HELP PLEASE! Text and In-Call Issues on HD2 - HD2 General

I have the TMOUS HD2 and I am having 2 problems and I want to see if anyone else is either experiencing this or if it's just my phone.
On SENSE SMS messages, the keyboard will auto deploy and I will begin to type or Swype and nothing will show, unless I select or highlight the last message and then refocused on the blank area of my current message and then it will show. It's almost as if the screen doesnt redraw the text as I input it. It's VERY annoying.
When I'm in a call, and pull the phone away from my face, the screen will come on, but I can't press or access any button on the dialpad (Eg, Red Endcall or Keypad button) but I am able to press all of the hardware buttons and go to the home screen of Sense and do everything else on the phone. This is really frustrating, because I call my bank and I can't use the touch tone features to access my account or put a caller on hold and do the other features while on a call.
I would just like to know if these are isolated incidents that I'm just experiencing with my HD2, or is there a solution to theses issues. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks guys.

Bigcountryed said:
On SENSE SMS messages, the keyboard will auto deploy and I will begin to type or Swype and nothing will show, unless I select or highlight the last message and then refocused on the blank area of my current message and then it will show. It's almost as if the screen doesnt redraw the text as I input it. It's VERY annoying.
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I think that's just something you have to deal with, I used to get it on the O2UK stock 1.43 ROM after installing the hotfix (I assume it's cooked into the TMOUS ROM). After installing Windows Mobile 6.5.x I haven't come across the issue.

Bigcountryed said:
I have the TMOUS HD2 and I am having 2 problems and I want to see if anyone else is either experiencing this or if it's just my phone.
On SENSE SMS messages, the keyboard will auto deploy and I will begin to type or Swype and nothing will show, unless I select or highlight the last message and then refocused on the blank area of my current message and then it will show. It's almost as if the screen doesnt redraw the text as I input it. It's VERY annoying.
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This is a known bug that we all have. When you start typing, sense is busy loading all your txts from that contact, and when it has finished loading them it auto focuses on the last text. During that time you cannot see what you are typing, though it is still being typed. When you then select the text input area your typing appears.
The fix is to not have many texts saved.
When I'm in a call, and pull the phone away from my face, the screen will come on, but I can't press or access any button on the dialpad (Eg, Red Endcall or Keypad button) but I am able to press all of the hardware buttons and go to the home screen of Sense and do everything else on the phone. This is really frustrating, because I call my bank and I can't use the touch tone features to access my account or put a caller on hold and do the other features while on a call.
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you have either bsbtweaks "increase tap time" tweak turned on, or the increase taptime cab from the hints tips thread.
This tweak stops the incall screen from registering presses. Turn it off.
These are both very common, and there must be a few hundred threads asking the same questions.

The BST thing fixed the call problem I was having. And imma try to clean out the sms message to regain speed. Thankyou VERY much Samsamuel and Kalavere! Luv ya like a play cousin!


useful in contact manager - yet HTC support doesn't know enything about this.

Hello everyone,
I've discovered quite useful thing about contacts manager, but unfortunately don't know how to turn it on or off, it starts, let's say randomly.
Sometimes when (on today screen) i press right softkey which is by default assigned to 'contacts' and i get a list of names, i see something like a pop-up window with letter 'A' and by using the jogdial on the left side of the TyTN i can switch between the first letters of the names in contacts. Then i can select exact name without scrolling through all of the contacts in between A and f.e. G.
Unfortunately i don't know what is the cause of starting this feature, people at HTC support don't know nothing about it, and told me that it must be some kind of software glitch however I find it very useful, maybe someone else got the same thing? And someone does know how can it be turned on that it happens every time i want to find a contact? that would really be operating with one hand then
thanks in advance for opinions and advices
If it's what I think you mean, go to contacts.
For example, hold down down (on the dpad). It'll start scrolling the list for approx 5 seconds. After that, the large letter A will show up. Use the dpad to select appropriate contact start.
Otherwise use the sip to start typing your contact.
szturchen_pl said:
Hello everyone,
I've discovered quite useful thing about contacts manager, but unfortunately don't know how to turn it on or off, it starts, let's say randomly.
Sometimes when (on today screen) i press right softkey which is by default assigned to 'contacts' and i get a list of names, i see something like a pop-up window with letter 'A' and by using the jogdial on the left side of the TyTN i can switch between the first letters of the names in contacts. Then i can select exact name without scrolling through all of the contacts in between A and f.e. G.
Unfortunately i don't know what is the cause of starting this feature, people at HTC support don't know nothing about it, and told me that it must be some kind of software glitch however I find it very useful, maybe someone else got the same thing? And someone does know how can it be turned on that it happens every time i want to find a contact? that would really be operating with one hand then
thanks in advance for opinions and advices
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It works on all variants of the Tytn, you just go to contacts, press and hold down on the d pad and in a couple of seconds the 'pop up window' appears with a large letter, it just makes it easier to scroll through the contacts without having to get the stylus out.
Thanks guys !!
That's the 'pop-up' that I meant. Pressing and holding d-pad works. However I occasionaly get it when using jog-dial. In my opinion that would be even better for operating TyTN with one hand. Any clues on this one?

Annoying Keyboard Bug for SMS (inputting symbols and XT9)

Hi all,
again, i dont like starting new threads, but I havent found anything about this keyboard bug im experiencing
I'm on 1.48.405.2 (71294)
So i'm SMS-ing with XT9 on and word completion:
If im typing away and end something with a QUESTION, like
"What are you doing today?"
I normally click the "12#" to change to symbol to select the question mark "?"
BUT i noticed EVERY SINGLE TIME when there is a WORD COMPLETION SUGGESTION hovering over the word and you CLICK "12#", the cursor will POP UP to the line ABOVE! (if i've gone past 1 line of text)
A word completion suggestion popup must be there before clicking "12#" for the cursor to pop up. But this is pretty basic for anyone typing a question.
this is SO annoying when i'm trynig to type fast and add a "?", cause then the cursor keeps popping up and screwing up my message...
Also another bug i noticed is when I receive a SMS, and in HTC Message i click on the message to go to Windows messaging..
Sometimes when i start to type (and it clearly says its oN XT9), no word completion pops up!
It's very intermittent, but the XT9 will be selected but just not work...
Anyone else experiecne this?
That cursor popping up when wanting to type a symbol is super annoying...
I installed the Less sensitivity cab but im not sure if that caused this?
Why don't you just hold down the 'k' key till the question mark pops up?
I'm facing the second problem of yours too. Sometimes the T9 is 'on' but it is not functioning. This is really annoying. I have to close the message go to home screen and come back into the message again to get it working.
I've been getting the Xt9 thing too at random times. Although I never goto the other symbols keyboard to do the '?'.
thanks for the replies guys
least i know im not the only one
yeah..i COULD hold the "k" to get the "?" ...i guess i can do that from now on.
But i find the 2 clicks is faster than holding the K...maybe its just me
Anyways, hopefully HTC is aware of this so they fix this..
The keyboard is used all the time so this is a pretty annoying thing to see
has anyone had the issue of replying to a text and it just comes out as numbers ??? you then have to go into the text option Turn on Turn off an option then press done and then letters will appear ?
My keyboard annoyances are accidentally turning off XT9 modemany times when trying to press the A key. Why did they have to put the XT9/ABC key right under the A key?
Also I get the XT9 turning off bug too from time to time even though it is turned on.
unque1 said:
has anyone had the issue of replying to a text and it just comes out as numbers ??? you then have to go into the text option Turn on Turn off an option then press done and then letters will appear ?
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I get this problem sometimes. Its bloody annoying!
I usually go to menu>quick text then press back and usually that sorts it.
Hope they find a permanent fix to stop it happening though!!
unque1 said:
has anyone had the issue of replying to a text and it just comes out as numbers ??? you then have to go into the text option Turn on Turn off an option then press done and then letters will appear ?
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Yeah i get that one too. It's really REALLY annoying...
I am experiencing both of these issues too, very annoying!
unque1 said:
has anyone had the issue of replying to a text and it just comes out as numbers ??? you then have to go into the text option Turn on Turn off an option then press done and then letters will appear ?
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I have the same problem sometimes. I uses the Phonepad and sometimes it will only type numbers.
I have talked to HTC (danish) and they will try to look at it.
Sometimes the XT9 doesnt show words at all. Ive got those two problems
Its a joke man i can believe theres so much issue with there sms functions
- im a Texter and this isnt good - please keep me updated as whatever they send you im going to forward to HTC uk!
These faults need to be bombarded over to HTC for a imminent fix !
I have reported this to HTC support, but didn't hear anything back, in fact I didn't get an auto-responder either so I hope they got my email.
i have same problem .....
when a message comes i reply key pad types ok
but when again message come i reply key pad starts typing digits
problem is with phone pad and compact qwery pad ......
i have mailed HTc via support
but have not got a response yet .?
I also experience that sometimes the XT9 doesnt work even though it is marked as "on". Also, Im not able to add new words to T9.
Any news about the problem. Any solutions???

Weird problem in SMS app

Whenever I tap on a message to reply, i cant simply tap to insert text, if i do it take away the cursor and highlights the last message in black. Or, I open then message and have to wait a few seconds for the last msg to be highlighted in black, then enter my text.
Any way to fix this?
I'm not sure whats happening with this bug, but I had this happen on 2 HD2s that I've had so far. It happens with both Swype and the regular HTC keyboard. Sometimes, I'll just be tryping, and all of a sudden, the screen will jump, and highlight a previous message (turn black) and then I have to tap the lower part of the current SMS message to get it refocued back again. Very unusual bug and I hope there is a fix for it.
I can start typing, but as you said it jumpes back. Then I must scroll down again.
It's the crappy HTCMessaging app. It has never been properly sorted since the HD2 came to be. Just do what i did and install a ROM that doesn't have that utterly ****e app on and you'll never look back
padlad said:
It's the crappy HTCMessaging app. It has never been properly sorted since the HD2 came to be. Just do what i did and install a ROM that doesn't have that utterly ****e app on and you'll never look back
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Do you know of a ROM for the T-Mobile USA HD2 that doesnt have HTC messaging?
Or is there a way to remove it from my current ROM?
Same thing happens to me today, I start typing, it jumps to the previous message and highlights it in black. Ugh, annoying!
same here
have the same bug and my HTC is becoming very slow..even when there is no application running in the background..have to soft reset atleast once a much for the snapdragon and RAM
Same problem as I have - it's very annoying. Running the 1.66 SEA ROM, with Swype installed - although the problem began before I installed Swype. I find what actually happens is that the phone registers the keypresses, and if you tap on the write message area, those keys you've tapped appear. I believe I read somewhere else on the forum about this problem, but couldn't find the thread. Any suggestions for alternates to HTC Messaging?

SMS Glitch, does your HD2 do this?

Ok, does anyone else have this problem. Whenever i get a new text message, whether i open it up with the message icon at the bottom or the notification at the top, after i start typing it will then highlight what the other person just sent to me and turns the screen where i type blank, and to see what i have typed and continue typing i have to touch the screen where my typing appears again and continue typing. Any idea why this happens, its kind of annoying the piss outta me!
I have no idea, but it's happen to me too. Sometimes it highlights the received message but still allows me to type without seeing the letters appear on the blank screen.
starkall said:
Ok, does anyone else have this problem. Whenever i get a new text message, whether i open it up with the message icon at the bottom or the notification at the top, after i start typing it will then highlight what the other person just sent to me and turns the screen where i type blank, and to see what i have typed and continue typing i have to touch the screen where my typing appears again and continue typing. Any idea why this happens, its kind of annoying the piss outta me!
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Yes, it happens to the two I have as well... One of which is being replaced,(hardware failure)
ya, well i wonder if there is a way to fix this in the registry or something. it really bugs the crap out of me sometimes.
I think its a universal glitch. However, the problem happens to me less now that I'm running Kumar's TMOUS C1.6 WWE ROM
Yes, it happens for me too.
Happens to me too, smh. I'm turning the phone back on Wednesday
This happens to me as well! Almost every time! Drives me up the wall!!!please wait 2 seconds for an uncompressed image, or press Ctrl+F5 for original quality page
What ROM version do you have? Stock? Custom? Latest 2.13?
This is the reason I have htc messaging disabled!
Happens all the time, it's just a software bug hopefully it'll get fixed in the future.
mine pauses when i txt also but its not worth giving up the phone for a few glitches.a bubby got the pheone and is freaking out because its not as smooth as his he is going to take the phone back.
I have the latest ROM and texting still SUCKS!! unbelievable....Hold your phone landscape and have someone send you a text while you are writing one, ridiculous.
I have the same problem also. maybe the new official update will fix it. If not, and I disable htc messaging. which sms app should i use?
I had this problem with the original 2.10 rom. Now that i've updated to the 2.13 rom the problem is solved
hensond67 said:
I had this problem with the original 2.10 rom. Now that i've updated to the 2.13 rom the problem is solved
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It's solved because you have 0 SMS in the conversation, it ll start annoying you when you have like more than 20 SMS.
I got a call on firday , and the tech said they can reproduce the SMS delay / jump to last SMS problem.
But cannot find any bug in HTC sense, that kind of means they will NEVER fix it.
I think they definitely think it's a feature other than a problem even so many people complains.
uccoffee said:
It's solved because you have 0 SMS in the conversation, it ll start annoying you when you have like more than 20 SMS.
I got a call on firday , and the tech said they can reproduce the SMS delay / jump to last SMS problem.
But cannot find any bug in HTC sense, that kind of means they will NEVER fix it.
I think they definitely think it's a feature other than a problem even so many people complains.
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I have seen that myself. Had about 40 messages in that thread and I could see the scroll bar getting smaller and smaller on the right hand side of the screen, and once it finished getting to the size that it needs to be for the amount of messages, it happens. I try to keep my sms sizes small due to this. It gets quite annoying at times.
this is one of the things that is the most annoying of all! I hate it and theres no way to fix it apparently.. gay
the only way i have overcome it is, well i sold the first HD2 i had and got an iphone, well now i just got another HD2 yesterday directly from Tmo cause i broke my iphone, my new HD2 has the lastest ROM on it, but set the Message shortcut to your homescreen and when you recieve a new message dont open it with the message icon on the bottom where the sense icons are and open your message with the message shortcut icon, this way i have noticed it doesnt highlight the last message that person sent you.
starkall said:
the only way i have overcome it is, well i sold the first HD2 i had and got an iphone, well now i just got another HD2 yesterday directly from Tmo cause i broke my iphone, my new HD2 has the lastest ROM on it, but set the Message shortcut to your homescreen and when you recieve a new message dont open it with the message icon on the bottom where the sense icons are and open your message with the message shortcut icon, this way i have noticed it doesnt highlight the last message that person sent you.
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the new Tmo ROM update fixes that problem, It slows the sensitivity and processing of what you type down, but it no longer highlights the incoming message. choose which poison you wish to have

Ims.service issues, + keyboard issue only when in chrome

So randomly, but only a couple of times a day or every other day, stops working, also everytime I try to place a phone call, stops working, and the call automatically ends and goes to the screen right after a call that has the call back button on the left, view contact up above, the text message button on the right and video call in the center. If I click on the call back button then the call will go through. Does anyone have any suggestions or solutions for solving that issue?
The second issue, the keyboard one is as follows. I use SwiftKey 3,and ONLY when I'm typing in Chrome, the text prediction will not show an entire word, it only shows the letter I had just typed, and at the end of every word when I press the space bar (pressing the space bar automatically selects the center word prediction) it will add a second of the same letter to the end. For example, the word, "world" would be, "worldd". Now this ONLY occurs when I'm using Chrome. Does anyone have any solutions, or suggestions for this one as well?
Thank you everyone ahead of time, you all are awesome and always so extremely helpful.
Oneraindrop said:
So randomly, but only a couple of times a day or every other day, stops working, also everytime I try to place a phone call, stops working, and the call automatically ends and goes to the screen right after a call that has the call back button on the left, view contact up above, the text message button on the right and video call in the center. If I click on the call back button then the call will go through. Does anyone have any suggestions or solutions for solving that issue?
The second issue, the keyboard one is as follows. I use SwiftKey 3,and ONLY when I'm typing in Chrome, the text prediction will not show an entire word, it only shows the letter I had just typed, and at the end of every word when I press the space bar (pressing the space bar automatically selects the center word prediction) it will add a second of the same letter to the end. For example, the word, "world" would be, "worldd". Now this ONLY occurs when I'm using Chrome. Does anyone have any solutions, or suggestions for this one as well?
Thank you everyone ahead of time, you all are awesome and always so extremely helpful.
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U might have to try a few things im no proffesional so take with a grain of salt..the 1st issue i never had so either a downloaded app interfering with things or u jus needa clear your cache up a bit..for chrome you can try lookinf at ya swiftkey auto correct settings n jus turn it off n see if it solves dat issue
Oneraindrop said:
So randomly, but only a couple of times a day or every other day, stops working, also everytime I try to place a phone call, stops working, and the call automatically ends and goes to the screen right after a call that has the call back button on the left, view contact up above, the text message button on the right and video call in the center. If I click on the call back button then the call will go through. Does anyone have any suggestions or solutions for solving that issue?
The second issue, the keyboard one is as follows. I use SwiftKey 3,and ONLY when I'm typing in Chrome, the text prediction will not show an entire word, it only shows the letter I had just typed, and at the end of every word when I press the space bar (pressing the space bar automatically selects the center word prediction) it will add a second of the same letter to the end. For example, the word, "world" would be, "worldd". Now this ONLY occurs when I'm using Chrome. Does anyone have any solutions, or suggestions for this one as well?
Thank you everyone ahead of time, you all are awesome and always so extremely helpful.
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You did not say whether you are rooted or unrootted, and if the latter if you are on a custom ROM (assuming you are not).
If you are on stock OEM and have not updated it recently, that would fix it - as it overwrites the entire ROM and would clear this up. Whichever firmware/ROM version you are on, you could ODIN the AP module and that would also write over your problem.
As for Chrome - I don't use it.

