Backlight on when phone is off - Touch Diamond2, Pure General

I've done the usual search and can't find anyone reporting this . . .
If I turn mt AT&T Pure off with the power button (not complete power down, just normal on/off) I notice a faint glow from the screen like it's still trying to show the backlight.
If I power up and then power down a second time, there is no glow.
This phone is running stock AT&T ROM, and it happens on battery power - so I'm concerned that it's draining the battery unnecessarily.
Battery settings -- "Auto adjust backlight" NOT checked
power save sliders around 30%.
Advanced tab -- "On battery power" - both boxes checked, 30 sec backlight off, 3 minutes turn off. "On external power" - neither box is checked
Any ideas?

Try installing this cab, changes registry to auto lock with power button.
If it doesn't work, you may consider a lock screen such as smart lock.

Thanks for the post, but I don't understand what it does -- could you explain how the phone should behave after installing the CAB?

Using this reg edit makes the device go into standby once you press the power button, no backlight staying on etc.
Includes the following reg edits.

Thank you very much!


Strange on new JasJar - no Keyboard backlight

Maybe I do something wrong. Doesnt work on Aoto or Manual. Pls help.
Did you check the keyboard settings ?
(in Settings/Personal/Buttons see the last tab called Backlight)
Is it dark when you try and use it? the light won't come on unless the ambient light level is low!
Thanks Tekflow,
Yes I did in both positions, auto and disable auto.
It pisses me off.... the JJ is brand new out of the box, I kindda hoped I'm stupid and I just don't know how to handle it...:-(
KB Backlight
Hi Tintoy,
Yes tried it even in complete darknes, but if you disable the Auto KB backlight sensor, there is suppossed to be a KB BL manual button (user manual pg 10, button # 5). Tried both sits. Nada.
Thank you,
Is it a hardware defect? On my MDP Pro it works very well.
Sounds like a hardware problem, doesn't it? Off to the service centre...
Hi guys, faulse alarm, I'm standing in the corner.... It does work but in its own logic, ...only when you actually press a key. I've expected that it should be on/off once the sensor dictates it's dark. Probably my own logic is faulty as I guess it could suck up the battery juice.. anyway, all's OK, thx .
that's good news ....
What I did is the following: I unchecked the "Enable Keyboard ..." and put the time to 10 sec for "Turn off if not used...".
So each time I press a key on the keyboard, it illuminates: I found this useful even in full day time in order to see clearly the signs in red. On another hand I did not notice really a significant difference in battery life.
What I did is the following: I unchecked the "Enable Keyboard ..." and put the time to 10 sec for "Turn off if not used...".
So each time I press a key on the keyboard, it illuminates: I found this useful even in full day time in order to see clearly the signs in red. On another hand I did not notice really a significant difference in battery life.
What would be preferable to losing the cool auto-sensor altogether is a reg hack to adjust the amount of darkness that triggers the sensor. It's set waaaaay too dark at the moment, and needs to come on in less dark surroundings. Any ideas?
I to have a exec, and have the keyboard back light set to come on when i push a key, but what is the button next to the voluse slider for as it dose nothing
If the screen backlight times out, pressing that button turns the backlight back on again. This avoids you having to tap the screen or press a key thus accidentally selecting something you didn't wanna do!
OH! thanks for the info on the button, But i have my screen and backligh both set for 5 mins so asume this buton would be needed if you set the screen to turn off after say 5 mins but the backlight to go off after 30 seconds?

HELP!! Backlight goes to power saving mode by itself

Anyone know how to get the backlight back to the original setting? I tried to go into Settings to Battery Icon and clicked on Backlight and adjusted it there but everytime the phone goes into sleep mode, the backlight always reverts to power saver mode and I cant see a damn thing on my screen. It is very frustrating...anyone know how to correct this problem? Am I doing something wrong???? TIA....M3
I have the same problem, but in my Wisard the problem happens when a soft reset is executed ... I was searching about it on the internet and I found that maybe the problem is an incopatibility between the fone and the SPB Pocket Plus backlight functionality ... I will try to uninstall the SPB to see what happens ...
Here's my backlight bug theory...
On the Wizard there are problems with any programs that try to change the backlight settings and often the result is they end up turning it off.
PocketZenPhone, PhoneAlarm and SPB Pocket Plus all have features to control the backlight (do you have the backlight plugin installed on your today screen?) that load at boot, or on the Today screen, and these seem to cause problems.
I use PhoneAlarm and have problems on occasion. Believe it or not I found the solution was to tell PA to set the backlight at 40% which it can't be set to on the Wizard (25% increments only) and it stops shutting it off. If I have it set for 50% (which *is* valid on the Wizard) it shuts it off.
Anyway this is my theory on the mysterious backlight bug, if anybody else has any other ideas, I'd love to hear them.
If you go to the backlight applet and check the Turn on backlight when a button is pressed or the screen is tapped on both the Battery Power and External Power tabs you should be all set. Had the same issue after the last iMate ROM update and this is what fixed it.
Hope it works for you. Good luck.


ok, I am aware of the power and backlight adjustments on the Universal, and I have the power set to turn off after 2 minutes to preserve battery.
What I am looking for is some software so that I can put an icon in Pocket Plus on the Today screen so that I can toggle Power always on, and turn off after 2 minutes. Reason for this is that I often have to watch screen prices that constantly update and am getting fed up of switching by going into start, settings, power, advanced blah blah....
Anybody know of any software that can toggle this setting and/or backlight setting?

Backscreen switches off during charging!!!

My xda exec's screen switches off when i put it into charging...although the battery is charged but the screen remains off till it is connected....the moment the charging pin is removed the backlight switches on........
does anyone have any idea what could possibly be wrong with this thing?
have u checked the backlight settings, theres a separate bar for the backlight when plugged in.. that might be right down..?
there could be a registry thing to stop it too...
Start | Settings | [System Tab] | Backlight
Within here, you have 3 tabs at the bottom of the screen.
Brightness, Battery Power, External Power. On the latter two options you should have the option to change whether or not the backlight stays on in those circumstances. For example, you can switch the backlight to go off after 10 seconds on external power.
Check this If it is still causing the issue when you have unchecked both of those boxes, well, you know where we are
tried all the backlight settings ..... brightness, battery power, external power.. ...but nothing worked ...the backlight used to switch on as soon as charging wire was removed or was put in camera mode even while charging.....finally had to reinstall the its fine....

Screen not turning off

For some reason my screen just dims instead of turning off when I dont use the phone. If I press the hang up button it goes off like normal but if I just set it down it dims and stays on, draining my battery... Has anyone else experienced this?
starsanddots said:
For some reason my screen just dims instead of turning off when I dont use the phone. If I press the hang up button it goes off like normal but if I just set it down it dims and stays on, draining my battery... Has anyone else experienced this?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I take it you've already checked your backlight settings in Settings, Power ?
Yes and I have done a soft reset as well. I'm not really a "phone guy" so I hope this is something easy to fix....
The way I have my device setup to get round this problem is this:
Go to Settings>Sound&Display> then scroll down until you see Display then click on Backlight.
On the page that appears, scroll down to "On Battery Power". Here put a tick in the box "Dim Backlight..." and set the time you want to allow before this function kicks in (mine is set at 2 mins).
Next, move down to "Turn off Device..", put a tick in here, and then set how long you want the device to stay on for before it goes off (mine is set at 3 mins).
You can use whatever time settings you feel comfortable with. Please note that it is the setting for "Turn Device Off..." that will blank your screen for you. The other setting simply dims it and leaves it running, as you have said before.
If battery performance is an issue for you, take the tick off "Automatically adjust backlight" and put in your own settings. So here, for example, I have my backlight on battery permanently set at 30% and on External Power, 60%.
The screen is so big you get blinded at anything above 60% (well at least I do).
Hope this helps.
screen not turning off...during call via BT-headset
Hi guys!
My screen does not turn off even during phone call via Bluetooth-headset.
Any ideas how to fix it?

