how to watch movies - Touch Diamond2, Pure General

i would like to watch movies on my compact v
but how can i get them from dvds on to my phone and be able to play them

You use the following program ( and encode the video from whatever to .mp4 and watch it on the media player. I think the app is called Pictures & Videos..


Camera records into mp4, Windows Media does not play mp4

Then film clips I take with my XDA II are in mp4 format. I want to view them on my desktop computer. Windows media doesn't not recognise mp4. I have used Quicktime (I think) in the past but didn't like it. What is recommended to play mp4 videos? Or how can I get Windows Media to play it, if possible?
try looking hereøg&meta=
u can play real and quicktime files from Windows Media Player if u install the Real Alternatine and Quicktime Alternative :wink:

How to play .AVI files on X1?

i remember just dragging n dropping avi movies on my Blackberry bold ..i can just play the movie and enjoy it.
but on X1..the Windows media player says 'cannot play the file'
isnt it supposed to be more friendly with such formats?
NO..i am not willing to pay for a software just to play a world famous .avi format.
simple answer is NO you can not play avi's out of box. you have a couple options....either re-encode the video to another format or dl a different player. I like coreplayer and i know alot of other people like it as well. some people just get the divx player but you have to know what was used to encode the video as avi is only the container file and not the encoder.
most of my videos are DivX encoded...
so is it possible to install DivX codec on X1 and then play those files?
really sad but..i thot i can just drag n drop the movies on my mSD and watch
yeah using coreplayer or TCPMP
not sure if the codecs works with windows mobile media player though
but those 2 players does the job
Okay thanks a lot for the quick response guys.
i got hold of Coreplayer....just wanted to try.
it works..i just dragged n dropped some TV shows and movies ..and they work fine
i have yet to see such an awesome clarity on a mobile phone.
this is even better than bold because i can see the movies in widescreen and the contrast is superb

Can u watch Torrent DVD rips on X10?

it doesnt offer Xvid or DivX support....but can u watch 700 MB downloaded movie files on it?
It all depends on the file format of the video you're trying to watch. To my knowledge, Mediascape is really only capable of opening H.264 formatted videos. So if you DL a movie in that format, sure it cane play it. Otherwise you need third-party software like yxFlash to play other formats of video, or you need to convert the videos to H.264 format using software like Handbrake.
As for ability to playback: I have ripped my Avatar DVD to H.264 at full DVD video size (720x464) and the 900+MB file has no problem playing beautifully.
Depends in what format are movies. Device can't play Divx an Xvid movies (playing is jerky). And there is no player capable of playing divx/xvid movies. But device can play mp4 movies and I can say that picture is great. I also have Avatar, but in 800*480 resolution. You must see that picture

How to stream .mp4 videos on vibrant?

My friend showed me a website where he watches a bunch of films for free on his iphone 4.. (
So I wanted to see if I can stream it too from my vibrant... The funny thing is when I want to stream a mp4 movie the stock video player doesnt open the movie... but on my friends iphone it launches quicktime and plays it.
Here is my question I know that vibrant is obviously able to play mp4 format so what 3rd party app I can use to stream those movies????
Try Rock Player though...

Playing Movies on TF

One of the main reason's I bought my TF was to watch movies on airplanes. I put a handful of movies on my SD card, popped it in, and some of them don't play at all and some only play sound but no video.
Is there some kind of file type I need to use to watch movies? Is there a suggested movie player? I'm using Act 1.
I used Vplayer unlock version to play mp4 movies for my recent trip to Korea w/o any problem.Maybe you can try the Vplayer free version from the Market.
I use handbrake as per the thread below to encode and the movies play great.
I use the default video player.
Vplayer seems to be playing all my movies. Thanks for the suggestion!
I've got rockplayer on mine it's running anything and everything I throw at it as well.
MoboPlayer is another alternative
VPlayer, Mobo Player, Rock Player are all essentially the same thing.
They use a software foundation called ffmpeg to decode more video formats than the built in video player can handle. While they will all play most anything, they use your CPU to do the work rather than the much more efficient GPU.
Basically, if it plays in the stock video player, use that, otherwise use whichever V/Mobo/Rock player you want.
