Controling the Camera "flash" LED - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Does anyone know of a utility to directly switch on and off the white LED used as camera flash on the TyTn? It strikes me that this would make a great flashlight (torch) if it could be easily switched on and off from a today screen launcher icon or from a hard key assignment.
I know you can switch it on by starting the camera utility and switching to movie mode (it comes on immediately, you do not actually have to start recording a movie), but that takes too long when you are fumbling in the dark!


Many thanks. Small donation on the way - do not spend it all at once!
Why do you say prolonged use will cause damage? It looks like an LED to me, which should have long service life. Admittedly for the still camera, electronics could be rated for flash use only due to thermal reasons, but it comes on for longer times when recording video. If rated for more than a minute or so continuous use, I'd expect it to last for the lifetime of the LED.

Yeah, we've had discussions about this, and although I've never had problems with it, others have burnt out their leds after prolonged periods (> 1 min I guess).
I use an automatic timeout after 30 seconds.
We're not sure why the LEDs can burn out, possibly they're being driven to an extra bright setting, or only rated for flash use on a pulse basis.
The led can actually go even brighter, but it's not worth it for the risk.

Small problem....
Sorry Vijay, I ran into a small problem.
I was hoping to assign this to a hardware button (long press of the camera button using Vito ButtonMapper), with a toggle action. However, except for -on and -off, all the command modes seem to require the button to be held down for the light to stay on. Even with the no-parameter version, the screen window dissapears again when I release the button.
Is this behaviour intentional? If so, would it be possible to have a -tog switch such that if the LED is off, it switches it on, if on off?

I think this was intentional, so that you couldn't accidentally leave it on.
However, which version are you using, the full version or VJCandelaLite?
I think the lite version offers specific command line options, but even then, I think the auto off was intentional.

I tried all the installed shortcuts, including VJCandelaLite. With the exception of VJCandela On and Off, they all switch the LED off as soon as the button is released. Interestingly this behaviour is different if you just tap the shortcut in Programs. In this case, generally the LED stays on for a 30 second timeout. There must be some fancy programming here to detect it's started from a button?
VJCandella On does not seem to have a timeout (or it's too long for my patience!), but problem with this is you'd need to assign another button to the Off function, hence my suggestion of a toggle. I'd be happy with a timeout on it though, but not with having to hold the button pressed all the time.
I did a quick test using the camera app supplied with the TyTn - you can switch the LED on in video mode and it times out after 2 minutes, so HTC clearly regard it as safe to run it this long.


Strange on new JasJar - no Keyboard backlight

Maybe I do something wrong. Doesnt work on Aoto or Manual. Pls help.
Did you check the keyboard settings ?
(in Settings/Personal/Buttons see the last tab called Backlight)
Is it dark when you try and use it? the light won't come on unless the ambient light level is low!
Thanks Tekflow,
Yes I did in both positions, auto and disable auto.
It pisses me off.... the JJ is brand new out of the box, I kindda hoped I'm stupid and I just don't know how to handle it...:-(
KB Backlight
Hi Tintoy,
Yes tried it even in complete darknes, but if you disable the Auto KB backlight sensor, there is suppossed to be a KB BL manual button (user manual pg 10, button # 5). Tried both sits. Nada.
Thank you,
Is it a hardware defect? On my MDP Pro it works very well.
Sounds like a hardware problem, doesn't it? Off to the service centre...
Hi guys, faulse alarm, I'm standing in the corner.... It does work but in its own logic, ...only when you actually press a key. I've expected that it should be on/off once the sensor dictates it's dark. Probably my own logic is faulty as I guess it could suck up the battery juice.. anyway, all's OK, thx .
that's good news ....
What I did is the following: I unchecked the "Enable Keyboard ..." and put the time to 10 sec for "Turn off if not used...".
So each time I press a key on the keyboard, it illuminates: I found this useful even in full day time in order to see clearly the signs in red. On another hand I did not notice really a significant difference in battery life.
What I did is the following: I unchecked the "Enable Keyboard ..." and put the time to 10 sec for "Turn off if not used...".
So each time I press a key on the keyboard, it illuminates: I found this useful even in full day time in order to see clearly the signs in red. On another hand I did not notice really a significant difference in battery life.
What would be preferable to losing the cool auto-sensor altogether is a reg hack to adjust the amount of darkness that triggers the sensor. It's set waaaaay too dark at the moment, and needs to come on in less dark surroundings. Any ideas?
I to have a exec, and have the keyboard back light set to come on when i push a key, but what is the button next to the voluse slider for as it dose nothing
If the screen backlight times out, pressing that button turns the backlight back on again. This avoids you having to tap the screen or press a key thus accidentally selecting something you didn't wanna do!
OH! thanks for the info on the button, But i have my screen and backligh both set for 5 mins so asume this buton would be needed if you set the screen to turn off after say 5 mins but the backlight to go off after 30 seconds?

Turn Universal on/off by opening/closing Lid

Hi all,
I upgraded to an O2 Exec a little over a week ago from a Blue Angel.
Initially I had a few concerns about it, but thankfully I found this forum, and have managed to get a number of enhancements, from increased storage and better radio (v1.09) to being able to turn on the flash light using a hardware button. My Exec is now running faster than my Blue Angel ever did, and hasn't frozen once. I've already become quite attached to it.
One thing that I think would be useful would be to have the unit turn on when the lid is opened, and off when it is closed. In the Power settings you can uncheck the box that turns off the device if it is not used for x mins, which has the effect that the screen will come on whenever the lid is opened. However, because the device is still running the battery still takes quite a hit even though the screen is turned off, and even when you lower the cpu speed.
Is it possible to turn the device on and off by opening and closing the lid?
Hi, I have mine set to come on and off when you open close the lid, and it's set exactly how you have said. Power settings, and stop the device going off. And Backlight settings, stop the backlight dimming, and lower the backlight when on battery mode.
There is no "off" mode like Nokia handsets, only Standby, which is what happens when the screen is closed. (I think).
jmdrizen said:
Hi, I have mine set to come on and off when you open close the lid, and it's set exactly how you have said. Power settings, and stop the device going off. And Backlight settings, stop the backlight dimming, and lower the backlight when on battery mode.
There is no "off" mode like Nokia handsets, only Standby, which is what happens when the screen is closed. (I think).
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You're not really going into standby mode by closing the case, try switching on wifi or bluetooth and look at the flashing indicator LED, it will still be going whien the case is closed. Nowtap the power button to put the device into standby, no more flashing LED. The phone LED still flashes which is a good thing otherwise you wouldn't be able to recieve calls in standby.
shuflie said:
Nowtap the power button to put the device into standby, no more flashing LED. The phone LED still flashes which is a good thing otherwise you wouldn't be able to recieve calls in standby.
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From what I know, the Universal has no real OFF mode, only standby, EVEN WHEN YOU PRESS THE POWER BUTTON. On mine, BT and WiFi still flashes even when I press the power button or just close the screen.
Pressing and holding the power button turns the backlight off, a quick press (or tap as I said before) makes it go to standby and should turn off everything but the phone part.
Okay well weve taken a really fun detour discussing the technicalities of standby and 'power off' but lets digress for a moment back to the original topic...
Rabangus, seems the best option you have is what you were doing. The hit to battery shouldnt be that large. I gave it a try not too long ago the way you and the other member had it set up again, and yes youll definitely have to charge it every night but it was doable. But I wasnt using wifi or bluetooth either. I am surprised that using Xscaler it still takes way to much battery. I assume thats what you are using to lower the CPU.
Oh well unfortuntely thats the way it is chief.

[idea] Shake to wake up?

I would love to only shake my diamond and the backlight goes on.
For locking it i use s2u2. But the "Power on" button of the diamond is very small and not easy to find in the dark.
Is there an app which can do this?
Actually, I just posted a request for something similar, only a bit cooler/geekier
not a good idea!
I don't think it will work so good as the last thing you want is to be walking and your phone getting unlocked!
good gadget though but don;t see it as practical.
I don't think it's possible. When device is in power off mode, all programs are halted and there is no way to check gsensor. Device will power on only on hardware events, like power button, GSM module, timer and etc.
i think major problem will be battery drain
checking gsensor constantly will decrese your batterylife extremly
And what about sliding the Enter Button ? Normally used to Zoom pictures. But it could be used also to lock/unlock. Faster then pressing the on/off Button i think.

How to change the holdtime of long press end key?

When I long press end key, the phone will be locked. The holdtime is about 3~5 senconds. Can I change the holdtime to 1 or 2 senconds?
I would love to know this too - it's always really bugged me that there isn't a quicker way to lock the phone (apart from using the power button).
I would also like to know this, 1-2 seconds would be perfect.
nobody found a registry key yet?
I'd be interested in knowing if there's a way to speed up locking the screen//buttons too.
I know that you can set the device to "lock" whenever the screen is turned off (single press of power button), but this is awkwards as you never get the screen to come back on at the "normal" brightness, and it's annoying for the device to lock in the middle of a call (for example).
Riceburner said:
I'd be interested in knowing if there's a way to speed up locking the screen//buttons too.
I know that you can set the device to "lock" whenever the screen is turned off (single press of power button), but this is awkwards as you never get the screen to come back on at the "normal" brightness, and it's annoying for the device to lock in the middle of a call (for example).
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You should look into these apps:
G-Light - save battery and adjust screen brightness based on ambient light. Very useful and completely configurable.
HD In-Call Screen Tweak - turns screen on and off based on vertical/horizontal position and/or using light sensor to check when it is close to your ear. Also very useful and configurable.
With these apps I never have to worry about brightness level and never need to lock my phone. During a call if I put the phone to my ear the screen turns off. If I take it away from my ear it turns back on so I can use the keypad. If I lay it down on a surface the speaker turns on. Oh, and as far as configuring the amount of time required before triggering the long-press-send-key event... it is unfortunately hard-coded
I have had the same issue with the lock function.
What I did was use AE Button Plus and set it so that a double press of the end call button will lock the phone. And through settings, changed hold end call to set ringer/vibrate. So now holding the end key is more useful and I can lock the phone with a quick double press.
And I also use HD In-Call Screen Tweak (well mine is called Touch In-Call Screen Tweak, maybe iv got the wrong one!) and its excellent in the features mentioned earlier.
Hope this helps
cRaCKwHoRe said:
You should look into these apps:
G-Light - save battery and adjust screen brightness based on ambient light. Very useful and completely configurable.
HD In-Call Screen Tweak - turns screen on and off based on vertical/horizontal position and/or using light sensor to check when it is close to your ear. Also very useful and configurable.
With these apps I never have to worry about brightness level and never need to lock my phone. During a call if I put the phone to my ear the screen turns off. If I take it away from my ear it turns back on so I can use the keypad. If I lay it down on a surface the speaker turns on. Oh, and as far as configuring the amount of time required before triggering the long-press-send-key event... it is unfortunately hard-coded
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Would second this. Both excellent apps and worth looking into
cRaCKwHoRe said:
You should look into these apps:
G-Light - save battery and adjust screen brightness based on ambient light. Very useful and completely configurable.
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Will look at that.
cRaCKwHoRe said:
HD In-Call Screen Tweak - turns screen on and off based on vertical/horizontal position and/or using light sensor to check when it is close to your ear. Also very useful and configurable.
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Already using it.
The problem ( as I stated) is that if you're using the HDTweak setting where anytime the screen is blanked (eg phone call using the in-call tweak, pressing the power button once tec etc) the phone locks: you never get the same level of brightness back - which is annoying.
Will look at G-light and see if it answers the issue.
Riceburner said:
Will look at that.
Already using it.
The problem ( as I stated) is that if you're using the HDTweak setting where anytime the screen is blanked (eg phone call using the in-call tweak, pressing the power button once tec etc) the phone locks: you never get the same level of brightness back - which is annoying.
Will look at G-light and see if it answers the issue.
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G-Light should take care of that for you. It routinely polls the light sensor for the screen brightness, as well as anytime the screen turns on it immediately polls it. There be a split-second or so delay from the point you turn your phone on to when the brightness level is adjusted but hey, nothing's perfect.
cRaCKwHoRe said:
G-Light should take care of that for you. It routinely polls the light sensor for the screen brightness, as well as anytime the screen turns on it immediately polls it. There be a split-second or so delay from the point you turn your phone on to when the brightness level is adjusted but hey, nothing's perfect.
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Does the continues polling affect the battery life?
dataSaMm said:
Does the continues polling affect the battery life?
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Yes, but in all reality it makes the overall battery life better by keeping the backlight at an optimal level. I notice huge improvements in battery life with it installed.
dbgoku said:
When I long press end key, the phone will be locked. The holdtime is about 3~5 senconds. Can I change the holdtime to 1 or 2 senconds?
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you can try this can remap the hard keys to just about anything and the long press is about 1-2 secs to execute...
cRaCKwHoRe said:
Yes, but in all reality it makes the overall battery life better by keeping the backlight at an optimal level. I notice huge improvements in battery life with it installed.
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Thanks for the prompt reply, what matters is the long run. I will install it and see how it works out.

Backlight off/on whilst locking/unlocking

I think there is a problem that with all the knowledge of genius like the TouchInCall-team, the Sleep-team and HW Tweakers could be solved.
Backlight is not completely shut off when locking. This has consequences like:
1. consuming valuabe batterypower
2. giving too much light in my bedroom at night (need a good rest )
3. when using the timed backlight shut off (or the powerbutton) you have to use the powerbutton to switch on the light again. (I love this wonderful apparatus too much to worn out this button within a short period)
So here is my request
Has anyone a brilliant idea to automatically switch off the backlight when locking and switching on when unlocking
Alternative a separate un(locking) tool and a backlight on/off tool could maybe be together designated to a "hardware" button (by AEBplus)
ditroy said:
I think there is a problem that with all the knowledge of genius like the TouchInCall-team, the Sleep-team and HW Tweakers could be solved.
Backlight is not completely shut off when locking. This has consequences like:
1. consuming valuabe batterypower
2. giving too much light in my bedroom at night (need a good rest )
3. when using the timed backlight shut off (or the powerbutton) you have to use the powerbutton to switch on the light again. (I love this wonderful apparatus too much to worn out this button within a short period)
So here is my request
Has anyone a brilliant idea to automatically switch off the backlight when locking and switching on when unlocking
Alternative a separate un(locking) tool and a backlight on/off tool could maybe be together designated to a "hardware" button (by AEBplus)
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A lot of people like to have their devices locked as a safety precaution preventing others from using your phone (especially with code required to unlock), but they still want device on to view any missed calls, sms, voicemail etc.
one touch away
I think you mean a bit of light makes it possible to still read the screen?
For all clarity: my goal is not a password locking facility. I was referring to the standard locking facility that can be activated by a long press on the hangup button.
It is all a matter of choice of what one finds the most important:
1. one touch of a "hardware"button to switch on backlight (as in the standard locking facility) to make the screen readable
2. keeping the backlight always on and worning out battery, powerbutton and nightrest
Too me nr. 1 has only advantages and nr. 2 only disadvantages
So it would be great (and I guess not only to me) if this could be worked out.

