maximum of 6 sms - HD2 General

hi all,
i had an amount of text i had to sent to someone in a sms.
but i couldn't send more than 6 sms in one message. if you know what i mean, sorry for my english.
now, i looked in the reg, try to edit that, but i couldn't find it.
some help? because with the Touch HD it was possible up to 10 sms in one message. maybe more.
thnx in advance

so still no answers?

its been 4 hours, at least give people a chance

The longest sms I have ever written was 3 SMS long, so I can't help you with that. But it seems that phones have a limit here, some can't connect more then 3, other can connect up to 10. Guess you have found one of the limitations on the HD2.

i dont write it, i copy and paste text, would have no thumbs left i guess if i would type the whole thing
but there is no reg fix for it? that is what i want. i cant work like this.

6 SMS are not SMS anymore
it's a mail
Never seen this but i Haven't done a so long SMS

Ya'll dont understand
My father cant recieve email at this phone.
But I can, so i recieve his mail, as a mail, and i forward it as a text message.
Really, it works
Well it used to work with TOUCH HD, but it wont with the HD2.

we understand you but nobody can answer your question because nobody seems to write such a long sms.
I can only say that I think it was the SE K700i could only connect up to 3 sms.

No solution for messages > 6 SMSs, but now that we know what you actually want it for, have you tried looking for a better solution, that seems a really backwards things to be doing all the time.
There are loads of email to sms gateways around, many free. HAve you tried one of those? Small selection:

mr_Ray said:
No solution for messages > 6 SMSs, but now that we know what you actually want it for, have you tried looking for a better solution, that seems a really backwards things to be doing all the time.
There are loads of email to sms gateways around, many free. HAve you tried one of those? Small selection:
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thnx for the solution, but the selection you gave, is just forwarding the subject.
and what i need is, the whole message to be send.
but i guess i have send more than one long message, two messages to get the job done.
too bad i could't find anything in the reg tho.
thnx anyway.

Well it looks like you've found out that you'll just need to split the email up and send 2 x 6 sms messages.
Although your topic did put a smile on my face. sms = Short Messaging Service... I somehow don't think it applies anymore...

has anyone found a solution to this limitation yet?
I'd like to write more than 6 sms in a row.

nitrate said:
has anyone found a solution to this limitation yet?
I'd like to write more than 6 sms in a row.
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try a MMS? Probably cheaper as well.

maybe you should ask htc support

I would be interested in these feature to!
With my N95 I have reached 9 SMS in one. It would be great to achive that in HD2. If we can tweak the max. recipient for SMS why cant we tweak the max. SMS chain?

i thought he meant to send the same sms to more than 6 people, it is a stupidly low amount you can send to people

yeah this is bad problem i've noticed too
because i want to send more sms to my girlfriend but htc say NO
tc too bad

mrturq said:
hi all,
i had an amount of text i had to sent to someone in a sms.
but i couldn't send more than 6 sms in one message. if you know what i mean, sorry for my english.
now, i looked in the reg, try to edit that, but i couldn't find it.
some help? because with the Touch HD it was possible up to 10 sms in one message. maybe more.
thnx in advance
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Don't let the sms limitation bother you. I suspect you rarely write/copy paste such long message so. So for that once in a lifetime sms text message (what the hell are you sending) send it in 2 pieces.

i meant, that there is a limitation of max 6 SMS in a row. i wanna know if this limitation can be set higher for ex. 10 SMS. i didn't know that there is a limitation to the max. of recipients. didn't anyone find a solution to both limitations yet?

gadgetmaster07 said:
try a MMS? Probably cheaper as well.
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Definately agree


pressing Send button during sms on accident

Is there a way to disable the soft keys on the keyboard of the P4350? i press the send button quite often when typing an sms, because it's so annoyingly close to the R and T. i've been looking for a solution for quite some time, but all i can think off right now is getting a new set of fingers, a smaller size
Have the same problem. Help would be greatly appreciated!
this would be very handy when i'm going out.
when i've drinken alot i always automatically send sms to my girl friend, now so already know that I have drunken to much when I send strange sms-messages
So I would really appreaciate I solution for this....
Rewind said:
this would be very handy when i'm going out.
when i've drinken alot i always automatically send sms to my girl friend, now so already know that I have drunken to much when I send strange sms-messages
So I would really appreaciate I solution for this....
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haha same problem here last weekend i needed 5 sms messages to send about 150 caracters
yerrppp count me in X-P
Does nobody has a solution for this??
Yup, we do! Don't drink so much!
Try softkeychanger, found in the "usefull cab files" post. Not sure it will work, butt it's better then nothing
The softkey changer will only change your softkeys on the today screen.
It's probably a registry setting somewhere in the ARCSoft composer software... if its even in there and not built into the actual exe or something.
having the same problem on the kaiser. did it twice this morning.
put the recipient before sending, not before typing .... easy one but works
maxmaxmtp said:
put the recipient before sending, not before typing .... easy one but works
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Smart man. (or woman) That's what I call thinking with your head. Thanks!!
It won't help if you press reply like I do with most of my messages since they're to my fiancee and she's always in my inbox as I never delete messages... but it's a great tip for normal people. lol
the difficulty with a active forum filled with people from all over the world and in all layers of society whom are thinking about the various and usually very technical problems is that these people (and i'm one of them myselves) tend to think too much and "just do" to little
what was it they said? something like: "the genius of a solution lies in its simplicity"
I'm having the same problem. When I'm composing a new message I wait indeed to put in the recipient until I send the message. When I'm sending a reply, I'm never thinking about removing the recipient and re-entering it afterwards, help would be welcome ;-)
I hear you guys- I'm generally hitting Reply on SMS messages. I am hoping that it is some Registry setting that could be tweaked. I'd love to make it "spell check" or toggle delivery receipt notification or something.
I suppose another option is to use a 3rd party SMS app, but I like the default one so I'm hoping someone finds a hack at some point...
maxmaxmtp said:
put the recipient before sending, not before typing .... easy one but works
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Doesn't work for replies though
EDIT: Sorry, replied to an old post and couldn't find a way to delete my post.
compose instead of reply
Well if you never reply and always compose a new message the method works....
virtualXTC said:
Well if you never reply and always compose a new message the method works....
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You're really into composing a new message when in a SMS conversation?

Change MMS Limit?

I searched at work and I just searched again when I got home and I can't find anything. The registry edit a few people posted doesn't seem to help me. Unless i'm doing something wrong. You know how you can only type 160 characters in a text message? I want to increase that. I know it's possible and i'm almost positive I seen it before somewhere.
Any help is appreciated.
itslinx said:
I searched at work and I just searched again when I got home and I can't find anything. The registry edit a few people posted doesn't seem to help me. Unless i'm doing something wrong. You know how you can only type 160 characters in a text message? I want to increase that. I know it's possible and i'm almost positive I seen it before somewhere.
Any help is appreciated.
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Are you talkin about SMS or MMS?
You can increase the limit of a sms.... But the recipient will receive 2 messages... And you'll pay for both, not only one.....
MMS limit is set about to 1000 characters....
I meant SMS, my bad. Just regular txt messages. So even if I change it on my end to be able to type more, the person receiving it will get 2 messages anyway?
itslinx said:
if I change it on my end to be able to type more, the person receiving it will get 2 messages anyway?
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If you write an sms up to 160 character, it will be splitted in 2 messages or more....
Erm. I'm confused now. So there's really no way to make a longer text message then? Anything below 160 will be 1 message and anything over that will be another message? I guess the person receiving the text can only receive so much any way.
there is no way to change the limit on the sms messages... it will get split due to carrier restrictions.. ( Short Messenger Service = short quick messages thats what its intended for )
itslinx said:
Erm. I'm confused now. So there's really no way to make a longer text message then? Anything below 160 will be 1 message and anything over that will be another message? I guess the person receiving the text can only receive so much any way.
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Right....they will receive two texts but the second one will pick up right where the last one left off.
well i receive really long text messages from my girlfriend and another friend. one had a sidekick lx the other one a pearl. so is it just tmobile to tmobile you can send long messages and the the person gets as a long message. also how come mms downloading uses gprs instead of edge speed i probably wouldnt know the difference but just curious.
well i receive really long text messages from my girlfriend and another friend. one had a sidekick lx the other one a pearl. so is it just tmobile to tmobile you can send long messages and the the person gets as a long message. also how come mms downloading uses gprs instead of edge speed i probably wouldnt know the difference but just curious.
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why not put the sms threader on you phone, and when you recieve long text msgs they will show as one long message on your phone!!!!!
i already get long text messages without it but when i send a long one only my girlfriends sidekick lx can get a real long message everyone else it breaks it down.
i already get long text messages without it but when i send a long one only my girlfriends sidekick lx can get a real long message everyone else it breaks it down.
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thats part of the sidekick software, but it still counts as a seperate message on her service, it just reads that way...
tell your friends to upgrade their phones if you want it to show in long messages on their part....
and if you friends wont change, change the friends around you !!!

lower amount of sms loaded while in contact sms view?

hey i use the sms tab at contacts to write and view sms but i have a few people where i have quite an amount of messages and everytime i want to write a sms i have to wait till all the messages are loaded in the conversation till i can start writing
is there a registry tweak to lower the amount which is loaded or something?
i searched the leo forums but i didn't find anything usefull!
endursa said:
hey i use the sms tap at contacts to write and view sms but i have a few people where i have quite an amount of messages and everytime i want to write a sms i have to wait till all the messages are loaded in the conversation till i can start writing
is there a registry tweak to lower the amount which is loaded or something?
i searched the leo forums but i didn't find anything usefull!
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I also have this problem, the easy way to solve it is to delete all ur messages at the end of the day, but you shouldnt have to!
Anyone have any ideas
I Wrote this before: don't compromise. a device this powerful can definitely handle massive amount of text messages and display them on the fly.
just write about it to HTC support to put more pressure on them for solving this issue.
is it that hard to just show the last 25 massages and archive the older ones? even apple got it right -.-
maybe someone could write a tweak for this reason ? for me it's a major issue
shu8i said:
is it that hard to just show the last 25 massages and archive the older ones? even apple got it right -.-
maybe someone could write a tweak for this reason ? for me it's a major issue
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Well thats what windows mobile's sms client does but HTC didnt want to follow suit

SMS Limit at 1060 per contact?

I have one contact which has over 1000 sms record on my HD2. Today while i was replying to the contact sms, i saw that the messages count was only 2. I then went into All Messages and discover that i have the same contact person listed there. One with 1060 sms and another one with 2 sms.
If i click on the 1060 and it just go back to the sense message tab. If i click on the one with 2 sms, i could reply.
I'm wondering if 1060 is the max sms that HTC message app could handle.
If i switch to traditional mode, i can see all messages from that contact.
Anyone has the same problem?
i had a similar thing.. i write like 1k-1.3k sms in one month, most of it with my gf. the sms thread with her deleted itself after like 3 -5 months or so.. couldnt find the sms again.
this happened two times with my samsung omnia.. dont know if it will happen with the HD2 too.. we'll see in 2 months xD
maybe it will not happen so fast here cause it has more ROM than the omnia.. but maybe its fixed in the windows system >.< suxx a bit, but since then i back up my sms every week xD
and btw, im not using the htc messaging... dont like it :/
I didn't know some people could keep so many messages on their HD2...
What is the use? Contest maybe lol
Or maybe you need to read all the 1060 messages.... (hummm)
Seriously, I think it's not a real problem and we have to be pragmatic sometimes
Just erase messages from time to time like 95% of us all : it's the best fix
Mastakony said:
I didn't know some people could keep so many messages on their HD2...
What is the use? Contest maybe lol
Or maybe you need to read all the 1060 messages.... (hummm)
Seriously, I think it's not a real problem and we have to be pragmatic sometimes
Just erase messages from time to time like 95% of us all : it's the best fix
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or just use myphone and put them in the archive once in a while. works great.
that way you can still read the messages on a pc if you really want to but ur phone is clean

[Q] texting issue + fav't list issue

Hi everyone,
I just got my wildfire and I've already experienced a bit of an issue with it. I tried texting my friend today with the phone and i noticed that all the messages i send is gathered together on one end while her text messages are grouped together on the other end. I was wondering if there's a way to resolve this; I can't say I enjoy scrolling up and down endlessly trying to read my texts and try to respond to it properly.
the second issue is the fav't list. I tried setting my fav't list with the contacts on my phone that's not on fb or any other social network and it doesn't seem to work at all.
thanks for the help.
p.s. I'm not new to the forums, I started out being apart of this community as a sony ericsson x1 user, now I'm using the wildfire. It's great to be here, I'm very excited and hope to continue to help make some helpful and constructive contributions to the forums.
I guess I should explain this more clearly just to make sure.
here's what happens when I text
It seems to appear as:
Text 1 to me
Text 2 to me
Text 3 to me
Text 1 from me
Text 2 from me
Text 3 from me
I would like this showing as:
Text 1 from me
Text 1 to me
Text 2 from me
Text 2 to me
Text 3 from me
Text 3 to me
Does that make sense and is this possible?
i know android is having a few sms issues but i have no idea re your issue
asian_boi said:
I guess I should explain this more clearly just to make sure.
here's what happens when I text
It seems to appear as:
Text 1 to me
Text 2 to me
Text 3 to me
Text 1 from me
Text 2 from me
Text 3 from me
I would like this showing as:
Text 1 from me
Text 1 to me
Text 2 from me
Text 2 to me
Text 3 from me
Text 3 to me
Does that make sense and is this possible?
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Strange, in my sms app it shows up just as you would want.. and i didn't change any of the settings
Are you sure that your time settings are right? Because the ordening of the smses happens by the timestamp of a given sms, and it relays on the time of the phone that sends the sms. So if your friends phone sends an sms at, lets say, 9h, but its in fact 10h at your phone, your phone will still classify the sms "receved at nine o clock". In the sms app it will be classified just like that, so in this way it is not unlikely to think that all your smses (or those of your friend) will be clustered tougether because of a systematic time stamp mistake in one of the phones.
Hmm, not sure I'm making myself very clear but, just check your time settings ;-)
Thanks guys for your helpful suggestions.
Erwin P: I think it is the time stamp problem. luckily after some research and some help from a friend I was able to get a hold of a program call sms time fix. it seems to have solve some of the problems for now; atlease my phone is recieving messages like the way that i want them to, although it is still sending it somewhat delayed here and there.
I was wondering this the problem of the phone, or the problem with my service provider?

