HD2 Factory Reset Itself!? - HD2 General

About 10 minutes ago, my HD2 froze up. If you pushed the standby button, the hardware buttons would light up then go out as soon as you released the standby button. The screen would not do anything and just stayed black.
I did a battery pull and when I put it back in, the phone attempted to start up thenfroze and restarted on It's own. I was then greeted by a FRESH install screen as if I had just flashed a new ROM and all my settings are gone. Has anyone ever had this happen before?

Happened to me about two weeks ago...just another one of the oddities of this phone.

That's it?
That's really a HUGE slap in the face from both HTC and T-Mobile to know I laid down some cash for this piece of hardware, not to mention we rack our brains tweaking and fine tuning EVERYTHING about these phones and now the phone can whipe itself at any given moment.

We all laid down money on this phone. If you people haven't already, I suggest you get a good back-up program and back-up often. I've had to hard reset twice after my HD2 refused to accept my password. First time I didn't have a back-up. Second time it was a minor 20 minute fix.
T-Mobile and HTC are working on a ROM update so give it time.

best news i heard all weeek
dkb218 said:
We all laid down money on this phone. If you people haven't already, I suggest you get a good back-up program and back-up often. I've had to hard reset twice after my HD2 refused to accept my password. First time I didn't have a back-up. Second time it was a minor 20 minute fix.
T-Mobile and HTC are working on a ROM update so give it time.
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AMEN!! they should def make it a little more user friendly and not sooo loaded with junk/useless apps, it wont let me log into market place i just want to get some things like trapster and netflix ie things the fone should of came with, who still goes to blockbuster??!!!
they should def offer a "stripped" version of what ever they decide to release

jiggahj said:
AMEN!! they should def make it a little more user friendly and not sooo loaded with junk/useless apps, it wont let me log into market place i just want to get some things like trapster and netflix ie things the fone should of came with, who still goes to blockbuster??!!!
they should def offer a "stripped" version of what ever they decide to release
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While I agree it is wise to regularly create backups, I think this is a poor solution for these sorts of issues.
People with a device of this calibur should not have them in the first place. Same story as verizon and the BB storm. Everyone is so hurry to get the latest and greatest on the market they put quantity before quality.

Well looks like it happened to me again. Just 30 min ago...as much as I love the phone...it freaking pisses me off that this sh!t keeps happening. One more time and I'm contacting TMo customer service for a new handset (doubt that would help though).

mine did it. wtf!

Owned the Euro and the TMOUS, and it never happened to either of them.

My wife's HD2 formatted the SD card without any input from her. Weird.

Lesson learned, back your **** up on a regular basis and have a back up of that back up somewhere else just in case. People rely way to much and electronics and think they will never break. I don't care how expensive or nice you think something is, it will break eventually. I deal with these types of people all the time who have super important info that they cannot loose but yet they don't back it up anywhere and freak out when they loose it.

HD2 Reset
This happend to me not more than a week ago. I love this phone to death and put some major tweaks into it to suit me and everything was gone. APPs that I have paid for are now requiring that I repurchase them or provide serial numbers for full versions of them. Man what a slap in the face this was.... then two nights ago I was in town and it pulled up some home screens I have never seen before, I have been through this phone thoroughly and still have yet to discover where these screens came from or how. I cannot get them to come up again but I was very impressed with the lay out and definition of them........
My hopes are that these ROM updates will come out soon and fix these issues, they are major killers for this amazing piece of technology!!!

flash problem
sorry my mistake

This happened to me right now too
I cannot believe this! Google threw this post as first result for my search. I did not notice any kind of strange behaviour in the past 2,5 years. (bought in Oct 2009) Only thing was (after about 1,5 years) that the internal battery have lost the set time and date, but that was not disturbing as I havent restarted the phone so often. Today Ive decided to restart it, and after the reboot ALL of my Sense settings are gone, the phone says that Co0kies Home Tab is not installed on my phone, so I do not have any proper home screen now. Although the memory card is recognized (photos and other data are not missing) and the internal memory of the phone is intact too (phone numbers, messages are available). I cannot believe that something like that could happen with a phone, for which I have spent a huge amount of money... This is REALLY sad, HTC! There is no ROM or any sw upgrade for the phone since about 1,5 years, and in the meantime HTC released at least 20-30 brand new phone models... This is where the profit has higher priority as to serve customers, and (I hope) that this will lead to a massive loss of trust against HTC from all of the customers. This has already happened to me...


Some what disatisfied with my HD2

Dont know where to start.
1. crashes all the time,
2. crashes when the battery is low, have to do a soft reset to regain functionality
3. the battery life is a joke. charge in the morning and by around 4pm i got to be cautious on what calls i take as it will die on me.
4. freaks out randomly when using opera. could it be my fingers are too big? lol
5. sms some times dont send. found the fix on the htc site, still not working.
feel like i made a terrible mistake getting this phone, why should i have to do hacks/fixes my self when i have never needed to on any othr fone before?
its trully a different fone culture using this, as i type this on the hd2 i have had to retype this at least 7 times. lol....
anyway the basic functions should be flawless, but they are not which worries considerably.
Seems like you got a bad piece which is unfortunate. I hope you can get it changed, because this is not how it's supposed to be.
I think I got a pretty decent piece. I never experienced any battery issues and neither the sms bug which I know many experienced on this forum. Also mine never crashes so I can just assume that you got a faulty piece.
As for the typing I can agree with you. However, if you tweak by decreasing the sensitivity (which actually I never experienced as a decrease in sensitivity, only as an enhancement while typing), that problem will be gone as well. It's not a difficult tweak, it can be easily done by installing BsB tweaks which can be found here in the forums.
Although I agree with you that one should not be forced to tweak this phone oneself, but I guess we'll have to live with it
thanks for your reply,
i will try the tweak, and see how it goes, i emailed vodafone to let them know. i forgot to let them know how slow the phone gets some times.
oh well, this is what i get ditching nokia!
try to see if you can exchange the phone. must be able to if you can show the phone crashes to vodafone and if you have the device not for too long they should exchange it for you as far as I know,..
Vodafone! are saying they have none in stock and cant replace it, would it be worth just flashing it with a different ROM since there is nothing they can do...
mr3rown said:
Vodafone! are saying they have none in stock and cant replace it, would it be worth just flashing it with a different ROM since there is nothing they can do...
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Have you tried a hard reset?
Also MaskedMagi just posted that Vodafone DO have some replacement phones left: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=5285586&postcount=184
Perhaps it would be worth calling them back.
jakem said:
Have you tried a hard reset?
Also MaskedMagi just posted that Vodafone DO have some replacement phones left: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=5285586&postcount=184
Perhaps it would be worth calling them back.
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Yep, just to clarify that was about 3 hours ago so fingers crossed I'll get the phone tomorrow, though with the incoming snow probably not
I'm hoping that it is actually a HD2 and not a HTC Touch HD 2 or something as people have been confused over the phone before, I'll definately check before giving back my old one!
Needless to say I hope the newer one is not in fact worse than the old one! Give them a ring if you want, but remember you have to be within the 28 day period to get a return/replacement.
The direct line for returns they gave me was: 08448540430
Called them back but it was to late, got to call back during normal working hours... they are playing the arse because i called after the 28 days, when in fact I originally called on the 30th December, 27 days from when i received the phone on the 3rd.
I am very much annoyed, if they werent on holiday, there systems were down, then if not that they put me through to 3 different depts to then have to email v-store to them then telling me I am actually meant to call another dept.
These guys cannot be serious!!!
If you make enough of a fuss and tell them your original call was within the 28 day period and that they have delayed you they might listen, just have to see how it goes. Good luck with them tomorrow, keep us posted on how it goes
MaskedMagi said:
If you make enough of a fuss and tell them your original call was within the 28 day period and that they have delayed you they might listen, just have to see how it goes. Good luck with them tomorrow, keep us posted on how it goes
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Originally they did, and the lady was meant to call back. But when she did the phone crashed. So I called back on the land line and got someone else instead.
Then had to go through the whole process again!! Will call back tommorrow though!
Did a hard reset we will see how that goes in the mean time.
mr3rown said:
Originally they did, and the lady was meant to call back. But when she did the phone crashed. So I called back on the land line and got someone else instead.
Then had to go through the whole process again!! Will call back tommorrow though!
Did a hard reset we will see how that goes in the mean time.
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Ah that sucks man, next time ask for their name and direct extension number straight away in case it happens again. Hopefully they'll sympathize with you tomorrow

It's been a fun ride...

It's been fun, but I'm saying good-bye to my HD2.
The lag and crashing issues aren't THAT bad (excluding the texting program) but it's just inconvenient. A phone shouldn't have any of these issues, right?? And its nice that you can try different ROMs to find better performance but you shouldn't have to search for an alternative such as that after receiving your $450 brand new phone (I regret paying the full retail price so bad. I shouldn't have bought into the hype).
And for those of you claiming to have ZERO problems with your stock TMOUS HD2's running default ROMs, I question what your definitions of "problem" and "inconvenience" are, along with your perception of lag and ability to notice it. But if our perception to lag and detail is the same and you actually don't have any problems then you are very lucky.
Things I love: Browsing, Sense minus texting, Screen, Office Mobile, Camera
Things I hate: Texting, crashes, drop of 3G (probably more of T-Mobile's fault), lack of Apps compared to the droid and apple platforms.
To be honest, if I didn't text so much, I'd probably keep the phone.
Once again, it's been fun and this forum has been VERY helpful in my quest to fix the phone. Everyone is nice and overall very well informed. Thanks!
PS, if anyone has some secret solution to this problem(s) other than trying the latest 2.13 ROM from T-mobile (which I have already tried), I'd be willing to keep the phone!
alexs0fly said:
It's been fun, but I'm saying good-bye to my HD2.
The lag and crashing issues aren't THAT bad (excluding the texting program) but it's just inconvenient. A phone shouldn't have any of these issues, right?? And its nice that you can try different ROMs to find better performance but you shouldn't have to search for an alternative such as that after receiving your $450 brand new phone (I regret paying the full retail price so bad. I shouldn't have bought into the hype).
And for those of you claiming to have ZERO problems with your stock TMOUS HD2's running default ROMs, I question what your definitions of "problem" and "inconvenience" are, along with your perception of lag and ability to notice it. But if our perception to lag and detail is the same and you actually don't have any problems then you are very lucky.
Things I love: Browsing, Sense minus texting, Screen, Office Mobile, Camera
Things I hate: Texting, crashes, drop of 3G (probably more of T-Mobile's fault), lack of Apps compared to the droid and apple platforms.
To be honest, if I didn't text so much, I'd probably keep the phone.
Once again, it's been fun and this forum has been VERY helpful in my quest to fix the phone. Everyone is nice and overall very well informed. Thanks!
PS, if anyone has some secret solution to this problem(s) other than trying the latest 2.13 ROM from T-mobile, I'd be willing to keep the phone!
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have you updated to the latest rom? texting has greatly improved IMHO. that was also my major concern with this phone prior to the update.
I agree with you to a certain extent, Alex. But I am more of a tinkerer to find solutions to the problems. If there weren't ANY problems with the phone, I would get rid of it!!!!
As far as texting... have you tried Swype? I came from a hardware-keyboard phone myself, and hated trying to text with the onscreen keyboard. But after getting used to Swype, I can say that I am MUCH happier.
With all that said... I'll give you $100 for your phone!!!!
I'll go to 105.
If you bought a car, and a few months later the manufacturer announces they have a modification they can do to the car that will address certain issues, including one that you're experiencing (let's assume something other than critical safety issues)....do you return the car, or let them apply the modification?
It's the same idea with the new tmo ROM...it's an official update that you should try, especially with your SMS issues. No product is perfect out of the gate, and an official update like this is the only real way for them to try to fix issues from the factory. If you like the phone other than those reasons you listed, it seems silly to walk away from it already without even giving that a try.
Sorry that I didn't make it clear but I'm running the 2.13 right now. Texting is a little better but still laggy. And I should probably give swype a try before writing it off. We will see. Thanks guys
Camusa said:
I'll go to 105.
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I've got 110.00
Alex, what phone are you gonna switch to?
Software Vs. Hardware
I really don't have any major problems with anything on the stock rom. No lags or nothing. That being said, if I experienced any issues my first response would be to find out if its hardware or software related.
In my mind, you can solve every single software related issues and I really love the HD2 hardware so there is no way I will ever return mine just because I face some software issues. And this is the great thing about WM, you can actually tweak it to function the way you want.
I must say that this is not the phone for someone who wants it work out of the box. I mean it works but you really need to know what you are doing. Regarding the apps, WM has far more apps then any mobile os out there, you cannot just compare the marketplace apps. Its WM, you have to know what you are getting into before you buy a phone.
alexs0fly said:
Sorry that I didn't make it clear but I'm running the 2.13 right now. Texting is a little better but still laggy. And I should probably give swype a try before writing it off. We will see. Thanks guys
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Ahhh gotcha, understood now, sorry.
Yes I would definitely give swype a try, once you use it, it's a whole different touch-typing experience.
The only other thing I'd ask is how often you clear out text messages on your phone? I think that 99% of the SMS freezing is due to too many text messages in the client at once. I clean mine out once a day at least, more if I'm texting a lot that day. I simply run a quick myphone backup to save them off-phone, and then I wipe out any threads I'm not currently conversing in (including clearing the deleted items folder). I never have any SMS freezing, even on the original (2.10) tmo ROM I'm still running.
adamhlj said:
Alex, what phone are you gonna switch to?
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I'm gonna just go with something simple and cheap like a Blackberry 8900 or 8520. I also need the money because something came up =/
np231 said:
I really don't have any major problems with anything on the stock rom. No lags or nothing. That being said, if I experienced any issues my first response would be to find out if its hardware or software related.
In my mind, you can solve every single software related issues and I really love the HD2 hardware so there is no way I will ever return mine just because I face some software issues. And this is the great thing about WM, you can actually tweak it to function the way you want.
I must say that this is not the phone for someone who wants it work out of the box. I mean it works but you really need to know what you are doing. Regarding the apps, WM has far more apps then any mobile os out there, you cannot just compare the marketplace apps. Its WM, you have to know what you are getting into before you buy a phone.
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Yeah, I know there's a lot of tweaking involved. I guess I just belong to the group of people that just want their phone to operate nearly perfectly fresh out of the box. I guess I really didn't know what I was getting myself into. I should have looked further into WM.
sirphunkee said:
Ahhh gotcha, understood now, sorry.
Yes I would definitely give swype a try, once you use it, it's a whole different touch-typing experience.
The only other thing I'd ask is how often you clear out text messages on your phone? I think that 99% of the SMS freezing is due to too many text messages in the client at once. I clean mine out once a day at least, more if I'm texting a lot that day. I simply run a quick myphone backup to save them off-phone, and then I wipe out any threads I'm not currently conversing in (including clearing the deleted items folder). I never have any SMS freezing, even on the original (2.10) tmo ROM I'm still running.
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I'm testing out swype. I don't like it for the moment but I think its just because I'm not used to it. Gonna keep messing with it. As for clearing messages, I try not to let mine exceed 50. I wish I never had SMS freezing. I had less freezing on Kumar's classic 1.6 though
your hd2
alexs0fly said:
I'm gonna just go with something simple and cheap like a Blackberry 8900 or 8520. I also need the money because something came up =/
Yeah, I know there's a lot of tweaking involved. I guess I just belong to the group of people that just want their phone to operate nearly perfectly fresh out of the box. I guess I really didn't know what I was getting myself into. I should have looked further into WM.
I'm testing out swype. I don't like it for the moment but I think its just because I'm not used to it. Gonna keep messing with it. As for clearing messages, I try not to let mine exceed 50. I wish I never had SMS freezing. I had less freezing on Kumar's classic 1.6 though
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let me know if you decide you want to get rid of your phone. I would seriously consider buying it if your price isn't to far fetched.
np231 said:
Regarding the apps, WM has far more apps then any mobile os out there, you cannot just compare the marketplace apps.
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Apps that are compatible with this phone's resolution? Apps that compare to the UI of other platforms? Games that are similar to one on the other platforms?
Until you can show me this, I will still consider WM phones to be a NON-app instensive platform. Yes, they have all the apps you could need to do anything with, but they don't have all the apps you WANT.
jaliscojorge said:
let me know if you decide you want to get rid of your phone. I would seriously consider buying it if your price isn't to far fetched.
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What do you consider a "far fetched" price to be? I cant take too big of a loss either you know.
alexs0fly said:
What do you consider a "far fetched" price to be? I cant take too big of a loss either you know.
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pm me with a price and i will let you know if i can afford it.
i want to get rid of my phone too, evo 4g is out and it puts this phone to shame.. the laggy texting ect..swype wont even help u.. and u can get swype for a lot of phones anyway.
I have to agree with you 100%, I am coming of of a Nokia E51 which for a three year old phone has more basic, logical features which I though every phone would have.
The sms lagg is horrible and I experience all the time, or the fact that we cant keep the hom page looking the way it does and turn off the active weather. It lags the crap out of th phone if u just go to move screens or find something and its showing you clouds for 19 seconds scrolling by..
you cannot uninstal the useless applications that came with it without whiping the entire phone.
The new update is fine and dandy, but It clears the whole phone, so eveyr thign I have installed and set i have to redo just to get an upgrade, totaly idiotic in my mind. If its a OS update, then it should only effect the OS backround files not reset the total system.
Backing up contact. Sims only store 250 contact. I have over 300 so I have many on my phone it self, to copy the entire phone book to memory card, i have to do it one by one. Yes I know I can instal an app for it, but should I really have to? thats should be a basic app. Syncing with your computer, requires you to have email set up in outlook, I dont use out look, so I have to go through all that troube just to get that done.
In my house, my nokia has full signal at all times, with this new bad boy phone i barly get one bar if I am lucky.
Just simple little things which should be an automacit features on phones are missing here. I dont get the thinking behind that.
To the person who did the car analogy. Would you buy a expensive car if you had to install the breaks you self after purchase.. Oh you want a rear veiw mirror? here is a mirror, and some glue go have fun? no you would not, you would expect all functions to be there.
The phone doesnt even allow you to control how you view your contacts for crying out loud, I had to D/L an app to set if i want to view first name/ last name, vs the default last name first name. That is just bad.
Out side of a big shiny screen that eats ur batery life in one day and the camera.. nothing special.
just my two cents
rysky007, I agree with you for the most part
Would you buy a car knowing that it does not come with certain features or does not perform the way you want it to? Or do you just buy any car expecting all of them to come with features just because a car of another brand had them? There is a reason why it's better to lease a BMW than buying it.
It seems like you're the average joe that bought into the hype not knowing what Windows Mobile is.
Don't come crying just because the phone was not what you expected it to be. Do your homework next time before making a purchase.
rysky007 said:
I have to agree with you 100%, I am coming of of a Nokia E51 which for a three year old phone has more basic, logical features which I though every phone would have.
The sms lagg is horrible and I experience all the time, or the fact that we cant keep the hom page looking the way it does and turn off the active weather. It lags the crap out of th phone if u just go to move screens or find something and its showing you clouds for 19 seconds scrolling by..
you cannot uninstal the useless applications that came with it without whiping the entire phone.
The new update is fine and dandy, but It clears the whole phone, so eveyr thign I have installed and set i have to redo just to get an upgrade, totaly idiotic in my mind. If its a OS update, then it should only effect the OS backround files not reset the total system.
Backing up contact. Sims only store 250 contact. I have over 300 so I have many on my phone it self, to copy the entire phone book to memory card, i have to do it one by one. Yes I know I can instal an app for it, but should I really have to? thats should be a basic app. Syncing with your computer, requires you to have email set up in outlook, I dont use out look, so I have to go through all that troube just to get that done.
In my house, my nokia has full signal at all times, with this new bad boy phone i barly get one bar if I am lucky.
Just simple little things which should be an automacit features on phones are missing here. I dont get the thinking behind that.
To the person who did the car analogy. Would you buy a expensive car if you had to install the breaks you self after purchase.. Oh you want a rear veiw mirror? here is a mirror, and some glue go have fun? no you would not, you would expect all functions to be there.
The phone doesnt even allow you to control how you view your contacts for crying out loud, I had to D/L an app to set if i want to view first name/ last name, vs the default last name first name. That is just bad.
Out side of a big shiny screen that eats ur batery life in one day and the camera.. nothing special.
just my two cents
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PoisonWolf said:
Would you buy a car knowing that it does not come with certain features or does not perform the way you want it to? Or do you just buy any car expecting all of them to come with features just because a car of another brand had them? There is a reason why it's better to lease a BMW than buying it.
It seems like you're the average joe that bought into the hype not knowing what Windows Mobile is.
Don't come crying just because the phone was not what you expected it to be. Do your homework next time before making a purchase.
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A better analogy is you are buying a stock BMW and expecting it to drive like a F1 race car. Fact is, you have to add certain available add-ons to make it into a M5-ish car with the type of race tires you want and the suspension your driving habits need.

Lost my HD2 in Flushing, NY - white apple logo sticker on back

I left my imported T9193 HD2 in a taxi/car service last night. ahhhhh! To the guy driving the black suburban - enjoy my phone. I know you have it.
My phone has a white apple sticker on the back. I liked screwing with the apple fanbois. The phone has been remote wiped.
Flushing, NY...
It's a shame the HD2 doesn't have the exploding battery technology of Apple's Ipod Nano . I'm sure the Dev's here could have modded it to be remotely detonated, this would ensure your data is safe .
HTC could have called the phone 'HIED2' lol. I'm sure sales in the middle east would have been extreme .
It's a shame the microsoft my phone gps tracker thing doesn't ever seem to work or atleast not for me it doesn't.
lookout mobile security has a device tracking system that I haven't been able to get to work. I have another program though that has worked in the past, but I can't remember the name of it.
I'll have to look for it.
Bad things happen, and I suppose that with the user base the HD2 has, it's statistically bound to happen somehow that some lose their phones.
Surely it's just me, yet when I have my valuable tech gadgets with me, somewhere which is not my house (sometimes, even in my own house/wordplace-which I own) I'm so oversensitive about it that I keep checking if it's still there even if I just checked 30seconds before.
So go figure if I were to be inside a taxi in a "black suburban" in NY; my hand would be clawed on the chassis all the time (that same hand you see in my avatar)
did you have rtconfig or any other antitheft software installed?
ephestione said:
Bad things happen, and I suppose that with the user base the HD2 has, it's statistically bound to happen somehow that some lose their phones.
Surely it's just me, yet when I have my valuable tech gadgets with me, somewhere which is not my house (sometimes, even in my own house/wordplace-which I own) I'm so oversensitive about it that I keep checking if it's still there even if I just checked 30seconds before.
So go figure if I were to be inside a taxi in a "black suburban" in NY; my hand would be clawed on the chassis all the time (that same hand you see in my avatar)
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I'm usually pretty good about hanging on to my stuff. We were coming back from a wedding and I also had my dslr that I was more paranoid about. I actually pulled my phone out and put it on the seat while I was standing outside the suburban. I was pulling out my wallet to tip the guy when one of my friends said he had already tipped him. I had turned when he called my name, so I just closed the door and walked away. Sad thing is, I hadn't had anything to drink.
Most of the time I have Microsoft's My Phone installed on my phone. I just hadn't gotten around to reinstalling it after a recent rom flash. Still trying to figure out what phone I'm going to get next. I have the Samsung galaxy, I was getting ready to return that though. The thing is laggy and the GPS sucks badly. Verizon and Sprint are out. I might go for the Dell Streak if they ever release it. I'm still sick about it. I kept coming back to the HD2, phone after phone.
Sorry to hear that, bro. My spidey sense is always tingling when I have my phone with me. I do NOT want to lose a $900 investment.
I have RemoteTracker (free) installed on my phone.
that's sad.. Sorry to hear.
yeah! it should have that option..
Auto destruct in 2,1,.. *whii*
or a text;
you (pause) are (pause) so (pause) dead!
Did you set up Microsoft Myphone to sync its location periodically?

Good experience with sending phone to Sammy

Well, I had completely screwed up my phone after flashing some roms.
For the life of me I couldn't get it into recovery or download mode. My phone was hardware locked. But I never bothered to add the hardware fix to the phone because adb worked just fine and I didn't think it was going to be a problem. Yeah, big mistake I know and if all you want to say is "I told you so" you can screw off.
Anyway, was completely stuck. I bought the phone out right on ebay, I am running it on att so there was no where really to turn but sammy to get the phone fixed. I called them up told them about some of the problems I was having and eventually got them to take the phone in for repair. It took about a week total but I got my phone fixed and I am now up and running foryo but this time I added the hardware unlock first thing out of the gate.
Hmmm, I say good on ya for resolving the prob w/o trying for a replacement phone. Just a guess, but it prolly takes Sam 15 mins to zero out your vibe and place it back on the shipping cart?
Thumbs up to Samsung a well. Free support for an ebay purchase is cool to begin with..
Yeah, that is what I thought too.
And I agree about the turn around. The day they got it from UPS they fixed it and sent it back out to me the same day.
I am very happy with the results, and the new froyo rom from 11\7\10 is really nice the phone really runs smooth.

I am very disappointed with Google

To whomsoever it may concern. Yes that's what my state of mind is right now.
I will begin from the beginning then.
So heard on 4th October 2016 that google is launching it's Pixel phones. Couldn't have been more excited with the news as I am a big android fan boy. I had been using the Nexus 6p then, so the news of the Pixel phones was really pleasing to me.
I wait for the Pixels to get launched in India. 26th October 2016 is the date. I pre-order my Pixel XL very silver 128 GB before hand and receive the handset on 26th! Very happy!!
I haven't ever used a better phone than the Pixel XL. The smoothest android experience. Period.
So a month passes by. The phone does overheat from time to time but other than that it worked fine. My "rock solid" Pixel XL gets about 40 GB full. One fine day, while I was trying to open a PDF from my drive, the device freezes and reboots. Nothing to worry, sometime android does that, I think to myself. Same day, Gmail freezes and the phone reboots. Then the Camera freezes and it reboots. Now I started to see a pattern. Tried uninstalling apps one by one, to pin point the root cause. Found nothing. Tried Safe Mode. Still it would freeze and reboot. Finally, made my peace with a factory reset. The phone started behaving. I told myself that I must be some rogue app.
This cycle continues again when the phone reaches that 40 GB mark. It would freeze and reboot. Factory reset once again. It works fine.
So I start suspecting the phone internal memory. I fill up the around 80 GB with random videos and music. The restarts start happening like clockwork.
Come 6th December 2016, and I receive the 7.1.1 update. Everything goes smooth. The phone acts normal, for sometime at least. I call up Google Support on the 8th and the guy tells me to take my phone to the service center.
Moments after, I see my phone restarting. It boots up and it's sitting on my table. In about five minutes, while lying idle on the table, it reboots. And this time, it reboots to boot-loader. I try to start the phone with the power key and the volume keys by choosing the right option. It boots back to boot-loader. Doesn't load up android. So somehow my phone was soft bricked just sitting idle on the table.
I am not new to the fastboot mode and decide to flash the stock rom. However, there is this issue that i suddenly see. The fastboot screen on my phone says Baseband : N/A and my bootloader is locked! The only option I see to get android up and running is using stock recovery and sideloading the Stock ROM, which should have worked as Google Stock ROMS are signed and might have not need unlocked bootloader(I did my research). I select recovery, and surprise surprise! The phone says recovery can't be loaded, press any key to go back!!
So now my phone has no OS, no baseband, no recovery with a locked bootloader! And i don't know how it happened!
I take the phone to the service center today around 11 am. They can't make sense of what happened. They say they would keep the phone for sometime. I get a call from them around 4, which was like half an hour back. The guy tells me there is a power button issue and another hardware issue(which he doesn't specify) and tells me they will keep the phone for 2 days. And repair it!
WHAT!?! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU REPAIRING MY PHONE GOOGLE!?! It's a new phone, not even 2 months old! And it doesn't come cheap! For the price amount I would expect it to work flawlessly!! I ask the service guy for replacement unit, and he says it is more than 14 days old, and gives me all terms and conditions! The problems that I had with this phone couldn't have been foreseen!! Till the time the internal storage gets to about 30 percent full the restarting issue did not show itself.
I expect a replacement unit or a full refund. Because this is just not fair! Not really happy with you Google. Thanks!
P.S.: thanks for reading this.
Cliff notes?
I am not getting it! You mean that the phone you had, had no hardware problems? So if its software only, then why did you submit the phone at service centre at first place? And in case they are offering you a repair service, or a new phone, what is the problem with that? From the sound of it it does sound like a hardware problem anyway, repetitive problems are never software. In fact you should be rather thankful that they accepted the phone and offering you a free service, cause a lot of reviews say that HTC service centre is asking money for a phone which is just one month old and sorts like that.
And you probably are one unlucky fella where the phone might have come with a hardware problem, cause most seem happy with theirs anyway. I am not defending Pixel or its ridiculous price point anyway.
Honestly what's the difference? If they fix it and it's working again then it should be no different than a new unit. unless you've damaged the device and wanted to get a new one with no damage I don't understand.
So if you get a new car from a dealer and it has an issue you would demand a new car instead of letting them repair it? Sounds pretty dumb to me.
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
Guarantee this is caused by a bad memory chip. The only way to fix it is to replace the chip (which I highly doubt can be done at a service center) or the motherboard. I had a Nexus 4 that had the same issue. Eventually I could not even write a new system image at all.
At least demand a written explanation of what was done to correct the problem so if it continues after being repaired you can demand a new unit. If they are replacing the board you should be good to go.
So you are angry that Google are fixing the device for you at no charge to yourself? Things go wrong sometimes, sounds like Google are looking after you nicely.
You will get your phone back in the same condition you gave it to them - with the issues resolved.
If they can't fix it, they will replace it.
What's the issue?
Mdizzle1 said:
So you are angry that Google are fixing the device for you at no charge to yourself? Things go wrong sometimes, sounds like Google are looking after you nicely.
You will get your phone back in the same condition you gave it to them - with the issues resolved.
If they can't fix it, they will replace it.
What's the issue?
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He wants a new phone. I understand. From my experience when things like this go wrong like this they keep going wrong. It is a phone not a new car. I am surprised they did not give him a new phone and call it a day.
johnciaccio said:
He wants a new phone. I understand. From my experience when things like this go wrong like this they keep going wrong. It is a phone not a new car. I am surprised they did not give him a new phone and call it a day.
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Pretty sure that the NAND chips are faulty. That is why after that chip gets written with data, phone starts to act up.
It may not be easy to replace just the faulty chip. Either they will replace the whole logic board or give you a new piece.
ithehappy said:
I am not getting it! You mean that the phone you had, had no hardware problems? So if its software only, then why did you submit the phone at service centre at first place? And in case they are offering you a repair service, or a new phone, what is the problem with that? From the sound of it it does sound like a hardware problem anyway, repetitive problems are never software. In fact you should be rather thankful that they accepted the phone and offering you a free service, cause a lot of reviews say that HTC service centre is asking money for a phone which is just one month old and sorts like that.
And you probably are one unlucky fella where the phone might have come with a hardware problem, cause most seem happy with theirs anyway. I am not defending Pixel or its ridiculous price point anyway.
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It is a hardware problem only, the phone worked fine till the 40 GB or so mark. And yeah, seem to feel unlucky about this now.
Also, I am not bashing HTC for this, they were pretty nice and they are doing their job. I understand that. Just not happy about the situation I am in that's all.
superchilpil said:
Honestly what's the difference? If they fix it and it's working again then it should be no different than a new unit. unless you've damaged the device and wanted to get a new one with no damage I don't understand.
So if you get a new car from a dealer and it has an issue you would demand a new car instead of letting them repair it? Sounds pretty dumb to me.
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
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I wish i would have damaged the device just so that I would have something to blame this on.
And as for the car issue, you would want a new car, won't you? They will indeed repair it, however, a customer asking for a new car which works doesn't sound dumb to me.
johnciaccio said:
Guarantee this is caused by a bad memory chip. The only way to fix it is to replace the chip (which I highly doubt can be done at a service center) or the motherboard. I had a Nexus 4 that had the same issue. Eventually I could not even write a new system image at all.
At least demand a written explanation of what was done to correct the problem so if it continues after being repaired you can demand a new unit. If they are replacing the board you should be good to go.
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Thought as much. Thanks for reading the long post!!:good:
sanke1 said:
Pretty sure that the NAND chips are faulty. That is why after that chip gets written with data, phone starts to act up.
It may not be easy to replace just the faulty chip. Either they will replace the whole logic board or give you a new piece.
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The problem is when they eventually return the phone, it would be hard for me to understand if the problem persists until I get a PC in front of me and fill up the device. And the problem is pretty random too. Thanks for the reply though.
No problem. Been in similar shoes. You are not getting anything for free here.. It is one of the most expensive phones out there and you paid for a new device. Not one that has been reopened after being assembled. Check it carefully for scratches after getting it back.
I do not even like my car being worked on. Nothing is as perfect as when it comes from the factory.
dc/dc said:
Cliff notes?
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Got a faulty Pixel XL, issue with the logic board(based on what i have read on this discussion so far), not really happy with HTC opening my new phone and repairing it. I paid for a new phone and I want a new phone which works! I know I am whining a bit.
johnciaccio said:
No problem. Been in similar shoes. You are not getting anything for free here.. It is one of the most expensive phones out there and you paid for a new device. Not one that has been reopened after being assembled. Check it carefully for scratches after getting it back.
I do not even like my car being worked on. Nothing is as perfect as when it comes from the factory.
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You read my mind!! Totally agree!!:good:
At least it will be fixed. I purchased my Nexus 4 from a reseller so Google refused to warranty it even though it was completely sealed and new when purchased. Google hates resellers, which I understand the reason, but it is not a good policy to have.
johnciaccio said:
At least it will be fixed. I purchased my Nexus 4 from a reseller so Google refused to warranty it even though it was completely sealed and new when purchased. Google hates resellers, which I understand the reason, but it is not a good policy to have.
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It surely is not a good policy to have. And with the pixel devices the resellers were a part of the launch process. It was not like we had to wait for a few days after it was available online. It was almost the same time. I hope i get my device as soon as possible in working condition, because as I mentioned earlier, I love the phone. Also I have been using a prehistoric Nokia 1100 which I found in some corner of my house as I don't have any other back up device currently.
I'm just impressed that Google had a service center in Bangalore.
Yeah sucks. Let us know how it goes.

