Can someone post links of where i can get 8525 SMS downloads
Your question is confusing, are you wanting the sms program? Every rom I have tried so far has sms included. Maybe give a little more info on what your wanting and someone could point you in the right direction.
Confusing boog321 is an understatement ,more like a totally weird request, are you on about picture messages and being able to receive them or just receiving standard txt messages.
Or are you on about transferring your sms messages to your PC from your Wizard? If so use PPCPim Backup or use Jeyo Mobile Extender which will allow you to transfer the sms's to a folder in outlook.
As boog321 stated please clarify what it is exactly that you wish to do.
I've been using Sprite Archie on my previous phone (Touch Pro) and it worked fine, but on my HD2, it doesn't archive incoming text messages.
Sprite Archie can automatically forward sent and received text messages to e-mail. I use it to archive all my text messages in my Gmail-account.
On my HD2, sent messages are processed correctly, but received messages are not. Archie should forward them immediately as they come in, but doesn't seem to detect them. It's able to read them, though, as it can manually export them in a single list file. But I prefer the immediate, one-sms-one-e-mail method.
Does anyone have any idea as to what might be different on the HD2 that prevents Archie from detecting incoming text messages?
I would ask Sprite Software about this but they don't support Archie anymore...
Edit: I did ask them and they were very nice, but said they couldn't help since they no longer support this software.
No answers? :-(
Once more: Sprite Archie is a wonderful piece of software, I used it on my Touch Pro and it worked perfectly. It forwards each text message you send or receive to e-mail. I used it to archive everything in my Gmail account.
Can anyone help me fix it on the HD2? It doesn't seem to pick up incoming text messages anymore... I have a rare copy of the program that I can share here I suppose, if anyone's interested, since Sprite doesn't sell or support it anymore so I guess they won't mind.
Or... is anyone willing to try and create an entirely new tool that does the same thing? I would definitely pay for that.
Guess not, would be damn useful
hi all,
i had an amount of text i had to sent to someone in a sms.
but i couldn't send more than 6 sms in one message. if you know what i mean, sorry for my english.
now, i looked in the reg, try to edit that, but i couldn't find it.
some help? because with the Touch HD it was possible up to 10 sms in one message. maybe more.
thnx in advance
so still no answers?
its been 4 hours, at least give people a chance
The longest sms I have ever written was 3 SMS long, so I can't help you with that. But it seems that phones have a limit here, some can't connect more then 3, other can connect up to 10. Guess you have found one of the limitations on the HD2.
i dont write it, i copy and paste text, would have no thumbs left i guess if i would type the whole thing
but there is no reg fix for it? that is what i want. i cant work like this.
6 SMS are not SMS anymore
it's a mail
Never seen this but i Haven't done a so long SMS
Ya'll dont understand
My father cant recieve email at this phone.
But I can, so i recieve his mail, as a mail, and i forward it as a text message.
Really, it works
Well it used to work with TOUCH HD, but it wont with the HD2.
we understand you but nobody can answer your question because nobody seems to write such a long sms.
I can only say that I think it was the SE K700i could only connect up to 3 sms.
No solution for messages > 6 SMSs, but now that we know what you actually want it for, have you tried looking for a better solution, that seems a really backwards things to be doing all the time.
There are loads of email to sms gateways around, many free. HAve you tried one of those? Small selection:
mr_Ray said:
No solution for messages > 6 SMSs, but now that we know what you actually want it for, have you tried looking for a better solution, that seems a really backwards things to be doing all the time.
There are loads of email to sms gateways around, many free. HAve you tried one of those? Small selection:
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thnx for the solution, but the selection you gave, is just forwarding the subject.
and what i need is, the whole message to be send.
but i guess i have send more than one long message, two messages to get the job done.
too bad i could't find anything in the reg tho.
thnx anyway.
Well it looks like you've found out that you'll just need to split the email up and send 2 x 6 sms messages.
Although your topic did put a smile on my face. sms = Short Messaging Service... I somehow don't think it applies anymore...
has anyone found a solution to this limitation yet?
I'd like to write more than 6 sms in a row.
nitrate said:
has anyone found a solution to this limitation yet?
I'd like to write more than 6 sms in a row.
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try a MMS? Probably cheaper as well.
maybe you should ask htc support
I would be interested in these feature to!
With my N95 I have reached 9 SMS in one. It would be great to achive that in HD2. If we can tweak the max. recipient for SMS why cant we tweak the max. SMS chain?
i thought he meant to send the same sms to more than 6 people, it is a stupidly low amount you can send to people
yeah this is bad problem i've noticed too
because i want to send more sms to my girlfriend but htc say NO
tc too bad
mrturq said:
hi all,
i had an amount of text i had to sent to someone in a sms.
but i couldn't send more than 6 sms in one message. if you know what i mean, sorry for my english.
now, i looked in the reg, try to edit that, but i couldn't find it.
some help? because with the Touch HD it was possible up to 10 sms in one message. maybe more.
thnx in advance
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Don't let the sms limitation bother you. I suspect you rarely write/copy paste such long message so. So for that once in a lifetime sms text message (what the hell are you sending) send it in 2 pieces.
i meant, that there is a limitation of max 6 SMS in a row. i wanna know if this limitation can be set higher for ex. 10 SMS. i didn't know that there is a limitation to the max. of recipients. didn't anyone find a solution to both limitations yet?
gadgetmaster07 said:
try a MMS? Probably cheaper as well.
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Definately agree
Is there a possible regedit, which could allow us to delete emails in the preview mode (the same way we can delete, forward, or reply in the preview mode of SMS text messages)? It would be nice if we didn't have to open every single email in order to delete it. Anyone have a workaround for eliminating this extra step? Thanks if you've got one to share.
I would also like to know this. A way of marking an email as read from the preview would be helpful too.
This would be awesome.
Yeah! I would also like this.
Been asked before, but yes I would like this too!! Having to open an email to have it marked as read is annoying when you have quite a few that you dont actually need to read in detail there and then!!
I'm interested also
Still no clue ?
Anything on this yet ?
I used to have a great little app that ran on the pc. You could compose messages and then sync them to your xda. Great for long texts.
I cant remember or find one similar as this was years ago
Can anyone suggest one??
Theres plenty that sync with your xda and then you can technically compose a message on your pc and then send it to yourself but thats long and wastes contracted free messages.
Sorry after all that I've just found it lol
Incase you wish to know its called Jeyo Mobile Companion. Its the complete tool for sms management. You can create sms longer than 160 characters and instead of sending them you can simply save to drafts on your device. You can move any messages from any directory (inbox, deleted,drafts etc...)
Great app