Weird problem in SMS app - HD2 General

Whenever I tap on a message to reply, i cant simply tap to insert text, if i do it take away the cursor and highlights the last message in black. Or, I open then message and have to wait a few seconds for the last msg to be highlighted in black, then enter my text.
Any way to fix this?

I'm not sure whats happening with this bug, but I had this happen on 2 HD2s that I've had so far. It happens with both Swype and the regular HTC keyboard. Sometimes, I'll just be tryping, and all of a sudden, the screen will jump, and highlight a previous message (turn black) and then I have to tap the lower part of the current SMS message to get it refocued back again. Very unusual bug and I hope there is a fix for it.

I can start typing, but as you said it jumpes back. Then I must scroll down again.

It's the crappy HTCMessaging app. It has never been properly sorted since the HD2 came to be. Just do what i did and install a ROM that doesn't have that utterly ****e app on and you'll never look back

padlad said:
It's the crappy HTCMessaging app. It has never been properly sorted since the HD2 came to be. Just do what i did and install a ROM that doesn't have that utterly ****e app on and you'll never look back
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Do you know of a ROM for the T-Mobile USA HD2 that doesnt have HTC messaging?
Or is there a way to remove it from my current ROM?

Same thing happens to me today, I start typing, it jumps to the previous message and highlights it in black. Ugh, annoying!

same here
have the same bug and my HTC is becoming very slow..even when there is no application running in the background..have to soft reset atleast once a much for the snapdragon and RAM

Same problem as I have - it's very annoying. Running the 1.66 SEA ROM, with Swype installed - although the problem began before I installed Swype. I find what actually happens is that the phone registers the keypresses, and if you tap on the write message area, those keys you've tapped appear. I believe I read somewhere else on the forum about this problem, but couldn't find the thread. Any suggestions for alternates to HTC Messaging?


Problem after problem with HD2.

Hey guys, I love my HD2 but recently ive been having some terrible issues.
I text alot and it really irritates me that when i go to type a text it takes 30 seconds to allow me to do so, it will just be completely unresponsive for those 30 seconds.
Then also anytime i go to change the keys to " £ $ ? symbols and numbers it jumps the cursor back randomly so im still typing before i realise its typing in completely the wrong place.
Im also having the phone do random things without me letting it, it removed the lock screen by itself which i cannot get back and before that it was automatically changing the background and the weather service would randomly select strange citys?
sounds like things have gone askew, maybe if all else fails you can do a hard reset (ensuring you back up any data you need first).
Megacamz said:
I text alot and it really irritates me that when i go to type a text it takes 30 seconds to allow me to do so, it will just be completely unresponsive for those 30 seconds.
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That's the SMS load delay bug that has been discussed a lot on these forums. It occurs whenever you have more than a few messages from a person, and the phone tries to load all the old sms messages from that person, but it does it extremely slow. HTC may or may not be aware of it, the hotfix on their site for SMS doesn't seem to fix it. At the moment, your options are to delete SMS history, or to disable HTC Messaging and using Microsofts default SMS (requires regsistry hacking).
Megacamz said:
Im also having the phone do random things without me letting it, it removed the lock screen by itself which i cannot get back and before that it was automatically changing the background and the weather service would randomly select strange citys?
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Some people have reported that they got an overly responsive screen, I would suggest you try and replace your phone (or simply return it like I did because you can never trust a SMS message has been sent when you send it with HTC Messaging, another bug without solution). The wether
services choosing odd cities might be because of yet another bug that fails to correctly pinpoint your location for the weather app.
Megacamz said:
Then also anytime i go to change the keys to " £ $ ? symbols and numbers it jumps the cursor back randomly so im still typing before i realise its typing in completely the wrong place.
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I have this fault, and I think it started after the text messaging hotfix, I am going to uninstall; that fix and see if it solves the problem. Have you installed that fix?
Nope, that didn't fix it - is anyone else experiencing this? When I click on the ""12#" (symbol) hey, the cursor jumps back to a point earlier in the test message. Usually it jumps to the last place that I pressed that button.
This only occurs in the HTC SMS Messaging.
I uninstalled the SMS hotfix and restarted the phone but it's still occuring.
Got the same problem here with the cursor jumping back using "12#". I have installed all latest official HTC updates, but none have solved this problem. Really annoying ;(
Anyone got a workaround or custom fix for this?
Megacamz said:
Hey guys, I love my HD2 but recently ive been having some terrible issues.
I text alot and it really irritates me that when i go to type a text it takes 30 seconds to allow me to do so, it will just be completely unresponsive for those 30 seconds.
Then also anytime i go to change the keys to " £ $ ? symbols and numbers it jumps the cursor back randomly so im still typing before i realise its typing in completely the wrong place.
Im also having the phone do random things without me letting it, it removed the lock screen by itself which i cannot get back and before that it was automatically changing the background and the weather service would randomly select strange citys?
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You can use myphone to back up and archieve your text messages regularly. This will then delete them off your phone but you can still access them on the web if you want to. Keeps the number of messages low and solves the delay problem.
espee77 said:
Got the same problem here with the cursor jumping back using "12#". I have installed all latest official HTC updates, but none have solved this problem. Really annoying ;(
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Me too, i got the same problem!
The last thing i installed was the sim contact update.
But at the moment i dont know if i have the problem before that update..
to type immediately without the 30s delay, simply press send and then no then tap again and you should be able to immediately type.
I do also have the number/symbols bug and it annoys the hell out of me! would love anyone that could find a solution to this!

New SMS bug in 1.66?

Whenever I am sending an sms to someone, the previous message in the thread seems to highlight black automatically and typing seems to stop working until I press back in to the text box, the keyboard however is still visible when it happens.
Seems to be happening every time I send an sms.
Not a big deal but it does get annoying.
Anyone experienced this issue?
Yes me to have this bug!!
I'm so tired of this crapy hotfixes that does not fix any hot things at all.
Now there's a new SMS hotfix that should be applyable on my device accordning the homepage, but nah.... not for my device it says when i'm trying to apply it.
elkyelky said:
Whenever I am sending an sms to someone, the previous message in the thread seems to highlight black automatically and typing seems to stop working until I press back in to the text box, the keyboard however is still visible when it happens.
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I believe everybody experiences this issue, which seems to a feature and not a bug. The fact is that the SMS selected is the one you just tapped in the SMS tab. Apparently it is meant to be this way, so you can fully read the SMS before answering... Just think if an SMS is really loooonnngg and exceeds what can be shown in the sense interface, you'll have the opportunity to see the full SMS before answering. The real problem, though, is that the SMS is only selected once all SMS are loaded, which can be a very long process, if you have more than 50 SMS with the same person. Most of the time, you already began writing a new SMS, so it "disturbs" the process.
ToddeSwe said:
I'm so tired of this crapy hotfixes that does not fix any hot things at all.
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Well, apparently, the 1.66 ROM or the latest SMS hotfix does fix the not sent SMS problem and the laggy SMS loading... Those were major issues, this one is just a not very good "feature" that, I believe, we'll be able to deactivate some way. Am I wrong?
rzasharp said:
I believe everybody experiences this issue, which seems to a feature and not a bug. The fact is that the SMS selected is the one you just tapped in the SMS tab. Apparently it is meant to be this way, so you can fully read the SMS before answering... Just think if an SMS is really loooonnngg and exceeds what can be shown in the sense interface, you'll have the opportunity to see the full SMS before answering. The real problem, though, is that the SMS is only selected once all SMS are loaded, which can be a very long process, if you have more than 50 SMS with the same person. Most of the time, you already began writing a new SMS, so it "disturbs" the process.
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Yes your right. I just tried selecting an older SMS on the SMS tab and it has just scrolled up the thread and highlighted it once all of the messages were loaded.
That is an annoying feature in my opinion. Any known way of disabling it?
right, htc call this a
it is the first sms which is loaded, so i too dont know why it cant be highlighted first before loading the complete thread.... then i could call this a feature too.
to avoid it, dont press on the sms in sms tab, but press inbox and select the thread you want to read or reply...
I asked people to confirm this but no-one did.
Can you also confirm that pressing the 12# while typing the text moves the cursor a few words back?
As this was an issue with the previous SMS hotfix and still present in the 1.66 ROM.
wotsreallygood said:
I asked people to confirm this but no-one did.
Can you also confirm that pressing the 12# while typing the text moves the cursor a few words back?
As this was an issue with the previous SMS hotfix and still present in the 1.66 ROM.
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No it isn't doing that for me.
wotsreallygood said:
I asked people to confirm this but no-one did.
Can you also confirm that pressing the 12# while typing the text moves the cursor a few words back?
As this was an issue with the previous SMS hotfix and still present in the 1.66 ROM.
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ive read some posts asking for this, but why would someone write 12# in a sms?
even if this "bug" is present, i will never face it...
Bimme said:
ive read some posts asking for this, but why would someone write 12# in a sms?
even if this "bug" is present, i will never face it...
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He is talking about the button labelled '12#' which takes you to the numbers and other characters.
ok my fault, sry for this...
the '12#' bug only occurs (for me) if you are replying to a text, have XT9 on and press the '12#' key when the predictive row is onscreen offering alternative words - then when the '12#' key is pressed the cursor jumps to the start of the box.
this is happening on my device, i can understand how this can be annoying but is a non issue for me.
on the '#12' thing, i can confirm what fray_bentos wrote, but because im not using t9 i never faced this 'bug'.
on the issue that after reading all sms the last one is selected even if you already started typing, i think that is a good example why one should not try to stop complainers the quick way. first a lot of people complain about that they have to wait for all sms (in thread) to be read by the system, before they can start answering. so htc try to do somthing on it and release a quick hotfix, not testing it enough (maybe because the time to release is to short). and now people complaining about the fact that they are interupted in typing a message.
i can live with it (until the next 'hopefully better tested' fix is comming) because i find out that you can still continue to type your message, the focus of your input window is not changing. simply continue typing, and after finish touch the input window once, all your text will appear than at once.
regards mad
rzasharp said:
Well, apparently, the 1.66 ROM or the latest SMS hotfix does fix the not sent SMS problem and the laggy SMS loading... Those were major issues, this one is just a not very good "feature" that, I believe, we'll be able to deactivate some way. Am I wrong?
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I have never had the problem with sms not send or stuck in out box.
But the sms history loading fix is to me a hide away fix that realy don't fix the problem, when you have a bunch of sms in history it's impossible to type a sms while this history is loading even though you now can get the keybord up and showing it self You can't use it until the history is loaded, because the device is to slow to type on while it does.
I had this in 1.48 too. It's not new but is very annoying.
fray_bentos said:
the '12#' bug only occurs (for me) if you are replying to a text, have XT9 on and press the '12#' key when the predictive row is onscreen offering alternative words - then when the '12#' key is pressed the cursor jumps to the start of the box.
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happens to me every time
I also have both these problems. It selects a message halfway through me typing which is soooo annoying! I also can repeat the problem with 12# though i dont use XT9 so its not a big deal for me. The first problem is though. Its turning into a real joke that after several rom updates and hotfixs they still haven't got SMS working properly.
This is the best gadget I have ever owned but probably the worst phone lol
bzdemes said:
I also have both these problems. It selects a message halfway through me typing which is soooo annoying! I also can repeat the problem with 12# though i dont use XT9 so its not a big deal for me. The first problem is though. Its turning into a real joke that after several rom updates and hotfixs they still haven't got SMS working properly.
This is the best gadget I have ever owned but probably the worst phone lol
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I agree.
It'll probably be version 5.22 before these issues are finally resolved. Until then, we're nothing more than a large group of beta testers.
Thanks for the replies.
I wonder when they will get it right. Maybe on the 3.22 ROM
It's hard for me to understand how all these issues can keep on being in the sms software. Isn't anyone at HTC using their own phone? If they do it shouldn't take too long to get annoyed of the software and wan't to change it a little...

SMS Glitch, does your HD2 do this?

Ok, does anyone else have this problem. Whenever i get a new text message, whether i open it up with the message icon at the bottom or the notification at the top, after i start typing it will then highlight what the other person just sent to me and turns the screen where i type blank, and to see what i have typed and continue typing i have to touch the screen where my typing appears again and continue typing. Any idea why this happens, its kind of annoying the piss outta me!
I have no idea, but it's happen to me too. Sometimes it highlights the received message but still allows me to type without seeing the letters appear on the blank screen.
starkall said:
Ok, does anyone else have this problem. Whenever i get a new text message, whether i open it up with the message icon at the bottom or the notification at the top, after i start typing it will then highlight what the other person just sent to me and turns the screen where i type blank, and to see what i have typed and continue typing i have to touch the screen where my typing appears again and continue typing. Any idea why this happens, its kind of annoying the piss outta me!
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Yes, it happens to the two I have as well... One of which is being replaced,(hardware failure)
ya, well i wonder if there is a way to fix this in the registry or something. it really bugs the crap out of me sometimes.
I think its a universal glitch. However, the problem happens to me less now that I'm running Kumar's TMOUS C1.6 WWE ROM
Yes, it happens for me too.
Happens to me too, smh. I'm turning the phone back on Wednesday
This happens to me as well! Almost every time! Drives me up the wall!!!please wait 2 seconds for an uncompressed image, or press Ctrl+F5 for original quality page
What ROM version do you have? Stock? Custom? Latest 2.13?
This is the reason I have htc messaging disabled!
Happens all the time, it's just a software bug hopefully it'll get fixed in the future.
mine pauses when i txt also but its not worth giving up the phone for a few glitches.a bubby got the pheone and is freaking out because its not as smooth as his he is going to take the phone back.
I have the latest ROM and texting still SUCKS!! unbelievable....Hold your phone landscape and have someone send you a text while you are writing one, ridiculous.
I have the same problem also. maybe the new official update will fix it. If not, and I disable htc messaging. which sms app should i use?
I had this problem with the original 2.10 rom. Now that i've updated to the 2.13 rom the problem is solved
hensond67 said:
I had this problem with the original 2.10 rom. Now that i've updated to the 2.13 rom the problem is solved
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It's solved because you have 0 SMS in the conversation, it ll start annoying you when you have like more than 20 SMS.
I got a call on firday , and the tech said they can reproduce the SMS delay / jump to last SMS problem.
But cannot find any bug in HTC sense, that kind of means they will NEVER fix it.
I think they definitely think it's a feature other than a problem even so many people complains.
uccoffee said:
It's solved because you have 0 SMS in the conversation, it ll start annoying you when you have like more than 20 SMS.
I got a call on firday , and the tech said they can reproduce the SMS delay / jump to last SMS problem.
But cannot find any bug in HTC sense, that kind of means they will NEVER fix it.
I think they definitely think it's a feature other than a problem even so many people complains.
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I have seen that myself. Had about 40 messages in that thread and I could see the scroll bar getting smaller and smaller on the right hand side of the screen, and once it finished getting to the size that it needs to be for the amount of messages, it happens. I try to keep my sms sizes small due to this. It gets quite annoying at times.
this is one of the things that is the most annoying of all! I hate it and theres no way to fix it apparently.. gay
the only way i have overcome it is, well i sold the first HD2 i had and got an iphone, well now i just got another HD2 yesterday directly from Tmo cause i broke my iphone, my new HD2 has the lastest ROM on it, but set the Message shortcut to your homescreen and when you recieve a new message dont open it with the message icon on the bottom where the sense icons are and open your message with the message shortcut icon, this way i have noticed it doesnt highlight the last message that person sent you.
starkall said:
the only way i have overcome it is, well i sold the first HD2 i had and got an iphone, well now i just got another HD2 yesterday directly from Tmo cause i broke my iphone, my new HD2 has the lastest ROM on it, but set the Message shortcut to your homescreen and when you recieve a new message dont open it with the message icon on the bottom where the sense icons are and open your message with the message shortcut icon, this way i have noticed it doesnt highlight the last message that person sent you.
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the new Tmo ROM update fixes that problem, It slows the sensitivity and processing of what you type down, but it no longer highlights the incoming message. choose which poison you wish to have

HELP PLEASE! Text and In-Call Issues on HD2

I have the TMOUS HD2 and I am having 2 problems and I want to see if anyone else is either experiencing this or if it's just my phone.
On SENSE SMS messages, the keyboard will auto deploy and I will begin to type or Swype and nothing will show, unless I select or highlight the last message and then refocused on the blank area of my current message and then it will show. It's almost as if the screen doesnt redraw the text as I input it. It's VERY annoying.
When I'm in a call, and pull the phone away from my face, the screen will come on, but I can't press or access any button on the dialpad (Eg, Red Endcall or Keypad button) but I am able to press all of the hardware buttons and go to the home screen of Sense and do everything else on the phone. This is really frustrating, because I call my bank and I can't use the touch tone features to access my account or put a caller on hold and do the other features while on a call.
I would just like to know if these are isolated incidents that I'm just experiencing with my HD2, or is there a solution to theses issues. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks guys.
Bigcountryed said:
On SENSE SMS messages, the keyboard will auto deploy and I will begin to type or Swype and nothing will show, unless I select or highlight the last message and then refocused on the blank area of my current message and then it will show. It's almost as if the screen doesnt redraw the text as I input it. It's VERY annoying.
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I think that's just something you have to deal with, I used to get it on the O2UK stock 1.43 ROM after installing the hotfix (I assume it's cooked into the TMOUS ROM). After installing Windows Mobile 6.5.x I haven't come across the issue.
Bigcountryed said:
I have the TMOUS HD2 and I am having 2 problems and I want to see if anyone else is either experiencing this or if it's just my phone.
On SENSE SMS messages, the keyboard will auto deploy and I will begin to type or Swype and nothing will show, unless I select or highlight the last message and then refocused on the blank area of my current message and then it will show. It's almost as if the screen doesnt redraw the text as I input it. It's VERY annoying.
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This is a known bug that we all have. When you start typing, sense is busy loading all your txts from that contact, and when it has finished loading them it auto focuses on the last text. During that time you cannot see what you are typing, though it is still being typed. When you then select the text input area your typing appears.
The fix is to not have many texts saved.
When I'm in a call, and pull the phone away from my face, the screen will come on, but I can't press or access any button on the dialpad (Eg, Red Endcall or Keypad button) but I am able to press all of the hardware buttons and go to the home screen of Sense and do everything else on the phone. This is really frustrating, because I call my bank and I can't use the touch tone features to access my account or put a caller on hold and do the other features while on a call.
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you have either bsbtweaks "increase tap time" tweak turned on, or the increase taptime cab from the hints tips thread.
This tweak stops the incall screen from registering presses. Turn it off.
These are both very common, and there must be a few hundred threads asking the same questions.
The BST thing fixed the call problem I was having. And imma try to clean out the sms message to regain speed. Thankyou VERY much Samsamuel and Kalavere! Luv ya like a play cousin!

[REF] Desire Z - OTA 1.72 for those without root etc

This thread is about the new 1.72 OTA update for anyone who hasn't rooted, s-off'd etc.. Its for discussing changes, improvements, new bugs and such like. As there is no official change list, note it down and we'll get there.
If you own, or have questions about the G2, this is not applicable, the software is different. This is for the Stock Desire Z as shipped. Thanks!!
Downloaded over WLAN and it installed in about 10 mins and several reboots. If you can, try hard reset as its been reported this helps with the SMS notification bug.
My observations (UK SIM free):
New Android build (2.2.1)
New Kernel ( Dec 1st)
New Radio (12.28e.60.140fU_26.04.02.17_M2)
Battery life better (mixed reports, but probably slightly better)
Rear speaker louder (again, needs to be tested in the wild)
Wireless LAN seems a lot quicker
Camera application improved.. (Stuttering improved when recording 720p Thanks, monomer888 & tbalden)
Snappier / Smoother menu transitions
More characters in hardware SYM list (like < and > )
Annoying Text message bug seems better but not solved (type screen jumps down as msg's load)
The delivery receipt now shows the contact name instead of the phone number. (Thanks missparker76)
Adding linked (Phone + Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) contacts to groups (e.g. Favorites) now works - they appear in the list of contacts when trying to add them. (Thanks Darthmelk)
SMS notifications.. Occasionally doesn't notify, sometimes cant dismiss until you go to the notification screen (Thanks Algobardo) HTC are aware..
Its lost my notification settings, sounds, volumes but that easy to put back. Kept themes, backgrounds, widgets and most other settings.
[RESOLVED] not connecting to phone. Messages and Contacts still sync but unable to get location, lock or ring phone.
Slightly increased lag when rotating sense (Thanks knoeki )
Gallery showing unviewable files as a broken icon, sometimes not updating (Thanks moolash)
New Dock menu item in settings?? (I thought it was new too Darthmelk)
LinkedIn and Picasa updates are either included, or working properly now. (Thanks Darthmelk)
HTC said something about camera improvements, notice anything there ?
Erm, there seems to be more settings to play with. Maybe a bit quicker to focus and flash timing improved..
And it fixed my menu button
MacaronyMax said:
And it fixed my menu button
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What was wrong with your Menu button ?
steviewevie said:
What was wrong with your Menu button ?
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It wouldn't work... The phone would vibrate when I pressed it but nothing would appear, although the one on the keyboard would open the menu
Got me scared at first... thought it was a faulty phone
I think there's a new "Dock" option in Settings, to start the Car Panel automatically when the phone is mounted in a holder. Was it there before? Probably there are lots of very small bug-fixes we don't notice.
Battery seems as bad as always for now (using push and 2hr syncs), the hardware keyboard still doesn't have the romanian symbol "ă" when long-pressing "a". Btw, is there a way to install other languages for the hardware keyboard? I only get English.
after the ota mine has a quite annoying problem.
When i read a sms message the notification on top doesn't disapper unless i access the messaging application through the notification itself.
Anyone with the same problem ?
Suggested solutions ?
Algobardo said:
after the ota mine has a quite annoying problem.
When i read a sms message the notification on top doesn't disapper unless i access the messaging application through the notification itself.
Anyone with the same problem ?
Suggested solutions ?
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Confirmed.. Thats annoying. [EDIT] SOMETIMES!!!! Its now working.
It did it for me initially when I got the phone with stock 1.34 but never did it again.. Maybe its while it refreshes / builds the back end database.
Just now I sent about 4 messages (from external devices) where it would not dismiss or in one case not even notify!! But i've sent about 10 now that work flawlessly every time.
Maybe worth clearing all the messages out after upgrading. Its clear they've been working on the SMS app as I don't get the jumping text box any more
darthmelk said:
...the hardware keyboard still doesn't have the romanian symbol "ă" when long-pressing "a". Btw, is there a way to install other languages for the hardware keyboard? I only get English.
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I think you need to change your locale to ro_RO (Romanian (Romania).
MacaronyMax said:
And it fixed my menu button
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Cant say I've every had that one! perhaps a bad flash from factory or a hangover from rooting??
Ive had that annoying notification bug (Hi, 1 week into desire z ownership btw), and I have definitely had messages without notification too. Does seem to be a bit random tho. Will see how it goes. Otherwise, it's a pretty good phone. Nice to see a section with ppl who don't root the lives outta their phones, i'm trying really hard not to for a while if i can, as you just end up changing things and re-setting everything up on a weekly basis else, and i've had enough of all that.
keinengel said:
I think you need to change your locale to ro_RO (Romanian (Romania).
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Nope, that will only change all the text into Romanian, but it will not add a Romanian hardware keyboard option (so no "ă" character when long-pressing "a").
Algobardo said:
after the ota mine has a quite annoying problem.
When i read a sms message the notification on top doesn't disapper unless i access the messaging application through the notification itself.
Anyone with the same problem ?
Suggested solutions ?
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At last - I'm not going mad - mine does this too after the OTA update - it's really really annoying. It's actually worse than described, because if you clear the notification by dragging the notification bar, any future SMS messages will *not* actually be alerted - no sound, no notification icon, no notification button number.
We need a fix...
I don't have this problem. If I get a new SMS, I can slide to the SMS widget and the notification clears instantly (but the SMS is still unread until I get to the SMS app, of course). If I clear the notification after dragging down the notification screen, I will get a new notification when a new SMS arrives.
"When i read a sms message the notification on top doesn't disapper" - where do you read the SMS if not inside the SMS app?
As i've previously posted, I haven't had the no notification or clear problem since.. I've been sending and receiving messages so it seems to clear itself. I use the messaging app from a shortcut.
See if it just clears by itself..
Yeah, ok. If it persists, I may use SMS Backup and clear out the database and start afresh. It is behaving at the moment...
Anyone notice the new teardrop caret/cursor when moving the cursor in a text input box?
Also, camera is still pants compared with my old Desire and the update doesn't seem to have done anything to improve quality.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
I got this for Xmas, I openen the box and before playing around with 1.34 that came with it I installed the OTA 1.72.
I am amazed, have no bugs to complain about. I do not see a reason to get root or so. Sense is fine, I love it.
I came from WM, pretty many tweak skills, but i don't need tweaking any yet.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
I have definitly noticed issue with sms notification too ... Undoubtly there is something wrong and it triggers just sometimes.
Another thing which may have changed is in menu where you choose your ring tone - I think there wasnt option to choose any mp3 from your phone. I had have to google some instructions how to do it which involved copying mp3 to the specific folder.
Yeah, updated fine all seems good, only thing to complain about is the SMS problems, doesnt even let me know i got a text most the time.
Tried factory reset erasing everything ect nothing helps
Just have to wait for a fix then i guess...

