the screen stayed off and you could see the liquid between the lcd and the digitizer.
I went to a local repair shop and they opened up the phone. I let it dry for some more days but the problem with the display remains.
I washed out the mainboards with iso and cleaned all corrosion I could see with a toothbrush but after replacing the screen it looks like the issue remains.
The phone makes sounds like it is working and giving notifications but the screen is just dead.
Do you have another Idead what I could do or do I need a new phone?
I am in the exact same boat (almost literally)
I dropped mine into the toilet (how cliche) and it also worked for a few minutes, then eventually the screen went black. I see nobody responded to you here, may I ask what have you ended up doing with it? Replace screen? Get a new phone?

