Strange on new JasJar - no Keyboard backlight - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Maybe I do something wrong. Doesnt work on Aoto or Manual. Pls help.

Did you check the keyboard settings ?
(in Settings/Personal/Buttons see the last tab called Backlight)

Is it dark when you try and use it? the light won't come on unless the ambient light level is low!

Thanks Tekflow,
Yes I did in both positions, auto and disable auto.
It pisses me off.... the JJ is brand new out of the box, I kindda hoped I'm stupid and I just don't know how to handle it...:-(

KB Backlight
Hi Tintoy,
Yes tried it even in complete darknes, but if you disable the Auto KB backlight sensor, there is suppossed to be a KB BL manual button (user manual pg 10, button # 5). Tried both sits. Nada.
Thank you,

Is it a hardware defect? On my MDP Pro it works very well.

Sounds like a hardware problem, doesn't it? Off to the service centre...

Hi guys, faulse alarm, I'm standing in the corner.... It does work but in its own logic, ...only when you actually press a key. I've expected that it should be on/off once the sensor dictates it's dark. Probably my own logic is faulty as I guess it could suck up the battery juice.. anyway, all's OK, thx .

that's good news ....

What I did is the following: I unchecked the "Enable Keyboard ..." and put the time to 10 sec for "Turn off if not used...".
So each time I press a key on the keyboard, it illuminates: I found this useful even in full day time in order to see clearly the signs in red. On another hand I did not notice really a significant difference in battery life.

What I did is the following: I unchecked the "Enable Keyboard ..." and put the time to 10 sec for "Turn off if not used...".
So each time I press a key on the keyboard, it illuminates: I found this useful even in full day time in order to see clearly the signs in red. On another hand I did not notice really a significant difference in battery life.

What would be preferable to losing the cool auto-sensor altogether is a reg hack to adjust the amount of darkness that triggers the sensor. It's set waaaaay too dark at the moment, and needs to come on in less dark surroundings. Any ideas?

I to have a exec, and have the keyboard back light set to come on when i push a key, but what is the button next to the voluse slider for as it dose nothing

If the screen backlight times out, pressing that button turns the backlight back on again. This avoids you having to tap the screen or press a key thus accidentally selecting something you didn't wanna do!

OH! thanks for the info on the button, But i have my screen and backligh both set for 5 mins so asume this buton would be needed if you set the screen to turn off after say 5 mins but the backlight to go off after 30 seconds?


Increase Keyboard Backlight Time

Is there a way to keep the light of the keyboard a bit longer?
Can i do something via registry?
Change the keyboard backlight duration
To change the duration of the keyboard backlight, you can set (example is 30 seconds):
HKCU\ControlPanel\Backlight\QKeyLedTimeout = 30 (DWORD decimal)
Please note that this may not work on some devices. One such notable exception is the HTC Wizard.
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Now, the second question.....and most usefull for me.
Can we keep the keyboard light on all the time when the device is under charging?
This could be perfect for inCar use while charging.
Nothing ???.. :?
I'm looking for this answer since long time... and, even if I didn't find the answer, I'm glad I found somebody having my same question (even if some months ago)! ... better than nothing's a start.
So anyone knows how to keep the keyboard light always on when device is on charge?
i wish you could change the color
for colorblind (red/green blind) people RED is useless.
:shock: I don't know if you mean the red on the flag, the red of vodafone logo or the red of the keyboard... but I will change all of them if you find the answer! :lol:
I changed it to 65535 and the registry editor seemed to accept it, I make that about 18 hours before it times out, nice thing is it still goes out and stays out if you power down, but it goes out and comes back on if you close.
I've written an app to give independant control of the keyboard lights (and red/green keys), manual on, manual off.
However, gooroo's solution sounds like a better workaround.
Still looking for a solution for this one too.
I don't think I can use the change timeout to 65000, because my device doesn't autoswitchoff (disabled that) because the BT keeps f*cking up.
So after 30 sec my backlight just turns off, the device keeps on. Setting the keyboard timeout to 65000 would kill my battery cause it will always be on.
Viper, so what do you propose? You don't want to extend timeout?
I've always had set it to 30/60 seconds.
I think the problem is that wm5 doesn't support keyboard backlight like the normal backlight (which has settings for battery/AC)
just trying 65000sec and see if that works a bit. But I have to see if it doesn't drain the battery and all.
Ok this option works perfect for me.
And yes changing the value to 65000 will let your keyboard light be on permanently (practicaly then)
But your keyboard light auto-switches off when your Backlight does.
So in the car it's on power, so this will keep the backlight on full brightness + always keyboard lights
on battery the backlight goes out after 30 sec and so will the keyboard. But when i touch the screen both will jump on.
Is there a way to keep the light of the keyboard a bit longer in HTC Artemis/P3300?

How long does it take to your tytn to wake up?

My tytn require a quite large amount of time to wake up and I was wondering if I was the only one in this case.
It may require from 2 to 4 seconds to recover from standby; I tried to phone myself and it took about one or 2 "tuuuut" (sorry, no better english translation for that word =)) before the phone began to ring; this is quite anoying because I have to answer very fast in order not to miss call.
The virtual keyboard used for inputing the code is also getting on my nerv; most of the time it start with the landscape layout (without any reason) and it take 2 sec to adjust to the portrait layout; during that time it is hard for me to input my code correctly because the size of the key is changing.
So, 2-4 seconds for waking up plus 2 seconds for keyboard adjustement is in my opinion quite slow. Am I the only one experiencing this? Are there fixes out there?
I also have some trouble with notification; it wake the device up! If the device is not password protected (only after 15 minutes on my phone) it start most of the time PIE (because of the hardware button). All this lead so to my second question: Is there a way not to wake up the device (at least the input) in order to avoid unwanted press on the hardwares buttons.
Thank you in advance !
fun_key said:
Is there a way not to wake up the device (at least the input) in order to avoid unwanted press on the hardwares buttons.
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Settings -> System -> Key Lock -> When device is off: "Lock all buttons except Power button"
Thanks for your fast answer, i ll give a try!
Concerning the screen orientation issue I found out that it is related to the HTC case magnet.
In fact it was already configured like this; the device is not waked up by the hardware buttons, but by the notifications.
if you use the key lock you can avoid unwanted key presses. As for wake up times. I don't think anyone who has this device wants to admit that it takes to long cause they paid sooo much for it. However, I will admit that it does take a long time to wake up. I am comfortable saying this because its much like a turbo car, at first its not as fast as most naturally aspirated cars (turbo lag), then it blows their doors off. So it takes a couple seconds to wake up, then its faster then most other devices.
Later, Lew
Agreed. Coming from standby I get two rings of the "Old Phone" ringtone before it goes to voice mail.
I am hoping that new firmware will resolve this issue - my wizard was certainly more responsive when i presses the poer button to bring it out of standby. This is furthur delayed by the fact that i keep scabbling around the top of the device for the power button insted of the side!
pof said:
Settings -> System -> Key Lock -> When device is off: "Lock all buttons except Power button"
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This doesn't help with the particular problem. What I think fun_key is trying to say is that whenever he gets a notification (for example when he gets a new sms message or a notification for a meeting) the phone will come out of sleep mode, so the key lock setting for "when device is off" won't be in effect. Instead the device will be powered up and accepting all keypresses, like the IE / Messaging- buttons, not to mention any presses on the screen.
I too find this annoying, and wish there was a way to make the phone go back to sleep after showing me a notification, instead of waiting for the default sleep time to go by. There are programs out there that have this functionality (for example MortSaver) though, so my advice would be to use those.
- Pud.0
thank for the mortsaver ip; i ll give a try!
Have exactly the same problems as fun_key (power button, keyboard in landscape, etc), and I suspect most of other people do. The wizard was definitely more responsive.
fun_key said:
It may require from 2 to 4 seconds to recover from standby; I tried to phone myself and it took about one or 2 "tuuuut" (sorry, no better english translation for that word =)) before the phone began to ring; this is quite anoying because I have to answer very fast in order not to miss call.QUOTE]
I've found a solution to the problem regarding the length of time before a call is missed (this is probably known by most people, I only found it after tinkering with the settings):
Start>Settings>Phone>Services(Tab). Choose Call Forwarding in the list, then click Get Settings. Change the 'Forward After' setting to a higher number. I changed mine to 25 seconds. Problem solved for me!
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g00nerz said:
fun_key said:
It may require from 2 to 4 seconds to recover from standby; I tried to phone myself and it took about one or 2 "tuuuut" (sorry, no better english translation for that word =)) before the phone began to ring; this is quite anoying because I have to answer very fast in order not to miss call.QUOTE]
I've found a solution to the problem regarding the length of time before a call is missed (this is probably known by most people, I only found it after tinkering with the settings):
Start>Settings>Phone>Services(Tab). Choose Call Forwarding in the list, then click Get Settings. Change the 'Forward After' setting to a higher number. I changed mine to 25 seconds. Problem solved for me!
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Glad your problem is solved. Perhaps others may find the following of note as well as your solution above:
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Hi team
I have the same issue, every time i turn my hermes on after its been off for more than say 30seconds it starts in landscape mode then switches to portraite mode, its driving me mad, at least i now know i am not the only person. maybe this will be fixed in the next rom update, fingers crossed aye
UPDATE: i also found this thread
does anyone have any thoughts on his comments?
I actually think that the reply in the thread i posted above is correct,
My Hermes is an IMATE JASJAM (same thing of course) and i use the original belt holder that came with it, it has two (2) magnets in it to keep the cover shut, when ever i get a msg and i pull it out of the case (turns on automatically to show me the msg) its always comes out in landscape mode.
I turned my phone on and passed the cover with magnet side down over the phone and sure enough as i did that the screen changed from portrait to landscape mode, thus confirming its the magnet that causes it and not a defect with the phone.

Controling the Camera "flash" LED

Does anyone know of a utility to directly switch on and off the white LED used as camera flash on the TyTn? It strikes me that this would make a great flashlight (torch) if it could be easily switched on and off from a today screen launcher icon or from a hard key assignment.
I know you can switch it on by starting the camera utility and switching to movie mode (it comes on immediately, you do not actually have to start recording a movie), but that takes too long when you are fumbling in the dark!
Many thanks. Small donation on the way - do not spend it all at once!
Why do you say prolonged use will cause damage? It looks like an LED to me, which should have long service life. Admittedly for the still camera, electronics could be rated for flash use only due to thermal reasons, but it comes on for longer times when recording video. If rated for more than a minute or so continuous use, I'd expect it to last for the lifetime of the LED.
Yeah, we've had discussions about this, and although I've never had problems with it, others have burnt out their leds after prolonged periods (> 1 min I guess).
I use an automatic timeout after 30 seconds.
We're not sure why the LEDs can burn out, possibly they're being driven to an extra bright setting, or only rated for flash use on a pulse basis.
The led can actually go even brighter, but it's not worth it for the risk.
Small problem....
Sorry Vijay, I ran into a small problem.
I was hoping to assign this to a hardware button (long press of the camera button using Vito ButtonMapper), with a toggle action. However, except for -on and -off, all the command modes seem to require the button to be held down for the light to stay on. Even with the no-parameter version, the screen window dissapears again when I release the button.
Is this behaviour intentional? If so, would it be possible to have a -tog switch such that if the LED is off, it switches it on, if on off?
I think this was intentional, so that you couldn't accidentally leave it on.
However, which version are you using, the full version or VJCandelaLite?
I think the lite version offers specific command line options, but even then, I think the auto off was intentional.
I tried all the installed shortcuts, including VJCandelaLite. With the exception of VJCandela On and Off, they all switch the LED off as soon as the button is released. Interestingly this behaviour is different if you just tap the shortcut in Programs. In this case, generally the LED stays on for a 30 second timeout. There must be some fancy programming here to detect it's started from a button?
VJCandella On does not seem to have a timeout (or it's too long for my patience!), but problem with this is you'd need to assign another button to the Off function, hence my suggestion of a toggle. I'd be happy with a timeout on it though, but not with having to hold the button pressed all the time.
I did a quick test using the camera app supplied with the TyTn - you can switch the LED on in video mode and it times out after 2 minutes, so HTC clearly regard it as safe to run it this long.

Disabling the lockscreen after waking the phone up

Hi guys!
So I'll have to wait for my preordered HD2 untill 20th November here in Poland, but watching all the preview videos, a question arose in my head. I know the device isn't out yet, but its rom builds are already flying around, so maybe someone knows the answer. Will it be possible to disable showing of the lock screen after waking up the phone with the end call/power button and the device taking you immediately to the homescreen? I'm used to that on my TD2, and I think that using the phone this way is just much faster.
If i have undersood ur question correctly by completely disabling lock screen of ur future Leo, then yeah, thats possible. If u navigate through ur moving cursor to Settings, then Sound and Display and finally to Backlight options, there two options exist, when phone its on battery and/or External power, to either set the time limit to have the screen locked (and dim backlight of course) or to completely diselect it, which actually disables Leo to show and/or show lock screen.
Hope that clarification helped you
It sure did, thanks a lot I just hope that the buttons on the face of the HD2 will turn out to be as "shallow", flat and "stiff" as they look like in the vids, so that no accidental pressing of the end key while the device is in the pocket will be possible in practice
jgal said:
It sure did, thanks a lot I just hope that the buttons on the face of the HD2 will turn out to be as "shallow", flat and "stiff" as they look like in the vids, so that no accidental pressing of the end key while the device is in the pocket will be possible in practice
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I did not think about the accidental pressing of END key before, but this will surely worry me, atleast I get the handset myself and test it in real-life...
Well even if any accidental cliks will be happening, then the lock screen will actually come in handy
well even if the buttons get pressed somehow, the screen won't react to pressure so only buttons will work if there's no lockscreen
You're right, good point hehe I guess all of us WM fans will have to get used to capacitive screens and their advantages/disadvantages
I think there will be 2 potential risks...
1. "Send" button is pressed accidentally more than once (last dialed number will be dialed)
2. Any keys get accidentally pressed continuously (device will remain on impacting battery life)
So yet a good screen locking solution will be recommended
3. "end call/power" button pressed and hold -> device turns off (at least I think so..or is there a "confirmation screen"??) -> you don't get any incoming calls/messages/etc at all =)
Btw, if you turn off the stuff as B3ler3fonte said, would there be any locking at all? So would touchscreen etc be allways "ready" and consuming battery?
In my Diamond2 (I dont use any lock screen or anything) when the screen is turned off and I press long the power button, the confirmation for powering off the device does in fact pop up, but the screen remains turned off, so its impossible to confirm the power off prompt (I see the prompt popped up when I press the pwr button once again to turn on the screen). So probably no threat from here. And even if the screen activates and the prompt for turning off the phone does come out, there's no way of confirming it in your pocket - thats the capacitive screen advantage. But the battery draining issues may occur at some scale... I guess we'll see how it all turns out in real life. The probably unavoidable problem will be if the end button would be possible to get pressed by accident - then we would be facing constant battery drainage with the lockscreen always appearing for no reason.
kabakara said:
Btw, if you turn off the stuff as B3ler3fonte said, would there be any locking at all? So would touchscreen etc be allways "ready" and consuming battery?
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That could help but won't much, because(at least current models) they wake up upon any reminder, battery low, call, text, etc. Besides you will have to use both hands to turn phone on (the top button, unless you got ET fingers ) HD is tall...
Cannot see that menu item
B3ler3fonte said:
. If u navigate through ur moving cursor to Settings, then Sound and Display and finally to Backlight options, there two options exist, when phone its on battery and/or External power, to either set the time limit to have the screen locked (and dim backlight of course) or to completely diselect it, which actually disables Leo to show and/or show lock screen.
Hope that clarification helped you
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Sorry but there is no setting for lockscreen in this menu. There is only settings for the backlight in battery or charged mode.
There is no control for the lockscreen at all Still looking for a way to completely disable this damned lockscreen.
Agreed - even the entry in the Settings tab that claims to control the lockscreen seems to have no impact (I have mine set to 12 hours and it completely ignores that) and the standard registry hacks don't seem to have any effect.
This is a real puzzler!
jgal said:
Hi guys!
So I'll have to wait for my preordered HD2 untill 20th November here in Poland, but watching all the preview videos, a question arose in my head. I know the device isn't out yet, but its rom builds are already flying around, so maybe someone knows the answer. Will it be possible to disable showing of the lock screen after waking up the phone with the end call/power button and the device taking you immediately to the homescreen? I'm used to that on my TD2, and I think that using the phone this way is just much faster.
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back to the original topic:
changing the registry key: HKey_current_user/ControlPanel/Backlight/AutodevicelockEnable to value '0' (zero) works with other 6.5 roms
by default it must have seen to '1'
edit: my bad, its been solved already
idrisito said:
back to the original topic:
changing the registry key: HKey_current_user/ControlPanel/Backlight/AutodevicelockEnable to value '0' (zero) works with other 6.5 roms
by default it must have seen to '1'
edit: my bad, its been solved already
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Is it solved already?? i can`t find it
mika34 said:
Is it solved already?? i can`t find it
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the clarification was made to the guy who started the thread in post 3. if thats not it then the reg change i have put it should disable/enable the lock screen if the power button is pressed

screen does not shut off after timeout

so I put the dimming to be after 30 seconds, which works.
however I put it to shutdown the scree after one minutes, however it stays on forever, unless I physically press the hang up key, the screen will be on all the time.
the other question I have.
2- When I search on google, and press on one of the results in opera it takes me to the definition page, rather than the actual result that I wanted
3- is there a fix for LED notification, I installed the cab to fix that, but it didnt make a difference.
4- the pink spot at the middle, I searched around but didnt see any real solution
can anyone help please
While I can't offer any help, I can feel your pain! I too am experiencing this f**ing event! I placed in my pocket before boarding for a 6 hour flight yesterday and found it still powered on when the flight had ended. I had just enough power to make and receive a call! Great.
I've double/triple checked my settings after this same thing happened to me previously! WTF!
i had the same problem what you need to do is to change the screen light setting in the settings menu
moneysaver05 said:
i had the same problem what you need to do is to change the screen light setting in the settings menu
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Ok. I'll try your suggestion, but please tell me what the screen light setting should be?
just go to the backlight settings, tap ok and it seems to be fixed..
(but offcourse check if is set to turn off after a minute or whatever your needs are)
I experienced this yesterday.. just like in normal windows, some functions just stop working with no particulair reason.. I don't really worry about it.. probably fixed in the next rom.. same sometimes happens with the screen lock, sometimes it's gone.. also after reboot, althought I find it more convient that way, it can be fixed by locking the device manually.. this does proof we can disable the device lock somewhere, I really don't need it in the case I use, the power button is enough..
good tip to always push the power button before putting the device away.. saves a lot of battery too then to wait for the minute before it powers of by itself.. the large screen is the battery's biggest consumer.. this way you also don't have to trust the automatic power off.
problem is pushing the power is not enough.
because if there were any even that woke the phone up, it will never shut down the screen unless you saw it, and do it manually
mmmalas said:
problem is pushing the power is not enough.
because if there were any even that woke the phone up, it will never shut down the screen unless you saw it, and do it manually
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no the automatic power down is seperate from the screen lock, but for some reason they connected it with the automatic power down and left the options to choose out.

