Need POWER/BACKLIGHT solution - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

ok, I am aware of the power and backlight adjustments on the Universal, and I have the power set to turn off after 2 minutes to preserve battery.
What I am looking for is some software so that I can put an icon in Pocket Plus on the Today screen so that I can toggle Power always on, and turn off after 2 minutes. Reason for this is that I often have to watch screen prices that constantly update and am getting fed up of switching by going into start, settings, power, advanced blah blah....
Anybody know of any software that can toggle this setting and/or backlight setting?


Backlight resetting to minimum when device switched on

For some reason my device has suddenly started switching to the minimum backlight setting whenever it's switched on. If I go to the backlight settings and then adjust the slider it will stay at the selected brightness until it switches off. When it switches back on again it's at minimum brightness and I can hardly see the screen!
This started happening after I installed and then removed PocketZenPhone.
I don't really want to hard-reset the device unless I absolutely have to - does anyone know what registry key sets the default switch-on brightness?
I dont have the solution but I have had the same problem intermittently. Can be really aggravating in the dark because it can be hard to get to the proper screen to increase the backlight. Hasnt happened in a while. Have not been able to figure out what triggers it. Have not installed PocketZenPHone. Curious if anyone has an explanation.
yah, i've noticed this to, sometimes i'll hit the power button to take it off standby and the backlight would be off. first couple of times it scared the hell out of me cuz i thought the screen had broke or burnt out.
also i noticed the version of spb pocket plus i'm using (3.04 build 4195) doesnt adjust the backlight brightness.
Now that you mention it. the SPB Pocket plus backlight does not work for me either. Strange...
Well I think I've managed to "fix" this by setting the following;
Backlight Settings:
On battery power, turn off backlight if device is not used for [5 min]
Turn on backlight when a button is pressed or the screen is tapped
Power Settings
On battery power: Turn off device if not used for [3 minutes]
I think the key thing here is to have the device auto-switch-off BEFORE the backlight timer kicks in. Since setting the above three settings I have not had the same problem again.
Ill give it a try as well.
Hmm...maybe someone can help me. One day, my backlight timer settings when the PDA's not plugged in reset to 10 seconds (in the registry it has it as 7 seconds). I'll go in and change it to 2 minutes (the original setting I had it at), but the minute I turn it off, it resets back again to the 10 seconds setting. I even tried going into the registry and changing it, and it resets it back to 10 seconds. I suspect it may have something to do with an entry in the "scheduled tasks" but it looks like a complete mess. Is there some kind of scheduled tasks cleanup utility?
hello i have the same problem using phothet with WM6
I had the same problem often about 15 months ago - it happened often each day.
I posted herw but had no joy with a solution - but then found one on Modoco (i was looking about March/April 2006).
Even with that - it has still done if perhaps five or six times since - and basically makes the phone unusuable if it happens somewhere or time with poor light.
My KJam backlight keeps changing by itself to dark
Suddenly my KJam backlight always turns to low without me doing so, then I have to change it to high, barely can see what I’m doing as it is almost black. This is kept happening especially after I installed Pocketweather. I reinstalled the Rom, it worked fine then suddenly it is back again when I switch the screen off, or automatically it is switched off, the backlight slider I find it at the lowest end.
Why thus is happening, it’s driving me crazy, please help me

Turn Universal on/off by opening/closing Lid

Hi all,
I upgraded to an O2 Exec a little over a week ago from a Blue Angel.
Initially I had a few concerns about it, but thankfully I found this forum, and have managed to get a number of enhancements, from increased storage and better radio (v1.09) to being able to turn on the flash light using a hardware button. My Exec is now running faster than my Blue Angel ever did, and hasn't frozen once. I've already become quite attached to it.
One thing that I think would be useful would be to have the unit turn on when the lid is opened, and off when it is closed. In the Power settings you can uncheck the box that turns off the device if it is not used for x mins, which has the effect that the screen will come on whenever the lid is opened. However, because the device is still running the battery still takes quite a hit even though the screen is turned off, and even when you lower the cpu speed.
Is it possible to turn the device on and off by opening and closing the lid?
Hi, I have mine set to come on and off when you open close the lid, and it's set exactly how you have said. Power settings, and stop the device going off. And Backlight settings, stop the backlight dimming, and lower the backlight when on battery mode.
There is no "off" mode like Nokia handsets, only Standby, which is what happens when the screen is closed. (I think).
jmdrizen said:
Hi, I have mine set to come on and off when you open close the lid, and it's set exactly how you have said. Power settings, and stop the device going off. And Backlight settings, stop the backlight dimming, and lower the backlight when on battery mode.
There is no "off" mode like Nokia handsets, only Standby, which is what happens when the screen is closed. (I think).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You're not really going into standby mode by closing the case, try switching on wifi or bluetooth and look at the flashing indicator LED, it will still be going whien the case is closed. Nowtap the power button to put the device into standby, no more flashing LED. The phone LED still flashes which is a good thing otherwise you wouldn't be able to recieve calls in standby.
shuflie said:
Nowtap the power button to put the device into standby, no more flashing LED. The phone LED still flashes which is a good thing otherwise you wouldn't be able to recieve calls in standby.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
From what I know, the Universal has no real OFF mode, only standby, EVEN WHEN YOU PRESS THE POWER BUTTON. On mine, BT and WiFi still flashes even when I press the power button or just close the screen.
Pressing and holding the power button turns the backlight off, a quick press (or tap as I said before) makes it go to standby and should turn off everything but the phone part.
Okay well weve taken a really fun detour discussing the technicalities of standby and 'power off' but lets digress for a moment back to the original topic...
Rabangus, seems the best option you have is what you were doing. The hit to battery shouldnt be that large. I gave it a try not too long ago the way you and the other member had it set up again, and yes youll definitely have to charge it every night but it was doable. But I wasnt using wifi or bluetooth either. I am surprised that using Xscaler it still takes way to much battery. I assume thats what you are using to lower the CPU.
Oh well unfortuntely thats the way it is chief.

Problem with baclight going off...

Got my TouchHD had it for awhile now, however i have recently noticed...
I have the setting Ticked for;
Turn off backlight if device is not used for - 30seconds.
Turn off device if not used for - 2minutes.
So, after waiting 30seconds the backlight will go out, should i touch the screen, remove the stylus.... the screen will stay dim unless 1 of 2 things are done:
Turn device off then back on OR;
Goto Settings > Power > Backlight > Then make a adjustment to the slider.
This is rather annoying now.
Any ideas?
Yeah, it's either designed this way or its a bug.
I got very used to tapping the power button with this device. Its now a habit to control the back light. I hate iPhone comparisons, but I did this on the iPhone as a habit to save battery. Definitely, not the same issue on the HD with its amazing battery life.

Setting for turning off the screen while charging?

I can only find a setting for turning off the device which I don't want to do because sometimes I sync files and I don't want the phone to turn off in the middle. Surely there is a way to turn off the screen though? It bugs me that it is always on when the phone is charging.
Go to Menu > Settings > Power >
Then click the advanced tab along the bottom
and if you only want the backlight to turn off and keep the device powered while charging
On external power:
enable turn off backlight (and choose after how many minutes)
disable turn off device if not used
Isnt turning the device off turning the screen off? As in throwing the device into standby?
When my X1 is in standby (after pushing the power button), I can still access it from my computer...

Backlight on when phone is off

I've done the usual search and can't find anyone reporting this . . .
If I turn mt AT&T Pure off with the power button (not complete power down, just normal on/off) I notice a faint glow from the screen like it's still trying to show the backlight.
If I power up and then power down a second time, there is no glow.
This phone is running stock AT&T ROM, and it happens on battery power - so I'm concerned that it's draining the battery unnecessarily.
Battery settings -- "Auto adjust backlight" NOT checked
power save sliders around 30%.
Advanced tab -- "On battery power" - both boxes checked, 30 sec backlight off, 3 minutes turn off. "On external power" - neither box is checked
Any ideas?
Try installing this cab, changes registry to auto lock with power button.
If it doesn't work, you may consider a lock screen such as smart lock.
Thanks for the post, but I don't understand what it does -- could you explain how the phone should behave after installing the CAB?
Using this reg edit makes the device go into standby once you press the power button, no backlight staying on etc.
Includes the following reg edits.
Thank you very much!

