X10 multimedia app for N1? - Nexus One General

Can someone rip off the multimedia player app from the X10 and share it?
apk file I mean


Best software to use for Real Media files?

can somebody tell me the best software for the xda mini s that lets me play my .RM files
I'd recommend RealPlayer:

TVersity with X10

Has any of you guys got TVersity media server working with X10? I can browse TVersity library from my X10 but whenever I click on any video I get an immediate unsuccessful download.
I tried using nswPlayer and it gives me "illegal file" whenever I tap on any video on the TVersity media library page.
Is there any way to get TVersity working with my X10 as it works on iPhone?
Don't you need Flash player to watch the videos?
Doesn't work on 1.6... may work on 2.1 if SE do something about it.
TVersity transcodes all media files to mp4 and it works on iPhone so I dont think it needs flash support. I'm aware of the nattersg problem between apple and adobe so I dont think its flash support..
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
search button is your friend.
worship me now
wrongfeifong said:
search button is your friend.
worship me now
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I've read this post and I said nswPlayer doesn't work as my X10 says "illegal file" whenever I try to play a video.

Has anyone used imediashare app with their evo?

I read a couple posts around the net that you can stream video and other media from your evo to your dlna device like a tv our through a xbox 360 or ps3 by using the imediashare app.
Have anyone used this app to stream videos from your evo to an xbox 360? How do you get imediashare to see your video files on your sd card because mine sees my audio files and pics but not my video files.
Sent from my Evo using Swype and Tapatalk
Which version of iMediaShare do you use - Free or Premium? A version comparison chart can be found at app's web site: bianor.com/ims
If you have Premium version what is the type of your video files you are trying to stream with iMediaShare?

About Timescape...

Hey guys I was thinking about removing Timescape but I noticed there is not other app which will play our Hd recorded videos without lag. Telle me if I'm wrong. In addition, you won't be able to play it from the stock camera app.
I wander if it is possible to link another video player plugin to the camera stock app, and if anyone knows a video player that 'support' HD, please share.
Sent from my rooted X10i 2.1 using XDA App
I would not recommend removal of Timescape and Mediascape. They seem to be intergrated quite deeply in the ui.
Meadiascape you mean, not Timescape.
Try RockPlayer for armv7 (not from market, on market is the universal version) or VPlayer.
Timescape can be be removed as the effects of removing it aren't present in 2.1 like it was in 1.6

How To Make Apps That Link To Video Files (Like The Avatar App)?

I was wondering if it would be possible to make an App like the Avatar App or Inception App on the Vibrant/4G for different movies? Has anyone done this before? Thanks.
nickdog670 said:
I was wondering if it would be possible to make an App like the Avatar App or Inception App on the Vibrant/4G for different movies? Has anyone done this before? Thanks.
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It would help those us that have no idea what those apps do if you would explain what it is you want to do in a little more detail.
i like this idea, would be pretty cool. instead of searching for it through the gallery.
Gene Poole said:
It would help those us that have no idea what those apps do if you would explain what it is you want to do in a little more detail.
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The app would just link to the movie file. For example, the Avatar App when clicked would simply load up the Avatar movie, Inception app would load up Inception movie.
Where is the actual movie file?
At any rate, you can play a video file, local or networked, using the MediaPlayer class and a SurfaceView.
Gene Poole said:
Where is the actual movie file?
At any rate, you can play a video file, local or networked, using the MediaPlayer class and a SurfaceView.
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the video file is located on either the internal or external memory. The app will just be a shortcut to the file. So instead of having to go to the gallery and clicking on it, the app will open the file in a video player.
See how it works at 10:29 in this video.

